MARCI Summer 10 issue 061610

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A Community of Holistic Professionals Our Vision

To strengthen and support the community of holistic professionals.

Our Mission Statement

To create a unified community of compassionate holistic practitioners that will contribute to enhancing our profession and ourselves by providing a supportive space to share, learn, teach, grow, and lead.

Our Purpose

The Holistic Mentorship Network supports the Holistic Professional, as well as the Community by providing the space to network, build a referral base, mentor and support each other in business development and growth, promote community awareness and education of alternative services and products, and meet potential clients.

What is MARCI™?

MARCI™ is a holistic magazine that provokes awareness to how we show up in our practices and our daily lives. In a time when there is a lot of chaos and stress, MARCI™ reminds us of being present through “Mindful” actions and thoughts; to take responsibility for our choices and to change patterns that no longer fit. In the Holistic Field we busily take care of others, but how do we show up for ourselves? Are we taking care of ourselves and loving who we are? Trusting our own intuition and natural instinct, how often do we listen to that small voice within? MARCI™ is not only a Seasonal E-zine, but a metaphor for the garden we live in as we go through the human experience. The Holistic Field is a rapidly growing industry. These inspirational stories are written by Professional Providers in the Holistic Field and our Clients that will inspire and empower you!

Why should you advertise in MARCI™?

With advertisers like you, MARCI™ is available electronically and distributed wherever the internet reaches! The Holistic Mentorship Network’s next step is making MARCI™ available in printed form. With your support, your business will be exposed nationwide to HMN members, holistic minded practitioners and their customers.

What are our members saying about MARCI™?

MARCI™ provides so many great tips and interesting perspectives and they’re not just for healing practitioners! Anyone curious about alternative healing methods and important issues of today can benefit from the information shared in this magazine: parents with ADD/ADHD kids, people interested in global warming, breast cancer success stories, using intuition, growing your business, healthy foods, ancient healing traditions, nurturing… and so much more. I love this magazine with its positive outlook! -Sarah Collins, PhD candidate in Natural Health

Inside This Issue: Revisiting Our Past Linda Mitchell....................................................................5 5

Board Members

Donna Price, Chair Michelle Zanoni, Secretary Meira Findel, Treasurer Cecelia Inwentarz, Trustee Vivian Sartoretto, Trustee Linda Mitchell, Trustee

Healing Into Immortality with Spiritual Response Therapy Miriam Divinsky................................................................7 7 Holding On and Moving On Gary Anderson...................................................................9 9 Are You a Prisoner of Your Past? Cecelia Inwentarz.............................................................11 11 Revisiting Our Past Jo-Ann Stafford...............................................................15 12 The Yin and Yang of it Donna Templeton............................................................18 15 A Greener Energy: New HMN Fundraiser HMN Board......................................................................20 16

Publishing Committee

Bounce Back from Failure Lisa Nichols......................................................................20 18

Sarah M. Collins, Chair Linda Mitchell Erin Saxton Bjornson Joanna DeGroot

Column Creative Arts Beth Ann Morrison...........................................................37 19


Linda Mitchell

Feng Shui Michelle Zanoni.................................................................3 20

Joanna DeGroot

Aromatherapy Christina Santiago............................................................3 21

Executive Director & Editor-in-Chief Editor & Layout Designer

Natural Health Sarah Collins....................................................................3 22

Letters to We would love to hear from you! Please write to us at:


Nutrition Judith Gisser....................................................................24 Conscious Parenting Beth Haessig & Jordan Brown.........................................3 25


Summer 2010

Inside This Issue cont’d:

Column Everyday Spirituality Justin Buffer...........................................................37 27

58 Book Review......................................7

The Whole Pet Susan Brody............................................................37 29

59 Announcements...............................60

Personal Development Coaching Hueina Su...............................................................3 30

61 Calendar of Events..................6

Business Coaching Donna Price.............................................................3 31 Money Coaching Tom Selkow...............................................................3 32 Night Sailing ...Interpreting Your Dreams Jefferson Harman............................................3 33 Q&A Cecelia Inwentarz...................................................3 34 Project Planet Ana Marie Presti....................................................336 Legislative Matters Maureen Drummond & Susannah Pitman.............3 39 Raise Children, Not Flowers! Jack Canfield..........................................................7 44 Second Chances: Rescuing Tucker Dee Broton...............................................................9 47

Disclaimer “The views expressed within the various articles are not necessarily the views of the Holistic Mentorship Network, publisher of MARCI™. Copyright for all articles, poems, etc. are owned by the respective authors. Permission to copy or use in any manner is at the sole discretion of the writer.”

Yesteryear Sarah Collins..........................................................13 49 How YOUR Resume Can Change the World Tara Shakti..............................................................15 50 Releasing the Unknown Past Christina Whited....................................................20 52 The Memory of Dust Jefferson Harman....................................................60 55



Contact Information 23 Main Street, Sparta, NJ 07871 Phone: 973.300.1184 Fax: 973.300.1189

Summer 2010

“What a scary thought!!” Or, maybe not so scary, depending on what your experience was, and what your genetic makeup may be. In my work as a Cranio Sacral & Somatic Emotional Release Therapist, I have clinically experienced many clients of all ages who have gone through varying degrees of issues, often times related to self-esteem triggered by a trauma, or an experience that left them less than whole. Most often these experiences are initiated in our childhood by a well meaning parent, relative or friend, and maybe not so well meaning person from the clergy of the church, neighbor or stranger. Sometimes these experiences can be from a past life, in vitro, during the birthing process, and often times through those first few impressionable years where we are influenced by our role models, and the world that we assume will keep us safe by the

Revisiting Our Past a message by Linda Mitchell, HMN Founder

leaders who control the statues of the written law, or better known as our “legislative bill of right”. Psychologist Abraham Maslow first introduced his concept of a hierarchy of needs



in 1943. This hierarchy suggests that people are motivated to fulfill basic needs before moving on to other needs. This hierarchy is most often seen as a pyramid, in which the most basic needs are at the bottom of the rung, and move up the ladder, as each need is met. Maslow’s concept is based on a hierarchy of things that need to happen in order for us to move up the ladder to selfactualization. The most basic of these needs is physiological (air, water, sex, sleep, and homeostasis). Once these physiological needs are met, one can move up the ladder to safety and security. As we continue to progress, our needs become more psychological, and the need for love and acceptance through social interaction becomes more defined. These lower levels of needs play an important role in our behaviors when there is a deficiency in one of these basic and often times referred to as “primal” needs, and we are met with a void in our life. These needs, according to Maslow’s theory, must be met in order to achieve “self-actualization”. Self-actualization does not stem from a lack of, but a desire to grow as a person, and less concerned about what others think, and more interested in reaching their full potential. It is not out of line to say that the majority of us have had past life experiences that have left us less than whole. To stay in that state, is to live in a world that is consumed with blaming others for what we need, or lack. cont’d on next page

Summer 2010

Revisiting Our Past cont’d We are a society of consumption. We see this in how materialistic we have become and in our expectations in our relationships at home, work, play, and certainly within the world in which we thrive or not. It has taken me 40 plus years to begin my own recovery and journey home. Certainly being in the holistic field has aided my path in attracting like-minded people to support my inner growth and spirituality, and for me in return to give back to the world that is in dire need of healing. One such person whom has influenced my life is eleven year old AJ, who is autistic. In our world, we label autism as disconnected and incommunicative. AJ is anything but… Recently, Ana Marie Presti, columnist for Project Planet Network™, met with AJ and his parents for a special interview, in which AJ has been eagerly waiting to find a venue to share his message. AJ is an Indigo & Chrystal child who has chosen to disconnect from a world of chaos, and as the movie “Avatar” articulates, plug into truth. Thank you AJ, and to your family for choosing MARCI™ to plug into, and to share your message that will reach out to connect with those that need to hear your message, and for those of us to take a stance and stand by our belief to return home to a healthier and sustainable world. We are thrilled to release the winners of our MARCI™ Challenge poster contest whose purpose was to express what it would look like 10 years from now if we were to fuel our world with nuclear power plants, or the usage of alternative means such as


solar, wind, bio fuel, etc. Their voices are clearly expressed through their artwork. Congratulations to both our poster winners Rhett Presti, Age 10, Grade 4, of Vernon, NJ, and Evan Rodriguez, Age 18, also of Vernon, NJ. Copies of their posters can be viewed on page 37. We are also thrilled to announce that the Holistic Mentorship Network, combined with the powers of Project Planet Network™, will be holding an ongoing green fundraiser with a company called Viridian. We are most grateful to Viridian for their work in providing a third party energy source through our local carriers, while providing us with 20% greener energy, a savings off our electric bill, and an opportunity to support a fundraiser that is aligned to our beliefs, and our vision to “Support and Strengthen our Holistic Profession”. To find out more about Viridian, and support our fundraiser go to or see our advertisements on page 16-17. In the light of a healthier and sustainable world, Linda


Summer 2010

“There is a spiritual solution to any problem.” -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer “Energy follows thought.” -Albert Einstein Do you ever wonder why life doesn’t respond to your intentions? Do you ask yourself why The Secret doesn’t work for you? Here is your answer: your thoughts may carry discordant energy from your past and current lives. Since the Law of Attraction only responds to your dominant energy, any amount of positive affirmations may only be a temporary fix to a longlived problem. Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) allows you to access your Soul Record - your past, present, and future lives - as well as your subconscious, and clear negative energy on all levels of your body, mind, and spirit. This process allows for the profound improvement of “one’s inner and outer landscape”. All people, at one time or another, join the eternal quest and ask themselves: - Who am I? - Where am I going? - What is my purpose? The notion of healing into immortality with SRT comes from the clear understanding that we are spiritual beings that express ourselves through physical bodies. We came from Spirit, and the ultimate purpose of the journey through our lifetimes is conscious return to the Spirit, our source. As human beings, we have three aspects of the mind:

Healing Into Immortality with Spiritual Response Therapy by Miriam Divinsky

- The Conscious: our ego awareness - The Subconscious: the recorder of all of our experiences - The Superconscious: our connection to the source, to the Divine The superconscious is our Higher Self (HS), which is simultaneously a part of us and a part of All That Is. It is our Higher Self that connects us with our journey’s higher purpose. Our subconscious and superconscious minds together contain our past lives’ events and patterns of thought and beliefs that we attached to these events. Our future is shaped by



these patterns and beliefs that we hold in our cellular memory. The greatest healing comes from clearing and removing discordant energy patterns from the subconscious and our Soul Records, and as a result of this clearing, from our cellular memory. That allows the soul new freedom to progress to a greater spiritual consciousness, as well as to consciously attract and manifest the life that you desire. At this level, The Secret does work! If we want to change our lives, we need to change our minds - the ways we process our life experiences. Through researching and clearing programs that were accumulated from past lives, as well as this lifetime, we help the soul clear and remove “outdated” patterns and clear the way for the conscious mind to function positively in the NOW moment. Our souls have a fresh opportunity to choose what to do in the NOW moment, unburdened from the accumulated negative patterns of the cumulative past. It is important to understand that experiences of present, as well as past-lives, are not removed from our memories or our soul records. By SRT clearing, the energy patterns of learning are shifted from discordant to harmonious, and even joyous. And because of the non-locality of time in Spiritual Reality, this shift creates a domino effect and the energetic patterns of every subsequent lifetime is shifted as well, and we

Summer 2010

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Spiritual Response Therapy cont’d experience beneficial changes through the clearing of our cellular memory. The SRT clearing does exactly this: • Clears and removes the negative patterns of processing • Clears our subconscious blocks to positive expression in our current life • Clarifies our soul’s purpose • Harmonizes all of our relationships, personal and professional • Clarifies our soul-mate relations • Voids all contracts, vows, and promises that do not serve our current life And then we can manifest our lives by positive intent and inspired action.


Miriam Divinsky, Ph.D. is the founder of the Center for Wellness. She is a Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist and is a Diplomat of the Hypnotherapy Board. She is a professional member of the International Association for Regression Research and Therapies and is certified by the International Board of Regression Therapy on the highest professional level. Dr. Divinsky is certified by the Spiritual Response Association as a consultant on the national level. She holds an M.A. in Psychology from NYU, an M.S. from Kiev University, a Ph.D. in Applied Psychology from St. Petersburg University, and did her post-graduate work at Moscow University. In addition to her private practice in Vernon, New Jersey, Dr. Divinsky is a newspaper columnist and an engaging workshop leader, presenting nationally and internationally. Dr. Divinsky is listed in America’s Best Therapists, WHO’S WHO in American Women, WHO’S WHO National Registry and The Complimentary International WHO’S WHO Session of Professionals.



Summer 2010

Note: this is from a longer work I’m writing, so if it seems like there are a few pieces missing, there are. What is Here? And What is There? The nature of Here, this plane of existence, is Duality. Duality means that everything we sense and experience is in relation to something else. Near and far, hot and cold, high and low, etc. Any time you notice any difference, that is Duality. We are all made of the stuff and can’t get away from it. There is no natural Oneness in Duality. The nature of “There” is Oneness and it is made of The Light. There is no sense of separation There. The only way to know Oneness Here, in Duality, is to bring in the Light, and this will transmute Duality into Oneness as long as you hold the Light. The purpose of LightWorkers Here is to bring in The Light to balance the energies. Without change Oneness is boring and stagnant. With stagnation there is no growth, no expansion. For Higher Consciousness to expand it needed something else, and Duality was just the ticket, since only in Duality can you have different experiences. Why Are We Here? What could Duality possibly do for Higher Consciousness? Experience and energetic differences are necessary for all growth. Any new experience Here allows not only us, but also Higher Consciousness to expand and

Holding On and Moving On by Gary Anderson

grow, kind of like the Big Bang. And we in our Dualistic existence have been Big-Banging Higher Existence since Adam and Eve took those first bites of Duality. But it’s not just LightWorkers. Everyone on this planet, and I do mean everyone, is hard-wired into Higher Consciousness just as much as we are, and every experience of every person on the Earth in each moment assists in that Higher expansion, without exception. This means that the lowest low energies Here, just as much as the highest highs, helps Higher Consciousness to expand. A hard one to swallow, but it’s true. What then is Spirituality for, if the average person leading an everyday mundane life is just as helpful to The All as when we do our highest spiritual work?



