Joanna Taylor Baby Plans

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HERE’ SAL I T T T L ES OMET HI NG ABOUTMYPHOT OGRAPHYS T UDI O F i r s tofal l ,congr at ul at i onsont henew bundl eofj oyyouar eex pect i ng. Becomi ngapar enti st r ul yt hemos ti mpor t antandr ewar di ngj obyouwi l l ever have!

Youwi l l neverf or gett hef i r s tmomentyoul ai deyesonyourdaught erort he f i r s tt i meyouhear dyours oncr y.T hes ear et r ul ymagi cal moment s .Asmuch aswehopeandpr ayt heywi l l s t ayl i t t l ef or ever ,t heygr ow upanyway. T hos ef i r s tf ew weekss eem t of l ybyandeachmomentbecomesaf l eet i ng memor y.

IL OVEBABI ES Asanewbor nphot ogr apher ,Is t r i vet ocapt ur et hos ef i r s tf ew weeksandt ur n t her es ul t i ngi magesi nt oawor koff i near tt obet r eas ur edf or ever .Newbor n phot ogr aphyr equi r esal ar geamountofpl anni ngandani ns aneamountof pat i ence,andyou’ l l behappyt oknow Iam goodatbot h: )

WHYYOUS HOUL DHI REA PROF ES S I ONALPHOT OGRAPHER Apr of es s i onal phot ogr apherwi l l cus t omi z eas es s i ont oyourneeds ,hel pyouwi t h t hepl anni ngpr oces s ,andmakes ur et hatyouar egui dedf r om t hebegi nni ng s t agest ot hever yend.Myj obi st omakes ur et hatyours es s i oni sdes i gnedt o capt ur eyouruni queper s onal i t y,r el at i ons i ps ,andt hos emoment st hatar ef l eet i ng.

Cus t om phot ogr aphyi ss i mpl yt hat ‌ acus t om ex per i encet ai l or edt os ui tyou, yours t yl e,yourper s onal i t yandyourneeds .WhenIam cont act edf ora newbor nphot ogr aphys es s i onf arenoughi nadvanceoft heact ual s es s i on dat et hati ss chedul ed,Ihavet hel ux ur yofor der i ngpr opss uchashat s , bl anket s ,bas ket s ,et ct hatar es ui t edent i r el yf oryours es s i on.

Cus t om phot ogr apher ss pendmanyhour sper f ect i ngyouri magest ocr eat e auni quegal l er yt hatt r ul ymakesourcl i ent s ’per s onal t i ess hi net hr ough; agal l er yt hatwi l l pr es er veani ncr edi bl yi mpor t antmemor yi nyourl i f et i me.




Onceyoudeci det os chedul ea s es s i onwi t hme,wewi l l s eta t ent at i vedat e,t ypi cal l ywi t hi naweek ofyourduedat e. Iunder s t andt hatbabi esr ar el y comewhenpr edi ct edandIwi l l accommodat echangi ngdel i ver y dat esasbes tasIcan. Yourduedat ewi l l gi veusabas e l i ne.Onceyourbabyi sbor n, pl eas egeti nt ouchwi t hme andwewi l l f i r m upourdat eand t i me. Or ,i fyouar eas chedul edi nduct i on orcs ect i onmom,makes ur et ol et meknow! I ’ m her et ot akecar eofyou,s owe wi l l keept hecommuni cat i onl i nes openandadj us tasneeded.


DURI NG YOURS ES S I ON Onceyouar r i veIwi l l gi veyous omet i mei nmys t udi ot of eedands oot h yourbaby. Is t ar tmys es s i onsbyt aki ngs omepor t r ai t sofyourbabyona beanbag. Af t ert hatwewi l l moveon t os omer el at i ons hi ppos es wi t hMom,Dadands i bl i ngsi f des i r ed. Babyof t enhashi sorherown s chedul es owecanadj us tas needed,anddependi ngont he packageopt i onyouchoos e.


