Mary, Mother of Jesus bulletin, Jan. 24, 2016

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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

January 23 - January 24, 2016



From The Pastor

Mardi Gras Parade

Our First Monday Suppers began as a fundraiser to assist in paying the loan acquired to purchase 5+ acres of land adjacent to our church. That loan was paid off in September 2014. These suppers have continued as both a fundraiser and community builder. However, after almost 3 years, the committed group of parishioners who have prepared, cooked, served, and cleaned-up after these suppers are in need of our help and support. I know you join me in wanting these meals to continue. An important meeting will be held on Monday, February 1 at 6:00PM in Cumella Hall. Please plan to be present and offer your help!!

Once again we will be participating in the Annual Woodworth Mardi Gras Parade on January 30. Thanks to Diane Fuqua for once again agreeing to chair our parish participation. We need your support with ideas, volunteers, and throws. If you would like to donate beads or candy, a box will be located in the Narthex. If you have any ideas or would like to help email

Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic Church Parish Offices Monday - Thursday 8:00AM to 2:00PM 9323 Highway 165 South - P. O. Box 408, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485 Phone - (318) 487-9894/Fax - (318) 445-0436 PARISH STAFF

From Cross Catholic Outreach “Thank you for the welcome you extended to Father Thomas Wantland on his recent visit to our parish. On behalf of the poorest of the poor, we thank you for having shared in their lives. May our Lord continue to bless all of you for your love and support.”

Lenten Fish Fry & First Monday Supper The Men of MMJ will be sponsoring a Fish Fry on the Fridays of Lent beginning February 12 and ending March 18. Therefore, we will suspend the First Monday Suppers for those two months, resuming on Monday, April 4.

Sunday Morning Coffee Fellowship Thanks to those who prepare and serve “coffee and…” on Sundays following the 8:00AM Mass. This ministry provides our parish with a time of good food and fellowship. Sign up sheets are now available for February, March, April and May. If you would like to assist in this ministry by providing a light “breakfast” following the 8:00AM Sunday Mass, please contact Mrs. Bobbie Long at (318) 442-3578.

TOPS Weight Loss Meeting Monday, January 25, 2016 5:30PM - Cumella Hall

Cub Scout Pack 9323 Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:00PM - Cumella Hall For all boys in grades 1 - 5.

2016 Central Louisiana March for Life Saturday, January 30, 2016 10:00AM to 12:30PM A historic pro-life march from Pineville to downtown Alexandria! We gather by 9:45AM at Louisiana College. This is an incredible opportunity for us to give witness by our presence to the value and dignity of all human life.

Blessing of the Throats The feast of St. Blaise, occurs on Tuesday, February 3. Therefore, a general blessing of throats will be offered as the final blessing at all masses next weekend. Individual blessings will be offered on the feast day itself.

Liturgical Ministries’ Meeting

This first-ever event is sponsored by Louisiana Right to Life, Louisiana College, Louisiana Baptist Convention, Catholic Diocese of Alexandria, United Pentecostal Church of Louisiana, Louisiana Family Forum, Knights of Columbus, and Concerned Women for America.

Wednesday, February 3 Lectors: 6:00PM Ministers of Holy Communion: 6:45PM These meetings are for all current ministers and anyone interested in joining either of these ministries. Please contact Fr. Paul if you are unable to be present. 4

Priscilla Gadel, Director of M usic

Rev. Paul M. LaPalme, Pastor

(318) 442-2245 -

2120 Coulee Crossing Road, Woodworth, LA 71485 (318) 487-9894 -

Dr. Mary DeVille, Organist

(318) 487-9894 -

Deacon Patrick McCusker, Permanent Deacon (318) 443-2145 -

Kathy Rachall, Secretary/Book k eeper

(318) 487-9894 -

Michelle Lemoine, Director, Religious Education (318) 305-3898 -

Matt Brundrett, Y outh M inister

(225) 274-5196 -

Katie Upton, Y outh M inister

(318) 308-9991 -

CJ Fuqua, Janitorial & M aintenance

(318) 880-8993 -

TOPS Meeting Monday, January 25th (see back page)

Cub Scout Pack 9323 Tuesday, January 26th (see back page)

March For Life

Saturday, January 30th (see back page) Sacraments of the Church Reconciliation/Confession 30 minutes before every weekend Mass for 15 minutes. Baptism Celebrated during any weekend Mass or on Sunday afternoons. Contact the church office. Holy Matrimony Contact the pastor at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick and Communion Calls Please call the office when a parishioner is confined at home, is in the hospital, or placed in a nursing home or hospice. Holy Communion is brought weekly to all shut-ins. Mass of Christian Burial All arrangements should be made directly with the funeral home who will then contact the church.

