YaR Forum India
Don Bosco
YaR Child Policy and Essential Protocols
FIRST PUBLISHED: January 2013 Published by Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk Palam Gaon, New Delhi – 110 045, INDIA. Email: yarindiaforum@gmail.com Copyrights c 2013 by the publishers All rights reserved. Reproduction, storage or transmission of any part of this publication in any form or by any means, only with prior permission. Design and layout Bosco Society for Printing and Graphic Training, Okhla, New Delhi- 110 025 Printed at Bosco Society for Printing and Graphic Training, Okhla, New Delhi- 110 025 Printed and published with the assistance of:
Don Bosco YaR Child Policy and Essential Protocols
Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk Palam Gaon, New Delhi, 110045, INDIA 2013
01. Introduction
02. Vision
03. Principles of the Policy
04. Objectives of the Policy
05. Priority Areas for Policy Implementation
5.1. Survival
5.2. Development
5.3. Protection
5.4. Participation
06. Organizational Protocols
07. Recruitment, Training and Capacity Building
08. Documentation and Research
09. Advocacy
10. Responses to Allegations of Staff Offences against Children
11. Communication about Children
12. Evaluation and Review of Policy
13. Who are governed by this policy?
I. “Protection of Minors: Policy Statement and Guidelines for use in Salesian Institutions”, (Art. 1.2.2), published by SPCSA, New Delhi, 2006.
II. “Protection of Minors: Policy Statement and Guidelines for use in Salesian Institutions”, (Art. 2.1-2.2.2), published by SPCSA, New Delhi, 2006.
III. “Protection of Minors: Policy Statement and Guidelines for use in Salesian Institutions”, (Art. 5), published by SPCSA, New Delhi, 2006.
IV. “Protection of Minors: Policy Statement and Guidelines for use in Salesian Institutions”, (Art. 6), published by SPCSA, New Delhi, 2006.
i. Format for requesting investigation into suspected child abuse
ii. Format to declare ones commitment to the child policy by all the personnel.
such as Child Welfare Committees and for the formula-
tion of child and youth related policies. This is surely an honour and an opportunity to serve the Indian children. The Salesians have been always having a Comprehensive Child Policy, that Don Bosco himself called the “Preventive System”. It was meant to protect children from all harm and provide them with a family-like ambience which is loving and where they would naturally bloom
The work of the Salesians of Don Bosco for the Young
into mature human beings. It was preventive, in the
at Risk (YaR) dates back to their first presences in India.
sense that it aimed at protecting the children from every
Sent by God to be signs and bearers of His love for the
form of danger. It was propositive because it created
young, particularly the poorest and the most abandoned,
the ideal climate for their growth. It is also a spirituality,
they have been always working for the young at risk.
a way of life, because it guided the growth of the young
Even today the vast majority of their works are clearly
person towards the logical ends and goals of his or her
for the young people who run the risk of being left out of
life. It also contributes to nation building, because it is
education and development if not for their interventions.
aimed at grooming citizens committed to common good in their own countries and in the world. Hence, a Child
Nevertheless, over the years we have come to apply the
Policy is part of the very upbringing of the Salesians.
term “Young at Risk” particularly to some specific cate-
Everyone who visits a Salesian institution meant for
gories of the young -such as street and vagrant children,
children can immediately notice that the very construc-
the runaways, those who are unaccompanied by adults
tion is conducive to take care of them constantly. The
caretakers, child labourers, school dropouts, children
residence of the Salesians is also within the residence
of migrant manual labourers, refugees, and in general
of the children so that elders are constantly present and
those living in the fringes of the organized society.
promote the integral welfare of the young.
Inspired by the very first works that their Founder Don Bosco did on the streets of Turin in the mid nineteenth
The present policy is an outcome of the spiritual and
century, this work by the Salesians has naturally blos-
educational patrimony of the Salesian Congregation. It is
somed in India under similar conditions. As a Religious
based on a century old wealth of experience in dealing
Congregation in India, they are not only pioneers in this
with children, a sound spirituality that puts the welfare of
field but also have a large presence in reach and impact.
the child at the centre of interests, and a loving commit-
They have formed themselves into a network at the
ment to God on their behalf. Of course, it takes elements
national level, which has reached out to other religious
from modern educational sciences, social and humani-
and non-religious works in the field forming a significant
tarian sciences and the latest ecclesiastical, national and
larger network. The Central and State Governments of
international laws and policies regarding child welfare
India today call upon their expertise for various services
and protection. It is also educative towards the Salesians 5
themselves and their other adult collaborators who are
to any one who abused them in any way! Jesus reserved
in contact with children. Thus it has become not just a
his severest condemnation for such people. It would
policy but a veritable educative tool for youth workers.
be better for them to be drowned in the ocean with a millstone tied around their neck! Children were God’s im-
The policy we have in hand is also the fruit of a few
age for Jesus. Don Bosco picked up this deep insight of
years of work by a well qualified and experienced team
Jesus and became in the modern times one of the great-
of Salesians and lay collaborators. It has seen several
est lovers of children. For their welfare he was willing to
drafts, study, evaluation and redraft at various levels,
sacrifice his entire life. Jesus and Don Bosco are at the
including the Conference of the Salesian Provincials in
base of this policy and its spiritual base and inspiration.
South Asia. The Salesians in South Asia have a larger
Such a policy is definitely destined to guide our thought
Child Policy and the YaR Child Policy falls within this
and work for children. May everyone involved in working
general context. The talk of officially drawing up a policy
with them take this policy to heart and practice it to the
for child protection and development began with the YaR
and then extended itself to the rest of the Institutions that the Salesians run. It integrates also an earlier docu-
Fr. Maria Arokiam Kanaga SDB
ments of the Salesians for dealing with eventual cases of
General Councilor for Salesian Society of Don Bosco Regional for South Asia and President of the SPCSA
child abuse. In that sense this YaR Child Policy is a pioneering document. I appreciate the Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk. Particular merit for this goes to the central team for the animation of the young at risk in India. Rev. Fr. Mathew Thomas, the Regional Delegate for the Young at Risk and his team deserve our special thanks. With him there have been a host of other persons who have contributed to the policy. The policy is an authoritative one, having the seal of approval by the Conference of the Provincials. It is above all an inspiration for all child workers, who in the name of God commit themselves to their welfare. Jesus was very fond of Children and used to spend plenty of time playing with them, listening to them, teaching them and learning from them. Of all the religious leaders in the world, Jesus was the one who gave the central place to Children and childhood in his spirituality. He himself was quintessentially a child of God who he called his Father. One could not enter heaven if one did not become like a child. The Kingdom of God belonged to them. And woe 6
handed down to it by Don Bosco himself, popularly called Friend of the Young. Don Bosco based his system of caring for the young on the inner powers of reason, love and spiritual depth. A few basic YaR Network principles of caring for the young are: • We shall accompany the Young at Risk in their struggle to grow to fullness in freedom and humane-
ness. • We shall provide a positive environment that will prevent exploitation and will empower the marginalised children and the young. • We shall create spaces where Young at Risk can live and grow with dignity, especially by giving priority to participatory, human and Child Rights perspectives. Every YaR Network member organisation is a unique
Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk (YaR
story of commitment to the Young at Risk. The organi-
Forum) is a national network of organizations that are
sations operate from different locations in the country
committed to the care and protection of children/youth
providing different and relevant responses and services
who are at risk. Challenged by the poverty, hardships,
to the various deprivations suffered by them. Yet a com-
oppression, exploitation and marginalisation of the
mon basic spirit guides them all. This YaR Child Policy
young, the YaR network organizations reach out to
is a faithful expression of that inspiring and guiding spirit
extreme situations of exploitation and marginalisation
that weaves into practices for the care and protection of
of the young with emergency services as well as other
the Young at Risk.
forms of short and long-term services to protect them and to care for them.
