SPEDII Programme2006-2009 Process Report Implemented by Mananthavady DSSS Supported by SAFP India and CIDA Description of the Diocesan Social Service Society Wayanad Social Service society is a Registered Charitable Society and a secular voluntary organization established in the year of 1974 as the official social service organization of the Catholic Diocese of Mananthavady. It aims at socio- economic empowerment of the target group consisting of tribes, women, and small and marginal farmers through participatory development interventions. Its area of operation comprises of district of Wayanad, Kannur, and Malappuram, in Kerala and Gudallur taluk in Nilgiri district of Tamil Nadu. It is implementing various programs in the targeted area in partnership with SAFP from the year 1978. 1. Description of the project area SAFP Mananthavady has selected Kuttimoola watershed area which is a micro watershed of Kaniaram Watershed for the SPED II programme. The Total land area coverage come around 400hts. The watershed area has a clearly defined system boundary. The population in this area is 824 in 183 households. Though the project area is very close to the town very less civic amenities has reach to this area. Drinking water scarcity is the major problem of this area especially from the mid summer. People have to climb up and down more than hundred meters to fetch water. Agriculture is the major economic source of the watershed area. Majority of the people are small and marginal farmers. But the crop loss and indebtedness are the major problems they face in their daily life. The data collection and PRA revealed the possibilities of renovation and recharging of water sources. SPEDII first year programs dealt with the integral and sustainable development of the PAR area. 2. Coordinators’ Meet (Date :11th to 15th September SAFP level SPED coordinators meet has taken place for the new coordinators in order to introduce the nature of the project. The meeting enhance the idea of Participatory action research program and its significance. Various input session are given to the coordinators such as idea about Participatory action research, the concept of watershed, Natural resource management, Preparation of activity calendar cash flow, activity budgeting, RBM frame work, gender etc. The new coordinators acquired a brief idea about the nature of project and the role they have to play in the process of implementing the project The coordinators received clarifications regarding the preparation of activity calendar cash flow, activity budgeting, RBM frame work, gender etc.
Integrated Watershed Program 3. Area Identification DSSS had the strong will that the project should reach to the truly deserving people .The proper identification of the project area had become the first and foremost target of the DSSS. The successful experience of the SPED I program was the main incentive for such decision A DSSS level team formed to enquire about the problem of drinking water scarcity in the various areas. The team visited the highlighted areas, met with local people, observed the severity of the problem and other components related to the project Then conducted a comparative study and presented in the staff meeting and selected the area. The DSSS level team work and decision provided the selection of a truly deserving area and accomplished their support in the implementation process.
4. Annual Planning Workshop Description and Definition The annual planning workshop at the DSSS level is very essential for systematic and scientific planning and better utilization of fund with regard to the concerns of watershed. It added to the support of all the staff and the members from the watershed area right from the planning of the program. A collective thinking and planning lead to the formation of innovative ideas and strategies. Process Undertaken The annual planning workshop undertaken every year at DSSS level as well as village level before implementing the activity. The objective of the workshop was to plan out the activities for the implementation of SPEDII programmes. All the DSSS staff and the representatives from the community had participated in the workshop. For the general understanding , various input sessions were given on the topics of Participatory action Research, Concept of watershed. There was an evaluation of each year also will be conducted during the planning workshop. SPED II and profile of the project area enabled the better participation in the planning session. The ideas of the participants tapped through brain storming. And finally the activity calendar, Cash flow, and RBM frame work are prepared in the groups. Planning workshop provide a shirred understanding of the project among the DSSS staff and develop a platform for discussion and consultation.
5. ORIENTATION ON WATERSHED DEVELOPMENT AND INAUGURATION OF “JALATHARANG” Description and Definition of the Activity As an initiation to Jalatharng watershed development programme, an inauguration along with the training on NRM had conducted in the selected PAR area. on 18th November 2006. The media coverage and the presence of political representatives provided wider coverage and publicity for the for the programme. The training on NRM generated common understanding in the community regarding the Jalatharang programme. Process Initiated As soon as the SAFP level meeting, DSSS team identified the area for implementation of the project. DSSS level planning workshop is done and activity calendar is prepared with respect to the fund allocation. The sanction letter received in the mid November. After which the inaugural function is planned. The official inauguration of the Jalatharang Programme has taken place on 18th November 2006. A committee is formed in the local level to carry out the responsibilities till the formation of watershed committee. They invited the guest for the inaugural function as well as for the seminar. The seminar has taken place in the morning and the inauguration in the afternoon. Various input sessions were given on the topics of Participatory Action Research, Water Soil and bio-mass conservation, Basic Watershead Management by eminent and experienced personalities Fr. Kuriakkose Kunnath, Mr P.A.Jose, Mr. E. J. Jose . Inaugural function is started in the afternoon and Sri. K. M. Varkey, the block panchayath President inaugurated the function. The sped coordinator give a brief note on the Jalatharang Programme Fr. Kuriakkose the director of WSSS Presided over the function. Mr. V.K. Jose the ward member, Fr. Joseph Paruvummel the patron of SWS Kuttimooola, Mr. John Kombi Kara SWS President delivered speeches during the formal function. . Write up is given to all the local papers.
Key learning\findings\ result The orientation seminar and the inauguration imparted a great awareness and publicity about the project Jelatharang and the method of participatory action research within and out side the PAR area.
• • • •
The presence of the local leaders provided more support . The people in the PAR area acquired more clarity about the Participatory action research and the concept of watershed. The activity created general awareness about the need for soil , water and biomass conservation. The program Created interest in learning of the concept of Jelatharang and action research process.
6. BASIC DACOLLECTION IN THE PAR AREA Description and definition of the Activity In the preliminary set of the project implementation base line data survey had conducted on st 21 to 23rd November 2006.Adter that every year before the activities initiated there will there will be a baseline data survey taken adding the needed informations The survey had done with the data format given by Save a Family. The data format contain almost all the necessary data with which the problems and possibilities can be identified. Process initiated The volunteers for data collection have divided into 4 groups in the leadership of the animators. The area has divided into 4 sectors and the survey conducted by a team of four members including the DSSS animators and local leaders. Description and clarification of the prepared survey format has given to the team members.183 household survey conducted by the team members. Consolidated the data of the survey, by the team members in consultation with the project staff, prepared a community profile of the project area The data analyzed and documented. Some of the already identified issues and measures revised in the light of the survey Key learning\Findings\Results • 183 families are living in the project area • 68% of families facing drinking water scarcity in the summer season-Major concern area. • The people follow a mixed cropping pattern with cash crops and food crops. • The wells and streams to which they rely on drinking water purpose and other house hold purposes get dry in the summer season. • Indebtedness is a crucial socio-economic problem seriously affected by 40% of the families (more than 25000).
Though the area is very close to the town it lag behind in civic amenities like electricity, conveyance etc.
