St martin bulletin june 9 2013

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June 9 , 2013 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ --- OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE MISSION --Persona s a c ontact ar / Contact Person s : Adolfo Valle 447 - 8956 ; Francisco Vargas 7925432 Misas: a las 8:00 pm Sábado y d í as de obligació n por todos los fieles de la parroquia. Cl ases de Guitarra: Sábado 6:00 pm Bautismos: Ultimo domingo de cada mes a las 12:30 pm . Plática el mart es antes a las 7:00 pm Hora Santa: Primer viernes 7:00 pm Gracias por su contribución de esta semana $ 665 .00 Regular ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ + SACRAMENT AL LIFE + Confessions: 30 minutes before weekend Masses. Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation: Contact Pastor, or the Secretary. Matrimony: Make first appointment six months in advance with Fr. Pedro and provide certificates of baptism recently issued with marginal notations. Communion and Anointing of the Sick: As requested. Funeral Services: Only the Funeral Home may schedule. Masses for the people of the parish (Pro Populo) are said on Saturdays and Holy Days at Forest Hill. Mass times: Sunday 10:00AM, Sat 5.00PM Youth Mass: 1st Sunday of every month 5:00PM MASS INTENTIONS for the week Saturday, June 8 5 PM + Maxine Buller Sunday, June 9 10 AM + Deceased Members of the KC Tuesday, 8 AM No Mass Wednesday, 8 AM No Mass Thursday 8 AM No Mass Friday, 8 AM No Mass Saturday, June 15 5 PM + Faye Pontif Sunday, June 16 10 AM +Rick Huckabay, Mr. Frank Spears, Mr. Joseph Harris, Mr. Eugene French The Sanctuary Candle burns in memory of Todd Buller. Flowers are in memory of Buddy Dunn. Please note there will be no weekday Masses in June.

GIFTS-REGULAR COLLECTION Weekly Needs Last Weekend’s collection Capital Improvement fund to date

$2,693.00 $3,511.00 $25,377.00

Thank you for your generosity. Liturgy for the week of June 16 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

ST. MA RTIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Father Pedro will be on vacation from June 5 until June 29. Fr. Courville will be here for weekend Masses. PLEASE TURN IN ANY RECEIPTS OR MONEY THAT YOU MIGHT HAVE FOR THE EVENT. We cannot get a final accounting until we have everything.

1 Sm. 12: Samuel upbraids the people. Ps. 32: Lord, forgive the wrong I have done. Gal.2: Faith and Works. Lk. 7: The Pardon of the Sinful Woman.

From Kathy and Ottis Monroe: Many thanks to everyone for all their help at the dinner Sunday. Everyone worked together to make it work. We could not have done it without you.

Sacristans: John & Mary Dunn Sun: Mark Scarber Lectors: Sat: Jackie Schexnyder Sun: Sylvia Hebert Eucharistic Servers: Sat.: Jerry Herrin, Alicia Monroe, Jamie Monroe Sun.: Carolyn Pelto, Elaine Roy, Kim Ryland Ushers: Sat: Chuck Monroe, Gary Dunn, Frank Rachal, Donald Tassin Sun: Jacob Andries, Kenneth Andries, Damon Armstrong, John Cain Altar Servers: Sat: Christian Dunn, Matthew Monroe Sun: Devin Smith, Madeline Carrington

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Event 2013 was a great success. There is a long list of people in our St. Martin Family who volunteered their time, ideas, and donations to make this happen. We are all very blessed to be a part of this wonderful Family. From the bottom of my heart, thank you ~Jill


Connie Bailey, Denise Bankovic, Donald Brady, William Bridges, Karen Bryant, Kennette Campbell, Carol Mae Dryden, Jerry Flynn, Kylee Johnson, Bill & Frances Kennedy, Greg Perry, Don Puckett, Pat Salter, Ivy Smith, Marie Smith, Buddy Van Hoof, Sister C. C. Vanderlick, Please Pray for the military: Steven Brevelle, Jacob Maricle, Jacob Morrison, Jay Skinner, Mathew Winners Shut Ins: Dolores Basco, Harold Bonnette, Della Guillot, Eula Janice, Jerry Thiels, Eloise Turner If you know someone who is ill or having surgery, please call the Salt and Light Commission Chair, Ginny Baker at 776-9289. Names will be removed from the prayer list after two weeks unless otherwise notified.

