the meridian

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V O L 0 1 I S S U E 0 4

A Man

With A Magical Charm

“The Unexpected call changed my life”

City Lads Crazy For



An Extra Ordinary




H1N1 menace

LOCAL NEWS............................................... 2 COVER STORY.............................................. 3


INTERNAL NEWS........................................ 5 LOCAL NEWS............................................... 6

with a retaliation

FEATURE..................................................... 7 CARTOON CORNER.................................... 8 PRODUCT REVIEW..................................... 9 FILM REVIEW.............................................. 10


: Avinash Cleetus

Sub Editor

: Nemo Job


: Jackson Mathew

Design & Layout : Ebison VJ Photographer

: Deeju Thomas

Correspondents : Ben, Easwar, SR. Bindu,

Antony VT, Antony Jose, Siby,

Jithin, Akhil.

Printed & publushed by DonBosco IMAGE, Kochi For Online Edition: Email:


Ordinary Film



he Swine flu (H1N1) threat has fetched an ugly impact in the entire nation with 129 cases and 12 deaths reported in the last 20 days. Four states have been hit by the virus. Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka have been attacked by swine flu, out of which 69 are from Maharashtra alone. The sudden cold wave in February following by the current transition period and difference in diurnal temperatures are favourable conditions for influenza infections like H1N1. H1N1, commonly known as ‘panni pani’ in Kerala is a communicable human disease. The symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhoea and vomiting. The H1N1 virus apparently spreads just like regular flu. An airborne droplet from cough or sneeze of an infected person is the manner in which it gets spread. Pregnant women, young children, especially those under 2 years of age, people with asthma are the most to be taken care of. In 2009, it took the life of 366 people and around 11354 confirmed cases were reported. Even though in 2009 the victims of H1N1 were comparatively less in Kerala but that is not the case now. It has already afflicted South India and there are lots of possibilities that it could reach the state soon. But many are unaware of it and even the government has not taken any step to create medical camps or awareness programmes. This can be clearly noted the negligence of health department. Precautions, storage of vaccination and primary health checkups are the need of the hour. Avinash Cleetus

A still from the film Ordinary


rdinary, a suspense drama directed by Sugeeth may not appease film connoisseurs but it is definitely a breath of fresh air for those who are suffocating on crass. The movie begins with Eravikuttan pillai(Kunchako Boban) who is forced to quit from his political outfit and bes a bus conductor in order support his family. In the course of his job, he meets Sukumaran (Biju Menon) the bus driver with whom he develops a meaningful relationship. The duo becomes an integral part of lives of people in Gavi, a small village in Patanamthitta border which is the end point of their bus route. The turning point occurs when both Eravikuttan and Sukumaran are accused of murdering a resident of Gavi. The remainder of film follows their pursuit to vindicate themselves and find the ones who are responsible for the murder. Despite being a passable affair in terms of story and setting, Ordinary manages to maintain its pace without being stagnant or lacklustre. Mediocre story and a script

that lacks cohesion and substance drags down the movie from being good to just passable. However some of the actors manage to keep it together and provide intrigue if not awe. Biju Menon in particular steps out of his comfort zone and tries humour with considerable amount of success. The newcomers especially Shritha depict their characters with confidence, they are often over shadowed by the lead characters. The location provides a pleasing aesthetic which is thoroughly embellished upon through meticulous cinematography. The film’s soundtrack is well-crafted by Vidyasagar who does reasonable amount of experimenting while still delivering some catchy tunes. Although numerous shortcomings stick out like sour thumbs, Ordinary is a fairly entertaining with its likable cast, enthralling visuals and solid soundtrack. Worth watching but don’t bet on it. Bensanches George 10


Local agitation against defunct plant

Product REVIEW

Local News

Government’s Ignorance

Turns Into Public’s Nightmare


ocal populace of Puthenkurishu panchayath are protesting against improper waste disposal following the cessation of the Brahmapuram Solid Waste Treatment Plan . Panchayat authorities and the Brahmapuram Action Council are planning to take up the issue to the Supreme Court as the garbage heaps dumped at the existing plant are posing a serious threat to health and environment.

