CSAV Journal 2023 30th of January 2023
Heritage meets Innovation: Revisiting the Vernacular Architecture
Journal edition no. XIV Editor: Sergiu NISTOR Coordinator: Ioana ZACHARIAS VULTUR
The 2023 edition of CSAV Journal invites the authors to reflect on the intersection of heritage and innovation, a unique opportunity to re-imagine how we design and build our communities. Today, vernacular architecture is undergoing a revisiting process, as designers and architects are re-interpreting traditional building methods for modern use. The goal of this Call for papers is to explore the revisiting process of vernacular architecture and its impact on design, construction, and the built environment. We invite international submissions from students, architects, designers, historians, and other professionals who are working to preserve and revitalise vernacular architecture. Topics may include, but are not limited to, sustainable design, upcycling, the use of traditional materials, and the integration of technology into vernacular architecture. We encourage submissions that showcase innovative solutions, projects that demonstrate the potential of vernacular architecture, and studies that analyse its impact on communities. The topic addresses a wide range of disciplines, including architecture, urban design, construction, engineering and cultural heritage and the content papers should be based on empirical research, case studies, and theoretical perspectives, as well as design projects and proposals.
Our aim is to create a platform for exchange and collaboration between professionals, academics, and students to advance the field of vernacular architecture. We believe that the renewal of vernacular architecture can help to create more livable, sustainable, and culturally rich communities. Through this CSAV Journal 2023 Call for Papers, we hope to encourage interdisciplinary dialogue, stimulate new research, and foster collaboration among professionals. We are looking for thought-provoking, high-quality and original work that addresses the challenges and opportunities of vernacular architecture in the 21st Century. Structure: The papers should mention and fit into one of the sections of CSAV Journal: Dossier, Design studio projects, Diploma project & dissertation, PhD Research, Reviews. Guidelines: The Guidelines for Authors and CSAV Journal Ethics: https://csav.ro/call-for-papers/ Editing general guidelines: The Chicago Manual of Style - www.chicagomanualofstyle.org The Scientific Committee members are: https://csav.ro/comitet-stiintific/ Past editions where the content and layout can be seen here: http://csav.ro/ The publication is indexed in the CEEOL Database: https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=2816 Format: 21 x 21 cm (19x19 cm actual space) and approx. 200 - 300 pages / edition Email address for papers & images to be sent: csavjournal2022@gmail.com
The CSAV Journal 2023 deadlines: Launching of the Call for papers: 31st of January 2023 Deadline for Abstracts (150 words in RO + EN): 15th of March 2023 Response for Abstracts from the Scientific Committee after first peer-review: 1st of April 2023 Deadline for All Papers (including Dissertation & Diploma projects) for final peer review: 1st of July 2023 Final answer for authors (eventual paper finishing to be done): 1st of September 2023 Publication of the digital & printed edition: 15th of December 2023
*** Since 2021 CSAV Journal has entered an indexation process, therefore the respect of ethics, content and deadlines is monitored and remains important.
IMPORTANT: This is a “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning publication through its Center for Vernacular Architecture Studies and published by the “Ion Mincu” University Publishing House. CSAV Journal is the only academic publication dedicated to vernacular architecture and vernacular heritage among university magazines in Romania, created in 2010 under the initial name of “Annuary of the Vernacular Architecture Study Centre Dealu-Frumos -UAUIM”. The content of this publication consists in a selection of the best papers signed by authors in Romania or abroad on the annual given theme, as well as it is a research result, university studio activity, summer-school, diploma projects, dissertations and sub-chapters of PhD works on the vernacular architecture and heritage of the year. Authors are legally responsible for the originality, accuracy of information and correct and honest indication of sources, copyright of images, scientific content, GDPR issues. Please check the CSAV Journal Ethics: https://csav.ro/call-for-papers/ All submitted materials must have an academic stand and elaboration. Students and PhD candidates can submit their work only under the careful guidance, validation and responsibility of a professor or academic coordinator. The projects and research articles can be transdisciplinary collaborations between different professionals and all authors must be mentioned, as the publication encourages learning from different fields.