"An Irish Rose." Photo by Sr. Francesca Kearns, CCVI.
SEPTEMBER, 2022 SEPTEMBER NEWS Season of Creation - Sept. 1 - Oct. 4
Pope's IntentionPrayer for September The Abolition of the Death Penalty: Wepraythatthedeath penalty,whichattacksthedignityofthehumanperson,may belegallyabolishedineverycountry.
“What a joyful day the day of the Lord, a joyful day, w e are happy and glad.” Indeed, the words of this popular hymn fittingly describe the First Annual Profession ceremony of Sister Agather Nakiweewa on the beautiful Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on Aug. 2, 2022 . Sister Agather was radiant with joy, peace, and thanksgiving as she fervently pronounced her vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in the presence of Sister Elizabeth Ann Hayes, representing Sister Celeste Trahan, Congregational Leader. We welcome Sister Agather Nakiweewa, our f i r s t native Ugandan, into membership with us. This day was certainly joyful not only for all of our Sisters here in Kenya, but also for Sister Agather’ s family members who t raveled from Uganda and Kenya. One could feel a lilt in the air. The c eremony began with a procession led by our CCVI liturgical dancers, followed by our Sisters, family members, f r iends, and celebrants. The presider at the Mass was Fr. Syriack Malasi, S. J. assisted by Fr. John Akagwu, SMA, Fr. Rémi Fatcheoun, SMA and Fr. Richard Muema, CECC.
In his homily, Fr. Malasi talked about the vows. He reminded us that the vows are a commitment to love and a call to share the love of God with others. It is an experience of coming down the mountaintop to the real w orld. For a religious, the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience are a tangible way of l i v ing the love of God in reality. In other words, l i v ing out the fundamental Christian virtues of hope, love, and faith. He addressed Sr. Agather as follows: “My dear Sister, remember in your journey of self emptying you will encounter joys and sorrows, success and failures, encouragements and discouragements. They can come internally or externally.” He encouraged her to remain attached to Christ Jesus whom she desires and follows. He urged her to put Christ ahead of things, people, or apostolates. He said that in Christ you would have life, strength and courage to endure and persevere . Following the Mass, the sun was shining and the clicking of cameras began. All enjoyed a sumptuous meal and a delicious cake, made especially for Sr. Agather’ s first profession, was served with ice cream. In the afternoon people v i s i ted, sang, and danced. All who were present had a wonderful time and many expressed that i t was a day they will always remember.
F i r s t P r o f e s s i o n
, Sr. Adelwisa Pineda Leonida made her first profession of vows at the Immaculate Conception Chapel, Villa de Matel, Houston. The beautiful liturgy was presided over by Fr. Dat Hoang, who actually f i r s t introduced Sr. Adel to the Congregation. During his homily, Fr. Dat recounted how faithful Sr. Adel was as his parishioner at St. Faustina Catholic Church and how generous she served God. He was even the one who asked Sr. Adel whether she had ever considered joining religious life. Adel was later introduced to Sr. Symphonie Ngo, who brought her to the Villa and the rest was history. During the Rite of First Profession of Vows, Sr. Celeste examined Sr. Adel’s willingness to continue to grow in personal and lifelong intimate relationship with Christ, the Word Incarnate, and to commit, through religious profession, to live according to our Constitutions. She answered in the affirmative. In the presence of Sr. Celeste Trahan, Congregational Leader, and the Church gathered that day, Sr. Adel vowed to God poverty, chastity, and obedience for one year, according to the Constitutions of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. Sr. Adel’ svows were received by Sr. Celeste Trahan.
F i r s t P r o f e s s i o n Sr. Celeste, f inally bestowed Sr. Adel with our CCVI emblem with these words: “Sister Adelwisa, receive the emblem of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, which represents the suffering and death of the Word made flesh. Wear Jesus’ name upon your heart that he may dwell there and become your only love.” In thanksgiving for what the Lord has done for her, Sr. Adel san g beautifully, the Magnificat in Tagalog, “ Nagagalak ang A king Espiritu sa A king Tagapagligtas.”