Marilyn and Luke Gonzales would like to thank everyone for their prayers and concern for Luke’s surgery. He is at home and doing well. On Sunday, June 16th (Father’s Day), at 9AM, we will be celebrating fathers and grandfathers with a special breakfast before Church. Men, please join us for muffins, juice, coffee, and fellowship before Mass! For further details, please contact Donna Robinson at 613-1719 or Jill Reynolds 715-6000 Masses available: There are a few weekday Masses available now and a few weekend Masses available in the fall. St. Martin Knitting Circle meets every Tuesday from 2-3 P.M. in the CCD building. You do not have to know how to knit to join. For more information call Marilyn Gonzales at 776-1410. Knights Of Columbus meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Altar Society meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month. YOUTH ANNOUNCEMENTS PLEASE NOTE: No Youth Mass in June. Vacation Bible School will begin July 13th. More information to follow. GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Line Dancing every week. Call Pam NesSmith for time and dates at 318-794-5775. JULY FOURTH PILGRIMAGE bus trip with Fr.. Anthony Catella to Caritas and EWTN in Alabama on July 3-5 when Marija of Medjugorje visits. Call Kathie Duggan at 640-4570 for information.

▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ VIRTUS TRAINING June 12 (Wednesday) 6:00 PM St. Joseph Catholic Center, Alexandria ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Raising the Dead to Life What if I told you YOU hold the power to bring the dead to life? Would you believe me? No, it’s not just poetic language. Whenever we look at the gospel stories, we’re asked to take what’s there, and see way beyond it – move it out into our lives. If we can’t do that, then what is the point? Jesus impressed the people with his physical raising of the widow of Nain’s dead son. It was an amazing evidence of his divine power and they recognized that “a great prophet has risen among us.“ Now, we have inherited Jesus’ Spirit, and we are called to raise others from death. We know from centuries of spiritual writing, reflection, and experience that there are many kinds of death. Every day, lives are being deadened by cruelty, abuse, alcohol and drug addiction. But perhaps the most horrific way we can deaden another person is by sexual violence, such as rape. We are especially outraged by the sexual exploitation of children. Maybe there is someone in your life who is particularly vulnerable in the world. Often we “blame the victim” when a young person does something wrong. But all of us are participating in the raising of the children around us, not just the birth parents. The good news is, you can interact with a child and have a profound effect upon the adult they become – just ask anyone who loved their coach or teacher. Some people need more raising to life, more affirmation, than others. But, just like Jesus, we can only take people as they come into our lives. When we feel ourselves moved with pity, let it be our call to action… to share our life with someone who needs to come alive again. Go in peace to love and serve our God ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

HAPPY BIRTHDAY June 10-June 16 June 10 Mallory Beauregard June 10 Myra Maloney June 14 Matthew Monroe June 15 Rafael Sierra, Jr. June 16 Jameson Andries

If you have bulletin announcements or additions and deletions to the prayer list, please have them in the office by 8:00 AM Thursdays. You may e-mail or call the office. Please remember to patronize our bulletin advertisers and to let them know you saw their ad in the bulletin. The 2013 Calendars are in the foyer of the church. Please pick one up as you leave.

Church Etiquette 1. Remember Church is God’s house. Come in with respect and reverence 2. No gum, candy or cell phones should be allowed 3. Make use of the cry room for infants. 4. Teach them to participate in Mass and to attend Children’s Church. 5. Appropriate dress is stressed. Child Sexual Abuse Blessing Dear Lord, We ask to bless Your holy people who participate in the church’s efforts to help stop child sexual abuse. Open their hearts to Your call to be the ears, eyes and voice of children and young people everywhere. Give them the vision and grace needed to fulfill the special commitments that each of them has made to making their homes, churches, schools, programs, communities and world a safer place for all of God’s Children. Amen

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