Óbidos Criativa Strategy
Óbidos Criativa Strategy In June 2012, the municipal company Óbidos Criativa is born and proposes to be a unique example of political commitment with Creativity and Innovation. We have brought together under the same umbrella areas such as Education, our local events calendar, as well as companies and entrepreneurship policies, all connected by a creativity induced methodology. This vision we call: the Óbidos Criativa Strategy. One of the most important objectives that we accomplished in Óbidos was not to let creativity be exclusively affiliated with culture or technology. Creativity is broader than creative industries; it should be a natural inexhaustible resource that individually or collectively makes a community and territory develop. The concept of a creative footprint that we launched during the URBACT network - Creative Clusters in low-density urban areas - is an example of how we believe this idea of creativity should be instilled in every citizen of Óbidos. Our focus at the moment is in what we are and what we want to be, in other words: deal with the real and you will have the real deal. It’s time for a social equation: you and me=us, us and them=all. Collaborative skills, “coopetition” or peer pressure, it’s all about involvement, interaction and most of all, about results and how we should accomplished them. True partnerships are growing in Óbidos in some of the projects based on objectives and design thinking processes where public and private sectors try to be compatible.
01 If there is an area where our
munity of sharing and new lectu-
country should invest, but also
res of our reality, at the same time,
be open to new perspectives and
it prepares children to be part of a
methodologies, it is undoubtedly
fast changing and wider world. And
Education. Since we started the
in this world the success will prevail
process of building and opening
from intelligence, adapting to chan-
our three new schools, the first one
ce and creation capacity. It is in this
awarded by the OECD as an edu-
context that we will have our futu-
cational equipment of excellence,
re makers.
we always had a much wider spec-
The Óbidos Criativa Approach
trum… the creation of a new model
launched the Creative Factory as a
of education, not only in infrastruc-
program where children are invited
tures or in technology, but also in
to combine imagination and crea-
the relation with the community,
tivity to create ideas and develop
in the participation in the discus-
projects. One project of Creative
sion process, completely focused
Factory, the Creative Atelier appea-
on children and in their needs. With
red in each school as a complement
this vision of education, the local
process to the curriculum provided
concept appeared - the Óbidos Cria-
by the Ministry of Education, taking
tiva Approach.
advantage of the student’s free
In just a few years the results
time and began to show them that
have been impressive. We went
School could be much more. It is im-
from having poor results in learning
portant to show that their ideas are
skills to a model that is already re-
worthy and they shouldn’t take for
ferred to as a case study in what
granted what they see. There’s a
concerns the involvement of chil-
new world beyond every object or
dren and creative intelligence. The
word, beyond colours and shapes
school is now much more than a
that could be used to communicate
classroom and a teacher; it is a com-
ideas and that your world belongs
to a much bigger one. The Creative Atlelier “opened doors” to a cooperation work with teachers in areas such as Mathematics, Science or Artist Expression. Schools are now more open spaces with idea labs for parents to participate in and with international networks that share other practices and case studies, such as Reggio Emilia (Italy) or in Gentofte (Denmark). Right now, Schools are more than a priority, they are the heart of Óbidos Criativa, the space shuttle of the vision, passing and capturing what is the most important to the community and its future.
children are invited to combine imagination and creativity to create ideas and develop projects.
02 With a starting point in all the projects men-
in progress. The present times demand other
tioned in education, we recently decided to
forms of solving old problems. It is not a ques-
challenge our children to help us design a new
tion of injecting more money and buying time,
Óbidos Vila Natal, our Christmas event. In an
hoping that the situation evolves and maybe
open innovation session, we presented our
the problem will be solved. We frequently say
point of view and our needs, listened to their
that creativity, for us, is doing more with the
ideas about the subject and then created a
same resources. We probably have to rewri-
story and concept of this old/new event. And
te this sentence and change it to something
we did this after the last year’s edition became
more adapted to our reality… creativity is doing
the most visited ever!
more, or at least the same, with fewer resour-
Our level of commitment with creativity as we mentioned previously is probably our major
ces. We could also say in a more motivational approach that.