(“My S pirit R ejoices in God M y Savior . ”) Sr. Adel was beaming with joy as she reflected: “The spirit of the Lord was so overpowering on that awesome day. First, I s tarted the morning, as the sky was c lear. I decided to pay a visit to the Sisters’ gravesite. I went one by one to the Sisters’ tomb s i te, especially to those who had touched my life and were sources of inspiration when I first started as an affiliate. The God of surprises had one for me as I s tood at the graveside of Sr. Gertrude. ( I was actually at her bedside when I witnessed her transition from this world to eternal life . Incidentally, my first profession day was her death anniversary .) Rain descended on me from nowhere as I stood there praying. I knew that the rain showered from heaven. I felt the blessings of our departed Sisters. The second surprise was the responsorial psalm ( 40 : 2 6 ) of the day, which was so appropriate for me! ‘I waited; I waited for the Lord, and the Lord heard my cry.’ Indeed, I waited for all these years to serve God as a religious Sister. He indeed heard m y cry and i t was like God embraced me in love, saying: ‘This is my beloved daughter! This is my plan for you.’”
F i r s t P r o f e s s i o n " ' I w a i t e d ; I w a i t e d f o r t h e Lo r d , a n d t h e Lo r d h e a r d m y c r y . ' ( P S 4 0 : 4 - 6 ) I n d e e d , I w a i t e d f o r a l l t h e s e y e a r s t o s e r v e Go d a s a r e l i g i o u s S i s t e r . " - S r . A d e l w i s a The celebration was attended by Sr. Adel’ s siblings, relatives, co - parishioners, former colleagues when she was a nurse at MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, as well as many CCVI Sisters. Many people also joined through a livestream platform. After the Mass, the celebration continued as we all enjoyed a delicious meal at the Villa diningPraisedroom. be the Incarnate Word- Forever!
ANNIVERSARY OF THE DEATH OF MOTHER DE MATEL (1596-1670) SEPT 11 “… do not f ear death. Your heart i s i n t he Hands of Life.” From the autobiography of Jeanne Chezard de Matel
July 26, 2022, L- R: Sr. Kim- Phuong Tran, Sr. Pauline Troncale, Sr. Ricca Dimalibot, Monica Hatcher, Sr. Sharon Apiyo Anam, and Mary Linh Hoang.
accompaniment in addition to serving delicious food. During the last Café Catholica at the Catholic Charismatic Center, she invited different parishes to help with the food ministry to encourage church participation and to continue what she had started. With her new role in congregational leadership, Sr. Kim Phuong will have more responsibilities and she will be moving on to new ventures. She hopes that the CCVIs will continue to walk with young adults who attend Café Catholica every year.
August 1, 2022, L- R: Monica Hatcher, Mary Linh Hoang, Sr. Annastacia Mutiso, Sr. Ricca Dimalibot, Sr. Maureen O’ Connell (Director of the Secretariat for Social Concerns, G- H Archdiocese), Sr. Kim- Phuong Tran and Sr. Pauline Troncale.
