Burt's Bees

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Burt's Bees Corporate Identity Guideline

Table of Contents Brand Overview 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08

Overview History Timeline Rebranding Objective Mission Statement Audiences Brand Grid Comparison Chart

Brand Identity 04 06 08 10 12 14 20 24

2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12

Sketches Signature Operating Company Signatures Signature Anatomy Clear Space Signature Size Typography Colors Signature Variation Incorrect Use Graphic Style Business System

28 30 33 34 36 38 40 41 42 44 46 48

New Vision 3.01 Business Structure 3.02 Burt's Bees Products Burt's Bees Organic Food Eco Art Kits 3.03 Burt's Bees Services Family Workshop Wild Hive Exploration Dance Classes Organization of Saving Bees 3.04 Burt's Bees Events Family Boating Events Urban Gardening Events Outdoor Yoga Fall Harvest Festival

52 58 62 66 70 74 78 82 86 90 94

1 Brand Overview



Burt’s Bees is an earth friendly and natural personal care company making products for personal care, health, beauty, and personal hygiene. Consumers today are more interested in healthy and natural products than ever. We offer an effective line of more than 150 products that are 100% natural.


This has created some stability for us within the market place as a firm that provides products customers are eager to purchase. We are committed to the environment, personal care wellbeing, and sustainability. Our purpose is to make people's lives better every day—naturally.

Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Brand Overview



In 1984, Burt’s Bees was founded in Maine when Roxanne Quimby and Burt Shavitz, a local beekeeper, teamed up to start selling candles made from the beeswax. Sales skyrocketed to $20,000 in the first year. Burt's Bees became incorporated in 1991 and had a product offering including candles, natural soaps, perfumes, and eventually lip balm, which became their best-selling product. In 1994, Burt’s Bees relocates from Maine to North Carolina to focus on health and beauty care. As of 2007, they


manufactured over 197 products for facial and body skin care, lip care, hair care, baby care, men's grooming, and outdoor remedies distributed in nearly 30,000 retail outlets including grocery stores and drug store chains across the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Hong Kong, and Taiwan from their headquarters in Durham, North Carolina. By February 2014, the Clorox Company had increased advertising and sales promotion spending for Burt’s Bees, particularly for its lip care lines.

Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Brand Overview



1984 Roxanne Quimby used leftover beeswax from Burt Shavitz’s honey bees to make candles. Burt’s Bees was born.


1994 Burt’s Bees relocated from Maine to North Carolina to focus on health and beauty care.



An NYC boutique loved the artistry of Burt’s Bees’ candles, and then Burt’s Bees started shipping them by the hundreds.

The finger-loving Lemon Butter Cuticle Cream amassed 30 awards, which marked its expansion into personal care.



Burt’s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm was added to the lineup and quickly became our best seller. It still is.

Burt’s Bees went global. Over the next few years, it opened offices in the U.K., Ireland, Canada, Hong Kong, & Taiwan.

Burt's Bees Branding Guide

2003 Savvy women in search of more natural beauty care got an advance with Lip Shimmers, which offered lush color and natural lip care in one.

2008 Burt’s Bees cooperated with the Natural Products Association to develop the Natural Standard for Personal Care Products.



Burt’s Bees expanded into drug stores and Target, furthering the mission to make natural products available to everyone.

Burt’s Bees launched Natural Acne Solutions, the first (and only) truly natural acne line.



Burt’s Bees formalized The Greater Good—part philosophy, part business model—which kept it connected to its founders’ values even today.

Burt’s Bees was named #1 in an ImagePower Green Brand Survey. It sent zero waste to landfill by turning its waste by product into fuels, electricity, and cement.

Brand Overview



Rebranding Objective

The new brand will extend the original core about nature, and promote the idea of community to bring a feeling of enjoyment. The new audiences will tend to be a more extensive group and attract more young


families’ attention. We will change the bright colors to warm colors in order to make people feel comfortable, and use connected images to emphasize that the new brand will take care of everyone in a family.

Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Brand Overview



Mission Statement

Back to Nature Our mission is to build a community to share natural habits in order to keep families healthy and satisfied.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Brand Overview



CHEN University Science Student // 27

• He is an international graduate student. Compared with his unhealthy life-style in his hometown, he is excited about living naturally here. • He knowledgeable about science, so he understands the difference between organic and chemosynthetic products, and he knows which one is better for his health. • He has become more and more environmentally conscious since he was a volunteer because he has realized how important it is to treasure resources and save energy.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

• He is young and enthusiastic, so he can easily accept a new idea, such as green living. • He enjoys exercise, sports, and outdoor recreation, which can help him reduce pressure and improve his fitness. • He likes helping others, and he often donates to organizations because he wants to contribute to environmental protection. • He is very socially active, so he has opportunities to promote green living and encourage more people to pay attention to natural lifestyles.

AMY Yoga Enthusiast // 30

• She does yoga everyday to stay mentally and physically healthy. • She has an 8 month old baby, who is her first baby, so she takes care of him carefully and wants him to grow up healthily and happily. • She makes a detailed schedule for baby sleep because getting enough sleep is important for his healthy physical body, brain, immune system, behavior, etc.

• She often walks outdoors with her baby because breathing in the fresh air provides a sense of relaxation, which is good for the baby’s sleep. • She is a conversational person, so she can easily learn about some useful experience of raising a baby from her friends. • She quit her job after she gave birth to the baby because she wanted to spend more time to create a warmer family.

• The baby just began to eat some vegetables and fruits. In order to keep him healthy, she purchases fresh and organic food for him.

Brand Overview


CARRIE Health Care Professional // 35

• She is well-educated, so she knows what is good for her life.

• She often brings her 6-year-old son to go to family workshops to open minds and make new friends.

• She likes shopping at Whole Foods because she thinks organic and fresh foods are necessary for physical health.

• She is very careful about taking pills when she or her family falls ill in order to avoid side effects and synthetic chemicals.

• She likes reading food ingredients before she purchases because she wants to keep healthy.

• She pays attention to energy conservation and refuses classification. She also requires her child to do the same thing because she has a strong sense of responsibility and wants him to raise awareness about protect on environment.

• She waters plants with her child in their backyard every weekend because she wants to teach him to respect and love nature.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

SARAH Career Woman // 43

• She has a good income, which allows her to enjoy a high-quality life. • She likes to drink a glass of wine during dinner, which can reduce the risk of heart disease, and relax from the pressure of the day. • She wears light makeup to work, which can help her feel confident and presentable. However, she just uses natural makeup in order to protect her skin and be earth-friendly. • She tries to give the best of everything to her family, so she always buys some well-known products.

• She often invites her 12-year-old daughter to do yoga with her because it can enhance her child’s flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. • She is good at balancing her work and life. She never takes work home because she thinks spending time with her family is very important. • Her family goes traveling every year and, most of the time, they choose to go to a small village because they want to be far away from the busy city and to have sometime to enjoy their lives.

Brand Overview


BARBARA Vegetarian // 52

• She is good at adjusting schedules to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle. • She is a healthy eater, and she always buys organic food for her family to help them be healthy, too. • She enjoys sunbathing in her backyard, which helps her supplement Vitamin D for disease prevention. • She often visits farmers’ markets to buy fresh fruits and vegetables.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

• She likes eating fresh and raw vegetables because they contain a lot of nutrients which help her maintain a healthy body. • Her family sometimes arranges a day-trip to enjoy their weekend. • She likes communicating with her neighbors to share her experience of green living.

JOHN Retired Man // 60

• He always purchases natural products for his family to keep them healthy and safe. • He goes for a walk with his dog everyday for taking exercise and keeping healthy. • He often gets together with his friends to chat and drink a cup of tea, which enhances his satisfaction with life. • He likes helping his neighborhood with childcare needs, which makes his life more active.

