CHURCH Volume XLVIII, No. 11
Serving the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana Since 1970
November 13, 2017
INSIDE Pope Francis designates Nov. 19 as first World Day of the Poor In his apostolic letter to close the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis suggested the Catholic Church set aside one day each year when communities can “reflect on how poverty is at the very heart of the Gospel.” He designated Nov. 19 as the World Day of the Poor. Read more about it on pg. 3.
Advent welcomes in New (Liturgical) Year
It’s true – Advent, which starts Sunday, Dec. 3, is the season of waiting -- the season of preparing for the birth of Christ. But Advent is also the beginning of the new liturgical year. Have you thought about making spiritual resolutions for the new liturgical year? See page 5 for details.
Who is your favorite saint?
Schools and CCD classes around the diocese celebrated All Saints Day Nov. 1 learning and dressing up like their favorite saint. Check out the color pictures on pages 12-13 and see if you recognize any of the pint-sized saints.
Welcome to the Holidays! Manna House om fr
PREPARING FOR THE HOLIDAYS AT MANNA HOUSE. Jessica Viator, executive director of Manna House, said the staff of volunteers is gearing up for serving meals at Manna House throughout the holidays. From Thanksgiving, to Christmas, and through the New Year, the Manna House continues to operate serving meals to those less fortunate in the community. See story on page 16.