Executive Board 2015/16

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AIESEC Rzesz贸w EXECUTIVE BOARD 2015/16 Application Booklet

Dear members of LC Rzeszów, I’m glad that I can open new chapter in Local Committee Rzeszów for upcomming 2015/16 term. EB takeover – has finally come.

Dear Candidate, I’m proud of you and your decision to take up challenge to be a part Executive Board 2015/16 team. One year ago I was at the same place as you - wondering about applying to EB. I had a lot of thoughts in my mind – am I ready to take this challange? What will be with my studdies? With who I will be working with ? And many many others. Today I know that it was the best decision I have made, beeing in so amazing team gave ma a lot of challenges, unforgettable memories – till now it was the most valuable experience in my live. Upcomming year will be one of the most challenging and demanding. It will also bring many opportunities, moments of happiness and whole load of satisfaction ,when after a year of hard work, we will look back and say:

„Yes, we did it!” This is the moment of choice, making decision and prove yourself who you really are. It’s a challenge for you ! I wish you good luck and keep my fingers crossed for the whole election process!

Karolina Majewska Local Committee President Elect 2015/16

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Content: 1. Application process 2. Term of Vice President 3. Main requirements towards the candidates 4. Structure and JD 5. Obligatory conferences and meetings 6. Questions

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Application process APPLICATION Please answer all the questions to the application in English. The DDL is 24.01.2015, 23:59 GTM+1 . Please make sure you will send application package BEFORE DDL. Aplication after DDL could be not considered. Application saved as PDF file and named by Your name and surmane (f.eg. Jan_Kolwalski_LCVP_candidate.pdf) please send to karolina.majewska13@gmail.com and mateusz.englot@gmail.com Application should NOT exceed



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Application process IMPORTANT! If you have no full membership status , please make sure you will also send the application for the full membership (Contact with Łukasz Błażejowski in order to get more information). Please be aware that DDL for sending the full membership application is 24th January 2015.

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Application process GENERAL ASSEMBLY General Assembly will take place on Wednesday, 29th January 2015 . You will have to prepare 5 min presentation, about your personality and with an explanation WHY you applying to be the EB member. Questions and answers session is going to be held after the presentation.

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Application process IMPORTANT! If you have no full membership status, then you will have to go through another General Assembly (which will take place few hours before the VP’s one). In case of positive result of the full membership General Assembly the whole text before has sense. If you will not pass the full membership General Assembly, all the VP’s process is cancelled in your case. Please contact Łukasz Błażejowski for more details.

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Application process


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Term of Local Committee Vice President Local Committee Vice President is the position chosen for the period of 12 months and lasts

From 1st February 2015 Till 31st January 2016. Together we can reach the

Executive Board 2015/16

 Team-workers  Motivated to work  Reliable and responsible  Helpful  Open-minded  Creative and innovative Proactive ether we  can reach the stars





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General Job Description  Attendance in Executive Board Meetings               

Participation in General Assemblies Participation in team days and planning process Leading Local Structures Projects consulting Providing trainings and facilitating at conferences Participation in statutory conferences Participation in LC meetings Active participation in national commission work Contact with functional MC members Implementing national initiatives on a LC level Participating in recruitment promotion Representing AIESEC internally and externally Reporting to MC, General Assembly and LCP Creating, implementing and improving LC culture Transition for successors

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Job Description o o o o o o








Building and tracking promotion plan for LC Controlling the promotion of local projects Cooperating with Media Managing marketing materials Brand management Supervision and control correctness of promotional materials o Website and fanpage management o Leading Communication structure

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Job Description








o Final responsibility for external environment contacts/cooperation o Building partnerships with universities and other organizations in the region o Searching and establishing new cooperation with companies, universities, NGOs o Market research and segmentation o Participating in Business Events o Setting Servicing Standards and System o Product development and create pricing o Updating and development of LC Board of Partners o Ambassador program coordination

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Job Description








o Running all exchange processes according to XPP and National Rules and directives o Exchange strategy development and implementation o iGIP performance tracking and reporting o TN raising and re-raising, matching and delivering o Coordination of national iGIP projects o Building international cooperation for iGIP area o iGIP expansion management o Quality management o Market research and running cooperation with new companies

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Obligatory national conferences Conferences in Q1 2015

 SPRINCO – 03/04.2015 (4 days)

 FUNCTIONAL MEETINGS- during 2015/16

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Obligatory local conferences and meetings March 2015 – Growth Days

March/April 2015– LCC Spring June/Jully 2015 – EB planning days October 2015 – Growth Days Octorber 2015 – LCC Autumn November 2015 – EB planning days December 2015 – EB 2 EB

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All fees and transportation costs for the statutory conferences and meetings are covered by LC budget. LCVP position requires to work and to stay in Rzeszow during the summer time. 3 weeks of holiday are possible. Together we can reach the

Questions time!

1. What is your motivation to apply for LCVP position? 2. What do you want to learn through EB 2015/16 term? Please set up one goal for you personal development and answer why it is important goal for you? 3. How Your strengths (please mention 3) will influence on Your LCVP performance? 4. How do you perceive the role of LCP inside and outside EB team? What are your expectations towards leader of a team and whole Local Committee? 5. What kind of team player characteristics and leadership style are needed to form a perfect Executive Board? Please assess yourself according to the proposed criterias.

6.Which one of the areas is the most suitable for you? Why? Which of them you don’t want to lead and why? 7.What is the role of Executive Board in Local Committee in your opinion? 8.What does AIESEC mean for you? 9.Which AIESEC values is the most important for you? How it releates to you personal values in life? 10. Please make SWOT analysis of LC Rzeszow. What are your conclusions? (please mention 3) 11. Provide brief evaluation of LC Rzeszów culture? How it could be improved? What would be your contribution of the improvement?

Good luck !!!

I’m waiting for your applications ;)

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