The Church Today, August 15, 2011

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Diocese of Alexandria The Church Today P.O. Box 7417 Alexandria, LA 71306-0417

On the Inside USCCB and CRS issues urgent appeal to support emergency aid in Africa

Volume XLI, No. 8 August 15, 2011

Boarding the bus for a new school year

More than 12 million people are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia because of what many are calling the worst drought in decades. Read the entire story on page 3.

Apostolic nuncio to the United States dies at age 73 Archbishop Pietro Sambi, who served as nuncio to Israel and the U.S., died July 27 at age 73. A Vatican official confirmed that Pope Benedict XVI had been planning to bring the archbishop back to Rome to take up an important post at the Vatican. See page 2.

Taste of Faith raises support for seminarians All six seminarians currently studying for the priesthood were on hand Aug. 11 for the annual Taste of Faith benefit dinner. See details and pics on pages 6 -7.

BOARDING THE BUS for the first day of school this week is (from top, counterclockwise) . All Catholic schools in the diocese started school the week of Aug. 15-19.

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August 15, 2011

Louisiana Dominican priest found murdered in Mississippi A Louisiana Dominican priest was found shot to death July 11 in his Dominican order’s retreat house in Waveland, Miss. Funeral services were held July 16 for Father Edward E. Everitt, OP, at Holy Ghost Church in Hammond, La., where he served as pastor. He was also pastor at Our Lady of Pompeii Church in Tickfaw, La. On July 12, police arrested Jeremy Wayne Manieri, 31, of Waveland, and charged him with the murder of Father Everitt.

Manieri worked as a maintenance man at the house where Father Everitt’s body was found. The priest suffered a gunshot wound to the head. Police believe robbery may have been the motive. Father Everitt’s wallet was missing. Authorities say Manieri was driving Father Everitt’s SUV, which was equipped with the auto tracking system OnStar. They used the GPS feature on the device to locate the vehicle in Polk County, Fla, with his ex-

Father Edward Everitt, OP wife and two children. Kathy Scott, secretary at St. Clare Church in Waveland, found Father Everitt’s body. Holy

Ghost parishioners contacted St. Clare Church after they had been unable to reach the priest on his cellphone. Scott went to the house to check on the priest and found him about 4:30 p.m. Bishop Robert Muench of Baton Rouge said Father Everitt’s murder was tragic. “I express my utter shock and profound mourning over the news of the murder of Father Edward Everitt,” said Bishop Muench. “This tragic loss of Father Ed’s life leaves a deeply

felt void in all our lives. Together we pray to the author of all life to provide Father Ed with the peace of eternal life. May our grief be seen in that perspective as we thank God for his valued life and priestly ministry.” Father Everitt was a native of Houston and ordained in 1968. He attended the University of Houston; Loras College of Dubuque, Iowa; Aquinas Institute of Theology in Dubuque; and the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind.

Archbishop Pietro Sambi, former nuncio, dies at age 73 By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- At the end of the funeral for Italian Archbishop Pietro Sambi, the former nuncio to the United States, a Vatican official confirmed that Pope Benedict XVI had been planning to bring the archbishop back to Rome to take up an important post at the Vatican. Archbishop Giovanni Becciu, who holds the No. 3 position at the Vatican Secretariat of State, said Aug. 2, “The Holy Father wanted to recognize the valid work carried out by his Excellency Msgr. Sambi, especially in the last few years, by calling him to an important position in the Roman curia. But the Lord, in his inscrutable plan, wanted to call this good and faithful servant home.” Earlier in the summer, Italian media reported Pope Benedict would be giving Archbishop

FUNERAL MASS OF ARCHBISHOP PIETRO SAMBI IN ITALY. Men carry flowers during the funeral procession of Archbishop Pietro Sambi through the street in Sogliano al Rubicone, his hometown south of Bologna, Italy, Aug. 2. Archbishop Sambi, who served as nuncio to Israel and the U.S., died July 27 at age 73. (C NS photo/Paul Haring) Sambi a Vatican position that would guarantee he would become a cardinal at the next consistory.

Diocese of Alexandria Website:

The funeral Mass for Archbishop Sambi, 73, who died July 27 at Johns Hopkins Medical Center in Baltimore,

was celebrated in a sunny public square in his hometown, Sogliano al Rubicone. Bishop Francesco Lambiasi of Rimini presided over the Mass and over the archbishop’s burial near his parents in the town cemetery. The funeral Mass began with the reading of a telegram of condolence from Pope Benedict XVI, who said the archbishop had given “generous service to the Holy See in different countries” during his long service as a Vatican diplomat. The pope praised the archbishop’s “diligent diplomatic and pastoral activity,” especially “in the Holy Land and, most recently, in the United States where he worked wisely, revealing the giftedness of his intellect and his heart.” During the homily, Bishop Lambiasi said Archbishop Sambi was a man who lived the values of mercy, faith and mission. The bishop read from a

spiritual testament Archbishop Sambi had written in May and told mourners, “the password to enter into his spiritual testament is ‘mercy,’” because the archbishop’s life was “the story of mercy received and given.” Speaking at the end of the Mass, Archbishop Becciu expressed his condolences to Archbishop Sambi’s family and to the people of Sogliano al Rubicone, “where he took the first steps of his human and Christian journey,” and to the Diocese of Rimini “where he was formed spiritually and culturally and from where he departed to go to different nations as ambassador of the pope and messenger of the justice and peace of the Gospel.” He said the archbishop dedicated his entire life to serving God and the church, “working in many difficult places to share the mysteries of redemption with different peoples, always with an authentic priestly spirit and joyful heart.”

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August 15, 2011

Chaput succeeds Rigali as Archbishop of Philadelphia By Lou Baldwin Catholic News Service PHILADELPHIA (CNS) -- Archbishop Charles J. Chaput told a crowd of reporters and guests at a July 19 news conference that “what you see is pretty much what you get.” “I don’t know why the Holy Father sent me here. But I do trust his heart, and I believe in his judgment,” he said, commenting on his appointment as archbishop of Philadelphia announced earlier that morning. He will succeed Cardinal Justin Rigali. Pope Benedict XVI accepted the 76-yearold cardinal’s resignation and

Archbishop Charles Chaput

Cardinal Justin Rigali

appointed the Denver archbishop, who is 66, to replace him. He will be installed Sept. 8. “I know other bishops would have been smarter than I am, or more talented, or more connected with Philadelphia’s past,” Archbishop Chaput continued. “I know that Cardinal Rigali is one of the great churchmen of my life. He has served the church with enormous dedication and in ways I will never be able to duplicate. “But I do promise that no bishop will love the people and priests of this local church more than I will. No bishop will give more of himself than I will give,” he added. “And no bishop will try to work harder to help persons

who have been hurt by the sins of the past, or work harder to strengthen and encourage our priests and renew the hearts of our people.” Many of the questions put to the archbishop by the press centered on the current turmoil in the archdiocese caused by the child abuse scandal and how he would respond to it. Archbishop Chaput said he has not yet read the Philadelphia grand jury reports detailing the situation, but he intends to do so. “It would be unfair and foolish to comment on things I do not yet know about,” he said. See CHAPUT, pg 15

USCCB and CRS issues appeal to support emergency aid in Somalia Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and Bishop Gerald F. Kicanas, chairman of Catholic Relief Services (CRS), have asked the bishops of the United States to encourage pastors and parishioners to support emergency relief efforts in the Horn of Africa, possibly by taking up a second collection. “Every day we are seeing more and more heartbreaking news about the drought and famine in Somalia and the eastern parts of Africa. We see millions of people being forced from their homes, leaving behind what meager possessions they had,

and walking for days over rough terrain,” wrote Archbishop Dolan and Bishop Kicanas. “There are parents whose little children have died, and children who have been orphaned. They are suffering from hunger, thirst, disease, and drought,” they said. “It is a humanitarian crisis that cries out for help to Christians throughout the world. The Holy Father, on several occasions, has asked Catholics to respond generously to the desperate needs of our brothers and sisters in East Africa.” More than 12 million people are in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia because of what many

are calling the worst drought in decades. This severe lack of rainfall has resulted in failed crops, deaths of livestock and critical shortages in food and water. CRS has worked in East Africa for decades and is on the ground responding to this emergency. In Ethiopia, CRS is expanding its food distribution program to 1.1 million people and is working closely with local partners to provide livelihood support, water and sanitation. In Somalia, CRS is supporting local partners to assist highly vulnerable, displaced families See USCCB, CRS, pg 15

INTERNALLY DISPLACED CHILD STANDS OUTSIDE SHELTER IN SOMALIA. An internally displaced boy with flies on his face stands outside a shelter in Hodan district, south of Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu, Aug. 10. The U.N. humanitarian affairs office says that more than $1.4 billion in donations is still needed to combat the regional drought, which has left 12 million people in need of urgent aid. (CNS photo/Feisal Omar, Reuters)

Page 4 As summer draws to a close the attention of many people is focused on the new school year. This takes on special significance for the diocese this year as we continue the process of selecting a new Superintendent of Schools. As I write this, the Search Committee is continuing its work under the direction of Father Chemino. Hopefully, by the time you read this, we will have someone in place. We also will be starting the process of selecting a Director of Music / Organist for the Cathedral. For personal reasons Lynn Bauman will be leaving us at the end of September. He has been a great addition to our diocesan family and we will certainly miss him. We wish him God’s blessings in his fu-

August 15, 2011

ture endeavors.


