Keywords research my recommended tactic of using long tail pro

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Keywords Research: My Recommended Tactic Of Using Long Tail Pro

Although you can find keywords for free, I actually recommend investing in Long Tail Pro.

Long Tail Pro speeds up my keyword research, and allows me to find even better keywords. I have been a big believ er of using Long Tail Pro since early 2012. My track record of success with it has been astounding and I personally have used it to find hundreds of keywords. Here is my affiliate link if you are interested in making that inv estment: Click Here:

2 Once you have Long Tail Pro (LTP), start a new campaign

Now, insert in a few seed keywords. Preferably you’ll want to use seed keywords/categories with products that cost $100 or more. This will allow you to earn a decent amount of commission per sale. Amazon or Overstock. 2. Look around your home. 3. Visit retail stores like Walmart for ideas.

We can find these items by looking on Ebay’s Category list. Here’s the link: For more keyword Ideas you can 1. Search the categories on

3 Insert the keywords that you find into LTP and add the following filters: include terms: best, reviews average monthly searches > 1000 It should look like this:

4 Generate the keywords. Now click on each of the keywords to examine the competition of the top ten sites in Google for that keyword.

Competing With Other Niche Sites The first thing I check for is whether or not other Niche Sites are ranking on the first page. If another Niche Site is ranking, then using my SEO methods, you are almost guaranteed to be able to rank for this keyword. Here’s what I check to find niche sites: Site Age > 2 years This is generally the first thing that I check. If you find a site that is less than 2 years, then that means that someone recently built that site and ranked for that keyword. It’s possible that this is a niche site that someone is working on. Page Authority < 35 and Domain Authority < 25 This is one of the most important metrics to pay attention to. Websites with a Page Authority of less than 35 are pages that we can beat. If the page also has a Domain Authority < 25, then it is likely that this is another niche site.

If you think you’ve found a niche site, then you can verify it by visiting the page.

5 Once you’re on the page, you can tell if it is a niche site if it is focused specifically on the keyword niche and it has a bunch of affiliate links leading to an amazon product or something similar. Below is a screenshot of a common thing you’ll see when you run into a niche site.

Notice the niche specific text and the clear affiliate links to amazon products. Anything that remotely looks like this and is focused on one type of product is a niche site.

6 These are the sites that we can either outrank, or at the very least, we can compete with them and make money.

If there are no Niche Sites ranking on the first page, we may still be able to rank for the keyword, we’ll just need to do a little more research.

Here’s What To Look For When No Niche Sites Are Ranking On The First Page

First of all, Check if forum pages and other similar pages are ranking. If you find that google is ranking forum page or other similar pages like Reddit or Yahoo answers, then these are very weak pages that can be easily outranked. If I don’t find any of these, then the next thing I do is: Check for 4 or more sites where the title does not contain the phrase matched keyword.

A phrase matched keyword is one where all the words from the keyword are used, regardless of the order.


In this example we can see that there are 7 cases where the phrase matched keyword is not used in the title. Sites that aren’t doing this are not fully optimized for that keyword. If this is the case, we may be able to build a more optimized site and outrank them.


Check if 3 or more sites have a Page authority < 35 (not including huge well known ecommerce sites)


Again, we’re checking page authority. In the example above we skipped the Amazon Page because it is a huge e commerce brand. Google seems to fav or pages from these sites ev en if they have very little content and are not optimized.

Now Let’s Examine the Sites Once They’ve Met Our Requirements First make sure there are:

9 - 4 or more sites where the Phrase Matched Keyword is NOT in the title. - 3 or more sites with a Page Authority < 30 (not including Huge well known Ecommerce Sites)

Now, it’s time to further examine these sites: First examine the ranking page to see what kind of optimization they hav e on their page. Weak sites will have: - Thin content. - A lack of related keywords in the Title or Header. - Content that is not relev ant to the keyword An example of this might be a page that barely mentions the keyword, and spends most of the page talking about another topic. If you find sites like this, then that means there is an opening to outrank them.

The next step is to check the Backlink Profile in Majestic. This step further allows us to understand the type of effort that your competition is using to rank their site. You’ll need to create an account with There are free and paid options. For now, all you need is the free version. Once you’ve created your account, enter the competing site into majestic and check the backlinks to see what kinds of links

10 they are building (are they comment links, forum links, authority links, etc).

You can tell the type of link by visiting the page where the link is on and searching for the anchor text that’s listed in majestic.

Once you v isit the page where the backlink is coming from, use Ctrl + F and run a search for the anchor text.

Now determine if the link was found in the comment section of the site, or in the actually body paragraphs of the content of the site, or in the sidebar.


Links coming from the comment section are weak links. Links coming from the body or the sidebar, are stronger links.

If a site is building weak links to their site, they will be easier to beat in Google

Bonus: Filtering Keyword Competition with Long Tail Platinum If you decide to get the Upgraded version of Long Tail Pro (Long Tail Platinum), then we can take our keyword filtering one step further.

Long Tail Platinum gives us: - The additional Keyword Competition metric. - The ability to quickly save keywords. - The ability to bulk add our own keywords. With Long Tail Platinum, once I generate the keywords, I calculate all the Keyword Competition scores.


After that I’ll set the filter to Keyword Competition Max = 35.

In the end you end up with a very short list. You’ll still want to do the site checks that I mentioned above, but in my experience, nearly 50% of the keywords that make it through this filter are keywords that we can rank for. So is this worth the $27/mo price tag? In my opinion yes. It saves a bunch of time and almost guarantees that you’ll find winners. But can you succeed without it? Yes. It’ll just take you a little more time.


Long Tail Pro Bonus Offer If you’re interested in purchasing Long Tail Pro, use my affiliate link below and I’ll send you a free Expired Domain ($75+ value at auction) that you can register at any registrar.

You can use Expired Domains to rank your websites at the top of Google!

The metrics for the domain will be: Page Authority (PA) > 25 Domain Authority (DA) > 15 Trust Flow (TF) > 10 Citation Flow (CF) > 10 No Anchor Spam Clean / Un-abused History on

Here is my affiliate link for Long Tail Pro (make sure to clear your cookies before clicking on the link):


Recap of the Whole Process Let’s reassess ev erything that we’ve done for this method: 1. Find seed keywords on ebay, amazon, retail stores, and at home. 2. Plug them into Long Tail Pro (LTP) and filter out: a. Monthly Searches > 1000 b. Keyword includes “best” or “rev iews” 3. (Optional) If you hav e long tail platinum, calculate Keyword Competition score and then filter it to KC Max = 35. 4. Click on each keyword and search for the presence of niche sites that you can outrank. a. You can identify these by looking for sites < 2 years of age and have DA < 25 and PA < 35. After that, v isit the actual page to see if it contains affiliate links to that product. 5. Check for the presence of forums or answer sites that you can outrank like Reddit and Yahoo Answers.

If steps 4 or 5 are met, jump to step 8; if they are NOT met then move to step 6. 6. Check for 4 or more sites where the title does not contain the phrase matched keyword. 7. Check if 3 or more sites hav e a Page authority < 35 (not including huge well known ecommerce sites) a. Page Authority < 35


If Steps 6 and 7 are both met: 8. Check to see if the content is relevant. 9. Check the sites backlinks in Majestic to get an idea of how much effort you’ll need for off-page SEO. a. If they are building weak comment and forum links, then we can easily beat this. b. If they are building authoritative links in the content section of sites, then our site will need ev en stronger links to outrank them (more on this in the link building section of this course).

If you’ve passed all the steps, you have a Keyword for your niche site!

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