[There is a great imbalance of energies because of Duality Here now, but I’ll have to address that another time.] But the real question is, why have we all had to slug through the crap if we all came from Oneness? Is God up there at “The Whiteboard”, arbitrarily making assignments, tossing curses and blessings here and there, and then indiscriminately erasing? Is it my Higher Self (as if there is a super duper version of my human self to which I am inferior, but somehow I own)? Is it “Them”? Or is it simply The All, but we can only see aspects of The All from our Dualistic perspective? And is there such a thing as Free Will? Or is it Karma, or Destiny? If the things that happen are not by our own choosing then we are completely powerless, stuck in an endless cycle of “stuff happening” and reaction, doomed to repeat the same old things until we die. How depressing and pointless. Create Your Own Reality? You Already Did That. I used to believe that we all came in with some vague semi-random intention at most, and things just played out as they did and chaos theory ruled the day. HE did it to me. THEY did it to me. THEY ARE DOING IT TO ME AGAIN. So I dangled on a string, helpless, since THEY could do it to me again any time they wanted. A major Knowing hit me recently, a true Knowing from

Summer 2010

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Holding On and Moving On cont’d my Heart that I am not just me - I am Them – We are All. Yes, that is the metaphysical party line, but until I had this Knowing I really didn’t get it. It’s very clear to me now that all the major pieces of my life were predetermined by ME, not Them, and we all come in with personal energy vortexes that sucks us toward our own preplanned experiences, “good” and “bad”, all of which serves to expand Higher Consciousness. The most powerful about thing this is the Knowing - not the belief - that I am the author of all my discontent, and this puts everything into a whole new perspective. All the blame that I fought so long and so hard to keep, to own, suddenly is the emperor that isn’t wearing any clothes. With this Knowing comes our salvation. As the makers of our undoing, we also can be the makers of our re-doing. Here is the key: if we brought in energy vortexes for specific experiences, we have already provided those experiences for the Higher Expansion. We’ve served our time, but we’re still sitting in our jail cells, not knowing that the doors are unlocked, just because we don’t know anything different. At any time we can get up and leave. It is only when you come to this Knowing that you can begin to be truly free. Be aware that just believing in this concept because someone else says so isn’t enough. You have to come to this Knowing within your Self, and it is there, if you care to find it. Once you finally come to this Knowing, what is there to do Here? If there are “master assignments” for all, the first is to be your True Self. What does this mean? The essence of your True Self is a vibration; that is all. The rest is smoke and mirrors. You need to learn to recognize your own vibration. But how to do this? Ironically, you can use Duality to know the difference between what you are and what you are not. Your heart will always give you a “Yes” or a “No”, if you care to hear it. “Yes”, a thing is in


harmony with your essence, or “No” it is not. When a thought or a feeling just isn’t “right”, take a conscious moment to step back energetically to just look at it, and say to yourself, “This isn’t me”. Once you notice the difference and step back it can’t run you any more. That is the only releasing that really works. Knowing and Awareness are the key. It’s that simple. When you do this, there is no such thing as holding on to the past. As you consistently recognize that with which you don’t resonate, then you will consistently recognize and move toward to that which is True for your Self. And only then does Law of Attraction make sense and really work. And once you do this, you will automatically perform the second “master assignment”. As you Know your True Self, you automatically Know and acknowledge True Selves of others. As others sense this from you, they will automatically start to see their True Selves. And as they see their True Selves they will see and acknowledge the True Selves of others, automatically exponentially increasing The Light and re-balancing the energies Here. This is the process, and the greatest gift you could ever give, and it starts with YOU.


Gary Anderson is a Reiki Master, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Healer, Intuitive, Musician, Inventor/New Product Developer.

Summer 2010

It’s just energy. It’s just an energetic electro-magnetic charge that attached to you from an incomplete experience, an unresolved energy of emotion. It’s not who you really are. But the energetic charge connects your present experience to your past experience and you never change your reaction, stuck on some invisible automatic pilot of emotions. You’re not really 10 years-old, you’re just emotionally reacting like you are. And this is what Prisoners of Their Past are like. They are not like themselves. Is this anything like you? Eckhart Tolle calls this energetic charge your “painbody.” You are aware of it in some way because it always brings you pain. It’s the part of you that is looking for trouble… and finds it. Your pain-body energetically pulls its match to you like magic, making you wonder why that same old circumstance always finds you. Energy connects to energy that is exactly like itself. It’s your energy inside and out. So if your energy address is, you always manage to be the one who finds and argues with other angry people. always quickly recognizes the lies of others in every conversation, because they’re energetically attuned. Their low conscious

Are You a Prisoner of Your Past? by Cecelia H. Inwentarz

energy addresses keep them as Prisoners of Their Past. It’s when your energy is high. And it’s Painful. com being connected to your low Failure Energy, giving you a real energy problem, a very painful, reoccurring problem. Bottom Line: Our Biggest Failure is about Failure Our biggest failure is about failure… our failure to fully feel our Failure Energy… emotionally doomed as Prisoners of Their Past. Celebrating failure frees you to become: to see anew and to choose anew and to feel more

fully alive when you are more of who you really are and are no longer feeling like someone you are not! Failing to learn by failing to completely feel and know the experience is actually agreeing to repeat the same experience. Maybe you didn’t know this? Let me tell you again. The uncompleted energy experience resonates within your being and draws the same experience back to you. It’s “The Secret,” the natural Law of Attraction, working to attract without judgment of what is good or bad for you. You attract like energy for the energy you resonate, positive and negative. You cannot run. You cannot hide. There is no energetic letup. In fact, it gets energetically more intense, and the repeated experience becomes bigger and harder to ignore than ever before. So please don’t! Learn through wisdom and not whoooooooo! Holistic Brand and Life Mentor, Cecelia H. Inwentarz, creates rapid, strong, energy-driven positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions within YOU, releasing you from the energetic barriers of your past. CHi Energy Therapy Sessions combine ancient Reiki Energy Wisdom with Guided Kinesiology which utilizes Knowing, along with the Bio-Resonance Energy, a proven 21st Century Electro-Magnetic Scanner Technology utilized by German Naturopathic Doctors. 973.879.2402



Summer 2010

I have heard it said that you cannot change your past, but you CAN change how you feel about your past. In my journey, I have done just that, which includes forgiving me for old behaviors and forgiving my parents for either real or imagined transgressions. I believe forgiveness is the key to being peaceful. The act of forgiveness is for me and not necessarily for the other person. It’s a blessing if it is mutual, but not necessary. As a recovering alcoholic, I have truly been to hell and back and had to do a lot of self forgiveness, in order to find serenity and lead a productive life. I can not afford to carry around unaddressed resentment and anger. The good news is that we as human beings are capable of forgiveness and change. I have slayed many of my personal dragons and forgiven myself for my disparaging behavior when I drank to excess. For many years, I filled the huge hole in my soul from the outside, with unhealthy and addictive things, negative thinking and mind altering substances. During my recovering years, however, my basic belief system has been totally altered through associating with positive people and replacing my selfdestructive thoughts with affirmative statements. I have used affirmations to reprogram my subconscious mind and change my beliefs about myself and the world. When I consciously elected to fill up this gaping cavern with Spirit and positive,

Revisiting Our Past by Jo-Ann Stafford

healthy things, my inner self became comfortable and in harmony with the Universe. My outer self (image) reflected these changes. Also, during this process, I was able to help other people, by giving of myself and of the God created ideas that were now mine to share. We are all filled from the bottom up, or the inside out, in much the same manner as a well fills. Change happens at our core, at the center of our being. A new and expensive dress or suit is a very nice thing to have, but our sense of true well-being and self worth when we wear it, is only a temporary veneer. To really feel great about yourself, the changes must come from within, with the final touch, perhaps something special to wear, because you are already



feeling terrific and your inner and outer selves are synchronized. Success is truly an inside job! When I started to live a sober life in 1982, I had to either change my thoughts and behavior or drink again, which could very well have been a death sentence for me. My process of change was initially a slow one, however it continues to this day. And with God as the center of my life, it will continue for the rest of my life. Over the years, I changed my mind about who I thought I was. This is a long and evercontinuing process, but a very rewarding one. I had huge selfesteem issues and for many years, I beat up on myself, because I thought I deserved to be punished and because I was not who I thought I should be. I compared myself to others and did not realize that I was a precious Child of God, who was blessed by being born with God’s Sweet Spirit within me. During my active addiction, I shut God out and cursed the fact that I was born, in the first place. As I allowed God to surface as a fleeting concept in my mind, I started to see that the center of my being was good, which was how I started to love myself. I saw that God gave me what I needed and often what I wanted. I needed only to ask. It took me a quite a while to believe I was worthy of asking. It also took some time for me to remember that I could ask and that God was always present for me. Today I am so much more than that self-abusing, limited person, who searched outside

Summer 2010

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Revisiting Our Past cont’d herself to find some meaning to life. Even at my lowest moments, I was always searching. The quiet Voice of Spirit whispered that there was more for me. I came to rely upon the Spirit within for direction, since all of the wisdom I ever required was inside me already. I had to learn to allow it into my conscious mind and to listen… just to listen. Today I have all of the courage and strength I need for all situations with which I am confronted. Today I am confident and comfortable in my own skin, which is a marvel to me; because for years I walked around feeling that I was like an unmade bed and did not even deserve the physical space I occupied. I know some simple things about myself today, which I did not always have the presence of mind to know. I have a favorite color (it is no longer ‘plaid’) and I can tell you what I liked or did not like about a movie or a TV show. I do not feel as a mollusk, going in and out with the tide and therefore I can be decisive, know my own mind, speak wisely and have opinions. My fears and insecurities have been lifted, which I attribute to God’s presence in my life. I know today that I excel at certain things and will never be any good at others – so what! It took me a long time to get over being picked among the last few girls for volleyball teams in high school. And to acknowledge that I received A’s in Art class and that I could write poetry. It balances

out and I can tip the scales in a more positive direction by creating new experiences and memories. I also know that the most important opinion is the one I have about myself and I need not be concerned about what others think about me. I stopped comparing myself to others and started comparing me only to myself. I can see my growth and progress and the miracle of my life. I know that my creativity is a gift and I regularly give thanks for it. I do not make important decisions without consulting God first in a prayer for guidance and wisdom. I also acknowledge that it is God’s will that shall be done and not mine. I usually ‘sleep on’ a decision before



I bring it out to the world, allowing Spirit to fully work in the situation guide me along the correct path. Spirit’s gentle nudge comes to me when I take the time to be still. God comes to me in the form of ideas, whispering to me in the recesses of my mind. Spirit will speak to all who are open and willing to listen, as God is the source of all. God speaks through me when I write and speak, however, I need to take a moment and ask Spirit to respond to my request and to give thanks for that response. Sometimes, without asking, when I am speaking to someone, who needs some help or direction, I say words that are far beyond my own limited

Summer 2010

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Revisiting Our Past cont’d human mind. I recognize that I have been used as a channel for helping, healing words. God and I are partners in all I do and say and I am filled with gratitude for this and so much more.

I was born and raised in New York City, where I studied fine arts. As a young adult I moved to New Jersey, which I now call home. In the process, I traded my paint brushes for a pen and lens which enhanced my passion for nature with photography and my spiritual journey with poetry and prose. I love the dramatic flora and fauna of Northwestern New Jersey, which shows in my nature photographs and ‘word-pictures’. I am a true romantic, and often merge Haiku and poetry with my photographs.


Contact Jo-Ann Stafford: 973.948.2373

10% discount

WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT US... “The Holistic Mentorship Network has created a masterpiece with MARCI. The content in this magazine comes at a perfect time when there is a global shift in consciousness for all things holistic to support health and wellness. At last, there is an integrated publication for Mind, Body, Spirit whose emphasis is building an international community of like-minded professionals. I am honored and blessed to experience this journey with the powerful, creative souls from HMN.”

Christina M. Santiago, CHBC, CCA

Holistic Health Educator & International Inspirational Speaker photo courtesy of Jo-Ann Stafford



Summer 2010

When I was about seven years old, I lost my two front teeth. When my new permanent teeth came in, to my dismay they had large brown stains on them, a consequence of my having been given Tetracycline for ear infections when I was a baby. Needless to say, this was a very negative experience for me. It made me very self-conscious and I was reluctant to smile. As I look back, however, I can see that there was also a positive aspect of this experience. Perceiving myself as flawed gave me empathy for others who were outwardly and obviously less than perfect. This empathy directed the course of my life, making me want to help others feel better and leading me into nursing and acupuncture. Now, of course, I realize that everyone is flawed even if it is not immediately obvious. We all have positive and negative aspects just as we all have positive and negative experiences. We tend to think of positive as good and negative as bad not taking into considerations that one could not exist without the other. We also forget that it is rare that something is exclusively positive or negative. In Chinese medicine, we conceptualize this phenomenon as Yin and Yang, the Yin being the negative or dark and the Yang being the positive or light. The Taiji or Yin-Yang symbol illustrates how there is a continuous cycle of Yin into Yang and back again into Yin as well as how there is always a little bit of Yin in the Yang and vice versa. Isn’t that the way life

The Yin and Yang of it by Donna Templeton, Lac

usually works? Just when it seems as though things can’t get any worse and we are in the depths of despair, a little glimmer of light and hope will appear. Conversely, happiness reaches a peak and a little glitch pops up. Negative or dark times may be uncomfortable and unpleasant for us, but they are often the times when things begin to germinate and grow within us. The positive or light times may feel great, but eventually begin to consume all our energy. There is wisdom in the saying “too much of a good thing”. Periods of intense activity cycle into times of rest. After times of inactivity, we feel stirrings to become active again. Problems arise when one gets stuck in one extreme or the other. Symptoms, both psychological and physical, develop. Alternative healing



methods such as acupuncture can be really helpful to move energy and restore balance when one gets stuck. People often regard healthcare in this all positive or all negative way. Some people view alternative healing as quackery and put complete faith in “scientific” western medicine treatments. On the other hand, some people eschew the many benefits that Western medicine can offer, often to their detriment, and indiscriminately embrace alternative methods. The truth is there are positive and negative aspects to both Western medicine and alternative healing and it is the wise person who becomes knowledgeable enough to avail him or herself of the best of both. Donna Templeton is licensed by the state of New Jersey as both an acupuncturist and Advanced Practice Nurse. She draws on her extensive knowledge and years of experience in both Eastern and Western medicine to provide holistic care for clients at Lake View Acupuncture in Lake Hopatcong, NJ, where she is the owner/ acupuncturist. Contact Donna: 973.663.3500 www.lakeviewacupuncture. com

MEMBERS CLUB OFFER: 10% discount

Summer 2010

NEW FUNDRAISER: Support HMN by becoming a customer of Greener Energy

NJ residents can save money by choosing a third party electric supplier. The savings for average home owners is on the supply portion of their bill. The state deregulated electricity back in 1999, and unlike the commercial and industrial markets, there have not been any companies for home owners to choose from until just recently. Since there will be many companies now coming to NJ as third party suppliers, choose wisely. The web address below leads to one of the better companies because it is completely free to switch, they have no contract terms, they currently offer lower prices than the other companies, you can switch back to the utility company or another third party supplier in the future for free, and best of all – a full twenty percent of their electricity is green. (Generated from renewable resources like wind or solar energy)

who take green seriously, or for anyone who just wants to support the environment. The switch is seamless to the customer. The delivery, billing, customer service, and emergency assistance remain with the company you currently pay. The electric companies can not make a profit on the supply of electricity. Electric companies and the State of NJ actually encourage you to shop around. Schools, churches, sports teams, and other non-profits can benefit through a fund raising program that pays them monthly when people simply pay their electric bill. This is an incredible program that raises money for the non-profit without costing their supporters a penny!