7. PRA AND WATERSHED COMMITTEE FORMATION Significance of the Activity Participatory rural appraisal(PRA) is done in the watershed area on 24th November 2007 with the intention of analyzing various issues, problems, possibilities with regard to the integral and sustainable development of the watershed area and planning the programs in a participatory approach. PRA ensure the active participation and involvement of the community right from the time problem identifying. Watershed committee is the responsible local level body of the project throughout the implementation process. The representation from the different sectors had ensured while forming the committee. Process initiated As a beginning there was a public gathering and an input session regarding PRA given by Mr. P.A Jose (PRA team leader).The whole group is divided into four clusters including members from all sectors. The groups analyzed various aspects to be concerned in the project period to attain sustainable and integral development of the area. Tools used in PRA- Social map, resource map, Pair wise ranking, Resource inflow and out flow, Ven Diagram, Wealth Ranking, Seasonal calendar, Historical time line. Watershed committee has formed involving representation from all sectors of the watershed area. The total area is divided into three sectors named as N sector ,J sector & P sector for the better implementation of the process.
• • • • • • • •
Key learning\findings \Results The area selected is a natural micro watershed. The water flow is to the Odam stream which is also called Kaniaram stream 2\3 of the families do not have electricity though the area is very close to the town. Drinking water scarcity is the major problem and draught is very serious during the summer season. Transport, conveyance, communication and other such civic amenities are very less in the project area. It is an agricultural area; crop loss inadequate irrigational facilities, risk in cultivating food crops etc are seriously affected in the agricultural practices. PRA created general awareness regarding the historical back ground of the project area. As the result of the pair wise, ranking drinking water scarcity, unemployment, housing, soil erosion, crop loss, ill health are identified as the major problems respectively.( Detailed study of the report of PRA gives a lot of important data which is very essential for detailed studies.)
Process initiated The first watershed committee meeting had taken place on 25th November along with the patron of SWS, coordinator field animators and the members. There was an explanation and clarification of the role and responsibility of each person in the committee. The SPED coordinator presented the immediate targets to be addressed. The entire labour had divided into sector vise responsibilities and suggested to form sub-committees under the leadership of supervisors in order to ensure the grass root level information passing as well as the effective implementation of the project.
Key learning\ findings\results • Division of duties and decentralization made the process easy. • Clarity about the role and responsibility of each committee member. • Sector vice division provided practical easiness to reach to the grass rot level 9.
: 3.45acres (2006-07) : 12.30 acres(2007-08) : 17.10 acres(2008-09) :72000 :18000 :17000 :7
Description and Definition the Activity The name of the district ‘Wayanad’ has derived from ‘Vayal Nadu’ which is nothing but the place of paddy fields. The presence of paddy field took the role of water storage body. But now due to the heavy risk of cultivating paddy people converting it to banana cultivation and gradually to areca nut. This is very much visible throughout the district. We can also observe the same phenomena in the watershed area. As a long term effect of this practice people are phasing severe drought. The activity of paddy promotion the encouraged the people to cultivate paddy and this will gradually increase the water level. The promotion of paddy especially the ‘Puncha’ paddy cultivation ,which is done between January and April is very significant in increasing the water level during the summer season. Process initiated Orientation training created awareness regarding paddy promotion and its relativity with increasing of water level. At the beginning people were reluctant to cultivate paddy thinking of the high expense and law yield from it. The economic support in the project act as a catalyst to create interest in some of them and they took the risk of cultivating paddy. Applications were invited from the farmers and selected the list of beneficiaries for paddy cultivation. In first 3.45 acres of paddy was cultivated. Where as in the those received subsidy in the first year cultivated paddy without subsidy at the same time 9 acres of paddy was cultivated with the project money which was kept only for 5 acres. In the third year 17 acres of paddy had cultivated .During they also had done nanja cultivation. Key learning\findings\ result Created general awareness regarding the protection of wet land in connection water resource management. Through the intervention 56 acres of Paddy cultivation could be done in the watershed area which created a lot of impact in water conservation as well in food security. The study on this intervention revealed that cultivation of paddy is economically supportive The method of cultivation of paddy is semi organic The subsidy provided encouragement to the farmers to cultivate paddy as they are about to convert their field to banana cultivation An individual effort that is very much significant in racing the water level of the total project area.
: 71 :6000 :3000
:3000 :71
Description and definition of the Activity: The people in the watershed area especially the small and marginal farmers are in a threat of heavy crop loss and indebtedness. The income from the agriculture is very less compare to the expenditure. The fertilizers that they apply could not produce any change in the soil. In this situation they ere eager to know the scientific changes that take place in the soil and the recommendations. Process Initiated The people are given an orientation about soil testing and its necessity in agriculture and introduced the facility available at their doorstep. We contacted with the government soil testing department and Krishi Bhavan to fix a date for the soil testing campaign. An input session is given to the people on preparation of soil sample for the analysis. Printed materials regarding the process of collecting soil samples are distributed. The committee members collected the prepared soil samples from their respective sectors. A mobile soil testing unit came to the watershed area on 14th February 2007 and conducted the campaign then and there itself. The Result sheet and the explanation of the result is given to the public by the head of the soil chemist department and the doubts were clarified. They also explained the recommendations based on the result. Key learning\findings\ result • General awareness building in the water shed area regarding the need for regular based soil testing and application of fertilizers based on the recommendations • The soil in the watershed area is highly acidic and the Potassium content in the soil is very less. • Enhancing good support from the govt. departments. • People get better clarity about the features of soil. • Recommendation for organic farming is given by governmental officials. • There is a possibility of further support from Krishi Bhavan. • People in the watershed area became aware of the presence of a government soil testing facility at their doorstep with less rate.
11. EXPOSURE VISIT WATERSHED COMMITTEE TO CWRDM Description and Definition of the Activity
Watershed committee as the executing system of watershed development project need more convictions regarding concepts of the project so that they could better convince the local people. The conviction of the watershed committee members gives more effectiveness in functioning. The action research method of the project need a people’s participation style in implementation of its activities. Awareness generation will be more effective through an exposure visit other than a teaching method. Process initiated: The Centre for Water Resource Development and Management Agency of the state of the state Government had suggested for the visit. We Communicated with CWRDM and received permission for the visit and on 19th February 2007 the watershed committee along with the SPED coordinator and field animators visited the Centre for Water Resource Development and Management. We had given input sessions regarding the Aim, Objectives & activities of CWRDM and the need for soil water and bio mass conservation by Dr. Sushanth(Scientist). Dr. James the Executive director of CWRDM delivered a talk regarding the process of implementing watershed project. The group visited the water quality analysis laboratory and Dr. Madhav Komath explained the functioning of the Lab. The group also visited to the Isotope hydrology laboratory and the CWRDM museum. Key learning\Findings\Results • As a whole the day was an interactive day with the watershed committee members. • The interactions during the visit provided more clarity among the committee members regarding their role and responsibility. • The committee members as the cream of the watershed project acquired more clarity regarding the idea of watershed. • The committee members could make a Comparative study regarding the process taken place in the watershed area and the demonstrations in the centre. • They have given an explanation to the result of random water sample test they conducted in the watershed area. • The group became aware of the existence of a government servicing agency like CWRDM.