Through a national consultative process, ideas were gathered to draw up the draft of this policy for discus-
YaR means friend and that is what the YaR Network
sions at the YaR Annual Convention in March 2011 at
members want to be, FRIENDS OF THE YOUNG at
Chennai. Later the finalised text of the Policy was pre-
RISK. We want the children/youth that come under the
sented to the Salesian Provincial Conference of South
umbrella of YaR services provided by the YaR Network
Asia (SPCSA) for approval. The approved text of the
members, enjoy child friendly atmosphere and child safe
policy was strengthened in accordance with the direc-
spaces and practices. Child friendly atmosphere and
tions given by SPCSA. The approved text was circulated
child safe practices are the trademark of YaR Network
for one year among the network members for familiaris7
ing with the policy, and that was found to be very useful.
As noted earlier, the YaR Network has formulated its
During this period many of the member organisations of
Child Policy through a collaborative effort. Every mem-
the YaR Network trained their personnel in the contents
ber in the Network can claim that they have contributed
of the policy and they signed their commitment to it. So
to the making of it. This ownership would come with the
this printed version of the YaR Child policy is reach-
big responsibility and challenge to live the child policy
ing the hands of the network members after an year of
that they have made. This would need much dedication
testing in the field, which further contributed towards
from the network members to internalise the spirit of
strengthening the policy.
the policy and implement it. Let us take up those challenges for the sake of the deprived and the marginalised
The YaR Child Policy is the result of a long drawn
children in India so that, they may have life, life in all its
process of reflection and practice. At this moment I
fullness (Jn 10:10) - a life of dignity.
would like to acknowledge the contributions of the many persons towards getting ready the YaR Child Policy in
Fr. Mathew Thomas
its final form. Many YaR Network members shared their
Secretary and Executive Director, Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk.
existing Child policies for consultation. Several Salesians researched and presented the different sections of the policy for general discussion at the Child Policy seminar. Fr. Kuriakose Pallikunnel moderated the discussions at the YaR Child Policy seminar leading to the formulation of the final text of the policy. Mr. Sonikutty George, the UNICEF Child Protection Officer, Ms. Razia Ismail, Director IACR, Fr. Jose Kuttianimattathil, Fr. Dominic Veliath and Fr. T.D John contributed with their expertise to improve the content or the language of the policy statement and made sure that it is in keeping with the required standards and legal provisions. This process drew inspiration from the child protection practices and policies of many organizations from all over the world and I would like to acknowledge that with gratitude. I also thank BoscoNet, Don Bosco Mondo and ASMOAF for their financial support for printing and publishing the policy. This policy applies to Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk and to all the YaR Forum Network members. After a period of five years from its publication, the policy would be reviewed. 8
to make me love you very much.”(Il Giovane Provveduto, Turin 1847, p.7) It is this passion of Don Bosco for the vulnerable young persons that motivates the YaR Forum services for the Young at Risk. The Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk has been established by the Salesian Provincial Conference of South Asia (SPCSA) for reflection, sharing and coordination among those involved in the Salesian ministry for the Young at Risk (YaR), to network with likeminded persons and organizations on behalf of Young at Risk, and to influence policies related to the Young at Risk . The YaR Child Policy is deemed to be a faithful expression of the spirit, guidelines and objectives mentioned above. It attempts to resonate with the voices of the children of the world: “We are not the sources of problems; we are the resources that
1. Introduction
are needed to solve them. We are not expenses; we are investments. We are not just young people; we are people and citizens of this world. You call us the future but we are also
“I have come that they may have life,
state that the purpose of his life was
life in all its fullness.” (John 10: 10.)
to give ‘life’ especially to the weak
The Don Bosco National Forum for
and lowly in society. Don Bosco, the
the Young at Risk (YaR Forum), com-
founder of the Salesian movement
mitted to serving and working with the
for youth, reached out to serve the
Young at Risk, draws its inspiration
marginalized youth of his times say-
from these words of Jesus which
ing: “That you are young is sufficient
the present.” (The Children’s Statement to the World Leaders at the UN General Assembly’s Special Session on Children, 8 May 2002.) Children are an invaluable asset of humanity; hence it is particularly 9
important that they are nurtured and
able children are not delivering suf-
Society as a whole. The underpin-
protected effectively, so that they
ficiently. One cannot remain a silent
ning thrust of such an effort could be,
grow up as persons who are physi-
spectator to this situation. Challenged
articulated as: ‘Every child matters”,
cally fit, mentally alert, and morally
by this, the YaR Forum seeks to ad-
irrespective of religion, caste, sex,
healthy, endowed with necessary
dress the dire needs of children and
place of birth and any other factor of
skills and helpful attitudes. The YaR
their neglect by the State by reaching
identity or ability.
Forum is committed to the promotion
out to and advocating on behalf of the
and safeguarding of the rights of chil-
following most vulnerable groups of
This policy encapsulates an over-
dren as mandated in the Constitution
children: children on the streets, child
arching expression of intent and
of India, according to the principles
labourers, abandoned orphans, chil-
commitment for everyone in the
contained in the Convention on the
dren in conflict with the law, children
YaR Forum. All the members of YaR
Rights of Children, the Juvenile Jus-
with disabilities, run away children,
Forum are duty-bound to function
tice Act, and the Preventive System
children from dysfunctional families,
according to the principles, objectives
of Don Bosco (Pedagogy of Pres-
institutionalized children, young sub-
and priorities outlined in this policy.
ence), and to ensuring the realization
stance abusers, children in war-torn
The YaR Forum and its members
of the highest standards and equal
and conflict areas, refugee children
stand committed to invest the re-
opportunities for survival, develop-
or children of the displaced including
quired resources to implement this
ment, protection and participation
ethnic groups and minorities, children
policy effectively.
to all children. The following policy
in sex trade and children affected
statement and guidelines aim at pro-
by HIV/AIDS, children who have
viding children and youth, ‘that part of
dropped out of education, trafficked
human society which is so exposed
children and children in very serious
to danger and yet so rich in promise”
danger of being trafficked, and all
(BM II, 35), a safe environment in
children who are found in any other
which they can grow and become
situation of serious vulnerability.
fully alive. The YaR Child Policy reflects a paraThe YaR Child Policy has been
digm shift from welfare and need-
framed to ensure the care and
based approach to an approach
protection of children at risk (a child
of equal rights and justice for all. It
being any individual below the age
outlines the way in which the YaR
of 18 years). The poverty, hardships,
Forum aims to listen to the voices of
oppression, exploitation and margin-
children as participants in an agenda
alization of children are increasing
for their dignity, well being and future.
alarmingly. The systems, plans and
It posits itself as a platform to protect,
development processes of the State,
support and empower children, both
for the care and protection of vulner-
in their individual situations and in the
2. Vision The Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk, in collaboration with State, non-State actors, and families of children, strives to offer every child a nurturing, respectful and safe environment based on an agenda of equity and the best interests of the child, to enable all children to access rights, opportunities and resources for survival, protection, development and participation, to ensure for them a safe and happy childhood and to secure their future prospects.
3. Principles of the Policy 3.4. The safety and security of children shall be of prime importance. The children will be protected from harm, abuses, neglect, exploitation, discrimination and violence as they have the right to protection. 3.5. The physical, social, psychological, emotional, intellectual, moral, cultural and spiritual development of the child shall be addressed in totality. 3.6. A family setting is most conducive to the all-round-development of children. Institutionalization shall be resorted to only when family setting and alternative forms of family care 3.1. The Constitution of India guar-
3.2. Child Rights are universal; inter-
are not possible, and every effort will
antees certain rights to every person
related, interdependent, indivisible
be made to restore the institutional-
in this country including children. All
and inalienable.
ized children to their families or to alternative forms of family care.
children have equal rights; no class, origin, custom, tradition, cultural or
3.3. The best interests of the child
religious practices shall be allowed
shall be the paramount consideration
3.7. The principles of equity, justice
to violate, restrict or prevent children
in all actions concerning or affecting
and non-discrimination shall guide all
from enjoying these rights.
the child.
actions concerning children.
