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「設計」並非遙不可及,也不僅只被收藏於專屬的特定領域,設計在無時無刻中發生。 “Design” is not unreachable, or an unapproachable collection pertaining to specific fields,design happens timelessy.

Creation of the Taiwanese Designers’ Exclusive Exhibition Guestrooms

當國際旅客在一場陌生國度的旅途 中,旅店所使用的一切都是當地制 造,處處皆是凝聚在地文化價值與 工匠技藝的原生設計物件圍繞,如 同參加一場專屬而私密的迎賓宴 會。Home Hotel以最自然而不突兀 的方式,用當地的設計語言歡迎旅 客回家,攜手在臺灣生長的十個新 銳設計品牌,組成六個創作團隊,以 飯店客房作為自由揮灑創意的專屬舞 臺,將團隊獨特的氣味與溫度進駐空 間,引領國際旅客在住宿期間以最純 粹的方式與設計共處一室並「與設計 共眠」,以臺灣的味道:品味、氣 味、人情味,化為貼身足跡陪伴旅 客們的臺灣時光。

While making a journey in a foreign country, the international travelers stay in the hotel abounding with the locally made designed objects condensed with the local cultural value and craftsmanship, as if attending an exclusively private welcome party. In order to sincerely welcome travelers in the language of local design, Home Hotel groups and collaborates with the 10 Taiwanese new and dashing design brands into 6 creative teams, blending the teams’ unique odor and temperature into the hotel guestrooms to freely develop creativity, leading the international travelers to be saturated in the atmosphere of design and “In Bed with Design”, and accompanying the travelers along the journey with the flavor of Taiwan-taste, scent, and hospitality.

巷弄間的老房子紀錄著各種生活的痕跡,而長年生活的累 積,建構了我們對家的記憶。在時空變遷之下,許多老房 子或拆或遷移,其獨特的容貌隨著時間漸漸消失。 The old buildings situated in lanes and alleys record the traces of everyday life. Having accumulated over many years, they construct our memories of home. In the shift of time and space, many old buildings are demolished or moved. Likewise, their unique appearances are lost gradually in the course of time.

在都會旅行中一瞥臺灣老屋的風 采!「Retro」音似「你厝」,入 住此空間,讓我們一起回到老 家、品味復古!房間內的擺設是 以老建築的元素—鐵窗花與水泥 工藝所設計的產品,編織出老屋 的復古情懷,在此靜謐空間,娓 娓道出一則屬於老臺灣的故事。 During a trip to the city, you may get a glimpse of the old buildings in Taiwan. In this retro (pronounced as ni cuo, meaning your house, in Chinese) space, let us return to our old homes and enjoy the vintage charm. In the rooms, the decorations are products designed with old architectural elements – windows with iron bars and cement. They weave our nostalgia for old buildings. Listen to the stories of old Taiwan told by us in this tranquil space.

INTERLACED 共感交織 蘊乎中,形於外 INSIDE- OUTSIDE 黑生起司 由內而外 由外而內 透過生活觀察觸 摸物件 連結共生情感 By observing and touching objects in everyday life, connect mutual affections

讓住客貴賓開門後,映入眼簾以INTERLACED溫暖的燈光歡迎房客,營造出光影於房內交 織的美感,並使用身為客家人的黑生起司所設計的”LEI CHA擂茶”器皿,體驗客家文化 如何從聊天中,搗出一杯屬於自己的好茶與休憩時光。而床邊的WAVE TABLE搭配果皮擴 香器散發出來的香氣,以及獨家客製果.皮小邊桌,搭配優美的鴕鳥系列器皿,片刻休憩 時,用鴕鳥矮杯品味茶飲,期待讓住客獲得感官體驗的舒適。

As the door is opened, a warm and welcoming lamplight of “INTERLACED” leaps to the eyes of the guests, creating the beauty of lights and shades which are interwoven in the room. Also, using the containers: LEI CHA, designed by HEY SHENG CHI SI design group who has the Hakka background allows the guests to experience the process of pounding a cup of good tea and casual time of your own out of the Hakka people’s ordinary chitchats. The WAVE TABLE at the bedside surrounded by the fragrance coming from an aroma “Fruit and Vegetable peels diffuser” and the customized “Fruit and Vegetable Peels” side table accompanied with the elegant “TABLE ZOO” series containers enable the guests to take a short break and enjoy the tea. By doing so, we hope to provide the guests with a comfortable sensory experience. Friends from the abroad are also welcome to jointly experience and feel the warm guest room built exclusively for the hotel.

在藝術家與設計師的合作中,Kamaro’an 將一些部落的藝術精神、一些工藝巧 思、一些山與海的影子,帶進一系列傢 俱傢飾裡。這次的Home Hotel Da-an Kamaro’an主題房間,邀請旅人在繁華 的台北城,感受東海岸部落的自然與寧 靜,讓清爽的輪傘草、漂流木與編織伴 你入眠。

Kamaro'an是花蓮港口部落藝術家與臺灣設計師的共創品牌。在藝 術家用創作說出土地的故事後,設計師接力將創作延伸成由部落生 產的在地設計。Kamaro’an(讀音:嘎瑪魯岸)在阿美族語中的意 思是「住下來吧」,傳遞著部落青年回到自己的土地,認真、安定 而自在的生活風景。 Kamaro’an is collaborated by the Makota’ay artists and young Taiwanese designers. In the Pangcah language, the meaning of Kamoro’an is to stay and to live. In Kamaro’an, ever y design is inspired by the tribal artist’s works, every piece of the products is crafted by the local community.