• After he retired, he began to garden in his backyard because he wants to be close to nature and enjoy fresh air and sunshine. • He likes making some handwork by using recycled materials because he wants to save resources. • After he retired, he had some opportunities to try something new, such as playing golf and going fishing, which helped him increase his enthusiasm and enjoyment of life.

Brand Overview



Brand Grid

Before Nature Simple Fresh Health


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Brand Overview


After Nature Community Collaboration Comfortable Sharing


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Brand Overview



Comparison Chart More Variety Skin Care Products Aveeno AVEDA Dove Johnson’s L’OREAL Neutrogena NIVEA OLAY ORIGINS Tom’s of Maine


• •


• • •

• •

Less Variety 24

• Before

Burt's Bees Branding Guide

• • •

• • • • •

• •

More Natural

Less Natural

• •

More Community Organic Food EARTH’S BEST Amy’s Kitchen 365 Everyday Values ORGANIC VALLEY Food for Life WILDWOOD Reed’s


• •

• • • • • • • • • • •• •


• •

• More Expensive



Family Travel Agency Zicasso Expedia Cruiseshipcenters Cruise Planners B&C Costa Rica Adventures America Asia Travel Center STA Travel Ultimate Escapes Travel

• •

• Before

Less Community Brand Overview


2 Brand Identity



Nature + Health The concept of the signature is nature and health. The design of the symbol mark is inspired by plants, and simplify the shapes and lines to structure a leaf or flower.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Community The concept of the signature is community. The design of the symbol mark is inspired by a honeycomb. The idea comes from home building. The shapes and lines cross each other, which represents connection.

Brand Identity





The new signature for Burt’s Bees is a combination of a honeycomb and letter B. The concept of the signature is community. The design of the symbol mark for Burt’s Bees is inspired by a honeycomb because the honeycomb is a home of bees, and home represents family, love and safety. Also, the structure stands for collectivity. Letter B stands for the brand name Burt’s Bees. Both the corners of the shape and letter are round, which make people feel friendlier.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Brand Identity


Horizontal Version

Symbol Mark

Logotype Signature


Burt's Bees Branding Guide


Operating Company Signatures

Company Signature

Products Signature

Services Signature

Events Signature

Brand Identity



Signature Anatomy






Burt's Bees Branding Guide


2Y Y









Y 5Y Y 6Y Y 5Y Y 5Y Y 2Y






The logotype has been redesigned to fit the new brand aesthetic. The letters are formed by several circles and squares, which make the signature work cohesive. All dimensions are based off of “Y”.

Brand Identity



Clear Space ½X

6 3/ 8X

1 1/ 8X


All dimensions are based off of “X”

5¾X ¾X

X ½X

X 1 1/ 8X


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

6 1/ 8X



6 3/ 8X




6 1/ 8X


All dimensions are based off of “X” 1 5/ 8X

X ½X


1 5/ 8X ½X

White space is an integral part of the brand look. It is important to retain a designed clear space around the signature to keep it clean and uncluttered. Graphics, type, photographs, and illustrations should not enter the clear space area. The minimum clear area is shown above.

Brand Identity



Signature Size A1 We have established various sizes for our signature to help it stand out as much as possible. When the applications are too small, the signature can be considered to just use logotype or symbol mark to ensure that it is recognizable. There are two configurations of the signature:



A: For small-size applications where the signature is under 0.5m height. B: For very large applications where the signature is over 0.5m height.


Based on version A, version B adds 2 points outlines to keep it legible.