3.8. Individuality, age, gender, and
the children and with utmost circum-
KINDNESS is to be practiced in all
recognition of the special needs and
the YaR involvements for the overall
vulnerability will set the direction for
development and protection of the
any/all programmes and interventions
3.12. Children have the right to ac-
related to children.
cess information that is important to
their development and well-being.
3.14. Consistent with the mandates
3.9 Consultation and participation
The children, especially from minor-
enshrined in the Constitution of India,
of children in a manner appropriate
ity and indigenous groups, should be
the international standards in the
to their age, in all matters affecting
provided with information in a lan-
Child Rights Convention of UN, legal
them, is an indisputable right of every
guage which is suitable and simple.
directions as in Juvenile Justice Act
child and shall be respected in all our
Children should also have access to
and other relevant legal systems of
dealings with children.
children’s books and other forms of
the country, and in keeping with the
media appropriate to their growth and
spirit of the Preventive System of
Don Bosco, the YaR Forum in col-
3.10. Taking positive measures for the care and protection of children is
laboration with the State and other
the primary responsibility of the State;
3.13. Don Bosco’s Preventive System
non-State sectors shall create a safe
and these measures are to be car-
of education with its principles of
environment for the child.
ried out by the State, adhering to the
“Rights” perspective. Collaborating with the State to implement its laws, policies and schemes for the care and protection of children will be an important contribution of YaR Forum, while being faithful to the guiding principles and standards of this policy. 3.11. The Publishing of information and depiction of children in whatever form will be done, respecting the privacy, dignity and the best interests of
4. Objectives of the Policy The YaR forum shall, in all its ser-
of all decisions on matters concerning
grated development and protection of
vices and support to all the children
the young; to create a culture of rights so that violations of child rights be-
for whom it assumes responsibility, 4.5. Consult, network and collaborate
come rare and difficult; to protect the
locally, nationally and internationally
young from falling into
4.1. Ensure survival, health, well-be-
with State and non-State actors for
the situations of risk,
ing, nutrition, clean water and sanita-
the care and protection and promo-
harmful influences,
tion to prevent malnutrition, disease,
tion of the rights of children.
situations of abuse
commit itself to:
disability and death due to avoidable causes.
and exploitation. 4.6. Make every effort to improve knowledge, attitude and practice
4.2. Ensure the necessary standards
among children and personnel
of human and infrastructural re-
regarding Child Rights and their viola-
sources, so as to enable children to
tions, to find out and make known
develop to their full potential.
how and where to access protection and to support them in situations that
4.3. Shall collaborate for the estab-
threaten or violate child rights.
lishment of a safety net of strong preventive, promotive and punitive
4.7. Adopt the Preventive System or
laws, institutions, procedures and
the “Pedagogy of Presence� that uses
enforcement machinery to ensure
accountability in governance which
KINDNESS to enable the best in
leads to the care and protection of
every child to blossom; to create an
environment of preventive care by taking active steps to prevent any
4.4. Create an environment where in
harm to the child; to provide a healthy
the aspirations of children are a part
environment that supports the inte-
5.2. DEVELOPMENT There is no substitute of any sort for quality and age-appropriate education for the physical, emotional and cognitive development of children, so as to empower them to live confident
5.Priority Areas for Policy Implementation
and happy lives with life skills for their own safety and protection. Hence the YaR Forum shall: 5.2.1. Provide and promote quality, child-friendly, gender-sensitive and a locally relevant school education. 5.2.2. Provide opportunities for sports, leisure, recreation and creativity. 5.2.3. Provide early childhood education, prevent children dropping out of
5.1.3. Make efforts to prevent child
education, promote better enrolment,
The right to life and survival is an
marriage and ensure the right age at
ensure quality primary and upper-
inalienable right of every child. It
primary education for all as non-
is important to accord the highest
negotiables, and promote secondary
priority to promote the health and
5.1.4. Provide for child-friendly and
well being of children. Hence the YaR
safe physical spaces by ensuring easily
Forum shall:
accessible facilities, clean environment,
5.2.4. Enable children to develop
adequate infrastructure facilities, living
holistically, draw out their aspira-
5.1.1. Make efforts to eliminate
spaces, playgrounds, safe drinking
tions and focus on their aptitudes
crimes against life such as abor-
water, sanitation facilities etc.
by reviewing the curriculum with a
tion, female foeticide and infanticide.
special focus on mental health from
Every child has a right to be born and
5.1.5. Make available sufficient nutri-
a perspective of self esteem, confi-
to live.
tious diet and adequate clothing.
dence and life skills.
5.1.2. Provide timely, quality and es-
5.1.6. Provide immunization to the
5.2.5. Make available skill training
sential medical care and treatment for
child for protection from vaccine- pre-
to older children to prepare them
ventable diseases.
for life, so that they may be able to 15
find employment and imbibe inde-
rights and teach them to access help
development, as well as to their own
pendent living skills, so that they
when their rights are violated.
communities and families keeping
continue to live their lives on their
in mind their best interests, and with
own leading to and establishing
5.2.8. Make necessary efforts to
due solicitude for the child’s own
families of their own.
secure or to restore children who are
sense of security and belonging.
unaccompanied and who are in insti5.2.6. Address issues of children
tutions, a meaningful access to their
5.2.9. Provide care, support and
affected by life threatening and/or
own culture, religion and language,
services to the children in a spirit of
stigma attached diseases such as
so that they may know, understand
accompaniment, supportive supervi-
HIV/AIDS and make efforts to ensure
and value their own identity. Also
sion and in a friendly family-like atmo-
proper care such as treatment, health
make efforts to give such children
sphere offering a caring presence to
care, nutrition and education and to
the best opportunity to be restored
the child.
prevent discrimination.
to their own cultural setting and
5.2.7. Educate children about their 16
environment, to obtain for them a
5.2.10. In caring for children, give
better atmosphere for their integrated
them sufficient freedom, be reason-
able towards them, provide emotional
for children can foster their develop-
the street, impact of armed conflict,
support, discipline them with loving
ment, progress, health and education
deployment in armed forces, child
kindness, and avoid corporal punish-
leading the children to become knowl-
marriage, unnecessary institutional-
ments and public humiliation.
edgeable, committed and compas-
ization etc. Child protection is saying
sionate men and women for others.
‘Yes’ to prevent, to respond to and to
5.2.11. Educate and take care of
It is ensured by caring and enabling
resolve the abuse, neglect, exploita-
children in a culture-friendly, religion-
policies, regulations and services.
tion and violence affecting children.
the existential expression of a core
5.3.1. To ensure a protective environ-
5.3.3. Children need protection from
belief of the YaR Forum which stands
ment for children always and every-
Abuse, Neglect, Exploitation and
by the conviction of being “loyal to
where the YaR Forum will net work
one’s own faith and culture; while
with the allied systems of the State,
duly respecting the faith and culture
NGOs, donors, society at large,
5.3.4. ABUSE
of another”. This principle should be
family, civil society groups, respon-
Abuse is a deliberate act of ill treat-
concretely translated into action, by
sible citizens, etc. We work together
ment that can harm a child’s safety,
fostering in the children an attitude
towards transforming the society to
well being, dignity and development.
of openness towards God, towards
become a caring community that pro-
It can include all forms of physical,
human beings and towards the world;
tects and takes care of its children.
sexual, psychological and emotional
respectful and tolerant way. This is
while at the same time, duly respect-
ill treatment. All abuse involves abuse
ing the culture and religion of each
5.3.2. Child Protection involves creat-
of power because there is always a
child. Furthermore, it is also important
ing a child safety net in the society to
power difference between the abuser
to inculcate in children an attitude of
protect children from vulnerabilities
and the abused.
respect towards different cultures and
underlying many forms of harm and
abuses like sexual abuse, exploita- Physical Abuse involves the
tion, trafficking, hazardous labour,
use of violent physical force so as to
5.2.12. Treat the children with a counselling attitude and facilitate individual counselling for personal growth, and group counselling
violence, living and working on
cause actual or likely physical injury or suffering (e.g.: hitting, shaking, burning, mutilating, torturing etc).
