A collection of Roman Coins

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The Jo達o de Deus Collection


Ancient art collecting, and ancient coins collecting in particular, is nothing new and has been a "hobby" for centuries, although, until the past decades, only at the gasp of kings and noble families. The "boom" of the internet in the mid 90s, introduced thousands, just like myself, to this very addictive hobby, and the notion that you don't have to be a millionaire to collect roman or other ancient coins. And so today hundreds of web pages and blogs on the subject fill the world wide web. The collecting of ancient art is an activity that escapes usual collectionism patterns. More than the finantial value of a particular piece of art, a true collector always bears in mind its importance as a unique historical and cultural heritage of a country, a region or an era. All ancient works of art are witnesses to their own time, and only fully "understandable" when placed in their specific historical background. In this context, ancient numismatic has played a decisive role at archeologs and historians hands, for the study of classical cultures. Vis-Ă -vis roman coins, they are often presented as efficient instruments of political propaganda for noble families and important public figures (Republic) and for the emperors (Empire), their eficiency beeing suported on a widespread circulation through the provinces, from the western coasts of Lusitania (today Portugal) to the middle east colonies, from the cold and unsafe borders of Germania to the warm and today desertic territories of northern Africa. Some pieces present extraordinarily realistic portraits of the rulers who had them cast, and, in many cases, they are the only credible fisical description that survived the millenia. The condition and composition of coins allows us to avail the existence of "healthy" and decadent periods in roman history. Silver coins, be it denarii and antoninianii, that show a lower content of silver, in many cases even just a thin layer of this metal covering a bronze base, are witnesses of difficult social and economical periods. On the other hand, coins as pure in silver content as Trajanus or Hadrianus denarii are a proof of the golden years of pax romana.

ORIGINS OF A COLLECTION Interest in Archeology and ancient History was always present in my life, since i can remember. So, falling in love with roman coins, once discovered the diversity and reasonable prices presented in internet, was a gradual but inevitable process.

From two late empire bronzes bought directly from a farmer some twelve years ago in Portugal, my country, the collection is nowadays composed by close to two hundred items, divided between republican and Empire silver, and third and fourth century bronzes. EBay continues to be the main source of growth for the collection. Even though it is risky business, facing the ever-growing number of fakes offered, the prices and a trained eye have helped keeping the site a reliable source of growth, despite some few disillusions on the way.

Republican coinage

The history of the roman republic, which extends from the legendary downfall of the etruscan kings in 509bc, marking the roman independence, to the advent of the first emperor of Rome, Augustus, in 36ad, is one of continuous war and expansion of the power of Rome. Expansion demanded, at first, by defensive needs towards neighbouring agressive tribes, but which would, centuries later, turn into efective "imperial will". Internally, it is an era of social unrest, with the attempt of the Senate to reafirm its power, and the political and social struggle between patricians nobles - and plebeians. The advent of the Republic transfered the political and military control to the hands of the highest noble families of Rome. The main political actors, consules and pro-consules (religious, military, legislative and judiciary command), the quaestores and praetores (financial and military powers) and the censores (tax officials), all were chosen amongst patrician ranks. The whole Senate, maximum symbol of the power of Rome, was exclusive to patricians. For three long centuries, plebeians fought hardly for social and political equality, and civil war was prevented by sucessive reforms which entitled them, in the end, with access to all higher administrative posts. The swift expansion of the area of roman influence dictated the dominion of the entire italian peninsula by 265bc, and, after the final defeat of its main rival Carthago, the control of the whole mediterranean sea ("Mare Nostrum") which gave way to the era of "imperial conquest".

Evolution of roman coinage during the republican period From primitive exchange instruments, such as aes rude - non-carved bronze pieces - and aes signatum - carved bronze pieces - roman coinage evolved to heavy bronze coins, of different weights and values, known as aes grave, which appeared around 289bc. Expansion to the south of Italy led to the introduction, in the roman monetary system, of silver greek coins, circulated through hellenic colonial posts in the region. By 289bc, the first roman silver coins made their appearance, although only meant to be used in southern areas.

The first punic war (264bc-241bc) had its monetary cost, forcing the introduction of lighter and devalued (in its silver content) silver coins. On the other hand, Rome reaffirmed its patriotism in times of war by casting its name, for the first time, on its coins. From 235bc on, the appearance of the inscription ROMA on the obverse, or reverse, of republic coinage would become a constant. Other patriotic symbols were subsequently introduced, such as personified Roma, glorified roman victoria on biga or quadriga, and, so strong was their appeal, they would endure far behond the republican era. Around the second century BC, different marks and symbols, monograms and abbreviations of magistrates and high figures of Rome were also introduced in the coinage and, around 150bc, entire names, thus transforming the coin into an instrument of personal propaganda, practice that would be taken to its peak during the imperial era, and would remain untill to the fall of Rome, five centuries later.