Tran Bids Farewell to Café Catholica
Last July 25th and August 1st, she was joined by CCVIs and Monica Hatcher, Director of Social Concerns. In addition to enhancing congregational visibility among young adults, they also promoted the inaugural Care of Creation archdiocesan event that will take place on October 1st at St. Dominic Center in Houston. It has been a labor of love for Sr. Kim Phuong to be part of Café Catholica for four Mondays each summer since 2010! Sr. Kim Phuong served with gladness as Food Leader for the Galveston Houston Archdiocese’s popular speaker series. Thousands of young adults flock every year for the fellowship of prayer and powerful spiritual talks by Daniel Cardinal DiNardo and by speakers from all around theMoreU.S. important than nourishing the body was Sr. Kim-Phuong’s creation of a community of volunteers, vocation seekers, and Caritas members working tirelessly to provide spiritual
This Season of Creation, which runs from Sept. 1, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, to Oct. 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, is a good review of the commitments we have made as individuals and communities to become fully sustainable over the next seven years as part of our participation in the Vatican initiated Laudato Si' Action Platform. Touching the goals of community participation and ecological education, in Houston, we are working closely with a planning team of the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston to host a major half day ecological conference. We hope you can join us on Oct. 1st! Hatcher
- Monica
BY SR. RICCA DIMALIBOT, CCVI They' re blithely perched right in the middle of our convent' s courtyard. You might even hear soothing b uz zing in the dead of night. They never seem to stop working come lluvia ó sol. I ' m talking about the bees that pitched a waxy tent outside one of the glass windows of our La Anunciación Convent in San Lucas, Sacatepéquez in Guatemala. Sr. Vicenta welcomes their presence because the bees pollinate her lovely f lowers (I have photos to pr ove it) and her vegetables and trees.
Massive beehive on the widow of La Anunciación Convent in San Lucas, Sacatepéquez in Guatemala. As an integral part of our ecosystem, beekeeping generates billion - dollar industries. Bees are crucial to agriculture; some farmers rent beehives to help pollinate their crops. Some estimate that 75 % of food crops heavily rely on insect pollination. But it’s not a secret that the bee population in the world is dwindling primarily due to climate change and insecticides. We, humans, are endangering our food supply chain through aggressive agricultural practices. Without the food security afforded by our industrious and indefatigable insects, we would not survive . Hence, we must advocate for sustainable organic farming that promotes biodiversity and does not eliminate nature' s beautiful pollinators.Couldour Sisters harvest the honey, you asked? I used not to know the answer to this question, but I know better now because of what I ' m about to tell you. Did you know that Sr. Helena i s a certified beekeeper in her home country, Nigeria? As soon as I saw the bees and learned about Sr. Helena' s beekeeping prowess, I inundated her with bee questions. The short answer is yes; honey is bound to be dripping from the honeycomb inside the nest! However, they would have to sacrifice the whole colony to harvest the honey because those bees did not build their abo de in an easy - to - handle wooden human - made beehive that we are used to seeing. So, what will happen to the honey inside? Sr. Helena said the bees themselves will eat it when there is not enough f lower nectar to harvest. Oh, what I would give to taste organic honey! I have more bee secrets I want to share with you. Not too long ago, archeologists found 3,000 - year- old pots of honey in Egyptian tombs that were miraculously preserved and remained edible!
I found out that there could be as many as 50 , 000 bees in one hive; the female bees outnumber the male by 100 : 1. In the bee hierarchy, there is only one Queen bee whose job is to lay up to 3,000 eggs a day. The male drone bees' sole responsibility is to mate with the queen; they die after the deed. Yikes! The worker bees are the busiest because they gather nectar, guard the hive and honey, care for the queen and larvae, c lean, and last but not least, produce honey. Doesn't this remind you of the Paschal mystery of our lives? One of these days, the convent’ s bee nest will have to be relocated by professional beekeepers because its current location is precarious as the colony gets bigger. For now, I wan t to keep my butterfly/ bee pollinator garden and enjoy watching and learning about our magical, marvelous bees.
Yes, honey has an eternal shelf - life under perfect environmental conditions. Honey is so thick with very little moisture that very few bacteria can survive when stored in a sealed j ar. I t is also highly acidic and contains hydrogen peroxide, which makes it medicinal, like a natural Band Aid.
As an aid in nurturing our heritage as Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, we commemorate with devotion September 8th, Birth of Mary and the commemoration of the Great Storm in 1900.
