RCPCH Annual report (interim) 2013

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2013 RCPCH Annual Report 2012 | 01

Contents Introduction


RCPCH straegic aims






MISSION To transform child health through knowledge, innovation and expertise.

VISION A healthier future for children and young people across the world.

VALUES AUTHORITATIVE Recognised and respected as the authority on child health. MODERN Committed to leading the way in paediatric research and training. INFLUENTIAL Champions of the best health outcomes for children and young people. PROFESSIONAL The standard bearer of child health within the medical profession.

Introduction WHY RCPCH IS PUBLISHING THIS INTERIM REPORT: Historically the RCPCH annual reports have been published in the Spring, which is at minimum 8 months after the RCPCH financial year end (31 August). We have decided to publish this interim report in December 2013 for two reasons: •

to reflect, in a more timely fashion, the full financial accounts of the RCPCH’s financial year 01 Sept 2012 - 31 August 2013. As such, this is a limited report concentrating mainly on financial matters.

to ensure future annual reports are published 3 months, as opposed to 8 months, from the RCPCH financial year end.

Consequently, the next annual report will be published in Dec 2014 and titled ‘RCPCH Annual Report 2014’.


Child health

Setting and raising standards

Play a key role in influencing children and young people’s health in the UK and internationally. Concentrating on this, as the primary focus of the College, will help to address child mortality, obesity

Ensure high standards of evidence-based training, assessment, education, clinical practice and service provision.

Provide expert advice on children and young people’s participation to influence key stakeholders in the UK and Europe through leading and delivering a programme of work in collaboration with the NHS London Specialised Commissioning Group.

Ensure best possible standards for educating paediatricians, meeting regulatory requirements to fulfil current best practice within patient care. This will be achieved by 90% of trainees exceeding minimum standards in exams and assessments via ARCP outcome 1 progress together with receiving satisfactory feedback on the Annual Specialty report from the GMC.

Develop 5 evidence-based policy work streams to improve the standards and outcomes in paediatric healthcare focusing on child mortality, a better NHS for children and child protection by 31 August 2014.

Provide a first class portfolio of educational support to develop the paediatric workforce to better deliver children and young people’s services. This will be measured by at least a 65% satisfaction ratings from members engaging with educational support.

Develop, promote and deliver three significant pieces of work under the College-wide Quality Improvement (QI) strategic framework by August 2014, to help our members to deliver safe and continually improving care for children and young people.


Through effective communications including media, public affairs, events and publications, we will raise the College’s media profile across the UK by 10% focusing on desirable child health outcomes by August 2014

Protect, utilise and develop all the assets of the College. At the same time, we will increase and diversify income streams. Devise, deliver and evaluate an integrated international strategy to evidence the College’s impact on the lives of children and generate 3 distinct new business streams for the College within 2013/14 The general fund reserves of the College to be greater than £0.5m by 2014/15 To review the governance structure of the College and deliver a work plan by 31.08.2014 which streamlines and ensures the structure is fit for purpose to best support the College going forward.

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Develop and deliver a high quality service for members.

Put in place a progressive, enabling people strategy so all RCPCH staff are enthused and equipped to deliver the organisational goals and to establish the RCpCH as a responsive body which is quick to answer members’ needs. To ensure that members and officers who engage directly with delivery of the RCPCH’s work are effectively supported.

Through effective communication across all channels we will seek to ensure that 58% of all members rate the performance and services offered by the College as good or excellent by August 2014 Develop an equitable and improved international membership package with 45% of international members stating that value of service has improved by August 2014 Promote, embrace and deliver innovation and integration across the College with the delivery of three significant projects annually to improve online member interactions

100% of business critical roles to be identified and succession plans for 25% of these posts to be in place by August 2014 Develop an organisational development programme with 75% of staff accessing development opportunities by August 2014 to enhance existing skill sets and address future College needs.

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Accounts Accounts for Financial Period 1 September 2012 to 31 August 2013 STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES INCOMING RESOURCES Incoming Resources from Generated Funds Voluntary income Activities for generating funds Investment income Incoming Resources from Charitable Activities Membership Assessment Communications Education and Training Research and Policy International Other income Total Incoming Resources RESOURCES EXPENDED Costs of Generating Funds Voluntary Income Trading Income: Charitable Activities Membership Assessment Communications Education and Training Research and Policy International Other professional activities and standards Governance Costs Total Resources Expended Net Resources Expended / Net Incoming Resources before Transfers Revaluation Gain Transfer between funds Net Movement in Funds Fund balances brought forward Total Funds Carried Forward


Fixed Assets Tangible assets Investments

Current Assets Stock Debtors Cash at bank and in hand

Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year Net Current Assets Total Assets less current liabilities Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year Net Assets Represented By: Unrestricted Funds including Designated Fund Restricted Funds Permanent Endowments Total Funds of the College

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2013 Total £


2012 Total £

Activities for generating funds

Activities for generating funds



5,195 186,659 33,165



25,035 310,713 32,802

Communications (incl publ.)

