Newsletter November 2015 (english version)

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november 2015


| Newsletter 11/2015



the new newsletter >>

Newsletter 11/2015

editorial D

ear Ladies and Gentleman, the season of 2015 arrived to its end. The project of this year’s car – the jr15 – is finished after one and a half years but our mood is everything but sad. We are endlessly happy and proud because we didn’t only reach all of our goals but also completed the most successful season in the history of joanneum racing graz. About eighteen months ago the first thoughts were made around the jr15 and we began to build the team and plan the project. Lots of things have happened since then, like the class 3 victory with the concept in Italy 2014, the Rollout of the car in spring and of course the unbelievable competitions in this summer. Thousands of hours of work were invested into the development, manufacturing and testing of the car and preparing for the races, but at the end everything was worth the effort. Three first places and a second place in Engineering Design, an overall victory in static events and – as the climax of the season – the first place in the overall ranking in Italy outshone each of the earlier difficulties. At this point I have to stress that all the success would have been impossible

without such an outstanding team. I want to express my highest respect and gratitude for the self-initiative, motivation and willingness of all team members through the complete season around the jr15. To involve the next year’s students already this year has proven itself to be a good idea. They were able to gain experience and have new ideas, and were starting the development of the next year’s car well prepared. Besides the project of the jr16, we also decided to fine-tune the jr15 further and try everything to be able to attend the race in Michigan 2016 again. In the name of the whole team of joanneum racing graz I would like to thank all of our sponsors, manufacturers and suppliers who were supporting us during this season. Without their help we wouldn’t have been able to build this year’s race car on such a high level again. So, another chapter is finished in the history of the Weasels. We aren’t staying still though, but are continuing to work on our next goals with fullest spirit possible. For you, dear reader, I wish a lot of fun browsing and reading through the following pages.

masthead Newsletter november 2015 >> Newsletter of joanneum racing graz from the FH JOANNEUM; november 2015 | Publisher>> joanneum racing graz represented by Marton Szabo-Kass, teamleader joanneum racing graz | Editors & Art directors>> Marlene Penn, Florian Born, Lisa Mayrhofer | Photo credits >> Michael Weber, Marlene Penn R.a.t.t.p.l. >> Lisa Mayrhofer | Address>> Alte Poststraße 149, 8020 Graz; E-Mail:; Internet: | Publication frequency>> 2 times a year Special thanks to>> FH JOANNEUM for funding

Marton Szabo-Kass teamleader jr15


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where‘s what >>

content editorial


FSG hockenheim


FSA spielberg FSH győr FSI varano de‘ melegari

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FSG >>

Newsletter 11/2015


FS Germany

75 combustion cars. 40 electric cars. 115 teams from 34 different nations. From 28th of July to the 2nd of August 2015 the Hockenheimring in Baden-W端rttemberg, Germany, was characterized by Formula Student. For six days teams from universities and universities of applied sciences from all over the world fought with their selfbuilt racecars for top rankings in the dynamic and static events. Also the Weasels took part in FSG 2015 and could rejoice over fantastic results at their first competition of the season. After the first new acquaintances were made on the first evening, the trumpet of team member Wolfgang woke us up the next day. But not only us, but also half of the campsite, which evoked mixed feelings among the other teams. The reactions reached from applause to some name-callings. But a lot had to be done at the first day of FSG15, for example setting up the pit and the teamwelcome at the marquee above the pits in the evening. The scrutineering on the following day rose to a challenge for the team. The technical and safety inspection marked the start, which the Weasels could only pass on third attempt, after a nightshift and several adjustments. The tilt table, noise test and brake test did not depict further difficulties and so the four scrutineering-stickers could finally decorate the jr15. The statics started with the Design Presentation for the Weasels, where the construction of the car has to be presented and defended. The Cost Presentation and the Business Plan Presentation followed. Great joy and pride rose among the team, when they heard they have reached the Design finals. Five other teams participated in the final round of the Design event, a non-public presentation that lasted for almost three hours. The performance of the Weasels was also very good in the dynamic events. After a failed and an average run,

