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September 1 , 2013 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ --- OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE MISSION --Persona s a c ontact ar / Contact Person s : Adolfo Valle 447 - 8956 ; Francisco Vargas 7925432 Misas: a las 8:00 pm Sábado y d í as de obligació n por todos los fieles de la parroquia. Clases de Guitarra: Sábado 6:00 pm Bautismos: Ultimo domingo de cada mes a las 12:30 pm . Plática el mart es antes a las 7:00 pm Hora Santa: Primer viernes 7:00 pm Gracias por su contribución de esta semana $ 631 .00 Regular ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ + SACRAM ENTAL LIFE + Confessions: 30 minutes before weekend Masses. Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation: Contact Pastor, or the Secretary. Matrimony: Make first appointment six months in advance with Fr. Pedro and provide certificates of baptism recently issued with marginal notations. Communion and Anointing of the Sick: As requested. Funeral Services: Only the Funeral Home may schedule. Masses for the people of the parish (Pro Populo) are said on Saturdays and Holy Days at Forest Hill. Mass times: Sunday 10:00AM, Sat 5.00PM Youth Mass: 1st Sunday of every month 5:00PM MASS INTENTIONS for the week Saturday, August 31 5 PM Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hart’s 30th Wedding Anniversary Sunday, September 1 10 AM + Mrs. Billy French Tuesday, September 3 8 AM +Poor Souls in Purgatory Wednesday, September 4 8 AM +Shirley, Yola & Smiley Buller Thursday, September 5 8 AM +Jerry Thiels Friday, September 6 8 AM +Maxine Buller Saturday, September 7 5 PM +Paille Family Members Sunday, September 8 10 AM +Maxine Buller

GIFTS-REGULAR COLLECTION Weekly Needs Last Weekend’s collection Capital Improvement fund to date

$2,693.00 $2,464.00 $ 10.00

Special collection this weekend the Catholic University of America Thank you for your generosity. Liturgy for the week of September 8 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Wis. 9: Solomon’s Prayer. Ps. 90: In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge. Phmn. 9: Plea for Onesimus. Lk. 14: Sayings on Discipleship. Sacristans: Sat.: Pat & Theresa Dunn Sun. Johnny Dyer Lectors: Sat: Jackie Schexnyder Sun: Mark Scarber Eucharistic Servers: Sat.: Dianne Henry, Pattie Killen, Alicia Monroe Sun.: Kenneth Andries, Stephanie Andries, Layne Gaiennie Ushers: Sat Chuck Monroe, Jamie Monroe, Frank Rachal, Donald Tassin Sun: Ben Kelso, Damon Armstrong, John Cain, Bob Maloney Altar Servers: Sat: Christian Dunn, Zack Monroe Sun: Nichols Winners, Eleana Winners PRAYER LIST Connie Bailey, Denise Bankovic, Donald Brady, William Bridges, Bud Brittain, Karen Bryant, Kennette Campbell, John Carter, Gloria Fitzgerald, Jerry Flynn, Betty Gaiennie, H.L. Harrell, Fred Harris, Eric Hawthorne, Jerry Herrin, Jake Jones, Bill & Frances Kennedy, Odell Lamartiniere, Annette Lohman, Edwin Matthews, Chris McPeters, Frances Pegg, Greg Perry, Don Puckett, Shirl Rolen, Pat Ivy Smith, Marie Smith, Sister C. C. Vanderlick, Sister Virginia Lee, Bobby Thiels, Dot Vanderlick, Vicky Wilson Please Pray for the military: Steven Brevelle, Jacob Maricle, Jacob Morrison, Jay Skinner, Mathew Winners Shut Ins: Dolores Basco, Harold Bonnette, Della Guillot, Eula Janice, Eloise Turner If you know someone who is ill or having surgery, please call the Salt and Light Commission Chair, Ginny Baker at 776-9289. Names will be removed from the prayer list after two weeks unless otherwise notified.