The company is committed to helping the environment by reducing our carbon footprint through the use of affordable green energy. The company will also be offering verified 100 percent Certified Green-e Electricity for those



For more information please visit or send us an e-mail at We’re looking forward to helping you save money while supporting the environment.

Summer 2010

Since I first started my business, I’ve had my share of failures – over and over again. At times it would have been so much easier to just give up, but I was determined. I never let my failures stop me.

need to make a shift. That’s what I know.

Bounce Back from Failure

Think of a time when you went through some difficulty or challenge. Did you ever look back in surprise and think, “How did I make it through?”

by Lisa Nichols

What can you do when you’ve failed at something time and again… besides give up?

You were then using your bounce-back muscle – unconsciously. Be more conscious about using it and you’ll achieve your goals faster than ever before.

First, give yourself a thousand chances. When you feel like you’ve run out of chances, just press reset and give yourself a thousand more!

Rise and shine to be the best you can be!

The alternative is to lie down and never get up again. But if you can look up, you can get up. And if you can get up, then you can move forward. Had I not given myself a thousand chances, I never would have achieved my current level of success. Next, don’t keep score. When you’ve failed, that’s not what matters. However, this doesn’t mean you give yourself permission to be irresponsible for your actions or for the things you may inadvertently spew on others. You have to take responsibility for everything you do, but you do not have to count your knockdowns. Instead count your getups. That means you have to change your language about what

-Lisa Nichols, Best selling Author of No Matter What! has happened to you in a way that empowers you. Instead of saying, “I failed again” say, “This is what I made it through. This is what I survived.” Remember, your power lies in getting back up. So get up, and get up quickly. In my business I probably spent a quarter of a million dollars alone just learning how to hire people. I don’t dwell on the people who were not right for the job, and I don’t keep track of situations or keep score. Instead I learn the lesson and move forward. Today I know what I need from my staff, and I know how to make it crystal clear. I know when it’s not working, and I know when I



Lisa Nichols is one of the most enchanting speakers and seminar leaders of our era in the personal growth market. Celebrated for her signature voice and dynamic style, Lisa has inspired millions around the world with her insightful message about how to brave hardships, find your authentic self, and cultivate the best life. She is the founder of Motivating the Masses and CEO of Motivating the Teen Spirit, LLC, is the bestselling coauthor of Chicken Soup for the African American Soul and Chicken Soup for the African American Woman’s Soul, and best-selling author of her latest book No Matter What!

Summer 2010

Column honest reactions of your audience. Invite friends, family and strangers to see your work and speak their minds. Most often the areas they will find “fuzzy” are the same “problem areas” that you’ve been grappling with. It simply means you’re not done! As artists, we must strive for perfection – a piece that can be enjoyed and comprehended in its entirety, a complete experience for our fellow humans.

Creative Arts with Beth Ann Morrison

Having trouble staying present? Make something! The creative arts are a great way to gauge and prompt your ability to focus and remain “in the now”. We all know that activities like walking a tight-rope or driving a race car demand your immediate attention – for your own survival! But, things like drawing, dancing, carving, and photography are asking for your presence in much more subtle and often overlooked ways. You can tell if an artist is not present while he or she is creating. Most of us have loud and natural gut reactions to works of art that allow us to easily dismiss and walk away, reproach with distain, linger to investigate further, or savor the deep soul-level resonance we’ve found. It’s the neutral reactions I’m interested in here. They hold the hints that reveal the artist’s level of clarity and awareness. If you just can’t stand the thing you’re looking at or listening to, most likely it’s a taste issue, though it could be the artist’s disconnect from creation as well. When you can’t decide how you feel about it, often there are details or areas within the work that haven’t been thought through and are now acting as barriers to understanding and enjoyment. Trust your instincts, fine-tune your critical eye, search for those little (or big) elephants in the room... you might realize it’s just one inaccurate line or out-of-tune note that is hampering the whole illusion.

I wish you the highest enjoyment and peace of mind in your creations and life. Please feel free to share your comments and stories with me at beth@bethmorrison. com. Thank you!

Finally, you can translate this process into a constructive, if vulnerable, means of improving your own work and awareness as an artist. The only way to assess your progress is to see its reflection in the



Beth Ann Morrison lives and works in Jersey city, NJ, and has shown her art extensively over the last ten years. Her first large-scale solo exhibition, One Breath was presented by Seton Hall University’s Walsh Gallery in Summer 2008; other recent venues have included Saks Fifth Ave, Governor’s Island and the Newark Museum. Ms. Morrison has received a grant, residency and several awards for her work; she is also professional grantwriter and an active board member of the Sculptors Guild.

Summer 2010

Column eating by candlelight to create a cozy setting. Atmosphere is important and helps set the stage for an evening of pure romance. • Take time out of your day to be silly and childlike. Children know how to have fun and remind us not to take ourselves too seriously. Play games that will create joy and laughter. • Bring the Fire element indoors! Cut some fresh vibrant flowers and liven up your home or office. Flowers bring chi, vital life force, into your space and give it a lift! • Be daring and dye your hair red! Who said blonds have more fun?

Feng Shui

with Michelle Zanoni

The Art of Arrangement It is no surprise that Spring has given life to the fiery season of Summer. In Feng Shui, we associate Summer with the element of Fire. Take a look around… everything is in full bloom. Flowers have exploded with vibrant color. By now we are experiencing the extreme heat that Summer is famous for. This element of Fire represents fun, passion, play, success, fame, confidence, and inspiration. The Fire element can ignite clarity, bring in new opportunities and the possibility of being recognized and seen. It is a bright spotlight shining on you… but beware, along with the Fire comes the possibility of all things hidden coming out into the open to be resolved. Secrets do not do well under the spotlight of Fire.

ENJOY the fun of Summer and Fire! Michelle Zanoni has been practicing and teaching Feng Shui for several years, creating change for her clients. She uses her intuitive abilities along with her creativity to enhance her clients’ surroundings. Michelle brings years of experience to this refined art and science in a warm, compassionate way. Contact Michelle at mzanoni@optonline .net.

Here are some ways to bring the Fire Factor into your life!!! It is your time to shine and be noticed!!!! • Take a look at your front door. What does it say about you? Give it a bright coat of paint and place some beautiful flowers in planters to attract attention. • Are your house lights clean, shiny, and bright? Make necessary repairs to attract new opportunities into your life. • Check out the kitchen, the heart of the home. Is it organized? Does the stove work? Bright lights are great here! • Try wearing bright clothes and accessories. Colors like red, hot pink, yellow, purple, and orange have the attractor factor. They will get you noticed and possibly add a bit of spice to your life. • Animal prints, lace, and maybe some red satin sheets will definitely help heat things up! Remember Fire is all about passion… • Do you need a little romance in your life? Try



Summer 2010

Column prosperity like a magnet. It is a constant reminder to keep my energetic vibration high and allow the Universe to provide.

Aromatherapy with Christina Santiago

Aromatherapy, Money, and Mending Old Wounds I’ve noticed a pattern. Whenever I am healing old wounds, I start to see mini flashbacks in the midst of mundane tasks. I could be driving or picking up the mail... and boom! There it is, like a glimpse of lightning – an epiphany about something that has been dormant inside me waiting for the light to shine upon it.

Recognizing old wounds, I anoint myself with Abundance™ oil blend over my solar plexus followed by Release™ over the liver reflex points (where anger and resentment are stored), and Joy™ over my heart. This was followed by an abundance meditation written by my friend and mentor, Sue. Part of my daily healing ritual is to use Into the Future™ and Inspiration™. As I recognize that everyone is on their own journey, the best I can do is stay the course for myself and know the truth of my being. Prosperity is my birthright.

Not too long ago, I was talking with my mother about a women’s philanthropic event I attended which hosted famous writer Maya Angelou. Being in that energetic space with Maya and over 1,000 women was empowering. It spoke to my soul. The event was a testament to the power of women and how together we can make a difference in the lives of others. For my mother, it was different. As is typical when I’m on the road, I may call Mom to say hi. That night, I was on a natural high, grateful for seeing Maya and spending an evening with Corethia who invited me. When I shared my excitement with Mom, her response was “those events are only for wealthy people”. Her voice had a tone of disapproval. No acknowledgement of my joy from experiencing Maya Angelou nor did she ask me about what I had learned. That night, I noticed myself feeling sad and angered by my mother’s response. Flashbacks. For me, it was a reminder of growing up where I always heard “no gottie money”. For the record, my mother is precious to me; I treasure her. She ran a tight ship... making every dollar count as a single mom working as a cashier who raised her only child in an economically-disadvantaged border town. The pattern I’ve had to rise above and overcome is a feeling of barely having enough to get by. As a child, I thought money grew on trees! It’s taken focused intent to watch my thoughts and words as I attract



© Santiago 2010

Christina M. Santiago, CHBC is a holistic health educator, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist from the Institute of Spiritual Healing and Aromatherapy professional program, and keynote speaker with Sky Diva Oils, a division of Rising Above, LLC. Christina has been featured on CNBC On the Money and Cablevision For the Health of It, and is a contributing expert in Latina magazine and Garden State Woman magazine. For more information on Christina, please call 888.811.8883 or visit her websites:

Summer 2010

Column • A potato poultice for eye inflammation • Steam baths are good for eliminating toxins through the skin. • Epsom salt baths are effective for sore muscles, stiff joints and even arthritis; it draws out toxins from the body. • Castor oil packs over the abdominal area will improve circulation, assimilations, and eliminations; it is excellent for drawing out toxins • Goldenseal, an herb, is effective for flushing toxins from the body.

Natural Health with Sarah Collins

Rediscovering Natural Remedies As MARCI’s theme this issue revolves around the past, I thought it would be fun to rediscover the natural remedies of yesteryear. The father of holistic medicine, the 20th century seer Edgar Cayce became famous for his health readings and natural healing methods, many reminiscent of old folk remedies. Let’s look at a few of the therapies he promoted: • Ginseng and ginger tonic for digestive troubles • Herbal teas such as American Yellow Saffron and Slippery Elm Bark for digestion problems and colitis; helps to soothe any irritation of the intestines • Echinacea to stimulate the immune system • A mustard poultice for chest congestion • A glycothymoline pack for sinus problems (Glycothymoline is an antiseptic that aids the acid/alkaline balance of the body which Cayce stressed was vital for good health. When taken internally – a few drops in a glass of water – it alkalizes the body. A cold cannot exist in an alkaline environment.) • Cayce also favored the use of glycothymoline for sore throats. He suggested two methods: a throat wrap saturated with glycothymoline and gargling with two parts of glycothymoline to one part of water. • Ipsab is a remedy for the gums and teeth: beneficial for receding gums and inflammation, enamel problems and softening of the teeth, and helps to keep the gums healthy. • A colon cleanse on a regular basis; Cayce said all illness begins in the colon. • A few drops of warm castor oil placed in the ear for earaches


There is a wealth of information contained within the health readings Cayce gave to thousands of individuals. To explore more of his health remedies, visit www. Most, if not all Cayce remedies can be purchased at, the official manufacturer of Cayce products and other natural health aids. This company is an excellent resource for natural health care. The information in this article comes from Sarah’s class notes when she was a student at the Cayce/Reilly School of Massotherapy in Virginia Beach, VA part of the A.R.E., the organization Cayce founded. This info is part of the storehouse of knowledge contained within the Edgar Cayce Readings. The holistic health tips presented above are for informational and educational purposes only. They are intended to raise one’s awareness of the many options available outside traditional medicine. Remember to check with your doctor before beginning any new health regimen.

Sarah M. Collins iembraces all forms of natural healing. She specializes in energetic and vibrational therapy. Visit her website at Her book The Little Guide to Big Changes: 6 Steps to Creating Lasting, Positive Change in Your Life is available online at and Her book is the award winner in the Self-Help category of the 2010 International Book Awards, and is an award winning finalist in the Spirituality (Inspirational) category of the 2010 International Book Awards.


Summer 2010

Column F Eliminate all potential suspects for 2 weeks.

Eat Right… Feel Right


with Judith Gisser Foods: Past, Present, Future Think back to your most cherished memories from childhood. Chances are specific foods evoked strong feelings of comfort, contentment, solace, and love.

Are you less achy, bloated, blotchy, tired? Is the scale creeping downward? Take the whole foods challenge and take a vacation from all processed foods and notice the results. Most people are surprised that it’s easier than expected after adjusting shopping and food prep strategies.

The only way we can change tomorrow is by the action we take today. Carpe diem!

