Mary, Mother of Jesus bulletin, Nov. 27, 2016

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First Sunday of Advent

November 26 - November 27, 2016



Burial and Cremation

Christmas Giving Tree

Recently, the Vatican issued an Instruction on burial and cremation. The Instruction reaffirms the Church’s belief in the resurrection of the dead and affirming that the human body is an essential part of the person’s identity. Because of the Church’s belief that through baptism, we become temples of the Holy Spirit, our bodies must be treated with the greatest respect and laid to rest in consecrated ground. According to Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, “the Church wholeheartedly recommends continuing the pious practice of burying the dead. It is considered one of the corporal acts of mercy, mirroring the burial of Christ, and it more clearly expresses hope in the resurrection when the person’s body and soul will be reunited.” According to Cardinal Muller, the Church prefers burial of the body, but it accepts cremation as an option. It forbids the scattering of ashes or keeping ashes in one’s home. The Church believes that the person belongs to the entire community of faith, and not just to a person’s closest relatives. Other believers have a right to pray at the person’s tomb. Placing the ashes in a sacred place also prevents our deceased loved ones and friends from being forgotten or their remains from being shown a lack of respect. This is more likely to happen as time goes on and the people closest to the deceased also pass away, according to the Vatican’s Instruction. We believe in the resurrection of the body and this must be the principle of our faith and practice. Let us continue to regularly pray for our dead and ask them to pray for us!

Our annual Giving Tree is in the narthex. Please take at least one tag with the name of someone who has asked for our generosity to ensure that they have a truly special Christmas this year. All gifts are to be unwrapped, placed in a sealed bag with the name tag affixed, and returned to the church the weekend of Dec. 10-11.

Advent Penance Service For Religious ED/CCD Students And Parishioners

Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic Church Parish Offices Monday - Thursday 8:00AM to 4:00PM Friday 8:00AM to Noon 9323 Highway 165 South - P. O. Box 408, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485 Phone - (318) 487-9894/Fax - (318) 445-0436 ALL ARE WELCOME

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, no matter what your current family and marital situation, no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, etc., you are invited, welcomed, loved and respected here.

Wednesday, November 30th - 6:00 p.m.


Advent Scripture Study Thursday, December 1st Pot Luck Dinner: 5:30 p.m. Presentation: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Prayer Shawl Ministry Thank you to everyone who donated yarn to benefit this ministry. Both your response and generosity were overwhelming.

Christmas Choir

Rev. Paul M. LaPalme KHS, Pastor

Mrs. Priscilla Gadel, Director of M usic

2120 Coulee Crossing Road, Woodworth, LA 71485 (318) 487-9894 -

(318) 442-2245 -

Ms Kathy Rachall, Secretary/Book k eeper

(318) 487-9894 -

(318) 487-9894 -

Mrs. Courtney Landry, Coordinator, Religious Ed (318) 715-0080 -

Mr. Gary Leblanc, Janitorial/M aintenance

Dr. Mary DeVille, Organist

Mr. Matt Brundrett, Y outh M inister (225) 274-5196 -

Mrs. Katie Upton, Y outh M inister (318) 308-9991 -

Advent Penance Service All Religious Education Students & Parishioners Wednesday, November 30th - 6:00 p.m. We are forming a choir to lead singing at the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Vigil Mass. Practices will be held on Sunday December 11 and Sunday December 18 at 9:15 a.m. in the Church. All ages are invited. The only requirement is a desire to sing in praise of our God. Please join us for this special celebration of Christmas. Please contact Priscilla Gadel at or Mary Deville at to let them know you’re interested.

Youth Ministry Youth night is back, every Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30! Come hang out with us! We will have music, snacks, pool, ping pong, air hockey, video games and lots of fun! All youth grades 2-12 are invited. Please feel free to bring your friends!


We also need teen volunteers to babysit during the adult faith formation that will be on every Thursday evening during advent. If you are interested please contact Kathy at the office.