Today’s second collection is for The Catholic University of America which is the national university of the Catholic Church in the United States, located in Washington, D.C. It provides an academically rigorous education guided by Catholic intellectual tradition to 6,000 students every year. Every dollar we give, directly supports financial aid for students from dioceses across the country, including the Diocese of Alexandria. Please be generous.

St. Anthony of Padua (Bro. Francis Center) Bunkie Tuesday, September 10 6:00PM

Knitting Circle meets every Tuesday from 2-3 P.M. in the CCD building. You do not have to know how to knit to join. For more information call Marilyn Gonzales at 776-1410.

St. Francis Cabrini (activities bldg.) Alexandria Tuesday, September 17 6:00 PM

Knights Of Columbus meet on the second Tuesday of every month.

St. Mary’s Assumption Church (CYO bldg.), Cottonport Monday, September 23 6:00PM

Altar Society: Ladies Altar Society meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month.


Catechist Workshop, Diocese of Alexandria: A training in teaching skills for all catechists. Sept 21, 9a.m. – 3p.m. Large conference room at diocese office. Cost is $10 including lunch Register on or before Sept. 16 at or call 445 6424 ext. 251.

To pre-register, go to, and click on Registration (on left side of screen) to begin the registration process. For more information, call Pam Delrie, Safe Environment coordinator, at 318-445-6424-x 213



Call Pam at 318-794-5775 for information about line dancing.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Sept. 2-Sept. 8


Menu for Mary Mother Sept. 2, 1 Monday Supper is:Chicken Spaghetti, Seasoned Green Beans,Sweet Potato Casserole, Bread. Price $7.00 Men’s Prayer Breakfast Tuesday, September 3 at St. Martin. Widowed, separated or divorced? Don’t know where to turn? Struggling with grief of loss? Beginning Experience is registering now for a weekend away toward a lifetime of change at Maryhill Renewal Center – Pineville for Sept. 20-22. Program helps grieving single-again persons emerge from the darkness of grief into the light of a new beginning, and move into the furure with renewed hope. Cost is $185 which includes two night’s lodging and meals. To register or for more information, call Anna at 452-2678 or Rose at 504920-0770. YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS CCD REGISTRATION: It’s that time of year, CCD Registration time. Please fill out your child’s information on the CCD Registration forms at the back of church. Classes begin on Wednesday, September 18 at 5:45 PM in the church. Please place registration form in the CCD basket in the church foyer.

The Sanctuary Candle burns in memory of Anna Belle Berlin.


Youth Mass Sunday, September 1 at 5:00 PM.

Flowers are in memory of deceased members St. Martin.

The Pastoral and Finance Councils will meet Tuesday, September 3rd at 6:30 P.M. in St. Martin Hall to close the book on the parking lot project.

For Anyone interested, Daniel Hart’s address is: Mr. Daniel Hart, Seminarian Pontifical North American College 00120 Vatican City State Europe

Sept. 3 Sept. 4 Sept. 5 Sept. 6 Sept. 7

Rene Vanlangendonck Eric Lee Wyatt Smith Solmayra Sierra Saundra Dauzat

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. Copies of the bi-fold flyer “Protecting our ChildrenUnderstanding and Preventing Child Sexual Abuse” are available on the table in the back of church. Additional copies are available in the office. The tri-fold flyer “Protecting Our Children- Teaching Touching Safety Quick Reference Guide”” is on the table in the back of the church. Additional copies are available from the office. The diocesan Code of Pastoral Conduct for Priests, Deacons, Pastoral Ministers, Administrators, Staff, and Volunteers can be accessed under Downloadable Documents in the Safe Environment section of the diocesan website, or a copy may be requested from the diocesan Safe Environment Office. A copy of Diocesan Policy for the Protection of Minors can be accessed under Downloadable Documents in the Safe Environment section of the diocesan website

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