with a view to group living and community life. Emotional or Psychological Abuse includes hu-
miliating and degrad-
A positive and protec-
ing treatment such
tive environment
as calling nicknames 17
that hurt, constant criticism/nagging, Neglect is sometimes passive
belittling, persistent probing, solitary
in as much as it relates to failures
Exploitation refers to the use of chil-
confinement and isolation.
to carry out some key aspects of
dren for someone else’s advantage,
care and protection of children at the
gratification or profit, often resulting in Child Sexual Abuse includes
appropriate time. Such neglect could
unjust, cruel and harmful treatment of
all forms of sexual violence including
result in significant impairment of the
the child. These are detrimental to the
incest, early and forced marriage,
child’s health or development, includ-
child’s physical, mental, emotional,
rape, involvement in pornography
ing failure to grow emotionally and
moral, social, health and develop-
and sexual slavery. It also includes
ment. It covers situations of manipulation, misuse, abuse, victimization, oppression or ill-treatment. Any assignment given to children should take into account the age, capacity and the best interests of the child. There are two main forms of child exploitation: sexual exploitation and economic exploitation. Sexual Exploitation involves the abuse of a position of trust and the differential power of the adult against the vulnerability of the child for sexual purposes. These include sexual exploitation of the child for personal sexual gratification as well
indecent touching or exposure, using Neglect leaves a trail of evi-
as for profiting monetarily, socially
sexually explicit language towards
dence in the way children are affect-
or politically. Child prostitution, child
a child and showing children porno-
ed. Care givers who do not act on this
trafficking for sexual abuse, child
graphic materials.
evidence are also guilty of neglect.
pornography, sexual slavery, sexual assault and sexual harassment are
5.3.5. NEGLECT Severe neglect or repeated Neglect involves, deliberately
failure to provide timely care, there
or through carelessness or negli-
by endangering the child is criminal Economic Exploitation of
gence, failing to provide for or secure
negligence. E.g.: Deliberate failure to
a child is the use of the child in
for children their rights to safety and
provide medical care is exposing a
work or in other activities for profit.
child to severe harm or even death.
This includes, but is not limited to,
sexual exploitation.
child labour. Economic Exploitation
iii. Collective Violence: violence com-
physical punishment (or the threat of
implies the idea of a certain gain or
mitted by the State or by the society
profit through the production, distribu-
at large. 5.3.8. The YaR FORUM AND ITS
tion and consumption of goods and services. Child domestic work, child Interpersonal violence
soldiers, child bondage, the use of
includes corporal punishment such as
children in criminal activities including
hitting the child with the hand, pinch-
the sale and distribution of narcotics
ing, pulling the hair, forcing the child
The YaR Forum is committed to
and the involvement of children in
into uncomfortable or undignified po-
the protection of children from any
hazardous work are economic exploi-
sitions, use of physical exercises as
perceived or real danger/risk to their
tation of children.
punishment, burning and scarring the
life, their personhood and childhood
child and other humiliating punish-
with a focus on reducing vulnerability.
ments such as verbal abuse, ridicule,
Hence the YaR Forum shall: According to article 19 of UN-
isolation and ignoring the child.
CRC states that all forms of physical Plan and implement pro-
or mental violence, including sexual Collective violence includes
grammes to reduce the risks faced
abuse are acts of violence. In its 2002
violence by the armed forces/law
by vulnerable children and collabo-
report on Violence and Health, World
enforcement and security forces,
rate with stakeholders at all levels to
Health Organization (WHO) defines
the use of the death penalty, cruel
ensure that children are protected
violence as, “The intentional use of
inhuman and degrading treatment,
from all forms of inhuman degrading
physical force or power, threatened or
torture, forced displacement, unlaw-
treatment including abuse, exploita-
actual, against a child by an individual
ful imprisonment etc. Other forms of
tion, neglect and violence.
or group that either results in or has
collective violence include violence
a high likelihood of resulting in actual
resulting from armed conflicts, ter- Create awareness against
or potential harm to the child’s health,
rorism, organized crime, child infan-
harmful customary practices such as
survival, development or dignity”.
ticide, honour killings, corporal or
child marriage, corporal punishment, The WHO has identified three types of violence: i. Self-directed Violence: suicide, selfmutilation. ii. Interpersonal Violence: all forms of physical, sexual and psychological abuse, neglect and exploitation including domestic violence and other forms of gender- based violence.
ragging, human sacrifices, honour
in any form. If it is known that a child
5.4.4. Design all programme so as
killings and witch hunting.
is being abused, exploited, neglected
to move consciously from welfare
or is a victim of violence, keeping
approach to rights-based approach Advocate before the State
silence or being indifferent would be
and engage children (whose age
for special protection measures,
so permits) in programme planning,
schemes and rehabilitation measures to address the special needs of chil-
implementation and evaluation. 5.4. PARTICIPATION
dren at risk.
Establish mechanisms for participation and involvement of children on
Child Participation refers to the
matters related to them. Make efforts to enrol school
involvement of the child in the
dropouts back in school and prevent
process of making decisions which
5.4.5. Provide opportunities for
children from dropping out of school
affect the child’s own life and the
children to be members of children’s
so that they may not fall into the dan-
life of the community in which the
clubs, groups and movements.
gerous situations of child labour and
child lives. The YaR Forum wants to
other forms of exploitation.
ensure that children are made aware
5.4.6. To provide opportunities to
of their rights and are provided with
children to grow up as persons with Build the capacity of person-
opportunities to develop skills, form
a sense of purpose, convinced and
nel who have the responsibility for
aspirations and express their views in
responsible, and to relate to the
the care of children with adequate
accordance with their age and matu-
Divine and to practice their religion
information, education, training in the
rity and to enable them to be actively
right attitudes and practical skills.
involved in their own development and in all matters concerning and
5.4.7. Create a neighbourhood/ Create awareness among
affecting them. Accordingly the YaR
society that is participatory and child-
children about their rights, about how
Forum shall:
5.4.1. Respect the views of children
5.4.8. Provide life skills training for
and discuss with them and under-
children to acquire appropriate knowl-
stand matters concerning them.
edge and skills with a view to their
to respond to situations of risk and thus train them to protect themselves. Provide support to children to safeguard their property and to
adequate participation in decision-
receive their rightful inheritances
5.4.2. Provide training to build the
making processes that affect their
which may be under threat because
capacity of personnel in the organiza-
lives, have awareness about their
of the situations of disadvantage that
tion on the concept and processes of
rights, know where to go, who to talk
they are in.
child participation.
to, and how to avoid or respond to risks.
The YaR Forum believes that abuse,
5.4.3. Empower children by provid-
neglect, exploitation and violence
ing them information about their
against children are not acceptable
Child Protection is related to organizational protocols, policies and procedures aimed at to ensuring that every child under the care of the organization is safe while they are
6. Child Protection and YaR Organizational Protocols
under its care: 6.1. All the personnel will give respect and dignity to all children under their care. Furthermore they shall consider each child as a unique individual with specific characteristics and needs and shall adopt an individualized plan/approach for each child. 6.2. All the personnel must sign a statement stating that they are aware 21
of the contents of the Child Policy
must not be expelled from the care
use unbecoming language, tobacco
and would respect and abide by it
of the organization arbitrarily by an
products and liquor in the presence
and understand that action would be
individual, but such decisions must be
of children who are under the care of
taken against them in cases where
the result of a consultative process
the organization.)
their behaviour is not in accordance
among authorized persons that keeps
with the policy.
in mind the spirit of the Child Policy.