Nikon launches

D4 and D800 in India


ikon launched two new cameras D800 and D4 in India. They officially announced its launch of D4 on January 6th, 2012 but due to some technical reason the launch was delayed and Nikon’s D4 and D800 was launched together on 15th March, 2012. This is in fact rare for a company to do such a thing because two cameras with technologies almost to the extent to get a better result.

Nikon D800E is identical to the D800 but without an

anti-aliasing filter. The anti-aliasing filter prevents color moiré patterns from appearing in repetitive patterns. The D4 is finally here with new upgraded specifications and features that can satisfy the needs of even the most eagle-eyed professional photography. It comes with new and improved features such as 51 point Auto Focus system; 16.2 megapixels and EXPEED 3 processor. This D4 DSLR offers higher frame rates, so this camera will allow you to shoot higher quality videos.

The D800 is a tremendous launch from Nikon. The camera is somewhat a hybrid, combining some powerful features of the more expensive Nikon D4 with the familiar D700 body style. It has dual memory card slots, one for an SD / SDHC card and one for a CF card (Compact Flash UDMA Type I). It produces two models, a D800 and D800E, allowing photographers to choose the right model for their needs. The

The features for HD Videos are similar in both the models D4 and D800 with the best quality as 1920x1080 with 24fps, 25fps and 30fps in MPEG-4 (.MOV) format. Nikon D4 and D800 priced at Rs. 324,950, Rs. 149,950 respectively. It is already available in the Indian Market.

Antony Jose



On the other hand, The Suchitwa Mission,a Government of Kerala initiative, has recommended setting up a mega plant based on German technology at Brahmapuram capable of processing about 500 tonnes of municipal solid waste generated daily in Kochi corporation areas and nearby municipalities. The Mission has prepared a list of technology providers who could offer scientific so-

“Though the Kochi Corporation has reiterated that it is taking steps to treat the garbage dumped at the plant every day, it is doing nothing in this regard. As a result, the Brahmapuram plant has become a dumping yard with the stench spreading kilometres away, causing difficulties to the residents,” says Rema Saju, president, Puthenkurishu panchayat.She said the situation at the plant is similar to that of the one at Vilappilsala, Thiruvanathapuram. “Now, only two or three pillars of the plant remain. Though the Pollution Control Board has ordered a scientific capping, the workers just bury the garbage with heaps of sand. They have not even completed half the work,” she stated. She also expressed her concern for residents of Brahmpuram, Puthenkurishu, Chittethukara, Irumbanam and Eroor. “The entire Ambalamedu area is engulfed in a pungent odour. The ground water is already contaminated. People have already vacated the Chellippadam area where the plant is located. The locals have initiated strong protest measures against the bad state of the plant,” she added. The state government has sanctioned the construction of a new waste treatment plant at Brahmapuram, at a meeting convened by chief minister Oomman Chandy at Thiruvananthapuram on Wednesday .The meeting was held following the submission of memorandum by Kochi corporation indicating the need for constructing a new plant at Brahmapuram as the existing one does not have the capacity to process the waste generated in the city.

lutions to the garbage menace in the State. About 10 acres would be set apart for establishing the plant at Brahmapuram. Officials confirmed that 15 acres would be earmarked for creating a green belt and other facilities. The government will implement the project in public-private partnership. Experts said a large plant was essential for Kochi, where de-centralised initiatives had failed to materialise. They said the Brahmapuram plant would become a solution for treatment of waste generated in the municipalities in Ernakulam

SR. Bindu



Human Interest

Which tree is this supposed to be?

Deeju Thomas

An electric post at Pipeline Junction which is covered by creepers causing danger. 09

Cartoon Corner

Jackson m





Cover Story


City Lads Crazy For




Dirt Race 2012 in Cochin

otorbike racing has been a trend among the youths all over the world and now it has also influenced the youths of Kerala. By seeing the growing demand many motorbikes racing clubs have started to sponsor and organize races in Cochin. Like 80 two-stroke motorcycles there are also several Dirt bikes racing tracks within the city that promote this new trend. Youth from outside the state also come to participate in different competitions. AC City Dare Warriors mud bike race organized by Island Motor Racing Club, Vytilla, which was held at the Eroor Bhavan’s School ground, is just one among them.

them to accidents or getting them killed or badly hurt which finally ends up in Hospitals or in prison. According to experts, youths turn up in racing due to the facilities provided by the parents. At a very young age they are provided with video games such as X-box, Play Station and PSP which contains all kind of racing games. This creates an enthusiasm among children and when they grow up they become crazy for racing. “I do not believe that racing is bad. In fact they should be given proper training both mentally and physically. Lack of good trainers and good track are some of the major problems when it comes to racing,” said Jane, Lecturer, Speedwings Academy for Aviation, Kochi.