Remembering September 8th
Mosaic of the 1900 Galveston Storm, St. Ann Convent, Villa de Matel, Houston, TX
May 17, 2020
The Sisters knew that the girls’ home was the stronger place for everyone to Theybe. led the boys to the girls’ home. And the storm would come with fiercer might. They led all the children to the second floor while the sea kept surging to greater height. The Sisters and the children sang the old French hymn that was called “Queen of the Waves”. And the storm surge would soon strike harder, and the peril became more grave. Each Sister had many children with her, for fear the children would be swept away. And the mighty storm raged on and the home soon fell that terrible day. The Sisters gave everything they had. All the precious children they tried to save, but only 3 children would survive while all the Sisters, their lives they gave. The Sisters gave everything they had. All the precious children they tried to save, but only 3 children would survive while all the Sisters, their lives they gave.
The St. Mary’s Orphans’ Home Tragedy i n t h e 1 9 00 G a l v e s t o n H u rr i c a n e
Song composed by Al Befeld - Angleton, Texas
The year 1900 and the island and the St. Mary’s Orphans’ Home 3 miles from the city of Galveston. It stood by the beach, all alone. 10 Sisters of Charity had the orphans in their care. There were 2 large homes made of wood with 94 boys and girls living there. Then came the 8th of September and the rapidly rising wind and sea.
The Sisters and the children, their spirits in Heaven. Together in the Heaven of love. The Sisters and the children, their spirits in Heaven. Together in the Heaven of love. Sr. Catarina and Sr. Madeleva visited the marker for St. Mary's Orphan Asylum in 2021.
This is my experience of God ’s calling me to religious life and to be a Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word. I am the first of 10 children; I was born in the Santa María Chiquimula municipality of the Totonicapán Department of Guatemala, but when I was 5 years old, my parents migrated to the Pachalí Aldea in Santiago Sacatepéquez. I feel like my childhood was an adventure. My mother, Rosa Ezequiel Ixcoteyac Carrillo, and my father, Juan Osorio Castro, may he rest in peace, always instilled in me faith, love, charity, respect for Jesus and people. Throughout m y childhood, they taught me to be grateful and to communicate with God through prayer. As a child I dreamt about being a missionary and t raveling across the world talking about the Gospel of Jesus. I was really drawn to speaking about Him, and I saw how Jesus was changing my life; to see him differently, like a true love. When Father José Luis Pérez, pastor at my parish in Santiago Sacatepéquez, began a pastoral plan, I saw how my father would go on mission to the different villages that were part of my parish. My desire to go on mission grew even more, and when I was 12 years old, my parents allowed me to go to the church to help at the homes of teenagers; I served at my parish for 15 years and that gave me strength, fil led me with determination and empowered me as a woman. On March 8, 2008, the Blessed Sacrament was exposed at the church in Chixoles, an aldea neighboring my own, where we also attend ed. Seated at the end of the pews I asked God to shed light on what he wanted for me - to be a religious, or to marry, but I did not want to remain s ingle, and I asked him for a s ign.
He gave me two wonderful signs in my life, first : I dreamt of a short woman dressed in white. She was very beautiful, and she told me, “You’ re coming with me” and in my dream, I followed her to a great house. A year later, when I met the CCVI Sisters, I saw a picture of a Sister, and I told myself, “ I know her,” and I asked her name and I was told she was Sr. Carolina María Ramos, the first Sister from the Central America region. She had been the woman in my dream. The second sign was when the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word arrived at my village; to me – they were angels fallen from the sky.
The first time I thought about becoming a Religious Sister of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word was on the night when Sr. María Aracely Pérez Chinchilla (a first - year novice at the time) asked me “would you like to be a Religious?” I immediately responded, “Yes.” She then asked, “would you leave everything: work, boyfriend and family?” to which I replied “Yes” and with a f i rm voice I told her “I would leave everything to join the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word .” At that moment Sr. Edis Marilú Yanes Reyes invited me to pray Vespers and to join them for dinner. Those invitations motivated me to continue discovering my vocation.