First Reconciliation For Grade 2 Rehearsal: Tuesday, Nov. 29th - 6:00 p.m. Service: Wednesday, Nov. 30th - 6:00 p.m. 4

Advent Scripture Study Thursday, December 1st Pot Luck: 5:30 p.m. Class: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sacraments of the Church Reconciliation/Confession 30 minutes before every weekend Mass for 15 minutes. Baptism Celebrated during any weekend Mass or on Sunday afternoons. Contact the church office. Holy Matrimony Contact the pastor at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick and Communion Calls Please call the office when a parishioner is confined at home, is in the hospital, or placed in a nursing home or hospice. Holy Communion is brought weekly to all shut-ins. Mass of Christian Burial All arrangements should be made directly with the funeral home who will then contact the church.

First Sunday Of Advent

Mass Intentions WEEK OF NOVEMBER 26, 2016 Reg. Collection:


Support Of Our Parish

Reg. Collection:

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 4:00PM - Louise Gagnard; Jana Massey’s speedy recovery

Support Of Our Parish

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 4:00PM - Louise Gagnard; Mr. & Mrs. E. Lutz

Lector: A. Stevens Server: B. Gadel

Lector: S. Cranford Server: B. Gadel

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 8:00AM - Paul J. Barker

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27 8:00AM - Carl Bess Jr.

Lector: B. Edwards Server: J. Loken

Lector: C. Sayes Server: L. Delaney

10:30AM - Roy Deville; Leonard Johnson

10:30AM - Roy Deville; Newlyn P. Hebert

Lector: J. Antee Server: I. Antee

Lector: J. Foote Server: M. Hawthorne

5:30PM - For our parish family

5:30PM - For our parish family

Lector: K. Switzer Server: M. Mallach

Lector: M. Leleux Server: M. Leleux

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 7:00AM - Steve Bess birthday remembrance

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 7:00AM - Gary Trémè

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 7:00PM - Louise Gagnard

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 5:30PM - Carl Bess, Jr. Lector: D. Bess Server: TBD

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 7:00AM - Gloria Dupre 1st anniv.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 7:00AM - Richard LaPalme 65th birthday 6:00PM - Camille Smith Lector: D. Bess Server: TBD

If you are a victim or survivor of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy or representatives of the Catholic Church and you want to make a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese, arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, and/or to obtain support for the needs of the individual and families, call Dr. Lee Kneipp, Victim Assistance Coordinator (318) 623-3804 or the Diocesan HOTLINE (318) 445-1427. Diocesan “Protecting our Children - Understanding, Reporting, and Preventing Child Abuse” brochures are available in the narthex bookcase. Both the Diocesan Policy for the Protection of Minors and the Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct are available in the safe environment section of the Diocesan website:

November 26 - November 27 2016



OFFERTORY GIFTS - 11/20/2016

Our Recently Deceased Carolyn Keely

Total # of envelopes Avg. identifiable gift Weekly Collection EFT Collection Weekly Goal Shortage Goal for November (4 wks) Received for November Still needed for November Maintenance & Repair (FY 2016/2017)

50 $ 77.00 $ 3,172.00 $ 1,040.00 $ 4,529.00 $ 317.00 $ 18,116.00 $ 15,175.00 $ 2,941.00 $ 20.00 $ 3,595.00

Our Sick Landen Bradford, Charlie Butler, Robyn Gallent, Russell Gauthier, Jane Hollier, Jane Juneau, Bruce Laborde, Evelyn Lamkin, Randall Lamkin, Donzal Langston, Paul Lauve, Mathew Leotta, John Linzay, Jana Massey, Helen R. Mathews, John McClure, Charles Medica, Ottis Monroe, Buddy Normand, Donald Normand, Cynthia Parker, Donna Pearson, Jewel Perkins, Travis Perkins, Kelly Pias, Raymond & Joan Rachall, Alma Reitzell, Ben Rougeou, Jr., Jenny Butler Spurlock, Michael Stevens, Paula Bailey Stokes, Ruth Valley, Jacob Williamson

Thank You For Your Generosity!