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Intentions WEEK OF JANUARY 23, 2016


Reg. Collection: Support Of Our Parish Add’l Collection: Church in Latin America

Reg. Collection:

SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 4:00PM - C. E. Reich; Lena & Lance Tassin

SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 4:00PM - Christine LaPalme

Lector: A. Stevens Server: T. Foshee

Support Of Our Parish

Lector: B. Patty Server: B. Gadel

SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 8:00AM - Paul J. Barker

SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 8:00AM - Gloria Dupre

Lector: G. Delaney Server: L. Delaney

Lector: D. Bess Server: E. Fuqua

10:30AM - Audrey (Tiffee) Walker

10:30AM - Camille Smith

Lector: J. Antee Server: I. Antee

Lector: J. Louviere Server: B. Coreil

5:30PM - For Our Parish Family

5:30PM - For Our Parish Family

Lector: J. Louviere Server: V. Montalvo

Lector: M. Scalfano Server: I. Antee

MONDAY, JANUARY 25 7:00AM - Intentions of Steve & Joanne Deptula

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 7:00AM - For the unborn TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7:00AM - For those on death row

TUESDAY, JANUARY 26 7:00AM - Kristi Mayfield

January 23 - January 24, 2016



OFFERTORY GIFTS - 01/17/2016 Total # of envelopes 43 Avg. identifiable gift $ 67.00 Weekly Collection $ 3,108.00 EFT Collection $ 195.00 Weekly Goal $ 3,916.00 Shortage $ 613.00

Our Recently Deceased Archbishop Francis B. Schulte Audrey (Tiffee) Walker Our Sick Landen Bradford, Charlie Butler, Richard Campbell, Louise Gagnard, Donnie Hernandez, Debbie Houpaugh, Leo Ladner, Evelyn Lamkin, Paul Lauve, Mathew Leotta, Eilene Long, Richie Long, Vernon Mathews, Mary Mayeaux, John McClure, Charles & Judy Medica, Donna Pearson, Angie Roberts, Jenny Butler Spurlock, Vivian Tumminello

Thank You For Your Generosity!

Stewardship Note Today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke offers us the first words of Jesus as he begins his public ministry. The words reflect his understanding of his Spirit-anointed mission. His words are his “Mission Statement.” Good stewards rejoice in being followers of Jesus. They realize that Jesus’ commission is their commission as well. They embrace it and adopt it as their own. We, too, have “glad tidings” to bring to a suffering world. This year, how will we fulfill Christ’s commission in the world in which he has placed us, using the gifts he has entrusted to us?

Our Recovering Cameron Brown, Amy Ladner Davis, Walter, Jr. & Jackie Deptula, Deacon Patrick McCusker, Brandon Parish, Rickey Sayes, Joseph & Irene Thompson, Sarah Waits Our Homebound Joan Alpha, Marty Doiron, Richard Kelly, Ray Reich, Fleta Waits, Mary Virginia Young

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 7:00AM - For the aged and infirmed

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr.

Our Nursing Home Residents Florence Broussard, Rose Ponthieux, Emma Wells

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 7:00AM - For the terminally ill

THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 7:00AM - Bernice Moore 1st anniv.

If you are a victim or survivor of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy or representatives of the Catholic Church and you want to make a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese, arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, and/or to obtain support for the needs of the individual and families, call Dr. Lee Kneipp, Victim Assistance Coordinator (318) 623-3804 or the Diocesan HOTLINE (318) 445-1427. Diocesan “Protecting our Children - Understanding, Reporting, and Preventing Child Abuse” brochures are available in the narthex bookcase.

Sanctuary Candle Burns This Week In loving memory of Gloria Dupre by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Conques If you would like to have a loved one or special intention remembered by providing for the sanctuary candle, please contact the parish office. The cost is $5.00 per candle. 2

Our Active Duty Military Timothy Deptula, Travis Edwards, Michael Smilie Our First Eucharist Candidates Michael Duplechien, Jackson Landry, Tristan Mahfouz, Isabel Martinez, Josue Martinez, Lily Ogaard, Breanne Williams

Daily Prayer For Priests A prayer calendar is published to encourage daily prayer for the priests of our Diocese. For this coming week they are:

Our Confirmation Candidates Ashlyn Leleux, Kelsi Mahfouz, Gabrielle Roy

January 23 - Father Jacob Thomas January 24 - Father August Thompson January 25 - Msgr. John Timmermans January 26 - Father Adam Travis January 27 - Father Gabrial Uzondu January 28 - Father Abraham Varghese January 29 - Father Vic Vead

Those Preparing for Matrimony Natalie Difulco & John DeVille If you know of anyone who should be included or removed, please contact Kathy at the Church office. You may also use a pew envelope for this purpose. 3