6.10. Children who are victims or who are suffering from grave problems
6.3. Prior permission is required from
6.7. All personnel need to be aware
need to be cared for by professionals
authorized persons for volunteers and
that they may be working with
and by responsible persons who have
externs to photograph, video graph,
children who, because of the cir-
the skills to give them the proper
and record children/children’s events
cumstances and abuses they have
and with a view to use of these mate-
experienced in life, may exploit a rela-
rials for purposes outside the objec-
tionship to win special attention. The
tives of the organization. Under no
adults are always expected to behave
circumstances will anyone be allowed
appropriately and responsibly in their
to use these materials for any com-
interaction with children even when
mercial purpose.
a child may be acting in a provocative or seductive manner. The adult
6.4. All personnel need to be aware of
should avoid being in a compromising
the risks involved in being alone with
or vulnerable situation.
a child where one cannot be noticed by other adults. Such situations must
6.8. Inappropriate behaviour towards
be avoided.
children, the failure to behave in accordance with the YaR Child Care
6.5. To create an atmosphere that
and Protection Policy can lead to
prevents child abuse and promotes
disciplinary action including termina-
child protection, it is important
tion of employment/ volunteer status/
that all the personnel abide by the
internship and/or board/ committee
stipulations mentioned in the docu-
ment, “Protection of Minors: Policy Statement and Guidelines for use
6.9. All personnel must be concerned
in Salesian Institutions�, (Art: 1.2.2),
about demeanour and appearance
published by SPCSA, New Delhi,
in their dress, language, action, and
2006. See Annexure 1.
relationship with children. It is important to maintain an appropriate
6.6. Children must not be disciplined
standard of behaviour in the presence
using any form of violence. Children
of children. (E.g. They should not
7. Recruitment, Training and Capacity Building 7.1. All personnel will be carefully and
pertaining to Child Rights and the
properly screened, selected and ap-
Pedagogy of Presence (Preventive
pointed following the HR policy. Pref-
erence will be given to persons who have records of positive contribution
7.5. The organization will be committed
for the promotion of child welfare.
to the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of child care, protection procedures
7.2. Persons selected will have to be
and behavioural protocols.
child-friendly, with qualifications pertaining to child care and promotion,
7.6. Once a year the staff and volun-
such as degrees/training in peda-
teers will undergo a self- appraisal,
gogy, sociology, psychology, law and/
peer appraisal and organizational as-
or long-term experience of working
sessment to evaluate and to monitor
with children.
their services for the care and protection of children.
7.3. In view of the best interests of children, the organization will not appoint
7.7. For further directions regarding
anyone with a prior conviction for child
recruitment, training and capac-
abuse, paedophilia or related offences.
ity building of personnel, the YaR Forum shall be guided by the relevant
7.4. Training, capacity-building
stipulations contained in the docu-
programmes and relevant activities
ment, “Protection of Minors: Policy
will be conducted by the organization
Statement and Guidelines for use in
to help all personnel to understand
Salesian Institutions�, (Art. 2.1-2.2.2),
the content of the Child Policy, Child
published by SPCSA, New Delhi,
Rights, legal systems in the country
2006. See Annexure 2. 23
8. Documentation and Research 8.1 Guided by the Juvenile Justice
8.3 Child-focused researches and a
Act and other relevant policies, efforts
comprehensive training of person-
need to be made to establish ap-
nel will also be initiated to meet the
propriate data collection mechanisms
emerging needs and to improve the
and systems to document effectively
effectiveness of services to the Young
information about the children served,
at Risk.
about the activities and programmes conducted about the organization itself.
8.4 The progress of the child under the care of the organization needs
8.2 Reports generated from the docu-
to be documented ensuring that all
mentation would help to identify existing
aspects of their growth is taken care
gaps and to plan the future operations
of till he/she is positively rehabilitated.
on behalf of the Young at Risk.
9. Advocacy 9.1. Children at Risk often are not able to make their voices heard at the right places. The YaR Forum aims to find ways to create spaces for their voices before the State and other significant bodies. 9.2. It is important to influence political governance and decision making so that issues and concerns of Young at Risk get represented in national policies and programmes. 9.3. Efforts will be made to collaborate with the State and its allied systems, mechanisms and programmes and to participate at consultations to help promote the special needs of disadvantaged children. 9.4. Efforts should be made to join hands with the State and Non-state bodies for the care and protection of children by participating and accepting roles and responsibilities in bodies/committees and structures set up by them for the welfare of children. 25
10. Responses to Allegations of Offences Against Children 10.1. The organization encourages
sional Standards, as the case may
open discussion during organizational
meetings on the occurrence and the
also be kept confidential. 10.6. An accusation of abuse by a
possibilities of child abuse, exploita-
10.3. Any personnel of the organi-
child will not be dismissed without ap-
tion, neglect and violence.
zation who has enough reason to
propriate investigation, no matter who
believe that a child has been abused
the alleged perpetrator is.
10.2. Where an allegation has been
by a personnel or by an extern is
made that a personnel of the or-
duty bound to report the matter to
10.7. Records will be made of all
ganization has abused a child, the
the child protection committee of the
facts related to the investigations
organization will take appropriate
of child abuse allegations and they
action with promptness to deal with
will be carefully and confidentially
the allegation. In dealing with these
10.4. Any personnel to whom a child
filed by the committee. It is not
allegations the YaR Forum will com-
has revealed that he or she is abused
necessary to keep a record of an al-
ply with the demands of the existing
is bound to report it to the child pro-
legation if an inquiry is not initiated
legal provisions. If the abuse is very
tection committee of the organization.
regarding the allegation. An inquiry
serious and falls under IPC or any
will be initiated only if the allega-
other relevant law a first information
10.5. The allegation will be kept
tion is submitted in writing. A signed
report (FIR) must be filed with the
confidential, with only those directly
statement may not be necessary
local police by the YaR Centre and/
concerned having the information.
from the child who complains of
or Provincial Commission for Profes-
Any investigation on allegations will
having been abused since it may be
difficult for him/her to give a signed compliant. But the one to whom he/she has confided regarding the abuse can record the details of the complaint. 10.8. Both the child and the alleged perpetrator will be treated with respect from the start of the process to its close. Extreme care will be taken to protect the child who is more vulnerable. This could include placing the accused on administrative leave until the investigation is completed, without prejudice to the existing state/ labour laws. 10.9. If a foreigner is involved in child abuse, the relevant embassy will be informed. 10.10. The child Protection Committee of the organization is to be constituted of three persons who are child friendly, possess adequate knowledge of the YaR Child Policy, child rights and the relevant legal provisions and have sufficient experi-
abuse will initiate a preliminary inquiry
10.12. If the allegation is against the
ence of working with children. The
into the allegation after obtaining
Director, then the procedure is carried
head of the committee will be known
the permission of the Director of the
out in consultation with the President
as the Child Protection Officer and it
organization. If the inquiry reveals
of the registered trust or society to
will be appropriate to have a woman
that the allegation is not of a grave
which the organization belongs.
member in the child protection com-
nature the committee will proceed
with the investigation. If found guilty,
10.13. If the allegation of abuse is of
a just penalty will be imposed with
a grave degree then the child protec-
10.11. The child protection commit-
the approval of the Director of the
tion committee asks the Director of
tee on receiving a complaint of child
the organization to report it to the 27
Provincial. If the allegation is against
be damaging and long lasting. Hence
ation will decide about what and how
the Director then the committee will
YaR Forum commits itself to support
to inform the police and the media.
ask the President of the Trust or the
and accompany the victims of abuse
Society to report it to the Provincial
and their families to the best of its
who will direct the allegation to be
ability to facilitate healing and recon-
investigated by the Provincial Com-
mission for Professional standards. 10.17. In the matter of action to be 10.14. The process of investigation
taken when a personnel (employee or
that will be followed by the Provin-
Salesian) is found guilty or innocent
cial Commission for Professional
by the Provincial commission for Pro-
standards will be according to the
fessional Standards, the YaR Forum
guidelines contained in the docu-
is bound to follow the stipulations
ment, “Protection of Minors: Policy
laid down in the Art.6 of the docu-
Statement and Guidelines for use in
ment, “Protection of Minors: Policy
Salesian Institutions”, (Art: 5), pub-
Statement and Guidelines for use in
lished by SPCSA, New Delhi, 2006.
