Landscape Architecture Portfolio | João Fernandes Rocha

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Discovering other gardens,

I found mine.

Jo達o Fernandes Rocha


About Roots


The New European Cemeteries


Park Arts of Covilh達


Mediterranean Garden


San Donato Park


Campo das Cebolas & Doca da Marinha


Japanese Garden






ABOUT Landscape architecture is one of my passions as well as photography. I’m always curious about the mix between built and nature surrounding us and looking for ways to improve the human habitat. Spending a semester in Italy enabled me to deal with different cultures and perspectives of working, as well as growing the taste for travelling. I am currently focusing on building an international career where I can learn and practise as much as i can as a young Landscape Architect.

PERSONAL Name: JoĂŁo Fernandes Rocha Date of Birth: 25 July 1988 Nationality: Portuguese Country: Portugal ID: 13433545

CONTACT Address: Baker Street 30 Basement Flat w1u 6qb, London, UK

Phone Number: +351962653150 Email: Skype: jtsfr_ Linkedin: ISSUE:


Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture (recognized by EFLA), 15/20, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon |


ERASMUS exchange programme at Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy, One Semester |


Bachelor’s Degree in Landscape Architecture (recognized by EFLA), 14/20, Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Lisbon |


Landscape Architecture Trainee at Perene S.A., Lisbon |

- Characterization of the green spaces of public use in Oeiras, Porto Salvo, Lumiar, Telheiras, Parque das Nações - Lisbon Metropolitan Area; - Identification and characterization of plant species in the urban context; - Preparation of proposals and draft redevelopmen 2014-15

Participant in the Entrepreneurship Intergenerational UAW Program - United at Work at Banco de Inovação Social, Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa ‘Roots Project - A new way of remembering the dead through a Garden’ | Social experimentation project sponsored by the SCMLisboa, under the Experimentation and Social Innovation BIS Program - Bank for Social Innovation, and co-financed by the European Union Programme Employment and Social Solidarity PROGRESS (2007-2013) |


The New European Cemeteries: Contemporary Settings and the Future of the Cemeterial Concept | Master Thesis; 18|20 values

SKILLS Portuguese English Italian Spanish

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Microsoft Office lllll llll AutoCAD Adobe Photoshop llll llll Adobe Indesign llll Adobe Illustrator lll SketchUp Pro lll ArcGIS ll

Concept Skills Visual skills TeamWork Sketching Photography Organizing & Responsability

llll llll lllll llll lllll lllll


ROOTS Project type: public space Type: Professional work Location: -, Portugal Year: 2014-15 Area: 3 Ha

Roots project is an innovative proposal which affords people the opportunity of enjoying a green landscaped space, with organic, ecological and sustainable purpose, that guarantees the existence of a location where people can deposit cremation ashes associated to a chosen tree and with a preservation of a good memory. This project attends an existing reality in Portuguese society: an increasing trend continues for the cremation option, a lack of options to lay cremation ashes without a religious association, and an overcrowding of cemeterial venues in

cities and lack of space for expansion or new construction. After an intensive research and inquires to the target population, the need of looking for a solution became necessary to find ecological, sustainable and natural solutions in comfort environments to the destination of cremation ashes, and create alternatives to existing cemeterial concept.

This green area intends to be not only a memorial place but a site where people can go to be in contact with their relatives, with the nature, with is own memories. Intends to be a place to celebrate life and joy. Everything in life has a cycle - birth, growth, death - and we need to understand that we are part of the Nature. That’s the idea to become a tree after life. The association of the ashes to a tree, chosen by the person, allows to create a connection to the site and at the same time a belief that the person was ‘reborn’ again on that tree, metaphorically speaking. Life after life. Green areas instead of cemeteries brings benefits in terms of urban, environmental, social and cultural. The main goal is helping to demystify death and promote a life quality on the society.


Area + Tree


Individual Collective

Individual Family Collective

3 ha 85% of the area +-3600 Trees


The New European Cemeteries Contemporary Settings and the Future of the Cemeterial Concept

This study wills to provide a comprehensive vision of the current European cemeterial models and its processing through the diverse constructive improvements, its origins and influences. In this context, a range of cemeteries were selected and evaluated leading to their grouping in six categories, revealing the different situations they currently face. Although they don’t fit as implementation models, they still provide common representative molds and prove there have been alterations in the

way cemeterial models from the past are absorbed. They clarify issues and management means related to future situations, even though they still take on a new approach to architecture attending to the space represented by the cemeterial inclosure. Keywords: Northern model, Mediterranean model, contemporary cemeteries, Future of the cemeterial concept.

“…It was when people began to make the passage and place of death that they discovered their humanity.” Worpole, K.

Cemeterial Typologies since XIX century - Diagram

6 Groups

24 Cemeteries

11 European Countries Spain, Netherlands, Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Slovenia, Switzerland, Portugal , UK.