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Intentions WEEK OF JANUARY 23, 2016


Reg. Collection: Support Of Our Parish Add’l Collection: Church in Latin America

Reg. Collection:

SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 4:00PM - C. E. Reich; Lena & Lance Tassin

SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 4:00PM - Christine LaPalme

Lector: A. Stevens Server: T. Foshee

Support Of Our Parish

Lector: B. Patty Server: B. Gadel

SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 8:00AM - Paul J. Barker

SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 8:00AM - Gloria Dupre

Lector: G. Delaney Server: L. Delaney

Lector: D. Bess Server: E. Fuqua

10:30AM - Audrey (Tiffee) Walker

10:30AM - Camille Smith

Lector: J. Antee Server: I. Antee

Lector: J. Louviere Server: B. Coreil

5:30PM - For Our Parish Family

5:30PM - For Our Parish Family

Lector: J. Louviere Server: V. Montalvo

Lector: M. Scalfano Server: I. Antee

MONDAY, JANUARY 25 7:00AM - Intentions of Steve & Joanne Deptula

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 7:00AM - For the unborn TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 7:00AM - For those on death row

TUESDAY, JANUARY 26 7:00AM - Kristi Mayfield

January 23 - January 24, 2016



OFFERTORY GIFTS - 01/17/2016 Total # of envelopes 43 Avg. identifiable gift $ 67.00 Weekly Collection $ 3,108.00 EFT Collection $ 195.00 Weekly Goal $ 3,916.00 Shortage $ 613.00

Our Recently Deceased Archbishop Francis B. Schulte Audrey (Tiffee) Walker Our Sick Landen Bradford, Charlie Butler, Richard Campbell, Louise Gagnard, Donnie Hernandez, Debbie Houpaugh, Leo Ladner, Evelyn Lamkin, Paul Lauve, Mathew Leotta, Eilene Long, Richie Long, Vernon Mathews, Mary Mayeaux, John McClure, Charles & Judy Medica, Donna Pearson, Angie Roberts, Jenny Butler Spurlock, Vivian Tumminello

Thank You For Your Generosity!

Stewardship Note Today’s reading from the Gospel of Luke offers us the first words of Jesus as he begins his public ministry. The words reflect his understanding of his Spirit-anointed mission. His words are his “Mission Statement.” Good stewards rejoice in being followers of Jesus. They realize that Jesus’ commission is their commission as well. They embrace it and adopt it as their own. We, too, have “glad tidings” to bring to a suffering world. This year, how will we fulfill Christ’s commission in the world in which he has placed us, using the gifts he has entrusted to us?

Our Recovering Cameron Brown, Amy Ladner Davis, Walter, Jr. & Jackie Deptula, Deacon Patrick McCusker, Brandon Parish, Rickey Sayes, Joseph & Irene Thompson, Sarah Waits Our Homebound Joan Alpha, Marty Doiron, Richard Kelly, Ray Reich, Fleta Waits, Mary Virginia Young

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 7:00AM - For the aged and infirmed

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr.

Our Nursing Home Residents Florence Broussard, Rose Ponthieux, Emma Wells

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 7:00AM - For the terminally ill

THURSDAY, JANUARY 28 7:00AM - Bernice Moore 1st anniv.

If you are a victim or survivor of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy or representatives of the Catholic Church and you want to make a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese, arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, and/or to obtain support for the needs of the individual and families, call Dr. Lee Kneipp, Victim Assistance Coordinator (318) 623-3804 or the Diocesan HOTLINE (318) 445-1427. Diocesan “Protecting our Children - Understanding, Reporting, and Preventing Child Abuse” brochures are available in the narthex bookcase.

Sanctuary Candle Burns This Week In loving memory of Gloria Dupre by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Conques If you would like to have a loved one or special intention remembered by providing for the sanctuary candle, please contact the parish office. The cost is $5.00 per candle. 2

Our Active Duty Military Timothy Deptula, Travis Edwards, Michael Smilie Our First Eucharist Candidates Michael Duplechien, Jackson Landry, Tristan Mahfouz, Isabel Martinez, Josue Martinez, Lily Ogaard, Breanne Williams

Daily Prayer For Priests A prayer calendar is published to encourage daily prayer for the priests of our Diocese. For this coming week they are:

Our Confirmation Candidates Ashlyn Leleux, Kelsi Mahfouz, Gabrielle Roy

January 23 - Father Jacob Thomas January 24 - Father August Thompson January 25 - Msgr. John Timmermans January 26 - Father Adam Travis January 27 - Father Gabrial Uzondu January 28 - Father Abraham Varghese January 29 - Father Vic Vead

Those Preparing for Matrimony Natalie Difulco & John DeVille If you know of anyone who should be included or removed, please contact Kathy at the Church office. You may also use a pew envelope for this purpose. 3

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

January 23 - January 24, 2016



From The Pastor

Mardi Gras Parade

Our First Monday Suppers began as a fundraiser to assist in paying the loan acquired to purchase 5+ acres of land adjacent to our church. That loan was paid off in September 2014. These suppers have continued as both a fundraiser and community builder. However, after almost 3 years, the committed group of parishioners who have prepared, cooked, served, and cleaned-up after these suppers are in need of our help and support. I know you join me in wanting these meals to continue. An important meeting will be held on Monday, February 1 at 6:00PM in Cumella Hall. Please plan to be present and offer your help!!