| Newsletter 11/2015

hockenheim >>

hockenheim 2015 joanneum racing graz could mark the best time at the Acceleration event among all combustion cars with 3.9 seconds. The Skid Pad is watered in Hockenheim, so every team has the same conditions. The Weasels benefited from that and could reach the third place. They had less luck at the Autocross, when the two best lap-times were not valid because of the car touching the ground. Nevertheless they started as the 97th of 110 teams at the Endurance on late Sunday afternoon and managed to finish it without any problems on the 5th place. At the award ceremony on Sunday evening it finally showed, how much the work of the last few months and the last week in Hockenheim was really worth. Nervousness was rising among the red rows of the Weasels, as it came to the announcement of the podium places of the Design event. Would they reach the 3rd place that they hoped for? No, the third place went to Montreal. Disappointment broadened, but a few seconds later, the host announced the second place: U.A.S. Graz! The Weasels stormed towards the stage to accept their award. But this trophy was not the only one for them that night. After receiving the award for the 1st place in Acceleration, they began to think about the overall-rankings – and they actually made it: joanneum racing graz reached the fantastic 3rd place overall in the combustion class! Three awards at one of the biggest Formula Student Events of the year - the very first for the Weasels in the new season! The night was holding a lot of congratulations and party. For the first time this week, the teams could let go, celebrate their success and raise their glasses to victories and defeats. Formula Student is an event with a very special spirit. The teams always help each other and show hospitality and open-heartedness, which could be seen well as it came to solving problems. Especially in this last night the spirit was very present, when the campsites were full of people from different teams who swapped their team t-shirts and celebrated the week together.

results Engineering Design



Cost Report


Business Plan


Skid Pad











FSA spielberg 2015 42 Teams, including the local hero joanneum racing graz, fought at the Red Bull Ring in Spielberg for precious points and best rankings. The expectations were high after the success of Hockenheim. Although not everything went according to plan, the competition in Spielberg can be recognized as a complete success. A special highlight was the victory in Engineering Design, where the overall design of the car had to be presented and justified. At the ordinary presentation, the Weasels were confident that the design finals could be reached again in this competition. Then the finalists were announced and yes, the Weasels could prepare again. With the 4th place in Business Plan that finals were unfortunately barely missed, but joanneum racing graz was still very pleased with the results in the static events. In the dynamic disciplines, it was necessary to eradicate some obstacles. At the supreme discipline, the Endurance, some issues came up with the shifting. Due to that, the 22 kilometres of Endurance were driven in the fourth gear. At the end it fortunately had no effect on finishing the Endurance successfully. The fact that the victory in acceleration in Hockenheim could not be repeated was hard to bear. Despite some complications in Skid Pad, joanneum racing graz was happy with the 14th place. In addition to the 7th place in Acceleration and the 5th place in Endurance, the Weasels could proudly celebrate the 4th place overall.

At the Award Ceremony joanneum racing graz was really happy for TU Graz Racing, who scored the 2nd place overall. A member of the TU Graz ensured a terrific atmosphere, when he started to play „I am from Austria“ with his accordion and all Austrian teams sang along. The proclamation of the third place in CombustionAcceleration was a strange episode during the award ceremony. Everybody was waiting for the team of the University of Pittsburgh to enter the stage. After a few moments, everybody realized that the ‘Panther Racing Team’, as they are called, was not present. The same situation occurred at the announcement of the second place in Electric-Efficiency. The team of the University of Laval was already at the campsite too. It turned out that none of the two teams envisaged their placements and they were already preparing for the after-party at the campsite. There was also a lot of fun outside of the race track. Due to the extreme temperatures, the Weasels set up a ‘mini’pool, a paddling pool, at the camp site. It was a magnet for a lot of people, including a little girl, daughter of a member of Rennschmiede Pforzheim. With increasing darkness though, the paddling pool became a danger zone as some people crossed our camp site and overlooked it easily. The catering was again organized by our very own tavern ‘Zum Goldenen Weasel’. They prepared burgers and schnitzel among other delicious dishes and scored

