Mary, Mother of Jesus bulletin, April 5, 2-15

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Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

April 4 - April 5, 2015



April 6th - 5:00PM to 7:00PM - Cumella Hall $7 per plate - Dine In or Take Out Menu: Beef Tips, Rice & Gravy, Corn Casserole, Salad & Bread

As the concluding rite to the 10:30AM Mass, we have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and pray the chaplet of the Divine Mercy followed by Benediction. Everyone is encouraged to join us as we thank God through Jesus Christ for the gifts of his mercy and compassion lavishly poured out upon us, his sons and daughters. The traditional devotion includes three elements: 1) The proper disposition of Hear and mind to receive God’s graces; 2) The praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet on Divine Mercy Sunday; and, 3) Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you are not able to do so before hand, you may go to Confession sometime later after Divine Mercy Sunday.

PRAYER GROUP Every Thursday Morning 9:00AM - In the Church

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Monthly on the 3rd Wednesday 10:00AM - Cumella Hall Contact Gerry Craft at (318) 448-3152 or Priscilla Gadel at (318) 446-5502

MEN’S GROUP MEETING Wednesday, April 15th 5:30PM - 7:00PM in Cumella Hall

EASTER MEMORIAL FLOWER FUND It’s still not too late to contribute to this fund which enables us to decorate our church during the 50 days of the Easter season. A list of the donors and the names of those being remembered will by published at the end of the Easter Season in the May 30-31, 2015 bulletin. The suggested donation is $10. You may use the envelope in your packets, or one in the pew. Remember to include the name(s) of your loved one(s) to be remembered and the name(s) of the donor.

ADDITIONAL COLLECTION Your donation to the Infirm Priests Fund this weekend will help to replenish the fund, which provides assistance for our sick priests when illness exceeds the extent of our group health coverage limits. This is a wonderful expression of gratitude to the priests who have served you so well over the years. And please also remember them in your prayers, recalling their generosity to you.

MUSIC MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS CHURCH I’m pleased to announce that beginning next Sunday, April 12th our organist, Dr. Mary DeVille, will also be providing music ministry at the 10:30AM Mass along cantor Angela Hawthorne. Since music is an essential element of the Catholic Mass. I know that we are all pleased by this enhancement to our parish worship.

LOCAL AREA NEWS GUYS AND DOLLS April 15-19, 2015 Presented by Holy Savior Menard H/S Coughlin Saunders Performing Arts Center $12 in advance & $15 at the door For times, dates & tickets visit

CENLA ACTS RETREAT FOR WOMEN June 4th - 7th at Maryhill Registration forms are in the Narthex or can be downloaded at Registration closes on April 20th.

`tÜç? `Éà{xÜ Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ PARISH OFFICES Monday - Thursday 8:00AM to 2:00PM 9323 Highway 165 South - P. O. Box 408, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485 Phone - (318) 487-9894/Fax - (318) 445-0436 PARISH STAFF Rev. Paul M. LaPalme, Pastoral Administrator 2120 Coulee Crossing Road, Woodworth, LA 71485 (318) 487-9894 -

Deacon Patrick McCusker, Permanent Deacon (318) 443-2145 -

Kathy Rachall, Secretary/Bookkeeper

Priscilla Gadel, Director of Music

Dr. Mary DeVille, Organist Matt Brundrett, Youth Minister - (225) 274-5196

Katie Upton, Youth Minister - (318) 308-9991

HAPPY EASTER TO YOU AND THOSE YOU LOVE!! HOLY WATER BOTTLES Located in the Sanctuary - Please Take Some Home 1ST MONDAY SUPPER Monday, April 6 @ 5:00pm to 7:00pm (see page 4) SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH Reconciliation/Confession 30 minutes before every weekend Mass for 15 minutes. Baptism Celebrated during any weekend Mass or on Sunday afternoons. Contact the church office. Holy Matrimony Contact the pastor at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick and Communion Calls Please call the office when a parishioner is confined at home, is in the hospital, or placed in a nursing home or hospice. Holy Communion is brought weekly to all shut-ins. Mass of Christian Burial All arrangements should be made directly with the funeral home who will then contact the church.


Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

WEEK OF APRIL 11, 2015



SATURDAY, APRIL 4 7:30PM - Easter Vigil

SATURDAY, APRIL 11 4:00PM - Roy Deville

Lector: K. & B. Chapman, B. Patty, A. Stevens, S. Cranford & J. Louviere Server: B. Gadel

SUNDAY, APRIL 5 8:00AM - Our Parish Family Lector: C. Sayes Server: L. Delaney

10:30AM - Our Parish Family Lector: J. Foote Server: TBD

5:30PM - For the People Lector: M. Leleux Server: M. Leleux

MONDAY, APRIL 6 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr. TUESDAY, APRIL 7 7:00AM - Max Kroll WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 7:00AM - Jacquelyn Brown THURSDAY, APRIL 9 7:00AM - Jack Ellington FRIDAY, APRIL 10 NO MASS

SANCTUARY CANDLE BURNS THIS WEEK In loving memory of Sandy Maltese by her family If you would like to have a loved one or special intention remembered by providing for the sanctuary candle, please call the office at 318487-9894 or email The cost is $5.00 per candle.


Lector: A. Stevens Server: D. Foshee

SUNDAY, APRIL 12 8:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr. Lector: D. Bess Server: R. Hunter

10:30AM - Ernestine Moras 43rd Anniversary Lector: A. Duos Server: L. Leleux

5:30PM - For the People Lector: A. Massey Server: B. Massey

MONDAY, APRIL 13 7:00AM - Raymond “Sonny” Tucker TUESDAY, APRIL 14 7:00AM - Andy Brown WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 7:00AM - Nancy Weidner THURSDAY, APRIL 16 7:00AM - David Foshee, Sr. FRIDAY, APRIL 17 NO MASS



OFFERTORY GIFTS - 03/29/2015

OUR SICK… Margarete Andries, Lovie Bennett, Billy Brock, Richard Campbell, Jeanette Clark, Gabrele Dupont, Amanda Durand, Betty Jones, Daniel Jones, Richard Kelly, Terry Kohler, Ralph Lampert, Paul Lauve, Michael Long, Elsie Marcon, John Massy, Susan McKinney, Leigh Anne Mulvey, Huey Ponthieux, Angie Roberts, Irma & Connie Ray Teutsch, Melissa Thompson, Vivian Tumminello, Julius Walker, Joyce Weems

Total # of envelopes Avg. identifiable gift Weekly Collection EFT Collection Weekly Goal

$ $ $ $

47 46.00 2,616.00 120.00 3,916.00




Goal for March (5 wks) Received for March Short for March

$ $ $

19,580.00 19,207.00 373.00

Building Fund




STEWARDSHIP NOTE “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (COLOSSIANS 3:2) On this day we thank God for His Son, Jesus, who died and rose for us. We celebrate and sing “Alleluia.” Let’s try to keep the joy of this Easter season in our hearts throughout the year! Pray daily and listen for God’s response on how we should use our gifts to fulfill His plan.

OUR RECOVERING... Rhonda Bolen, Cameron Brown, Amy Ladner Davis, Derwood Delaney, Walter, Jr. & Jackie Deptula, Carson Glascock, Charie Hakeman, Glynn Kohler, Mary Mayeux, Philip Paige, Donna Pearson, Harold Roshto OUR SHUT-INS, AND HOMEBOUND... Joan Alpha, Marty Doiron, Karen Guidry, Daphne Land, Ray Reich, Nell Rice, Fleta Waits, Mary Virginia Young OUR NURSING HOME RESIDENTS… Florence Broussard, Rose Ponthieux OUR ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY… Travis Edwards

2015 ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL Our Parish Goal: Pledged to date: Collected to date:

If you are a victim or survivor - of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy or representatives of the Catholic Church and you want to make a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese, arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, and/or to obtain support for the needs of the individual and families, call Ms Mary Girard, Victim Assistance Coordinator (318) 623-3804 or the Diocesan HOTLINE (318) 445-1427.

April 4 - April 5, 2015

$11,050.00 $13,112.00 $10,120.50

On behalf of Bishop Herzog and myself thank you for your generosity to the Annual Diocesan Appeal. Your gift can make a real difference by supporting faith formation, education of our youth and in the education and formation of 10 seminarians. If you have not made your gift it is not too late. Pledge envelopes are available in the Narthex. They can be placed in the collection basket, brought to the parish office or mailed directly back to the diocese.

If you know of anyone who should be included or removed, please contact Kathy at the Church office. You may also use a pew envelope for this purpose. We would also like to include the names of any active duty military for whom you would like us to pray. If you know any nursing home residents for whom you would like us to pray, please inform Kathy of their names.


Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

WEEK OF APRIL 11, 2015



SATURDAY, APRIL 4 7:30PM - Easter Vigil

SATURDAY, APRIL 11 4:00PM - Roy Deville

Lector: K. & B. Chapman, B. Patty, A. Stevens, S. Cranford & J. Louviere Server: B. Gadel

SUNDAY, APRIL 5 8:00AM - Our Parish Family Lector: C. Sayes Server: L. Delaney

10:30AM - Our Parish Family Lector: J. Foote Server: TBD

5:30PM - For the People Lector: M. Leleux Server: M. Leleux

MONDAY, APRIL 6 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr. TUESDAY, APRIL 7 7:00AM - Max Kroll WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8 7:00AM - Jacquelyn Brown THURSDAY, APRIL 9 7:00AM - Jack Ellington FRIDAY, APRIL 10 NO MASS

SANCTUARY CANDLE BURNS THIS WEEK In loving memory of Sandy Maltese by her family If you would like to have a loved one or special intention remembered by providing for the sanctuary candle, please call the office at 318487-9894 or email The cost is $5.00 per candle.


Lector: A. Stevens Server: D. Foshee

SUNDAY, APRIL 12 8:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr. Lector: D. Bess Server: R. Hunter

10:30AM - Ernestine Moras 43rd Anniversary Lector: A. Duos Server: L. Leleux

5:30PM - For the People Lector: A. Massey Server: B. Massey

MONDAY, APRIL 13 7:00AM - Raymond “Sonny” Tucker TUESDAY, APRIL 14 7:00AM - Andy Brown WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 7:00AM - Nancy Weidner THURSDAY, APRIL 16 7:00AM - David Foshee, Sr. FRIDAY, APRIL 17 NO MASS



OFFERTORY GIFTS - 03/29/2015

OUR SICK… Margarete Andries, Lovie Bennett, Billy Brock, Richard Campbell, Jeanette Clark, Gabrele Dupont, Amanda Durand, Betty Jones, Daniel Jones, Richard Kelly, Terry Kohler, Ralph Lampert, Paul Lauve, Michael Long, Elsie Marcon, John Massy, Susan McKinney, Leigh Anne Mulvey, Huey Ponthieux, Angie Roberts, Irma & Connie Ray Teutsch, Melissa Thompson, Vivian Tumminello, Julius Walker, Joyce Weems

Total # of envelopes Avg. identifiable gift Weekly Collection EFT Collection Weekly Goal

$ $ $ $

47 46.00 2,616.00 120.00 3,916.00




Goal for March (5 wks) Received for March Short for March

$ $ $

19,580.00 19,207.00 373.00

Building Fund




STEWARDSHIP NOTE “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” (COLOSSIANS 3:2) On this day we thank God for His Son, Jesus, who died and rose for us. We celebrate and sing “Alleluia.” Let’s try to keep the joy of this Easter season in our hearts throughout the year! Pray daily and listen for God’s response on how we should use our gifts to fulfill His plan.

OUR RECOVERING... Rhonda Bolen, Cameron Brown, Amy Ladner Davis, Derwood Delaney, Walter, Jr. & Jackie Deptula, Carson Glascock, Charie Hakeman, Glynn Kohler, Mary Mayeux, Philip Paige, Donna Pearson, Harold Roshto OUR SHUT-INS, AND HOMEBOUND... Joan Alpha, Marty Doiron, Karen Guidry, Daphne Land, Ray Reich, Nell Rice, Fleta Waits, Mary Virginia Young OUR NURSING HOME RESIDENTS… Florence Broussard, Rose Ponthieux OUR ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY… Travis Edwards

2015 ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL Our Parish Goal: Pledged to date: Collected to date:

If you are a victim or survivor - of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy or representatives of the Catholic Church and you want to make a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese, arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, and/or to obtain support for the needs of the individual and families, call Ms Mary Girard, Victim Assistance Coordinator (318) 623-3804 or the Diocesan HOTLINE (318) 445-1427.

April 4 - April 5, 2015

$11,050.00 $13,112.00 $10,120.50

On behalf of Bishop Herzog and myself thank you for your generosity to the Annual Diocesan Appeal. Your gift can make a real difference by supporting faith formation, education of our youth and in the education and formation of 10 seminarians. If you have not made your gift it is not too late. Pledge envelopes are available in the Narthex. They can be placed in the collection basket, brought to the parish office or mailed directly back to the diocese.

