OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR CATHOLIC CHURCH 2120 Elliott Street, Alexandria, Louisiana Tel: (318) 445-3693 Fax (318) 445-8471
E-Mail Address: olpsc@bellsouth.net Website Address: www.olpschurch.org U
APRIL 29, 2012
Vol. XVII No. 23
GROUNDBREAKING FOR OUR NEW FAMILY LIFE CENTER will be next Sunday, May 6, after the 10:30 A.M. Mass!! Please see the bulletin insert today for more information. Please plan to join us for this joyful occasion. – Father Dan WWWWWWW
Monday, April 30 10:00 A.M. Outreach Prayer Group (L) 6:00 P.M. Rosary (Church) Tuesday, May 1 2:30 P.M. Mass at Rapides Parish Detention Center 3 3:00 P.M. St. Cecilia Choir (Music Room) 6:30 P.M. RCIA Pre-catechumenate (Life House) 7:00 P.M. Adult Choir (Music Room) Wednesday, May 2 4:00 P.M. Youth Band (ND) 5:45 P.M. Joyful Noise Choir (Music Room) 6:15 P.M. Junior High (Life House) 6:30 P.M. CCD (School/Children will attend May Crowning) 6:30 P.M. Parish May Crowning (Church) Reception following in Madonna Room Thursday, May 3 10:00 A.M. Rosary (Church) 1:30 P.M. OLPS School May Pole Celebration (Grounds) 4:00 P.M. Bear Cub Scouts (OH) Friday, May 4 8:00 A.M. OLPS School Mass and May Crowning (Church) 9:00 A.M. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Church) 9:00 A.M. Altar Society (L) 3:00 P.M. Children’s Holy Hour (Church) Saturday, May 5 8:00 A.M. Parish Donut Social sponsored by ACTS (L) 4:00 P.M. ACTS Ladies Bake Sale (Madonna Complex) Sunday, May 6 7:00 A.M. ACTS Ladies Bake Sale after all Masses (MR) 9:15 A.M. ‘Sunday Morning Lagniappe’ Bible Study (L) 10:00 A.M. Coffee and Donut Social (MR) 10:30 A.M. Children’s Liturgy (L) 10:30 A.M. Scout Sunday Mass (Church) 11:30 A.M. Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet (OH) 11:30 A.M. OLPS Family Life Center Groundbreaking (Grounds) 2:30 P.M. Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary (Church) 4:15 P.M. ‘Sunday Evening Lagniappe’ Bible Study (L) 5:30 P.M. Children’s Liturgy (L) 5:30 P.M. Coffee and Sandwiches (MR) 7:00 P.M. High School Youth (OH)
THERE WILL BE A SECOND COLLECTION taken next weekend, May 5-6, to help fund the Junior High Mission Trips to Charlotte, NC and Knoxville, TN from June 30-July 7. Around 80 youth with their chaperons from our parish will be going to Catholic Heart Work Camps. The group must pay for transportation as well as registration fee. The students will be assisting the less fortunate in a variety of service. Please be generous as our students work to relieve the suffering of others. A FAREWELL RECEPTION for John Lyons, our Coordinator of High School Youth Ministry, will be held this Sunday in Olinger Hall following the 5:30 P.M. Mass. John is leaving our staff to further his career in his family’s construction business. In addition to his work with our high school youth over a number of years, John has served our parish as coordinator of our Confirmation program and our ministry commissions, as well as liberally using his skills in construction and cooking to assist as needed. We will miss him, but we take encouragement in the fact that he, Kim and their children will still be involved in our parish and school. Please come by this Sunday evening to show your appreciation. –Father Dan PARISH MAY CROWNING: Our CCD and Junior High students and children’s choirs will lead us in a parish-wide procession and May crowning this Wednesday, May 2 at 6:30 P.M. in the Church. The service will also include traditional Marian hymns, Scripture readings, a short homily, and a litany to the Blessed Mother (it will not be a Mass). A reception will follow in the Madonna Room. WOMEN’S ACTS is holding a bake sale next weekend, May 56, after all Masses. All baked items will be donated by the Women’s ACTS Team and proceeds will go to help with expenses on the upcoming retreat in June. OLPS VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held the week of June 4-8. This year’s theme is “Sky.” Registration forms are in today’s bulletin. Anyone interested in helping with VBS can phone Paul Hood at 445-9748, ext. 211.