In April, 2008 , the Sisters were involved in bringing a cross to the church in Pachalí and they became known among the people. I had not been present during that event because I was serving on a retreat for the young adults at my parish. The Sisters invited the young adult group to the convent. And as soon as I made it home, my mom, seated on chair, tells me, “Religious Sisters have arrived,” and I asked, “what habit are they wearing?” and she replied, “they don’ t wear one, you’ re going to like it” felt that my mom was another sign of Jesus’ s love for me. I was thrilled when they invited us to the convent and to their retreat house. The hospitality and charity that Sisters Marilú Yanes Reyes, Vicenta Miranda, the postulants and novices showed touched me deeply.
God's Perfect Timing
Osorio Ixcoteyac and Juana Margarita Flores Pérez (deceased)
When I spok e to Sr. Marilú about my interest in religious life, she told me that there was a Sister who oversaw their vocation promotion. I met Sr. Juana Margarita Flores Pérez , who invited me to a retreat for vocational discernment. This was an event that encouraged me to continue my search. My parents supported me in my journey; I received, and I continue receiving my family’ s Srs.support.Catarina
My process of getting to know the Congregation more deeply began when the Sisters would invite me to come for prayers and retreats . W hen I received the letter from the CCVI Formation Team letting me know that they had accepted me to begin the formation process to become a CCVI, these were symbols of love and a sign from Jesus for me. What also attracted me to the Congregation were the words of our founder, Bishop Claude Marie Dubuis, “Our Lord Jesus Christ, suffering in the persons of a multitude of sick and infirm of every kind, seeks relief at your hands.” His words motivated me, moved me, echoed in my heart and helped me to make the decision to continue my process of becoming a Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word. Now, as I look back, I am proud of my courage and perseverance, because I chose to follow my dreams and God’ s plan to be an empowered, extraordinary, and different woman.
During my initial formation journey, I felt called to embrace the consecrated life with the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. I began my discernment and accompaniment process with the formation director, and she journeyed with me during the four stages of discernment: As an affiliate I learned to recognize the face of Jesus in every s i ck person, the elderly and others, and I desired to participate in and get to know more intensely the work of the Sisters. The postulancy was a time for the Congregation and I to mutually get to know each other, to experience our spirituality, charism, ministries and community life; it was a wonderf ul time that helped me to discern the call f rom the Incarnate Word. During my t im e in the N ovitiate, I lived a very deep experience of God, a holistic life of awareness, communion, and mission. My time in annual vows was a time of deepening and continuing my human, spiritual and professional formation which strengthened my commitment and consecration to religious life By making my public commitment, I vowed chastity, p overty, and obedience, for one year. This stage motivated me to continue to follow Jesus in a deep environment and I was able to wholeheartedly give myself and all my life to God and to the service of the Church.
My desire to live as a Sister grew while I was an affiliate. For the first time, I met the residents f rom El Amparo of San José Association in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. (El Amparo de San José is one of the Congregation’ s ministries that serves the elderly.)
"As an affiliate, I learned to recognize the face of Jesus in every sick person, the elderly and others, and I desired to participate in and get to know more intensely the work of the Sisters. " - Sr. Catarina
Seeing the elderly with their different illnesses, but in the midst of it all - very happy, was a very touching and life changing experience for me. In a very short time, I felt part of the ministry and I identified with the Congregation’ s charism and hospitality. I deepl y admired them for their courage, love and the priority with which they treated the residents; and during the s ix months that I got to know and live with the Sisters, a desire grew within me to get to know more deeply the Congregation’ s charism and spirituality.
God's Perfect Timing
During my Profession of Final Vows on July 16th, I felt profoundly identified with the Congregation and grateful for the opportunities that I received with all these wonderful gifts.
God's Perfect Timing
I have incorporated prayer faithfully into my life by being perseve ring and practicing new methods of contemplation. This has allowed me to feel united to the Incarnate Word, to Mary, Mother of God, and the Universal Church, to be a ware of the signs of the times and to respond to the mission, to be a person of synodal perspective.Mary,Mother of the Incarnate Word is an example, of a humble woman, a believer, a model of her people, open to the new things that come from God which change d her life in a new wa y. I n fidelity to the word of Jesus, Mary invites me to be docile, committed, open and to be filled with compassionate love, for those most in need.
