Mary, Mother of Jesus bulletin 8-30-14

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Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 30, 2014 - August 31, 2014





The office will be closed on Monday, September 1st in observance of Labor Day. If you have an emergency you may contact the rectory at 318445-7554. Have a safe and happy weekend.

The 3rd Wednesday of every month 10:00AM - Cumella Hall For more information, call Priscilla Gadel at (318) 446-5502



Introduction for Parents & Students September 3, 2014, Cumella Hall

Registration will take place at these meetings

2120 Coulee Crossing Road Saturday, September 20th 8:00AM to 12:00PM A sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex. Please bring any and all garden tools you have. A light lunch will be provided.



Mary, Mother of Jesus Parish will host a Pot Luck Dinner & Parish “Town Hall” meeting on Saturday, September 6th at 5:00PM in Cumella Hall. Let’s join together as a parish family.


Grades 1 thru 8 - 6:00PM to 6:45PM Grades 9 thru 11 - 7:00PM to 7:30PM

ACTS RETREAT FOR WOMEN November 6 - 9, 2014 Applications are available in the narthex, i.e., the vestibule of the church. Registration closes on September 17th. Questions? See Deborah Bess, Priscilla Gadel, or Beth Chapman.


Next Sunday, September 7 , a 10:30AM Mass will be added to our current schedule.

WEEKLY MASS COLLECTIONS Beginning this weekend, the collection basket will be passed only once, even if there is a second collection. All monies may be placed in the one collection. It will then be properly separated.

THANK YOU!! To all the members of our newly-formed Fellowship Committee who gathered for this past Tuesday evening to discuss our weekly Sunday Coffee Fellowship. Anyone wishing to join us and help, please call Bobbie Long at 442-3578.

Mary, Mother of Jesus Roman Catholic Church Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - August 30, 2014 - August 31, 2014 PARISH OFFICES Monday - Thursday 8:00AM to 12:00PM 9323 Highway 165 South - P. O. Box 408, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485 (318) 487-9894

COFFEE & DOUGHNUT FELLOWSHIP this Sunday, August 31st Cumella Hall after the 8:00AM Mass FIRST MONDAY SUPPER Monday, September 1st 5:00PM in Cumella Hall

St. Joseph Church, Marksville, LA Thursdays from May 15th - October 30th 8:15PM (7:15PM in September).

ROSARY FOR OUR COUNTRY The 13th of each month 5:30PM - Radio Maria

POT LUCK DINNER & TOWN HALL MEETING Saturday, September 6th 5:00PM in Cumella Hall

2014 BISHOP’S GOLF TOURNAMENT Monday, October 13th Oak Wing Golf Course Lunch begins at 11:00AM; Tee-off time at noon. The cost is $135 per person & includes green fees, cart, range balls, lunch, and refreshments. Please call (318) 445-6424 ext. 209.

MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT SERIES Dan Jurek, from the Pax Renewal Center in Lafayette, will present a 6-month Marriage Enrichment Series titled Exploring the Hot Topics to Help Strengthen Your Marriage. The series is held once a month (Sept. 3, Oct. 4, Nov. 5, Jan. 14, Feb 4, and March 4) from 6:00PM - 8:00PM at the Community Foundation of Acadiana in Lafayette. Cost is $165 per couple. For more information, call (337) 993-1960.

PARISH STAFF Rev. Paul M. LaPalme Pastoral Administrator Home: (318) 445-7554 Kathy Rachall Secretary/Bookkeeper Priscilla Gadel Cantor/Director of Music

SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH Reconciliation/Confession 30 minutes before every weekend Mass for 15 minutes. Baptism Celebrated during any weekend Mass or on Sunday afternoons. Contact the church office to make arrangements. Holy Matrimony Contact the pastor at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick and Communion Calls Please call the office when a parishioner is confined at home, is in the hospital, or placed in a nursing home or hospice. Holy Communion is brought weekly to all shut-ins. Mass of Christian Burial All arrangements should be made directly with the funeral home who will then contact the pastor directly.

MASS INTENTIONS WEEK OF AUGUST 30, 2014 SATURDAY, AUGUST 30 4:00PM - +Carl Bess, Jr. SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 8:00AM - +Sandra Maltese 5:30PM - For the People MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 7:00AM - In remembrance of the 95th Wedding Anniversary of Wilfred & Ernestine Moras

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time



OFFERTORY GIFTS - 08/24/2014 Weekly Collection $ 2,077.00 Weekly Goal $ 3,000.00

OUR SICK… Lovie Bennett, Baby Chloe, Jeanette Clark, Frances Delaunay, Amanda Durand, Jack Ellington, Richard Kelly, Paul Lauve, Elsie Marcon, Susan McKinney, Leigh Anne Mulvey, Philip Paige, Donna Pearson, Irma & Connie Ray Teutsch, Vivian Tumminello

WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 6, 2014 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 4:00PM - +Kyle Ogaard +Michael Charles Bouchie SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 8:00AM - +Carl Bess, Jr. 10:30AM 5:30PM - For the People

August 30, 2014 - August 31, 2014




Goal for August (5 wks) Received for August Building Fund (FY2014/2015)

$ $ $

15,000.00 13,228.00 860.00

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 7:00AM - +Sandra Maltese


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 7:00AM - +Jim David

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 7:00AM - +Jim David


WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 7:00AM - +Sandra Maltese

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 7:00AM - +Mary Jane Buhot

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 7:00AM - +Carl Bess, Jr.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 7:00AM - +Carl Bess, Jr.



Goal $170,000

Pledged $124,760

Received $143,896

STEWARDSHIP NOTES In today’s second reading, St. Paul exhorts the Romans to total stewardship. Brothers and sisters, he urges, “. . . offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God.” (See Romans 12:1)

OUR RECOVERING... Rhonda Bolen, Cameron Brown, Andre Busch, Anna M. Busch, Barbara Busch, Juanita Busch, Kevin Busch, Marie Busch, Thomas Busch, Vicki David, Amy Ladner Davis, Walter, Jr. & Jackie Deptula, Carson Glascock, Charie Hakeman, Bishop Ronald Herzog, Mother Mary John, OCD, Sr. Regina Mullins, OCD, Ray Reich OUR SHUT-INS, AND HOMEBOUND... Joan Alpha, Marty Doiron, Daphne Land, Fleta Waits, Mary Virginia Young OUR NURSING HOME RESIDENTS... Philip Dufour, Jr. If you know of anyone who should be included or excluded, please call or email Kathy at the Church office. You may also use a pew envelope to add or remove names or call Kathy at 487-9894 or 767-6508. We would also like to include the names of any active duty military for whom you would like us to pray.

SANCTUARY CANDLE BURNS THIS WEEK In loving memory of Sandra Maltese by her family If you would like to have a loved one or special intention remembered by providing for the sanctuary candle, please call the office at 318487-9894 or email The cost is $5.00 per candle.

If you are a victim or survivor - of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy or representatives of the Catholic Church and you want to make a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese, arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, and/or to obtain support for the needs of the individual and families, call Ms Mary Girard, Victim Assistance Coordinator (318) 623-3804 or the Diocesan HOTLINE (318) 445-1427.

OF COUNSEL TO THE PASTOR Pastoral Council Chair: Deborah Bess Butch Doiron, Brad Gadel, Priscilla Gadel, Runnie Hunter, Bobbie Long, Ed Carroll Finance Council Chair: Ed Carroll Trustees: Pat Brister & Gary Delaney Dr. Bernard Patty, Chuck Reich

If you know any nursing home residents for whom you would like us to pray, please inform Kathy of their names.

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