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PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn

Brand manual

V. EN1 - 14 April 2011

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn

Strategic elements

Strategic elements of the tmn brand tmn is positioned as a leader in the mobile telecommunications sector, making available to their clients the best communication solutions, entertainment and knowledge. To achieve this, tmn focuses on three main vectors: - proximity to the client, always being available, proactive, and interested - innovation, trying to anticipate the needs and wants of the customers with the creation of products and services that increase in value - quality, ensuring robustness and reliability in all solutions presented The tmn brand has adopted the following principal values:

Leadership Proactivity Credibility Neighbourly Innovation Youthful

in all market segments, based on the integration of solutions and the optimisation of p&s in a way that responds to the specific needs of each segment.

in the relationship with its clients, seeking to anticipate their needs and provide a quick and efficient response to the challenges that arise.

in the products presented to the clients, ensuring the dissemination of simple and honest information, a fundamental value for cultivating confidence on the part of current and potential clients.

in its approach to the customer, complete dedication to clients, with consistent concern for people.

in being and doing, in a constant search to innovate at the technological level, in the development of better telecommunication solutions, and in the way it communicates.

in the way it communicates, in order to clearly transmit the values of proactivity and innovation inherent to this attribute.

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


The aim of this manual is to define a set of rules and recommendations that seek to ensure correct application of the main elements of tmn. It is essential that everyone involved cooperates in complying with and applying these rules, in order to ensure a coherent and uniform visual identity. We know we can rely on you. Thank you.

P. 04

PT identity manual

Identity Logo



Additional element

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn

Visual elements Composition Colour versions Protection area and minimum dimensions Location in the layout Applications on backgrounds Incorrect usage Proportionality of the PT endorsement Location of the PT endorsement Claim Logo extensions Main colour Supplementary colours Myriad Pro Arial “t” in 2D “t” in 3D


P. 07 P. 08 P. 09 P.10 P. 11 P. 12 P. 13 P. 14 P. 15 P. 16 P. 17 P. 18 P. 19 P. 20 P. 21 P. 22 P. 23

P. 05

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Visual elements The visual identity of tmn has 4 basic elements: logo, colours, typography and an additional element – the “t” symbol.




Additional element - “t’ symbol

Myriad Pro The tmn logo consists of a fixed relation of position and proportion between the “tag” and the letters “tmn”.

The main colour of tmn is PT blue. However, colours from the PT supplementary palette may be used.

The tmn font is Myriad Pro. It is a font with the necessary characteristics to create a clear and legible message.

The objective of the “t” symbol is to energize the tmn brand communication.

P. 07

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn

Composition The tmn logo consists of the tag and the letters “tmn”. These two elements have a unique relation of position and proportion between them.

Construction The calculation of the distance between the letters “tmn” and the margins of the tag were defined based on the measurement X (head of the letter “t”).

P. 08


PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Colour versions Two colour versions of the tmn logo were defined: a version polychromatic version in (colours) and a monochromatic version (black).

The monochromatic version (black) should only be used when there are limitations on the use of colours, or when the method of reproduction has low resolution like a fax or photocopier.

Polychromatic version - main version

Monochromatic version

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PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Protection area and minimum dimensions To preserve the integrity and legibility of the tmn logo, the following guidelines have been defined: - protection area relative to other graphic elements; - minimum dimensions for reproduction.

Printing minimum dimensions

14 mm Screen minimum dimensions

60 pixels Protection area In order to preserve the integrity and legibility of the tmn logo, a protection area relative to other graphic elements was defined. The limits of the protection area were defined based on the measurement X (head of the letter “t�).

P. 10

Minimum dimensions Minimum dimensions for reproduction were defined to guarantee the logo legibility. These limits were calculated taking into account the logo’s shape and the different reproduction media (printed material/screen visualisation).

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Location in the layout In the artwork development of printed material a margin of 3 millimetres bleed must always be maintained. 3 mm

Right margin of the layout

Left margin of the layout

Minimum distance to the top

The tmn logo must be aligned to the left or rignt margin. The logo protection area on the margin side may be ignored.

Minimum distance to the bottom

3 mm

P. 11

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Applications on backgrounds The background examples illustrated below serve only as a reference for the visualisation of colour behaviour and not as a shape reference. The tmn logo cannot be placed in a box, it must stand alone.

White background - coloured Main version

PT blue background Main version

Bright photographic background Main version

White background - one colour (black) Monochromatic version

Black background - coloured Main version

Background in a supplementary colour Main version

Dark photographic background Main version

Black background - one colour (white) Monochromatic version

P. 12

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Incorrect usage Changing the logo harms the coherence and perception of its identity, compromising its goals.

The logo must always be applied in a conscious way, respecting its integrity. The examples below are applied to all logo variants.

Incorrect proportionality relation between the elements

Use in perspective

Use of the logo in white

Incorrect location in the layout

Use of a wrong colour in the word “tmn�

Use of a secondary colour in the tag

Use without a tag on a supplementary background colour

Use with a transparent tmn logo

P. 13

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Proportionality of the PT endorsement In order to reinforce the tmn brand credibility, the use of the PT endorsement is always recommended.