Anonymous Issue, AR Victoriatus, 211-207 BC, Rome. Laureate head of Jupiter right/ Victory on left, standing right, crowning trophy with laurel-wreath, conch shell in right field. ROMA in exergue.

Anonymous Issue, AR Victoriatus, 211-207 BC, Rome. Laureate head of Jupiter right/ Victory on left, standing right, crowning trophy with laurel-wreath, conch shell in right field. ROMA in exergue.

Anonymous Issue, AR Denarius, After 211 BC, Rome. Head of Roma right, wearing winged helmet, X in left field. The Dioscuri galloping right, spears pointed forward. ROMA in relief in box below.

Atilius Saranus AR Denarius. 155 BC. Head of Roma right, X behind / Victory in biga right, SAR below horses, ROMA in exergue.

Afrania, AR denarius. 154-141 BC. Head of Roma right, X behind / Victory in biga right, SAFRA below horses, ROMA in exergue.

C Renius AR Denarius. c138 BC, Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Juno Capriotina in biga of goats right, C RENI below goats, ROMA in ex.

Cn Gellius. 138 BC. AR Denarius. Helmeted head of Roma right, XV behind; all within laurel wreath / Mars and Nerio in quadriga right, CN GEL / ROMA below.

M. Aburius M.f. Geminus, AR Denarius, 132 BC, Rome. GEM. Head of Roma right, wearing winged helmet, * below chin/ M . ABVRI (partially ligate). Sol in fast quadriga right. ROMA in exergue.

P Maenius Antiaticus M f Denarius. 132 BC. Helmeted head of Roma right, X behind / Victory in quadriga right, P MAE ANT (ligate) below, ROMA in ex. Prov: Ebay, May 2006

M. Vargunteius, AR Denarius, 130 BC, Rome. M . VARG (ligate). Winged-helmeted head of Roma right, * below chin/ Jupiter in slow quadriga right, branch in right hand, thunderbolt and reigns in left. ROMA in exergue.

C. Porcius Cato, AR Denarius, 123 BC, Rome. Winged-helmeted head of Roma right, X behind. C . CATO. Victory in biga right, holding wreath. ROMA in exergue.

M Sergius Silus Denarius. 116 BC. EX S C ROMA *, head of Roma right / horseman galloping left with sword & severed head held aloft, Q below horses leg, M SERGI below, SILVS in ex

M Furius Lf Philus Denarius. 119 BC. Laureate head of Janus; M•FOVRI•L•F around / Roma standing left erecting trophy, gallic arms around, ROMA to right, PHLI in ex.

Man. Aemilius Lepidus, AR Denarius, 114-113 BC, Rome. ROMA (MA ligate). Laureate, diademed, slightly draped bust of Roma right, * behind. MN (ligate). AEMILIO. Equestrian statue on triumphal arch. L_E_P between arches.

L. Thorius Balbus, AR Denarius, 105 BC, Rome.I . S . M . R downward behind, Head of Juno Sospita right, wearing goat skin, border of dots/L . THORIVS above exergue. Bull charging right, P in upper left field, border of dots. BALBVS in exergue. Prov: Ebay, May 2006

C Coelius Caldus Denarius. 104 BC. Helmeted head of Roma left / Victory in biga left; CALD below horses, E• in ex.

Thermus M.f., AR Denarius, 103 BC, Rome, Helmeted head of Mars left/ Two warriors fighting with swords and shields, warrior on left protects fallen comrade, warrior on right wears horned helmet, Q . THERM (ligate) . M F (ligate) in exergue.

Servilius M.f. Rullus, AR Denarius, c.100 BC, Rome. RVLLI, Bust of Minerva left wearing Corinthian helmet and aegis. Victory in biga right, holding reigns and vertical Palm, P in right field, P.SERVILI . M . F in exergue

Egnatuleia. Quinarius of the Republic. 97 BC. Laureate head of Apollo / Victory inscribing shield on trophy.

Anonymous Issue, AR Denarius, 86 BC, Rome, Head of Apollo right, wreathed with oak, thunderbolt under neck truncation, Jupiter in quadriga right, hurling thunderbolt.

C Licinius Lf Macer Denarius. 84 BC. Diademed bust of Vejovis left, seen from behind, hurling thunderbolt / Minerva in quadriga right with javelin & shield; C LICINIVS L F MACER in two lines in ex.

L Scribonius Libo Denarius. 62 BC. BON EVENT LIBO, head of Bonus Eventus right, with broad diadem / PVTEAL SCRIBON Well-head ornamented with two lyres, tongs and festoons. Prov.: Ebay.de (cobeastronomie), Nov. 2012

L Scribonius Libo Denarius. 62 BC. BON EVENT LIBO, head of Bonus Eventus right, with broad diadem / PVTEAL SCRIBON Well-head ornamented with two lyres, tongs and festoons. Prov.: Ebay.es (makuko2), Nov. 2012

L. Calpurnius Piso L.f. L.n. Frugi, AR Denarius, 61 BC, Rome. Laureate head of Apollo right, XXVIIII stirrup behind/ L . PISO . FRVGI, Horseman galloping right, holding palm branch, ROMA monogram in exergue below exergual line.

