Fat Diminisher Review & Results
The Fat Diminisher program is making waves in the weight-loss community thanks to the supposed dramatic weight loss Wesley Virgin, the programs creator, has been able to help people achieve.
From heart attack victims to diabetics with lifetime struggles Wesley has been able to whip them into shape with no butt-busting workouts but instead a fundamentally sound diet program that helps drop on average 30 pounds in four weeks.
Better still, week one , it is claimed, can create a seven pound fat loss on its own which is great to kick your fat loss plan off on the right foot. But, there are lots of questions you probably have when considering this program, we had the same questions so we decided to create a review of the Fat Diminisher program which asks the most pertinent questions and provides comprehensive answers to help you make the right decision for you.
2 First Impressions of The Fat Diminisher Program The program makes a bold first impression but not in the way you might think. Instead of the usual diet rhetoric and images of scantily clad twenty something’s we’re instead plunged into a compelling story of a soldier’s near death experience. That soldier is the creator of Fat Diminisher, Wesley Virgin. Even when you grasp that fact it’s still hard to wonder what it has to do with fat loss initially. Nevertheless the story is very engaging enough to watch the intro video – the longer it goes the more apparent the story becomes. Wesley was responsible for improving the fitness of the soldiers in his regiment and he found himself with a group of average middle-aged men and women who struggled to get fit. He hid the salt shaker from the table in the mess hall, he banned carbs from the diet of the soldiers and he even had them drinking a tonne of water each day in the hope that these things would help them shift those stubborn pounds.
Despite using conventional methods he found it hard to get the results his superiors demanded and according to the story, it was this proving ground that allowed Wesley Virgin to test new methods and tweak them based on the results the group were getting.
Over time, so the story goes, Wesley was able to understand what changes were needed to help the trainees shed a substantial amount of fat as quickly as humanly possible and it’s these methods he learned that he now teaches in his group fitness classes and those same secrets he will reveal in this eBook.
The turning point for Wesley was meeting someone called Severino who we are told was kicked out of Harvard Medical School because he was able to generate a scary amount of fat loss in a short space of time. You might be wondering why that would get him kicked out rather than celebrated…the reason for this is because the methods in the Fat Diminisher Program don’t
3 require expensive supplements of anything that the medical mafia and the exercise corporate can monetize so they wanted to shut him down. Wesley then begins to show us impressive before-and-afters from his clients which demonstrate the speed of results possible.
What Result Can You Expect? Wesley goes to great lengths to make the point that the results his clients gets are the same results that the average person can achieve if they apply the methods in the Fat Diminisher program.
The first example that Wesley Virgin gives us is the story of Patricia Wron, a 45 year old out-of-shape woman who had a sudden heart attack brought on by her weight and diet. The health scare prompted her to look at a better way to lead her life, after applying the methods of Wesley she lost 38lbs in 4 short weeks. Wesley also shows us Patricia’s 33 day transformation in picture form with three pictures taken before, during and after as well as another before and after where she looks like a completely different woman. The testimonials for the program are equally impressive with the following results:
Crystal from Houston lost 30 pounds and several inches in a short space of time. She found she’d gone from a size 15 to a size 9 Charles from Houston lost 40 pounds in five and a half weeks and saved over $200 per month he was spending on diabetic supplements that he didn’t have to buy anymore Linda from Detroit who lost 30 pounds in her first month James from Rockford, Illinois who lost 20 pounds in less than four weeks while on the road travelling with work
4 We’re also shown an email from Jennifer from Little Rock, Arkansas who tells Wesley she’s lost 26 pounds in 33 days – seven and a half pounds per week since she started. Wesley is sure to let you know that this isn’t a get skinny quick program even though the results and time frame might suggest is. He mentions that it’s a longer term program which has a quick kick start at the beginning but is sustainable over the long term too.
What do you need to do to get the results? The stats for the number of people who buy diet books and programs that never make it off the shelf is scary. Knowledge is powerful but it’s the application of knowledge which makes it more so – simply put- if you don’t follow the program you can’t expect to get the results promised. Here’s how the Fat Diminisher works. Think about the reasons you were willing to part with your money in the first place; because you have problem that you acknowledge and you recognize that it’s time to change. Change starts by researching and seeking out a better way; the next step is to put that new way of living into practice.
