On your ePortfolio after summer 2023 Your current status
Finishing ST1, ST2 or ST3 in Summer 2023
On your ePortfolio subsequently (with progress as indicated in ARCP Outcomes)
Finishing ST4 in Summer 2023
Moving up one grade after ARCP Going into ST5 sub-specialty or general paediatrics
Select the grade indicated on your ARCP form when adding your training post for next rotation
Part way through ST5 in Summer 2023
Remaining in Core
Select the grade ST5 on your ePortfolio when adding your training post
Finishing ST4 in Summer 2023
Remaining in Core
Select the grade ST5 (C4) on your ePortfolio when adding your training post
This means you will be completing the core curriculum in Progress+ and your ARCP will review your progress against that standard
Finishing ST5 in Summer 2023
Would have been ST6 in previous system
Select the grade ST6(S1) on your ePortfolio when adding your training post
This means you will work on sub-specialty or general paediatrics curriculum and remain on indicative 8 year programme