Conditioning around food growing up forms our attitudes and habits about eating today! 1. Did you learn to eat everything on your plate so you could have dessert? 2. Were you rewarded with a hot fudge Sunday or other sugary, high fat treats for being “good”? 3. Did you soothe hurts or disappointments with a Hershey’s Crackle Bar? A look in the mirror reflects your past eating. Thumbs up if you like how you look, have sustained energy at the end of the day and are in excellent overall health. If you are less than pleased, present eating based on past conditioning or current stress could be a big part of what’s causing your tail to be dragging or displeasure with your physical state growing. To change the future, focus on today.

F Keep a food diary for a week of everything you put in your mouth. Note energy level, digestive comfort and mood immediately after and a few hours after eating.

F Identify suspects when you’re not at your

best. Was it eating on the run or specific foods (fried, processed, diary, wheat) that might be the culprit?



Consider me your “Nutrition Maven”. Send all your emails with successes and challenges to Incorporating your unique constitution and metabolism, Judith Gisser, M.S., C.N.S., C.W.C. excels at developing nutrition and lifestyle programs that raise your level of vitality, resilience and life satisfaction, while helping your reach your wellness goals in a way and at a speed that is comfortable for you. Judith is a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Wellness Coach and a member of the American College of Nutrition. She is Co-founder of Lifestyles of the Healthy Heart, LLC, an author, corporate wellness trainer, key-note speaker and developer of a 30 day Detox with a Difference program available in person, via teleconference and on CDs. 973.625.3169

Summer 2010

Column bed someday when the muddiness of life feels bereft of meaning.

Conscious Parenting

Age 13 & Under with Beth Haessig

Soulmates The days, the sunny days are returning. My breath gets deeper in response. The solid stillness of the branch outside my window frames my mood. It’s wild and steady – nature, life, in me.

Intertwine yourself with the outdoors, bringing outdoors inside your soul, knowing, feeling the support of the divine inspire-or, who gave purpose to both you, human, and flower alike, filling both with life juices and beauty. Dance with your child on one side, the sun on the other, feeling the oneness of movement, life, and love, on both sides, using your body as the conduit for the transfusion of life and beauty directly inside your child’s soul. I see the birds as they play outside. Maybe today, I need to play too. Their vigor and carelessness invites me into my life. Soulmates.

Our children need a relationship with nature as much as they need a relationship with you, their parents. Nature is their second set of guardians. Whenever you are not present, they have nature to nurture and guide them. Nature can be as big a god as you are to them, at times, more patient, more gracious. Nature will be with them always, enveloping them with tenderness and wisdom whether it’s during outside recess or a bike ride around the block. Nature, life, animals are your children’s solace in the storms of living. Nature becomes their soulmates, their therapist, their lover, their friends. So the key is fostering a relationship between you, Nature and your children, the way you would want your children to get to know their greatest caretaker when you are no longer here. Do they see you revere Nature, honor it, dance with it, play? Is it an object, or are you in relationship with nature yourself? Is it something you fight with? Rile against, or melt into? Do you watch it from a distance, or are you intertwined with it? Does it live in your body, or is it something out there? Just know that the solace of all your travails can be found in watching a squirrel nibble here, nibble there, before it goes on its way. The birds chirping in the morning may be that which helps your child get out of



Beth L. Haessig, PsyD, is a licensed psychologist and a Core Energetics practitioner (body-centered psychotherapy). As a holistic psychologist, she works experientially through movement, breath and mindfulness, to help children and families cope with the 21st century challenges we face in our mind/body/behavior. For more information, see or sign up for her newsletter at

Summer 2010

Column off any potential dangers without needing to hang over your child’s shoulder.

Conscious Parenting

Your relationship with your teen now is in the process of building toward an adult relationship with them. What kind of relationship would you like that to be? You are laying the foundation for that relationship today! Good luck and get some rest!

Age 13 - 19

with Jordan Brown

You think parenting a newborn is a difficult task? For the most part they sleep 16 hours a day, they don’t talk back and they are generally not sassy. Try parenting a teenager. You will WANT to sleep 16 hours a day. What happens from the time of being a newborn to the time of the teenage years? Children must begin to transition out of the shade of their parent’s lives and begin to forge their own identities. Teen years are a period of intense growth, not only physically but morally and intellectually. Many changes aren’t readily seen from the outside as they begin to separate from Mom and Dad to become more independent. This is an extremely important time of transition for parents and their teen. The primary goal of the teen years is to achieve independence. This may come across as teens always seeming to have different opinions than their parents or not wanting to be around their parents the same way they used to.

Jordan Brown is a Psychotherapist, Empowerment Coach, and owner of Full Circle Counseling in Lincoln Park, NJ. Jordan is the Director of an In-Home Intensive Therapy Program for families in crisis throughout Passaic and Essex County. Jordan is the founder/facilitator of a women’s empowerment meet-up on Jordan can be reached at

Many teens believe they need independence, privacy, freedom in decision making, more time with friends and less time with family. On the other side, parents think teens need advice, rules, goals, protection and strong ties to them and immediate family. Parenting a child successfully while in the teenage years requires examining your parenting style. This is an excellent time to look closely at how much room you give your teen to be an individual and ask yourself questions, such as, “Do I listen to my child?” “Am I controlling?” “Do I allow my child to have different opinions and tastes than myself?” It also means letting go and trusting that your teen, even if they make some mistakes along the way, will eventually make good choices. It doesn’t mean letting go completely but encouraging a sense of independence and self-confidence while at the same time, ensuring that your child is safe. As parents, you continue to be aware of what the child is doing and head



Summer 2010

Column is always having everyone’s best interest at heart, no matter what. Perhaps, I said to him, by properly giving one of your employees the wake-up call that they need you will be the divine messenger that teaches him integrity and respect. Perhaps by one of your employees losing his job you will lead him to a better job that he will be happier at where he will be able to heed the lessons he learned from this situation. This kind of reframing that we did helped him recognize that it was his attitude, not his actions, that are more important when it comes to living spiritual principles.

Everyday Spirituality

with Justin Buffer

Spiritual Attitude, NOT Spiritual Behavior I was working with a personal coaching client recently that was having trouble being assertive at work. He is a mid-level manager of a fairly big company in New Jersey that had embarked on a spiritual and personal growth path almost 5 years ago, and was diligently trying to live and integrate his practice and beliefs into his everyday life.

He asked me the next important question: How do we make sure that our ego stuff is out of the way enough so that we know we are coming from the best in us? That is a good question and will be the topic of my column in the next issue. Hope to see you there!

He had brought up to me that he had been noticing that some of the employees he supervised were not displaying the highest standards of efficiency and responsibility at work: at times they were showing up late to work, were on the Internet during working hours, were being disrespectful and negligent to clients on the phone, and were passive-aggressively insubordinate. Some of them he had gently approached but had not seen much change. He knew that he had reached the stage of potential written consequences, and possible termination review because of numerous warnings.

Justin Buffer is a Certified Professional & Transformational Life Coach, and the owner of Pure Truth Life Coaching, LLC, a personal life coaching and consulting company. Justin is the author of the forthcoming book titled “Any Day Inspiration” about ways to inject spiritual principles into everyday living. You can learn more about his upcoming workshops based on the ideas in the book, and sign up for his inspirational newsletter at his website He has an office in Raritan, NJ and also does phone consultations. He can be reached at

He was struggling with the idea of coming from Love and the Highest, while simultaneously having to discipline and possibly fire someone. He stated that he did not want to seem “unspiritual” or “unloving”. “If someone loses their job because of me how can I live with myself and call myself loving?” he asked. I could see that he was having a hard time with it so I led him on a nice and deep meditation to relax him and get him into a centered space. Then I helped him reframe his perspectives and actions in a new light. He was making the mistake that many on a committed spiritual path make: not discerning properly between spiritual attitudes and spiritual behavior, the former being the most important. An attitude of true Love and that springs from the Divine in us can at times be assertive, fierce, or firm, yet



Summer 2010

Column may do perfectly well with an essence that helps him integrate training (for instance, one called “Good Dog” by Anaflora) while for another, maybe it’s best to try one for more deeply rooted issues like abandonment.

The Whole Pet

with Beth Lowell

If only it were that easy to leave the past behind! This month’s topic hit home for me, being the adopter of two dogs, both of whom came to me well after the all important period of socialization. It’s clear that the events of their pasts have shaped who they are today. When you’re dealing with animals, it’s not so easy to make up for lost time during their formative months. Much like children who linger without nurturing in orphanages, animals who have had no direction by parents, or exposure to a wide variety of stimuli, are hard pressed to deal with new situations for which they are not prepared. Hope is not lost however. Many holistic and complementary methods can help animals get back into the best balance possible for them. Reiki, for one, is very helpful in alleviating anxiety and stress, allowing the animal to heal on an emotional level. Flower essences, too, can work wonders. While a there’s a flower essence for just about every issue faced by man and animal, the trick is to try to determine the root of the problem, rather than the symptom. One dog

It’s not just rescued animals who suffer. Many happy and presumably healthy well loved and well adjusted pets are affected by health challenges. Owners, in trying to do what’s best for the pet make decisions based on their worldview, which often involves consulting trusted experts. In the past pets have been subjected to over vaccination, something that even traditional vets are coming to understand is not in their best interest. There’s no sense in bemoaning what we can’t change, but we can move forward in wisdom. Fewer vaccines, healthier diets, less exposure to chemicals both inside and outside the home, plus doing all we can to really understand our animals companions to help keep the stress levels down will do a lot to make their future brighter. Inspired by dogs, Beth Lowell established her pet sitting company, Good Girl, in 2002. Her services have grown to include Reiki for animals, flower essence consultations and canine massage. She is a regular contributor to the Reiki Digest and an accomplished artist whose paintings grace the homes of dog lovers across the United States. The petsitter with the holistic touch! 973.960.6464

WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT US... “The name Holistic Mentorship Network says it all. HMN practitioners crossrefer, support, educate, and listen. The MARCI™ publication has helped spread my message to the public and supported my practice. It is such a breath of fresh air to be surrounded with like minds and hearts that are committed to professional service and collaboration. Thank you HMN for expanding my family of holistic practitioners.”

Dr. Robert Kandarjian, DC, HTP Intuitive Energy Healer



Summer 2010

Column snakebite, and the resentment you have is like the snake venom. It’s the venom, not the bite itself that will kill you. I’ve seen people who ruined wonderful relationships and their own happiness because they had to be right. They would rather die than forgive their loved ones, or admit they were wrong. It’s truly tragic.

Personal Development Coaching with Hueina Su

If your intention is to have more joy and inner peace, then you must learn to forgive and let go of your need to be right all the time. Do you want to be right or be at peace? Choose wisely.

Releasing Ghosts from the Past for Inner Peace Every year when Spring rolls around, most people have the urge for Spring cleaning. While clutter and disorganization at work or at home can negatively affect productivity and inner peace, I’ve found that emotional clutter is even more detrimental to one’s success and well-being. It’s the root cause of many people’s stress. One of the worst emotional clutter is what I call Ghosts from the Past, such as resentment, anger, guilt, and hurt from their past. Have you ever seen older people with permanently grouchy faces? It’s like they are wearing years of pain, hurt and resentment on their faces, and they tend to see the not-so-perfect quality in everyone around them. Maybe someone wronged them in the past, and they still wouldn’t forgive that person. Maybe they feel guilty for what they did or did not do years ago, and still beat themselves up. Resentment and guilt can ruin any relationship. If you are in a relationship with someone who tries to make you feel guilty, I bet you would feel resentful toward that person over time. Malachy McCourt once said, “Resentment is like drinking poison and hoping the other person would die.” You might think that by not forgiving someone, you are punishing him/her, but in fact, you are the one (sometimes, the only one) suffering. I have seen in many cases where people wouldn’t forgive their spouses for things from as bad as cheating or abuse, to very trivial things that their spouses don’t even remember. The sad thing is, sometimes their spouses didn’t even know why they were mad in the first place. So, who is being punished?

Hueina Su, MS, BSN, CEC, best-selling author of Intensive Care for the Nurturer’s Soul: 7 Keys to Nurture Yourself While Caring for Others, is an internationally recognized expert helping people find the missing peace and balance in their stressful lives. She is on a mission to bring the message of Intensive Self-Care to one million women nurturers worldwide. This article is adapted from her book. Visit for FREE sample book chapters, bonus gifts, stress relief video e-course, and many resources.

Dr. Wayne Dyer has an analogy I love. He said that the incident that caused you emotional pain is like



Summer 2010

Column customer moving to another company is significantly reduced.

Business Coaching

Your costs are reduced in addition to your marketing dollars as the customers are already familiar with your with Donna Price processes. You don’t have to spend time teaching them as they have already learned. This reduces your staff time and improves their job satisfaction as well. Imagine, regular, friendly customers using your service or product over and over. Your staff is familiar with Relationship Marketing them and they become familiar with your staff. It is in this process and exchange that good (great) customer Business is all about relationships. They are at service is provided. Customer service is a key in your the heart of marketing as well. Strategically using relationship marketing strategy. relationship marketing is about building strong, long term relationships with your current clients and The goals of relationship marketing are to build long companies. By having this type of focus you are lasting relationships with your current and existing increasing your business but not solely by seeking new clients, increasing their commitment to you and your clients or customers. Relationship marketing improves business. Additional benefits are achieved through your existing relationships. You assess the needs of your strategy and these further build the business. individual customers and meet those needs, in fact – over-deliver. As a long standing member of NJAWBO, I believe that this is what NJAWBO is about – building long lasting The components of an effective relationship marketing relationships. When members arrive expecting to get strategy include: marketing; special sales; customer business at a meeting right away they are missing out care/appreciation; communication; and special events. on the long term benefits of relationship marketing. These approaches improve the relationship and increase When you build trusting business relationships and its longevity. The client/customer realizes the value of alliances the business that will come your way over the the business relationship and they remain active and long haul is greater. Being an active, involved member increase their loyalty. Relationship marketing focuses of NJAWBO or any organization, will reap the most both on building a new relationship but also on retention. benefits. Marketing research indicates that the cost of retaining an existing customer is ten percent of the cost of obtaining a new customer. This is why relationship marketing makes sense for business owners. As much as eighty five percent of profit may be attributable to customer retention according to another study. High costs are incurred when marketing to new customers and obtaining them as customers. If you are able to retain an adequate number of your current customers you decrease your need for new customers. This isn’t to say that you want to totally give up your marketing to new clients/customers. When you gain customer trust, the chances of that


Donna Price is the President of the Sussex Warren Chapter. Her company, Compass Rose Consulting, LLC provides business success coaching to entrepreneurs and small business owners. Donna is the author of Launching Your Dream, Bizology.Biz: The Science of Building Thriving Businesses, and a contributor to 101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life. She offers coaching via group, masterminding, and individual. She hosts “Entrepreneurs Talk Radio” and the “Entrepreneurs Book Club”. More Information is available at: 973.948.7673


Summer 2010

Column and will slow your progress. Pick one and concentrate on it and you may find that some of the other things you want to work with melt away as this affirmation takes hold. Finally, when you catch yourself in negative thought and dialog, make light of it and remind yourself of your affirmation. Don’t beat yourself up as this reinforces the negative overtone in your thinking.