Madonna Room (MR) Lourdes (L) Fatima (F) Olinger Hall (OH) Notre Dame (ND) MOTHER’S DAY INTENTIONS: You’re invited to remember a living or deceased mother, grandmother, aunt, etc. by filling out a 3x5 index card and returning it to the church office or you may place it in the collection basket. The names Mother’s Day, May 13.
THE FLOWERS BY OUR LADY OF PROMPT SUCCOR are given this week in loving memory of ALLEN H. AND VIRGIE AYMOND by Their Children. THE ALTAR CANDLES will burn this week IN HONOR OF MADISON KIDD ON HER FIRST COMMUNION. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
O L P S SC H O O L BULLDOG BYTES The OLPS third grade class celebrated Louisiana with the fifth annual Louisiana Day celebration on April 24. The celebration began with the Louisiana Day parade and continued with “yummy” Louisiana treats prepared by our third grade parents. The festivities continued with a visit from Miss Louisiana, Louisiana stories by local children’s author, Rose Anne St. Romaine, and musical entertainment provided by Denver Shoup and his Cajun band. Thank you to all of the students and parents who helped continue this tradition of creative learning at OLPS. Three projects were a part of the students’ lessons. The projects incorporated skills in Reading, Language, Social Studies, Math and Research and were designed to help the children learn about our great state while having fun and using their creative talents. • Louisiana Festival Float project – students made wearable box floats. The floats displayed all the exciting elements of their assigned LA festival and were worn in the OLPS Louisiana Day parade through Olinger Hall on April 24. • City Travel Brochure project – students researched the city where their festival takes place and will create a City Travel Brochure which will include all the tourist information a visitor would need to enjoy the area. • Louisiana Recipe Flowchart project – students choose one of their favorite Louisiana recipes and created a flowchart outlining the steps in the process of completing the recipe. Beef O’Brady’s Nite Don’t forget to dine-in or out at Beef O’ Brady’s on Thursday, May 3and OLPS will receive a portion of the night’s proceeds.
THE FLOWERS BY THE TABERNACLE are given in loving memory of DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE WHITEHEAD AND PEROT FAMILIES by Charles and Linda Perot. THE FLOWERS BY THE TABERNACLE FOR THE PARISH MAY CROWNING are given in loving memory of BETTY WADDELL by Cindy and Harry Hawthorne and Family.
ALTAR SOCIETY SPRING LUNCHEON will be on Thursday, May 3 at 11:30 A.M. in the home of Lea Miguez at 2817 Georges Lane in Alexandria. Members are asked to bring a green salad, fruit salad or dessert. Guest are welcome! RSVP to Wendy Carbo at 442-6579 or abbiecar@suddenlink.net.
OLPS YOUTH HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH BAND rehearses on Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:00 P.M. The band is open to anyone in ninth through twelfth grades. Come join us in the Lourdes Room. JUNIOR HIGH: Our Junior High group (seventh and eighth graders from all schools) meets on Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:30 in the Life House. For more information, contact Kristine Antoon at 445-8473 or jrhigh@olpschurch.org.
HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH NEW S YOUTH GROUP: High School youth meet after the 5:30 P.M. Mass this Sunday. Contact John Lyons at 445-8473, ext. 213 or youth@olpschurch.org. ‘CHILDREN OF HOPE’: The next First Friday holy hour will be Friday, May 4 from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M. in church. The program includes Eucharistic Adoration, prayers, music, rosary and meditations for children especially in grades two through six. OUR SEMINARIANS: Brian Seiler, Pontifical College Josephinum, Columbus, OH; Dutch Voltz, Notre Dame Seminary, New Orleans, LA PLEASE PRAY for all our service men and women serving in Afghanistan and other parts of the world, and here at home, among them Bill Aldridge, Paul Arbour, Chris Armstrong, Jesse Barth, Chad Bordelon, Beau Bradford, Chaplain Father John Brocato, Shawn D. Bryant, Gregory Carbo II, Orlando Carnales, Ray Constantino, Thomas Cooper, John V. Daigle, Mike Deville, Scott Deville, Dirk Erickson, David Fields, Chaplain Father John Gabriel, Shaun Gordon, Christian Griffiths, Joseph Anthony Gonzales, Jr., Jesse Karinsny, Derrick Kozielski, Stephen Lee, Brandon McNamara, Christopher Nuss, Ledena Piper, Seth Sibley, Jared Slay and Francis Jerome Vanderlick. If you know someone serving whose name is not on our list, please contact the church office. JOIN THE JULY FOURTH PILGRIMAGE to Alabama to pray for our Church and nation with Marija Lunetti of Medjugorje during her visit to Caritas of Birmingham. Departure time is 6:00 A.M. on Tuesday, July 3 from Maryhill after a 5:00 A.M. Mass and return is Thursday, July 5 at 6:00 P.M. to
Maryhill. Bus transportation is $150 with reserved rooms additional. Please call Dee Jeansonne at 316-7818 or Kathie Duggan at 640-4570 for information. TELEVISED SUNDAY MASS: A televised Sunday Mass is now airing in Louisiana on ABC Family from 5:30 A.M. to 6:00 A.M. each Sunday. THE SUNDAY MASS is produced by the Passionist Fathers and Brothers out of New York City. CENLA ACTS invites you to a family picnic on Saturday, May 19 at Maryhill Renewal Center in Pineville form 10:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Come join us for music, food, games for the kids, waterslides and snow cones. All are welcome. RSVP with the number attending by Friday, May 11 to JasonLavergne@aol.com or phone at (318) 446-0217.
Mailing Address: 401 21st Street, Alexandria, La. 71301 Church Office/Rectory Telephone: 445-‐3693 Choir Director/Organist Telephone: 487-‐8528 Life House Telephone: 445-‐8473 Fr. Daniel P. O’Connor, V.F., Pastor Fr. Chris Nayak, In Residence Rev. Mr. Todd Marye, Deacon Mary Floyd, Parish Manager Annette Curley, Accountant/Margaret Shiver, Receptionist Sr. Virginia Lee Vanderlick, C.D.P., President of OLPS School Jo Tassin, Principal of OLPS School Sr. JoAnn DeLoach, M.S.C., Pastoral Associate Paul Hood, Director of Religious Education Linda Perot, Director of Music Ministry Josh Blakesley, Associate Director of Music Ministry John Lyons, Coordinator of High School Ministry Kristine Antoon, Coordinator of Junior High Ministry Sarah Duncan Mealer, Church Nursery Coordinator Brandon Callahan, Maintenance Supervisor Michael Upton, Finance Council Chair + Bill Aldridge, Pastoral Council Chair Mark Lemaire, School Council Chair SACRAMENTS/LITURGY/DEVOTIONS Mass: Saturday 4 PM Sunday 7, 9 & 10:30 AM; 5:30 PM (Nursery Available for 9, 10:30 AM & 5:30 PM for Newborns through 3 yrs.) Weekdays: 6:30 AM & 5:30 PM Holy Day of Obligation: Vigil -‐ 5:30 PM Holy Day: 6:30 AM; 12:05 P.M. & 5:30 PM Children’s Liturgy of the Word (For ages 4 -‐ 8 yrs.) Sundays at 10:30 AM Sacrament of Penance: Saturdays 3:00 -‐ 3:50 PM and Weekdays before Mass Sacrament of Matrimony: Please contact the Priest no less than four months in advance in order for marriage preparation to begin. Sacrament of Baptism: Baptismal Preparation Class quarterly. Register in advance by calling the Church Office (445-‐3693). Baptisms are ministered by appointment. Sacrament of Holy Eucharist: For the sick and homebound. Contact Sister JoAnn DeLoach, M.S.C. at 445-‐3693. Anointing of the Sick: Please contact our Parish Priests at 445-‐3693. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: The Blessed Sacrament is exposed from 9:00 AM -‐ 5:00 PM every Friday in the Church. RELIGIOUS FORMATION PROGRAMS CCD -‐ Wednesdays during the School year, 6:30 -‐ 7:30 PM Junior High -‐ Wednesdays during the School year, 6:15 -‐7:30 P.M.
