The Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary
October 10 - October 11, 2015
Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic Church
PARISH NEWS TOPS Weight Loss Meeting
Homemade Side Dishes For Sale
Monday, October 12 5:30PM - Cumella Hall Cost is $32.00 per year Everyone is welcome to attend!
Cornbread dressing w/chicken will be on sale for $20, carrot soufflé for $15 and sweet potato casserole for $15. This is a ONE TIME ONLY event. Orders must be received by October 24th and picked up by November 14th . Call or email the parish office to place your order.
Novena For Life - Week 6 Tuesday, October 13th 6:00PM This novena includes exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, scripture, reflection, Universal Prayers, and a Pro Life Litany.
MMJ Companions If you are a primary caregiver for a loved one, and need someone to sit with them due to a temporary, outside commitment you may have, please call the Church office at (318) 487-9894 so we can arrange for an MMJ Companion to help you out.
Religious Education Class Wednesday, October 14th Supper: 5:30PM; Class: 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Cub Scouts Tuesday, October 20th 6:00PM - Cumella Hall For all boys grades 1 - 5
Choir Rehearsal
Monthly on the 3rd Wednesday 10:00AM - Cumella Hall Contact Gerry Craft at (318) 448-3152
Janitor/Maintenance Position We are in need of someone to clean the church and hall. They should be able to handle minor maintenance issues. The salary will be an hourly rate depending upon experience and ability. Anyone interested should call Fr. Paul at the church office.
1. Designating an IPhone/IPad free zone in your home; 2. Take a 15 minute walk each day without your cell phone. Consider spending the time in prayer and meditation; 3. No IPhone/IPads at meals. Spend the time talking and sharing with one another. 4
Rev. Paul M. LaPalme, Pastor
2120 Coulee Crossing Road, Woodworth, LA 71485 (318) 487-9894 -
Deacon Patrick McCusker, Permanent Deacon Kathy Rachall, Secretary/Book k eeper
For your benefit and that of your family, you might consider:
A new parish directory is in the making. These are the dates that the photographer will be here to take your pictures. All parishioners are invited, requested and expected!!! We will begin making appointment times in a few weeks.
Sign up sheets are now available for November, December and January. If you would like to assist in this ministry by providing a light “breakfast” following the 8:00AM Sunday Mass, please contact Mrs. Bobbie Long at (318) 442-3578.
Technological Insights
December 3, 4, & 5
(318) 443-2145 -
The Alexandria Diocesan Liturgical Commission is organizing a Diocesan Choir. This choir would provide musical leadership at several diocesan Masses during the year celebrated at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral. There are no auditions or vocal requirements needed. A desire to praise God in song is all that is required. Please contact Fr. Paul M. LaPalme at (318) 487-9894.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
9323 Highway 165 South - P. O. Box 408, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485 Phone - (318) 487-9894/Fax - (318) 445-0436
Sunday Morning Coffee Fellowship
Diocesan Choir
Our parish choir meets in church every Sunday at 9:45AM. Everyone is welcome to join us!!!
Parish Offices Monday - Thursday 8:00AM to 2:00PM
Priscilla Gadel, Director of M usic (318) 442-2245 -
Dr. Mary DeVille, Organist
(318) 487-9894 -
Matt Brundrett, Y outh M inister
(318) 487-9894 -
(225) 274-5196 -
Michelle Lemoine, Director, Religious Education
(318) 308-9991 -
(318) 305-3898 -
Katie Upton, Y outh M inister
CHOIR REHEARSAL Sunday, October 11th (see page 4) NOVENA FOR LIFE Tuesday, October 13th (see page 4) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASS Wednesday, October 14th (see page 4) Sacraments of the Church Reconciliation/Confession 30 minutes before every weekend Mass for 15 minutes. Baptism Celebrated during any weekend Mass or on Sunday afternoons. Contact the church office. Holy Matrimony Contact the pastor at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick and Communion Calls Please call the office when a parishioner is confined at home, is in the hospital, or placed in a nursing home or hospice. Holy Communion is brought weekly to all shut-ins. Mass of Christian Burial All arrangements should be made directly with the funeral home who will then contact the church.
The Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary
Mass Intentions WEEK OF OCTOBER 10, 2015
Reg. Collection: Support Of Our Parish
Reg. Collection: Support Of Our Parish Add’l Collection: World Mission Sunday
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 4:00PM - Loyd Joseph Gaspar and Bootsy Gauthier
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 4:00PM - Roy Deville Lector: S. Cranford Server: B. Gadel
Lector: B. Patty Server: T. Foshee
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 8:00AM - Paul Barker
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 8:00AM - Dana Malone
Lector: B. Edwards Server: E. Loken
Lector: T. Ogaard Server: E. Fuqua
10:30AM - Roy Deville and the deceased members of the Goetz family
10:30AM - Deceased members of the Igneri family and James William “Bill” Grice
Lector: J. Louviere Server: L. Leleux
October 10 - October 11, 2015
PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER Our Sick Richard Campbell, Donnie Hernandez, Debbie Houpaugh, Evelyn Lamkin, Paul Lauve, Vernon Mathews, Mary Mayeaux, Charles & Judy Medica, Angie Roberts, Rickey Sayes, Theresa Spence, Jenny Butler Spurlock, Vivian Tumminello, Julius Walker
OFFERTORY GIFTS - 10/04/2015 Total # of envelopes 55 Avg. identifiable gift $ 100.00 Weekly Collection $ 5,721.00 EFT Collection $ 200.00 Weekly Goal $ 3,916.00 Overage $ 2,005.00 Goal for October (4 wks) $15,664.00 Received for October $ 5,921.00 Still needed for October $ 9,743.00 Maint. & Repair Fund $ 115.00 Monday Supper (Net Profit) $ 742.71 Seminary Infrastructure $ 824.00
Our Recovering Cameron Brown, Amy Ladner Davis, Walter, Jr. & Jackie Deptula, Chari Hakeman, Deacon Patrick McCusker, Ben Moulton, Buddy Normand, Philip Paige, Brandon Parish, Sarah Waits Our Homebound Joan Alpha, Marty Doiron, Richard Kelly, Ray Reich, Fleta Waits, Mary Virginia Young
Thank You For Your Generosity!
5:30PM - For our parish family
Lector: J. Foote Server: I. Antee
Lector: M. Scalfano Server: D. Foshee
5:30PM - For our parish family Lector: A. Massey Server: B. Massey
MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 7:00AM - Deceased members of the Keane family
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13 7:00AM - Deceased members of the Igneri family
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 7:00AM - Marvin Johnson
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 7:00AM - Walter and Jean Deptula
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 7:00AM - Jack Ellington
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 7:00AM - Paul Barker
Stewardship Note
Our Nursing Home Residents Florence Broussard, Rose Ponthieux, Emma Wells
Jesus offers a hard lesson regarding wealth and possessions in today’s Gospel. The rich man whom he encountered could not part with his possessions as a condition to becoming a disciple of Jesus. Would our response be the same as the rich man? Do we place our trust in our money and possessions instead of trusting in God’s generosity? Do we seek security in our possessions? Good stewards realize that their possessions must not possess them, lest those possessions block their relationship with the Lord.
Our Active Duty Military Timothy Deptula, Travis Edwards, Michael Smiley Our First Eucharist Candidates Michael Dupleshien, Jackson Landry, Tristan Mahfouz, Isabel Martinez, Josue Martinez, Lily Ogaard, Breanne Williams Our Confirmation Candidates Ashlyn Leleux, Kelsi Mahfouz, Gabrielle Roy
Daily Prayer For Priests
If you are a victim or survivor of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy or representatives of the Catholic Church and you want to make a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese, arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, and/or to obtain support for the needs of the individual and families, call Dr. Lee Kneipp, Victim Assistance Coordinator (318) 623-3804 or the Diocesan HOTLINE (318) 445-1427. Diocesan “Protecting our Children - Understanding, Reporting, and Preventing Child Abuse” brochures are available in the narthex bookcase.
Sanctuary Candle Burns This Week In loving memory of Johnie Reich by Mrs. Barbara Reich If you would like to have a loved one or special intention remembered by providing for the sanctuary candle, please contact the parish office. The cost is $5.00 per candle.
A prayer calendar is published to encourage daily prayer for the priests of our Diocese. For this coming week they are:
If you know of anyone who should be included or removed, please contact Kathy at the Church office. You may also use a pew envelope for this purpose.