On that day, when the celebrant, Father Félix Garcia, said my name during the blessing, I felt an immense gratitude; and when Sister Celeste Trahan gave me my ring, upon receiving it, I felt great joy. I was moved, because it represents my covenant and commitment to be faithful in perpetual love to the Incarnate Word.
In all my years of prayer and joyful service, I have created a transforming jou r ney of love because God’ s timing is perfect; moreover, it brings me c loser to those needing and seeking relief at my hands.
Mary, in my religious life journey, is of great importance, because she’ s a woman that was open to the new, who supported and guided me in my Jo urney toward JesusCommunity life is an opportunity to get to know Jesus even more through the Sisters; it is an aspect of my vocation that I have cultivated with love, gladness and perseverance. I t has been a blessing from God to share my gifts with humility and empowerment, in community and mission. I have incorporated community and prayer life with a service of gladness in the ministries. It is an experience that gives me passion and life and makes me feel like a CCVI Sister, following the example of Bishop Claude Marie Dubuis and the founding Sisters. In 2021 , I began preparing for my final vows during my international experience in Houston, Texas. I was accompanied by Sister Helena Adaku Ogbuji and Sister María Magdalena Rodriguez Ortiz, formation directors. During this stage, I felt the Incarnate Word’ s love in a special way . I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know myself, new cultures and to live new experiences ; i t was a graced time for Myme.discernment and transformation journey led me to profess my perpetual vows as a Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word.
The Mass was celebrated on July 16 th at Casa de Retiros Verbo Encarnado at Aldea Pachalí in Santiago Sacatepéquez. I t was a very special day and I felt profoundly joyful in celebrating my commitment, faith, and covenant with the Incarnate Word, which coincided with the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. I was especially touched and grateful to see my family, CCVI Sisters from the Central America and U. S. regions, f r iends, and celebrants, because they were with me during this special moment. I am grateful to the Sisters that joined us in prayer, but could not be with us physically, and for the gifts and cards I received. I am very grateful to Sister Santiaga Mejía Vásquez and her team for handling the logistics and preparing the food and environment. The Mass for my Perpetual Profession was a joy and a great blessing for me and the Congregation. Above all , I would like to give thanks to the Formators, Sisters Edis Marilú Yanes Reyes, María Otilia Guerra Chinchill á , María Magdalena Rodr í guez Ortiz, and, Helena Adaku Ogbuji, for walking with me during my formation, and to the communities where I was sent on mission: La Anunciación Convent in Aldea Pachalí, Santiago Sacatepéquez, Verbo Encarnado Convent in Zone 1, Guatemala, Santa Teresita Convent in Huehuetenango and Casa de la Paz Convent in Houston, Texas. May God bless you all.
God's Perfect Timing During the litanies, while on my knees, I felt touched, connected and an immense gratitude to God, who filled my heart with joy . I acknowledged that I ’ve never been alone in my journey, and that I ’ve always been accompanied by the Incarnate Word, the saints, and the whole Congregation.
JOHN 14:6
My name is Sister Helen Aida Villalta Ríos, originally from El Salvador. I was born in the Department of La Uni ón and grew up in a small village with a lot of natural resources and a good atmosphere. My parents are Dominga Del Carmen Ríos Bautista and Julio Antonio Villalta Reyes. During most of my childhood and youth, I lived with my maternal grandparents, who instilled in me the religious values of the Catholic faith . I feel very grateful for the love and formation during the process of my growth that the y gave me. I was baptized in 1991 , in the chapel of the village, the same place where I received my First Communion in 2001.Iattended kindergarten in the school of my village in 1995 and primary school in the years 1996 - 2007 in the educational complex of Intipucá and secondary school in the years 2008 - 2009 in the Francisco Gavida Institute of the Department of San Miguel. My maternal grandfather formed an important role in my learning as he taught me to read and write. I also remember that he taught me my first prayers: G uardian Angel Prayer , Our Father, and the Hail Mary. At times when we shared as a family, I used to listen to the anecdotes in which my grandfather and grandmother talked about religious missionaries who were known by all the people of the village; they experienced their presence and closeness
At the age of 14 , I was c onfirmed in the parish of Intipucá , Department of La Unión. At the age of 15, I expressed to my grandparents and relatives my wishes to be a member of a religious congregation because I wanted to be a missionary and go to different countries to support people in their need s. A bove all , I wanted to experience th e message th at Jesus said which touched the depths of my being, in the quote from JOHN 14 :6 " I am the way, the t ruth, and the life.” I would ask myself, “What is that truth? What truth is He talking about? I want to find and live in that t ruth.” And I feel that I am discovering and living in that truth each day.