Depending on when you receive this issue, the next item may be of little use but I will mention it. The Solemnity of the Assumption (August 15) is ordinarily a Holy Day of Obligation. However, this year, because August 15 is a Monday, there is NO obligation. It is still a solemn feast and all are encouraged to still take part in Mass

As I write this column we are in the final days of preparation for the annual Taste of Faith. I do want to take this time to express my deep thanks to all who helped in the preparation as well as all of you who attended. The results will be made available soon, hopefully by the end of the month.

I am very fortunate to have a very experienced and competent diocesan staff who are able to take care of almost everything that comes up. That is the primary reason why I have had the chance to take part in national and regional activities that take place outside the diocese. I have been able to gain a much more extensive understanding of the wider Church as a result. I have also become very familiar with the uncertainties of air travel. One great advantage of today’s technology is the use of email. Even when I am away I can monitor anything that needs my attention.

who has served St. Mary’s Residential Training School, has been elected Superior General of her order that has sisters serving all over the world. Obviously, she will need to devote her full energy to this new responsibility. We all wish her well and assure her of our prayerful support. Of course, she will leave a great void at St. Mary’s but we trust that God will give us the wisdom to find someone who can fulfill this critical administrative role. Our loss is her community’s gain. May God continue to bless all of you!

One final bit of both good and bad news... Sister Carla Bertani,

What does it mean to ‘offer it up?’ I used to place a high premium on getting a good night’s sleep. When I didn’t get a solid night’s sleep, everyone knew it the next day. I used to love eating in restaurants. When we had to rein in the spending, our eat-out budget got chopped. I still hope for a good night’s sleep, and I still enjoy eating out. But something is changing. I’m craving a spiritual diet and rejuvenation time with God more than a meal out and blissful sleep. I’ve learned to turn insomnia into prayer time. I’m learning to be okay with what is in the food pantry at home. I’m learning to offer these things up to the Cross. The saints tell us that we can do little things for God. If we let God transform us in little ways, He will begin to transform us in all ways. Every little sacrifice, every little suffering can become part of God’s redemption story. Catholics have a phrase for this little act of faith. It’s called offering it up. I mention it to my family now and then. I’m careful about when and where I say it. It should never be said in place of a snippy get over it. Offer it up is not the same thing as get over it. The first phrase is an encouragement; it is filled with hope. It has the potential to transform the smallest thing into something good and holy. The second phrase is a

Catholic By Grace -- Denise Bossert chastisement; it seeks to control and silence another person. It has the potential to destroy whatever is good and holy in these little moments of sacrifice. So, I remind my family to offer it up when I really do hope and pray that they might do it. My youngest daughter gets it, but not my husband, John. Like me, my husband didn’t grow up in the Catholic Church. And he has never been the kind of guy to accept something that’s more fluff than substance. So, the first time I suggested that he offer it up, he chuckled and said, “I have no idea what that means.” I quoted Colossians 1:24 and he said he still didn’t get it. “But that’s OK. I don’t have to get everything to know the Church has it right,” he said. Sometimes, he just likes to see if I’m up to the challenge of defending our new faith. These are some of my favorite moments with John. He knows how much I like talks like this. But sometimes, it’s frustrating because mysteries can’t be contained in 800 word articles – or two minute conversations between husbands

and wives. “Just try it. You don’t have to get it to give it a try.” Sometimes, that’s all I can say. Sometimes, there are no words or great analogies. “Sort of like fake it until you make it,” he says. “No. More like ‘I believe, Lord, help my unbelief,’” I tell him. “Okay,” he says. I smile then, knowing he’ll keep asking me for explanations when this comes up. Not because he thinks it is nonsense. It is just one of those little dialogs we have. It’s almost scripted. It’s the dance we do. And it is awesome. A dialog between two lovers that reminds us that we like being together and talking about stuff like this. Kind of like offering it up, which is also a dialog between lovers. This time, it’s between the Beloved and the human soul. An offering of everything from insomnia to simple meals at home. Little things offered with great love. Moments we repeat again and again, like a divinely scripted dialog. Go ahead, offer it up

August 15, 2011

Vol. XLI, No. 8

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August 15, 2011

Word changes in Liturgy of Word more faithful to Latin text By Jeannie Petrus CT editor (Editor’s note: In the last issue of the Church Today, an article examined why the Church is implementing changes in the 40-year old English Translation of the Mass. The article this month, will focus on the changes in the first half of the Mass: the Introductory Rites and the Liturgy of the Word.) The basic structure of the Mass is divided into two main parts and two framing rites: the Introductory Rites, the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the Concluding Rite. The Introductory Rites include the entrance procession, the greeting, the Penitential Rite (Confiteor prayer), the Kyrie, the Gloria, and the Opening Prayer. The Liturgy of the Word includes the Biblical reading, the homily, the Creed, and intercessions. Within each of these parts of the Mass, the words to a few of the prayers will have a slightly different translation, and a more profound meaning.

The Greeting What we say now: Priest: “The Lord be with You.” People: “And also with you.” New translation: Priest: “The Lord be with You.” People: “And with your Spirit.” The Introductory Rite (or opening prayer) is preparing us for the sacred encounter with Christ later in the Mass through the Eucharist. When the priest tells us “The Lord be with you,” it is not a simple greeting like “good morning,” and we respond with “”and also with you” or “good morning to you too.” Instead, the phrase “the Lord be with you” is a calling that was used throughout history when God was calling someone to do an awesome task. When God told Moses at the burning bush to go and lead the Israelites out of Egypt, He said, “I will be with you.” (Exodus 3:12). When God told Joshua (the successor of Moses) to lead the Israelites across the Jordon to the land of Canaan, He said, “I will

COVERS OF BOOKS AVAILABLE TO PREPARE CATHOLICS FOR NEW EDITION OF ROMAN MISSAL These are a few of the dozens of books and brochures that have been published or are in the works, along with many DVDS and audiotapes available to prepare Catholics for the new edition of the Roman Missal. They are “A Biblical Walk Through the Mass” by Catholic theologian Edward Sri, and “Understanding the Mass: 100 Questions, 100 Answers,” by Mike Aquilina. (CNS)

be with you as I was with Moses.” (Joshua 1:5). In the celebration of the Mass, the phrase is a calling for us to join Him in the Eucharist, where He will “be with us.” In the new translation response, “And with your Spirit,” the change in wording is referring to the unique activity of the Holy Spirit working through the priest at Mass. When a priest is ordained, he receives, at the moment of his ordination, the gift of the Holy Spirit to change bread and wine into the sacred body and blood of Christ. So by this response, what we are actually saying is, “May the Holy Spirit who works uniquely through you, be with you, too, father, as you are preparing for your unique role in the sacred liturgy of the Mass.

The Confiteor What we say now: People: “I confess to almighty God, and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault.” New translation: People: “I confess to almighty God, and you my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.” When we hurt someone, we can say, “Oh, excuse me” or “Sorry about that.” There are various degrees of contrition. But when we hurt someone

that we truly love, we want to express our sorrow very deeply, so we might say we’re sorry in multiple ways. In the Latin texts, a more profound sorrow is expressed by repeating the phrase three times. It helps us to approach God with greater humility.

The Gloria What we say now: People: “Glory to God in the highest, and peace to His people on earth. .....we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father.....” New translation: People: “Glory to God in the highest, and peace to His people on earth.....we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only begotten Son of the Father....” The Gloria said at Mass is a prayer of public praise and worship to God, our Father. The angels sang the same words when they publicly praised and proclaimed the birth of Christ on earth. The only change here is the word “begotten.” So what’s the difference between “only Son of the Father” and only begotten Son of the Father?” What does begotten mean? In the first century, a heresy was started by a man named Arius. He believed that Jesus did not always exist. He believed that he did not exist until He was born here on earth. His heresy

was known as the Arian heresy or Arianism. In the 4th century, the Council of Nicea addressed this heresy. If Jesus did not exist until He was born on earth, then He could not have been God. But Jesus was God, therefore, he has always existed. This is where the term “begotten” comes in. When we add the word “begotten, we are acknowledging that Jesus is God and that He always was and always will be God. He was not “made” or created. In John 1-14, and 18, Scripture speaks of the unique relationship between Jesus and God: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was, in the beginning, with God. “And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father’s only Son, full of grace and truth.”

The Creed What we say now: People: “We believe in God, the Father Almighty...” New translation: People: “I believe in God, the Father Almighty...” In the Creed, the first word will be changed from “we” to “I.” So why is this change so important? What’s the difference if we say we or I?

