Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic Church 9323 Highway 165 South, Woodworth, Louisiana
Rev. John Pardue, Pastor
Church Mailing Address: P. O. Box 408
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 408, Woodworth, LA 71485
Office Hours: TWTh 8:00-noon (318) 487-9894 or 767-6508 Secretary/Bookkeeper: Kathy Rachall, Cantor/Music Director: Priscilla Gadel,
2120 Coulee Crossing, Woodworth, LA Telephone: (318) 445-7554
Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 18, 2014
CALENDAR Saturday, May 17 4:00 pm Mass - Sandra Maltese + Sunday, May 18 7:30 am - Rosary 8:00 am Mass - Juanita Smith Stout + 5:30 pm Mass - For the People Monday, May 19 7:00 am Mass - Jane Villemez + 5:30 pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday, May 20 7:00 am Mass - Kathleen Gremillion + Wednesday, May 21 7:00 am Mass - Sandra Maltese + Thursday, May 22 7:00 am Mass - Mat and Janice Lohman + Friday, May 23 NO MASS Saturday, May 24 4:00 pm Mass - Carl Bess, Jr. + Sunday, May 25 7:30 am - Rosary 8:00 am Mass - Carl Bess, Jr. + 5:30 pm Mass - For the People Sanctuary Candle burns in memory of Jeanne Deptula Many thanks for the delicious Second Sunday breakfast last weekend prepared by the Tuesday Prayer Group: Priscilla and Brad Gadel, Deborah and Carl Bess, Gaynell and Bill Patty, Runnie and John Hunter, Marcia and Mike Leleux, and Beth and Keith Chapman.
Dear Parishioners, Several of you have asked me if I am happy with my new assignment. In general I am. But I have a simple approach to my new responsibilities that enables me to view the task in a positive manner. I see it as obeying the Bishop. On the day that I was ordained, I made a promise to obey the Bishop. Insofar as I am obeying him, I am obeying God. I see my move to Powhatan as God’s will for me. Since I did not ask for this reassignment, I know that it is God’s will for me (I would never politic for a parish) and, as such, by becoming their pastor, I am doing what will bring me the greatest fulfillment and happiness. Also, there is something exciting about a new start. It is all like an adventure. There is, however, sadness in leaving you. I will miss you all a great deal and with each passing day, I become more aware of how much. Dear friends, saying good bye will be harder than I imagined. But it is not God’s will for me to remain. It is his will that someone else lead you. Remember those words at the bottom of the picture of the Divine Mercy. It reads, “Jesus, I trust in you.” Jesus will be with you at all times in the future and, I promise you, he will not disappoint. And that very same Jesus, who is with you here in Woodworth, is also in Powhatan and, therefore, in him we are united and present to each other. Sincerely yours, Father John
Father Stephen Soares, who belongs to the religious order Missionaries of Saint Francis de Sales, from the diocese of Belgaum in India, will speak at all Masses this weekend. Please welcome Father Soares and be SAVE THE DATE! as generous as you can to support St Paul’s The farewell party for Father church in India in its struggle to provide for John will be after the 4:00 pm the needy children and to help the church build a grotto for Mass on Saturday, June 14. our Blessed Mother. Father Soares presently serves as Parochial Vicar at Sacred Heart of Jesus in Pineville. Details in upcoming bulletins.