Now youcangohomeandr el ax anddr eam aboutal l t hebeaut i f ul i magest hatwi l l s oonbeyour s .Af t er Igot hr oughyouri magesandedi tt hem Iwi l l cont actyouabouts et t i ngupa vi ew andchoos eappoi nt ment . Wewi l l vi ew andchoos et hei magesat mys t udi oori nyourhome.Iwi l l hel pyou nar r ow downt hei magest oyourver y f avor i t es . F r om t her eIwi l l wal kyout hr oughyour pr oductopt i onsandwewi l l onl ypi ck whatyouneed,whet heri t ’ sal ar gepr i nt , anal bum orf ol i ocol l ect i on. Di gi t al col l ect i onsar eal s oavai l abl e, butyouwi l l r ecei veadi gi t al i mageofeach pur chas edpor t r ai t( pr i nt abl et o8x 10) i nor dert omakeex t r acopi esf or gr andma/ gr andpa,et c.

NEWBORNS ES S I ONCHECKL I S T Doyouhaveanyhat s ,bows ,headbands ,bl anket s ,pr ops ,f ami l yhei r l oomsor ot heri t emsyoumaywantt ous e?L etmeknow! Newbor nss l eepbes ti nwar mr ooms ,s oIwi l l war m mys t udi o,oras kyou t owar m yourhomei fwear edoi ngt hem atyourhome. I fphot osar edoneatyourhome,makes ur et her oomsar ef r eeofex t r a cl ut t eri fwear eus i ngt heenvi r onment . Yous houl dwearl i ght wei ghtbr eat habl ecl ot hi ngs i ncei twi l l bever y war m wher ewear es hoot i ng.I fyouwoul dl i ket obei ns omeoft he phot ogr aphswewi l l s hoott hos ef i r s tbef or eyougetdi s hevel edor s weat yduet ot hewar mt hi nt her oom f oryourl i t t l eone. Yourhandsmaybes howni ns omephot os .Pl eas ehavenai l s t r i mmedandcl ean. T ur nof fphonesoranyot herdi s t r act i onsdur i ngt hephot os hoot . T r yt ohaveatl eas toneot herper s ont her ewi t hyoudur i ngt hes hoot t ohel p. S es s i onscanof t engetl ongandt i r i ngf oral l i nvol ved. Havewat eronhand‌newbor ns es s i onsmakeyout hi r s t y! ! Bef or ef eedi ngbaby,r emoveal l cl ot hesands ocks .Unf as t endi aper s oi tcanbeeas i l yr emovedandwr apbabyi nbl anket .T hi swi l l hel p el i mi nat eanycr eas esorr edmar ksont hebaby’ sbody. F eedbabyappr ox i mat el yahal f hourbef or es es s i oni ss chedul edt o begi n.I ti si mper at i vet hatbabyi swel l f edandbur ped.:)

PACKAGES& PRI CI NG PET I T ENEWBORN Cr eat i vef eef orbabyonl y. I ncl udes60mi nut ephot os hooti nmys t udi o ori nyourhome( t r avel f eemayappl y) . Al l pr i nt s ,pr oduct s ,anddi gi t al i mages ar epur chas eds epar at el y.


S I GNAT URENEWBORN Cr eat i vef eei ncl udesbaby,par ent s , and/ ors i bl i ngs . I ncl udesupt ot wohourphot os hooti n mys t udi oori nyourhome( t r avel f eemay appl y) . Al l pr i nt s ,pr oduct s ,anddi gi t al i mages ar epur chas eds epar at el y.


MI L ES T ONE Cr eat i vef eef orchi l donl y.Mi l es t one s es s i onsar et ypi cal l yhel dats peci f i c i nt er val sandar eus edout s i deofany babypl ans .Mi l es t ones es s i onscanbe hel di nt hes t udi oorout door s ,dependi ng ont hes eas on. Pr i nt s,pr oduct s ,anddi gi t al i mages ar epur chas eds epar at el y.


PACKAGES& PRI CI NG S T AGES I ncl udess es s i onsf orbaby’ schangi ng s t ages .S es s i onst ypi cal l ys chedul edf or 4mont hs ,8mont hs ,and12mont hs . Pr i nt s ,pr oduct s ,anddi gi t al f i l es pur chas eds epar at el y.


BEL L Y& BABY I ncl udesamat er ni t ys es s i onanda s i gnat ur enewbor ns es s i on. Al l pr i nt s ,pr oduct s ,anddi gi t al i mages ar epur chas eds epar at el y.


T HEROYALBABY I ncl udesamat er ni t ys es s i on,s i gnat ur e newbor ns es s i on,andt hes t agesbaby pl anpackage. Al l pr i nt ,pr oduct s ,anddi gi t al i mages ar epur chas eds epar at el y.


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