Finisterra, Group III C. Portela 2000, Spain

Group I

De Nieuwe Ooster, Netherlands San Cataldo, Italy Faro, Portugal Riem, Germany Neubiberg, Germany

Noorderbegraafplaast, Netherlands

Group II

Langedijk, Netherlands Diestseveld, Belgium Meerterpen, Netherlands Carnide, Portugal

Group III

Ortona, Italy

San Michele, Italy Finisterra, Spain Machico, Portugal S.Roque do Pico, Portugal

Group IV

Srebrnice, Slovenia Berestein, Netherlands Duinhof, Netherlands Woodland, Sweden

Groups Representation of a cemetery from each group.

Group V

Horni, Switzerland

Laroque des Albères, France Monchique, Portugal Igualada, Spain

Conclusion Comparative analysis between groups.

Group VI

Colney Woodland Burial Park, UK

The way new cemeteries develop finds common characteristics between the Northern and the Mediterranean style, inclusively in relation to the future of these models as both support the European cemeteries structural mold. More info:


PARK ARTS OF COVILHÃ Project type: public space Type: Academic work Location: Covilhã, Portugal Year: 2011 Area: 1,75 Ha

The municipality has allocated to that area an extension of the Arts Center of the city. As such, all the surrounding buildings were constructed with the front side facing the area. As the plans failed, the site became empty. So it was mandatory a presence of a Park, merging People and Art. With a height difference of 15 meters between the highest and low points, the challenge for a project of that size was huge. A slight modeling on steep slopes, allowed to create five levels facing SW. Were created lawned areas, a promenade, passive recreation

areas, a gallery/coffee shop/ restaurant, an outdoor gallery and a playground designed for the site. Were also created sculptural structures in Corten steel representing the local heritage of the region and its association to the Serra da Estrela and the Wool production. The park aims to be a place of recreation, culture and integration into the landscape, enhancing the existing and taking part of the view over Fund達o valley.

Master Plan

A-A’ 1:500

B-B’ 1:500

C-C’ 1:500

Sections The difference between the highest and the lowest point is 15metres.



Views Meadow grass and lawn cover almost all of the modeling area. Most of the trees and shrubs used are natural from the region and are disposed in ways allowing bright and shady areas.

Q.suber, Q. Pyrenaica, Prunus spp., Tilia cordata, Fraxinus, Ceratonia, Taxus baccata, Alnus glutinosa, Juniperus sp., et al.

Construction Details


All t spec

ayground Details

the playground equipment is designed cifically for the site.

Slide Climber Playset


Structures Details Corten steel sheets Dimensions: 1x2x0.012m Weight: 192 kg/un Silhouette according to local heritage patterns.


MEDITERRANEAN GARDEN Project type: semi-public space Type: Academic work Location: Lisbon, Portugal Year: 2012 Area: +-3000m2

With a simplicity and gentle mixing of colors, textures, aromas, sound and light, hallmarks of Mediterranean gardens, it is intended making this area a warm and relaxing place, being not only a place of passage, but a place to stay, enjoyment and contemplation of nature. With a site facing South and overlooking the river and vineyard in front, we took advantage on the natural terrain disposal and modeling, and created four lawn terraces that communicate with each other, In the walls that sustain the terraces are embedded water tanks ,randomly arranged, giving

a surprise and unexpected factor. It has also created a more direct way with an organic line that allows a faster passage through space. The materials chosen varies on a palette of colors between white, pastel shades and gray, to absorb less heat. For vegetation was chosen mediterranic plants: Olea europaea, Cupressus sempervirens, Elaeagnus angustifolia for trees; Lavandula sp., Juniperus horizontalis for shrubs; aquatic plants as Juncus sp. Cyperus sp or Nymphaea sp. for tanks.

Master Plan

Site Location The Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), School of Agriculture, located in the heart of Lisbon, Tapada da Ajuda – an Environmental and Botanical Park with about 100 ha.

Site Modeling Four terraces defines the site modeling.

Sections Parking areas composed with permeable lawn grids.

Details Wall tanks, stairs, pavements.


SAN DONATO PARK Project type: Public Space, Draft Redevelopment Type: Academic work Location: Firenze, Italy Year: 2011 Area: -

The existing park it’s the prove of an incorrect architectural and strategy decisions made in an old industrial area of Firenze, Novoli. In order to correct the past mistakes, this draft redevelopment involved the improvement of the relationship between the area of intervention and the adjacent urban fabric, facilitating a better interaction between them and contributing to an increasing level of activity towards the optimum use of the potential this area has to offer.

(Palazzo di Giustizia) has a huge visual impact on the neighborhood skyline, characterized by triangular and semi-circular shapes, as a result of a futuristic architecture. These issues have been taken in the design of the project, creating in the middle of the park a square surrounded by a water mirror and a green amphitheater. The distance of the park is spread over a main axis of connection between the two high-speed lines and is broken by secondary routes that go on in the neighborhood. It also intends The proposal aims to connect to do a connection with trees row the existing urban fabric with the between the park and the green park, extending into neighboring space in front of the Court building. avenues axes. The Court building