Roman Empire In the half century that separated the murder of Julius Caesar, in the ides of March of 44bc, and the death of Augustus, first emperor of Rome, in the year 14ad, the political and social structures of the old and decadent Res Publica would suffer profound transformations in favour of a new system, a de facto monarquic new structure of power. The importance of the Senate was gradually diminished by the growing power of the imperator and, although Augustus tried to contain the question by declaring himself in the Senate as primus inter pares, first among equals, his sucessors would discart such courtesy towards the basic institution of the Republic. Even though the power of electing emperors remained a senatorial competence, the imperial figure would quickly assume all titles and functions of command within the empire, and the successions would be dictated not by appointment of the Senate but, in fact, by the previous emperors´ choice. The Julio-Claudian, Flavian and Antonin dynasties gave Rome its most famous emperors, who gradually expanded the borders of the empire throughout Europe, Asia and North Africa. They were, most of them, deified and ruled over a vast, prosperous and relatively peaceful dominion with wide popular consensus, untill the the end of the second century a.d. Right: Bust of emperor Antoninus Pius (138161ad), considered one of the “good emperors”

The contrast came in the caotic following century, when the power was taken by military leaders, erected by the legions, overthrowing the previous emperors usually by force and treason. However, the end of the third century a.d. would reserve some hope for the empire, with the reforms implemented by emperor Diocletianus and the cohesion secured by Constantinus the Great delaying for a century the inevitable fall of the empire. Through the imposition of a new and unique official religion, Christianism, Constantinus defined the social, religious and policital order that would prevail in the West for the following ten centuries. On the other hand, he founded a second imperial capital in the East, Constantinople, to which he moved the court, allowing the survival of the roman legacy, in the East, through the byzantin empire, up to the XV century. But the western roman empire would not last long after Constantinus death and, saqued and burned by the barbarians in 410, Rome would succumb definitely in the year 476, with the fall of the last western emperor, Romulus Augustulus.

Emperor Constantinus as portrayed in one of his coins from the Jo達o de Deus collection

- The Julio-Claudians Augustus 12BC – 14 AD

Augustus Denarius. 2BC - 4AD Lugdunum mint. CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F PATER PATRIAE. laureate head right / AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, C L CAESARES below, Gaius & Lucius standing front, each with a hand resting on a round shield, a spear, & in field above, a lituus right & simpulum left (in "Pd" formation), X between.

- The Flavian Dynasty -

Vespasianus 69-79AD

AR Denarius. 70 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG / COS ITER TR POT, Mars, naked save for cloak, advancing right, holding spear and aquila.

AR Denarius. Rome mint, 74 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIAN AVG Laureate head right / PONT MAX TR P COS V, emperor seated right holding scepter & branch.

AR Denarius. 76 AD. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate head right / COS VII, eagle standing on an altar, head left.

Domitianus 81-96AD

As Caesar, AR Denarius. 77-78 AD. CAESAR AVG F DOMITIANVS, laureate head right / COS V, man with hand raised out behind him on horse prancing right. 3,1g, 17-18mm. Prov.: Ebay.es (argram3), June 2012.

AR Denarius. 88 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P VIII, laureate head right / IMP XIX COS XIIII CENS P P P, Minerva standing right on capital of rostral column, holding spear and shield, owl at feet.

AR Denarius. 93-94 AD. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM P M TR P XV, laureate head right / IMP XXII COS XVII CENS P P P, Minerva standing left holding spear.

Nerva 96-98 AD

AR Denarius 96 AD. IMP NERVA CAES AVG P M TR P COS II P P, laureate head right / AEQVITAS AVGVST, Aequitas standing left, holding scales and cornucopiae. 3,46g, 18mm. Prov.: Ebay.de (numismatiklanz), April 2012

Trajanus 98-117 AD

AR Denarius. 100 AD. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P COS III P P, Victory seated left holding patera & palm.

AR Denarius 101 AD. IMP CAES NERVA TRAIAN AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P COS IIII P P, Hercules, nude, standing facing on pedestal with club, apple, and lion skin.

AR Denarius. 103-111 AD. IMP TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P, laureate draped bust right / SPQR OPTIMO PRINCIPI, Felicitas standing left holding caduceus & cornucopia, altar at foot.. Prov.: Ebay.de (numismatiklanz), Jan.2012

AR Denarius 116-117AD. IMP CAES NER TRAIAN OPTIMO AUG GER DAC , laureate head right/ PMTRP COS VI PP SPQR, virtus holding speer and parazonium. Prov.: Ebay.de (numismatiklanz), Jan.2012.