Salesian Institutions”, published by
See Annexure 3.
SPCSA, New Delhi, 2006. See Annexure 4.
10.15. When a person is found guilty of grave child abuse by the Provin-
10.18. If any personnel in the organi-
cial Commission for Professional
zation have reason to believe that a
Standards, his or her services are
child from the neighbourhood society
immediately terminated without preju-
and not necessarily a child under
dice to existing state/labour laws. If
the care of the organization is being
the abuse is of a lesser degree the
abused, the staff must report it to the
person found guilty is punished with a
competent authority in the organiza-
just penalty. Persons who have been
tion within 48 hours, and the compe-
found guilty of grave child abuse are
tent authority in the organization will
not to be transferred to another YaR
be required to make arrangements
centre or any centre where such a
to report it to the competent legal
person will be once again in frequent
authority in the locality.
contact with children. Such persons are also not to be appointed to work
10.19. The organization will designate
with children at such centres.
someone to deal with the media and the police if necessary. The Child Pro-
10.16. The effects of an abuse can 28
tection Committee after due consider-
11. Communication About Children
11.1. The Organization will not display
11.3. Disclosure of information about
11.5 If the reports regarding children
or publish photos of children in vul-
the past or present abuse of children
are found to be expressed in indecent
nerable or humiliating situations.
and of any of the persons involved
and using disrespectful language,
should be treated with confidential-
appropriate efforts should be under-
11.2. Communications about children
ity, and disclosure should be limited
taken to correct such adverse expres-
should use pictures that are decent
only to the persons who are entitled
and respectful. If photographs of
to know and on matters they strictly
children need to be published, the
need to know.
organization will take special care to protect children’s privacy, if so
11.4. The language used in the com-
required, in the best interests of the
munication about children should be
respectful. 29
12. Evaluation and Review of Policy The problems and difficulties being
cally reviewed both in approach and
including children, will be conducted
faced by children today may change
implementation methods.
once in 5 years. The review will be
over time. Current challenges may
The YaR Child Policy will be reviewed
done with reference to issues put
be overcome and new issues could
every year at the Annual General
forth in this document and others-
emerge that require new approaches
Body Meeting of the YaR Forum.
emerging and relevant to the care
not covered by this policy. This
However, a comprehensive review
and protection of children especially
necessitates that the policy be an
spearheaded by the YaR Forum, in
the Young at Risk.
evolving document that is periodi-
consultation with all stakeholders,
13. Who are governed by this Policy? All the personnel of YaR Forum which includes members of the management, committee/board members, staff, volunteers and interns and the member organizations and their personnel shall abide by this policy. 30
A. Annexures i.
“ Protection of Minors: Policy Statement and Guidelines for use in Salesian Institutions”, (Art. 1.2.2), published by SPCSA, New Delhi, 2006. 1.2.2 Contacts and Behaviours that are appropriate and inappropriate: Don Bosco insists “that the youngsters should not only be loved, but that they themselves should know that they are loved.” There are many ways of showing affection, some of which are appropriate and others inappropriate. The following lists may help us to strike an accepted and happy medium in this area. More than a list of ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’, they are a reminder to live a role where one enjoys trust with responsibility. Contacts and Activities that are Appropriate Under Most Circumstances a) Handshake. b) Normal hugs when initiated by a child. c) Pat on the shoulder. d) Arms around shoulders e) Sitting close to or in the midst of children f) Verbal praise of a child’s achievements. g) Holding hands during prayer, or when the child is upset. h) Holding hands while walking with small children. i) Holding and picking up children j) Smiling at and/or laughing with a child. Restrictions on Physical Activities and Contacts a) Any touching of a child shall be age appropriate and based on the need of the child and not on the need of the adult. If a child initiates physical contact, an ap31
propriate, limited response is proper. b) One does not engage in wrestling with a child. c) One does not hold, hug or touch a child if the child resists in any way. d) One does not engage in excessive or frequent hugging. e) If one-on-one pastoral care of a child should be necessary, avoid meeting in isolated environments and in closed rooms where one cannot be seen. Schedule meetings and use locations that create accountability and do not give rise to suspicion. f) All trips, rides, vacations and other such activities must have the approval of the parents and/or the appropriate institution prior to the activity. g) No child shall live in the living quarters of adult personnel. h) No child shall be taken to an adult personnel’s living quarters unless accompanied by other adults. i) No overnight trips with a child or a group of children unless at least one other adult (Salesian, parent or collaborator) is present. Restrictions on Emotional Contact a) One does not excessively e-mail any child. b) One does not telephone children unless necessary; primary contact should be with the child’s parent. c) One does not get excessively involved in a child’s activities or life. d) No adult should have an exclusive friendship with one child. Restrictions on Behaviours a) One does not provide children with alcoholic beverages, tobacco, drugs or anything that is prohibited by law. b) One does not engage in any physical discipline of a child. c) One does not give gifts or money to a ‘special’ child. d) One does not show favouritism to select children in scholastic, co-curricular or other activities. e) One does not use disciplinary action as an excuse for prolonged interaction with select children. f) One does not take photographs of children while they are nude, partially nude or undressing. g) One does not undermine parent’s authority by ridiculing parent’s beliefs or allowing children to do things against the wishes of their parents. h) One does not ask a child to keep a secret from his or her parents. 32
i) One does not shame or belittle a child. j) Topics, vocabulary, recordings, films, games or the use of computer software or any other form of personal interaction or entertainment that could not be used comfortably in the presence of parents should not be employed with children. Sexually explicit or pornographic material is never appropriate for children.
“ Protection of Minors: Policy Statement and Guidelines for use in Salesian Institutions”, (Art. 2.1-2.2.2), published by SPCSA, New Delhi, 2006. 2.1 Screening Procedures for Personnel who are not Salesians
In order to ensure the well-being of children Don Bosco insisted that all “teach-
ers, craft masters and assistants must be of acknowledged morality” The Salesian Society is committed to making all reasonable efforts to assure that its personnel are trustworthy and morally upright. All hiring or acceptance of employees shall be done carefully. All existing agreements with the non-Salesian personnel shall be reviewed and shall be amended, if necessary, to include the statement that anyone found guilty of a grave act of child sexual abuse will be terminated immediately without prejudice to the respective State/Labour laws. 2.1.1 Information and References to be Provided
All non-Saleisan personnel will be required to provide certain information about
themselves and names of some persons who can be referred to as part of the application process by filling up the forms given in Appendix A, B and C (Application Form, Criminal Record Form, Health Form). The information and references submitted by potential personnel are to be carefully reviewed. 2.1.2 Interview
All non-Salesian personnel shall be interviewed in person by a team consisting of
at least two Salesians designated by the institution. 2.1.3 Acknowledgement of the Child Abuse Policy
The Policy of the Province with regard to preventing and dealing with cases of
child sexual abuse is to be made part of the “Service Rules” of the Institution or part of the “Code of Conduct for those working in Salesian Institutions.” All personnel shall consent to abide by the “Service Rules” or “Code of Conduct.” 2.2 Employee Education and Policy Information 33
2.2.1 Making Available this Policy Statement and Guidelines All Personnel will receive a copy of the “Service Rules” or “Code of Conduct” of the Institution. Copies of this “Policy Statement and Guidelines for Preventing and Treating Cases of Child Sexual Abuse,” shall be made available in all institutions of the Province at a place easily accessible (e.g. library) to all personnel. 2.2.2 Training All new personnel will be made familiar with this “Policy Statement and Guidelines for Preventing and Treating Cases of Child Sexual Abuse,” during in-service training. Presentations on Child Abuse and on this Document will also be given at appropriate gatherings such as: Faculty/Staff meetings; Workshops/training programmes for faculty/staff; Orientation programmes for students/children The text, “Guidelines for Affective and Sexual Maturity: For Formation of Lay Collaborators in Dealing with Young People,” prepared by Fr. Abraham Vettical may be used for giving training.
