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-Knowledge of VB, ASP.net, PHP is preferred
-Good command of both written and spoken English
-Able to work 6 days per week
1.Business Development Executive
-Male or Female
-Age 23-28 years
-Bachelor or Master Degree in Marketing, Business Administration in any related
-As least 2 years experience in Business Development, research and analysis
-Hard working and patient and result oriented with business mind
-Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
-Excellent command of spoken and written English
2.Purchasing Officer
-Age 25 years or more
-Bachelorûs degree
-Experience in purchasing of Office equipment, Technician equipment, Food and Beverage at least 3 years
-Knowledge of ISO would be an advantage
-Fair Command of English
-Computer literate (Microsoft Office)
-Age over 28 years old
-Bachelorûs Degree in computer science or related field
-Minimum of 2 years experience of Programmer, DBA and System Administrator
-Knowledge of RDBMS, SQL is preferred
4.Graphic & Web Design
-Age between 24-35 years
-Bachelor degree in communication ar ts, computer graphic or related fields
-At least 3 years working experience in publication design field
-Good command in English
-Competent in use program Adobe illustrator, Photoshop, in design, after ef fect, premier, maya, 3D
-Good interpersonal and relationship, able to work as team, energetic and highly creative thinking
5.P.R. Executive
-Male or Female
-Age over 25 years old.
-Bachelorûs degree or higher in liberal ar ts, public relations, journalism or related field
-1-2 years experience in Public relation or related fields
-Be able to work under pressure within restricted times
-A team player with excellent planning and organizational skill
-Excellent in written Thai and English
-Press release skill is a must
6.Marketing Executive
-Male or female
-Age over 25 Years old
-Bachelorûs degree in Marketing or related fields
-Experience in Marketing for exhibition industry or related field.
-Computer literacy
-Good command of spoken and
written English
-Good personality and human relationship
7.Sales Executive
-Male or Female
-Age 24-30 years old
-Bachelorûs degree in related fields
-1 year experience in sales
-Good personality and human relationship
-Good command of spoken, written, read in English
8.Service Operation Executive
-Age 22-25 years
-Bachelorûs degree or higher
-Experience 2 years of service
-Communicate in English and bargain skill
-Able to work well under pressure by the specified period.
-Able to work over time
-Good command of English
9.Chef (Impact/Silom/Sukumvit
-Age over 28 years old.
-Minimum graduated high school
-At least 5 year experience in Chef.
-Be able to work in shift.
-Be able to communicate in English
-Good relationship and service mind
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1.Human Resource Officer - H.R. Strategy and Workforce Management (Urgently Required)
-Male or Female (Thai National only)
-Age not over 25 years old
-Bachelorûs degree Economics, Business Administration and Political Science
-New graduate are welcome
-GPA not less than 2.75
-Teamwork, Positive thinking, Accountability.
-Logical Thinking, Mathematic, Problem-solving skill and Analytical thinking
-Good command in English (TOEIC score 550 minimum)
2.Finance Officer
-Male/Female (Thai nationality only)
-Age not over 27 years old
-GPA at least 2.75
-Good command in English
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-High Responsibility, Service mind
-Computer literacy (Ms advance excel, Access, PowerBI )
-TOEIC score at least 550
3.Engineer for Quality Control (Urgently Required)
-Bachelorûs degree or higher in Computer science/Computer Engineering/Industrial Engineering
-GPA not less than 2.5
-Understand manufacturing process, engineer scientific and IT
-Computer skill efficiency (Java, C++ MS Of fice )
-Ability to work in dynamic environ ment, good communication, interpersonal skill
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