AR Denarius 114-117AD. IMP CAES NER TRAIAN OPTIM AVG GERM DAC, laureate draped bust right / PARTHICO P M TR P COS VI P P S P Q R PRO-VID, Providentia standing left with scepter, resting on column, pointing at globe at feet. Prov.: Ebay.fr (passiondetect), Jun. 2012

Hadrianus 117-138 AD

AR Denarius. 119-122 AD. IMP CAESAR TRAIAN HADRIANVS AVG, laureate head right, draped left shoulder / P M TR P COS III, Aeternitas standing front, head left, holding the heads of the sun and moon.

AR Denarius. HADRIANVS AVG COS III P P, laureate head right / FELICITAS AVG, Felicitas standing left with caduceus and branch. Prov.: Numismatic shop, Sevilla, Jan. 2003

Antoninus Pius 138-161 AD

AR Denarius 145-161 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P, laureate head right / COS IIII, Clasped hands holding grain ears & caduceus.

AR Denarius 148–149 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS P P TR P XII, laureate head right / COS IIII, Salus standing facing, head left, holding patera & rudder on globe, feeding a serpent entwined around altar.

AR Denarius 159-160 AD. ANTONINVS AVG PIVS PP TR P XXIII, laureate head right / PACI AVG COS IIII, Aequitas standing left holding scales and cornucopia.

AR Denarius 161 AD. DIVVS ANTONINVS, bare head right / CONSECRATIO, Eagle standing right, head left. 3,09g, 1719mm. Prov.: Ebay.de (numismatiklanz), Feb.2012

Marcus Aurelius 161-180 AD

AR Denarius, 162-3 AD. IMP M ANTONINVS AVG, bare head right / CONCORD AVG TR P XVII COS III, Concordia seated left holding patera, resting arm on statue of Spes, cornucopiae under seat. Prov.: Ebay.de (numismatiklanz), Nov. 2012

AR Denarius 163-164 AD. ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS Laureate head right. / P M TR P XVIIII IMP III COS III Mars standing, head right, holding spear and shield.

AR Denarius 164-165 AD. ANTONINVS AVG ARMENIACVS, laureate head right / TR P XIX IMP II COS III, Annona standing left, pouring contents of cornucopia into modius. Prov: Ebay, May 2006

AR Denarius 171-172 AD. M ANTONINVS AVG TR P XXVI, laureate head right / IMP VI COS III, Mars, helmeted, standing right holding spear, left hand on shield. Prov: Ebay, May 2006

AR Denarius. 177-178 AD. M AVREL ANTONINVS AVG, laureate head right / TR P XXXII IMP VIIII COS III P P, Mars standing right, holding reversed spear & leaning right hand on shield.

AR Denarius 161-176 AD. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / IVNO, Juno standing front, head left, holding scepter, feeding peacock at feet out of patera.

Lucius Verus 161-166AD

AR Denarius. 161-162 AD. IMP L VERVS AVG, bare head right / PROV DEOR TR P II COS II, Providentia standing left holding globe & cornucopiae. Prov.: Ebay.de (numismatiklanz), Oct. 2012

- Severan Dynasty Septimius Severus 193-211 AD

AR Denarius. 204 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / INDVLGENTIA AVGG, IN CARTH in ex, Dea Caelestis in elaborate headdress riding right on lion, holding thunderbolt & scepter; below, water gushing from rocks left.

AR Denarius. 205 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII COS III P P, Jupiter standing left holding thunderbolt & scepter, eagle at foot left.

AR Denarius. 201-210 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / RESTITVTOR VRBIS, Roma seated left holding palladium & spear, round sheild below.

AR Denarius. 199 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / VICTORIAE AVGG FEL, Victory flying left, holding wreath with both hands over shield set on rock to left. Prov.: Ebay.fr (8000bernard), Nov.2012

AR Denarius. 205 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XIII COS III P P, Roma standing left holding Victory & spear. Prov.: Ebay.fr (8000bernard), Nov.2012

AR Denarius. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XV COS III P P, Victory, standing right, foot on globe, inscribing shield set on palm tree. Prov.: Ebay.fr (8000bernard), Nov.2012

207 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / VOTA SVSCEPTA XX, emperor standing sacrificing from patera over altar left. Prov.: Ebay.fr (8000bernard), Nov.2012

AR Denarius, 196-197 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VIII, laureate head right / P M TR P V COS II PP, Pax seated left, holding branch and scepter. Prov.: Ebay.fr (8000bernard), Nov.2012

AR Denarius, 198-200 AD. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / COS II P P, Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm. Prov.: Ebay.fr (8000bernard), Nov.2012

AR Denarius. 196-197 AD. L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP VIII, laureate head right / HERCVLI DEFENS, Hercules standing right, holding club on ground in right hand, bow in left.

L SEPT SEV PERT AVG IMP IIII, laureate head right / P M TR P III COS II P P, Mars advancing right with trophy over shoulder. Prov.: Ebay.de (gregor23121958), Nov.2012

Denarius. 209 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII COS III P P, Jupiter standing left, holding thunderbolt & scepter, two children (Geta & Caracalla) either side.

