Learn How To Write Good Stand Up Comedy

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==== ==== Steve currently focuses his attention on educating and helping others reach their comedy dreams Check out This guy great Killer stand-up comedy http://ladylafay.comedyu.hop.clickbank.net ==== ====

Everyone who does it will tell you that there is nothing so exciting or so much fun as being able to make a large group of people laugh, and having them all hang on your every word as you deliver your funny lines. But unfortunately it is not an easy thing to do. it is so hard to know whether what you are writing and the ideas that you are coming up with are going to be good, and finding inspiration is a very difficult thing sometimes as well, especially if you are trying to come up with something on a set topic and you therefore can not just write whatever you like. But nevertheless being able to write good stand up comedy is a skill like anything else and it can be learned. There are courses out there that will teach you systems that you can use to get over the hurdles and deliver great content every time. Obviously as I am sure you will understand I can not teach you everything about how to write stand-up in one short article, but I can offer you some top tips and the resource box at the bottom will provide you further information about where you can go to learn the best systems to use. So here are some tips to get you started: If it is at all possible then writing with a partner can be a great help. You can just throw out ideas at each other and gauge the other persons reaction, and then play off what they say or how they react. it is much easier to get into the spirit of what you are doing if you can actually have a laugh with someone than if you are sitting in a room on your own at your computer desk. If you are looking for inspiration then one idea that I like is to just make up stories. This is very good if you have a specific topic that you want to explore. You do not even have to make them funny to begin with, so it is great for overcoming writers block - just start off with a story and gradually try to turn things into humorous situations. Make full use of the internet! That does not mean just pinching other people's material wholesale which you have found in some obscure corner of the net and you think none of your audience will have seen or heard before, but drawing inspiration from the huge amount of work that there is out there available at the touch of a button.

Dean runs a make money writing blog [http://makemoneywriting.revud.info/] for the Revud website, which covers man topics including stand up comedy writing [http://makemoneywriting.revud.info/learn-how-to-write-stand-up-comedy/].

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