achievement and has lead us from school class-
When we launched the Creative Breaks pro-
rooms and company incubators to new projec-
gram one of our goals was that creative people
ts with the simple purpose of using creativity
and tourism companies could work together
as a resource, not only with new projects, but
and we, as a public company, could support
also projects and programs that are already
them in a more logistical manner. In the first ten
minutes of our first meeting, we understood
to a testing phase during the Creative May
that the general opinion was that we should
event. In a second phase they were evaluated
be responsible for the program. This position
with objective and more subjective criteria,
reflects, a bit, a vertical relation between peo-
providing a basis that we think is the strongest
ple and public entities. The model has changed
to start the commercialisation of the product.
to a more horizontal one, but nevertheless, in
The induction of creativity in regular projec-
Portugal, we are still far from the levels of en-
ts has been an organic process. One of the best
trepreneurship that are crucial for our future.
examples that we have on the power of creati-
That’s why a program such as this one could
vity blended with public and private initiatives
upgrade us to a different level than the com-
can be told in a few words.
mercial success of the concept. Learning to network, sharing ideas and visions, generating common business, and positioning Ă“bidos as a learning destination are also very important and linked objectives. At the present stage of the project we have more than 30 proposals that were submitted
(...) the challenge is no money - twice the fun.
03 Three years ago we researched funding opportunities to rehabilitate an old church inside the castle walls. In a country without funding programmes for heritage conservation, our challenge was to find a cultural and economic dimension that could respect the history of the building and at the same time create a new and specific cultural centre inside Óbidos. With the premise of creating a project that was worth a visit, we started working on a bookstore inside a church. Since then, we have a restored space, a unique bookstore where the shell is a sculpture that could be taken out easily. The idea star with just for one bookshop, but at this moment and with private sector’s interest in the project we create a network of bookstores in Óbidos, making us a literary town. Despite the idea that this is a passing sector it is a very interesting positioning for Óbidos, because of the cultural relevance that it could bring, because of the touristic differentiation, but also by the economic dimension of the correlation of this area with digital publications. First, let us create the atmosphere and the rest will follow.
We create a network of bookstores in Ă“bidos
04 With policies oriented towards the creation
sed on the low cost of human resources and
of working spaces, rehabilitating old buildings,
low prices of the products produced. But if you
or new ones made by renowned architects,
think that ideas are not worthy of these dan-
communities didn’t leave behind the old para-
gerous days, let us tell you that you are wrong.
digm of having a building to inaugurate or one
Don’t pause your brain for the better days to
that could become a political landmark. Some
come. Use all your brainpower now, and use it
of these spaces are success stories, others are
amplified by other people’s ideas.
isolated initiatives, with no integration in a glo-
The new spaces that we have in Óbidos are
bal strategy, and this is not a major problem in
related to this concept, and let’s use the fact
a metropolitan area, because demand is bigger
that we are a small town to activate them.
than the offer. If you are working in a small ur-
EPIC – Espaço Promoção da Inovação e Cria-
ban area this could became a factor of weak-
tividade is one of the examples of this blending
ness of a project.
of wills and collaborative spirit between people
Anyway, we think that in these cases we
and companies. This space was not conceived
are already talking about the past. Local autho-
to offer separate areas for companies to work
rities and entities that managed spaces of in-
in, but are intended as areas of work or produc-
cubation or companies related should be aware
tion. The purpose is to open the work process
that the paradigm where we all should be fo-
to the collaboration of those who are interes-
cused on the need of having new work cultu-
ted in sharing skills. It’s not consultancy, but
res. Space is not the major issue anymore, but a
true cooperation. The program has different
cloud of spaces and minds is…
levels to this cooperation, from co-work spaces
Collaborative culture, horizontal governan-
to companies, to an area of workshops and lab
ce, social activation or peer pressure are more
and an area of commerce to test public accep-
than trends, they are concepts to face a strong
tance of those products and services created
competitiveness of an industrial world focu-
here. Attached to this concept and space we
also have an ancient bodega that today will be something that we could define as a made gallery: a showroom of creativity and innovation in Portugal. With more than one million tourists each year, with a small scale for visitors, Óbidos has everything to become a spot where creative and entrepreneurs are in contact with audience or clients. Basic idea: we own the building, you own the cloud. Also related to this concept we are also working on another project that proposes to be a solution to what we consider as one of the major problems of creative industries: the absence or the lack of management skills. The Gate Project is a space concept located at Porta da Vila of Óbidos for companies that aren’t creative industries, but want to work with and for them. From Accounting to Law firms, from tourism to commerce, everybody should be interested in the economy of creativity.