Simple answer: Because the Latin text uses “I.” When the Bible was translated into many different languages after Vatican II, the English translation was the only translation that interpreted that first word as “we” instead of “I.” But the second reason is that it is more personal to say I believe rather that We believe. We can somehow hide behind the words “we” and exclude ourselves. But when we say I believe, we are making a personal re-commitment. In a way, it is like renewing our Baptismal vows every week at Mass. What we say now: People: “... true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in being with the Father.” New translation: People: “... true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father.” The new word is consubstantial, which means of the same substance. This is re-iterating that the Son was not created by the Father, but that He shares in the same divine nature of the Father. What we say now: People: “...He was Born of the Virgin Mary” New translation: People: “...He was Incarnate of the Virgin Mary” So, what is the different between born and incarnate? The term incarnate means “to become flesh.” In the 4th century, it was common for people to believe in deities (gods) who would “appear” sometimes to people. But they only appeared and never took on human flesh. This theological term confirms that God, in Mary’s womb, took on human nature in actual human flesh and dwelt among us. Source of Information: A Lighthouse Catholic Media CD titled A Walk Through the New Mass Translation, by Dr. Edward Sri., professor of Scripture and Theology at Augustine Institute. To obtain a copy of this CD, go to www.LighthouseCatholicMedia. org or call 866-526-2151.

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August 15, 2011

Burses Donations in June Knights of Columbus #9217............................................................ $10.00 Msgr. Molenschot Burse Roderick Broussard......................................................................... $50.00 Msgr. Milburn Broussard Burse Catholic Daughters Court #2072..................................................... $50.00 Msgr. Henry Beckers Burse Mrs. Kathleen Voltz........................................................................ $200.00 Gus Voltz Burse Total this month.............................................................................. $310.00

Donations in July Seminarians Joseph Desmoine and Taylor Reynolds, and deacon candidates LG DeLoach and Ray Gibson.

Menu for

Taste of Faith August 11, 2011 Lamb Stew Shellfish Puff Pastry with Crabmeat, Crawfish, Shrimp and Clams Creole Fish Pork and Beef Meatloaf

Deacon candidate Greg LeBlanc and seminarian Brian Seiler.

Chicken Nuggets Hot Potato Salad Rice with Peppers and Onions

Total this month........................................................................... $1,165.00

Baked Beans Battered Vegetable Medley

A Seminary Burse is an invested sum of money, the interest of which is used in perpetuity to help fund the education of men to the priesthood. A Seminary Burse may be named for anyone - bishop, priest, religious, or lay person - by the original donor, and can be added to and allowed to grow. A burse is complete when it reaches $15,000.00, but another burse of the same name can be started.

French Garlic Bread Strawberry Short Cake Featuring John De Chiaro

Contributions to any of the burses or to establish a new burse should be sent to the Chancery Office, P. O. Box 7417, Alexandria, Louisiana 71306-0417.

Classical Guitarist Seminarian Dale Meade and Deacon Charles Ray.

Natchitoches Parish Businesses

Advertise in The Church Today Contact the Church Today 318-445-6424, ext. 264

Knights of Columbus #9217............................................................ $10.00 Msgr. Molenschot Burse Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Crooks.......................................................... $25.00 Father Michael Kammer Burse Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Mathews, Jr.................................................. $40.00 Father Michael Kammer Burse Mr and Mrs. Charlie Danielson........................................................ $40.00 Father Michael Kammer Burse Mr. and Mrs. Quinn McNeely........................................................... $50.00 Father Michael Kammer Burse Roderick Broussard......................................................................... $50.00 Msgr. Milburn Broussard Burse Dr. Joseph Landreneau.................................................................. $100.00 Msgr. Henry Beckers Burse Karen Ann Hicks............................................................................. $150.00 Father Michael Kammer Burse Robert O. and Carol Miller............................................................. $200.00 Father Daniel Corkery Burse Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Crooks.................................................... $500.00 Father Michael Kammer Burse

St. Romain Oil Convenient, High-Quality Fuels, Food & More (318) 240-9494

Monsignor Joseph M. Susi, Chairman

Page 7

August 15, 2011

Six men from Alexandria diocese studying for priesthood this fall

Taylor Reynolds N.A. Pontifical College Rome, Italy

Dale Meade Pontifical Josephinum College Columbus, Ohio

Brian Seiler Pontifical Josephinum College Columbus, Ohio

Joseph Desmoine Notre Dame Seminary New Orleans, LA

Daniel Hartt St. Joseph Seminary St. Benedict, LA

Gus “Dutch” Voltz III Notre Dame Seminary New Orleans, LA

Gus “Dutch” Voltz III, an attorney from Alexandria, will enter Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans this fall to begin his priestly formation. With the addition of Voltz, there are now six men currently in formation for the priesthood from the Diocese of Alexandria. Voltz is the son of Kathleen and the late Gus Voltz Jr., of Alexandria. He is a graduate of Holy Savior Menard Central High School, and the Loyola School of Law. He has been practicing law for the past 30 years with the law firm of Voltz and Ware. He is the oldest of five children. “As a Serra Club member, I was always encouraged by the priests and members at the monthly meetings to enter the seminary,” said Voltz. Taylor Reynolds, a seminarian from Bunkie, recently completed his first year of study at the North American Pontifical College in Rome. All of his classes are taught in Italian, so he has had to study extra hard to not only learn the material, but to understand the language as well.

He is currently visiting home in Bunkie for a few weeks in August, before school starts again in September. He gave a presentation Aug. 12 to his community about his experiences in Rome at the Pontifical College and his experiences while attending the beatification ceremony of the late Pope John Paul II. He also helped serve and cook in the recent Taste of Faith dinner, which raises money for the education of our seminarians. Dale Meade and Brian Seiler, both from Alexandria, have done well in their studies this year at the Pontifical Josephinum College in Columbus, Ohio. Dale, who is also a physician, worked this summer at a clinic in Sicily Island, LA, treating patients. Joseph Desmoine earned a BS in Philosophy this spring from St. Joseph Seminary in St. Benedict and is now beginning his theology studies at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. Daniel Hartt has also made good grades in seminary and continues to pursue at philosophy degree at St. Joseph Seminary in St. Benedict.

EASTERN DEANERY MEETING. Most Rev. Ronald Herzog, Bishop of the Diocese of Alexandria met July 13 with priests from the Eastern Deanery at St. Patrick Catholic Church, in Ferriday. The meeting’s focus was the new English translation of the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal. The new edition will go into effect on the First Sunday in Advent, November 27, 2011. The priests were provided resources and information to help prepare themselves and their parishioners regarding the changes to the familiar texts. A luncheon was hosted by the Ladies Altar Society of St. Patrick Catholic Church. Pictured are Bill Shaidnagle, deacon candidate; Father Louis Sklar, pastor of St. Patrick Church in Ferriday; Bishop Ronald Herzog, Father Ferreolus D’Cruz, pastor of St. Edward Church in Tallulah, and Dale Meade, seminarian.

The printing of the

Diocesan Directory has been delayed until a new Superintendent of Catholic Schools is named. The Church Today will announce in the September issue when the directories will be available.

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August 15, 2011 Meet Deacon Candidate

Meet Deacon Candidate

Emile J. Barre

Roderick “Benny” Broussard

Home Parish: St. Joseph’s, Colfax and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Tioga

Home Parish: Our Lady of Prompt Succor, Alexandria

Occupation: Commercial salesman

Occupation: Retired educator

Marital Status: Married 6 years to Lynnette Barre

Marital Status: Married 50 years to Nelwyn “Joy” Oxley Broussard

Military: Louisiana Air National Guard

Education: BA in Education, M.Ed., +30 Graduate Hours

Parish Involvement: 20 years as a CCD teacher, youth director, Steubenville, Knights of Columbus Why I became a Deacon: Several unrelated instances, over a period of many years, kept bringing the term “deacon” into my life. Before I even knew about the diaconate program, my mother use to call me “deacon.” About 10 years ago, one of my fellow deacon candidates, Mike Young, asked me if I wanted to attend diaconate classes. I said no at that time, because I was involved in so many ministries. Then about five years ago, I picked up a Church Today and noticed on the front page, that a new diaconate program was being formed in the diocese. That’s when I felt God calling me to this ministry. Ministry Interests: Teaching and music, working with young adults, working with the elderly. Most inspiring part of the program:: All of the professors and presentations

Parish Involvement: Third Degree Knight of Columbus, Council 8029; lector, Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist at OLPS and at Rapides Regional Hospital, acolyte.

Emile J. Barre were great, informative and interesting. But the most inspiring part of the program was the week spent at the arch-abbey, St. Meinrad. Participating in daily prayer with the monks and the quiet setting and solitude of such a beautiful part of God’s creation provided an ideal opportunity for self-reflection and discernment on the ministry I am pursuing. Thank you: To my wife Lynnette, who has been unwavering in her support from the beginning; and to the priests in my life, over the past 20 years, who have guided me, advised me, and encouraged me on my journey of faith, especially Father Gerald Foley.