12. POND RENOVATION Total no of units -3 SAFP SUSIDY-35000
Total Cost -105000 The total water storage-3 lakhs litres (length) Total over flow \day 23000 liters Description and definition of the activity The district Wayanad was a place blessed with hills and valleys and with resplendent bio diversities . But due to misuse and overuse of resource trinity the people in this area are phasing severe drought. Though many projects has implemented in the district to reduce the severity of drought with crores of money it remain without functioning and problem remains the same. This is similar in the case of the watershed area. Here emerged the need for proper scientific study of water management and renovation works. During PRA people identified the location this head pond which was perennial even in the time of severe draught of 1983.This was pond was neglected for years. Process initiated During the project 3 ponds were renovated in the watershed area. Before the renovation works started consultations had done with the experts about the scientific aspects of the pond renovation. The ecological importance of the intervention area was analyzed by the team. The committee gathered information from the local people about the past history of the ponds. Orientation is given to the people in the watershed area about the significance of the renovation of the pond. In order to get some labour assistance we contacted with New mans Arts College to send the CSS group for pond renovation for the first year. We had a dialogue with the owners of the land to collect the permission for pond renovation. Several committees were formulated for the better implementation of the program and decentralizing the responsibilities. The entire work had been done by the people in the watershed area. At the end of the renovation works the pond has fenced in eco-friendly fencing method using Screw pine, Vetivera, and some other thick rooting seedlings. PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED As the pond was a private property the permission of the Land Owner has to be obtained. The people in the project area have to be convinced regarding the natural way of construction of the pond and the eco friendly fencing. The norms and authority for the protection of the pond from misuse by the local people has to be made. MITIGATION MEASURES The permission of the land owner has obtained by the support of the local leaders. Awareness programs created general idea regarding the concept of constructing pond by natural methods and the significance of community pond. The protection of the pond has became the responsibility of the watershed committee. Key learning\ findings\results • The location of the three ponds were very much significant in accordance with the watershed concept. • The activity created an awareness generation for the preservation and conservation of water sources. • The committee could achieve a well arranged local social capital mobilization.
• The natural way of pond construction was attracted by the people and it reduced the cost of construction. • The renovation of the ponds increased the water storage in the area and that played a significant role in promoting paddy cultivation. • There was a laudable participation and sincere hard work by the people throughout the program.
:6 :6000 : 4000 :2000 :25
Description and definition of the activity Before doing any of the interventions the quality analysis of the water at random level felt necessary. Water born diseases are also found in the watershed area compelled to conduct a random sampling test of water quality in order to undertake mitigation measures for improving the quality of water. Quality test of water and detection of the result deemed very essential in a watershed project. Process initiated As an initial step orientation is given on the need for water quality analysis. Then we selected six random samples from various sectors and various waster sources. We approached regional water analytical Laboratory for registration of the test. The committee members collected samples and given it to the laboratory for chemical and bacteriological analysis. We received the result after one month and distributed. During the exposure the committee members received explanation and recommendations from the experts of CWRDM with regard to the quality of the water. Water quality analysis and its results generated public awareness in the watershed area about the value of qualitative study of water. Key learning\ findings\results
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The people in the watershed area came to know about the presence of governmental facility for analyzing water quality. The test provided awareness about the quality water they use for drinking and other domestic purposes. The analysis revealed the presence of Bacteria in 2 samples and the water shows an acidic nature. The result also proved that the presence of nitrates implicates the trace of pesticides.
: 50 :7500 :5000 :2500 :50
Description and definition of the Activity. The development of tourism in Wayanad district create lot of environmental problems. Due to the evolution of use and throw culture creates collection of huge amount of waste that becomes a severe problem in the district. As Wayanad is mainly of agricultural based and the people in the area mostly depended on farming the recent environmental problems lead to the destruction of natural recourses. The usage of plastic has become one of the major issue in environmental pollution. It prevents filtration of water to the soil lead to decline of ground water level. Process initiated The members of the Watershed community had given an awareness training on the hazards of plastic waste upon the human existence as well as on the environment. Then we Invited applications and selected the beneficiaries for digging of pits for plastic collection. Within the month of January the beneficiaries completed the digging works of plastic pits. Monitoring works are done by the committee members as well as the and the animators and released subsidy.
Key learning and findings and results. • The activity could create awareness regarding danger of using plastic and the need for plastic waste management.
• The pits for plastic avoided the throwing plastic carry bags into the ground. • The awareness generation encouraged to reduced the use of plastic. 15. ONE DAY AWARENESS TRAINING ON POLLUTION CONTROL Definition of the activity The use of Pesticides are increasing day by day in the watershed area in order to multiply the production of crops. But at the same time they are not aware of the alarming increasing of environmental issues. The waste collection and improper waste management of becomes a severe problem in the area. The people need to concept of watershed and its connection with waste management is better understand by the in the watershed area. Process initiated Awareness training on pollution control had arranged on 31st December 2007. Mr. N.T. Chacko (Coordinator of Alternative Energy) gave input sessions on various topics such as types of pollution. Solid waste management. The group discussion on ‘How to reduce pollution’ created a platform for thinking the hazards caused by the improper management of degradable and non degradable waste on individuals as well as on the environment in which they live.79 members attended the training program.
Key learning\ findings\results • • •
The program could create general awareness regarding the need for reducing pollution control The people in watershed area became aware about the malpractices prevalent among that pollute the air water and soil of the area. Encouragement for better waste management practices.
16.PARTICIPATORY RESOURSE MAPPING Description of the Activity Participatory resource mapping is an important tool used in the developmental process. It include the scientific appraisal and analysis of the resource trinity with the support of the local people. The preparation of the resource map becomes a foundation on which we could build the developmental process of the community. Process initiated
A committee of ten members were formed which include the team leader Mr. Preman, SPED coordinator, Field animators, and the local people and given the necessary. Various maps such as Village map Social Kedastral map, toposheet, satellite map were collected for the process. He team conducted a detailed study about the watershed area, water sources, Roads , cropping pattern and prepared a scaled resource map.