Since 2010 the Municipality of Óbidos has
also with new concepts of cafeterias that could
been rehabilitating several houses inside the
transform and sell organic products with extra
castle walls to a live and work concept. The
economic value, all in the same space, on the
Creative Spaces, with names of historical ar-
main street, linking business and people.
tists from music to painting (José Joaquim dos
Once again it’s not only a space for rent, it’s
Santos, Josefa d’Óbidos, André Reinoso e Balta-
a space for a new idea and work projects, with
zar Gomes Figueira), are spaces for rent to the
the objective to raise the standards and move
creative class and the main concept of the pro-
our border a little bit forward. Making traditio-
ject will be: the best project wins, simply that.
nal a source of innovation.
From Arts to software, from indoor activities
In conclusion… Yes we have the ideas, the
to outdoor programs, the spaces allow flexibi-
strategy… we know exactly what we want. So,
lity of use while having Óbidos as background.
what awaits us in the next few months? It will
Yes, it’s true. Theses houses aren’t located on
be all about finding the right people to develop
Rua Direita (Main Street), but they are in one of
some of these and many other ideas, checking
the residential streets of Óbidos. It’s possible to
their relevance, and letting them work and
have a store or an office or an atelier or perfor-
change the core of Óbidos. Basically, we need
ming in the garden or… just live there.
that people feel inspired and look to Óbidos as
There is more to come in other areas such as food, such as a fully equipped restaurant for rent, where our demand will be a project that could make the difference when compared to the existing offer. Food Design, slow food and organic food are concepts and ideas that will lead our evaluation of the proposals. The same concept will be applied to the upgrade of a project that is very dear for us. We want to connect producers and consumers with some projects, for example, the organic market of Óbidos, but
a dream come true.
We need that people feel inspired and look to Ă“bidos as a dream come true.
Creative Factory The Creative Factory is a programme created in 2011 by the Educational Department of the Municipality of Obidos, which aims to promote creativity and innovation in different contexts. Between September 2011 and June 2013 we’ve developed several projects, created a Ana Sofia Godinho network of strategic partners and the programme has become a national and international reference. Now is the time to begin a new journey and find our own identity.
Sabina Silva Education
JoĂŁo Agostinho Design
ra tó r
de as
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Co c nt ina os s ra nt es
It i
bi d
Cr c ia in ti as va I s tin er an te s
IDE nti TY
Project-Action Identity 2011-2013 Obidos is an excellent laboratory and has tools to work on a new identity that characterizes the education of the future. We intend to increase the quality of life of our families and students through the implementation of actions that teach us to see, hear, feel and be - building an educational, social, family and culture identity.
Creative Atelier The Creative Atelier is a permanent workshop of research and experimentation. The contri-
aesthetic dimension in the learning process and enhance the different ways that children have to represent, communicate and express their thoughts.
at i rC ri A te lie
the different symbolic languages, relate the
bution of this space in the school is to promote
Arcos Creative Atelier
Jo達o Jorge
Jo達o assumes this project as a laboratory of experimental art. The individual and collective projects are developed in a cross platform and are linked to curriculum areas. The proximity to the village of Obidos allows the Atelier to explore some facilities such as museums and galleries, their permanent collection or temporary exhibitions. There is also specific programs for children with special needs.