Why I became a Deacon: I have spent my entire life in service to others as a teacher and principal. Since my retirement, God has given me graces and blessings encouraging me to answer His call to serve as an ordained deacon. Influences in Faith Journey: One Sunday in Church, I heard Father Jim Foster say he needed someone to help him with his ministry. I felt God telling to me to go to the sacristy after Mass and offer my assistance to Father. Within a few months of helping, Father Foster began encouraging me to become a deacon. I went to the diocese and inquired about the diaconate program. With God’s graces, I enrolled in the program and am now

Benny Broussard in my fifth and final year of diaconate studies. Ministry interests: Hospital ministry, assisting the home bound, and assisting at Mass. Most inspiring part of program: The most inspiring part of the program is the knowledge I have gained about my faith. This knowledge has strengthened me in my faith and has instilled in me a desire to serve as one of God’s laborers. Thank You: To my wife Joy, my family, Father Jim Foster, Father Dan O’Connor, Bishop Herzog, and all the diaconate candidates and their wives.

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August 15, 2011

Deacon candidates nearing ordination in 2012 It’s been 25 years since the Diocese of Alexandria had a class of deacons By Jeannie Petrus CT Editor (Editor’s note: “Meet Deacon Candidate” (on page 8) will be a 7-part series in the next 7 issues of the Church Today, to focus on 2-3 deacon candidates. The series will continue until February 2012, when the deacon candidates will be ordained. On June 28, 1986, Bishop William Friend had the privilege of ordaining 12 men as deacons at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral. In February 2012, Bishop Ronald Herzog plans to ordain 16 men as deacons in the Diocese of Alexandria. It will be the first class of ordained deacons in 25 years. The candidates will be ordained as deacons on Saturday, Feb. 4 and Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral. “The Bishop has split the class for purposes of ordination in order that more family members, friends and fellow parishioners

of the candidates may attend the ceremonies,” said Father Dan O’Connor, director of the Office of Permanent Deacon Formation. “More detail, including exactly which candidates will be ordained on which day, will be forthcoming.” Those expected to be ordained in February are Emile J. Barre, Rodrick “Benny” Broussard, Donald Collins, L.G. Deloach, Ray Gibson, Greg LeBlanc, Todd Marye, Patrick McCusker, Richard Mitchell, Ted Moulard, Clifford Pelto, Gary Schupbach, Bill Shaidnagle, Bill Travis, John Whitehead, and Mike Young. The candidates and their wives have attended three-day weekend classes once every month for the past five years. Professors from Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in St. Meinrad, Indiana have been the instructors for the program. “All of the professors and presentations were great, informative and interesting,”

Dates of

Deacon Ordinations Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012 10:00 a.m. St. Francis Xavier Cathedral Saturday, Feb. 11, 2012 10:00 a.m. St. Francis Xavier Cathedral

LAST CLASS OF DEACONS. This page from the June 19, 1986 issue of the Church Today pictures the 12 deacons who were ordained by Bishop Friend, 25 years ago. Those ordained were Wilfred Broussard, Willian Daigrepont, Robert Daspit, Raymond Dunn Jr., John Finnorn Jr., John Foster, Vincent Giaco, Norman Gremillion, James Hollier, Clary Nash, Cecil Parsons, and Clarence Wisdom. There were three other deacons serving in the diocese at that time, as well -- Deacon Charles Jones, Joseph Peltier, and Murry Martin.

said Emile Barre, one of the candidates. “But the most inspiring part of the program was the week spent at the archabbey of St. Meinrad in Indiana. Participating in daily prayer with the monks and the quiet setting and solitude of such a beautiful part of God’s creation provided an ideal opportunity for selfreflection and discernment on the ministry we are pursuing.” After ordaination, the deacons will be assigned to a ministry in the diocese by the bishop. Ministries may include prison or hospital ministry, working with youth or young adults, religious education, marriage prep or annulments, and much more. Deacons may also perform marriages, preside over funerals and perform other duties. While deacons are the third order of ordination in the Catholic Church (ordination of a bishop is number one, followed by ordination of a priest), they are not priests. The main difference is that deacons are not allowed to consecrate the bread and wine at Mass.

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August 15, 2011

Letters to the Editor PEG Tube Feeding Dear Editor: Ministering as a chaplain in health care is very rewarding but equally challenging -especially when helping families make appropriate decisions for their loved ones. Most challenging are cases involving PEG (percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy) tubes, which provide nutrition and hydration near the end of their lives. PEG tube feeding began in acute health care settings about 30 years ago, about the same time I began my chaplaincy, as a means of providing nutrition and hydration to children and young adults unable to swallow. Today, this procedure is performed most on elderly patients, many of whom also suffer from advanced dementia. I have witnessed many families wanting to do what is right and struggling with deciding whether to have a PEG tube inserted in their loved ones. Some worry that without the PEG tube, grandmother or grandfather will starve to death. Lack of clear, sensitive clinical and ethical guidance may compound the problem.

PEG tube feeding may prolong the lives of some; others find it “excessively burdensome” and PEG tubes may actually shorten their lives. In June of 2006, this information appeared in a professional journal, Geratrics (vol 61, No. 6), To PEG or not to PEG: A Review of Evidence for Placing Feeding Tubes in Advanced Dementia and the Decision Making Process. This article suggests there is no clinical evidence from available studies that PEG tube feeding brings any benefits to such patients, and on the contrary, may add additional burdens (e.g., skin breakdowns, pressure ulcers, and the need for restraints) or even shorten their lives. I hope that other priests and physicians with knowledge of geriatric or palliative care medicine will address this isssue and lead our community in an open discussion of the medical and moral facts about death and dying. Rev. Chris Nayak Manager of Spiritual Care CHRISTUS St. Frances Cabrini Hospital Alexandria, LA

Policy for Letters to the Editor Letters to the editor are welcome at the Church Today and are usually printed as soon as space is available in the paper. The letter must be typed and signed and include a valid phone number (phone number will not be published). Published letters

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should also be no more than 250 words in length. The editor reserves the right to not publish any letter for any reason. Send signed letter to: Church Today, P. O. Box 7417, Alexandria, LA 71306.

EACH ROOM is individually decorated and has a private bathroom and shower. The sofabeds and recliners provide a place for overnight guests to stay with their loved ones.

HOMEY ATMOSPHERE. Grace Home of Alexandria is an in-patient hospice where terminally-ill patients can receive the pain management and care that my not be possible at home. Located on the 3rd floor of CHRISTUS St. Frances Cabrini Hospital, the surroundings are made to feel more like home. THE BEDROOM. Rooms are furnished with the comfort of the patient and their families in mind. Home furnishings like dressers and coffee tables are in the room instead of institutional furniture. Common areas, such as the family room, children’s play area, and kitchen, help keep families comfortable during this difficult time.

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August 15, 2011

Welcome to Grace Home of Alexandria CHRISTUS Cabrini Hospital offers the latest in hospice and palliative care By Stacey Hackler, RN CHRISTUS Hospice and Palliative Care, St. Frances Cabrini Hospital The third floor at CHRISTUS St. Frances Cabrini Hospital is reserved for very special people with very special needs. Welcome to Grace Home of Alexandria. Grace Home is the in-patient unit of CHRISTUS Hospice and Palliative Care, St. Frances Cabrini. It is neither a hospital nor a nursing home. Instead, it is an in-patient hospice where terminally ill patients can receive the pain management and care that may not be possible at home. Once you step off the elevator on the third floor, and walk through double French doors, you may feel like you’ve left the hospital and somehow transported to another place -- a very warm and welcoming, homey place. Each of Grace Home’s eight private rooms is individually decorated and has a private bathroom and shower. The rooms have home furnishing for the families, rather than the instutional furniture of most hospital rooms. The sofabeds and recliners provide a place for overnight guests to stay with their loved ones. Common areas such as the family room, children’s play area and kitchen help keep families comfortable during this difficult time.

THE FAMILY ROOM. Comfortable leather sofas and flat screen TVs in the family room allow family members to escape the hospital setting and enjoy the comforts of home. Most hospice patients can receive excellent and appropriate care, whether at home or a nursing home, with a hospice nurse oncall 24/7. But sometimes 24hour immediate nursing care is necessary. The patient’s pain or symptoms are such that waiting even 15 minutes for an on-call nurse to arrive is simply too long

to wait. This is when Grace Home is the answer. With a full staff of RNs, LPNs and CNAs, supported by chaplains and social workers, Grace Home patients are assured of the very best care. Grace Home’s medical director is a palliative care specialist which helps ensure that the patients are

kept as comfortable as possible. Grace Home becomes the patient’s home during the stay. There are no “visiting hours” or restrictions on the age of visitors. Children in the family are welcome to visit at all times. Even the animal members of the family, properly supervised, can make a short visit. Many families have expressed their appreciation for having the playroom area where a toddler can play while mom and grandma take turns visiting granddad. And patients whose dog or cat is their “baby” are so

happy to get a cuddle from a visiting pet. Admission guidelines for patients who may need Grace Home include: • The patients has a lifelimiting illness with a life expectancy of six months or less, if the disease runs its normal course. The patient is seeking palliative rather than curative care. (comfort rather than a cure.) • The patient’s physician certifies the life expectancy and agrees to provide medical management, or allows the hospice medical director to manage the care. • The patient requires a level of care that cannot be provided in the home such as acute symptom management. • Grace Home is NOT for everyone. If you would like to consider Grace Home for a loved one, an admission nurse would be happy to talk with you. How much will Grace Home cost me? I can’t afford another hospital bill. Grace Home and hospice costs are generally fully covered by Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurances. There is no additional charge for room and board at Grace Home. Grace Home is not a hospital, but an inpatient hospice unit. The patients and family will not be billed. Grace Home is just what its name says -- it is a home filled with the love and grace to provide your loved one with the very best care possible at a very difficult time. Call 448-6764 for more information about how Grace Home or hospice services can help you and your loved one.