“Protection of Minors: Policy Statement and Guidelines for use in Salesian Institutions”, (Art. 5), published by SPCSA, New Delhi, 2006. Article 5: The Provincial Commission for Professional Standards And the Process of Investigation [Comment: In a letter addressed to the Salesian Provincials, titled, “Some Guidelines Concerning the Abuse of Juveniles, dated 19 July 2002 the Rector Major and the General Council asked each province to set up an “appropriate committee for dealing with alleged cases of abuse,” and described its competence and duties in broad lines. The following text is based on the guidelines given therein and in the Code of Canon Law, both of the Latin (CIC) and Oriental Churches (CCEO)]. 5.1 Establishment and Composition of the Provincial Commission for Professional Standards a) Each Province shall set up a Provincial Commission for Professional Standards to assist the provincial in his task of dealing with alleged cases of sexual abuse of children. b) The Commission is made up of three to five competent persons like a lawyer, a psychologist, a priest and possibly other members endowed with wisdom and prudence. It is recommended that some members of the Commission be
lay persons. The names of the Commission members is made known to the province. c) The Coordinator of this Commission is appointed by the Provincial and he will have power to act in the name of the Provincial. 5.2 Competence and Purpose of the Provincial Commission for Professional Standards a) The Provincial Commission for Professional Standards exists to investigate cases of child sexual abuse in keeping with the directives of Canon Law and the Salesian Congregation, to provide advice and to review policies and has no independent power or authority. b) The Provincial Commission for Professional Standards shall: a. Examine alleged cases of sexual abuse of children on the part of Salesians, for the purpose of informing the Provincial of the innocence or culpability of the accused. b. Suggest to the provincial modes of procedure in conformity with the laws of the country, state and the Church. c. Interview the accused Salesian, the victim(s), and other persons of interest and will inform them of the results of the enquiry. d. Propose to the Provincial criteria and guidelines for the Province in dealing with the victim, the accused and at risk members. e. Review the Provincial’s pastoral response to the individual making the allegation and, as appropriate, to his/her family f. Maintain contact with the parallel committee of the diocese g. Offer to the provincial opinion concerning the suitability of the accused person for continuing in religious life and ministerial priesthood. 5.3 Officers a) The Coordinator of the Provincial Commission for Professional Standards shall chair the meetings of the Commission. He shall ensure that the work of the Commission is properly documented and communicated to the Provincial and appoint other ad hoc assistants from among the other Commission members as may be required to accomplish the work of the Commission. b) At the beginning of each meeting of the Provincial Commission for Professional Standards, the coordinator shall appoint a recording secretary to record the decisions and other relevant actions of the Commission.
5.4 Record Keeping a) The Provincial Commission for Professional Standards shall maintain a file on every case or matter it considers. Each file shall contain a written description of the matter presented to the Commission, a written report of the investigation conducted, conclusions reached, and a written summary of the advice given to the Provincial. b) The files of the Provincial Commission for Professional Standards are the property of the Province whose member is being investigated. c) The records kept and all other documents and information received by the members of the Commission shall be treated as confidential. 5.5 Operating Procedures 5.5.1 Preliminaries - Responding to a complaint a) When there is an allegation, which according to the considered judgement of the provincial needs further investigation, the Provincial shall notify the coordinator of the Commission. The Coordinator shall promptly contact the other members of the Commission and schedule a meeting as soon as practical. b) The Provincial shall provide the Commission with all the information that is at his disposal relevant to the matter under consideration. c) The Commission will determine if the accusation deals with an abuse that should be treated by penal process as described in the Code of Canon Law (CIC 17201728; CCEO 1471-1479), or if the complaint can be dealt with by correction and apology, and accordingly give the complainant other means of addressing the issue. This may include voluntary mediation in an issue. The Commission will keep in mind the gravity of the offence as indicated by CIC 1395 รง2, 1321รง3; CCEO 1453 รง1, 1414 รง 2. d) The Commission may make a recommendation concerning any immediate action that needs to be taken in relation to the protection of vulnerable children and adults. e) The Coordinator shall inform the accused of the nature of the complaint if it is possible to do so. The accused needs to be given enough details about the complaint, and the complainant to be able to make a response. The accused shall be entitled to information about the process for dealing with the complaint. The accused will be offered the possibility of choosing a support person, if needed, from a list of support persons indicated by the province. The accused may choose someone of his preference from outside the list also. 36
f) The Coordinator shall seek a response from the accused within a specified time limit in order to determine whether the facts of the case are significantly disputed. g) The Commission may ask the provincial to see that the accused stand aside from a particular office or from all offices held in the province, pending investigation. The provincial may seek the opinion of others involved in the matter before making a decision, and shall give the accused the opportunity to be heard on the matter. Where the accused is a Salesian, the provincial shall comply with CIC 1722, CCEO 1473. h) Under no circumstances shall there be any attempt to intimidate a complainant or to dissuade a complainant from proceeding with a complaint. 5.5.2 Proceeding with the Investigation a) Where the complainant is not the victim, the coordinator shall not make arrangements to interview the victim without first discussing the matter with the complainant. If the facts are disputed, and it is not possible to interview the person who has been victimized, then it may not be possible to proceed any further in dealing with the complaint unless relevant information from other reliable sources are available. b) When a child has to be interviewed the coordinator shall get the services of someone professionally recognized as skilled in interviewing children. The province shall make available the names of skilled practitioners in interviewing children. c) Special care shall be taken in interviewing persons with intellectual or psychiatric disability. Only a qualified and experienced person shall conduct such interviews. d) The coordinator has the discretion to close a matter if the complainant decides not to cooperate with the process and there is no reasonable ground of getting reliable information from other sources. e) The coordinator shall arrange an interview with the accused if the person is available and willing to speak to the coordinator or other members of the Provincial Commission for Professional Standards. If the accused does not wish to cooperate with the process, the process will continue and reach a conclusion concerning the truth of the matter so that the provincial can make an appropriate response to the complainant. f) Where an interview has to take place with the accused, the coordinator shall inform the accused that in Church law a person is presumed innocent till proven guilty. An accused person may be invited to admit to an offence but is not bound to do so, nor may an oath be administered (CIC 1728 รง2, CCEO 1479?). 37
g) The accused has a right to obtain independent legal advice. The accused is entitled to have one support person of his/her choice during any interview. h) Decisions about who should be interviewed are made after taking into account also the wishes expressed by the complainant and the accused. The Coordinator will make known to the complainant the version of events as presented by the accused. i) The province is not required to disclose documents which it has an obligation to guard as confidential to the accused or to any other person. j) A written record shall be made of all interviews. k) The Provincial Commission for Professional Standards will provide a written report to the provincial of its findings. They shall also comment on how serious the offence was from a pastoral perspective and the punishment to be imposed. The punishment is to be “according to the gravity of the offense, not excluding dismissal or deposition” (Motu Proprio, Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela, 2001, no 4 ç2; Cf. CIC 1395 ç2, 1321ç3; CCEO 1453 ç1, 1414 ç 2.; Criteria and norms for Salesian Vocation Discernment, nos.75-76). l) The complainant and the accused are entitled to know the findings of the assessment promptly. The provincial should communicate this to them. The Provincial may delegate the Coordinator to do this. m) If the Provincial Commission for Professional Standards decides to reject the complaint, then it must provide reasons for its decision to the complainant. n) During the assessment, and therefore, at a time when guilt has been neither admitted nor proven, the issue of guilt, liability or the particular course of action that may follow assessment cannot be commented upon. o) As the assessment process is a difficult and trying time for all concerned, particularly the complainant and the accused, the process of assessment shall be undertaken and concluded as quickly as possible (three months). p) Where the accused is a Salesian, the documents associated with the investigation (penal process) shall be preserved in accordance with CIC 1719, 489-490; CCEO 1470. q) The records of the interview and all other documents are to be treated as confidential. r) The process of investigation is complete in relation to the complainant when the provincial gives a response to him/her at the end of the investigation. It may happen that the complainant does not pursue the case or does not show interest in the case after the initial complaint. In such a situation the investigation may not have been initiated or completed and it is considered as officially closed three 38
months from the day the complaint was accepted. [At times the investigation may not have been initiated because the complainant shows no interest in the case indicating that the complaint may not be true]. The process is complete in relation to the accused when the provincial has made known to the accused his findings as well as his decision concerning the ministry that the accused person may engage in from that time.