Along with the essence of tribal art and craft, shapes of the mountain and ocean were also hidden in the Kamaro’an furniture. The Kamaro’an room, invites travelers to immerse themselves in the world of umbrella sedge, driftwood and weaving originated from eastern Taiwan.


視 SIGHT boven雜誌圖書館,是一間私人書房,現在,它開放與大眾共享。它不出售書籍,只販 賣夢想。館內一萬六千本來自世界各地的雜誌,從設計、藝術、時尚、建築到生活風 格,歡迎你來翻閱。來到boven,首先需換上館內為你準備的拖鞋,抖落一身都市塵 囂,讓心靈沈澱下來,就像回到家般,安心地在此沈潛。 This is a magazine library, a private study room — now open to the public. Dreams, not books, are sold here. 16,000 magazines ranging from design, art, fashion, to architecture and lifestyle have travelled here for your browsing from all over the world. First, please change into the slippers prepared for you at the entrance, dust off your urban exhausts and let your heart rest, just as you would at home.

聽 HEARING “boven” 是荷蘭文的「樓上」之意,十年前,boven曾經落腳士林,在一棟地下一層、地 上三層的空間裡,音樂、雜誌、咖啡、酒水和服飾等複合元素在此發生。boven期許自 己踏出的每一步,步步紮實,一階一階,更上層樓。當時的boven在經營兩年後,由於 商圈人潮轉移,只能將這份曾經的美好化作春泥。 “Boven” in Dutch means upstairs. Ten years ago in Shiling, a building one floor underground and three floors above was the nurture house to music, magazines, coffee, alcohol, fashion, and other miscellaneous elements including Boven. However, this beautiful rendezvous could not sustain after two years due to shifts in commercial centres. Boven aspires that with every step up, improvement is also grounded with foundation.


現代人的精神糧行 圖書館的五感體驗


Modern Man’s Food For the Soul Five Sensory Experiences of the Library


選、拿取、翻閱的那一刻起,它就開始一點一滴改變你看待世界的方式。那份存在與體 是你與手中紙本的一期一會。 The scent, temperature, and thickness of print; the text, images, illustrations, and layouts of the content. The moment you stand before the shelf selecting, reaching out and flipping through, your perspective of the world has started to change bit by bit. The weather, space, sceneries have begun a chemical reaction with you, and all this is unfounded in digital content. This meeting between you and the copy in your hand happens once an issue.

味 TASTE 說書人 彭緯豪 Ken Peng 「愛音樂、愛設計、愛紙本,愛一份平靜與安定。」 The Book Speaker “Lover of music, design, print, stability and serenity.”


透過手作認識彼此,並欣賞對方的工藝能力。三個團隊 分別來自工業設計師、傳統家具廠第二代、建築空間等 三種不同背景,以木材、土與皮革為媒介,各司其職翻 轉臺灣家具家飾設計、突破傳統工法的框架。他們是朋 友、也是夥伴,他們共同生活在臺灣這塊土地約莫30 年,同樣以雙手為媒介傳達創作的本質、各自有各自想 突破事物的三個品牌聯手合作。由「路力家器具」、「布 森家具」、「甲蟲仙生製革室」共同打造,請享受細膩 的現代主義與自然氣味懷抱,同時暗藏實驗性的住宿體 驗。 The 3 brands became friends due to handcrafts and they were impressed by each other’s work. Having 3 different contexts with industrial design, grown up from a traditional wood workshop and architect, they handcraft funiture and accessories with wood, clay and leather, and trying to breakthrough the traditional making skills and Taiwanese lifestyle. They are not only friends but partners. Having been living in Taiwan for more or less 30 years, they have similar concepts regarding the essensials to handmade products. In this room, of the first cooperation between Lo Lat Furniture & Objects, TU FURNITURE and Stagbeetle Design Handcrafted Workshop. Please enjoy the detailed made modern furnishings and have an experimental living experience.

L A B O R A T O R Y 實 驗 室

層層所研發的模組化客製化 單椅系統,可以有效加速B to B業務提案時間。 核心競爭力為系統設計開 發 ,以量產的思維去開發產 品並與產業上中下游合作,把 可能性放到最大,層層生活 的中期目標是把開發出來的 系統推向國際。 Pileup Life has developed a chair modular system that can efficiently accelerate B to B project process. The core element of Pileup Life Team is to develop systematic design. By using manufacturing mind of design thinking, Pileup works with professional manufacture to enlarge the design scale. Pileup Life’s immediate goal is to take developed system to the international market.

層層生活是在台灣創立的生活品牌並運用 當地累積的雄厚的製造代工資源,在地設 計在地製造。

Pileup Life is established Brand in Taiwan. We utilize local sophisticated manufacture resources to made locally and design locally.

Sam Tsai創辦者,擁有12年台灣家具製造商 的實務背景,其中包括量產加工製造流程 管控以及經歷台灣家具產業發展過程。 Lawrence Yen創辦者,擁有7年美國展示設 計工程師的實務經驗,其中包括量化產品 工程設計以及的產品製造流程。

Sam Tsai, founder, has 12 years furniture manufacturing experience which directly work with different type of professional manufactures in Taiwan. Lawrence Yen, founder, has 7year display manufacturing experience in New York, which including manufacture-able product design and production drawing making. Both founders are graduated from Parsons School of Design in Product Design BFA.

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