Theme: The Human Body
Alvito Creative Atelier
Elisabete Rocha
Elisabete promotes a range of activities related to the theme - The Language of Ecology. Javier Saez, Rafael Bordallo Pinheiro and Hundertwasser are some of the references of her work. In collaboration with the Department of Life Sciences from the University of Coimbra a project related to local biodiversity is being developed.
Theme: The Language of Ecology
Furadouro Creative Atelier
Clรกudio Barroca
Claudio Atelier is a space to work with light, colour, sound and movement. The Chaplin project promotes the exploration of objects and the discover of new dimensions of expression, putting the children in the centre of the learning process. Improvisation movements, transparencies and overlay scenography through projection techniques and the creation of sound effects in a dynamic and impromptu way enriches the exploitation of children in this moment of discovery.
Theme: Chaplin
ÓbidosAnima The ÓbidosAnima - Animation Film Project explores three areas: illustration, photography and video. After a first approach to the various techniques of animation, children from pre-schools to secondary education create their own animation films related to their group A s do Ó bi
ni m a
project, with the support of the Educational
Itinerant Workshops The Itinerant Workshops function as small It in er an te s
projects by the Educational Staff of the Mu-
tional Seminars and in the local events.
places such as Museums, Art Galleries, Educa-
veloped not only in Schools but also in other
ci na s
nicipality of Obidos. These workshops are de-
iLab The Creative Factory promotes an approach
The Ideas Lab is a space of authoring and
that aims to stimulate critical thinking, lan-
sharing ideas, activities and projects that are
guage and visual aesthetics as tools to pro-
developed in the shaft of the creative educa-
mote one active community.
tion, namely: Creative May; Workshop Light in Obidos Vila Natal; Workshop Tales - Chocolate Festival;
La bo
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Presentations of the Creative Factory.
Creative May The Creative May is an event that is based on the work produced by the schools, the technology park and the participation of associations and citizens who engage in causes and
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Cr ia ti
Work in Progress The Educational Staff of the Municipality of Obidos develops the projects in pre schools and primary schools. Together with the teachers the entire team focus their approach on
W or
Pr og
re s
articulating creative and curriculum areas.
Educational Staff
André Silva
Ana Cunha
Márcio Macatrão
Ricardo Leal
Cláudia Batista
Catarina Carvalho
Lara Antunes
Silvia Santos
Marta Santos
Sílvia Silva
Carina Colégio
Marelene Neto
Lúcia Santos
Susana Isidoro
Susana Faria
Ana Reis
Elisabete Gomes
Dulce Sousa
S贸nia Leitao
Cristina Oliveira
Ana Faustino
Anabela Netas
Sofia Portela
Luciana Eus茅bio
Mara Marques
Fátima Oliveira
Pedro Basílio
Fátima Dionísio
Carla Assis
Célia Santos
Mónica Frade
Helena Patrício
de s
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ri at i
ra tó r
A te l
W or in Pr og s
re s
& W or ks
Ta lk s
m a
M ai
Cr i
at iv o
IDE nti 2.0 TY
Action Identity 2.0 2013-2015 The educational, cultural and community context created by the Project Action 1.0, allowed to start a journey that we intend to increase in the next two school years with the construction of a Story Centre in Ă“bidos. Obidos annually receives about 2 million visitors attracted by its charms. But Obidos is much more than one village, sea, lagoon and land. We intend to create a living and creative space made by the children that will tell us a story of what Obidos is today, what was in the past and what will be in the future.
Mind Map of the Project Story Centre of Ă“bidos
CASA Project The CASA - Centro de Apoio Ă Sustentabilidade dos Ateliers, appeared in 2013 in order to collect and store all the surplus products of partner companies of the Creative Factory. that collaborate with diverse materials.
There are about 25 companies in the region
Title: Óbidos Criativa Strategy Property and Edition: Município de Óbidos Serviço de Educação Project Editor: Ana Sofia Godinho gab.educacao@cm-obidos.pt anagodinho@me.com Graphic Design and Layout: João Agostinho joao.agostinho@cm-obidos.pt jcruzagostinho@me.com
1st Edition : September 2013 © 2013 All rights reserved