Key Learnings\ Findings and results • • •
Preparation of a scaled map of the watershed area has prepared. The map gives the details of the water recourses, cropping pattern, slope, road etc. Participatory approach provide the details to the community
17. PEOPLES’ PLANT DIVERSITY REGISTER Description of the Activity Plant diversity register is a detailed study about the plants in the locality. It gives details of plants and its availability at present . Process initiated 30 members were selected for data collection and they given a brief description about the purpose of doing the work. A sample study and data collection had done by the group and and consolidated data submitted to the botanist adding the scientific details plants and making proper corrections the register had prepared. Key Learnings findings and results • The watershed area rich in plant diversity. • It has a wide variety of plants especially some rare and endangered varieties. • The people selected for data collection are a very good knowledge about the plants especially about the medicinal plants. • Document provide details of plants in the watershed area that can used for many things cultivation with business purpose., preparation herbal medicines etc. • Their still exist some of the important eco systems like sacred groves, ponds, streams etc. 18. WELL RENOVATION TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS : 20 TOTAL COST :90000 SAFP SUBSIDY :45000 LOCAL CONTRIBUTION :15000 NUMBER OF PARTNER BENEFICIARIES :35
Description and definition the activity Though the people in the watershed undergo acute drinking water scarcity they are not properly maintaining the existing water sources. It further add the severity of the problem and it also lead to water born diseases. The water quality analysis proved the need for proper purification and management of water in the watershed area. Process initiated Orientation is given on proper water manage management for the people in the watershed area. After which applications invited for well renovation and selected beneficiaries who are really in need of the program. First of they cleaned and purified the water and constructed the wall around it. The committee members as well as the field animators visited monitored each units and after verification subsidy has released to the beneficiaries. Key learning \findings \Results • The water sources maintaining system is very poor in the watershed area. • Awareness generation regarding the health related problems cause by polluted water. • The activity created awareness about enriching the ground water level. • Renovation work is an effective measure of accelerating the ground water level.
19.JELAM JEEVAMRUTHAM WORKSHOP Description and definition of the activity Conscentization in the watershed area regarding the value of water play an effective role in implementing sustainable water management measures. It also improve the responsibility of undertaking the project for their own well and good. Process initiated The workshop taken place on 3rd February 2007.Input sessions were given mainly by P.A. Jose on various topics. The topics were Water Conservation and water management, Water related problems in Kerala, Improper land water management. There were dialogues and documentary shows about soil water and biomass conservation. 80 participants were attended the program. Key Learning\ findings\ results • The program resulted serious discussions about the possibility of immediate shortage of water and the necessity of joining hands to encounter the problem.
The entire workshop created a sensitization as water is very precious.
:10 :50000 :30000 :35000 :35
Description and Definition of the activity One of the major income source of the people in the watershed area is raring cows. They are also depending upon the farming for their income. Production and utilization of bio gas has a lot of impact on their daily life as they can meet the need for fuel without much cost and can save the expenditure for firewood and cooking gas. In a way it also prevent deforestation for firewood and reduce the usage of petroleum products. Process initiated Orientation is given to the people regarding the utilization of alternative and renewable energy. Invited applications for the construction of bio-gas plant.Selected the eligible beneficiaries for the program . Collected local contribution And mobilized available materials. Constructed 5 bio-gas plants. The watershed Committee and field animators did the verification and monitoring process. Key learning\findings \results • The beneficiaries started the utilization of non conventional energy for cooking purpose and thereby for environmental cleanliness and better waste management. • The slurry formed out of the process of forming biogas is a qualitative organic manure. • Bio gas plants became an important measure for environmental cleanliness and better waste management. • The production of bio-gas reduced the usage of petroleum products to retain it industrial purpose.
21. CONSTRUCTION OF 6 VERMI- COMPOST TANKS TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS : 16 (in that 10 are kitchen vermin compost units) TOTAL COST :18000 SAFP SUBSIDY :9000 LOCAL CONTRIBUTION :9000
Description and Definition of the activity Soil water and biomass conservation is very important in the concept of watershed management. The method of vermin- composting is very much applicable in improving the soil structure. The recycling of organic waste through vermi composting help to maintain the equilibrium of the ecosystem. It can also catalyze the growth and function of micro-organisms in the soil. Process initiated Awareness generation is to the community members regarding the method of vermicompost and its impact on soil structure, as it is qualitative as an organic manure. Selected beneficiaries for vermi composting out of the applications received. Constructed the tank by the members of the community itself in the given model and released subsidy. Construction of tank completed in the monthe of January. Key learning\Findings\ results • The activity helped in the production of qualitative organic manure. • Recycling of organic waste and sustaining ecological equilibrium. • It is a vital method of Bio-mass conservation.
:10 :28000 :10000 :18000 :50
Description and definition of the activity The land pattern of the watershed area is hilly. The rain water that fall on the ground quickly get run off. Water does not get filtered into the ground. This phenomena affect the ground water level. Well recharging lead to the increase of ground water level. Process initiated Awareness training is given to the people in the watershed area regarding the need for water conservation through well recharge. Selected beneficiaries for program of well recharging.
Formed a committee of beneficiaries itself for the better functioning of construction works. The experts from DSSS designed the site for recharging. The model applied for well recharging is attach below. Monitoring is done by the committee and then released the subsidy.The entire construction work completed in the month of February. Key learning finding\Results • • •
The program helped for awareness generation about the need for water conservation It became an important measure for the increase of ground water level. The formation of committee for the implementation of the program helped to carry out the activity systematically and with cost effectiveness and it also helped for social capital mobilization.
23 .AWARENESS PROGRAM ON DRINKING WATER SCARCITY 31st January2007 Description and definition of the activity General awareness building becomes very essential in this first stage of the project . PRA study conducted also revealed the severity of the problem of drinking water scarcity. Proper use of water management can be achieved only by conscentization and without which whatever activities become a wastage of money and effort like any other project.60 participants from the watershed area attened the training programme. Process initiated Input sessions are given were given mainly by Mr. Mathew Tharayil (Jalanidhi Project Koduvally) The various topics handled are • Water scarcity in general • Problem of acute drinking water scarcity • Group discussion on water conservation measures Key learning\finding\ results • General awareness about the misuse and overuse of water • Knowledge about alternative measures to overcome the problem of drinking water.
24. FORMATION OF FARM CLUB Description , Definition of the activity Majority of the members of the watershed area are small and marginal farmers. The land use pattern and the usage of chemicals and pesticides had adversely affected the soil water and biomass in the watershed area. General awareness building and a massive effort can only work something than individual practices. Process initiated Orientation is given on farm club formation and organic certification to the community. 19 members of the watershed area who are interested in organic farming formed a farm club in the month of February. And now they are under certification process and a conversion to organic Farming. Key learning\findings\results • Increasing number of members in quality and quantity to accelerate the CBO level implementation of the programs • Organic farming can be promoted in the watershed area through the farm club members. • Promotion of team work in the integral development of individual families and communities
As the SPED II is aimed at the integral development of the people in the watershed area its activities include income generation programs. It is to improve the livelihood of then people so as to develop their lifestyle. The economic status of the people in the watershed area is in a critical stage as they are facing the severe problem indebtedness. Promoting additional income generation programs are very essential as we aim at the integral development. Process initiated In order to collect the best quality croiler cheeks we enquired at the government poultry farm at Kozhikkode regarding the quality and availability of cheeks. Selected 30 beneficiaries for the program and orientation is given and distributed 20 cheeks each to 30 families cheeks to the beneficiaries. Key Learning \Findings\Results ď ś families are given an additional income generation program. ď ś The cheeks are of good quality and immunized.