Communications (incl Pubns)

Education and training

Education & Training

Research and Policy

Research & Policy

3,825,393 3,622,267 1,133,468 1,934,688 1,771,738 751,927 400,395 13,664,895

3,649,332 3,384,369 1,426,166 846,119 1,692,489 321,955 217,432 11,906,412

19,606 0

91,928 50,056

882,393 2,001,412 371,847 2,283,427 2,437,387 739,694

790, 927 2,036,566 716,410 1,360,616 2,435,717 159,237

3,372,615 63,954 12,172,335

3,253,154 55,334 10,949,94

1,492,560 19,555 0 1,512,115 18,280,089 19,792,204

956,467 0 0 956,467 17,323,622 18,280,089

GROUP 2013 £

2012 £

19,538,079 2 19,538,081

19,576,825 2 19,576,827

6,084 1,590,110 5,241,524 6,837,718

1,242,336 3,887,201 5,129,537

(3,683,938) 3,153,780

(3,058,594) 2,070,943









Other income

Other Income

INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ STATEMENT TO THE TRUSTEES OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PAEDIATRICS AND CHILD HEALTH We have examined the summarised financial statements of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health for the year ended 31 August 2013, which comprise the Summary consolidated statement of financial activities, and the Summary consolidated balance sheet set out on page 18 which are contained within the charity’s non-statutory summarised Annual Report. The summarised financial statements are non-statutory accounts prepared for the purpose of inclusion in the summarised Annual Report, as explained above. This statement is made, on terms that have been agreed with the charity, solely to the charity, in order to meet the requirements of Accounting and Reporting by Charities: Statement of recommended Practice (revised 2005). Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to the charity those matters we have agreed to state to it in such a statement and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the charity for our work, for this statement, or for the opinions we have formed. RESPECTIVE RESPONSIBILITIES OF TRUSTEES AND AUDITORS The trustees are responsible for preparing the summarised financial statements in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law and the recommendations of the charities SORP. Our responsibility is to report to you our opinion on the consistency of the summarised financial statements with the full financial statements and the Trustees’ Annual Report. We also read the other information contained in the summarised Annual Report and consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the summarised financial statements. OPINION In our opinion the summarised financial statements are consistent with the full annual financial statements and the Trustees’ Annual Report of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health for the year ended 31 August 2013. For and on behalf of Kingston Smith LLP, Statutory Auditor, Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors, Devonshire House, 60 Goswell Road, London EC1M 7AD

The Statement of Financial Activities and Balance Sheet are not the full statutory accounts but are a summary of the information which appears in the full accounts. The full accounts have been audited and given an unqualified opinion. The full accounts were approved by the Trustees on 13 November 2013 to be updated and a copy has been

17,408,615 2,368,734 14,855 19,792,204

16,255,401 2,009,833 14,855 18,280,089

submitted to the Charity Commission and Registrar of Companies. These summarised accounts may not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the Company. For further information the full annual accounts, including the auditor’s report, which can be obtained from the Company’s offices, should be consulted.

Administration RCPCH COUNCIL Members of College Council are the Trustees of the College. Council comprises the following people at November 2013 (except where indicated, Officer positions are those held as of 13 November 2013): The Senior Officers Dr Hilary Cass Dr Ian Maconochie Dr David Vickers Professor Neena Modi Dr Simon Newell Dr Andrew Long Dr David Shortland

President Registrar Honorary Treasurer (until Nov 2013) Vice President, Science and Research Vice President, Training and Assessment Vice President, Education Vice President, Health Services

National and Other Officers Dr Peter Fowlie Dr Mair Parry Vacant Dr Kevin Windebank Dr David Long Professor Stephen Allen Dr Carol Ewing Dr Amanda Goldstein Dr Carol Roberts Dr Amanda Thomas Professor Mitch Blair Dr Fiona Campbell

Scotland Wales Ireland Examinations Assessment International (the David Baum Fellow) Workforce Planning Training Continuing Professional Development Child Protection Health Promotion Clinical Standards

Other Members of Council Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr Dr

Ishaq Abu-Arafeh Nicholas Croft Rajeev Gupta Calum Macleod Stuart Nicholls Alan Webb

Dr Peter Arkwright Dr Mark Dyke Professor Hilary Hoey Dr Abdul Moodambail Dr Robert Smith Dr Emma Webb

Dr Ian Balfour-Lynn Dr James Fraser D Dr Kevin Ives Dr Malla Narasimhamurti Professor John Warner Professor Andrew Wilkinson

Dr Keith Brent Dr John Gibbs Dr Daniel Lumsden Dr Angela Moore Dr Justin Warner

Senior Management Team: Dr Chris Hanvey Brian Dow Jacqueline Fitzgerald Julia O’Sullivan David Howley Louise Frayne

Chief Executive Director of Communcations Director of Research and Policy Director of Education and Training Director of Corporate Services Head of Human Resources and Organisational Development

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2013 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Interim Report 2013 CopyrightŠ 2013 Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

RCPCH ANNUAL REPORT 2014 The next RCPCH Annual Report will be available to view in Winter 2014.

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