Burt's Bees Branding Guide








1. Symbol Mark + Logotype

2. Symbol Mark + Logotype

3. Symbol Mark

4. Logotype

Brand Identity




Title Typeface Size: 24pt Leading: 30pt Tracking: 10pt Annotation Size: 7.5pt Leading: 10pt Tracking: 10pt

Text Typeface Size: 8.5pt Leading: 12pt Tracking: 10pt


Bb Bb Burt's Bees Branding Guide

FreightText Pro Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU V W X YZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv w x yz 1234567890,.?:;!@#$%^&*() Medium ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU V W X YZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv w x yz 1234567890,.?:;!@#$%^&*()

FreightSans Pro Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890,.?:;!@#$%^&*( ) Book ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890,.?:;!@#$%^&*( )




Coat 157PC Uncoated 142U Matte 157M CMYK 0 33 79 0

Coat 326C Uncoated 325U Matte 326M CMYK 56 0 31 0

Coat 360PC Uncoated 359U Matte 368M CMYK 42 0 68 0

Coat 198PC Uncoated 198U Matte 198M CMYK 0 78 45 0

Coat 2925C Uncoated 2995U Matte 2925M CMYK 60 20 0 0


Coat 429C Uncoated 428U Matte 422M CMYK 28 22 19 0

Brand Identity



Signature Variation

In order to ensure that our signature is clearly visible in all applications, the signature is allowed to convert to white and black. As long as the contrast between the signature and the background is high enough for it to be easily identifiable.




Burt's Bees Branding Guide







Brand Identity



Incorrect Use

1. Don't rearrange the logo elements. 2. Don't change the proportions between the symbol and logotype. 3. Don't rotate the logo. 4. Don't stretch the logo.






Burt's Bees Branding Guide

5. Don't add a drop shadow to the logo. 6. Don't outline the logo. 7. Don't use non-approved colors. 8. Don't apply a texture or pattern to the logo.





Brand Identity



Graphic Style The wave has been created to mimic the curve of the symbol mark. This shape can be filled with color chosen from the color palette, contain type, or be used as a mask over photography. Also, we extract the hexagon shape from the symbol mark, and through repetition, arrangement and overlapping to create a new pattern, which represents community.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

3ÂźZ Z

Brand Identity



Business System

210 W Pettigrew St Durham, NC

John Peterson 1467 15th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94122


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

November 6, 2015

John Peterson 1467 15th Avenue San Francisco, CA 94122

Dear Mr. Peterson, Thank you for taking the time to contact Burt’s Bees, Inc. We take all comments, concerns and suggestions seriously. At Burt’s Bees, our consumers’ well-being and safety is of the utmost importance to us and we are addressing these findings with the following course of action: 1. Working directly with the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics to better understand these findings and possible solutions. 2. While our products are deemed safe and suppliers currently test to ensure FDA guidelines are met, we are meeting directly with our suppliers to find ways to identify and eliminate even trace elements of lead from our natural mineral sources. Burt’s Bees commends the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics for their work in search of safe alternatives to potentially harmful health and beauty products. As a long-time supporter of the organization, whose work along with ours is always in line with consumers’ best interest, we not only applaud, but support their efforts. Burt’s Bees remains committed to being ‘seriously natural’ and to you, our consumer. We will continue to provide you with safe and effective earth-friendly natural personal care products. Regards,

Joanna Zhou Taylor Steele Brand Director

eCommerce Marketing Specialist

Phone Phone

1-919-998-5200 4154128427

Address 2985 210 W Pettigrew St Durham, NCCA Address Mission St, San Francisco, Email Email

information@burtsbees.com xzgraphic@gmail.com

Website Website www.livenaturally.info www.livenaturally.info Taylor Steele Consumer Care Burt’s Bees Inc.



Address 210 W Pettigrew St Durham, NC Email


Website www.livenaturally.info

New Vision

Burt's Bees Branding Guide

3 New Vision New Vision


Business Structure Products (Co-branding Opportunity) Our new brand provides more kinds of organic products. In accordance with our brand soul—back to nature, all items are organic. We still attach importance to keep people and environment safe and healthy. Also, we wanted to make our brand more memorable and unique for all consumers.

Services (Education, Experience) We offer some new services to help people have more chances to interact with their own families and make friends with strange people. We aim to create a new lifetime experience and life enjoyment for people.

