AO1 The quality of ideas for project and development of these ideas Artist research – the relevance of artists and the quality of analyses LIMITED (1-5 marks)
You have obvious and literal ideas. Your project doesn’t have much direction or focus You have hardly any artist research and you use very simple language and no art phrases
BASIC ( 6-10marks)
There Is a sense of order to your project, but your ideas a little repetitive There are a few artist links – but the analysis is very descriptive. You have no analysis of the artists’ ideas, only of technical elements such as lighting & composition and other visual qualities
COMPENTENT (11-15 marks)
CONFIDENT (16-20 marks)
Your ideas do follow on from each other, but they are not developed in enough detail. Your final ideas are realised too quickly Your artist research starts to consider complex issues, but your critical vocab lacks depth You have a wide range of ideas, which you have explored independently You have researched many diverse artists and your analyses go into depth about complex issues. Good critical vocab used
MARK out of 80
AO2 Experimentation with materials and techniques Evaluation of own work
AO3 Research into chosen theme Quality of initial and developmental photographs
AO4 Final outcomes Links between own photographs and selected artists
Evaluation of work and progress You don’t really have any experimentation with materials and very little arty or Photoshop based techniques You have no evaluation of own work You have some experiments but they are often unrefined and you just repeat the same techniques over and over You have evaluated some of your own work, but they are too short and not in-depth You have experimented with broad range of media – but sometimes your experiments are a bit predictable Your evaluation does helps your project to develop You have experimented with many diverse materials & techniques, and you have taken risks in your work. All your experiments are properly evaluated and you have refined them
Your initial photos are weak and unrefined (technically incorrect) You just don’t have enough photographs
Some of your Initial photos are ok – the formal elements have been considered, but the quality of the photographs are not consistent. There are clearly weak photographs in the set which could have done with some further editing
Your final outcomes are technically weak and you have little consideration for composition and formal elements. There are no proper links between your outcomes and any artists Your final outcomes do show some awareness of composition and F.E. but they also show undeveloped technical skills. It’s not really clear how your final outcomes are linked to any of your artists,
Most of your Initial photos are competent and well shot – but some of the formal elements are a bit inconsistent. Not all the photographs in your sets are quite up to the same standard
Your final outcomes do show a sense of own style & individuality
All your initial photos are technically strong and the formal elements are consistent.
Your final outcomes are very skilful, exciting and show personal identity
You have made good decisions about what to photograph and you have a strong selection of photos
The links between your final outcomes and artists are clear, but they are a bit predictable
You have made strong and perceptive links between your own work and the artists