:5 :75000 :15000 :60000 :30
Description and Definition of the activity The climate in Wayanad is very much favorable for cow raring . Dairy units are one of the most additional income generation source in the district especially in the watershed area. Getting good quality breed of cow as the cost is very high and it is difficult for the local to afford it. In this situation promotion of dairy units is very effective in the economic development of the watershed community. Process initiated Applications invited from the watershed community and beneficiaries are selected by the committee. The beneficiaries are given orientation classes regarding cow raring. The beneficiaries are asked to maintain the records of income and expenditure. The people constructed proper sheds with their own contribution.
Key learning/results
Promotion of dairy units in the watershed area will become an additional income source for the beneficiaries. The climate and the circumstances are very much suitable for the for the functioning of dairy units Production of organic manure for the promotion of organicfarming and availability of cooking gas. It provide Healthy and secure food.
26. MOSQUITO AND RAT CONTROL Description And Definition of the activity The district Wayanad is a place renowned for its natural beauty. Highest number of tourist in Kerala had come to Wayanad in this year. The development of tourism bring the city culture- the use and throw culture which adversely affect the eco-system. The collection of waste is a major problem in the town and in the very next future. The activity is taken as a preventive measure experimenting in the watershed area. It is aimed at controlling the attack of mosquito and rat. Process initiated Awareness training is given to the watershed community regarding the after effects of use and throw culture and the need for proper waste management. The people in the watershed area started a regular based drying up of stagnant water in their land. After which we collected the seeds of ‘Spathodia Kompanulata’ (Flame of forest) for planting the watershed area. On 25th of February we conducted a cleaning campaign in the entire watershed area. The participants had divided into four groups and carried out the cleaning work. Key learning\findings\results • The activity created general awareness regarding the need for keeping the environment clean in order to be protected the attack of mosquito and rat.
27.DISTRIBUTION OF DOLOMITE During the first phase of ‘Jelatharang’ the emphasis was given on analytical studies regarding the possibilities of renovating the resources in dealing with the problem of water scarcity as well as conservation of soil, water and biomass . As a part of it various kinds of studies had undertaken as water and soil quality analysis, baseline data survey, PRA And so on . In the Second Phase of Watershed development program the major findings of the studies are the center of attention. Activities of the second year are developed in this regard.
The soil testing campaign conducted during the first year of the project revealed that the soil in the watershed area is highly acidic. The soil chemist of the soil testing department recommended that. the major cause of reduction in productivity is the imbalance in PH content of the soil. As a remedial measure, Distribution of dolomite had been added in second phase of the project. As dolomite is a newly applied in the watershed area it was essential to introduce the product and it turn to a general awareness creation in the watershed area. Dolomite is a kind of soil find in various parts of Tamil Nadu state. The Scientific name of dolomite is Calcium Magnitium Carbonate. The neutralizing value of the this organic and natural product is very high. It contains some other supplementary nutrients such as Magnitium which add to the greenish color, number of the leaves and provide extra immunity power to the plant. The cost of dolomite compared to lime is very cheap and affordable especially in the massive application. As it is distribute in a subsidiary rate it became even more accessible. Process initiated As Dolomite is newly introduced in the watershed area, creating general understanding regarding the product for the acceptance of the people was essential. The committee members are suggested to enquire with Krishy Bhavan regarding the quality and suitability of the product. A sample of the product was collected and tested the District Soil Testing Laboratory and ensured the quality. Then 30 tones of dolomite had been purchased and distributed in the watershed area in a subsidiary rate based on the recommendation chart given by the Soil Testing Department at the time of Soil Testing Campaign. The beneficiaries applied Dolomite in the soil in the month of August and September. Key learning\findings\ result • The application reduced of acidity of the soil in the entire watershed area. The fertility and the mineral content of the soil has remarkably increased • Introduction of a new organic fertilizer at an affordable rate and reduction of expenditure agriculture and it also created interest in organic farming.
28.Promotion of Group Farming Number of units - 6 (second year) 10 ( Third year) Total Cost -96000 SAFP Subsidy -16000 Description and Definition of the Activity Promotion of eco friendly cultivation methods is one of the important factor in the program. Supporting the groups in generating additional income sources will be a great assistance for them as they are facing severe financial crisis. Group ventures add common thinking and common understanding. Process initiated All the six Self reliance groups in the watershed area are announced to select program and submitted the project. The project was submitted. Two mail SRG’ s and one female SRG had selected the yarm. two group cultivated ginger and tapioca. And the sixth group did Vegetable cultivation. The subsidy released after the monitoring. Key learning\findings\ result • Motivation to the entire CBO for organic farming. • Promotion of an additional income source. • Encouragement for group ventures.
29.CONSTRUCTION OF EARTHEN BUND Description and Definition of the Activity The ‘Jalatharang’ area is a steep hilly area . Soil erosion is identified as the fourth major problem in pair wise ranking while conducting PRA. As conservation soil in an important factor in the concept of watershed, the problem of soil erosion has to be given prior importance. The soil bund had constructed in the contour line and it was supported by planting fodder on it.
Process Initiated The beneficiaries are given orientation . A subcommittee of 10 people from the beneficiaries are selected and trained in contour mapping. The committee members marked contour line. The beneficiaries constructed the bund in their responsibility and fodder is cultivated on the bund. It was strictly monitored by the watershed committee members as well as the central team. Key learning\ Findings\ Results • The bund is constructed scientifically through the contour line. • The responsible implementation of the project by the committee. • Fodder provide strength to the bund • Fodder is locally collected and quality assured. • Fodder is support for dairy units. • The construction of bund is a control over soil erosion
30.FORMATION OF BALAVEDI Description and definition of the activity Promoting any kind of awareness generation among children has an effective function in terms of sustainability as it move to the next generation and so on. Developing an environmental friendly culture among the growing children is the objective of Balavedi formation. It also bring personality development and orientation among children. Process initiated The information regarding the formation of Balavedi disseminated through Social welfare societies. After which the committee selected4 volunteers from the locality to give timely guidance to the children. On 11th August the first meeting of balavedi has conducted there were 30 children gathered for the first meeting. the Ice breaking sessions made the group active and dynamic. Then we selected the office bares for the for the group. The children are given an introduction the goals objectives and major concerns of the Balavedi. They find very much enthusiastic in joining with the activities of the ‘ Jalatharang ’ Program. Key learning\findings\ results • Formation of children’s can play a vital role in the matter of sustainability as they are the future generation who ought to phase the environmental problems . • Children are ready and enthusiastic who undertake environmental friendly activities.