The Dirt Track, which held on 25-26 February 2012 at Synthite grounds near Lakeshore hospital and Team Speedway paravur’s bike race event in North paravur in associate with Yes Indiavision are some of the other major prompters of this trend.

At present there no proper tracks for bike and car racing in the state and if you look at national scenario there are just two bikes racing tracks in India. One is at Sriperambudur, Chennai and the o¬¬¬ther one is at Coimbatore. Both these racing circuits are owned by the Federation of the Motor Sports Club of India or FMSCI.

But many of our youths are getting involved in racing with our proper training and they even try to bring out the race on street roads and Highways. Illegal bets and lack of proper training puts them in danger. This leads


Akhil Varghese


nnumerable artists create or develop specific parts of an art piece or scene; but it is the charge of a sole art director to supervise and unify the vision. He is in charge of the overall visual appearance. The art director makes decisions about visual elements used, what artistic style to use and when to use motion. In modern film production, an art director typically works in tandem with a copywriter. It is true that the Malayalam film industry has also witnessed a tremendous change in film making through art direction. We can proudly say that the state has tremendous talented people who work as art directors. Joseph Nellikkal is one among them. Rajan Paul, an internationally acclaimed Fashion Photographer invited Joseph Nellikkal, a professionally trained hotel management employee who was working in a renowned hotel in Cochin to join him by seeing his special talent in drawing. Later Ismail Merchant, an independent producer in Hollywood contacted to him to work in a film Cotton Mary in 1999. “The unexpected call of Ismail Merchant definitely changed my entire life but the training I received from Rajan Paul made me a professional, said Joseph Nellikkal.

Rasikan, Speed, July 4, Robin Hood, Chattambi Nadu, Sneha veedu, Marykundoru Kunjadu, Big B, Sagar Alias Jacky, Kadha Thudarunnu, Anwar etc. Through Big B, he broke many of the conventional style of film making. The art direction for each scene corresponded with the style of the movie. And he was successful in providing a new experience to the audience. In July 4, he took up the challenge to put up a hut on a tree without harming the tree and he successfully built the hut without nailing on the tree. He converted Trivandrum beach into Mini Goa for Sagar Alias Jacky. The core scenes in Robin Hood are based on ATM robbery, Joseph ideated the ATMs and its system used for robbery and created the conference room, bank & flat in a studio. In Chattambi Nadu, his great vision converted a village in Tamilnadu to Chembattunadu in Kerala. The usage of a dam site as the hero’s house, added a visual delight to the audience.

The creation of bomb and the blast in Anwar proves his research on such subjects and his exceptional skills in execution. And there is no doubt that Joseph’s passion and love for the creative process and expressing himself Lal Jose, the prominent Malayalam Film Director in- has opened a whole new journey, where he is exploring troduced him into the Malayalam Industry through Mee- the beautiful essence of life. samadhavan. He has done around 40 films, which include Antony V.T & Avinash Cleetus



Internal News

Agents’ strike hindered

state wide Don Bosco newspaper Media Institute distribution Gets New Block T

he Kerala state newspaper agents and distributors went on strike on Monday depriving subscribers of their daily dose of morning newspapers. The strike was led by the Coordination Committee of Newspaper Agent’s Unions of Kerala. Newspaper distributors demanded an increase in trade discount from the current 28 percent to 50 percent of cover price. Normally, the trade discount in most markets range between 18-22 percent and it was already on the higher side in Kerala - highest among the four South Indian states.


he new wing of Don Bosco Media Institute comprising of Principal’s office, Library, Staff workstation, Internet lab and 2D drawing station hasbeen consecrated by Fr. Joyson Mulavarickal SDB, Principal of Don Bosco IGACT on Monday 19th march, 2012 at 12:20pm.