results off lots of teams with culinary skills. The kitchen tent of joanneum racing graz was a venue for other teams, whose members were invited to dinner. Due to the fact, that the nights of August are already a bit cold, the tavern members prepared a special drink: mulled wine. It was very popular especially among the northern teams. Special highlight at the campsite was - again - the very own alarm of joanneum racing graz. To get all Weasels out of their tents at the same time, our ‘alarm’ Wolfgang with his trumpet was supported by a DIY-siren. To the dismay of the teams it was also activated at some other times, such as late at night, when some ‘strays’ discovered it on their way to the toilet. Unfortunately we had also some ‘wounded soldiers’ because of the wasp plague at the Red Bull Ring. Especially the sweet drinks and food attracted the annoying insects. Stings on upper arms, on hands and even on the tongue were the result. Therefor various types of treatment were applied: some poured water over the affected areas, others tried to hold an onion slice on it. We also had a balm, but most team members relied on the ‘home remedies’. Competing at FSA in Spielberg was an amazing experience. Not only the short travel time to the Styrian race town was much appreciated, the Weasels were also greatly supported by lots of friends, family members and sponsors, who came by to see the jr15 in action.

Engineering Design



Cost Report Business Plan

Skid Pad

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FSH >>

FSH győr 2015 At the third competition this season in Hungary that took place from 20th to 23rd of August in Győr, joanneum racing graz tried to overcome all obstacles which occurred at the events before. Unfortunately, it did not really work out the way they imagined. The statics were in comparison to the dynamics a great success. For the third time in a row the Weasels reached the Design Finals and were able to convince the judges of the jr15. Cost Report and Business Plan proceeded similar, the team was able to reach the 6th place in both disciplines. The result: 1st place in Engineering Design and an overall win in the static disciplines! The Design Finals were extraordinary. They didn’t take place in a separated area like at the other competitions, they were held on the track. The questions were also different from the former finals. The Weasels had to answer three or four difficult engineering questions from each judge within just a few minutes, which had no direct link to the race car. An example: ‘Describe the air flow around a wing profile, starting from standstill!’ It was surprising, yet no problem for the Weasels. The finals in Hungary were like a movie scene: at sunset, 8 teams and their cars on track, accompanied by classic background music. The dynamic disciplines on the other hand held some problems for the team. The biggest disappointment was the DNF in Endurance, as a broken battery connection prevented the restart after driver change. At Skid Pad the Weasels achieved the 9th place despite some difficulties with the tyres, at Autocross even the 7th place. Acceleration was also successfully completed on the 5th place. Due to the DNF joanneum racing graz ranked 18th in the dynamic disciplines and 16th overall. The Weasels were very happy at the award ceremony, as

Newsletter 11/2015


| Newsletter 11/2015

győr >>

- after the two trophies for Engineering Design and the statics overall win - they got another one: the special award for the best presentation, sponsored by Continental. Off track were different obstacles to overcome. For example at the outward trip, lots of Weasels had trouble finding the right way to Győr. They missed the right crossing in Neusiedl am See and ended up in the countryside. Trying to communicate with other team members through Facebook, they finally managed to find the way. The same situation occurred a few days later on their way home: same Weasels, same crossing, same confusion. In his desperation, chassis-leader Gregor sent a photo from the middle of nowhere: ‘It happened again!’ Formula Student Hungary offers enormously high comfort. There is no campsite, the teams stay in a ‘very luxurious’ dormitory. At the other competitions this privilege is only offered to the drivers the nights before they have to compete in the dynamics. The hostel was highly appreciated by every team member. The team spared neither cost nor effort in order to provide delicious meals: The noble restaurant ‘Arany Szarvas’ was also visited by the crew. The mulled wine, which was the highlight of Spielberg a few days prior, was apparently a favourite of all the teams. A few German teams started a petition in order to guarantee mulled wine in Hungary too. Of course, our very own tavern ‘Zum Goldenen Weasel’ didn‘t disappoint the fans. Since fun has to be guaranteed in Formula Student, the Hawks from Hamburg set up an unavoidable obstacle off the track: a limbo rod that everyone had to overcome. But for a Weasel with naturally gifted body control, this couldn’t cause any problems.