Money Coaching with Tom Selkow

Probably the most commonly used tool in the process of changing your thinking about money and financial abundance is the affirmation. Let’s take a look at affirmations and how you can put them to work successfully.

One really great way to frequently remind yourself of your new affirmation is to write it on a 3x5 index card, fold it up and put it in your pocket or purse where you will see or feel it often. Each time you do it will remind you to think about your affirmation. You can sing or whistle your affirmation to yourself or play uplifting music when you do your affirmation work too.

What is an affirmation? An affirmation is a positive, present tense statement used to help change a belief or behavior. The most effective way to phrase them is to be specific, use concise terms, and make it about something that excites you. Here is an example: “I make enough money to comfortably pay myself, all of my bills and have a surplus every month to enjoy my favorite hobby.” Notice how you can see and feel yourself in the picture this affirmation draws.

In summary, be specific and concise, use present tense – it is already true and a reality. Use multiple sensory awareness by taking time to write, read, and say your affirmation out loud – this gives you more potential handles to grip with. Be consistent and focus on one affirmation at a time. Make light of times when you catch yourself in old vibration and thought patterns – be creative and make it fun for yourself. Find ways to remind yourself of your affirmation as often as you can.

Once you have a first draft like this, say it out loud to For more information and additional strategies to make see how it sounds and how it feels to you. If it doesn’t permanent shifts in your experience contact me. quite feel like a good fit play with the wording and make changes until you get something you really like. If you’re Tom Selkow, Consciousness Technology Practitioner, is having trouble finding the right words let it set for a the owner of Zero Point Transformation, LLC, in Sparta, day or two and returning to it. After you have created NJ. He is certified as a Matrix Energetics Master your affirmation begin to attract what you want by Practitioner, Money Coach and has a wide range of tools setting aside time each day to write, say and read your available to help his clients transform their relationship affirmation. The idea is to engage more of your senses to abundance, life, career, relationships and more. to increase the number of possible ways your affirmation can get into your awareness. 862.268.4443 Once you have started working with the affirmation, here are some keys to increasing your success. First, be consistent and find time each day to think, say and write your affirmation. Change up the sequence to keep yourself interested and create more opportunities to keep it in your awareness. Next, stick with it and give it a chance. It may take a while to unravel the beliefs you are trying to change, and evidence of success may be scarce at first. Next, resist the urge to work with many affirmations at once. Doing this dissipates your focus



Summer 2010

Column Night Sailing

...Interpreting Your Dreams with Jefferson Harman

As a symbolic intuitive, Jefferson Harman reads the symbols present in your dreams and everyday life. By interpreting this invisible language, he identifies your blocks and challenges and ways to overcome them. He is a recurring guest on “Life Unedited”, a Philadelphia area radio show, hosted by John Aberle. Heard on WCHE 1520 AM on Saturday mornings from 11 am to 12 pm, John interviews Jefferson, who then interprets the dreams of callers for the remainder of the hour. You can check the show’s schedule and listen to the live web stream at htm. You can also attend Jefferson’s regular workshops in Lucid Dreaming and Overcoming Your Phobias. To request the workshop schedule, send an email to jharman11@ When I was approached about writing this column, I was thrilled. I have been actively interpreting dreams since childhood. My closest friends will tell you how I am on the phone with them from time to time, delving into their most recent adventures in dreamland. Well, the editors at MARCI™ Magazine have opened the door to a wonderful opportunity, both for me and for you. I have been asked to interpret the dreams of our readers in each issue! Kind of like Dear Abby, but completely centered around dreams.

of the other players? Are the people in your dream real life acquaintances or celebrities or unrecognizable dream characters? How old are they? Sometimes you might dream of someone who has passed on, but in your dream they are alive and well, and perhaps younger than when you last saw them. What color hair, eyes, or clothing? Describe your surroundings. Are you inside or outside? What are the styles of fashion and furniture? Do you know the place in real life or is it imagined? And if it’s the latter, is it familiar within the context of the dream? Remember, the more detail you can provide, the more I can offer in return. I look forward to receiving your emails and reviewing your dreams. Kindly send your dreams for interpretation to my attention at Then keep checking back with MARCI™ Magazine to see if your dream is the next one to be interpreted. Till then, sleep well and enjoy your Night Sailing!

Copyright © 2010 by Jefferson Harman. All rights reserved. Printed by permission of the author. Image Credit – “Night Sailing” Copyright © 2010 by Jefferson Harman. Used by permission.

So, I invite everyone reading to send me your dreams! One letter will be selected for each issue and I will interpret your dream right here in this column. I ask that you pay close attention to details, as this is the information I will need to effectively interpret. For instance, is the dream taking place in the past, present, or future? Are you seeing the images through your own eyes or as if you are looking at a movie on a screen where you are one of the actors? And what



Summer 2010

Column My only rule of Faith is there are no rules.


So I have chosen my own Religion of One. I believe what resonates as “the Spirit of truth” from within me with both my Knowing and with my Believing. That truth for me is that we are all one. All paths lead to God because we are all connected and all a part of God. What Spiritual advice will you give your Clients as a “true healer”?

Profiles of Pioneers in Integrative Medicine with Cecelia Inwentarz

I’ve returned to balance with acceptance of today’s positive mental messages of belief from the religious Faith from my childhood. It is now beautiful, but was : What are the attributes of a “true healer” in not always so. I was baptized a Presbyterian, often called “the frozen chosen,” meaning emotionally empty. Integrative Medicine? Not anymore. Today, I enjoy the best of my childhood : Dr. David Simon, MD, Co-founder, CEO, and memories, but this time I receive it from a televised Medical Director of the Chopra Center, drawn to the framework of strictly positive and loving messages. understanding that the role of the doctor was much more than a disease technician, said, “…a true healer “Have Faith in Unconditional Love” had to be a diagnostician, medicine man, psychotherapist, and priest – an expert navigator of the mind and spirit as The best Spiritual advice is to “Have Faith in well as the physical body.” Unconditional Love.” It is not our responsibility to pull up the weeds of others or to be dragged down with : Why is the role of priest, defined by Wikipedia as, them. That is just not our responsibility. But it is our “a person to whom people turn to for Spiritual advice,” responsibility to forgive, and then to remember no more. This is the message of Unconditional Love. I have found essential to Integrative Medicine? this is possible to accomplish when you accept Jesus : Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in his Dream of Freedom Energy, or Unconditional Love, into your heart. This is and Equality for All, said, “If we are to find the real cause… far different from just accepting Jesus Energy into your of the world’s ills today… we will have to look in the hearts mind with your belief. I have always believed in Jesus, the Christ. God let us see who He is. He set the example of and souls of men.” -Detroit 1954 an ideal human being. Are You a “True Healer”?



Q: And what Spiritual advice should a “true healer”

My Faith has grown beyond my first belief. But it was give about our hearts and souls within the framework of my childhood belief that allowed continued contact from Integrative Medicine? God, having sown his “mustard seeds” of Faith in me. I : According to one Spiritual source, The Bible, John remember wearing a bracelet of mustard seeds. And it was the story of the mustard seed that dramatically 15:26, look for answers from“…the Spirit of truth.” re-awakened my Faith. “The True Healing Energy is Faith.” My Guided Journey Back to Faith It is not about Religion. All Religions form their basis on very specific and permanent beliefs, unchanging. There It was the exposure to the many stories of my friend’s is nothing wrong with Religion. However, I consciously intuition that caused me to jokingly ask her, “Why don’t examine what I was conditioned to believe and now I ever get any insider information? What am I? Chopped liver?” Obviously a rhetorical question, I never expected chose what to believe.




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Summer 2010

Column Q&A: Profiles of Pioneers cont’d

made my own connection to the Divine. “The Spirit of truth” had answered my request. Using Oprah’s favorite words, that was my “ah-hah moment.”

True Healers: Ask for your answer from “the Spirit of an answer. But I was unconsciously searching for a new truth.” reality of God to believe in. This time, I was searching for “the Spirit of truth.” Holistic Brand & Life Mentor and Founder of CHi Consultancy LLC, Cecelia H. Inwentarz, MBA, is a I hung up the phone and began work on my web site but 20+ year former Brand Executive who created belief was prevented from logging on by an annoying search by marketing food brands for Corporate America and engine, requiring me to type in the most unusual single IBM Business Intelligence. Today, her CHi Energy search term. Unable to bypass the screen and without Therapy creates even stronger “Positive Belief in giving it a thought, I quickly typed in “mustard seed,” two Record Time” about YOU as a Certified Reiki Master words but it got me through. Teacher, Guided Kinesiologist and Bio-Resonance Energy Therapist. Author of Prisoners of Their Past, Later than afternoon, I tuned into Oprah. Every show Cecelia coaches you to “Be Free From Failure Energy.” opened with a close-up of Oprah sitting at her desk, speaking into the camera, as if speaking to each She builds Prosperity Resonance and Business individual. This day, Oprah spoke of Faith. She said that Revenues exclusive to Health Practitioners as a if we would have the Faith of a mustard seed, that we Certified nutraMetrix Consultant. could move mountains. Then she held up a jar of mustard seeds. Oprah said that she kept that large jar on her Office: 973.285.7590 desk to remind her of the power of Faith every day. I Cell: 973.879.2402 cried from a very deep place in full awareness that I had



Summer 2010

Column sense of a direct connection to the Earth and all living beings. They are highly intuitive and compassionate beings.

Project Planet Network™“The Future Generation”

with Ana Marie Presti

Interconnectedness of Human Beings and the Planet Earth

AJ lives with his parents and brother, who provide him a well rounded, nurtured, loving environment. When I speak to his parents, AJ becomes more than what society wants to label him, someone with ASD. Rather, AJ becomes a prophet of the new times here on Earth. Not only bringing awareness to the environment, but also in matters of humanity and spirituality.

AJ is a handsome, charming, playful, serious, intelligent eleven year-old boy with autism. Today, it seems like your average complexity in a child. Over the last two decades there has been tremendous increase in the number of children diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum disorder) in the United States. According to the Autism Society of America, these trends provide strong support for the notion that environmental factors are involved in causing autism. We are now just learning about “epigenetics”, new sets of biologic mechanisms that influence the expressions of genes. This process indicates influence by environmental exposures. Some studies suggest the use of certain medications during pregnancy and viral infections are known to cause birth defects and elevate the risk of autism. Also reported are associations of certain air pollutants, such as airborne mercury, nickel, chlorinated, and diesel particulates with autism. One percent of the population of children in the U.S. aged three to seventeen have Autism Spectrum Disorder.

The Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species. The main purpose of these children is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner power and divinity.

I first met AJ about a year ago when I was invited to meet with families and other children like AJ. I wasn’t well versed in autism and still feel there is so much more than what studies tell us about these children. On thing for sure, I am so drawn to these autistic children.

AJ Martinelli

Intuitively speaking, I feel they are extremely connected to spirit and have very pure hearts, present in compassion. Since meeting AJ, I am convinced that he and children with autism are Indigo’s and Crystal’s. “Indigo” children and “Crystal” children are gifted in a


Indigo and Crystal children are highly sensitive, psychic, and have an important life purpose. Indigos are known as spiritual warriors, here to question and shift government, education, and legal systems that lack integrity. Crystals are telepathic. At an early age their speech is prolonged and use self expressed sign language and sounds (including songs). Trouble comes when judged by medical and educational personnel as having “abnormal” speaking patterns. It is no coincidence that as the numbers of “Crystals” born increase, so as


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Summer 2010

Column Project Planet

MARCI™ Challenge Winners

In the last issue (Spring 2010), MARCI™ announced the MARCI™ Challenge, a poster contest that aimed to raise awareness of the nuclear power plants being built in the US and our energy future. Below are the winning posters: cont’d

Rhett Presti, Age 10, Grade 4, Vernon, NJ

Evan Rodriguez, Age 18, Vernon, NJ



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Summer 2010

Column Project Planet cont’d

the number of diagnosed autism is at record high. The diagnosis for autism states that an autistic person lives in his/her own world, is disconnected from other people, and doesn’t talk because of indifference to communicating with others, whereas the indications of Crystal children are opposite of diagnosis. They are most connected, communicative, caring, cuddly, philosophical, spiritually gifted, and displays kindness and sensitivity to our world. In a nutshell, “Indigos and Crystals” are here to assist Earth and her inhabitants with their transition and rebirth as a higher dimensional “New Earth”. Human beings are born into the 3rd Dimension and have access to 4th Dimension. Indigo’s have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing, the 4th Dimension of consciousness. Crystals are born on 6th Dimension of consciousness and move rapidly to 9th Dimension, the level of full Christ consciousness and then into the 13th Dimension, Universal Consciousness. Indigo and Crystal beings bring these vibrations to the planet in order to share them with others. Their gift to the planet is the gift of Evolution and access to our full potential. The vibrational shift that the planet is experiencing through earth changes, natural disasters, purging of souls in large quantities, is called “Ascension”. This means the Earth and her inhabitants have the opportunity to “ascend” from 3rd Dimension of consciousness upwards into the higher dimensions. Creating a “New Earth” is everyone’s purpose. Once achieved, then a planetary culture is birthed and respect for all beings is Divine Essence, manifested. Peace and Harmony reign in our bodies, our thoughts, and our beautiful Planet Earth. I thank AJ’s family for sharing his voice and hope for awareness to our purpose and evolution.