Events (Environment) We often organize some different kinds of events to encourage people to join to some outdoor activities. We aim to help people get close to the nature, and we hope to provide a lifetime experience to our customers of all ages and all genders.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Health Care Products (Dietary Supplements)

Burt’s Bees Organic Food

We produce supplements to make sure people get enough essential nutrients to maintain or improve their health.

Our purpose is to make people’s lives better every day naturally. Since we take every step to keep our skin care products fresh and natural, and we have some experience in organic faming, we have confidence in extending our field to produce organic food.

Healthy Cook Books

Organic Honey

Our book teaches audiences how to relax and enjoy themself in the kitchen to prepare healthy and delicious meals for every occasion. Both the scientific and popular ideas of a healthy diet are constantly promoted.

Burt’s Bees cooperates with Y.S. Eco Bee Farms to produce high quality organic honey. Both of these brands have a long history and pay attention to producing natural goods. Their ingredients are simple, fresh, and responsible.

Eco Art Kits

Beehive Collection Service

Eco art supplies are non-toxic and made by recycled or organic materials. We produce eco art kits for children to develop their interests. Also, we want to give them all the best, and help them to be even more connected to nature.

Bee nests are not only hung off trees and the corners of the outside of a home, but can also reside within the outer walls of the house. So, we offer beehive collection service to help consumers safely remove a bee nest from their property without hurting bees.

Burt’s Bees Greater Good Foundation

Burt’s Bees Laboratory Tour

We established the Burt's Bees Greater Good Foundation to sustain charitable, grassroots initiatives that support human and honeybee health.

Laboratory tour provides children a chance to explore natural science. Our lab instructors provide an engaging experience to stimulate interests and inspire innovation.

Burt’s Bees Exhibition

Health Education Course

The exhibition shows Burt’s Bees history and displays all products that we have made. We want our consumers to know more about our brand and understand that we work hard to constantly innovate to produce the best healthy products.

We offer this health education course to help individuals and communities improve their health by increasing their knowledge and influencing their attitudes.

New Vision



Psychological Consulting Service

Organization of Saving Bees

We have the experience and knowledge to provide our clients with expert recommendations, evaluations and testimony. Our expertise is the clinical assessment of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and any number of other life issues.

We want to raise awareness about the importance of bees and to inspire people and communities to act as stewards for bees and their natural environment.

Stress Management Classes

Organic Spa and Massage

Reducing stress in people’s everyday life is vital for maintaining their overall health, as it can improve mood, boost immune function, and promote longevity. Our brand does not just help people maintain outside health, but also cares about their inside health.

Massage and spa treatments can help with stress reduction and relief, soothing sore joints and muscles, and increasing self-esteem and confidence. We create a comfortable space for people to enjoy their life and get into better health.

Burt’s Bees Beauty Salon

Family Travel Agency

Burt’s Bees beauty salon dedicates to consistently providing high customer satisfaction by rendering excellent service. Our professionals take a skilled and artful approach to giving everyone the best look.

Our family travel agency can help busy families make a detailed plan to take some time to enjoy life. We also offer some services such as booking hotels and tickets to help them save time and promote efficiency.

Wild Hive Exploration

Family Workshop

We encourage people to be close to nature. Every holiday we pick a local safe campground for families to be far away from the busy environment and to take some time to enjoy life.

The family workshop offers many kinds of natural materials to allow families to create anything they like or need. Also, we offer some classes on weekends to help children learn some new skills.

DIY Workshop

Dance Classes

The DIY workshop offers a space for members to bring some old or recyclable materials to recreate some new objects. They can also get suggestions and help from our instructors.

The first thing most people notice about someone else is their physique. Dancing is a good way to help people get a perfect body, improve physique and cultivate good attitude.

Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Urban Gardening Events

Building Hive Boxes Events

We like to organize urban planting events regularly to ensure sustainability of the urban environment and improve air quality. Also, it provides plenty of food for bees.