READINGS FOR MAY 6: Acts 9:26-31; Psalm 22; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8
SUNDAY LAGNIAPPE TOPICS ON MAY 6: Lourdes Room, 9:15 A.M. – Apologetics Lourdes Room, 4:15 P.M. – The Book of Acts of the Apostles IN MEMORY: Please pray for those of our parish who have recently died and for the consolation of their families.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: John Aymond; Ruth Bergeron; Lucien A. Branch, Jr.; Keith Brewster; Louis Burnett; Larry Carbo; Verna Carbo; Theresa Cataldie; Sophie Chestovich; Anne Eversull; John Finley; Chuck Hardy; Josey King; Tiffany Lora; Robert Maddox V; Irene Mathews; Maxine Meadows; Ashley Miller; Ethel Miller; Odis Miller; Lillian Paugh; Linda Pratt; Willard Price; Elaine Roy; Michael Roy; Geneva Scarbrock; Hazel Schmolke; Leroy Seaux; Don Smith; Pat Stephens; Steve Tatum; Mary Nassif Tompkins; Barbra Vincent; Ruth Wallace; Joseph Warren; Steven White; Katherine Wood; and all the homebound of our parish.
MASSES OF THE WEEK SUN., APRIL 29: 7:00 A.M. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Vanderlick 9:00 A.M. Bob Foster; Charles Anderson; David Ezernack; Living and deceased members of the Gueringer and Gagnard Families; Allen and Virgie Aymond; Cassie Carbo; Charles Anderson; Milfred Busby; Ben Nugent; Kenneth W. Heldt, Mary E. Heldt; Patricia A. Heldt; Myrthlee Vanhoof; Virginia Gibson 10:30 A.M. Jay Herrington 5:30 P.M. Our Parish Family MON., APRIL 30: 6:30 A.M. Margaret Krogull 5:30 P.M. Mary Aba Flynn (anniv.) TUES., MAY 1: 6:30 A.M. Sam and Lois Campo 5:30 P.M. Intention of Laura Lou Foskey WED., MAY. 2: 6:30 A.M. Jesse Hyde, Sr., Mae Hyde, William Hyde, Sr. 5:30 P.M. Beverly McMickens (anniv.) THURS., MAY 3: 6:30 A.M. Elvin Ray (anniv.) 8:00 A.M. Charles and Madeline Cazes 5:30 P.M. Frank and Frances Constantino FRI., MAY 4: 6:30 A.M. Dena Flynn 8:00 A.M. Joseph Pershing Cashen, Sr. 5:30 P.M. Sandy Norris SAT., MAY 5: 8:00 A.M. Milo Wilson 4:00 P.M. Tony Fiorenza; Dena Flynn; John Cangelosi, Jr.; Al Beach; Cassie Carbo; Intention of Ana Cupples; Alice Gremillion; Cecil Wayne Normand; Deceased members of the Tooley Family; MinhCho-Lee; Joseph J. Bellais, Eastlyn Bellais McGinnis, James McGinnis; John Baldwin; In Honor of Christie Peaslee SUN., MAY 6: 7:00 A.M. Mary Willis 9:00 A.M. Living and deceased members of the Gueringer and Gagnard Families; Gordon Ducote; Beverly Bohrer; Cassie Carbo; Virginia Messina Gibson; Sam and Edith Tamburo, Colingo and Tamburo, Families, Simon and Mamie Campo and Campo Families; Charles Anderson; Myrthlee Vanhoof; All Living and Deceased members of Court Notre Dame (CDA); Bob Foster; Kenneth W. Heldt, Mary E. Heldt; Patricia A. Heldt; 10:30 A.M. Jay Herrington 5:30 P.M. Our Parish Family
GIFTS REPORT – CHURCH SUPPORT Income needed for April (five Sundays) Gifts on previous weekends in April Gifts given last weekend Amount still needed for April
92,500.00 59,796.00 13,138.00 19,566.00
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY ‘WHERE WE BELONG’ CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Campaign Goal 5,300,000.00 Pledged to Date 3,135,899.00 Collected to Date 1,868,397.00