The Martinelli’s: Anthony & Ronnie (AJ’s parents), and Nicholas (his brother)

Visit us on the web at Project Planet Network™- Together we can heal the planet. Our decisions today are tomorrow’s reality. Let’s create a world that heals our bodies, our oceans, our animals, and our Earth. Ana Marie Presti is a Reiki Master /Teacher, and a member of HMN Northwest Sussex County chapter. She works as a phlebotomist in Sussex County and is an independent consultant for Rutgers’ University Continuing Education. She is Chair of Project Planet Network™, an environmental group that focuses on mentoring and supporting schools in achieving sustainability by developing an environmental board.

Summer 2010

Column Legislative Issues

with Maureen Drummond & Susannah Pitman with everyone you know! Watch for continual updates on the progress of our bill and help whenever we ask and you can!

Vaccine Safety and Vaccination Choice by Maureen Drummond

Disgracing the Truth and Other Matters of Public Health Ah! The changing faces of legislation and information! First, a short list of business updates but please read on for the disgrace part. The media’s representation of all matters concerning the very real and serious risks of vaccination is an abomination! Are you following the vaccination choice movement in New Jersey? Did you know that this Fall, the NJDHSS, the H1N1 component, will be added to the mandated seasonal flu vaccine in a combined shot? There will be no opting out of H1N1 for seasonal flu shot recipients for whom the vaccine is mandated! New Jersey really needs a conscientious exemption from mandated vaccines! The Conscientious Exemption from Mandatory Vaccination bill has a new bill number this session. The new bill number for the General Assembly is A2450. The Senate companion bill is now S1830. The Conscientious Exemption bill A2450 has been placed in the Education Committee for a hearing. This is great news and renewed hope for movement on the bill. (As many of you know, the bill had been stonewalled in the Assembly Health Committee for over 6 years.) Among the 12 Education Committee members, 5 have already signed on to support the bill. The bill needs a majority vote to pass out of committee. We are almost there!

*Now for the disgracing the truth part... You know, as a matter of public health! In a recent interview with Reader’s Digest magazine regarding the H1N1 influenza and vaccine, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius stated: “There are groups out there that [sic] insist that vaccines are responsible for a variety of problems, despite all scientific evidence to the contrary. We (the Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services) have reached out to media outlets to try to get them to NOT (my emphasis) to give the views of these people equal weight in their reporting...” Imagine that! Instructions to the media from the government, not to give its citizens full disclosure of the risks and harm they unwittingly accept each day with vaccination. This just begs the question, “What don’t they want us to know and why don’t they want us to know it? I have to imagine that public broadcasting’s recent airing made Secretary Sebelius quite proud! On April 27th, PBS ran a Frontline piece called “The Vaccine Wars.” Frankly, I expected more from my listenersupported television program. I fail to understand why every initiative the government engages in must be a “war.” War on drugs. War on terrorism. War on disease. These forces of opposition never lend themselves to intelligent and open discussion, nor to peaceful and respectful resolution. The last thing we need is another war! What we desperately need is a way to understand and accept the concerns of those who are cautious about excessive vaccination. And yes, 44 vaccines by the age of 6 is an excessive number of vaccinations!

The segment blatantly lacked any viable discussion Please visit our website at www.njvaccinationchoice. about the actual products; the injectable substances org and sign our online petition. Share our resources



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Summer 2010

Column Legislative Issues cont’d Vaccine Safety and Vaccination Choice cont’d

composed of toxic, carcinogenic, and pathogenic material. There was no discussion about what happens in the economy of the human immune system when these harmful substances are allowed direct access to the blood-brain barrier. While several children were pictured suffering from the ravages of diseases such as polio and whooping cough, there was no coverage of children injured by vaccines. No coverage of children in wheelchairs or those in football helmets to prevent additional brain injury from the dozens if not, hundreds of daily seizures. No coverage of those on life support from vaccine injury. No coverage of an autistic child before vaccination and then, after. Why not? Terrible things can happen from vaccinations as well as from diseases. Secretary Sebelius has asked the media to silence these truths so, I ask, “In whose best interest?” “The Vaccine Wars” broadly painted thoughtful, intelligent, cautious parents as “anti-vaccine” and blamed them for any rise in so-called “vaccinepreventable diseases.” However, this “fair and balanced” segment neglected to mention that disease outbreaks occur in widely-vaccinated populations. They omitted the fact that during the

most recent outbreak of mumps in NY and NJ, 88% of those infected had been vaccinated and 75% infected had been vaccinated twice? Why omit that very critical bit of information? In fact, the vaccination status of infected individuals is always omitted from media reports, unless of course, the individual is unvaccinated! Vaccinations fail to protect large portions of the population. The constantly perpetuated misguided notion that diseases are “vaccine preventable” is disputed in evidence when vaccinated people acquire the diseases they were allegedly “protected” against. It is interesting to note the “experts” contributing to the segment in support of mass vaccination, who monetarily profit from the sale of the vaccines. Dr. Paul Offit, a patent holder on Merck’s Rotavirus vaccine, touted the benefits of his precious product but neither Frontline, nor Dr. Offit ever mentioned that the same vaccine was pulled from the market after 13 children died from complications postvaccination. No mention. Parents who subject their children to this vaccine have every right to know that the vaccine has previously claimed the lives of at least 13 babies! A risk any responsible parent would want to be made aware of, regardless of how small they claim it is. The vaccine was “reworked,” and put back on the market. The FDA failed in its duty to provide safety oversight, but rest assured, the good Doctor cont’d on next page

WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT US... “Well worth the read! Powerful and inspiring HMNetwork of Holistic Practitioners share their years of Health and Wellness wisdom in MARCI Magazine... and they are waiting to help you too.”

Erin Saxton

Former Television Producer for Barbara Walters, “The View” CEO and President, Newswire, Inc. Representing Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, and many more fantastic people and companies



Summer 2010

Column Legislative Issues cont’d Vaccine Safety and Vaccination Choice cont’d

Offit claims it is safe now. Throughout the segment, the alleged experts made no haste in drilling the same point: “Parents don’t think vaccines are important because they are not old enough to remember how horrible diseases like polio and whooping cough were. They don’t see the ravages of these diseases anymore.” Quite true. Whether or not that has anything to do with the vaccines is arguable, but what we do see scares us even more – the ravages of vaccine injury. Our federal government, through the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS), recognizes all degrees of severity of vaccine injuries ranging from injection site soreness to death, yet there was no mention of this system or registry on the program, you know – as if it doesn’t exist at all. “Poor Rachel Murphy...” the pro-vaccinators exalted on the show. The 6 week-old had contracted whooping cough, too young to receive the DTP vaccine. Stressing the need for “herd immunity,” to “protect” infants like Rachel Murphy, in their infinite wisdom, the vaccine advocates claim that the vaccination was the only way to protect her. Sadly, she was too young to have it. I’m guessing the science of passive immunity – antibody protection passed from mother to child through breast milk – is a thing of the past? Or perhaps it simply slipped their minds?

enjoy the luxury of absolution from liability when their products maim and kill? The lies and the deception over vaccination safety and efficacy pave a well travelled roadway called fear. We, the naysayers of excessive and mandatory vaccination, have approached the intersection of evidence and sensibility where we have decided to park for a spell waiting for that busload of truthfulness to arrive. It’s not that we don’t know what we’re talking about, it’s just that they don’t like what we’re saying, so they disgrace the truth in the name of public health and they try to silence our voices and discredit our work and our names. Shame on them! But, what good has it done for me to tell you about all the risks and concerns if you have no right to refuse them? That time is dangerously near – secure them or lose them. NJCVC is making a difference! Become a part of our choice team and activate for change. We don’t ask for a lot – just for what counts! Visit us at where the truth is still sacred!

Why can’t they just tell the truth? Vaccination cannot guarantee immunity. Vaccines will harm a subset of the population for which there is no scientific model to pre-determine. Vaccine makers have no liability for their products because the government insures the vaccines, not the underwriters for the pharmaceutical companies. The manufacturer still, however, enjoys all of their staggering profits. Now, wouldn’t every manufacturer across the nation like to



Maureen Drummond, Co-founder/Co-director, New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice is a long-time activist for vaccination choice. She considers the full disclosure of vaccine ingredients and side affects to be tantamount to informed consent and has provided free educational lectures and materials to thousands of people over the last two decades. She is a founding member of the New Jersey Coalition for Vaccination Choice and currently co-directs the organization’s initiatives throughout the state. Check out NJCVC’s website at E-mail questions and comments to

Summer 2010

Column Legislative Issues

with Maureen Drummond & Susannah Pitman plans. If you are in this category and you want your clients to receive insurance coverage for your services, now is the time to mobilize in your state, contact the appropriate state regulating committee and help start the process for licensing or certifying those who practice those techniques not recognized.

National Healthcare by Susannah Pitman

Sections 3502 aims to “establish a program to provide grants to or enter into contracts with eligible entities to establish New Health Care Reform Laws Affect CAM community-based interdisciplinary, interprofessional teams (…’health teams’) to support primary care In the wake of President Barack Obama signing two practices, including obstetrics and gynecology important health care reform bills into law, many practices, within the hospital service areas served by complementary and alternative medicine practitioners the eligible entities.” and patients wondered what this means for their own health care coverage. Indeed, the Patient Protection In order for these health teams to receive a grant and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and or contract, the team must be interdisciplinary Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 are both and may include, “doctors of chiropractic, licensed hefty bills that make for challenging summer reading. complementary and alternative medicine practitioners”. However, there are many important developments and This section means that if community-based health advancements, in terms of health insurance coverage, teams want to qualify for these grants, including for CAM practitioners and patients that are worth licensed CAM practitioners in their team will work to understanding. their advantage. This will also allow CAM practitioners Section 2706 may have the biggest impact for CAM practitioners and patients. It states, “A group health plan and a health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage shall not discriminate with respect to participation under the plan or coverage against any health care provider who is acting within the scope of that provider’s license or certification under applicable State law.”

more access to underserved populations.

This means that any licensed or certified practitioner’s services must be covered by both group and individual health insurance plans. It is important to note that this law does not go into effect until after December 31, 2013. If you are a CAM practitioner whose is Section 5101 is intended to establish a National not licensed or certified by your state, your services Health Care Workforce Commission that overall will will not be required to be covered by health insurance serve as a government resource analyzing the health



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Summer 2010

Column Legislative Issues cont’d million results that include facts, commentaries and misinformation. Your best source for factual information related to these bills can be found at Open Congress (

National Healthcare cont’d

care workforce, including licensed and certified CAM practitioners. Licensed and certified CAM practitioners can serve on this commission, allowing huge potential for a strong voice in the CAM field to be heard. This commission is extensively defined in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, but the main purpose is to ensure the best standards of care as well as improve accessibility to underserved populations. The members of this commission are to be appointed no later than September 30, 2010. Many wonder how these laws will translate into practice. If you do an internet search on anything related to health care reform, you will find over 19



Susannah Pitman, MS, CA, graduated with honors from Tri-State College of Acupuncture and maintains a private acupuncture practice in Boonton, NJ. She has studied at the China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center as well as traveled throughout Japan to study with some of Japan’s finest acupuncture masters. She is also Secretary of The Nagano Project, a start-up non-profit aimed at facilitating healthcare through acupuncture and Oriental medicine for people in need while helping them to help themselves. To learn more about Susannah’s practice, please visit or call 973.257.8924.

Summer 2010

I’ll never forget the story of David, my next door neighbor a while back, who taught me a great lesson one morning as I watched him trying to teach his seven year-old son how to push the gas-powered lawn mower around the yard. As he was showing him how to turn the mower around at the end of the lawn, his wife Jan called to him to ask a question. When David turned to answer the question, Kelly pushed the lawn mower right through the flower bed at the edge of the lawn – leaving a two-foot wide path leveled to the ground! David was not happy about this. As soon as he saw what had happened, he began to lose control. David had put a lot of time and effort into making those flower beds the envy of the neighborhood. The moment his voice climbed higher in a semi-rage toward poor Kelly, Jan walked quickly over to him, put her hand on his shoulder and said, “David, please remember... we’re raising children, not flowers!” The moral of this story couldn’t be more important today. Each one of us is enduring more stress as we face a recession and a deep financial shakeup that has no end in sight. During times like these it’s essential for us parents to remember what our priorities are. Our kids and their self-esteem are more important than any physical object they might break or destroy. The window pane shattered by a mishit baseball, a lamp knocked over by a careless

Raise Children, Not Flowers! by Jack Canfield

child, or a plate dropped in the kitchen – are already broken. The flowers are already dead. All of these things are replaceable; our children are not. We must remember not to add to the destruction by breaking a child’s spirit and deadening their sense of aliveness. Words, especially when yelled in anger, can be very damaging to a child’s self-confidence. The child probably already feels bad enough just from seeing the consequences of his or her behavior. Our sons and daughters don’t need more guilt and selfdoubt heaped upon their already wounded egos. If anything, they need to be reminded that we all make mistakes throughout our life. (Here’s an exercise to try: the next time you feel like raising your voice to one of your kids, stop and think about the



last time you made a mistake. It probably wasn’t too long ago, and you really don’t care to be yelled for that right now.) More recently, I was buying some new clothes in a men’s store and the owner and I started talking about parenting. He told me that while he and his wife and seven year-old daughter were out at a restaurant for dinner, his daughter knocked over her water glass. It spilled everywhere and messed up her mother’s dress as the water flowed over the edge near her seat. After the water was cleaned up without any recriminating remarks from her parents, she looked up and said, “You know, I really want to thank you guys for not being like other parents. Most of my friends’ parents would have yelled at them and given them a lecture about paying more attention. Thanks for not doing that!” Once, when I was having dinner with some friends, a similar incident happened. Their five year-old son knocked over a glass of milk at the dinner table. When they immediately started in on him, I knocked my glass over, too. When I started to explain how I still knock things over even as an adult, the boy started to beam and the parents seemingly got the message and backed off. How easy it is to forget that we are all still learning. One of the best stories I’ve ever heard about “spilt milk” and the lessons of making a mess comes from a famous

Summer 2010

cont’d on next page

Children, Not Flowers! cont’d research scientist who made several very important medical breakthroughs. A newspaper reporter once asked him why he thought he was able to be so much more creative than the average person. What set him so far apart from others? He responded that, in his opinion, it all came from an experience with his mother, which occurred when he was about two years old. He had been trying to remove a bottle of milk from the refrigerator, when he lost his grip on the slippery bottle and it fell, spilling its contents all over the kitchen floor – a veritable sea of milk! (Thankfully, no glass shattered, but the milk kept flowing out like a river.)