When it comes to dieting and exercising the success comes from daily habits which form routines and routines which create results.
The daily habits are to follow the eating recommendations and to do the exercise recommendations as laid out in the book. Try not to change anything and stay as true to the program as possible. If yo u’re asked to do something, understand that it’s for your own good and it will help you get the results you want.
5 The good thing about the Fat Diminisher program is that the initial results are quick enough that it should provide enough encouragement for you to keep following the rules over the duration. It’s by sticking with the program you’ll get the results you deserve and get the attention you’ve been craving from others who can’t believe your transformation and want to know your secret!
All of this is available to you if you read the program and then follow it to the tee. Habits take 28 days to form so give this program a fair try for those 28 days and you’ve got an excellent chance of being a different person by the end of the 28 days.
Why is this good? There are a lot of good things about the Fat Diminisher program but some of the most important to note are the format, speed of results, the number of results and how the method was discovered. Let’s address them in reverse order. Firstly, Wesley Virgin has had the advantage of training thousands of people both in the military and also in his group fitness classes. Working one-on-one is great but having a number of “test subjects” to work with allowed Wesley to test his methods and get a large amount of real-world feedback so he could review the results and then adapt his methods accordingly. Secondly, the eBook format makes it instantly accessible. After all, if you’re buying this product you probably have a considerable amount of weight to lose and having to wait five to thirty days for the program to arrive is frustrating at best and demotivating at worst.
Digital downloads like this program are great because you can download the program and after 60 minutes of reading you have a plan you can implement
6 the very next day so you can start your weight loss transformation within twenty four hours.
The third aspect which makes this program great is speed of results. We live in a “right-now” society where we want things immediately and unfortunately fat loss doesn’t work like that. The Fat Diminisher program gets you as close to instant as possible and this can be very motivating for people who have struggled to lose weight for many years.
To see the scale finally move and keep going is a joyful experience for most people and worth the cost of the program on its own! The good news is if you stick to the program the results will keep on coming and you’ll keep getting further and further toward your goal as the days and weeks go by.
Who is this for? The Fat Diminisher program is designer for anyone and this is clear based on the case studies which Wesley provides which show examples of people who are in their fifties and older, with poor health and even people who are very busy and don’t have time to work out all day.
Some of the examples are extreme with Patricia Wron having a heart attack and Charles from Houston who was on a tonne of diabetic medication; the message here is that it doesn’t matter how bad your health is (within reason) – you may feel like you’re too far gone but Wesley is confident that his methods can help you regain the life you might think you’ve lost. There are plenty of cases where people have rediscovered the youthful exuberance and vitality they distantly remember from their twenties!
The only requirement to do this program is that you have a computer which can download the eBook and that makes it available to everyone which was Wesley’s intention as he’s passionate about helping as many people as possible change their lives forever.
7 As humans we have this peculiar trait which makes us think we’re special and that we need something specifically for us to achieve any results. The truth is a solid set of principles is all we need to follow but to alleviate any scepticism Wesley includes a full sixty day money back guarantee so you can try the program out for the full sixty days and see for yourself what type of results you can get. If you’re happy with your results then you can keep the eBook, if you’re not then you can request a refund of the program cost and receive a no -questions asked refund in a prompt fashion.
Better that that, not only will you get a refund of the $37.00 you spent on the program; Wesley will give you a 200% refund – that’s how confident he is that the program will work for you. That means you’ll get back $74.00 if you feel it wasn’t worth your while – literally no risk to you to try the program – that’s a bold move from Wesley and should give you confidence in the ability of his program to deliver the results it promises.
What Other Reviews Fail To Tell You? Many of the reviews out there on the Fat Diminisher Program are light on the details; from the looks of them I doubt many of them have actually bought the program and seen behind the curtain like we have. This review is the most comprehensive review available because we’ve studied the program in detail and we’ve tried to provide as comprehensive information as possible. The one thing they fail to tell you about the program is that you will be required to make time to gather all the relevant ingredients to make the smoothies and to cook the right meals.