October 10 - Father John Pardue October 11 - Father Chad Partain October 12 - Father Thomas Paul October 13 - Father George Pookkattu October 14 - Father Rusty Rabalais October 15 - Father Charles Ray October 16 - Father Joy Retnazihamoni 3
The Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary
Mass Intentions WEEK OF OCTOBER 10, 2015
Reg. Collection: Support Of Our Parish
Reg. Collection: Support Of Our Parish Add’l Collection: World Mission Sunday
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 4:00PM - Loyd Joseph Gaspar and Bootsy Gauthier
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 4:00PM - Roy Deville Lector: S. Cranford Server: B. Gadel
Lector: B. Patty Server: T. Foshee
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 8:00AM - Paul Barker
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 8:00AM - Dana Malone
Lector: B. Edwards Server: E. Loken
Lector: T. Ogaard Server: E. Fuqua
10:30AM - Roy Deville and the deceased members of the Goetz family
10:30AM - Deceased members of the Igneri family and James William “Bill” Grice
Lector: J. Louviere Server: L. Leleux
October 10 - October 11, 2015
PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER Our Sick Richard Campbell, Donnie Hernandez, Debbie Houpaugh, Evelyn Lamkin, Paul Lauve, Vernon Mathews, Mary Mayeaux, Charles & Judy Medica, Angie Roberts, Rickey Sayes, Theresa Spence, Jenny Butler Spurlock, Vivian Tumminello, Julius Walker
OFFERTORY GIFTS - 10/04/2015 Total # of envelopes 55 Avg. identifiable gift $ 100.00 Weekly Collection $ 5,721.00 EFT Collection $ 200.00 Weekly Goal $ 3,916.00 Overage $ 2,005.00 Goal for October (4 wks) $15,664.00 Received for October $ 5,921.00 Still needed for October $ 9,743.00 Maint. & Repair Fund $ 115.00 Monday Supper (Net Profit) $ 742.71 Seminary Infrastructure $ 824.00
Our Recovering Cameron Brown, Amy Ladner Davis, Walter, Jr. & Jackie Deptula, Chari Hakeman, Deacon Patrick McCusker, Ben Moulton, Buddy Normand, Philip Paige, Brandon Parish, Sarah Waits Our Homebound Joan Alpha, Marty Doiron, Richard Kelly, Ray Reich, Fleta Waits, Mary Virginia Young
Thank You For Your Generosity!
5:30PM - For our parish family
Lector: J. Foote Server: I. Antee
Lector: M. Scalfano Server: D. Foshee
5:30PM - For our parish family Lector: A. Massey Server: B. Massey
MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr.
MONDAY, OCTOBER 12 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr.
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 7:00AM - Deceased members of the Keane family
TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13 7:00AM - Deceased members of the Igneri family
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21 7:00AM - Marvin Johnson
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 7:00AM - Walter and Jean Deptula
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 7:00AM - Jack Ellington
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 7:00AM - Paul Barker
Stewardship Note
Our Nursing Home Residents Florence Broussard, Rose Ponthieux, Emma Wells
Jesus offers a hard lesson regarding wealth and possessions in today’s Gospel. The rich man whom he encountered could not part with his possessions as a condition to becoming a disciple of Jesus. Would our response be the same as the rich man? Do we place our trust in our money and possessions instead of trusting in God’s generosity? Do we seek security in our possessions? Good stewards realize that their possessions must not possess them, lest those possessions block their relationship with the Lord.
Our Active Duty Military Timothy Deptula, Travis Edwards, Michael Smiley Our First Eucharist Candidates Michael Dupleshien, Jackson Landry, Tristan Mahfouz, Isabel Martinez, Josue Martinez, Lily Ogaard, Breanne Williams Our Confirmation Candidates Ashlyn Leleux, Kelsi Mahfouz, Gabrielle Roy
Daily Prayer For Priests
If you are a victim or survivor of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy or representatives of the Catholic Church and you want to make a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese, arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, and/or to obtain support for the needs of the individual and families, call Dr. Lee Kneipp, Victim Assistance Coordinator (318) 623-3804 or the Diocesan HOTLINE (318) 445-1427. Diocesan “Protecting our Children - Understanding, Reporting, and Preventing Child Abuse” brochures are available in the narthex bookcase.
Sanctuary Candle Burns This Week In loving memory of Johnie Reich by Mrs. Barbara Reich If you would like to have a loved one or special intention remembered by providing for the sanctuary candle, please contact the parish office. The cost is $5.00 per candle.
A prayer calendar is published to encourage daily prayer for the priests of our Diocese. For this coming week they are:
If you know of anyone who should be included or removed, please contact Kathy at the Church office. You may also use a pew envelope for this purpose.
