The Church Today, March 18, 2013

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Volume XLIV, No. 3


Serving the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana Since 1970

March 18, 2013





Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio elected 266th pope Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, was elected the 266th pope and took the name Francis. The election March 13 came on the first full day of the conclave on the conclave’s fifth ballot. See pages 2-3.

Holy Week begins next week Holy Week is upon us and a long list of services, special Masses, and opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation are available in the parishes throughout the Diocese of Alexandria. For more information, go to pages 6-7 or to the diocesan website at

US bishops support new conscience-protection bill introduced in Congress Three House Republicans introduced a bill March 5 to protect conscience rights for both workers in the health care industry and for employers, and is supported by the US bishops. Read more about it on page 11.

POPE FRANCIS. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina was elected the 266th Roman Catholic pontiff. (CNS photo/Alessandro Bianchi, Reuters)

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