Once again we will be participating in the Annual Woodworth Mardi Gras Parade on January 30. Thanks to Diane Fuqua for once again agreeing to chair our parish participation. We need your support with ideas, volunteers, and throws. If you would like to donate beads or candy, a box will be located in the Narthex. If you have any ideas or would like to help email

Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic Church Parish Offices Monday - Thursday 8:00AM to 2:00PM 9323 Highway 165 South - P. O. Box 408, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485 Phone - (318) 487-9894/Fax - (318) 445-0436 PARISH STAFF

From Cross Catholic Outreach “Thank you for the welcome you extended to Father Thomas Wantland on his recent visit to our parish. On behalf of the poorest of the poor, we thank you for having shared in their lives. May our Lord continue to bless all of you for your love and support.”

Lenten Fish Fry & First Monday Supper The Men of MMJ will be sponsoring a Fish Fry on the Fridays of Lent beginning February 12 and ending March 18. Therefore, we will suspend the First Monday Suppers for those two months, resuming on Monday, April 4.

Sunday Morning Coffee Fellowship Thanks to those who prepare and serve “coffee and…” on Sundays following the 8:00AM Mass. This ministry provides our parish with a time of good food and fellowship. Sign up sheets are now available for February, March, April and May. If you would like to assist in this ministry by providing a light “breakfast” following the 8:00AM Sunday Mass, please contact Mrs. Bobbie Long at (318) 442-3578.

TOPS Weight Loss Meeting Monday, January 25, 2016 5:30PM - Cumella Hall

Cub Scout Pack 9323 Tuesday, January 26, 2016 6:00PM - Cumella Hall For all boys in grades 1 - 5.

2016 Central Louisiana March for Life Saturday, January 30, 2016 10:00AM to 12:30PM A historic pro-life march from Pineville to downtown Alexandria! We gather by 9:45AM at Louisiana College. This is an incredible opportunity for us to give witness by our presence to the value and dignity of all human life.

Blessing of the Throats The feast of St. Blaise, occurs on Tuesday, February 3. Therefore, a general blessing of throats will be offered as the final blessing at all masses next weekend. Individual blessings will be offered on the feast day itself.

Liturgical Ministries’ Meeting

This first-ever event is sponsored by Louisiana Right to Life, Louisiana College, Louisiana Baptist Convention, Catholic Diocese of Alexandria, United Pentecostal Church of Louisiana, Louisiana Family Forum, Knights of Columbus, and Concerned Women for America.

Wednesday, February 3 Lectors: 6:00PM Ministers of Holy Communion: 6:45PM These meetings are for all current ministers and anyone interested in joining either of these ministries. Please contact Fr. Paul if you are unable to be present. 4

Priscilla Gadel, Director of M usic

Rev. Paul M. LaPalme, Pastor

(318) 442-2245 -

2120 Coulee Crossing Road, Woodworth, LA 71485 (318) 487-9894 -

Dr. Mary DeVille, Organist

(318) 487-9894 -

Deacon Patrick McCusker, Permanent Deacon (318) 443-2145 -

Kathy Rachall, Secretary/Book k eeper

(318) 487-9894 -

Michelle Lemoine, Director, Religious Education (318) 305-3898 -

Matt Brundrett, Y outh M inister

(225) 274-5196 -

Katie Upton, Y outh M inister

(318) 308-9991 -

CJ Fuqua, Janitorial & M aintenance

(318) 880-8993 -

TOPS Meeting Monday, January 25th (see back page)

Cub Scout Pack 9323 Tuesday, January 26th (see back page)

March For Life

Saturday, January 30th (see back page) Sacraments of the Church Reconciliation/Confession 30 minutes before every weekend Mass for 15 minutes. Baptism Celebrated during any weekend Mass or on Sunday afternoons. Contact the church office. Holy Matrimony Contact the pastor at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick and Communion Calls Please call the office when a parishioner is confined at home, is in the hospital, or placed in a nursing home or hospice. Holy Communion is brought weekly to all shut-ins. Mass of Christian Burial All arrangements should be made directly with the funeral home who will then contact the church.

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