31.Workshop Sustainable Agriculture Description of the activity The agricultural practices in the watershed area need a meticulous analysis in connection to the various problems such as crop failure, reduction of productivity, and climatic changes in the agricultural field in order to ensure sustainability. An awareness training along with an agro clinic had arranged in the Jaltharang area in this concern. Process initiated A team of students and professors from the agricultural university of Vellayani , Thiruvanathapuram conducted input sessions on sustainable agriculture and an Agroclinic followed by it. Selected members from the Sanghams attended the program and discussed the agricultural diseases found in their field merits and demerits of practices they follow in the field. The experts gave proper guidance to their practices and prescriptions to the diseases Key Learnings\ findings and results. •
The community follow certain agricultural practices which are to be evaluated through environment and health perspectives. • It was opportunity for the framers to discuss the problem they encounter in the agricultural field. 32. Distribution of fruit tree Seedlings Number units -184 Numbers of Seedlings -3 varieties SAFP Subsidy—5400 Total cost- 12500 Description of the project Tree plantation in the watershed area play an important role in improving the water holding capacity and many other concerns. The selection of seedlings were very much in connection to the reduction of acidity of siol. Process Initiated
Three varieties of seedlings selected for the distribution. The seedlings were collected and distributed in the responsibility of the committee. The assigned the job to 2 of the committee members. Key learnings findings and results • Planting of trees in the watershed area • Selection of seedlings connected to the acidity reduction • Soil conservation 33.Fodder Cultivation Number of units : SAFP Subsidy : Total cost : Total Land :
50 12500 12900 2.50 acres
Description of the project The PRM study revealed that there is a lot of cultivable wasteland in the watershed area that will be more productive by farming. One of the major income source in the watershed area is nothing but dairy units. Utilization of the wasteland for cultivating fodder increase the availability of cattle feed in the watershed area. Process initiated The committee identified the cultivable wasteland in the watershed area and the farmers are given awareness to them. 50 farmers willingly came forward to cultivate 5 cents each. After the proper monitoring subsidy had distributed for beneficiaries . Key learnings\ findings and results • Renovation springs Utilization of the cultivable waste land. • Conversion of the wasteland to productive land. • Increase availability of cattle feed and reduce the expenditure of running dairy units. 34. CONSTRUCTION OF 6 VERMI- COMPOST TANKS TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS : 16 (in that 10 are kitchen vermin compost units) TOTAL COST :18000 SAFP SUBSIDY :9000 LOCAL CONTRIBUTION :9000 NUMBER OF PARTNER BENEFICIARIES :35 Description and Definition of the activity Soil water and biomass conservation is very important in the concept of watershed management. The method of vermin- composting is very much applicable in improving the soil structure. The recycling of organic waste through vermi composting help to maintain the equilibrium of the ecosystem. It can also catalyze the growth and function of micro-organisms in the soil.
Process initiated Awareness generation is to the community members regarding the method of vermicompost and its impact on soil structure, as it is qualitative as an organic manure. Selected beneficiaries for vermi composting out of the applications received. Constructed the tank by the members of the community itself in the given model and released subsidy. Construction of tank completed in the monthe of January. Key learning\Findings\ results • • •
The activity helped in the production of qualitative organic manure. Recycling of organic waste and sustaining ecological equilibrium. It is a vital method of Bio-mass conservation.
35.Construction of Double pit Latrines Description of the project The presence of coli form bacteria in the water samples bring out the need constructing double pit latrines in order to reduce the ground water pollution in the watershed area. The construction latrine require an exceeded amount of expense which is beyond the reach of the local people in the watershed area. So we could transfer a low cost technology and effective model . Process initiated Beneficiaries were identified and were given idea about the need for reducing ground water pollution and the alternative low cost technology in constructing double pit latrine. A committee was formed among the beneficiaries and technology along with the sketch of construction was introduced to the committee and they themselves done the construction works. The watershed committee as ell as the DSSS team monitored the construction works Key learning\Findings\ results • • •
Transferred low cost technology among resource poor. Decrease in ground water pollution and Improved health condition Increased social status
36.ENVIRONMENT DAY CELEBRATION Description and Definition of the Activity The celebration of the world environment day in the watershed area is aimed at creating general understanding regarding the responsibility of each individual and the community in conserving and protecting the environment. It is also intended to be alert in responding to any kind of malpractices against the eco-system by the individual and the community. Process initiated The water shed community Celebrated Environment day on 10th of June 2007. They had given input sessions for the general awareness generation. The entire session created an inspiration to analyze the unhealthy practices prevalent among them and the mitigation measures that can applied.
There were 78 participants attended the program. After which there was distribution of 60 seedlings to to be planted in the watershed area. Key learning\findings\ result • The environment day celebration created general awareness on environmental conservation • Planted 60 trees in the watershed area • Make Jelatharang program a memorable event as a reminder of protecting the environment • A model creation and publicity to environmental conservation programs .
37.RIVER DAY CELEBRATION Description and Definition of the activity The memorable Social events in the JALATHARANG program plays an important role in the matter of sustainability. The watershed community coming together for a common cause that is to protect the natural water resources in their locality. Process Initiated River day Celebration in the watershed area has taken place on 6th of October 2007. There was a higher participation from the community. Two Major programs where taken place on that day. The first was the protection of 1k.m of a stream side in the watershed area. And the second was a workshop on the protection of river. The stream side had cleaned and some varieties had planned on its sides in order protect it. The workshop created a general awareness for the need for protecting the environment especially the water resources. Key Learning\Findings\Results • Improved participation of then people in common purposes • Protection Natural Resources • General Awareness creation regarding the protection of the environment .
38.NEERTHADOLSAVE Description of the Activity The Jalatharang Community Celebrated second and third Annual Day of the watershed Program. The celebration was a socio-cultural event in the History of the watershed area to remain the watershed program and the efforts and awareness generated during process of implementation ever memorable. It plays an important role in the matter of sustainability. Process initiated There was varieties of Programs included in this activity. There was awareness program on the role sustainability factor of the watershed development. The community participation in the competitions and the entertainment programs were amazing A brief description of of the project were published both the years named ‘Neerthada pathrika’(Malayalam ) and ‘Jalatharang at a Glance’ (English). There was varieties of entertainments such as magic show for Neerthadolsav. Key Learning\Findings\Results • The entire program festival atmosphere in the watershed community that made Jalatharang an ever memorable occasion • • •
There was a high participation of the stakeholders. The publications disseminated the idea of the project. It attracted the focus of media and became a model in the watershed development programs.