AR Denarius, 198-202 AD. Laodicea mint. L SEPT SEV AVG IMP XI PART MAX, laureate head right / MONETA AVGG, Moneta seated left, holding scales and cornucopiae.

AR Denarius. 202 AD. SEVERVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / VICT PART MAX, Victory advancing left, holding wreath and palm.

Denarius 200-201 AD. SEVERVS AVG PART MAX, laureate bust right / FVNDATOR PACIS, Severus, veiled, standing left with branch and book. Prov.: Ebay.es (apoloniodetiro), June 2012

Denarius. SEVERVS AVG PART MAX, laureate head right / P M TR P VIII COS II P P, Victory flying left holding open wreath in both hands over round shield set on low base. Prov.: Ebay.com (Theodosoius54), Jun.2012

Julia Augusta

AR Denarius. IVLIA AVGVSTA, draped bust right / PVDICITIA, Pudicitia seated left, veiled & right hand on her breast; left arm at side. Prov.: Ebay.de (tax321), Mar. 2012

Geta 211 AD

AR Denarius. 199 AD. L SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES, draped bust right / SPES PVBLICA, Felicitas standing left, holding caduceus and cornucopiae.

AR Denarius. 202 AD. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, draped & cuirassed bust right / SECVRIT IMPERII, Securitas seated left, holding globe. 3,28g, 18mm. Prov.: Ebay.de (numismatiklanz), Dec.2011

AR Denarius, 200-202AD. P SEPT GETA CAES PONT, draped bust right/ PRINC IUVENTUTIS, Geta in military dress, standing left with baton and sceptre, trophy behind.

Caracalla 211-217 AD

AR Denarius 201 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / PART MAX PONT TR P IIII, two Persians bound & seated back to back at base of trophy.

AR Denarius 201 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / PART MAX PONT TR P IIII, two Persians bound & seated back to back at base of trophy.

AR Denarius, 203 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / VIRTVS AVGG, Virtus standing left, holding Victory & scepter. Prov.: Ebay.es (apoloniodetiro), June 2012.

AR Denarius. 207 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate head right / PONTIF TR P X COS II, Caracalla standing right, holding spear & parazonium, right foot on helmet.

AR Denarius. 214 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate head right / P M TR P XVII COS IIII P P, Apollo seated left, holding branch & leaning on lyre set on tripod.

Denarius. 213 AD. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG BRIT, laureate head right / P M TR P XVI COS IIII P P, Hercules standing left, holding branch, club & lion's skin. Prov.: Ebay.fr (nifou91), Sept. 2012.

Elagabalus 218-222 AD

AR Denarius. Rome mint. IMP ANTONINVS PIVS AVG, laureate, horned, draped bust right / INVICTVS SACERDOS AVG, Elagabalus standing left, holding patera sacrificing over altar and holding club upright, bull lying down behind altar.

Maximinus I 222-238 AD

Denarius, 235-238AD. IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG, laureate draped bust right / PROVIDENTIA AVG, Providence standing left holding cornucopiae & wand pointed at globe at foot.

Denarius. MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / FIDES MILITVM, Fides standing facing, head left, military standard in each hand.

Gordianus III 238-244 AD

AR Antoninianus. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate draped bust right / IOVI STATORI, Jupiter standing right with scepter & thunderbolt.

AR Antoninianus. Antioch Mint. IMP GORDIANVS PIVS FEL AVG, radiate and cuirassed bust rt / ORIENS AVG, Sol standing front, head lt., raising hand, holding globe.

AR Antoninianus. Jan - Mar 240 AD. IMP CAES M ANT GORDIANVS AVG, radiate, draped bust right / VIRTVS AVG, Virtus in crested helmet standing left with branch & spear, shield on ground before.

Phillipus I 244-249 AD

AR Antoninianus, IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate and draped bust right / P M TR P III COS P P, Felicitas, standing left with caduceus & cornucopiae.

AR Antoninianus. 244-247 AD. IMP M IVL PHILIPPVS AVG, radiate bust right / ADVENTVS AVGG, Philip on horseback left raising hand. Prov.: Ebay.es (romacoinsart5823), Nov.2012

Phillipus II Caesar

AR Antoninianus, 244-247AD. M IVL PHILPPVS CAES, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / PRINCIPI IVVENT, the prince standing left, holding globe & spear.

Trajanus Decius 249-251AD

AR Antoninianus. 249 AD. IMP C M Q TRAIANVS DECIVS AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVG, Victory advancing left with wreath and palm.

Claudius II Gothicus 268-270 AD

AE Antoninianus. Rome mint. IMP C CLAVDIUS AVG, Radiate, draped, and cuirassed bust right, seen from behind / VIRTVS AVG. Mars standing left, holding branch and spear, shield at feet.