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August 15, 2011

Knights, Sisters host WYD center for English speakers World Youth Day to attract thousands of young people to Madrid Aug. 16-21

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- At World Youth Day Madrid, they will be back, bigger and offering more variety than ever. The Knights of Columbus and the Sisters of Life, assisted by several other organizations, are offering English-speaking pilgrims at WYD a huge center where they can attend concerts, learn more about their Catholic faith, pray quietly, debate contemporary issues and access the Internet with free Wi-Fi. Madrid’s Palacio de Deportes (sports palace) will be converted into the Love and Life Center during WYD Aug. 16-21. “First and foremost, we hope the site will help people learn about their faith. And if the pilgrims learn something about the Knights, I hope it will be the fact that we are an organization

YOUNG PEOPLE PREPARE FLAGS, BANNERS FOR WORLD YOUTH DAY IN MADRID. Young people display flags from around the globe and World Youth Day banners as they prepare for the international gathering in Madrid. World Youth Day kicks off Aug. 16 in Spain’s capital city. Pope Benedict XVI will join the celebration beginning Aug. 18. (CNS photo/Cristina Pascual Fernandez, courtesy of World Youth Day 2011)

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that can help them live out and strengthen their faith by engaging in charity and evangelization of culture,” said Andrew T. Walther, the Knights’ vice president of communications and media. Pilgrims planning their days in Madrid and anyone interested in following the events at the center from afar can check out the center’s website at www. The Knights and the Sisters of Life, a religious community founded in 1991 by Cardinal John J. O’Connor of New York, sponsored a center in Sydney during World Youth Day 2008. “We have invited some of the same speakers and performers to Spain -- and many more,” Walther said in an email response to questions. Size is the big difference between the center in Sydney and the one in Madrid, he said. The Palacio de Deportes seats more

than 10,000 people and events are planned from 10 a.m. to midnight with the only breaks being the times when the pilgrims have the big WYD opening Mass or appointments with Pope Benedict XVI. Expanding the offerings would not have been possible, Walther said, without the help of co-sponsors: Holy Cross Family Ministries, the Apostleship of Prayer, Salt and Light Television, the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family, FOCUS (the Fellowship of Catholic University Students) and World Youth Alliance. A standard part of World Youth Day is the morning catechesis led by a bishop. Dozens of English-speaking bishops from around the world will address small groups of pilgrims in churches and church halls around Madrid.

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August 15, 2011

Kids enjoy summer church programs

BASKETBALL CAMP. St. Mary’s Assumption School in Cottonport held the 38th annual Stars of Coteau Basketball Camp June 12-16. More than 100 kids, ages 5-13 years old, participated in the camp, put on by Gayle and Guy Montalvo.

SACRED HEART CHURCH, PINEVILLE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. OLL WINNFIELD VBS. Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Winnfield held Vacation Bible School June 21-24.The children enjoyed evenings filled with lessons on the love of Jesus, arts and crafts projects, outdoor fun, uplifting music and dance, and lots of good food. On the last day the children enjoyed a night of water fun on water slides and a pizza party.

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August 15, 2011

Worldwide Marriage Encounter video now available on YouTube A new short marketing video explaining the Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) marriage enrichment program has been released and is now posted on You Tube. The video is named Worldwide Marriage Encounter, An Introduction. “We are pleased that this video has been created and that it simply and clearly explains what the Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend is all about”, explained Dick & Diane Baumbach and Fr. Dick Morse, the North American Weekend Pillar Ecclesial Team for WWME. The link for the video is watch?v=Zirpfj4uZ2s The North American Weekend Pillar oversees the marketing and promoting of Worldwide Marriage Encounter across the United States and Canada.

“Much thanks needs to go to Worldwide Marriage Encounter couples in the Massachusetts area who developed and created the less than 3 minute video. We are fortunate that one of the couples happens to have a video production company that allowed for this gift to be given to the movement,” they added. Worldwide Marriage Encounter has been offering weekend experiences for over 42 years and is considered the original faith-based marriage enrichment program. The programs are continually updated to keep abreast of changes in society, and WWME now offers evening and half-day programs that are presented at parishes and other church facilities. The weekend program, traditionally presented as an overnight experience at a hotel or retreat center, can also be presented at the parish where the

couples return to their homes in the evenings. The only WWME weekend in Louisiana this year, will be Nov. 11-13 in Baton Rouge. WWME has a presence in over 90 countries, which makes it the largest pro-marriage movement in the world. In North America, the WWME programs are presented in English, Spanish, French, and Korean languages. Worldwide Marriage Encounter offers married couples the opportunity to spend time together away from the busyness of the world to focus on each other. It offers tools for building and maintaining a strong, Christian marriage in today’s world. To learn more about the Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends online, go to wwme. org, or you can call 1-800-795LOVE (English) and 1-800-599AMOR (Spanish).

WWME recommends ‘Courageous’ The N.A. United States and Canadian leadership teams for Worldwide Marriage Encounter (WWME) offered strong support and highly recommend the movie Courageous following a private screening of the film at a meeting of the North American Secretariat this past weekend. The Secretariat is made up of leadership teams from across the United States and Canada and meets annually to give guidance and direction for WWME, the original marriage enrichment program. The movie, Courageous deals with a commitment to fatherhood and offers encouragement and insights into creating and building upon stronger marriages and families through fatherhood

September 8 Nativity (birthday)

of the Blessed Virgin Mary

experiences. “Courageous is a must see movie for all those who believe in a strong commitment to fatherhood and all the gifts and blessings that it offers,” said Jose and Marilyn Garcia and Fr. Mitch Walters, the North American Secretariat Ecclesial Team. ‘We were impressed with the film and highly recommend the viewing of Courageous to all those who see fatherhood as a dedicated vocation,” said Scott and Karen Seaborn and Fr. Tom Griffith, SVD, the United States Ecclesial Team for Worldwide Marriage Encounter. “Once you see the movie Courageous you will never forget the very special messages that the film offers. We look forward

to spreading the word about this wonderful film,” added Eric and Lupita Goodwin and Fr. John Persaud, the WWME Canadian Ecclesial Team. Courageous takes place in a small town in Georgia and follows the every day lives of a group of young fathers as they deal with the trials and tribulations along with the rewards and gifts of fatherhood. The movie will debut on movie screens across both countries beginning Sept. 30 In Alexandria, La., Courageous will be playing at The Grand Theatre beginning Sept. 30. Visit www.Courageous to see where the movie is opening in other areas and to view the trailer.

Hope for a new beginning for divorced, widowed, or separated people. Register now for a weekend away toward a lifetime of change at : Maryhill Renewal Center, Pineville, LA September 16 - 18 Program helps grieving, single-again persons emerge from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning, and move into the future with renewed hope. Cost is $185.00 and includes two nights’ lodging and meals. To register or for more information, call Anna at (318) 448-1990 or (318) 452-2678 or Rose at (504) 920-0770.

Page 15

August 15, 2011

MALNOURISHED CHILD IN KENYA REFUGEE CAMP. A malnourished child hangs on to life in the stabilization ward of the Ifo Camp Hospital in the Dadaab refugee complex in northeastern Kenya July 27. Already the world’s largest refugee settlement, Dadaab has swelled in recent weeks with tens of thousands of recent arrivals fleeing drought in Somalia. (CNS photo/Paul Jeffrey)

MALNOURISHED CHILD SEEN IN PEDIATRIC WARD AT HOSPITAL IN SOMALIA. A malnourished Somali child cries inside the pediatric ward at the Banadir Hospital in southern Mogadishu, Somalia, Aug. 3. With more than 12 million people in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia and Djibouti in need of aid, the U.N. says $1.4 billion is needed to provide food and shelter. (CNS photo/ Feisal Omar, Reuters)

USCCB, CRS issues appeal for Somalia Continued from page 3 with basic necessities, such as food packages, support for clinics, therapeutic feeding, and shelter. In Kenya, CRS is working both to assist newly arrived refugees with hygiene, sanitation promotion, and protection, and also to provide water, sanitation, and supplemental feeding to droughtaffected Kenyan communities.

“CRS can use all the help we can offer in this current tragic situation,” wrote Archbishop Dolan and Bishop Kicanas. “Through CRS our generosity could literally feed thousands and provide them clean water, shelter and other life-saving goods. Over time, CRS will be able to expand already proven drought mitigation and other development

programs that unfortunately are now only available in a handful of villages.” They concluded by asking the bishops of the United States to request that their pastors “bring the plights of these poor people to our faithful and generous parishioners and ask for their support, possibly through a second collection.”