“Protection of Minors: Policy Statement and Guidelines for use in Salesian Institutions�, (Art. 6), published by SPCSA, New Delhi, 2006. Article 6: ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN WHEN ONE IS FOUND GUILTY OR INNOCENT 6.1 The Duty of the Provincial and His Council Once the Provincial has received the findings of the Provincial Commission for Professional Standards, he will present the findings to his Council, which gives its judgement, expressing this also by a vote. The Provincial, after consulting his Council, will also decide on the measures to be adopted canonically (including the prohibition to exercise the priestly ministry and possible dismissal). 6.2 Actions to be taken when an Employee is found Guilty a) If an employee admits guilt, does not contest guilt, or there is a finding of guilt, with regard to a grave act of sexual abuse of a child, his or her services are immediately terminated without prejudice to existing State/Labour Laws. Adequate safeguards are taken to assure that the Salesian Society does not employ the individual in any capacity. b) For acts of sexual abuse of a child of a lesser degree (e.g. indecent proposal), one is punished with a just penalty, not excluding dismissal. c) For the evil/criminal act committed and the legal consequences that arise from it he/she alone is responsible d) He/she is exhorted to own his/her responsibility and to cooperate fully with any investigation that may he initiated.. e) The province will accompany him/her according to the demands of Christian charity to face the new situation. 6.3 Actions to be Taken when a Salesian is Found Guilty a) If a Salesian member, who has completed the initial formation (e.g. Perpetually 39
Professed Salesian Brother, Priest) admits guilt, does not contest guilt, or there is a finding of guilt, with regard to a grave act of sexual abuse of a child that person is removed at once from every public, pastoral or educative ministry, and placed in a position where the possibility of contact with children will be minimal. He may be suspended a divines (= from the ministry of clerics) or restrictions may be placed on his exercise of sacramental ministry. He could be dismissed from the clerical state, if the case so warrants (cf. CIC 1395 ç2; CCEO 1453 ç1; Rector Major’s Letter of 19 July 2002). b) In the case of one in initial formation he is not admitted to renewal of profession or orders and is asked to leave the congregation (Criteria and Norms for Salesian Vocation Discernment, nos.75-76) c) For acts of sexual abuse of a child of a lesser degree (e.g. indecent proposal), one is punished with a just penalty, not excluding removal from office and ministry (cf. CIC 1395 ç2; CCEO 1453; Sacramentorum Sanctitatis Tutela, n.4 ç2) d) In the case of public scandal when a priest or deacon is concerned he is to be immediately suspended a divinis (= from the ministry of clerics). In certain cases, it is fitting that the confrere asks for dispensation from celibacy. He may be also dispensed from the clerical state and the congregation if the case so warrants. e) For the evil/criminal act committed and the legal consequences that arise from it the guilty person alone is responsible (in the spirit of Regulations 191). f) The accused confrere is afforded a competent follow-up of a spiritual, psychological and medical kind through a well chalked out Ongoing Accompaniment Plan (see article 8). g) No Salesian who has committed an act of sexual abuse of a child may be transferred for ministerial assignment to another province/diocese or eparchy. h) Before a Salesian can be transferred for residence to another province, diocese/ eparchy the provincial shall forward, in a confidential manner, to the local provincial and bishop/eparch of the proposed place of residence any and all information concerning any act of sexual abuse of a child and any other information that he has been or may be a danger to children or young people (Cf. Letter of Fr Adriano Bregolin dated 24 July 2004 addressed to all Salesian Provincials as well as “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People” of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, art 14). 6.4 Actions to be Taken when the Accused Person is Proved Innocent a) If the individual is found innocent, all charges are dropped. The Provincial will consult the Provincial Commission for Professional Standards and the Director of 40
the Institution where the accused had worked to determine if it is to the benefit of all to restore the individual to his or her duties. In any event, the situation shall be noted in the individual’s personal file for future reference if necessary. b) The Provincial will coordinate communication with all appropriate parties so that reconciliation can take place where possible and the damage done to reputations can be repaired. c) The Provincial shall take whatever steps are necessary to restore the good reputation of the one who was accused. d) If it is ascertained that the accusation was done maliciously legal action for defamation may be initiated against the one who made the false accusation. 6.5 Reporting to the Local Bishop and the Rector Major a) Once the accusations have been verified, the Provincial will inform the Local Bishop. b) The Provincial will send all the documentation with his final judgement to the Rector Major.
B. Appendixes i. Format for requesting investigation into suspected child abuse
REQUEST FOR AN INVESTIGATION INTO SUSPECTED CHILD ABUSE Name of the child____________________________________________ age_________ M
Address____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Name of parents ___________________________________________ phone_____________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________
Nature and extent of suspected abuse:
Previous injuries, event, and symptoms of note:
Identity and address of alleged offender (if known):
Date: ___________________________ Name: ____________________________________________
ii. Format to be filled in and signed, to declare ones commitment to the child policy
I declare that: I have read and understood the Child Care and Protection Policy of the organization. The contents of it were explained to me in a language that I am familiar with. I will work according to the procedures as laid out in the Child Policy. I have not been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude or any offence involving physical, emotional and sexual abuse of children, nor are there any such cases pending against me. I understand that if a complaint is brought against me regarding abuse of children while working with the organization, I will co-operate with the appropriate authorities during the investigation. If I am proved guilty of child abuse, I alone am responsible for the act of abuse and for the legal consequences that arise from it.
Signature……………………………………… Name…………………………….......……………………………… Designation…………………………………........................................... Date………….………………………… Signature of the witness……………………………………. Name……..............………………………………….
Abbreviations BM –The Biographical Memoirs of St. John Bosco (19 Volumes) CIC - Codex Iuries Canonici (The code of Canon law of the Latin Church) CWC - Child Welfare Committee DBNF YaR - Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk FIR - First Information Report IPC - Indian Penal Code JJ Act - Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 JJB - Juvenile Justice Board Jn - Gospel of St. John SPCSA - Salesian Provincial Conference of South Asia UNCRC - United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child WHO - World Health Organization YaR - Young at Risk YaR Forum - Young at Risk Forum
Don Bosco loved much, dreamt big and showed the way. Today, this man’s name is magic. Millions of young people in one hundred and thirty-two countries around the world have found hope and learnt to live responsible lives because of Don Bosco. He would often say, “It is enough for me that you are young, for me to love you”. His life was a living out of that love. The YaR Forum wants to keep this love alive. We want the miracles of his dream to continue. We want to dream with the young and make their best dreams come true. (Adapted from Don Bosco, He loved much... dreamt big... showed the way by Joe Mannath SDB)
Young at Risk The YaR Forum Network reaches out to the deprived and marginalised young such as children/youth on the streets, child labourers, abandoned and total orphans, children in conflict with law and young prisoners, young substance abusers, young victims of abuse, young victims of ethnic violence and armed conflicts, the young infected or affected by HIV/AIDS, children trafficked, school drop outs, run away and missing children, and others. Those are the young whose safety, wellbeing and development are at risk through neglect, abuse and exploitation. Over 95 cities and towns in India are reached by YaR Network to provide care and protection to the deprived and marginalised children and youth through shelter homes, children’s homes, youth hostels, street presences, childline services, Homelink Child Tracking Systems, child labour schools, vocational training, academic education programmes, child rights centres, documentation, research, advocacy programmes…. and many more. On an average, the YaR Network Members together reach out to over two and a half lakh of children/youth at risk across India annually.
Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk Palam Gaon, New Delhi – 110 045, INDIA. Ph. 011 25081014, Email: yarindiaforum@gmail.com