When his mother came into the kitchen, instead of yelling at him, giving him a lecture, or punishing him, she said, “Robert, what a great and wonderful mess you have made! I have rarely seen such a huge puddle of milk. Well, the damage has already been done. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes before we clean it up?”

failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle with two tiny hands. Let’s go out in the back yard and fill the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way to carry it without dropping it.” The little boy learned that if he grasped the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it. What a wonderful lesson!

Indeed, he did. After a few minutes his mother said, “You know, Robert, whenever you make a mess like this, eventually you have to clean it up, and restore everything to its proper order. So, how would you like to do that? We could use a sponge, a towel or a mop. What do you prefer? He chose the sponge and together they cleaned up the spilled milk.

This renowned scientist then remarked that it was at that moment he knew he didn’t need to be afraid to make mistakes. Instead he learned that mistakes were just opportunities for learning something new, which is, after all, what scientific experiments are all about. They are simply that – just experiments to see what happens. Even if the experiment “doesn’t work,” we usually learn something valuable from it.

His mother then said, “You know what we have here is a

Wouldn’t it be great if all parents responded the same way Robert’s mother responded to him? After all, why do we have The driver of the other car was sympathetic, but explained that they must note each others license numbers and registration numbers. As the yo u n g woman rea c hed into a large brown envelope to cont’d on next page



Summer 2010

Children, Not Flowers! cont’d retrieve the documents, a piece of paper fell out. In a heavy masculine scrawl were these words: “In case of accident… remember, honey, it’s you I love, not the car!” Let’s remember that our children’s spirits are more important than any material things. When we do, self-esteem and love blossoms and grows more beautifully than any bed of flowers ever could.

I’ll end this be reminding you that parenting during acutely stressful time periods adds another element to the job that can be hard to prepare for. We are bogged down by our own emotions and woes such that the slightest mishap by one of our kids will send us over the edge. That said, our children can act as great buffers to that stress. They may not have a handle on all that’s going on in the world, nor understand the decisions we have to make as parents to ensure the health and security of our families, but surely you can agree that the joy

the bring to our lives outshines so much of that stress. Let them act as children – let them make mistakes and learn from them. After all, it’s those same mistakes we made growing up that allowed us to mature into thoughtful, productive, and compassionate adults. And remember, you are raising children, not flowers! © 2009 Jack Canfield

Jack Canfield is America’s #1 Success Coach, co-founder of the billion-dollar Chicken Soup for the Soul brand, and a leading authority on Peak Performance. If you’re ready to be more accomplished and have more fun in all that you do, learn more and access a library of resources at:

photo courtesy of Jo-Ann Stafford



Summer 2010

In the Spring edition of MARCI™, I introduced you to Guinness, my beloved Rottweiler who bravely fought a losing battle with Osteosarcoma. That was two years ago. My husband and I have been involved in dog rescue for years. We often open our home to dogs in need of immediate placement before they are dumped in shelters. In November, I received a call from a woman who desperately needed to place a Rottweiler puppy named Guinness. My heart sank and I repeated the name over the phone to be sure I heard her correctly. Even though it is a common name for Rottweilers given their colors are black and tan, I thought how peculiar that this woman referred to me by a previous dog training client of mine, was calling me with this request. My husband was driving the car while I was on the phone. When I repeated the dog’s name out loud, he knew exactly where the conversation was headed and he calmly said “where is he… let’s go pick him up”. He has a heart of gold! Five and half months later, our diligent work is starting to pay off with this pup, now named Tucker. After biting me twice due to his protective

Second Chances: Rescuing Tucker by Dee Broton

nature of valuable resources such as food and his dislike of having his collar touched… his spirit has begun to heal. He has shed that ‘I’m a tough dog’ air about him and lost that cold, lost look in his eyes. He is now 9 ½ months old and is happier than ever. When he came to us he was so cautious of everything that was new to him. He would growl at stationary objects in the yard if they weren’t there the day before and he was easily startled by the wind. Now, while still cautious when he approaches new objects, he has more confidence and pays very little attention to noises outside. His eyes have



softened, his demeanor is more like that of a puppy now than it was months ago, and he has learned to trust. There were so many signs after we brought Tucker into our home that he was meant to stay, they simply could not be ignored. I no longer believe in coincidences. Everything truly happens for a reason and I know Tucker was sent to us by Guinness. This experience has taught me that while you can’t change the past and you should hold no regrets, you can make the biggest difference in the present if you look for the signs that are always there and embrace them for what they are. The past teaches us many life lessons, the present allows us to make the decision to do better, and the future offers endless possibilities. If not for following my heart and intuition, who knows what would have come of Tucker. I know by looking into his eyes that he is grateful for the time and patience we have given him, which is true of so many rescue dogs. While his training will be ongoing and he is certainly a work in progress, he is making progress. Guinness knew we couldn’t turn away a Rottweiler bearing her name

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Second Chances cont’d and she was right. Tucker is right where he was meant to be.

MEMBERS CLUB OFFER: 10% discount

Dee Broton steps outside the traditional training box and uses Young Living Essential Oils, flower essences, a natural diet and exercise to assist in her behavior modification regime when it comes to dogs plagued with fear and anxiety, as well as aggression. Dee’s philosophy is to heal the dog’s mind, body, and spirit, and to strengthen the bond with their family by creating harmony in the pack.

Holistic Behavior Solutions, LLC 973.713.0175



Summer 2010

Yesteryear The time has come to put away the past, Set familial belongings in their proper place And move to the rhythm of a new day The sights and smells of yesteryear, we’ll pack away In our storebox of memories, safely hidden Away from the glare of Change The beating of Time alters, almost at will Bringing the end into view There will be time for the road not traveled, When the light of a new day emerges Gently prodding us to use what we’ve always known, and Make new memories for tomorrow’s gift All of yesteryear tucked neatly into a corner Of our soul As we close the door on the past and Say our goodbye’s Until, we meet again Copyright © 2009 Sarah M. Collins Sarah’s poetry book Soul Perception: Exploring the Nature of Reality, Love, & Illusion through Poetry will be published later this summer by New Pathways Press. Look for it at your favorite online retailer. Email Sarah for more info:



Summer 2010

When you hear the word “resume,” what do you think? If you’re like most people, it’s “yuck,” “boring,” “traditional,” and saddest of all, “not me.” Even if you have a great one, it probably doesn’t reflect your essence, who you really are in the world. What if, instead of a resume, you had a “YESame?” An integrative document that brings together all of who you are, that says a resounding “YES!” to your whole self, not just parts of it? (Yesame = Yes, I Am ME!) What if you could put the “me” back into resuME? What if your “See Me” “C.V.” actually reflected your “consciousness vitale” (vital consciousness) or your “vital core” – the true essence of you? What about a “collectionneur de la vie” (collector of life)? What if your “C.V.” were really about “creating vitality,” breathing life back into the resume and showing more of the “real you” in a resume format? Even better, what if, it were about creating vitality for all of us? Have you ever noticed, for example, that ”u” (or “you”) are in the middle of resUme? Not only that, but so are we (or “us,” spelled backwards)! So a true “yesame” not only helps you rediscover who you really are, but is also about RECreating Vitality (C.V.) in US and ME! So you, me, and us = all of us, what we all are. Also, in the middle of the word is “sum,” which we can trace to its French root meaning “to sum up.” So a truly holistic resume would be a “sum” – of all of who you are

How YOUR Resume Can Change the World by Tara Shakti

AND all of who we are, the sum of all of us and our experience here on earth… which really in essence is the oneness of everything. Have you ever felt fear, stress, intimidation, or boredom when sending out a resume or going on an interview? Well, consider this: you’re really only sending to you, and you’re only interviewing you, because there is no separation – we’re all one being manifested in different ways. So if it’s all divine anyway, why would you feel afraid, stressed, intimidated, or bored by… you? (Oh yes, and the “u” stands for unifying “us” and “me”.) Even better, whenever you do send out such a holistic document, you’re really doing it for all of us, because in doing so, you’re helping to re-create



a new paradigm, a new reality, a new world for all of us now – and those to follow. Make no mistake about it, we are ALL affected by a seemingly individual act (remember the 100th Monkey Effect?)… Imagine, for instance, a world in which everybody had such an integrative statement of who they are in the world – not just what they do in the world? What if everybody had such a “soul resume,” a wordpicture of their soul’s work in the world? Wouldn’t this revolutionize the way we view ourselves and others, the work we do, and how we move about in the world? As both givers and seekers of talents and services, might we then be looking for different things from each other? If this were the case, we would live in a world in which we are, and know we are, all whole people, the sum of all of our parts, and we would all view each other from this holistic perspective. This is why I think everyone in the world, but especially healers, holistic practitioners, and others who are spiritually conscious and aware, should have a “Oneness Resume” for themselves. It’s called a “Oneness Resume” because it really “sums it all up” and brings everything together. It makes you: • One with all the parts of yourself (i.e. body, mind, spirit; skills, trainings, talents, etc.) • One with everyone else

Summer 2010

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YOUR Resume cont’d (because there is no separation, as we are all one) • One with the Divine Perfection that created you and all of us (because you are that!) As you can now see, the word “resume” itself is a portal – helping us to REdiscover yoU and ME in all of US, reminding us of the oneness both within individual people and within the world. Going through this amazing process helps us to remember who we really are. If we look at the verb form of the word, we are doing this work, the Great Work, to “resume”

our spiritual journeys, to pick up where we left off, to feel whole and complete enough in our souls to move on to the next big thing on our soul’s r-evolutionary path. And as we do, it’s not just for us, it’s for all of us, as we are reinventing and revolutionizing the world of work. This is what we are doing – MAKING SHIFT HAPPEN!! It’s time! The “Soul Train” is here… All aboard!  For more info on creating your own Oneness Resume, please visit © 2010 Tara Shakti is a Spiritual Life Coach, Holistic Intuitive Healer, Reiki Master, Channel, Writer/Editor for Holistic Practitioners and Creator of “Oneness Resumes.” In true holistic fashion, she brings together her background in publishing and in spirituality to provide this unique, revolutionary service which is a combination of resume writing, spiritual life coaching, and channeling/intuitive reading. Her particular passion is helping healers MEMBERS CLUB put their gifts into words OFFER: to convey their unique 10% discount messages to the world!

WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING ABOUT US... “I am proud to be a member of the Holistic Mentorship Network because it supports holistic professionals and strives to work with the community to get information out there. Thank you, Linda, for your drive and vision of the future for a more holistic community.”

Vivian Sartoretto

HMN Board Member & Founder of Harmony Holistic Wellness Center



Summer 2010

We are all a product of our past experience, yet if we consider past lives as part of the package, much of our own past is unknown to us. Perhaps we will occasionally take a class in Past Life Regression, visit a hypno-therapist, or regress ourselves through meditation and thereby connect with some hitherto unknown lifetime. In such situations we receive glimpses, flashes of insight, but not the entire picture. It would take more time than we have to give to examine in detail all the influences from past lifetimes that have an impact on our life today. Our past lifetimes are much like the bulk of the iceberg that remains beneath the water, the most potent portion, yet all we typically see is the tip, the life we are currently expressing. With the changing energies of the twenty-first century many new types of therapies and ways of healing are being developed to address these and other concerns. According to Dr. Mehmet Oz, “Energy medicine is the medicine of the new millennium.” Those in the holistic and metaphysical communities have known this for sometime and have been working toward broadening the spectrum and appeal of those services. Reaching out to an Energy Intuitive is often the next logical step in any journey toward wholeness. If this current life represents only the tip of the iceberg, then it becomes imperative to find a way to access the hidden realms of past lives lurking beneath the

Releasing the Unknown Past by Christina Lynn Whited

surface of the mind. When we make the effort to examine our paradigms and practices, we are often able to see ways in which we could make better choices. As we work toward integrating those new choices into our present experience we often come up against resistance that we were unaware of in the past. Suddenly, a light is shining on a corner of our consciousness that we didn’t even know was dark before. How do we overcome the pattern that got us there, and kept us there, if we don’t know where it originated? Therapeutic energy work or intuitive counseling is often the best place to start exploring the enormous territory that encompasses our past life history.