8 If you’re used to just microwaving junk food there will be an adaption period needed where you get used to making the time; however, it’s a small sacrifice when you consider the extra years healthier eating and a more managing weight can add to your life. After a week or so it’s easy anyway, you’ll have a shopping list, foods and recipes you can use every week, you’ll start to know where you need to go to pick up the vegetables and fruits you need. Also, the cooking time is fairly short which means you’ll be able to make the food for the full day in around thirty minutes per day.
The Fat Diminisher Diet Plan The Fat Diminisher diet plan is rooted in good old fashioned healthy eating and common sense. The key features of the diet plan are: High quality protein – Protein is the building block for your muscles which helps your body take shape so that when you drop pounds and tighten up your body transforms rather than leaving you lighter but still soft
9 Healthy fats – Many diets drop fat out completely and as a result they limit their results unwittingly. Without an adequate amount of fats the body is unable to produce the hormones it needs for regular function as well as fat loss such as testosterone which is important to help you build muscle and shape your body. Minerals and nutrients – The diet has a lot of vegetables and nutrient rich foods which help you to cover all of your nutritional bases. Getting in shape is great but it’s important to be able to have a healthy body, after all, we only get one of them so we need to look after it. This is even more important when you consider that most of the people who buy The Fat Diminisher program have created a significant amount of metabolic damage as a result of their past diet so taking control of this quickly is critical. Carbohydrates – Yes, in a diet book. The dirty word for dieters everywhere is found in this book a lot. The Fat Diminisher program encourages you to eat more carbs, but to make better choices. Specifically to avoid fast digesting “white“ carbs and instead focus on slow releasing carbs which regulate blood sugar so you don’t get spikes which give you hunger pangs and derail your diet. Eating meals slowly – By eating slowly we get over the “20 minute” trick our brain plays on us which can cause us to overeat and feel bloated afterwards. The theory here is that it takes the brain 20 minutes to realise the stomach is full so during this period we keep eating when we’ve already eaten enough. By chewing slowly we overcome this problem and eat just enough to satisfy our hunger. Drinking a lot of water – Drinking lots of water is good for a number of reasons. Firstly, drinking lots of water helps to keep you feeling full. It’s often said that when you feel hungry it’s actually a sign of dehydration. The “5 clear urinations per day” is a good target to aim for rather than “X” liters per day of water and this is clearly what Wesley is working towards. There’s also a little calorie burn if you drink ice cold water as the body uses calories to heat the water up to body temperature. Lastly, additional water helps to mobilize fat cells – that means that you can literally flush the fat out of your body. When you are
10 in a calorie deficit (e.g. you’re burning more calories than you’re taking in) your body breaks the fats down and they are mobilized from fat cells into the bloodstream where they are “burned”. It’s water that helps to mobilize them so this recommendation is well worthwhile. Regular low fat meals – The Fat Diminisher program also encourages regular low fat meals. This is designed to reduce dangerous LDL cholesterol which has long been linked to a raft of diseases. The diet takes a sensible approach and doesn’t force you into stupidly low fat meals but rather offers the dieter enough healthy fats to let the body thrive and then asks the dieter to limit any of the other “bad” fat sources from their diet. Eat Leafy Greens – The staple of many other diets and for good reason. Leafy greens allow the dieter to get a wealth of vitamins and minerals and they are filling with next to no calories. Iron is particularly prevalent and is a useful mineral to support your body transformation goals. The program also stresses the importance of other herbs and minerals for weight loss too, which you may not be eating regularly currently. Get rid of carbonated drinks – The Fat Diminisher diet also asks the dieter to cut out carbonated soft drinks from the diet; usually because they contain high levels of sugar. Some diets allow sugar-free soft drinks but the artificial sweetener in them can cause hunger pangs and there is evidence to suggest they still negatively affect blood sugar levels so they are best to be avoided too.
Comparisons With Other Similar Plans There are many rapid fat loss diet plans out there which have garnered a lot of attention including the Three Week Diet, The Cruise Control Program and The Venus Factor Program. We’ve tried and reviewed them separately, so use the links to check them out.
