Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic Church 9323 Highway 165 South, Woodworth, Louisiana
Rev. John Pardue, Pastor
Church Mailing Address: P. O. Box 408
2120 Coulee Crossing, Woodworth, LA
Office Hours: TWTh 8:00-noon (318) 487-9894 or 767-6508 Secretary/Bookkeeper: Laura Callico, Cantor/Music Director: Priscilla Gadel,
Rev. Blake Deshautelle, In Residence Mailing Address: P.O. Box 408, Woodworth, LA 71485 Telephone: (318) 445-7554
Third Sunday of Easter, April 22, 2012
CALENDAR Saturday, April 21 4:00 pm Mass - Mark Gagnard + Sunday, April 22 8:00 am Mass - Linda Roshto + 3:30-5:00 pm - Girl Scout Meeting - Hall 5:30 Mass - For the People Monday, April 23 No Mass 6:00-7:00 pm - Cub Scout Meeting - Hall Tuesday, April 24 7:00 am Mass - Elise Parish Wednesday, April 25 7:00 am Mass - Carl Bess, Jr. + Thursday, April 26 7:00 am Mass - Eloise Florence 5:30-6:30 pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Friday, April 27 7:00 am Mass - William W. Floyd, Sr. + Saturday, April 28 4:00 pm Mass - Col. Goldie Ladner + Sunday, April 29 7:30 am - Rosary 8:00 am Mass - Cue Domingues + 5:30 pm Mass - For the People
Sanctuary Candle burns in memory of Mark Gagnard
Dear Parishioners, I need to clear up some misunderstanding about stipends for Mass intentions. Sometimes people will give a priest a single check, say, for $100, for a Mass stipend. There will be a note attached that reads for Masses or for a Mass and there will be only one intention listed. What that individual may not realize is that the standard Mass stipend is $5. What does the priest do with all that extra money? Diocesan policy is that when the wish of the donor is unclear, then he must take the amount of money, divide it by $5, and say that number of Masses for that same intention, or 20 Masses in the above example. Simple, problem solved. No, not really. Sometimes the check could be as much as $500 or 100 Masses. The problem is that at MMJ we say only 6 Masses per week for stipend or about 24 per month. That $500 would absorb almost one-third of the annual intentions. Normally we are not allowed to offer more than one intention per Mass and accept the stipend and no priest is ever allowed to accept more than one stipend per day. Moreover, a priest is not allowed to accept more intentions than he can fulfill in one year. Scheduling large numbers of Mass intentions for anyone is not fair to everyone else. The diocesan policy for this common dilemma is that those remaining intentions are mailed to the diocese. They are then allocated to another priest to satisfy. Please understand if you offer a large sum of intentions to the parish office for Masses that there is no certainty that those Masses will be celebrated here in this parish. They may be celebrated somewhere else by another priest. I don’t mind sending them off, but I thought that you should know. Sincerely yours,
2nd Sunday Breakfast will be held on the first Sunday in May
Father John
May 6, 2012 after 8:00 am Mass This will be our last breakfast before the summer break.
READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND Acts 4: 8-12; Jn 3: 1-2; Jn 10: 11-18 World Day of Prayer for Vocations
REGULAR COLLECTION 04/15/2012 Average Weekly Expenses Last Qtr Last Weekend’s Collection Diocese of Jagdalpur Building Fund (gifts since 7/1/11)
$2,846.00 $1,742.00 $1,681.00 $1,360.00
Thank you for your generosity! CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND The Catholic Home Missions Appeal works to support home mission dioceses in the United States by supporting seminarian formation in poor dioceses. Often home mission priests and lay ministers require special training to attend to the unique needs of their faith communities. Your support is necessary for the success of these and other projects. Please help strengthen the Church at home through your generosity to this Appeal. CHARISMATIC DAY OF RENEWAL The Diocesan Service Committee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of the Diocese of Alexandria will host a Day of Renewal on Saturday, April 28, at St. Joseph Church in Colfax. Speakers will be Aggie Neck and Joan Gahagan. Registration will begin at 8:00 am and end with a Vigil Mass at 4:00 pm. Cost is $15, which includes lunch. Call Diane Ardoin at 419-1547. WE PRAY FOR THOSE AMONG US ... ACUTELY ILL: Beverly Aleshire, Darren Aleshire, Lovie Bennett, Jane Blaney, Deanna Brister, Cameron Brown, Marie Busch, Dr. James David, Amy Ladner Davis, Frances deLaunay, Walter, Jr. and Jackie Deptula, Linder Holland, Judy John, Richard Kelly, Elsie Marcon, Donald Parker, Linda Pearson, Fred Randow, Sean Redmond, Elaine Roy, Ronnie Spurlock, Sr., T.J. Swain, Connie Ray Teutsch. SICK OR RECOVERING: Patricia Arnold, Pat Boudreaux, Joann Brock, Andre Busch, Anna M. Busch, Barbara Busch, Juanita Busch, Kevin Busch, Thomas Busch, Ed Carroll, George Coker, Betty Daigle, Patsy Fremin, Robert Hall, Brenda Holloway, Bruce Laborde, Mary Anne Lard, Steve Mathews, Merlyn Maillian, Clementine Matherne, Michael McGuire, Michelle McGuire, Yessica McGuire, LaVern Moser, Jillian Newsom, Gayle Odum, James Odum, Dana Parker, Karen Rambo Roberts, Francis Snoddy, Ann Williamson. HOMEBOUND: Beverly Aleshire, Joan Alpha, Marty Doiron. (Use a pew envelope to add or remove names or call Laura at 487-9894 or 767-6508.)
RISE UP MEN OF MERCY CONFERENCE The Seventh Men’s Conference will be held at Maryhill Renewal Center in Pineville on Saturday, May 12, from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Speakers will include Fr. Harold Imamshah, Dr. Joseph Hollcraft, Dan Jurek and Paul Hood. Bishop Herzog will officially open the conference. Cost is $50. Housing at Maryhill will be available for an added fee. Flyers will be available soon in the vestibule. SHEPHERD CENTER FUNDRAISER The Shepherd Center will sponsor Italian Feast 2012 on Sunday, April 29, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at the Roy O. Martin Building, 2189 Memorial Drive in Alexandria. The menu will include salad, spaghetti and meatballs, seafood alfredo, pasta Italian, lasagna, garlic bread, bread pudding, cake, and iced tea. Tickets are $25 per person. Kids under 12 eat free. Carry-out will be available. The Shepherd Center is a ministry of last resort for those who do not qualify for assistance through other programs. Contact Amanda McCoy at 448-3752 ext 210. ORDINATION OF DEACON RAY Deacon Charles Ray will receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders on Saturday, May 26 at 10:00 am at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral. He will celebrate his first Mass on Sunday, May 27 at 11:00 am at the Cathedral. CHURCH INFORMATION WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 4:00 pm. Sunday 8:00 am & 5:30 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: 7:00 am Tuesday thru Friday. HOLY DAY MASSES: as announced. FIRST SATURDAY MASS: 9 am in Honor of the Blessed Mother. BAPTISM PREPARATION: e-mail or call pastor to schedule. MARRIAGE PREPARATION: e-mail or call pastor to schedule first appointment at least six (6) months in advance. FUNERAL SERVICES: only the funeral home may schedule. When making arrangements, have director call pastor personally. CONFESSION: 30 mins before weekend Masses; any time on request ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Upon request. HOSPITALIZATION: e-mail or call pastor at any time, give patient’s name, hospital and room number. SERIOUS ILLNESS, DEATH, DYING: call pastor at any time. OF COUNSEL TO OUR PASTOR PASTORAL COUNCIL: Butch Doiron, Brad Gadel, Priscilla Gadel, Runnie Hunter, Rodney Lamkin, Bobbie Long, Grant Ogaard FINANCE COUNCIL: Ed Carroll; Pat Brister, Trustee; Chuck Reich; Gary Delaney, Trustee