We want to build a more comfortable and safe environment for bees to improve their colony’s health.

Bees' Bartering

Fall Harvest Festival

The bartering marketplace offers a space for people to bring their no longer needed to exchange with others, which can reduce waste and save money for getting things they need.

Every year we contact local family farms to provide the local community with high quality pick-your-own fruits, vegetables, and flowers.

Outdoor Soccer Game

Outdoor Yoga

Playing soccer provides numerous types of advantages, such as increased aerobic and anaerobic fitness, improved fitness skills and even psychosocial benefits. We hold soccer games every year to encourage people to join to some outdoor activities.

Yoga means union, and when it is practiced outdoors it seems like the union with nature, humanity, and the universe is truly felt. In accordance with our brand soul—back to nature, we advocate people to be close to nature and feel its power and beauty.

Ski & Snowboard Holidays

Family Boating Events

We hold ski & snowboard holidays every year because skiing is an incredible sport that involves physical, mental, social and emotional aspects of wellness. We welcome people to join us in having fun.

Boating can extend beyond the mental break from the daily grind. Boating on the water brings a sense of calm and relaxation. Also, children can learn the importance of cooperation from this activity.

Family Kite Flying Events

Outdoor Music Festival

We hold family kite flying events regularly, which is a good choice for families to do some outdoor activities. Participants can enjoy the sunshine, breath the fresh air, and have a nice day.

Outdoor music festival is not just about music. For some people it is a life-changing experience. It helps them forget pressure, and retrieve a positive attitude for their life.

New Vision


Product (Co-branding Opportunity) 01 Health Care Products 02 Burt’s Bees Organic Food 03 Healthy Cook Books 04 Organic Honey 05 Eco Art Kits

Service (Education, Experience) 06 Beehive Collection Service 07 Burt’s Bees Greater Good Foundation 08 Burt’s Bees Laboratory Tour 09 Burt’s Bees Exhibition 10 Health Education Course 11 Psychological Consulting Service 12 Organization of Saving Bees 13 Stress Management Classes

14 Organic Spa and Massage 15 Burt’s Bees Beauty Salon 16 Family Travel Agency 17 Wild Hive Exploration 18 Family Workshop 19 DIY Workshop 20 Dance Classes

Event (Environment) 21 Urban Gardening Events 22 Building Hive Boxes Events 23 Bees' Bartering 24 Fall Harvest Festival 25 Outdoor Soccer Games 26 Outdoor Yoga


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

27 Ski & Snowboard Holidays 28 Family Boating Events 29 Family Kite Flying Events 30 Outdoor Music Festival


02 03



15 05 01



06 22




18 21



28 26 20





13 11 07


M in




New Vision

ir i t



Burt's Bees Products

Burt's Bees Organic Food Making a commitment to healthy eating is a great start towards a healthier life. Beyond eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and good fats, however, there is the question of food safety, nutrition, and sustainability. How foods are grown or raised can impact both people's health and the environment.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision



Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Our organic crops grow in safe soil, have no modifications, and remain separate from conventional products. Farmers never use synthetic pesticides, bioengineered genes (GMOs), petroleum-based fertilizers, and sewage sludge-based fertilizers to keep food safe and healthy.

New Vision


Eco Art Kits Eco art supplies are non-toxic and made by recycled or organic materials. Using eco art supplies help children stay healthy and safe, and also protect the environment. In addition, they can use salvaged and recycled materials to give a unique look to their art projects. We produce eco art kits for children to develop their interests and play naturally.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision



Burt's Bees Services

Family Workshop Our workshop offers many kinds of materials to allow audiences to create anything they like or they need. All the materials are natural and recyclable, so children can play with them safely. We create this space for them to develop their interests and expand their imaginations, and bond with their parents.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Also, we offer some classes on weekends to help children learn some new skills, such as cooking. We prepare some recyclable packages, so after they complete their task, they can package their achievement to share with family and friends.