Watershed committee has formed involving representation from all the 3 sectors of the watershed area. Watershed committee is the responsible local level body of the project throughout the implementation process. The representation from the different sectors had ensured while forming the committee The first watershed committee meeting had taken place on 25th November along with the patron of SWS, coordinator field animators and the members There was an explanation and clarification of the role and responsibility of each person in the committee.Thae had given regular awareness programs and exposures to make them more effective in their roleThe entire labour had divided into sector vise responsibilities and suggested to form sub-committees under the leadership of supervisors in order to ensure the grass root level information passing as well as the effective implementation of the project. Division of duties and decentralization made the process easy.Watershed committee used to conduct at a regular base. In order to evaluate the process and to discuss the further activities. The regular meeting were very effective in better functioning of the activities. It provide clarifications and consultations to the committee members. The meeting provided a platform for proper communications. It increased the interactions between the committee
40.MONTHLY MEETING IN THE WATER SHED AREA The DSSS staff and water shed committee members along with the people in the watershed area gather once in every month to have a discussion and evaluation of the activities. It is an open session where the people could ask their clarification and the committee could confront them. The regular meetings are very much effective information providing. 41. MONTHLY MEETINGS AT DSSS LEVEL There is a regular staff meeting with the Director, SPED coordinator, animators and the respective staff of different departments in connection to the various activities. The meeting is conducted once in every month to have discussion regarding the progress of the project. It is a time for critical evaluation and consultation and clarifications. The meetings provide proper interaction and support in the implementation of the project. Conclusion Jelatharang 窶適uttimoola has been a unique programme on many counts. Community awareness and participation in watershed development, innovative programmes like pond renovation and wet land reclamation, creative and critical learning through a number of different activities, involvement of PRI s, gender sensitization etc. have been land marks of the project Conclussion The district Wayanad was a place blessed with hills and valleys and with resplendent bio diversities . But due to misuse and overuse of resource trinity the people in this area are phasing severe drought. Though many projects has implemented in the district to reduce the severity of drought with crores of money it remain without functioning and problem remains the same. This is similar in the case of the watershed area. Here emerged the need for proper scientific study of water management and renovation works. During PRA people identified the location this head pond which was perennial even in the time of severe draught of 1983.This was pond was neglected for years.
SPEDII Programme2006-2009 The Cross Cutting Themes SAFP Mananthavady SAFP India and CIDA I . Gender Main Streaming II. Environment III. Good Governance The cross cutting themes designed for SPED II programme are very much significant considering the present situations of the society. As a result massive sensitization is taking place throughout the partner NGO’s. GENDER MAIN STREAMING The collective effort for gender mainstreaming expected to produce more of a fare status for both men an women in the society. The gender sensitization especially in the grass root is an awakening from the exploitation against the weaker sections of the society 1.a. RESOURCE TEAM BUILDING FOR GENDER MAINSTREAMING. Formation of a local level resource team to disseminate the gender sensitization programs in the grass root level had developed through this activity. In the first year of the project there were two training programs conducted for the team members. The training programs provided a lot a of information regarding the topic and helped in developing skills of communication. The team members were selected from leaders of the Self reliance groups. Process initiated The first team training conducted on 8th December 2006. One day training on the concept of gender and the impact of gender issues in the present society. Participants were the leaders of different SHG’s , DSSS level field staff and office staff. There were 31 participants to attend the training. The training conducted at WSSS seminar hall.Fr. Kuriakkose Kunnath, the director of WSSS had given the input session Team building and skill training. Ms Jessy John, the gender coordinator of the DSSS of Thamarasserry handled the topic on the concept of gender, Gender issues and the need for gender equality. There was debate and group discussion on the topics in which the team members actively participated. The second training was on 27th and 28th of January 2007 there were 22 participants selected from the previous training. The sessions handled mainly by Mr. Joy Kalpetta based on the topics of historical, cultural, institutional and legal background of the present gender issues.
• • • •
Key learning \findings\ results Formation of an efficient local level resource team for the implementation gender training and enhancing the them with detailed studies of the topic Building of awareness about the gender issues among the participants Sensitization about the sharing of roles between male and female Acceptance of the team members to be selected as the resource persons.
I b. GENDER CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION STRATEGY Strategy formulation to work on the issue of Gender is very essential to plan and implement effective programs in this regard. There were 16 members in the strategy formulation selected from the resource team members, Field staff, and office staff. The program held on 28th January 2007. The input sessions were given by Mr. Joy Kalpetta. The group discussed the conflicting situation of gender issues today and in the very next future. Group developed a gender conflict transformation strategy considering the various aspects of issue. Key learning\Findings\ Results • It was an opportunity for the discussion on the currently important issue • Formulation of Gender conflict transformation strategy at DSSS level. • The strategy formulated will influence in the implementation of the entire activities held at DSSS level.
Reaching out the grass root level awareness generation on the issue of gender was the immediate concern of the DSSS. And that could be achieved trough the CBO gender mainstreaming training programs. The resource team members of Gender mainstreaming took the leadership of conducting gender one day gender training at CBO level. Process initiated The first year CBO level gender training covered 20 CBO units 1000 participants. The topics covered in this one day training are, the concept of gender, Gender difference (Physical, Psychological). The role of basic institutions in gender equality in the present conflicting situation and gender conflict resolution Had been discussed in the groups. Key Learning\Findings\Results • General Awareness generation on gender main streaming at Grass root level. • Empowering the rural folk to be alert in the Gender issues. II . IIa.
Description and definition of the activity The nature produces everything needed for the existence of human being. But the greed for high yield make him to approach the nature with any kind of methods irrespective of harmful or nourishing the nature. Such unhealthy practices make it necessary to assess approaches of the individuals to the environment. And a team building to assess it in the grass root level ensures a healthy home and surroundings. Process initiated The resource team building for EIA had conducted on 17th and 18th of January 2007.Various necessary topics were handled by eminent resource persons. 22 selected participants from CBO’s and farm clubs attended the training. The first input session was about Wayanad and its environmental diversity. Mr.Chandran handled the session on the modern culture and environmental issues. Mr. Vinayan from Forest department explained about Forest –an important eco system. There was a practical session Art of living had very influenced the participants. The exposure visit to Perya Rainforest was very much impressive. Key learning Developing resource\findings \ results • Developing resource team in the DSSS level to conduct Ecological awareness building and environment impact assessment. • Importance conserving the soil water and bio mass. • Knowledge about the malpractices that prevalent generating environmental issues
II. b. Environment Consciousness Building at CBO level Awareness dissemination on the grass root level is in need of immediate concern as the unhealthy agricultural practices cause a lot of hazardous situations in the nature that adversely affect the human beings as well as the entire eco system. Helping to assess the impact practices of each individuals create a massive change in the entire system. Process Initiated environmental issues The first year CBO level training covered 20 CBO units and 1000 participants. Various topics covered in the training regarding the existing practices that lead to environmental issues and the of using chemicals and pesticides. There were group discussions on the mitigation measures for developing healthy environment. Key learning\findings\results • Awareness building on the environmental issues. • Awareness about the malpractices existing in the families and communities lead to serious environmental problems • Promotion of organic farming III GOOD Governance III a. Resource team building on good governance Description and Definition of the activity The grass root level activities of the DSSS are mainly done through the Self reliance groups and there federations called social welfare societies. good In order to improve the effective functioning SRGs training on governance is very essential. The formation of a resource team for the training of good governance will improve the total quality of program in all levels. Process initiated Two days day training on the Good governance for the formation of the resource team members had conducted on 16th and 17th of June . The main input sessions had handled by Prof. Balagopan . He is a trainer of KILA. Major topics covered are “ the concept and charaerstics of Good governance and significance of good governance in the application level . . The group discussion on improving good governance in terms of participation, Planning, Accounts, Monitoring had given a proper idea of the topic . Selected leaders from SRG’ and Social welfare societies were the participants attended the training. There 50 participants for the training.