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Mail your check or money order to: Catholic Relief Services Memo: East Africa Emergency Fund P.O. Box 17090 Baltimore, MD 21203-7090

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Archbishop Chaput succeeds Rigali Continued from page 3 He said he has already had discussions with Cardinal Rigali and the bishops but needs to meet the priests and the people. “No bishop can solve any issues on his own,” he said. “I intend to listen to everybody in the church on the issue of sexual abuse by the clergy. I need to talk to the victims and their families. Everybody should have a voice. Give me time, and I’ll be able to

answer questions.” On the question of statutes of limitation on child abuse cases as it was addressed by the church in Denver, Archbishop Chaput said, “The bishops of Colorado supported elimination of the statute of limitations, so long as it is fair and everyone is treated the same way. It should not be limited to the church, he said, because the law should “treat everyone the same, without exception.”

Asked about more lay involvement in the church, he pointed to the Archdiocese of Denver where he established a diocesan pastoral council composed mostly of laity.”I look for a wonderful relationship with the laity because I was baptized before I was ordained,” he said. In answer to a lighter question, Archbishop Chaput, who is Native American, said he has two Native American names, one from the Potawatami meaning

“he who makes the leaves rustle like the wind,” and the other from Lakota, meaning “Good Eagle.” The latter was apt, because earlier in the news conference Catholic high school students presented him with a Philadelphia Eagles shirt and a Philadelphia Phillies baseball cap. They also gave him a basket of Philly munchies with a promise of a cheesesteak when he is installed. He also volunteered the correct pronunciation of his name

is “Chap-you” but he prefers to just be called “Archbishop Charles.” Cardinal Rigali called the appointment of his successor “a new moment in the life of this local church and so a time of great grace.” Archbishop Chaput’s ministry “is marked by an evident joy in his priesthood, a fearless proclamation of the Gospel and a clear commitment to Jesus Christ and his church,” he said. Of his own ministry, “Cardinal Rigali said, “It is a formidable task to be a bishop. I have tried through my ministry to be faithful to the ideal of episcopal ministry, If I offended anyone in any way, I am deeply sorry. I apologize for any weakness on my part in representing Christ and his church worthily and effectively.”

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August 15, 2011

4TH DEGREE KNIGHTS: MSGR. PIEGAY ASSEMBLY #0328, ALEXANDRIA. New officers installed July 10 in Alexandria for the Msgr. Piegay Assembly of Fourth Degree Knights are Huey Campbell, Faithful Navigator; Ernest Babineaux, Faithful Captain, Leonard Wilson, Faithful Pilot; John Tumminello, Faithful Admiral; Msgr. Joseph Susi, Faithful Friar; Freddie Daigrepont, Faithful Comptroller, J.T. Chestovitch, Faithful Purser; Gordon Newton, Faithful Scribe; Larry Feldkemp, Faithful Inner Sentinel; Al Rafferty, Faithful Outer Sentinel; Victor Tolito, Year 1 Trustee; Robert Welch, Year 2 Trustee; and John Morovich, Year 3 Trustee.

4TH DEGREE KNIGHTS: MSGR. DEKEUWER ASSEMBLY #2078, NATCHITOCHES. New officers installed July 10 in Alexandria for the Msgr. DeKeuwer Assembly of Fourth Degree Knights are Fernand Menou, Faithful Navigator; David Bouchie, Faithful Captain; John Denny, Faithful Pilot; Buford Grappe, Faithful Admiral; Timothy Felchle, Faithful Comptroller; Joseph Sklar, Faithful Purser; Michael Yankowski, Faithful Scribe; John Dobernig, Faithful Inner Sentinel; Robert Scott, Faithful Outer Sentinel; Charles Lee, year 1 Trustee; James Lee, Year 2 Trustee; and Daniel Methvin, Year 3 Trustee, and Msgr. Joseph Susi, Chaplain.

4th Degree Knights install new officers, honor top members The Fourth Degree Knights of Msgr. Piegay Assembly #0328, Alexandria and the Msgr. DeKeuwer Assembly #2078, Natchitoches, jointly held an installation Mass July 10 at St. Rita Catholic Church. In addition, six Knights received awards during the honors banquet that followed the Mass. Dr. David Holcomb re-

ceived the Civic Leader of the Year award; Richard Brazil, the Knight of the Year award; Freddie Daigrepont, Family of the Year award; Jasper Rizzo, the Merit Award; and Rev. Martin Laird and Rev. Chad Partain, the Clergy of the Year award. New officers for the Msgr. Piegay Assembly are Huey Campbell, Faithful Navigator;

Ernest Babineaux, Faithful Captain; Leonard Wilson, Faithful Pilot; John Tumminello, Faithful Admiral; Msgr. Joseph Susi, Faithful Friar; Freddie Daigrepont, Faithful Comptroller; J.T. Chestovitch, Faithful Purser; Gordon Newton, Faithful Scribe; Larry Feldkamp, Faithful Inner Sentinel; Al Rafferty, Faithful Outer Sentinel; Victor Tolito, 1

Year Trustee; Robert Welch, 2 Year Trustee; and John Morovich, 3 Year Trustee. New officers for the Msgr. DeKeuwer assembly are Fernand Menou, Faithful Navigator; David Bouchie, Faithful Captain; John Denny, Faithful Pilot; Buford Grappe, Faithful Admiral; Timothy Felchle, Faithful Comptroller; Joseph Sklar, Faith-

ful Purser; Michael Yankowski, Faithful Scribe; John Dobernig, Sr., Faithful Inner Sentinel; Robert Scott, Faithful Outer Sentinel; Charles Lee, 1 Year Trustee; James Lee, Sr., 2 Year Trustee; and Daniel Methvin, 3 Year Trustee. Rev. Adam Travis and Msgr. Joseph Susi, both Fourth Degree Knights, were the celebrants of the Mass.

KC creates $1 million scholarship to educate US military chaplains DENVER—The Knights of Columbus has established a new scholarship to help fund education for Catholic seminarians preparing to become U.S. military chaplains. Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson announced the $1 million “Father McGivney Military Chaplain Scholarship” during his Annual Report to the 129th Supreme Convention. The scholarship is named after the Venerable Father Michael McGivney, the 19th Century priest who founded the Knights of Columbus. His Excellency, the Most Reverend Timothy Broglio, J.C.D., Archbishop of the Military Services, USA, said the scholarship money will be dedicated to the archdiocese’s “Co-Sponsored Seminarian Program.” The archdiocese initiated the Co-Sponsored Seminarian

Program to recruit priestly vocations from the military for the benefit of the armed forces as well as participating dioceses and religious orders throughout the country. According to church vocations statistics, nearly 10% of priestly ordinations in the U.S. in recent years were of men who had served in the military. Another 10% came from military families. Under the Co-Sponsored

Seminarian Program, the Archdiocese contracts with each participating diocese to fund 50% of the cost of the five years of seminarian education. Total costs typically run $25,000 per year for each candidate. In return, the candidate agrees that, upon ordination and after three years service to an assigned parish in the diocese, he will commit to serve as a military chaplain under the auspices of the Archdiocese for the Military Services.

In recent years, the CoSponsored Seminarian Program has produced an exponential increase in the number of cosponsored seminarians, from as few as three in 2008 to 30 this year with more prospects on the horizon. They are assigned to 16 dioceses and enrolled in 21 seminaries in the U.S. and the North American College in Rome. Archbishop Broglio said: “These results, while

extraordinary, place a large financial burden on the archdiocese, which annually generates only enough funds—95% from donations— to cover its operating costs. The archdiocese has no funds on hand to meet the long-term contractual commitments of the CoSponsored Seminarian Program, especially if, as it is hoped, the numbers continue to grow.

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Page 17

August 15, 2011

What is CCD and why is it so important in the Catholic Church? What is CCD?

The Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) was an association established in 1562 in Rome for the purpose of providing religious education. In its more modern usage, CCD is the religious teaching program of the Catholic Church. These classes are taught to school age children (usually kindergarten through high school) to learn the basic doctrines of their faith.

How does it work?

In most parishes, the pastor usually has general oversight of the program. The coordinator locates and trains catechists, chooses texts and instructional materials, and supervises the

catechetical instruction. Catechists (teachers, coteachers, and aides) are sought from the congregation. They must be confirmed Catholics, high school graduates, at least 18 years of age, with no canonical impediments to the sacraments. Aides may be under the age of 18 and currently in high school.

Does my child have to attend CCD classes if he/she attends a Catholic school? No, your child does not have to attend CCD classes since Catholic instruction is provided at school. However, many Catholic school children do attend and are certainly welcome.

How and when do I register for CCD?