Our talents and abilities, those things that seem to come so easily to us, are a result of practice, practice, practice in past lives. Difficult relationships are often the result of creating circumstances in this life that mirror the troubles that have been experienced before so that resolution can be brought to the relationship. Panic attacks of unknown origin are an excellent example of a past life trauma that has exerted its influence in this life. Programming, trauma, and energy blocks from past lives have a tremendous influence on our well-being in this life and most are well below the surface, hidden within the subconscious mind and the cellular memory. Add to that vows to be forever loyal to a certain person, group, or religious order, and this life becomes a pretty complicated mix of unknown influences. It has been found that when as many of these unseen influences as possible are identified and released, there is a huge shift in the life pattern. Hypno-therapists who specialize in Past Life Regression have been proving this for decades. Other less aggressive ways to accomplish the same release are now emerging. One such modality is Soul Path Clearance and its companion, Unconscious Scripts Release. Soul Path Clearance eliminates blocks and trauma from the client’s past lives via the energetic clearing of the Akashic Records, the records of each soul’s

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The Unknown Past cont’d journey through time. This work is done through a channel working on the Master Level of Being. Clients report a feeling of lightness and a shifting of energy that begins during a simple one-hour session and continues for the rest of their life. Their capacity to hold Light is increased. Some like to call it greasing the slide of life, others say that so many blocks are removed it is like riding the luge in the Olympics. As the burdens of the past are released through Soul Path Clearance, there is a clearer platform for any

additional healing modality that the client may choose. If a client has been seeing a chiropractor for years for back problems, they may find that they feel better after healing a sword thrust to the kidneys in the 14th century via Soul Path Clearance. The inciting energy of the trauma is released and the chiropractor then has only to retrain the muscle, as the cellular memory of the pain is gone. After the blocks and trauma have been released from the Records through Soul Path Clearance, and the client has become accustomed to the feeling of holding more Light, it is time for Scripts Release. This is a program whereby the client



is helped to identify various issues in eleven different areas of concern and then given the tools to affect the release via the ideo-motor response at home. This 45-minute session is particularly effective for those who seem to repeat patterns of behavior without conscious thought. If a client often finds themselves on autopilot, Scripts Release will be of enormous assistance in helping them to be more fully present in life. Once the realization is accepted that everything is energy, it becomes a very small leap of faith to acknowledge that there must be more to the iceberg than what it currently

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The Unknown Past cont’d in view. By accessing the subterranean depths of consciousness and the vault of past lives, we can often get to the core of the problem in record time. Releasing the energetic block or trauma beneath the surface can be a very empowering action. If the energetic impetus is removed, a hindrance in physical life will often seem to magically disappear. Everything is energy, and the growth of consciousness, the manifestation of desire, the well-being of the body, are all affected by the energies of past lives that we rarely get to consider, let alone examine and release. Acknowledge that there is a way and that way will be drawn to you by the extraordinary electromagnet energy that you are. Rev. Christina Lynn Whited has developed Soul Path Clearance and created Unconscious Scripts Release as a means of empowerment for her clients. She is head of the Circle of Intention School of Intuitive Sciences in High Bridge, New Jersey, and is available for private consultations. 908.638.9066



Summer 2010

When the Big Bang occurred, symbolically, a pinpoint burst outward, ever expanding as it traveled through what we now call time and space. Like fireworks lighting up the heavens, something small opened and evolved into something larger, something spectacular. When fireworks branch out into the night sky, there is a central explosion, radiating rainbow fragments of luminescent light in all directions. And interspersed throughout that light? Dust. Lots of it. When you view fireworks, you see the bright light and the colorful pattern. What you might not see is the shrapnel of the cardboard casing that held the gun powder, the residue of the detonated powder itself, the chemicals that erupted in various colors, now all spent and descending to Earth in a cloud of nearly invisible dust. When the Big Bang happened, it was like that same dust exploding outward, containing the building blocks of the Universe in every speck. And we are still experiencing that initial, ongoing explosion, since in the case of the Universe, that first burst is still moving outward, ever expanding. I know you’re asking, what does all this have to do with revisiting the past? Everything. Literally, everything. If you’ve studied quantum physics, then you know that if you place dust under a microscope you will

The Memory of Dust

Revisiting the Past… by Jefferson Harman

find molecules, and within those molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, and if you look closely enough, you get all the way down to our most basic form, energy. Everything is energy at its most basic level. So dust is really energy expressing itself in one of many possible forms. We inhale and recycle dust every day. We could not live without the molecules in the air that we breathe. We take in what we need, and for the most part, filter out what we do not. As we exhale, we release new dust and add to it the imprint of our individual selves. We may see ourselves as solitary in these bodies that we inhabit, but we are all connected through the air we



breathe in and out every day. And what else is in that dust? Every thing and every one that leads up to that point at which we inhale, going all the way back. When someone says they are the reincarnation of Caesar or Cleopatra, they are in some respect correct. When these historic figures lived, they exchanged the air with those around them, the way we do today, the way it has always been. The dust traveled from person to person, on the wind, in the water, all over the globe for centuries. So parts of Caesar and Cleo are still here with us today. They may be in a completely different form, but the essence is exactly the same... Dust. Molecules. Energy. Contained in that dust is data, like computer memory. Think of how DNA contains the building blocks of life. There is a code written into every molecule. Therefore, there are pieces of the past alive in every moment of the present. What do we do with this knowledge? For one thing, we can apply it to the way we look at healing, starting with a new look at our past. Not just our personal past, but the entire history of what makes us who we are. You see, that part of the dust that we did not filter out? Some portion of that dust stays with us, along with its code – its ancestry and all. Despite external appearances, we are not our solitary selves. We are the sum total of

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Memory of Dust cont’d all that conspired to bring us here today. Like a bud on a tree branch, we may be a new, unique expression of life, but we are still connected to the tree. We are still part of it, watered and nurtured by it. Like the same tree shedding its petals and fruit and leaves as the seasons progress, we are constantly sloughing off cells and creating new ones. Yet we see ourselves as static, imprisoned in the same body, moving on a trajectory from birth to death. As the leaves decay into the ground that nurtures the tree, we are nurtured by the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, all of which are made up of the same source material. In truth, the molecules that made up our

The “Pillars of Creation” from the Eagle Nebula, taken by the Hubble Telescope. This image is in the Public Domain, credited to NASA and ESA, Jeff Hester, and Paul Scowen (Arizona State University).

bodies a year ago have all been exchanged for new ones. It is as if we are entirely new. Indeed, we are. Everywhere, that is, except in our minds. In the cluttered attics of our minds lives a history all our own. It makes us believe we are self-contained. But if we understand that we are the sum total of all our ancestors, we can learn to open our minds to how their histories inform who we are, and by extension, we inform those who come after us. It’s an opportunity to heal more than just individual selves, but the whole of humanity and the planet as well. Those who came before us struggled with the same lessons we learn today. Some fared better than others, and everyone has left some degree of unfinished business. If we understand that our problems are extensions of theirs, the memory of the unfiltered dust yet to be cleansed, then wrestling the monsters that our ancestors



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Summer 2010

Memory of Dust cont’d passed on to us, we can conquer not only our demons, but theirs as well. We see this reflected in any idea whose time has come, such as the civil rights movement or women’s suffrage. Certain traditions are upheld as simultaneously, unhealthy, outmoded ways evolve into better ones. By living our lives in the present with a true sense of what renewal and rejuvenation really mean, we can truly welcome in the New Age. Author’s Additional Note: In the last issue, I discussed the work being done in my town to protect the environment and the health of our residents living in the shadow of a corporate polluter. Several members of the citizen’s group to which I belong decided to form a new group, The Pompton Lakes Residents for Environmental Integrity. If you would like to reach me regarding this work, my contact information has changed. Please write to me at Thanks.

As a symbolic intuitive, Jefferson Harman reads the symbols present in your dreams and everyday life. By interpreting this invisible language, he identifies your blocks and challenges and ways to overcome them. He has been actively studying the relationships among metaphysics, psychology and anatomy for over 20 years. Jefferson offers workshops and private readings in Dream Interpretation, Lucid Dreaming and Overcoming Phobias. Jefferson is now a recurring guest on “Life Unedited” with John Aberle, on WCHE Radio 1520 AM, in the Philadelphia area. Jefferson is also a singer/songwriter currently performing live in the NY/NJ Metro Area. He is a member of the Holistic Mentorship Network, a practitioner at Peaceful Paths in Butler, NJ and a regular contributor to MARCI™ Magazine. Contact Jefferson at 973.839.9317 or

Copyright © 2010 by Jefferson Harman. All rights reserved. Printed by permission of the author.

MEMBERS CLUB OFFER: 10% discount

A Young Living Essential Oils Testimonial “I used SARA™ and 3 Wise Men™ together for a few months. The combination peeled away the garbage of my childhood abuse/negative beliefs about self and I found myself hearing angels (?) my higher self (?) speaking in my head. They revealed to me amazing truths about myself. The truth of who I am, under all the woundedness, shone through. I believe it was a combination of the oils, with sound therapy (crystal bowls), being out in nature a lot, avoiding TV for a month and being in ‘healing mode’ (going inward w/intention to heal). I believe the oils alone, (used with INTENTION) may produce similarly powerful results in many people. Thanks to Barbara Finlayson from NJ, for introducing me to the oils!” -Aleta Mason, Albuquerque, New Mexico Barbara is certified in Bowen, Reflexology, Yoga, Rebirthing, Mari El, Flower Essences, Herbal Remedies, and Spiritual Counseling. She is trained in Meditation, Crystals, Chakra Balancing, Aromatherapy, and Essential Oils. |



Summer 2010

Book Review chute. I found this to be very interesting given that I use an anxiety wrap on dogs that are anxious and nervous with great results. It reminded me of the slings that woman often carry their young infants in with much contentment. One example, noted in her book, was a plant that housed pigs. The management had called Temple in to do an evaluation. The pigs suddenly stopped going through the door to enter the building. The only way they could get the pigs to enter the building was with the use of electric prods. Temple got down on her hands and knees and proceeded to crawl through the same door the pigs used. She immediately recognized a reflection from an overhead fluorescent light in a puddle just on the other side of the door. She instructed the plant workers to move the light from side to side until it was no longer reflecting in the puddle. The problem was solved! The pigs no longer had an issue and entered the building as they had always done.

Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin, reviewed by Dee Broton Temple Grandin, an autistic savant, is a brilliant woman who implemented humane standards in many of the meat plants in North America. She has designed livestock handling facilities in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, as well as other countries. Temple offers a unique perspective into the lives of animals in how they view the world around them. While some of her theories may be controversial, she can deliver a point of view that is difficult for someone without her talent to see.

Temple has authored over 400 articles and several books. In 2010, Time Magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people and recently an HBO original movie was made about the story of her life. I would have to agree with Time Magazine – Temple Grandin has been extremely influential in my work with dogs. Review by Dee Broton, dog training and behavior modification specialist, founder of Holistic Behavior Solutions, LLC, and YLEO Independent Distributor.

The book talks about her experience in college. When she became anxious she would “hug” herself in a selfconstructed squeeze chute similar to that used to restrain livestock to receive their shots. She recognized the calming effect that this contraption had on the animals, just the opposite response she had expected. She developed a squeeze chute in her dorm room with a lever that she would pull once inside. Temple received an immediate calming effect from the



Summer 2010


Christina M. Santiago, CHBC, CCA of Rising Above LLC; Aromatherapy Columnist for MARCI™ and HMN member, will be a featured speaker at the Young Living Essential Oils 2010 International Grand Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah on June 17. Christina will deliver an Educational Workshop “Oils Personified - Magnify, Communicate & Motivate”. Attendees will be inspired and learn a powerful way to identify their own personality style to magnify and share their message of Wellness, Purpose, and Abundance. Christina M. Santiago, CHBC, CCA Holistic Health Educator & International Inspirational Speaker

Hi everyone! ard I’ve just been informed that I am the Aw the of ry ego Winner in the Self-Help cat 2010 International Book Awards! the I am also an Award Winning Finalist in the of ry ego Spirituality - Inspirational cat in me (ca 2010 International Book Awards 2nd!). with Just had to share my great news your in h my friends and supporters. Eac port own way has given me invaluable sup ng a on this amazing journey of becomi all! published author. Thank you In gratitude, Sarah Collins



Summer 2010


Tara Shakti is excited to announce the launch of her new business, From Work To Oneness: Bridging the Gap. Its mission is: To help all people awaken to their soul’s purpose and do their “soul’s work” in the world, thereby raising the overall vibration of the planet. Her r-evolutionary signature service is the “Onene ss Resume”—a holistic resume for whole people. Created through a combination of spiritual life coaching, intuitive work, and resume writing, this all-inclusive “soul resume” weaves together all of you are into words that clearly express your unique mission and purpose in the world. Tara’s passion for creating Oneness Resumes (or “YESames” that say “YES” to ALL of you, to all of us) comes out of her own experience in “merging” her own worlds and finding Oneness within herself. Tara worked for 10 years as a writer and editor in the publishing industry. Along the way, her spiritual path deepened as she received training in yoga, Reiki, life coaching, channeling, and more. “I didn’t see how these two different parts of my life fit together,” says Shakt i. “Then came the day I made my Oneness Resume, which perfectly blende d these two areas of skill, talent, and passion in my life.” She loved the feeling of “wholeness” so much she started creating Oneness Resumes for holisti c practitioners across the country. She dreams of a world in which everyo ne, especially healers, can have their very own yesames. She feels they are helping create a new paradigm for all of us. Shakti also offers Spiritual Life Coaching as well as Writing/Editing service s to help healers clearly communicate their message. For your books, article s, web copy, or marketing materials, Tara is uniquely qualified to help holisti c practitioners birth their creative and spiritual visions into the world. Remember: We are never healed alone: When YOU get whole, you help ALL of us get whole – and speed up our conscious evolution! Together we can create a reality in which we are whole people with soul resumes, attracting and doing meaningful work using our unique gifts and talents! Join the r-evolution! To learn more about Tara’s work, please visit



Summer 2010

CALENDAR OF EVENTS Saturday, June 26, 2:00pm 2nd Annual Goddess Charity Luncheon | Warwick, NY | 100% benefit Saturday, July 10, 9:00-3:00pm Washington (NJ) Antiques & Go Green Show Holistic Lifestyle & Environmental Alternatives | Sunday, July 18, 6:00 - 8:00pm Twilight Concert by the Lake | 4 Hidden Valley Road, Newton, NJ 07860 Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl Healing Music Concerts August 6-9 Matrix Energetics Seminar with Dr. Richard Bartlett Level 1&2; Boston Marriott Cambridge | Sunday, August 15, 6:00 - 8:00pm Twilight Concert by the Lake | 4 Hidden Valley Road, Newton, NJ 07860 Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl Healing Music Concerts | Sunday, September 12, 6:00 - 8:00pm Twilight Concert by the Lake | 4 Hidden Valley Road, Newton, NJ 07860 Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl Healing Music Concerts | Thursday, September 16, 7:00 - 9:00pm The Riverside Church | 490 Riverside Drive, New York, NY 10027 Quartz Crystal Singing Bowl Healing Music Concerts | December 3-6 Matrix Energetics Seminar with Dr. Richard Bartlett Level 1&2; Doubletree Hotel SEA Airport, Seattle, WA | Tuesday, December 7 Matrix Energetics with Dr. Richard Bartlett Practitioner’s Certification Class, Seattle, WA |



Summer 2010

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