Bulletin 5-15-11

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May 15 , 2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! --- OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE MISSION --Persona s a c ontact ar / Contact Person s : Adolfo Valle 447 - 8956 ; Francisco Vargas 7925432 Misas: a las 8:00 pm Sábado y d í as de obligació n por todos los fieles de la parroquia. J óv enes: a las 7:00 pm Clases de Guitarra: Sábado 6:00 pm Bautismos: Ultimo domingo de cada mes a las 12:30 pm . Plática el miércoles antes a las 6:30 pm Gracias por su contribución de esta semana $ 749 .00 C olleen Dunn necesita á lguien que limpie casas ; u st ed pue de llamar al 442 - 8685 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! + SACRAMENTAL LIFE + Confessions: 30 minutes before weekend Masses. Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation: Contact Pastor, or the Secretary. Matrimony: Make first appointment six months in advance with Fr. Pedro and provide certificates of baptism recently issued with marginal notations. Communion and Anointing of the Sick: As requested. Funeral Services: Only the Funeral Home may schedule. Masses for the people of the parish (Pro Populo) are said on Saturdays and Holy days at Forest Hill. MASS INTENTIONS for the week Saturday, May 14 5:00p.m Mass – + Ken Roy . Sunday, May 15 10:00 Mass – + Lee Ogea Tuesday, May 17 8:00 Mass – + Deceased Members of KC Wednesday, May 18 8:00 Mass-+ Rose Anne Deleo Thursday, May 19 8:00 Mass – + Roy Family Friday, May 20 8:00 Mass + Bordelon Family Saturday, May 21 5:00 p m Mass – + Lee Ogea Sunday, May 22 10:00 Mass – +Ken Roy Flowers are in memory of Mary Margaret Henry. If you would like the Sanctuary Candle to burn in memory or honor of someone, please call the office. The cost is $5.00.

The Knights of Columbus will recite the Holy Rosary on the 2nd Saturday of each month before Mass. GIFTS-REGULAR COLLECTION Weekly Needs Last Weekend’s Collection Building Fund

$2,540.00 $1,803.00 72.00

NEW HALL LOAN (all amounts are to date) Loan Amount 344,400.00 Principal Paid 340,186.91 Loan balance 4,213.09 Thank you for your generosity. Liturgy for the week of May 22 Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 6: The selection of the seven. Ps. 33: Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you. 1Pt. 2: Announce the praises of Him who called you out of darkness. Jn. 14: Do not let you heart be troubled. You have faith in God. Sacristans: Sat; Ginny & Joe Baker; Sun: Kenneth Andries Lectors: Sat. Ray Juneau Sun: Stephanie Andries Eucharistic Servers: Sat. Donald Tassin, Jo Tassin, Derwood Delaney Sun. Elaine Roy, Kim Ryland, Trey Reynolds Ushers: Sat: Pat Dunn, John Dunn, Jerry Herrin, Brian Johonson Sun: Bob Maloney, Johnny Dyer, Dale Schexnyder, Kurt Vanderlick Altar Servers: Sat: Christian Dunn, Matthew Monroe: Sun: Devin Smith, Ashley Carruso

PRAYER LIST Lee Able, Joyce B. Anderson, Marilyn Basco, Todd Buller, Mary E. Connell, Marie Crooks, Brennan Daigle, James V. Damico, Ava Dore, Callie Harvey, Mary Jackson, Madyson Johnson, June Lee, Theresa McIntosh, Danny O’Quinn, Sydney Mitchell, Nat Poisso, Wayne Rabalais, Harriet Rachal, Linda Rachal, Carol Russo, Chuck Saucier, H. K. Stanley, Jerry Thiels, Andrew Van Mol, Femy van Dillen, Please pray for the repose of the soul and the consolation of the family of Cooter Dalton. Names will be removed from the prayer list after two weeks unless otherwise notified. Shut Ins: Delores Basco, Harold Bonnette, Della Guillot, Eula Janice, Ross Giamanco