COLLECTION 05/04/2014 Average Weekly Expenses Last Qtr Last Weekend’s Regular Collection Collections Month to Date Building Fund (gifts since 7/1/13)
$2,846.00 $3,065.00 $5,103.00 $987.00
Thank you for your generosity! CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Goal $170,000.00
Pledged $124,760.00
Cash Received $134,663.68
DIACONATE ORDINATION MAY 24 Seminarians Brian Seiler, Dale Meade, and Joseph Desmoine, all students at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, will be ordained as deacons on Saturday, May 24 at 10:00 am at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral. The public is invited. MENARD GARAGE SALE Holy Savior Menard will host a community garage sale Saturday, June 7, to help raise money for the school. Donations for the sale are being accepted at the school at this time. Please think about us as you do your spring cleaning! WE PRAY FOR THOSE AMONG US ... ACUTELY ILL: Darren Aleshire, Paul Beltz, Lovie Bennett, Cameron Brown, Betty Daigle, Frances deLaunay, Walter, Jr. and Jackie Deptula, Amanda Durand, Hillary Fremin, Richard Kelly, Paul Lauve, Matthew Leotta, Susan McKinney, Leigh Anne Mulvey, Sean Redmond, Edna Robbins, Debra Rowell, Elaine Roy, T.J. Swain, Connie Ray Teutsch, Mary Virginia Young, Woodrow E. Young. SICK OR RECOVERING: Rick Beck, Pat Boudreaux, Andre Busch, Anna M. Busch, Barbara Busch, Juanita Busch, Kevin Busch, Marie Busch, Thomas Busch, George Coker, Amy Ladner Davis, Nicholas Fremin, Patrick Fremin, Patsy Fremin, Charie Hakeman, Bishop Ronald Herzog, Brenda Holloway, Elsie Marcon, Steve Mathews, John McCall, Michael McGuire, Michelle McGuire, Yessica McGuire, LaVern Moser, Gayle Odum, James Odum, Bobby Odum, Jr., Dana Parker, Ray Reich, Karen Rambo Roberts, Francis Snoddy, Caleb Thompson. HOMEBOUND: Joan Alpha, Marty Doiron, Daphne Land, Fleta Waits. (Use a pew envelope to add or remove names or call Kathy at 487-9894 or 767-6508.)
Holy Savior Menard Central High School is forming the school’s first official alumni association. To welcome new members, the Eagle Alumni Association will host a picnic on Saturday, May 31 at Menard High School. All alumni and friends of Menard are invited to attend. The festivities will begin at 1 pm with an alumni Mass celebrated by Father Martin Laird, a 1985 Menard graduate. After Mass, there will be a short presentation about the alumni association, followed by a family picnic, games and music. For more information, call Menard’s Office of Development and Alumni Affairs at 318-445-8233. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Christus St. Frances Cabrini Hospital Auxiliary is recruiting new and energetic volunteers of all ages. Volunteers are needed to provide assistance in areas such as the information desks, surgery waiting area, gift shops, emergency room, intensive care and critical care units, and many other locations. There is a multitude of opportunities. Find your niche. Call 318-448-6736. READINGS FOR NEXT WEEKEND Acts 8: 5-8, 14-17; 1 Pt 3: 15-18; Jn 14: 15-21 Sixth Sunday of Easter Mass Intentions $5.00 Sanctuary Candle $4.00 Call or email Kathy or use a pew envelope. CHURCH INFORMATION WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday 4:00 pm. Sunday 8:00 am & 5:30 pm WEEKDAY MASSES: 7:00 am Monday thru Thursday. HOLY DAY MASSES: as announced. FIRST SATURDAY MASS: 9 am in Honor of the Blessed Mother. BAPTISM PREPARATION: e-mail or call pastor to schedule. MARRIAGE PREPARATION: e-mail or call pastor to schedule first appointment at least six (6) months in advance. FUNERAL SERVICES: only the funeral home may schedule. When making arrangements, have director call pastor personally. CONFESSION: 30 mins before weekend Masses; any time on request ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Upon request. HOSPITALIZATION: e-mail or call pastor at any time, give patient’s name, hospital and room number. SERIOUS ILLNESS, DEATH, DYING: call pastor at any time. OF COUNSEL TO OUR PASTOR PASTORAL COUNCIL: Deborah Bess, Butch Doiron, Brad Gadel, Priscilla Gadel, Runnie Hunter, Rodney Lamkin, Bobbie Long, Ed Carroll, Grant Ogaard FINANCE COUNCIL: Ed Carroll; Pat Brister, Trustee; Gary Delaney, Trustee; Dr. Bernard Patty; Chuck Reich