Importance of Lesson Planning in TC’s Professional Development When I started taking courses that will help me on my professional growth such as Methodology, I always asked myself, why do I have to learn all of this? We don’t know the important of the things we are learning until we are faced with the real scenario. Being a teacher is more difficult than most of the society think. Sometimes people think we just give the students material or projects for them to be entertained or to make their lives miserable. What they don’t know is that we take our time to plan all of it taking in consideration the teaching implications they come with. But being able to plan effectively is something we learn day by day. Learning how to plan is something that helps us teachers to gain more experience in the field. It guides us to be better teachers day by day. I believe that the more a teacher plans, more prepared she/he will be. The more prepared is the teacher; the more effective is the learning environment. Planning effectively helps the teacher reflect on what activities are effective and which ones are not. With the time, a teacher should know what activities should be effective with a topic according to the needs of the students. Lesson planning also allows the teacher to project his/her professionalism. Through the lessons the teachers plan, they demonstrate the expertise they have on the education field. This education field is very challenging and in order to project in front of other members of the community as a highly qualified teacher, a teacher should be able to plan effective lessons. Lesson planning is not only planning for a day, is planning for the lifetime of a student; it is giving the students the tools they need to success.