If you know someone who is ill or having surgery, please call the Salt and Light Commission Chair, Ginny Baker at 776-9289. Also, if you are interested in being a member of that commission call Ginny Baker. ST. MARTIN ANNOUNCEMENTS The Ladies’ Altar Society will meet Wednesday, May 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the CCD building. COOKIES, COOKIES, COOKIES!!!! The United Christian Women have requested cookies for the Veterans. In attempt to assist them, we are asking our ladies to bake cookies and bring them to the Church Office on Wednesday, May 18 during office hours. Please package the cookies one dozen per ziplock bag. This is a great way to say “Thank You to our Veterans. The Salt and Light Commission is being reactivated and looking for volunteers to serve on this commission. This commission consists of preparing food dishes for families of sick and deceased and assisting with service of the food; distribution workers of food to the needy; visitors to the homebound, hospital patients and nursing home residents; and any other volunteer service to help those in need. There will be a meeting at Lea’s on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 9:30 A.M. for anyone interested in being a member of this commission. If you cannot attend this meeting but would like to be a volunteer or member, please call Ginny Baker at 7876-9289(home) or 623-4844(cell) ATTENTION !!!! The diocese needs the e-mail addresses of all volunteers who work with children in any way. This is so that they can send you a user ID and a password so that you can access the bulletins that you are required to read. St. Martin Office would really appreciate you furnishing the information as we get emails daily from the diocese. You may call the office from 8-5 Tues.-Thurs. or place them in the collection basket. Thank you. SHAKE IT UP! Let’s Get Cookin’ at Vacation Bible School 2011 St. Martin invites all children to get cookin’ at Shake It Up Café: Where kids Carry Out God’s Recipe-VBS 2011. Explore and experience recipes for living out th God’s Word. The fun begins Sunday , July 10 and ends Thursday, July 14th. Time for VBS will be 5:30pm-8:00pm. The recipe at our café includes heaping helpings of Bible fun and special servings of creative crafts, hands on mission work, food science, and great music. To be a part of all the excitement at Shake It Up Café, call Donna Wade at 318-229-5320-or visit the church’s Facebook page at Friends of St. Martin. EVENT 2011: The theme for this year’s event is CELEBRATE. We have much to celebrate as this event will pay off the loan on the new hall! This year’s game will have instant winners and the grand prize of 10% of the total sales will be awarded at the live auction on Sunday June 5. Contact people this year are Brian Johnson 308-1234, Cathy Andries 4814841, and Dot & David Vanderlick 776-5048. Schedule of events EVENT 2011

Friday, June 3 Dance featuring Ronnie Bryant and Friends at 8:00 P.M. There will be a smaller version of the silent auction (no baskets) If you can help with the food that night, please contact Jill or Trey Reynolds Sunday, June 5 we will have BBQ Chicken dinners for $7.00 and the live auction. Dinner tickets are available. Please contact David or Dot Vanderlick with any items for the auction. The Plant booth will be open Sunday. Hole digging is negotiable. EVENT 2011 T-shirts are on sale now through May 15. The cost is $10.00 each. Order forms available today. Please see Brian Johnson. BULLETIN ADS: We need one person to take over the selling of the bulletin ads for a 10% cut. If you are interested in doing this please call Kenneth Andries @ 452-6414 or the office @ 776-9480. The Knights of Columbus meet the second Tuesday of every month. St. Martin Knights of Columbus is having a gun raffle to raise funds for charitable activities. There will be 52 drawings beginning April 30, 2011 – April 22, 2012. Drawings will be on Saturday nights. If your ticket matches the Louisiana Lottery Pick 3# you win. You have 52 chances to win as tickets remain in the drawings. Donations are $50. Seeth any member of the KC. There was a winner May 7 . NOTE NEW TIME: Line Dancing for a Healthy Heart will be on Mondays from, 5:30 - 7:00 PM. in the new hall . If you would like to register in the parish, please pick up a form in the foyer. GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Women’s Cenla A.C.T.S. Retreat will be Thursday, June 9-Sunday, June 12. The deadline to register is Saturday, May 14. You may pick up a registration form in the foyer of the Church. Men’s Cenla A.C.T.S. Retreat will be August 2528. Registration forms will be available at a later date !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY May 16 – May 22 Frank D’Autremont Yvonne Van Mol Shirley Butter Alexia Gordon

May 18 May 18 May 19 May 19

James Van Mol May 19 Rebecca Lynn French May 21 Ricky Van Hoof May 21 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you would to buy an ad to promote your business, or in memory or honor of someone, please contact Kenneth Andries at 452-6414 or the office at 776-9480. If you would like to have your child baptized, please fill out a form and turn it in to the church office. Forms are on the table in the foyer. SEE WHAT’S HAPPENING!!! Visit our Facebook page “Friends of St. Martin Catholic Church” to keep up with upcoming events. Special thanks to Donna Robinson for setting up the page and keeping it current.

I notice that everyone who is for abortion has already been born. ~ President Ronald Reagan

United Christian Women is andnon-denominational organization that meets the 2 Tuesday of each month. They welcome new members. This is the group that does the prayer quilts as well as other charitable works. This year they are requesting cookies for the Veterans. If you would like to donate, you may bring your cookies by the church office any Tues. Wed. or Thurs. between 8 a.m. and noon until May 23.

Please Notice Please look at the ads on the back of the bulletin and remember to patronize our sponsors whenever possible. Also, mention you saw the ad so they will know it is being noticed. If you would to buy an ad to promote your business, or in memory or honor of someone, please contact Kenneth Andries at 452-6414 or the office at 776-9480. Food for Seniors/Families is distributed on the third Thursday of the month, 7:30 – 9:30 AM in the old Lecompte High School. If you have bulletin announcements or additions and deletions to the prayer list, please have them in the office by 8:00 AM Thursdays. You may e-mail or call the office. Please Notice Please look at the ads on the back of the bulletin and remember to patronize our sponsors whenever possible. Also, mention you saw the ad so they will know it is being noticed.


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