They especially remembered Sister Francesca Kearns; her support provided spirituality and humanity. I feel that these anecdotes nourished my desire to be a missionary in my childhood. When I was 12 years old, I began participating in the church choir ministry and readings for 7 years.
On July 16 , 2022 , with gratitude to God and the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word , I made my Perpetual Profession of religious vows. I t was a most special day in my life I felt accompanied by the CCVI Sisters, relatives, friends and the presence of the Incarnate Word who has always accompanied me and continues to call me to the mission I am entruste d. I respond with gratitude and joy.
In July 2014, I was missioned to the Verbo Encarnado Community, Zone 1, Guatemala City. I carried out my apostolate in the nursing home of the Mater Orphanorum Sisters. In 2017, I was missioned to the Verbo Encarnado Convent in Esquipulas, Guatemala, and I performed my apostolate at the General Hospital of Chiquimula, Guatemala, and during 2018 and 2019 at the Esquipulas Medical Center. In 2020 I returned to the Verbo Encarnado Convent, Zone 1, Guatemala City. In 2021 I was missioned to the Santa Teresita Convent, Huehuetenango, Guatemala, and to ministry at El Amp aro de San José. In that same year I finished my studies with a degree in N ursing.
In 2009 I finished my studies at the secondary level. In 2010 through the catechist of t he parish, I met Sister Juana Margarita Flores Pérez and I expressed my wishes to get to know her congregation that same year. I spoke with my grandparents and my mother about having an experience in order to get to know the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word. That same year in the month of April, I began my experience in the Department of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. I was greatly impressed to see the dedication that the Sisters showed in their service in the ministry where they were and I felt the desire to render my service to the vulnerable people at the El Amparo de San José. On January 25 , 2011 , I began my formation process as a postulant. This experience helped my discernment and knowledge of the Congregation. On January 25, 2012, I became a novice. On January 11, 2014, I made my First Profession of Religious Vows. That same year I began my nursing studies and continued with my ongoing formation.
Praised be the Incarnate Word. Forever!
Sr. Helen Villalta with her mother( right) and maternal grandmother ( left).
Left to Right: Srs. María Magdalena Rodríguez Ortiz, Catarina Osorio Ixcoteyac, Celeste Trahan, Helen Aida Villalta and Helena Adaku Ogbuji
The CHRISTUS Foundation for Health Care organized the annual Back - to - School event at CHRISTUS Point of Light Clinic on August 3, 2022 They provided school physicals and the CHRISTUS Healthy Living Mobile Clinic provided vaccines to elementary and high school students around Dickinson. They distributed 100 backpacks and 150 bags of school supplies. Sr. Ricca Dimalibot, CCVI, M. D.
B a c k t o s c h o o l BACK - TO - SCHOOL CHRISTUS POINT OF LIGHT CLINIC Top row: Sr. Ricca Dimalibot, CCVI and Sr. Madeleva Manzanares , CCVI Bottom row: Sr. Sharon Apiyo Anam, CCVI, and Sr. Theresa Marie Kelleher, CVI Below: Point of Light and Mobil Clinic Staff
The University of St. Thomas School of Dental Hygienists brought a team that did 40 dental screenings and made 30 referrals for further dental visits. The group performed 155 physicals, gave vaccine to 45 children and the dental hygienists screened 20 children. - By Sister Rosanne Popp, M. D.