The theme of the center circle square is extended with concentric circles of ground cover and shrubs of different heights reminiscent of the circular motion of the water to the launch of a stone. It also has created a play area with the use of artificial elements combined in small hills obtained with earthworks. San Donato’s Park has moved from being an unused natural space to being an urban park which brings together a large number of sport, leisure and cultural activities for everyone, regardless of age. This project extends the open space for pedestrians, prioritizing leisure and walking. Linear routes without obstacles, encouraging citizens to walk across the public space, are promoted, recovering the continuity lost between the neighborhood and the surrounding natural spaces. The redevelopment of the Park has allowed for areas where sports and leisure coexist with special events such as outdoor concerts or theatre.

master Plan



CAMPO DAS CEBOLAS & DOCA DA MARINHA Project type: public space, Draft Redevelopment Type: Academic work Location: Lisbon, Portugal Year: 2010 Area: -

As an important intervention in the historic neighborhood of Lisbon, the draft redevelopment proposal for the site intends the creation of a square facing the city, gathered under shady exotic trees stretching to the Avenue Infante D. Henrique. It is intended that this new square can regain the sense that this space was in the XIX century, when it was a multifunctional open space. To this end, it is divided into two areas, a living area with shady trees (P.canariensis, Tipuana tipu , Prunus pissardii) and bushes (Lavandula, Laurus nobilis, Rosmarinus, Teucrium fruticans), and the other as an open space. This division is made by a structure that

serves as well as a viewpoint and which recovers the shape of the old tram rails. This whole area next to the buildings will be paved with concrete combined with limestone, giving a neutral and light tone, emphasizing the buildings colors and vegetation inserted (Palms and Citrus) Intended for a public use, the port will be a large green area (Populus alba, Betula sp.). At one side will exist a small marina, and at the other a staircase that enters trough the river and facing a floating platform to events or performances. There will be a lot of benches to take benefit of the front river as the sun and light that caracterized Lisbon.

Master PLan

The viewpoint recovers the railways shapes and allows a Alfama, the Tagus river and t the trees on th


e old tram a view for the top of he square.


JAPANESE GARDEN Project type: public space Type: Academic work Location: SetĂşbal, Portugal Year: 2010 Area: -

This courtyard was an urban void, a dynamic walk through ‘islands’ a space of all but with no defined promoting different sensations as function. ‘a walk inside the garden’; a scenic view composed by white gravel Following the purpose of a Japa- constrasting with the dark basalt nese garden style, this project slabs, revealing double sensitive aims to bring to the Bela Vista textures. neighborhood a place for contemplation, spontaneous meeting, Use of three species of trees - Acer everyday life and visual frame- Palmatum,Pyrus calleryana, Pruwork. nus cerasifera Pissardii - adds to Water, light, vegetation and min- the distinct but calm character. The eral elements combine with each remaining vegetation is also relatother and were purposely chosen ed to japanese thematic, as well as in order to bring an harmony to others details - a symbolic granite the site. rock, the wood deck, the light strip As an interpretation of a japanese on the floor, a water pond repregarden the spatial design recre- senting life and prosperity. ates three complementary areas:

Master Plan


Courtyard Location Bela Vista Neighborhood, SetĂşbal


AROEIRA Project type: private space Type: Academic work Location: Aroeira Condominium, Portugal Year: 2009 Area: -

Located in a Condominium near the sea and the beach, at 30 minutes from the capital, the purpose of this garden is to create a pleasant outdoor space with sense of privacy for people who live there, taking them out from the city turmoil, and integrating in the surrounding Pine forest. The design concept claims the origins to the local heritage - a mixture between mediterranean and atlantic style. This is revealed in the choose of vegetation, areas definition, materials and colours.

The garden is divided in three different areas accompanied by a continuous lawn: an entrance area with a rock garden; a bed of aromatic herbs; a living area. The highlight is the living area consisting of a large white bench and a water tank, providing a sunbathing area and recreation. Near the house, was created a dining area composed by wooden deck. The vegetation chosen is resistant to salt spray, and provides many olfactory and visual sensations - Myrtus communis, Citrus limon, Tilia cordata, Hydrangea sp., Senecio sp., Lavandula sp., Calendula officinalis, Phyllostachys nigra, and others.

Master Plan Hexagonal area located in Aroeira Condominium

Site Location A private condominium surrounded by Pine forest, at 10 minutes from the beach, and near Lisbon.

Views & Sections


ESCAPE Project type: private garden Type: Academic work Location: Sintra, Portugal Year: 2009 Area: 200 m2

The design concept for this project is to create a pleasant and scenic outdoor space for a Company building, with a sense of privacy and escape for people who work there. The garden has a modern and unconventional style, marked by diagonal lines that help disguise the rectangular shape of the space, as well as grassy circular platforms. On the side of the building and taking advantage of the existing structure was created a balcony facing the whole garden.

A gray gravel creates a light and bright surface that contrasts with the green of plants. The plant beds are raised and coated with white tiles. There’s also a water element that promotes a refreshing feeling of serenity to the space. The plants chosen are majority perennial and moderately colored: Magnolia g., Elaeagnus ang., Cupressus sempervirens stricta, Ophiopogon jap., Zantedeschia aet., Senecio cin., Asparagus dens., Rudbekia sp, Calendula off., Polygonatum h., Jasminum sp and Phyllostachys nigra that surrounds all the area.

Master Plan & Sections



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