Kerala is the only state where newspaper distributors take a service charge of 15 to 20 rupees per title every month from the households. The newspaper distributors also demanded other facilities like festival allowance, setting up of a welfare fund and pension, increasing the commission period to five months from the present two months, increasing travelling allowance per household and pension, among others.

“The new block would facilitate the easy functioning of the departments. It would be greatly beneficial for both students and staff as the new facilities would amplify their access to information”, says Divya Mathew, Faculty, Don Bosco IGACT. Fr. Joyson especially thanked Fr. K.T. Varghese, Administrator; Fr. Jiji Kalavanal, Director, Don Bosco IMAGE, for the design and planning and Bro. Shaji, Press Manager, Don Bosco IGACT Publications for their contributions. He also thanked the staff and students of the institution, for their helpand support.

The agency and newspaper distributors have requested renewed pension scheme, festival allowance, and separate special agents for supplements and pay structure for distributors. They have also demanded a change in their status to permanent employees and have requested for all privileges reserved for permanent employees.

“The new library will be a great asset for the institute as it provides ample opportunities for us as students. This is truly a blessing for us”, opines Antony V T, MAJM student at Don Bosco IMAGE.


The area worst affected by the strike is the Malabar region. The Hindu had to cancel its Kerala editions. The Indian Newspaper Society (INS) strongly condemned the call for statewide indefinite strike the newspaper agents.

Jithin Tom

Easwar K. Uthaman


Scarcity of tender coconut

causing panic in boosts cold drink sale Aalinchuvadu S T

he road in Aalinchuvadu causes inconvenience to pedestrians, they are not able to walk safely since it is a bus route. A small service road is converted into bus route and there is no foot path. Trees on the side of the road make it difficult for the pedestrians to walk. There is hardly any space on the side of the road if two vehicles pass simultaneously. Accidents have become common during the peak hours.

“We as part of large network of agents that operate across different regions of the city have the right to receive our fair share of the revenues in addition to the prerogatives entitled to us,” says Ashokan, a newspaper agent working in Ernakulam who is affiliated to number of English and Malayalam newspapers in the city.

Fr. Joison Blessing the New Block of Don Bosco Media Institute


Red Killers

Local News

The Traffic at Aalinchuvadu. Last week a lady staff from RUN4U super market met with an accident and broke her hands. “I was coming from church at 8am and the car’s side mirror hit my left arm and the driver didn’t even have the basic courtesy to stop; on the other hand the manner in which the bus was coming made the car come more towards the sides of the road” says Lintu, the victim of the incident. Rush driving, crowded vehicles and unexpected entry of motorbikes create fear among women and children who use the road to reach their destinations. A vendor in the area says a person takes about 5-10 minutes to cross the road as the fear always exist. A lot of complaints have been raised and still the authorities have not taken any initiatives.

hortage of tender coconuts compounded with rising temperature has boosted the sale of the cool drinks across the state. According to statistical data, the average temperature across the state has increased two to four degrees in the last month. One of the major factors affecting the increase in sales is the deficiency of coconuts despite the state’s reputation as the ‘land of coconut trees.

Juiced Up Cool Drink Vendor at Vennala Coconuts had been a prime source of income of many families in Kerala for long, but the situation has changed drastically in recent years. Scarcity of skilled labour and pest attacks has dealt a hard blow to the prospects of the crop. According to figures from the Coconut Development Board (CDB), though the area under coconut cultivation in Kerala is 818.8 hectares, the productivity is only 5,641 nuts an hectare. With the rising temperature, this has turned out to be a great opportunity for multinational companies to brand their product within the state. Along with popular beverages like Coca Cola and Pepsi, refreshments like Falooda and variety of ice creams are also in demand. “In comparison, March to May is very profitable for us. Customers prefer ice creams to fresh juices. There is also demand for Fruit salads and shakes.” says Anil, a cool drink vendor at Alinchuvadu.

Siby Mathew

Jithin Tom



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