Does my child have to attend CCD classes in order to receive the sacraments? Yes, your child has to attend CCD in order to receive the Sacraments. But keep in mind that parents are the most influential people when it comes to teaching the faith. CCD classes are only meant to re-enforce the Catholic upbringing a child is getting at home. Kids can go to CCD every week, but: • if they don’t see their parents pray, • if they don’t see their parents go to Church, or • if they don’t hear their parents mention God or Jesus without

Registration in most parishes is going on now or will be very soon. Check your parish Sunday bulletin for dates. There may be a small registration fee to cover the cost of textbooks and/or classroom materials. If the registration fee is more than you can afford, talk to your pastor or CCD coordinator.

Catechetical Sunday September 18, 2011 cursing, then CCD does little good. Children watch their parents and learn by example.

How do I volunteer?

Volunteer catechists are always needed, but other opportunities for service also exist - special projects, retreats, and occasional help, as well as prayer partners and substitute catechists.


Training Sessions VIRTUS Safe Environment® awareness training is required by the church for all employees and volunteers who work with children in the diocese. Listed below are some upcoming sessions: Tuesday, Aug. 23 6:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Assumption School Cottonport Monday, Aug. 29 6:00 p.m. St. Francis de Sales Echo Monday, Sept. 12 6:00 p.m. St. Mary’s School Natchitoches Tuesday, Sept 13 6:00 p.m. St. Joseph Catholic Center Alexandria To register, go to

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August 15, 2011

St. Augustine welcomes Cane River’s Grand family reunion Parishioners of St. Augustine Catholic Church participated in and welcomed almost 550 descendants from more than 15 States celebrating the 30-year anniversary of Grand Family Reunions on July 8-10. Started in 1981, Grand Family Reunions bring together Dupre, Goudeau, Lacour, Metoyer, and Ray descendants who live across the nation. The Grand Family Reunion began as an idea in Port Arthur, Texas, with its first reunion in 1981 in Alexandria, Louisiana. Creole Cookbook author, Marilyn Goudeau Guidry, is one of the persons who came up with the idea, and Neola Ray Joe, known as Founder, was the first chairman. The five family names were based on the genealogy and relatives of Ethel Lacour Goudeau (19051982). The 1981 reunion was largely held in Alexandria because

By Dr Mark Guidry accommodations in Natchitoches were not adequate at that time. Since 1981, the reunions have been hosted by various family branches in various states around the country. The 30-year anniversary was lead by St. Augustine parishioner Dr. Harlan “Mark” Guidry, coauthor of Natchitoches and Louisiana’s Timeless Cane River. Dr. Guidry, who has researched the genealogy of the Grand Family descendants for over 30 years, is also president of the

National Grand Family Heritage Foundation, a tax-exempt charitable organization for preserving Louisiana’s FrenchCreole History & Heritage. He also serves St. Augustine Church as director of historical preservation. “I was pleased to bring the reunion home to Cane River and the historic St. Augustine community where it all began,” Guidry said. “Attendees had the chance to experience all the rich cultural treasures that Cane River has to offer.” On Saturday morning, Guidry hosted a History and Heritage EXPO. Several organizations that focus on history and heritage exhibited their services. The EXPO featured an informative overview of Grand Family genealogy, a historic reenactment on the founding of St. Augustine’s Catholic Church at Melrose in

1803, a Marie Therézè Coincoin rendition by Betty Metoyer, and many informative exhibits. Among the books for sale is a new Historic Grand Family Heritage Cookbook featuring Marie Roque’s famous meat pies and many other photos, stories, and traditional recipes. Other reunion activities included a Grand Family Idol contest and a festival picnic on the riverfront on Saturday at noon, featuring a traditional exhibit and clinic about horses. Saturday afternoon included Front Street shopping and a variety of local tours. On Saturday evening was a banquet ceremony with welcoming remarks, historic awards, and a zydeco dance party. St. Augustine community leader, Marie Llorens Roque (Jan. 24, 1923 - July 13, 2011) received a very special award, proclaiming her the Matriarch of Cane River. Accepting the award for her mother, Connie Roque Steward gave touching remarks, including that her mother sent her love to everyone. She very much wanted to be at the event but as God willed, she was approaching the end of her life in the nursing home.

Marie Roque loved her family, her church, and her community. She was “mother” to all who knew her and highly respected and trusted leader of the Cane River community. Over the past 80 plus years, Ms. Roque’s service to the church began as a young girl in late 1920s who walked in the dark early morning to the church to assist the priest with 6 a.m. Mass to being a long-time president and member of Christian Mothers, chair of the parish council, and leader of the historic 200-year anniversary celebration of St. Augustine Church. Additionally, her services to the greater community are numerous and significant. She is attributed to having the most volunteer hours than any other volunteer in the Natchitoches area. Three days after the reunion event, Mrs. Roque passed away to eternal life at the age of 88 years. On Sunday, the reunion culminated with a tour of St. Augustine’s historic church, followed by Mass celebrated by Father August Thompson, who

Marie Llorens Roque


HONORED FAMILY MEMBERS. Among several awardees, Marilyn Goudeau Guidry, Sr. Doris Goudeau & Sr. Maria Antonia (Sisters of the Holy Family), & Theresa Lacour Rideau were honored at the Reunion banquet.

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August 15, 2011

WE ARE FAMILY. Descendants of the Dupre, Goudeau, Lacour, Metoyer and Ray families gathered at St. Augustine Church at Isle Brevelle July 8-10 for the Grand Family Reunion. The rich heritage of the people around Cane River have been a part of the history of St. Augustine Church for more than 200 years.

RE-ENACTMENT OF ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH‘S HISTORY. Youth participating in the historic reenactment of St. Augustine Catholic Church were Southern Belles as the Native American, Natchitoches. celebrated the first reunion Mass in 1981. Following the Mass a delicious Cane River luncheon, catered by parishioners Mary Frances Jones and Anastasia Christophe, was held in the church hall. The hundreds of participants were amazed with all the history of the church and overwhelmingly had a most memorable, enjoyable, and educational reunion experience. All remarked on the great food and how welcoming and friendly

the people of the community. Says Guidry, “Many great people made this event a most historic one. Much recognition and appreciation goes to Dawn Guidry Carmouche (Texas), Mia Perez Castille (California), Sister Doris Goudeaux (New Orleans, LA), Jackie Rideau Griffin (Opelousas, LA), Marilyn Goudeau Guidry (Texas), Hope Guidry-Groves (Texas), Yevette LeDé Karahouni (Texas), Manual Paul Llorens (New Orleans, LA),

Brian Metoyer (Texas), Vivian Metoyer (Texas), Craig Rideau (Church Point, LA), Mayor Harold Rideau (Baker, LA), Clyde Roque (Texas), Tommy & Kathie Roque (Cane River), Tania Goudeau Rowell (Pineville, LA), and Connie and Bruce Steward (Texas). Each individual took on major parts of the 30 year anniversary celebration.” For more information about the reunion or the Foundation, see

REUNION MASS. Father August Thompson, who celebrated the first reunion Mass in 1981, addressed a completely packed audience of Grand Family descendants and local parishioners at St. Augustine Church.

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August 15, 2011

'THE HELP'. Jessica Chastain and Octavia Spencer star in a scene from the movie "The Help". The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 -- parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. (CNS photo/DreamWorks)

‘The Help’ dramatizes stupidity of prejudice

By John Mulderig Catholic News Service

NEW YORK (CNS) -Though unlikely to be popular with the more senior members of the Junior League of Jackson, Miss., the warm, deftly acted drama “The Help” (Disney) seems destined to win hearts in many other quarters. That’s because writerdirector Tate Taylor’s adaptation of Kathryn Stockett’s best-selling novel uses vivid characterizations to bring the Civil Rights-era struggle for human dignity alive. A harsh scatological plot development, however, marks the film as off-limits for younger viewers -- who might otherwise benefit from its generally uplifting story -- and will even be off-putting for many adults. Fresh from her studies at Ole Miss, Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan (Emma Stone) returns home to Jackson in the early 1960s with her head full of rebellious notions. Instead of finding herself a husband, as her good-hearted but traditionally minded mother, Charlotte (Allison Janney), would prefer, Skeeter wants to be a journalist. As for the wildly racist thinking that prevails among her privileged peers -- personified most viciously by Junior League leader Hilly (Bryce Dallas Howard) -- Skeeter has no patience for it. Neglected by Charlotte, Skeeter was nurtured instead by her family’s black housemaid, Constantine (Cicely Tyson in a brief but wonderful performance), for whom Skeeter retains a deep affection. Securing a job as the household hints columnist for a local paper, Skeeter turns to another servant, Aibileen (Viola Davis), for advice on the subject. But Aibileen’s help with cleaning tips soon becomes a pretext for Skeeter’s secret and potentially dangerous scheme to write a book documenting the lives of

Jackson’s African-American domestics. Though initially reluctant to cooperate, Aibileen decides to take the risk based on a sermon she hears in church. Eventually Skeeter also manages to win the confidence of Aibileen’s sassy best friend Minnie (Octavia Spencer), whose anecdotes include the off-color tale of how she took revenge on Hilly for firing her. Since Hilly is leading a crusade to establish separate bathrooms for the city’s maids, so they won’t spread disease to the white population by using their employers’ facilities, Minnie’s manner of wreaking vengeance is apt. But, as portrayed in a fairly lengthy scene, and as repeatedly referred back to, the incident is also profoundly distasteful. The dynamic created by Skeeter’s perkiness, Aibileen’s mournful warmth and Minnie’s irrepressible sauciness keeps the pace unflagging while the proceedings are further enriched by supporting performances from Jessica Chastain as a kooky but kindly social outcast and Sissy Spacek as Hilly’s Alzheimer’sbeset, but still spirited mom. Dramatizing the stupidity of prejudice and the expansive possibilities open to those who overcome it, “The Help” is a richly humanistic tale mature viewers will welcome. The film contains a graphic scatological theme, brief violence and medical gore, veiled sexual references, a half-dozen uses each of profanity and crude language and a few racial slurs. The Catholic News Service classification is A-III -- adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13.