AE or Billon Antoninianus. Rome mint. IMP C CLAVDIVS AVG, radiate, cuirassed bust right / AEQVITAS AVG, Aequitas standing left holding scales and cornucopiae.

Aurelianus 270-275 AD

AE (Silvered) Antoninianus 274-275 AD. IMP AVRELIANVS AVG, Radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right / ORIENS AVG, Sol advancing right, holding globe surmounted by crescent, brandishing spear and treading down enemy. B in left field, XXI in exergue.

AE Antoninianus. Ticinum mint, 274-275 AD. IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right / PROVIDEN DEOR, Fides standing right, holding two ensigns, facing Sol, radiate & holding a globe, PXXT to VXXT in ex.

AE Antoninianus. Rome mint. IMP C AVRELIANVS AVG, radiate bust right / CONCORDIA MILITVM, Aurelian and Concord facing each other, clasping hands, (P to VII)* in exergue. Prov.: Numismatic shop, Brussels, Nov. 2002

Probus 276-282 AD

Silvered AE Antoninianus, Siscia mint, 282 AD. IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right / RESTITVT ORBIS, Victory standing right presenting wreath to emperor standing left, holding spear; S between. Mintmark XXI.

Silvered AE Antoninianus, Siscia mint, 282 AD. IMP C M AVR PROBVS P F AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right / RESTITVT ORBIS, Victory standing right presenting wreath to emperor standing left, holding spear; E between. Mintmark XXI.

Diocletianus 284-305 AD

Trier, AE follis, IMP DIOCLETIANVS AVG, Laureate, cuirassed bust right. / GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI, Genius, turreted, standing left, holding patera in right hand, cornucopia in left arm, S-F across fields, PTR in ex.

Maximianus II 286-305/307-308/310AD

AE Antoninianus. Lyons mint, 289 AD. IMP C MAXIMIANVS P AVG, radiate cuirassed bust right / Pax standing left with Victory on globe & sceptre, S in ex. Prov.: Ebay.es (romancoinsart5823), Oct. 2012.

AE Follis. 303-305 AD. Trier. IMP MAXIMIANVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right / GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI, Genius standing left, towered, naked except for chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera and cornucopiae. SF across fields. Mintmark PTR in ex.

AE Follis. 303-305 AD. Trier. IMP MAXIMIANVS PF AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust right / GENIO POPV-LI ROMANI, Genius standing left, towered, naked except for chlamys over left shoulder, holding patera and cornucopiae. Mintmark HTR in ex.

AE Post-Reform Radiate Fraction. 296-297 AD. IMP C M A MAXIMIANVS P F AVG, radiate, draped & cuirassed bust right / CONCORDIA MILITVM, emperor standing right in military dress, short sceptre in left hand, receiving Victory on globe from Jupiter standing left, holding sceptre;  between, ALE in ex. Prov.: Numismatic shop in Sevilla, Jan. 2003.

Licinius 308-324 AD

AE Follis. 317-320 AD. IMP LICINIVS AVG, laureate draped bust left holding mappa, orb & sceptre / IOVI CONSERVATORI AVGG, Jupiter standing left with Victory on a globe & sceptre, wreath left, H right, SMK in ex.

AE Follis, Siscia mint. 315-316 AD. IMP LIC LICINIVS P F AVG, laureate head right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing left, chamlys across left shoulder, holding Victory on globe & leaning on sceptre, eagle with wreath in its beak at foot left,  to right, •SIS• in ex.

AE Follis, Siscia mint. 315-316 AD. IMP LIC LICINIVS P F AVG, laureate head right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing left, chamlys across left shoulder, holding Victory on globe & leaning on sceptre, eagle with wreath in its beak at foot left, Delta to right, SIS in ex.

AE Follis. 321-324 AD. IMP C VAL LICIN LICINIVS PF AVG, radiate draped & cuirassed bust right / IOVI CONSERVATORI, Jupiter standing left holding victory, eagle left, captive right, X/II Mu to right, SMNB in ex.

AE Follis. 310-313 AD. IMP LICINIVS P F AVG, laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right / GENIO POP ROM T-F, Genius, tower on head, standing left, loins draped, holding patera & cornucopiae. PTR in ex.

