Hello My name is Joanna Strutyńska. I am a Freelance illustrator born in Cracow (Poland). I started to draw probably before I even learned to speak and I have never stopped since then. I love clean, geometric s h a p e s , folktales and vintage posters.
30/12/90 Cracow, Poland
Illustration, graphic design, stage design. Capacity of working with various digital and traditional techniques.
+39 3895533437 j.strutynska@gmail.com
Social joannastrutynska.wordpress.com @joannaillustrations behance.net/ joannaillustrations
Languages polish – mother tongue italian – fluent english – fluent
Cinema 4D
Dossier Dossier for the Open Program from the Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards in Pontedera (part of the Teatro della Toscana). (February, 2020)
Credit cards
Credit cards projects,for a PKO Bank Polski graphic contest, 2020
Being locked down puts one’s creativity to test, but can also become a source of inspiration! This is my way to deal with the coronavirus crisis in Italy, where I currently live and work. Stay Home, vector graphic, 2020
Thesis project Book for the thesis project at Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze, 2018
Incontro D'Autunno Posters for the Incontro d’Autunno interdisciplinary artistic event. (December, 2019) Event organizers: Open Program (Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards) , Coro Cittadino di Pontedera. In collaboration with: Accademia della Chitarra, Arci Valdera, Arnera Società Cooperativa Sociale, Associazione dei Senegalesi delle seconde generazioni, Centro Wakanda, Spazio NU, Teatro della Toscana, Villa Crastan
Editorial Illustratiion Illustrations and cover for Pismo magazine, 35/2020, special issue: fall 2020, 36/2020 next page: “The Tyger”, 2nd place in “La Poesia Illustrata” contest, Vignola (Italy), 2020
logo for Boston based Indie Rock Artist, 2020
Bookplates design for Life’s Library Book Club, DFTBA Records vector graphic, 2019
Digital illustrations
Follow me @joannaillustrations