Our Recovering Cameron Brown, Linda Butler, Amy Ladner Davis, Gerri Deptula, Walter, Jr. & Jackie Deptula, John Goetz, Terry Kohler, Rachel Mayfield, Jamie Monroe, Sarah Waits

Stewardship Note On this first Sunday of Advent Jesus urges his disciples to stay awake and prepare themselves for the Lord’s coming. Good stewards prepare themselves and await Christ’s judgment in joyous expectation. This kind of attitude requires genuine spiritual maturity, the kind that is cultivated by prayer, participation in the sacraments, loving attention to family and one’s communion of faith, and love for one’s neighbor. Are we prepared for the Lord’s second coming? Are we ready to receive Christ? Are we ready to look joyously for Christ’s judgment?

Our Homebound Joan Alpha, Butch and Marty Doiron, Richard Kelly, Ray Reich, Fleta Waits, Mary Virginia Young Our Nursing Home Residents Florence Broussard, Rose Ponthieux, Emma Wells Our Active Duty Military Timothy Deptula, Travis Edwards, Cade Jameson, Daniel Keely, Michael Smilie

Daily Prayer For Priests

If you know of anyone who should be included or removed, contact Kathy at the office. You may also use a pew envelope for this purpose.

For this coming week: November 26 - Father Angelo Messina

Sanctuary Candle Burns This Week

November 27 - Father Jack Michalchuk

In loving memory of

November 28 - Father Kenneth Michiels

Gloria Dupre by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Conques If you would like to have a loved one or special intention remembered by providing for the sanctuary candle, please contact the parish office. The cost is $5.00 per candle. 2

Pastoral Council Chair: Deborah Bess, Butch Doiron, Brad Gadel, Priscilla Gadel, Runnie Hunter, Bobbie Long, Marshall Long Finance Council Chair: Marshall Long, Brenda Benoit, Pat Brister, Gary Delaney, Bernard Patty Trustees Pat Brister, Gary Delaney

November 29 - Father Bruce Miller November 30 - Father Charles Morgan December 1 - Bishop Ronald Herzog December 2 - Father Augustine Mulanjanay


First Sunday Of Advent

Mass Intentions WEEK OF NOVEMBER 26, 2016 Reg. Collection:


Support Of Our Parish

Reg. Collection:

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26 4:00PM - Louise Gagnard; Jana Massey’s speedy recovery

Support Of Our Parish

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 4:00PM - Louise Gagnard; Mr. & Mrs. E. Lutz

Lector: A. Stevens Server: B. Gadel

Lector: S. Cranford Server: B. Gadel

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 8:00AM - Paul J. Barker

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27 8:00AM - Carl Bess Jr.

Lector: B. Edwards Server: J. Loken

Lector: C. Sayes Server: L. Delaney

10:30AM - Roy Deville; Leonard Johnson

10:30AM - Roy Deville; Newlyn P. Hebert

Lector: J. Antee Server: I. Antee

Lector: J. Foote Server: M. Hawthorne

5:30PM - For our parish family

5:30PM - For our parish family

Lector: K. Switzer Server: M. Mallach

Lector: M. Leleux Server: M. Leleux

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 5 7:00AM - Steve Bess birthday remembrance

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29 7:00AM - Carl Bess, Jr.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 7:00AM - Gary Trémè

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 7:00PM - Louise Gagnard

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 5:30PM - Carl Bess, Jr. Lector: D. Bess Server: TBD

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1 7:00AM - Gloria Dupre 1st anniv.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 7:00AM - Richard LaPalme 65th birthday 6:00PM - Camille Smith Lector: D. Bess Server: TBD

If you are a victim or survivor of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic clergy or representatives of the Catholic Church and you want to make a formal complaint of abuse to the diocese, arrange a personal meeting with the bishop or his representative, and/or to obtain support for the needs of the individual and families, call Dr. Lee Kneipp, Victim Assistance Coordinator (318) 623-3804 or the Diocesan HOTLINE (318) 445-1427. Diocesan “Protecting our Children - Understanding, Reporting, and Preventing Child Abuse” brochures are available in the narthex bookcase. Both the Diocesan Policy for the Protection of Minors and the Diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct are available in the safe environment section of the Diocesan website:

November 26 - November 27 2016



OFFERTORY GIFTS - 11/20/2016

Our Recently Deceased Carolyn Keely

Total # of envelopes Avg. identifiable gift Weekly Collection EFT Collection Weekly Goal Shortage Goal for November (4 wks) Received for November Still needed for November Maintenance & Repair (FY 2016/2017)

50 $ 77.00 $ 3,172.00 $ 1,040.00 $ 4,529.00 $ 317.00 $ 18,116.00 $ 15,175.00 $ 2,941.00 $ 20.00 $ 3,595.00

Our Sick Landen Bradford, Charlie Butler, Robyn Gallent, Russell Gauthier, Jane Hollier, Jane Juneau, Bruce Laborde, Evelyn Lamkin, Randall Lamkin, Donzal Langston, Paul Lauve, Mathew Leotta, John Linzay, Jana Massey, Helen R. Mathews, John McClure, Charles Medica, Ottis Monroe, Buddy Normand, Donald Normand, Cynthia Parker, Donna Pearson, Jewel Perkins, Travis Perkins, Kelly Pias, Raymond & Joan Rachall, Alma Reitzell, Ben Rougeou, Jr., Jenny Butler Spurlock, Michael Stevens, Paula Bailey Stokes, Ruth Valley, Jacob Williamson

Thank You For Your Generosity!

Our Recovering Cameron Brown, Linda Butler, Amy Ladner Davis, Gerri Deptula, Walter, Jr. & Jackie Deptula, John Goetz, Terry Kohler, Rachel Mayfield, Jamie Monroe, Sarah Waits

Stewardship Note On this first Sunday of Advent Jesus urges his disciples to stay awake and prepare themselves for the Lord’s coming. Good stewards prepare themselves and await Christ’s judgment in joyous expectation. This kind of attitude requires genuine spiritual maturity, the kind that is cultivated by prayer, participation in the sacraments, loving attention to family and one’s communion of faith, and love for one’s neighbor. Are we prepared for the Lord’s second coming? Are we ready to receive Christ? Are we ready to look joyously for Christ’s judgment?

Our Homebound Joan Alpha, Butch and Marty Doiron, Richard Kelly, Ray Reich, Fleta Waits, Mary Virginia Young Our Nursing Home Residents Florence Broussard, Rose Ponthieux, Emma Wells Our Active Duty Military Timothy Deptula, Travis Edwards, Cade Jameson, Daniel Keely, Michael Smilie

Daily Prayer For Priests

If you know of anyone who should be included or removed, contact Kathy at the office. You may also use a pew envelope for this purpose.

For this coming week: November 26 - Father Angelo Messina

Sanctuary Candle Burns This Week

November 27 - Father Jack Michalchuk

In loving memory of

November 28 - Father Kenneth Michiels

Gloria Dupre by Mr. & Mrs. Richard Conques If you would like to have a loved one or special intention remembered by providing for the sanctuary candle, please contact the parish office. The cost is $5.00 per candle. 2

Pastoral Council Chair: Deborah Bess, Butch Doiron, Brad Gadel, Priscilla Gadel, Runnie Hunter, Bobbie Long, Marshall Long Finance Council Chair: Marshall Long, Brenda Benoit, Pat Brister, Gary Delaney, Bernard Patty Trustees Pat Brister, Gary Delaney

November 29 - Father Bruce Miller November 30 - Father Charles Morgan December 1 - Bishop Ronald Herzog December 2 - Father Augustine Mulanjanay