Maxentius 306-312 AD

307-312AD. IMP C MAXENTIUS PF AUG, laureate bust right/ AETERNITAS AUG N, Castor and pollux standing next to their horses and holding spears. M OST P, Ostia mint. 6,58g, 23mm. Prov.: Ebay.de (dionysos), Jan. 2012

307-312AD. IMP C MAXENTIUS PF AUG, laureate bust right/ CONSERV URB SUAE, Rome sitting center six columns temple. RP Rome mint. 7,76g, 24mm. Prov.: Ebay.de (dionysos), Jan. 2012

Constantinus I 309-337 AD (306-309 AD caesar) Gloria Exercitus

AE3. AD 334-335. Siscia mint. CONSTANTI-NVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right / GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers standing front, heads turned inward, two standards between them, each with spear & shield, dot ASIS dot in ex. Prov.: Ebay.de (first-numismatic-gmbh), April 2012

AE3. 336-337 AD. Nicomedia mint. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right / GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers standing facing each other, each holding speari & shield, one standard between them, SMNď „ in ex. Prov.: Ebay.de (first-numismatic-gmbh), April 2012

AE3, 335 AD. Antiochia mint. CONSTANTINVS MAX AVG, rosette-diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right / GLORIA EXERCITVS, Two helmeted soldiers standing facing one another, with spears and shields & standards between, SMANA in ex. Prov.: Numismatic shop, Brussels, 20

Providentiae Aug (“campgate”)

AE follis, Thessalonica mint. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head right / PROVIDENT-TIAE AVGG, Campgate on base, 6 layers, dots in arches in top layer, two turrets, star above, dot in right field. Mintmark SMTSA. Prov.: Ebay.

AE follis, Thessalonica mint. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head right / PROVIDENT-TIAE AVGG, Campgate on base, 6 layers, dots in arches in top layer, two turrets, star above, dot in right field. Mintmark SMTSA. Prov.: Ebay.

AE follis, Thessalonica mint. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head right / PROVIDENT-TIAE AVGG, Campgate on base, 6 layers, dots in arches in top layer, two turrets, star above, dot in right field. Mintmark SMTSA. Prov.: Ebay.

AE3. 325-326 AD, Kysikus mint. CONSTAN-TINVS AVG, laureate head right / PROVIDEN-TIAE AVGG, campgate with two turrets & star above. SMK∆ dot in ex. Prov.: Ebay.es (odoacer2011), Dez.2012

AE3. 326-328 AD, Thessalonica mint.. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right / PROVIDENTIAE AVGG, campgate with eight rows, two turrets, no doors, star above, top row arches and dots in blocks, bottom row empty blocks, ramp at base, pellet in right field, SMTSE in ex. Prov.: Numismatic shop, Brussels, Oct. 2002


AE3. 324 AD. Heraclea mint. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around VOT XX star in wreath, SMHB in ex.

AE3. 324 AD. Heraclea mint. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around VOT XX star in wreath, SMHB in ex.

AE3. Ticinum mint, 320-321 AD.. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT XX in wreath, PT in ex.

AE3. Ticinum mint, 320-321 AD. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT XX in wreath, ST in ex. Prov : Ebay.es (casabiel), Junho 2012

AE3. 320-321 AD. Siscia mint. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right / DN CONSTANTINI MAX AVG, VOT XX in wreath, BSIS star in ex.. Prov.: Ebay.de (odoacer2011), Jun. 2012

AE3. Arles mint, 321 AD. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right / D N CONSTANTINI MAX AVG around wreath containing VOT XX, PA in ex.

Sol Invicto

AE Follis. 315-316 AD. Londinium mint. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right / SOLI INVICTO COMITI S-F, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe, right hand raised, MLN in ex. Prov.: Ebay.es (sedemo), Jan.2012

AE Follis.. Trier mint. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate cuirassed bust right / SOLI INVICTO COMITI S-F, Sol standing left, chlamys across left shoulder, holding globe, right hand raised, BTR in ex. Prov.: Ebay.

Sarmatia Devicta

AE3. Trier mint, 323-324 AD. CONSTANTINVS AVG, laureate head right / SARMATIA DEVICTA, Victory advancing right, holding trophy & palm branch, spurning captive on ground to right, STR-crescent in ex.

Beata Tranquillitas

AE Follis. Lugdunum mint, 323 AD. CONSTA-NTINVS AVG, helmeted, cuirassed bust right / BEATA TRANQVILLITAS C R, globe on altar inscribed VO-TIS - XX in three lines, three stars above. P-A across fields. Mintmark PLG.

AE follis, Siscia mint. IMP CONSTANTINVS PF AVG, helmeted, laureate and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIAE LAETAE PRINC PERP, two Victories holding shield inscribed VOT PR over altar. Oficina letter and SIS in ex.


AE3, 337-341 AD. DV CONSTANTI-NVS PT AVGG, veiled head right / No legend, emperor veiled to right in quadriga, the hand of God reaches down to him, star in top centre. Mintmark: SMANH.


VRBS ROMA follis, 330-333 AD. Siscia mint. Helmeted, cuirassed bust left / she-wolf left, suckling Romulus and Remus, two stars above, GSIS in ex.

VRBS ROMA follis, 332-333 AD. Lugdunum mint. visored, crested helmeted bust of Roma left in imperial cloak / shewolf suckling Romulus & Remus, two stars above, star PLG in ex.