results Engineering Design 1

16 Cost Report 6

Business Plan 6 Skid Pad 9

Acceleration 5 Autocross 7

Endurance 24 Efficiency 17


FSI >>

Newsletter 11/2015

FSI varano de‘ melegari 2015 After three successful events in Hockenheim, Spielberg and Györ, the FSAE Italy in Varano de’ Melegari meant the last stage for the Weasels in this season. At the event, that took place at the Riccardo Paletti Circuit from 11th to 14th of September, joannuem racing graz wanted to succeed one more time and finally take an overall victory home. The odds were in the favour of the Weasels, as they had to face new opponents and not the well-known rivals from the previous events. On the invitation of Race UP – the Formula Student team of the University of Padova – some teammembers travelled to Italy a few days earlier to spend some time with them at a testing area near their university. The testing paid off, some fine-tuning could be done prior to the event. Once again, we want to than Race UP for their hospitality and help before and during the competition! The party with Italian Prosciutto e Pasta and Austrian Kaiserschmarrn will never be forgotten! The event started on the 11th of September with scrutineering. joanneum racing graz could immediately get three stickers: technical inspection, tilt test and noise test. The following day the brake test was passed too, thus scrutineering was completed. In the meantime also the static events took place. The Weasels were especially motivated to gain the third victory of the season in Engineering Design, but also gave their best at the presentations of the Cost Report and the Business Plan. In order to be well prepared for the upcoming dynamics, the team sent the jr15 into the practice area for some turns. During that some strange noises from the engine were recognizable. To be sure, the powertrain team checked the oil filter and also found some metal splinter. Especially the steel chips were alarming and led the team to a serious decision: The engine should be exchanged over the night. As the pits were closed at night,

the powertrain team worked in the trailer at the campsite. In hindsight the decision was more than right. The engine was disassembled back in Graz to find the reason for the noises: a screw loosened from the clutch basket and started to disperse - the jr15 would have never finished Endurance with that drivetrain. On Sunday morning the car had to be re-scrutineered to get the allowance for the jr15 with the new engine to participate in the dynamic events. Meanwhile from 9am to 12pm Acceleration and skid pad took place. The new engine worked from the moment it was started. Without testing or any adjustments the Weasels directly drove to the Acceleration. Result: best time. With 3,813 seconds at the first attempt they left all the C-competitors behind. After the second run with 3,823 seconds, which would still have been a best time, the Weasels decided to not line up for the third and fourth run but to drive Skid Pad. This reasoned in rain clouds coming up. If they would have been fast enough, they still could have started on a dry ground. But the weather put a spoke in their wheel. On the wet track the Weasels could not close the gap on the teams that drove on dry and could only finish on the ninth place in Skid Pad. But this little setback wasn’t remembered long. When joanneum racing graz drove one fantastic lap time after the other at the Autocross in the afternoon, skid pad was easily forgotten. In the end the Weasels had a time of 51,578 seconds - more than three



| Newsletter 11/2015

varano de‘ melegari>>

seconds faster than the second team from Padova. The rankings from Autocross also resulted in the starting places for Endurance on Monday, letting the Weasels start as numero uno in the afternoon. Timo Berchtaler drove the first fourteen rounds and kept constantly good lap times, then the driver’s change took place. After the third round of Arthur Hoffmann, the car started to make strange noises again. This time the reason was the detached blocking of the phase adjuster, resulting in the malfunction of the outlet valves that touched the piston. Nevertheless the jr15 saw the checkered flag and finished the Endurance - with the best time among all combustion cars! At the Award Ceremony it was time to harvest the fruits of the hard work and enjoy the unbelievable success: 1st place Engineering Design, 1st place Acceleration, 1st place Autocross, 1st place Endurance. With a teaminternal record of 948,451 points and having a lead of over 150 points over the second team of TU Brno, joanneum racing graz could finally gain the longed-for overall victory in this season!


Engineering Design

The best is yet to come - true for the Weasels in this season since they managed to keep their spirits up high during the season. The team worked continuously hard on the car and gained uncountable experience. They can now happily look back on the most successful seasons of their history. The results speak for themselves.



Cost Report Business Plan

Skid Pad

Acceleration Autocross

Endurance Efficiency


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Newsletter 11/2015

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13 | Newsletter 11/2015


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