October 10 - Father John Pardue October 11 - Father Chad Partain October 12 - Father Thomas Paul October 13 - Father George Pookkattu October 14 - Father Rusty Rabalais October 15 - Father Charles Ray October 16 - Father Joy Retnazihamoni 3
The Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary
October 10 - October 11, 2015
Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic Church
PARISH NEWS TOPS Weight Loss Meeting
Homemade Side Dishes For Sale
Monday, October 12 5:30PM - Cumella Hall Cost is $32.00 per year Everyone is welcome to attend!
Cornbread dressing w/chicken will be on sale for $20, carrot soufflé for $15 and sweet potato casserole for $15. This is a ONE TIME ONLY event. Orders must be received by October 24th and picked up by November 14th . Call or email the parish office to place your order.
Novena For Life - Week 6 Tuesday, October 13th 6:00PM This novena includes exposition and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, scripture, reflection, Universal Prayers, and a Pro Life Litany.
MMJ Companions If you are a primary caregiver for a loved one, and need someone to sit with them due to a temporary, outside commitment you may have, please call the Church office at (318) 487-9894 so we can arrange for an MMJ Companion to help you out.
Religious Education Class Wednesday, October 14th Supper: 5:30PM; Class: 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Cub Scouts Tuesday, October 20th 6:00PM - Cumella Hall For all boys grades 1 - 5
Choir Rehearsal
Monthly on the 3rd Wednesday 10:00AM - Cumella Hall Contact Gerry Craft at (318) 448-3152
Janitor/Maintenance Position We are in need of someone to clean the church and hall. They should be able to handle minor maintenance issues. The salary will be an hourly rate depending upon experience and ability. Anyone interested should call Fr. Paul at the church office.
1. Designating an IPhone/IPad free zone in your home; 2. Take a 15 minute walk each day without your cell phone. Consider spending the time in prayer and meditation; 3. No IPhone/IPads at meals. Spend the time talking and sharing with one another. 4
Rev. Paul M. LaPalme, Pastor
2120 Coulee Crossing Road, Woodworth, LA 71485 (318) 487-9894 -
Deacon Patrick McCusker, Permanent Deacon Kathy Rachall, Secretary/Book k eeper
For your benefit and that of your family, you might consider:
A new parish directory is in the making. These are the dates that the photographer will be here to take your pictures. All parishioners are invited, requested and expected!!! We will begin making appointment times in a few weeks.
Sign up sheets are now available for November, December and January. If you would like to assist in this ministry by providing a light “breakfast” following the 8:00AM Sunday Mass, please contact Mrs. Bobbie Long at (318) 442-3578.
Technological Insights
December 3, 4, & 5
(318) 443-2145 -
The Alexandria Diocesan Liturgical Commission is organizing a Diocesan Choir. This choir would provide musical leadership at several diocesan Masses during the year celebrated at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral. There are no auditions or vocal requirements needed. A desire to praise God in song is all that is required. Please contact Fr. Paul M. LaPalme at (318) 487-9894.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
9323 Highway 165 South - P. O. Box 408, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485 Phone - (318) 487-9894/Fax - (318) 445-0436
Sunday Morning Coffee Fellowship
Diocesan Choir
Our parish choir meets in church every Sunday at 9:45AM. Everyone is welcome to join us!!!
Parish Offices Monday - Thursday 8:00AM to 2:00PM
Priscilla Gadel, Director of M usic (318) 442-2245 -
Dr. Mary DeVille, Organist
(318) 487-9894 -
Matt Brundrett, Y outh M inister
(318) 487-9894 -
(225) 274-5196 -
Michelle Lemoine, Director, Religious Education
(318) 308-9991 -
(318) 305-3898 -
Katie Upton, Y outh M inister
CHOIR REHEARSAL Sunday, October 11th (see page 4) NOVENA FOR LIFE Tuesday, October 13th (see page 4) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASS Wednesday, October 14th (see page 4) Sacraments of the Church Reconciliation/Confession 30 minutes before every weekend Mass for 15 minutes. Baptism Celebrated during any weekend Mass or on Sunday afternoons. Contact the church office. Holy Matrimony Contact the pastor at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick and Communion Calls Please call the office when a parishioner is confined at home, is in the hospital, or placed in a nursing home or hospice. Holy Communion is brought weekly to all shut-ins. Mass of Christian Burial All arrangements should be made directly with the funeral home who will then contact the church.