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August 15, 2011

‘Deathly Hallows-2’ wraps up decade of Harry Potter films By John Mulderig Catholic News Service NEW YORK (CNS) -- One of the most successful movie franchises of all time goes out in style with “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” (Warner Bros.). Though this eighth installment in the series that began with 2001’s “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” may bewilder newcomers -- if there are any of the uninitiated left, they will not find themselves mollycoddled by patient exposition -- director David Yates provides a gratifying wrap-up to a decade of blockbuster adaptations. Based, like its immediate predecessor, on the last volume of J.K. Rowling’s run of phenomenal best-sellers, Yates’ fantasy is too intense for the youngest viewers. But scenes of combat, although frequent, are mostly bloodless, while the dialogue is marked by only one mildly improper turn of phrase, making this climactic adventure acceptable for most other age groups. As the titular wizard (Daniel Radcliffe, needless to say) continues to battle his nemesis, evil Lord Voldemort (Ralph Fiennes), the epic struggle brings



HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS -- PART 2’. Daniel Radcliffe, front, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint star in a scene from the movie “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -- Part 2.” The Catholic News Service classification is A-II -- adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America r ating is PG -- parental guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children. (CNS photo/Warner Bros.)

Harry’s innate courage to the fore but also tests his willingness to sacrifice himself on behalf of others. At Harry’s side once again are pals Ron (Rupert Grint) and Hermione (Emma Watson)

-- friends acquired, of course, during his student days at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Once the scene of happier proceedings, during the tenure of its late headmaster, Albus Dumbledore (Michael Gambon), Hogwarts is currently under the apparent misdirection of Dumbledore’s enigmatic successor, Severus Snape (Alan Rickman). Many of symbols deployed and themes highlighted in Rowling’s narrative echo Scripture

and comport with Judeo-Christian beliefs. Voldemort, for instance, is constantly accompanied by his pet snake Nagini, a slithering embodiment of wickedness. Similarly, Voldemort’s ambition to obtain immortality though illegitimate means parallels the serpent-inspired temptation to which Adam and Eve gave way. And here, as in salvation history, a path to redemption is opened by selfsurrendering love. As with many a time-

honored tale -- ranging from “The Wizard of Oz” to “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy penned by devoutly Catholic novelist J.R.R. Tolkien -- the element of sorcery in Rowling’s story serves merely as a fictional device and a stimulant to the imagination. Even impressionable audience members are as unlikely to think that the wands and spells they see in use on screen are things to be dabbled with in the real world as they are to believe that they may someday graduate from Hogwarts. Like a poignant graduation ceremony, this final chapter in the adventures that have taken Harry -- and many of his fans as well -- from childhood to full maturity manages to strike notes both elegiac and exciting, thereby bringing to an apt conclusion one of the iconic sagas of recent years. The film contains much action violence, brief gory images and a single crass term. The Catholic News Service classification is A-II -- adults and adolescents. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 -- parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. Mulderig is on the staff of Catholic News Service.

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August 15, 2011 Son or Daughter Going Off to College?

The circus is licensed and insured and taught by a professional staff from England and the U.S. A $50 nonrefundable deposit is required by Aug. 26. Corporate sponsors are welcome. Please visit: www.circusofthekids. com For more information contact Karen Moreau at 3591943 or

If you have a son or daughter going off to college and you would like for them to keep in touch with hometown news about their faith community, sign them up to receive a free subscription to The Church Today for one year. This offer is good to any student (freshman-senior) attending college anywhere in the U.S. Just call the Church Today office at 318-445-6424, ext 255 or e-mail name, address, and college attending to: jpetrus@diocesealex. org. If your son or daughter was on the list last year, please call again to verify the correct address.

Catholic Homeschoolers Play Day CDA COURT NOTRE DAME 1452. Linda Gauthier and Donna Young, representatives of Catholic Daughters of America Court Notre Dame #1452, present a check to Bishop Ronald Herzog and Msgr. Joseph Susi on July 15 for the seminarian education fund.

Cast Call for Circus of the Kids Sacred Heart School invites all children grades PK- 8 to participate in “Circus of the Kids”. This exciting show will be held Nov. 2-6 at Sacred Heart School. This is a unique educational enrichment program, which provides children with the opportunity to build self-esteem, pride, and trust. After-school practices will begin October 18. “Circus of the Kids” has been featured on CNN. Children will learn circus acts which will include: “fire eating”, trapeze tricks”, “juggling”, “tightrope tricks”, and numerous other circus acts.

The Catholic Homeschoolers group will sponsor an informal “Play Day,” on Friday, Aug. 26 from 12 noon – 2 p.m. at Kees Park in Pineville. The play day is open to anyone considering homeschooling or for anyone wanting more information about whether homeschooling is a viable choice for your family (Non-Catholics are certainly welcome too!). Bring the whole family and a picnic lunch so that we can visit and share ideas. For more information, call Sandra West at 442-9042 or Jenny Hamilton at 4425209.

Celebration of Life Gala


The Women’s Resource Center, a pregnancy assistance medical clinic, will host its annual Celebration of Life Gala on Thursday, Sept. 22 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at the Natchitoches Events Center in Natchitoches. The guest speaker will be Blythe Newsome, a radio show host, columnist, and single mother of six children. Within an 18-month period, Blythe and her children faced divorce, a death to cancer, losing a home, and starting a new career. In 2008, her family was featured on an episode of “Super Nanny.” Blythe offers insight, encouragement, and hope to young women. Tickets are $25 and may be purchased by calling 318-357-8888.

New Certified FPT Teaching Couples

FATHER’S DAY AWARDS. Winners of the Father’s Day Awards held at Our Lady of Lourdes Church in Winnfield are Victor Lee Page (Religious Father Award), Justin Durbin (Youngest Father Award), Father Christian Ogbanna (Our Father Award), and Larry Belin (Oldest Father Award)

Avoyelles Parish Businesses

Advertise in The Church Today Contact Carla Moreau 318-346-7829

The Diocese of Alexandria now has two more certified natural family planning teaching couples for the Couple to Couple League. They are both certified to teach the Sympto-Thermal Method of natural family planning through the Couple to Couple League International. The new instructors are Blake and Kim Kramer from Winnsboro and Chris and Lisa Guillet from Natchitoches. NFP classes can now be offered in these areas and will be more convenient for interested couples to attend.

8TH GRADE GRADUATION, ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, BUNKIE. Twenty students graduated from the 8th grade on May 26 from St. Anthony of Padua School in Bunkie. The are (front row)

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August 15, 2011

August - September Monday



School starts: • Menard HS • Sacred Heart School • St. Anthony of Padua • St. Mary’s Assumption • St. Joseph School



School starts: • St. Mary’s, Natchitoches


LSUA Welcome Dinner 6:00 pm LSUA Catholic Center


Public Rosary 8:15 pm Marksville





School starts: • OLPS • St. Frances Cabrini




FEAST of the ASSUMPTION of the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY Holy Day of Obligation is abrogated PRAY FOR FR. J. O’BRIEN


Light Weigh Meeting 5:00 pm Westside Library, Alexandria



Light Weigh Meeting 5:00 pm Westside Library, Alexandria



VIRTUS Training 6:00 pm St. Mary’s Assumption School, Cottonport




Public Rosary 8:15 pm Marksville


Light Weigh Meeting 5:00 pm Westside Library, Alexandria










La. College Jacob Society BBQ Bash 6:00-8:00 pm LC, Pineville

Light Weigh Meeting 5:00 pm Westside Library, Alexandria


VIRTUS Training 6:00 pm St. Mary’s School, Natchitoches PRAY FOR FR. J. VELEZ






SEPTEMBER Public Rosary 8:15 pm Marksville


Public Rosary 8:15 pm Marksville














11 10th Anniversary of 9/11




Deadline to sign up for Circus of the Kids


Catholic Homeschoolers Play Date 12:00 noon-2:00 pm Kees Park, Pineville

VIRTUS Training 6:00 pm St. Francis de Sales, Echo PRAY FOR FR. E. RODRIGUEZ-HERNANDEZ




VIRTUS Training 6:00 pm St. Joseph Catholic Center, Alexandria




Public Rosary 8:15 pm Marksville








Beginning Experience -- Maryhill Renewal Center PRAY FOR FR. J. XAVIER






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