11 More famously, there’s the P90X/Insanity types which require aggressive exercise plans and a lot of time commitment, instead of focusing just on diet diet. P90X and insanity get a lot of attention and they sell a lot of DVD’s but after seeing a lot of people go through the program I find the results to be below par, mostly because the stick-rate is low (a lot of commitment needed :))
The workout is fine and the diet advice (although being largely an afterthought) is fundamentally sound but the program is often too intense, too soon for the majority. Asking a 250 pound person to go through the wo rkouts is hard enough but to get them to persist for the duration is near impossible. It’s the reason why personal trainers get their clients doing easy things which they enjoy to begin with and then ramp up the intensity from there. P90X etc instead takes them straight into the intense cardio based workouts which can and often does cause people to give up because it all feels like too much work. Then we have the Atkins diet which succeeds largely by restricting carbohydrate levels to trick the dieter into thinking the diet is working. What they don’t tell you is that the “fat loss” is often mostly water.
The body stores three grams of water for every gram of carbohydrates stored which means that if you restrict carbohydrate consumption drastically you can cut a lot of water quickly – that’s where the 10+ pounds per week weight loss comes from.
The problem is, as soon as you reintroduce carbohydrates the body restores the water balance and you’re back where you started or at best a few pounds of fat lighter.
The three week diet is similar to the Fat Diminisher program in that it promises dramatic weight loss in a short period of time and because the diet and workout advice is similar. With that said, it’s the double your money back guarantee which makes the Fat Diminisher program better in my opinion so that’s our choice.
12 Tips for Getting The Most You Can and Getting Through The Program There are a few things you can do to ensure you get the best results from this program. Number one, it’s important you follow the program as it’s laid out by Wes.
You might be tempted to make modifications or customize it for yourself but do yourself a favour and stick to the script as closely as possible and you’ll get far better results. Secondly, don’t expect miracles within days. For some people it takes a little longer to get results so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get the immediate results the people on the sales page get. There are many people who get no results and then after a period of days they experience a sudden rapid fat loss that equals the amount they would have lost if they lost a little every day. These are called “Whooshes” and are fairly common so whether it’s little-by-little or in big whooshes the good news is the fat will shift just have faith and stick to the program.
Fibre is especially useful to help mobilize stools and get the scale dropping so if you experience a “blockage” then increase your water and fibre intake and before long you’ll see the scale move in your favour. You should also try to incorporate little amounts of your favourite foods to keep you on the wagon. When you get a craving it’s often better to indulge in it very lightly than try to suppress it as often this causes it to come back with a vengeance and derail your diet completely when you go “off-diet” for a week before starting again.
If you have a sweet tooth a square of very dark chocolate can be enough to satisfy the craving and then get you back on the road to success.
13 If you do fall off then it can actually work in your favour. There is science to overeating which is known as a reefed. A period where calories and carbs are purposely overeaten to release the hormone leptin which is the fat burning switch is a basic description of a reefed. When you diet for extended periods the body thinks it is starving and after a while it stops the fat loss to keep you alive. When you have a reefed with an abundance of calories and carbohydrates the body is “reset” as it recognizes it’s not starving and the hormone leptin flicks the fat burning switch back to fat loss mode.
So if you do fall off the wagon, treat it as a reefed and get back on the wagon immediately.
Where To Buy You can buy the Fat Diminisher diet right here for the lowest available price.
At just $37.00 with the full 60 day money back guarantee you really have nothing to lose, in fact, if it doesn’t work how it claims you’ll get back 200% of your money.
14 In Summary When you have a desire to lose fat as quickly as possible there are a lot o f programs out there to choose from; a real minefield. For the person who is out of shape it’s even harder, the harsh reality is that they didn’t know enough about what to eat and how to exercise to stay in shape – that makes them open to abuse from people who claim to have the answer for them. Even the honest guys there like the P90X guys might be misleading them because although the program works if you don’t complete it you won’t get the results and therefore the person looking for a program needs a program that can work with them – a program they can stick to after the initial motivation has worn off and the hard work sets in.
The Fat Diminisher diet is the perfect diet, in my opinion, for people who are short on time, at any stage of health and fitness who just want simple rules to follow and quick results to encourage them. At a very affordable $37.00 and with the double your money back guarantee it’s absolutely the number one choice for you. Don’t waste any more time on research and inferior programs; head over to the official site and pick up your copy and start the journey toward your new body and your new life.
Click Here to get the program at the lowest price online