Behaviour on any background

Behaviour on a PT blue background

h = height

h = height

h (maximum)

h (máximum)

Limit The PT logo must be less than or equal to the measurement “h” (height of the tmn logo) when used as endorsement.

Colour models for reproduction of the PT logo The polychromatic version of the PT endorsement logo has two colour model variants: - CMYK colour model (four-colour) - PMS colour model (pantone - process) The PMS variant is made from two direct colours (pantone 3135 and black) and must always be used whenever four-colour reproduction is not necessary. P. 14

The proportionality between the two logos should never exceed the fixed limit.

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Location of the PT endorsement The recommended location of the tmn logo is in the upper left corner of the layout. The endorsement must be placed on the opposite side, at the top. When it is not possible to apply this rule, the endorsement must be placed in the lower left corner,

under the tmn logo, lined up with the left side of the leg of “t�. It is not recommended to place the PT endorsement near the tmn logo.


Letterhead - Top (preferred use)

Envelope - Footer (alternate use)

P. 15

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Claim The logo and the claim are related to each other through a vertical space equivalent to the measurement “x”, as shown below.

Behaviour on any background The claim must be in PT blue

P. 16

The claim begins on an imaginary line coinciding with the interior of the first leg of the “m” and ends at the end of the “n”. The claim is in Myriad Pro Light font.

PT blue background The claim must be in white

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Logo extensions The logo with extensions is used to identify products or services and it must always be on the left margin of the layout. The brand extensions are in Myriad Pro font.

Behaviour on any background The extension must be in PT blue

The extension is separated horizontally by a space equivalent to twice the measurement “x�, after the tmn logo, as shown below.

PT blue background The extension must be in white

P. 17

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn

Main colour The main colour of the tmn brand is PT blue. Any colour model that is not included in this manual should always be Pantone colour as a reference.

PT Blue Pantone: 3135 C CMYK: C: 100% M: 0% Y: 20% K: 10% RGB: R: 0 G: 153 B: 171 Web: #0099AB Ink ref: Supplier - Hempel Hempatone Extra 58910/3P104 Hempalux AL Water Satin 58352/3P104 Hempalux AL Water Glossy 58352/3P104 Vinil: 3M 3630: 11945 Oracal Series 851/951: 553 Lagoon P. 18


Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn

PT identity manual


Supplementary colours The supplementary colour palette consists of 5 colours: supplementary yellow, supplementary green, supplementary blue, supplementary purple and supplementary pink.

The supplementary palette colours can be used transversally in all PT group media communication.

Supplementary Yellow

Supplementary Green

Supplementary Blue

Supplementary Purple

Supplementary Pink

Pantone: 1235 C

Pantone: 382 C

Pantone: 302 C

Pantone: 2603 C

Pantone: 214 C

CMYK: C: 0% M: 35% Y: 100% K: 0%

CMYK: C: 35% M: 0% Y: 100% K: 0%

CMYK: C: 100% M: 50% Y: 10% K: 60%

CMYK: C: 75% M: 100% Y: 0% K: 5%

CMYK: C: 0% M: 100% Y: 25% K: 5%

RGB: R: 231 G: 176 B: 18

RGB: R: 190 G: 214 B: 0

RGB: R: 0 G: 65 B: 101

RGB: R: 110 G: 37 B: 133

RGB: R: 201 G: 0 B: 98

Web: #E7B012

Web: #BED600

Web: #004165

Web: #6E2585

Web: #C90062

RAL: 1028 Melon yellow

RAL: (no reference in the catalogue)

RAL: 5003 Sapphire blue

RAL: (no reference in the catalogue)

RAL: 4010 Telemagenta

Vinil: 3M Scotchcal 100-25

Vinil: 3M Scotchcal 100-449

Vinil: 3M Scotchcal 100-724

Vinil: 3M Scotchcal 100-265

Vinil: 3M Scotchcal 100-454

P. 19

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Myriad Pro The institutional font for all PT Group brands communication is Myriad Pro. It Is a font with the necessary characteristics to create a clean and legible message.

In order to maintain coherence among all communication material, the following weights are recommended: Light, Regular, Semibold, Bold and Black and their variants in italic.

ABCDEFGHIJKMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ Myriad Pro abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz P. 20

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn


Arial If a default font type is needed, for internal applications or presentations, we recommend the use of Arial.

Its versatility allows it to be used successfully in printed and digital media. The use of Regular and Bold weights (and their italic variants) are recommended.

ABCDEFGHIJKMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ Arial abcdefghijklmno pqrstuvwxyz P. 21

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn

Additional element

“t” in 2D The “t” symbol in 2D is used to visually harmonize layouts for communications, normally printed.

P. 22

There is only one 2D version of the symbol, used in white on the tmn blue background. There is not a fixed relation of proportion and position with the tmn logo.

PT identity manual

Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn

Additional element

“t” in 3D This symbol is mainly used in TV advertising campaigns or on point of sale screens. It ensures flexibility and energy to the brand.

The “t” symbol in 3D must be used independently, without a fixed relation of position and proportion to the tmn logo. There is only a 3D “t” symbol version in blue and another in white.

P. 23

PT identity manual


Commercial brands 2.3.1 - tmn

V. EN1 - 14 April 2011

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