Constantinopolis Commemorative AE4. CONSTANTINOPOLI, bust of Constantinopolis left in pearl-diademed helmet, imperial mantle & holding reversed spear / Victory standing left, foot on the prow of a ship, holding sceptre & resting left hand on shield, dot SMK epsilon in ex. Prov.: Numismatic shop, Brussels, 2001

Constantinopolis Commemorative AE3/4. CONSTANTINOPOLI, laureate and helmeted bust of Constantinopolis left, sceptre over shoulder / Victory standing left, foot on the prow of a ship, holding sceptre & leaning on shield, SMKA in ex.

Crispus 317-326 AD (Caesar)

AE3 Follis. Trier mint. VOT X within wreath, around which CAESARVM NOSTRORVM, mintmark PTR.

Constantinus II 337-340 AD Caesar 317-337 AD

AE3. 330-335 AD, CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate cuirassed bust right / GLORIA EXERCITVS, two soldiers on either side of two standards, SMANS in ex.

AE3. 335-337 AD. CONSTANTINVS IVN NOB C, laureate, cuirassed bust right / GLOR-IA EXERC-ITVS, two soldiers holding spears and shields with one standard between them. Mintmark: SMANS.

Constans 337-350 AD

AE. Arles mint. 346-348 AD. CONSTANS-PF AVG, laurel and rosette-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / GLORIA EXER-CITVS, two soldiers holding spears and shields with one standard between them, G on banner. SARL in ex..

AE15, Cyzicus. DN CONSTA-NS PF AVG, pearl-diademed head right / VOT XX MVLT XXX within wreath. Mintmark: star SMKZ. Prov.: Numismatic shop, Sevilla, Jan.2003

Constantius II 347-355 AD Caesar 337-347 AD

AE4. Siscia mint. CONSTANTIVS P F AVG, rosette-diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right / VICTORIAE DD AVGGQ NN, two Victories facing each other, each holding wreath & palm branch; between them: a palm branch upright, Epsilon SIS in ex.

348-350 AD. Antioch mint. D N CONSTAN-TIVS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Phoenix nimbate and radiate, standing right on globe, star to right. Prov: Numismatic shop, Brussels, Jan.2001

AE3. Arles mint. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMPREPARATIO, soldier standing left, spearing fallen horseman who is wearing a Phrygian helmet, reaching backwards. P.CON in ex.

AE follis. 328-329 AD. Siscia. FL IVL CONSTANTIVS NOB C, laureate, draped, cuirassed bust left / PROVIDENTIAE CAESS, campgate, 7 layers with dots in top and in bottom layers, 2 turrets, no doors. Mintmark Delta SIS double crescent. Prov:ebay.com (ancientbargaincoins), Julho 2012

AE3. Rome mint. DN CONSTAN-TIVS PF AVG, pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / FEL TEMPREPARATIO, soldier standing left, spearing fallen horseman who is wearing a Phrygian helmet, reaching backwards. Mintmark: R dot M dot Q (?). Prov.: Numismatic shop, Sevilla, Nov.2002

Julianus II “Apostate” Caesar 355-360 AD Augustus 360-363 AD

AE3. 361-363 AD. D N FL CL IVLIANVS P F AVG, helmeted, pearl-diademed, & cuirassed bust left, holding spear & shield / VOT X MVLT XX, four lines in laurel-wreath, palm branch-TES[officina letter]-palm branch.

Valentinianus 364-375AD

AE3, 364-367 AD. D N VALENTINI-ANVS P F AVG, diademed draped & cuirassed bust right / SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE, Victory advancing left, holding wreath & palm, no fieldmarks. Mintmark dot SISC in ex. Prov.: Numismatic shop, Sevilla, Jan.2003

AE3, 364-367 AD. D N VALENTINI-ANVS P F AVG, diademed draped & cuirassed bust right / SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE, Victory advancing left, holding wreath & palm, no fieldmarks. Mintmark dot SISC in ex.

Valens 364-378 AD Eastern Roman Empire

AE3, 364-367 AD, Siscia. DN VALEN-S PF AVG, pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / GLORIA ROMANORVM, emperor advancing right, holding labarum and dragging captive behind him. Mintmark: palm branch BSISC.

AE3. 375-378 AD. Rome mint (?). DN VALENS PF AVG, diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right / SECVRITAS REIPVBLICAE, Victory advancing left holding wreath & palm, SMRP (?) in ex. Prov.: Numismatic shop, Sevilla, Jan.2002

Gratianus 367-383 AD

AE2. AD 379-383. D N GRATIA-NVS P F AVG, pearl diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right / REPARATIO REIPVB, Gratian standing front, head left, raising kneeling female on left, and holding Victory on a globe. ASISC dot in ex.

AE 4. Arles mint (barbarian imitation?). D N GRATIANVS P F AVG, pearl diademed, draped & cuiriassed bust right / VOT XV MVLT XX in laurel wreath, PCON in ex.

Theodosius 379-395 AD

Honorius 395-423 AD

Arcadius 395-408 AD Eastern Empire

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