New Vision


Wild Hive Exploration Every holiday we pick a local safe campground for families to be far away from the busy environment and to take some time to enjoy life. Whether people like biking, hunting or any other outdoor activity, camping offers them a way to focus completely on a hobby for a few days without external distractions. We also offer more convenience such as renting camping equipment to help participators save time and promote efficiency.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Dance Classes The first thing most people notice about someone else is their physique. Before we begin discerning the details (facial features, hair color, etc.) of another individual, we most likely take note of their “presence,� which has to do almost entirely with their physique and posture. A perfect physique can reflect from their body to their psychology. Thus, we offer the dance course to help people get a perfect body, improve their physique and cultivate a good attitude.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Dancing can help people lose weight, stay flexible, reduce stress, make friends, and more. Dancing also increases cognitive acuity at all ages. Thus, we not only offer courses for adults but also for children. It is much easier to build a good body for a child than an adult. Also, improving their physique can bring a lot of benefits for their whole life, such as learning to be patient, understanding persistence and building self-esteem and confidence.

New Vision

Organization of Saving Bees Bees pollinate a third of all the food we eat—so when they are in trouble, we are, too. But we are not giving up on them. That is why we establish this organization to protect bees and save them. We also invite some professional biologists to research how to build a more comfortable and safe environment for bees. We also appeal more people to join us for an extraordinary look at life inside the hive.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision

Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Burt's Bees Events

Family Boating Events Boating on the water brings a sense of calm and relaxation. The open expanse of sea and sky helps people to place themselves in the universe. We organize the boating events regularly to help busy parents leave their personal issues on land as they temporarily disconnect from everyday life, and have a great time with their family.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision

Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Once people exit whatever four walls confine them and get out on the water, the scenery, open space, fresh air, and complete feeling of freedom will go a long way towards offsetting any madness at hand. The physical effects of this process can lower blood pressure, relax muscles, and enhance their overall sense of well being. Also, children can learn the importance of cooperation from this activity.

New Vision

Urban Gardening Events We often organize people to plant in urban gardens. On the one hand, we want to ensure sustainability of the urban environment and improve air quality. On the other hand, because of sprawling suburban lawns and from the destruction of native landscapes, bees are losing their habitat all around the world, so planting flowers in urban gardens or yards can help provide bees with foraging space.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Outdoor Yoga Yoga is open to all generations and fitness levels. It can change people’s physical and mental capacity quickly, while preparing the mind and body for long-term health. Yoga helps relieve stress and unclutter the mind, and helps you get more focused. Especially When it is practiced outdoors it seems like the union with nature, humanity, and the universe is truly felt.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

Yoga can be made accessible to anyone and is of tremendous value to people of all ages and fitness levels. Children live in a hurry-up world of busy parents, school pressures, incessant lessons, video games, malls, and competitive sports. We usually do not think of these influences as stressful for kids, but often they are. Yoga at an early age enhances their flexibility, strength, coordination, and body awareness. Doing yoga, children exercise, play, connect more deeply with the inner self, and develop an intimate relationship with the natural world that surrounds them. Also, doing yoga is benefit for seniors for helping with balance, agility and strength. It is helpful for reducing heart rate and blood pressure, relieving anxiety and depression, and easing back pain. New Vision


Fall Harvest Festival Every year we contact local family farms to hold a fall harvest festival for the local community. Our fall festival gives everyone the opportunity to not only explore the farm, but to also harvest their own fruits, vegetables, and flowers. During the fall harvest, participants are allowed to go along the way to pick their own vegetables. They will get the fun and educational experience of putting their hands in the dirt, and the rewarding benefit of picking fresh produce to take home to their families.


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Burt's Bees Branding Guide

New Vision


Designed by Joanna Zhou Student ID 03683954 GR650 Nature of Identity Instructed by Hunter Wimmer Fall 2015 Academy of Art University

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