On August 6th, 2022, CHRISTUS Foundation for Health Care Ministries, in collaboration with the Archdioces a n Catholic School Office offered free back to school sports physicals for elementary Catholic School children at CHRISTUS St. Mary' s Clinic.
B a c k t o s c h o o l
The staff from CHRISTUS St. Mary' s Clinic, Healthy Living Mobile Unit, Point of Light Clinic and School Based Clinics performed the physicals. They were joined by CHRISTUS Trinity staff and physicians from Tyler and the CHRISTUS Clinic leadership team from Irving. Sisters Juana Matías Tomás and Madeleva Manzanares also participated in the event.
This drawing created by Sr. Frances T. Whooley, CCVI, commemorates those who were killed in the terrorist attacks on the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. We hold their families and loved ones in prayer on this annual day of remembrance.
Going forward, we commit to consciously learning every day how to love and hold each other’ s hands as we walk together, especially those whose hands we have difficulty holding. During the meeting, we welcomed Sr. Adel to the group. She joined us for the first time, and we had some fun after the meeting. On Sunday, we joined the parishioners at St. Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish, Kingwood, Porter for Mass. We thank the Incarnate Word for the gift of our vocation in our Congregation and we continue to pray for more laborers in His vineyard. Praised be the Incarnate Word - Forever!
“Entrusted as we are with the mission of embodying the love of the Incarnate Word, we bear in mind that, whatever the form of our ministry, it is by means of our own lives that we witness most convincingly to the presence of Jesus Christ” (Mission and Ministry, Article 47 .) We reflected on what it means to embody the love of the Incarnate Word as Synodal People and shared from our experiences the challenges of living it out.
From August 19 to 21 , 2022 , the Sisters in a nnual vows in the USA, Sisters Adelwisa Leonida, Benedetta Malindi, Cecilia Tran, Juana Mat í as, Sharon Anam and Sr. Helena Ogbuji, the US Formation Director, had an in person , spiritfilled and fun bimonthly meeting at the Lake House in Houston. Before now, our meetings had been via Zoom. It was wonderful to be together and to share around how to embody the love of the Incarnate Word as synodal people, using John 13 : 12 - 15 , 33 - 35 and excerpts f rom our Constitutions: “As Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, we are sent to embody God’ s love through our apostolic religious community. We place our individual and communal gifts at the service of Christ and his Church” (Mission and Ministry, Article 43).LakeHouse Bimonthly meeting with Sisters in Annual Vows
S t . L o r e n z o R u i z
In 1636, a grave crime was committed in Manila, authorities conducted a manhunt for Lorenzo because they believed he knew something about it or was himself involved in it.
RESEARCHED BY DOROTHY HARRIS, VILLA DE MATELLorenzoLIBRARIANRuizwas born in Binondo, Manila between 1600 and 1610 and died on September 29, 1637. The exact date of his birth is unknown since the baptismal records of the church of Binondo were destroyed.
When Lorenzo learned of some missionary priests leaving Manila, thinking that they were going to Macao, he sought help from his Dominican superiors who believed in his innocence. He was allowed aboard the ship, along with three Dominican priests, and only when they were on the ship did Lorenzo learn that the missionaries were headed for Japan, where Catholics were suffering terrible persecutions at that time. When the boat landed at Okinawa, the group was arrested and imprisoned because of their Christian religion.
Lorenzo had a Chinese father and a Filipino mother. During his youth, he learned Spanish from the Dominicans, whom he served as altar boy and sacristan. He was exceptionally gifted with beautiful penmanship and became a professional calligrapher, earned the title of “escribano,” one who transcribes baptismal, confirmation and marriage documents into the church’s official books. Lorenzo was also a member of the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary which was organized by the Dominicans in the Philippines as soon as they arrived in 1587.