First Sunday of Advent

November 26 - November 27, 2016



Burial and Cremation

Christmas Giving Tree

Recently, the Vatican issued an Instruction on burial and cremation. The Instruction reaffirms the Church’s belief in the resurrection of the dead and affirming that the human body is an essential part of the person’s identity. Because of the Church’s belief that through baptism, we become temples of the Holy Spirit, our bodies must be treated with the greatest respect and laid to rest in consecrated ground. According to Cardinal Gerhard Muller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, “the Church wholeheartedly recommends continuing the pious practice of burying the dead. It is considered one of the corporal acts of mercy, mirroring the burial of Christ, and it more clearly expresses hope in the resurrection when the person’s body and soul will be reunited.” According to Cardinal Muller, the Church prefers burial of the body, but it accepts cremation as an option. It forbids the scattering of ashes or keeping ashes in one’s home. The Church believes that the person belongs to the entire community of faith, and not just to a person’s closest relatives. Other believers have a right to pray at the person’s tomb. Placing the ashes in a sacred place also prevents our deceased loved ones and friends from being forgotten or their remains from being shown a lack of respect. This is more likely to happen as time goes on and the people closest to the deceased also pass away, according to the Vatican’s Instruction. We believe in the resurrection of the body and this must be the principle of our faith and practice. Let us continue to regularly pray for our dead and ask them to pray for us!

Our annual Giving Tree is in the narthex. Please take at least one tag with the name of someone who has asked for our generosity to ensure that they have a truly special Christmas this year. All gifts are to be unwrapped, placed in a sealed bag with the name tag affixed, and returned to the church the weekend of Dec. 10-11.

Advent Penance Service For Religious ED/CCD Students And Parishioners

Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic Church Parish Offices Monday - Thursday 8:00AM to 4:00PM Friday 8:00AM to Noon 9323 Highway 165 South - P. O. Box 408, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485 Phone - (318) 487-9894/Fax - (318) 445-0436 ALL ARE WELCOME

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, no matter what your current family and marital situation, no matter what your personal history, age, background, race, etc., you are invited, welcomed, loved and respected here.

Wednesday, November 30th - 6:00 p.m.


Advent Scripture Study Thursday, December 1st Pot Luck Dinner: 5:30 p.m. Presentation: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Prayer Shawl Ministry Thank you to everyone who donated yarn to benefit this ministry. Both your response and generosity were overwhelming.

Christmas Choir

Rev. Paul M. LaPalme KHS, Pastor

Mrs. Priscilla Gadel, Director of M usic

2120 Coulee Crossing Road, Woodworth, LA 71485 (318) 487-9894 -

(318) 442-2245 -

Ms Kathy Rachall, Secretary/Book k eeper

(318) 487-9894 -

(318) 487-9894 -

Mrs. Courtney Landry, Coordinator, Religious Ed (318) 715-0080 -

Mr. Gary Leblanc, Janitorial/M aintenance

Dr. Mary DeVille, Organist

Mr. Matt Brundrett, Y outh M inister (225) 274-5196 -

Mrs. Katie Upton, Y outh M inister (318) 308-9991 -

Advent Penance Service All Religious Education Students & Parishioners Wednesday, November 30th - 6:00 p.m. We are forming a choir to lead singing at the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Vigil Mass. Practices will be held on Sunday December 11 and Sunday December 18 at 9:15 a.m. in the Church. All ages are invited. The only requirement is a desire to sing in praise of our God. Please join us for this special celebration of Christmas. Please contact Priscilla Gadel at or Mary Deville at to let them know you’re interested.

Youth Ministry Youth night is back, every Tuesday from 5:30 to 6:30! Come hang out with us! We will have music, snacks, pool, ping pong, air hockey, video games and lots of fun! All youth grades 2-12 are invited. Please feel free to bring your friends!


We also need teen volunteers to babysit during the adult faith formation that will be on every Thursday evening during advent. If you are interested please contact Kathy at the office.

First Reconciliation For Grade 2 Rehearsal: Tuesday, Nov. 29th - 6:00 p.m. Service: Wednesday, Nov. 30th - 6:00 p.m. 4

Advent Scripture Study Thursday, December 1st Pot Luck: 5:30 p.m. Class: 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sacraments of the Church Reconciliation/Confession 30 minutes before every weekend Mass for 15 minutes. Baptism Celebrated during any weekend Mass or on Sunday afternoons. Contact the church office. Holy Matrimony Contact the pastor at least six months in advance. Anointing of the Sick and Communion Calls Please call the office when a parishioner is confined at home, is in the hospital, or placed in a nursing home or hospice. Holy Communion is brought weekly to all shut-ins. Mass of Christian Burial All arrangements should be made directly with the funeral home who will then contact the church.

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