If you know of anyone who should be included or removed, please contact Kathy at the Church office. You may also use a pew envelope for this purpose. We would also like to include the names of any active duty military for whom you would like us to pray. If you know any nursing home residents for whom you would like us to pray, please inform Kathy of their names.

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

April 4 - April 5, 2015



April 6th - 5:00PM to 7:00PM - Cumella Hall $7 per plate - Dine In or Take Out Menu: Beef Tips, Rice & Gravy, Corn Casserole, Salad & Bread

As the concluding rite to the 10:30AM Mass, we have exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and pray the chaplet of the Divine Mercy followed by Benediction. Everyone is encouraged to join us as we thank God through Jesus Christ for the gifts of his mercy and compassion lavishly poured out upon us, his sons and daughters. The traditional devotion includes three elements: 1) The proper disposition of Hear and mind to receive God’s graces; 2) The praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet on Divine Mercy Sunday; and, 3) Celebrating the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you are not able to do so before hand, you may go to Confession sometime later after Divine Mercy Sunday.

PRAYER GROUP Every Thursday Morning 9:00AM - In the Church

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Monthly on the 3rd Wednesday 10:00AM - Cumella Hall Contact Gerry Craft at (318) 448-3152 or Priscilla Gadel at (318) 446-5502

MEN’S GROUP MEETING Wednesday, April 15th 5:30PM - 7:00PM in Cumella Hall

EASTER MEMORIAL FLOWER FUND It’s still not too late to contribute to this fund which enables us to decorate our church during the 50 days of the Easter season. A list of the donors and the names of those being remembered will by published at the end of the Easter Season in the May 30-31, 2015 bulletin. The suggested donation is $10. You may use the envelope in your packets, or one in the pew. Remember to include the name(s) of your loved one(s) to be remembered and the name(s) of the donor.

ADDITIONAL COLLECTION Your donation to the Infirm Priests Fund this weekend will help to replenish the fund, which provides assistance for our sick priests when illness exceeds the extent of our group health coverage limits. This is a wonderful expression of gratitude to the priests who have served you so well over the years. And please also remember them in your prayers, recalling their generosity to you.

MUSIC MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS CHURCH I’m pleased to announce that beginning next Sunday, April 12th our organist, Dr. Mary DeVille, will also be providing music ministry at the 10:30AM Mass along cantor Angela Hawthorne. Since music is an essential element of the Catholic Mass. I know that we are all pleased by this enhancement to our parish worship.

LOCAL AREA NEWS GUYS AND DOLLS April 15-19, 2015 Presented by Holy Savior Menard H/S Coughlin Saunders Performing Arts Center $12 in advance & $15 at the door For times, dates & tickets visit

CENLA ACTS RETREAT FOR WOMEN June 4th - 7th at Maryhill Registration forms are in the Narthex or can be downloaded at Registration closes on April 20th.

`tÜç? `Éà{xÜ Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ PARISH OFFICES Monday - Thursday 8:00AM to 2:00PM 9323 Highway 165 South - P. O. Box 408, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485 Phone - (318) 487-9894/Fax - (318) 445-0436 PARISH STAFF Rev. Paul M. LaPalme, Pastoral Administrator 2120 Coulee Crossing Road, Woodworth, LA 71485 (318) 487-9894 -

Deacon Patrick McCusker, Permanent Deacon (318) 443-2145 -

Kathy Rachall, Secretary/Bookkeeper

Priscilla Gadel, Director of Music

Dr. Mary DeVille, Organist Matt Brundrett, Youth Minister - (225) 274-5196

Katie Upton, Youth Minister - (318) 308-9991

HAPPY EASTER TO YOU AND THOSE YOU LOVE!! HOLY WATER BOTTLES Located in the Sanctuary - Please Take Some Home 1ST MONDAY SUPPER Monday, April 6 @ 5:00pm to 7:00pm (see page 4) SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH Reconciliation/Confession 30 minutes before every weekend Mass for 15 minutes. Baptism Celebrated during any weekend Mass or on Sunday afternoons. Contact the church office. Holy Matrimony Contact the pastor at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick and Communion Calls Please call the office when a parishioner is confined at home, is in the hospital, or placed in a nursing home or hospice. Holy Communion is brought weekly to all shut-ins. Mass of Christian Burial All arrangements should be made directly with the funeral home who will then contact the church.

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