Key learning \findings\ results
• • • •
Formation of an efficient local level resource team for the promotion of good governance in the CBO s Sensitization about the sharing of roles and responsibilities of leader of the Sanghams. Acceptance to the team members to be selected as the resource persons. Formation of efficient resource team for handling gender issues at DSSS level.
III b. Good governance at CB O level Description and Definition of the activity Empowering the local level leaders and the SRG members is the immediate concern of the DSSS as it play a vital role in the developmental field. The better functioning of the SRG s ensure integral development of the society.
Process Initiated The resource team members conducted 10 trainings covering 20 Social welfare societies and 1000 members. The major topics covered in the one day training were “The Concept and characteristics of Good governance. And Significance of Good governance at the implementation level. The group discussion on “how to improve good governance in the areas of participation planning, accounts and monitoring” provided an opportunity for self evaluation and awareness generation in the local level in this regard. Key learning\ Findings and results • • • •
The program covered 1000 members in 20 SWS units. General Awareness generation in the sangham level on good governance regarding the effective functioning of the groups. Empowering the CBO level organization for their better functioning. Evaluation of the functioning of the sanghams including its success and shortcomings
GOOD GOVERNANCE AT CBO LEVEL The Better functioning of the community based organization of the DSSS is the real power of DSSS. Maintaining proper functioning of CBO ‘s right from the time of planning is very essential. The timely interventions plays an important role in the effective operations of the groups. The
CBO level training on the good governance will improve the quality of the groups and execution of programmes. Process initiated The resource team members conducted 60 trainings covering 20Social welfare societies The major topics covered in the one day training were “The Concept and characteristics of Good governance.And Significance of Good governance at the implementation level. The group discussion on “how to improve good governance in the areas of participation planning, accounts and monitoring” provided an opportunity for self evaluation and awareness generation in the local level in this regard. Key learnings\ findings\ and results • Awareness generation in the sangham level on good governance regarding the effective functioning of the groups. • Evaluation of the functioning of the sanghams including its success and shortcomings. Environment Consciousness Building at CBO level Awareness dissemination on the grass root level is in need of immediate concern as the unhealthy agricultural practices cause a lot of hazardous situations in the nature that adversely affect the human beings as well as the entire eco system. Helping to assess the impact practices of each individuals create a massive change in the entire system. Process Initiated The first year CBO level training covered 60 CBO units. Various topics covered in the training regarding the existing practices that lead to environmental issues and the of using chemicals and pesticides. There were group discussions on the mitigation measures for developing healthy environment. Key learning\findings\results • Awareness building on the environmental issues. • Awareness about the malpractices existing in the families and communities lead to serious environmental problems • Promotion of organic farming CBO LEVEL GENDER TRAINING Reaching out the grass root level awareness generation on the issue of gender was the immediate concern of the DSSS. And that could be achieved trough the CBO gender mainstreaming training programs. The resource team members of Gender mainstreaming took the leadership of conducting gender one day gender training at CBO level. Process initiated The second year CBO level gender training covered 60 CBO units. The topics covered in this one day training are, the concept of gender, Gender difference (Physical, Psychological). The role of basic institutions in gender equality in the present conflicting situation and gender conflict resolution Had been discussed in the groups. Key Learning\Findings\Results • General Awareness generation on gender main streaming at Grass root level. • Empowering the rural folk to be alert in the Gender issues. Promotion of Sustainable lively Initiatives-
Introduction Wayanad is one of the fourteen districts in Kerala, is considered as the most backward district in respect of developmental programs of the state. The people in this area remain poor due to several reasons Agricultural is the main source livelihood for 90% of the population, both farmers and farm workers. The crisis in agriculture sector is so severe that suicide of the farmersreported during the 2005 alone is 67- the highest \\ blessed with its natural beauty. At present the district is seriously affected by the agricultural crises. The small and marginal farmers were fell into heavy indebtedness leading to the increasing suicide. Finding out an effective additional income generation program became a necessity among the farmers. Developing entrepreneurship through EDP training lead to effective implementation of the micro enterprises. The skillful entry into the micro enterprises facilitate the selection of the economically viable, nature friendly and socially sound trades with an appropriate technology in micro and home based occupation trade. It also impart the skill up-gradation that is required for micro entrepreneurs. Beneficiary Selection The program will be implemented in as group IGP’ s where each group contain 10 members. So the number direct beneficiaries are 360. There are 28 women groups 8men groups in the beneficiary list. The groups are motivated in such away that they have the role to prove the effectiveness group IGP’ s to the entire CBO s under the DSSS. The beneficiaries are mainly from an agricultural back ground who struggle for the survival due to the agricultural crisis. An additional income generation is expected to support their livelihood. EDP Training Developing entrepreneurship through EDP training lead to effective implementation of the micro enterprises. The skillful entry into the micro enterprises facilitate the selection of the economically viable, nature friendly and socially sound trades with an appropriate technology in micro and home based occupation trade. It also impart the skill up-gradation that is required for micro entrepreneurs. The training created shared understanding and developed enterrepreneurship among the stakeholders. The provision of skill training help the beneficiaries for the better implementation of the program. The sharing of each groups provide variety of programs that can be implemented through group ventures. It was an empowerment of the rural folk especially the women by providing additional income generation programs. Programs The groups selected various programs according to their aptitude, the demand of the product and back ground situations. The groups have taken the challenge to make the entire program a model creation. They have taken Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and various Cottage Industries. The table below describes the programs.
Sl. Category No. 1 Agriculture
Agro-Herbal Nursery
Animal Husbandry
Tapioca Paddy Banana Ginger\Yarm Yarm\Tapioca Ginger Poultry Piggery Dairy Goat Soap Making Grocery Curry Powder Making Ready Made shop Food Products Varanasi Compost Tea Powder Paper Bag Unit Anthurium Cultivation Serry Culture
F 2F,1M 2M,1F 1M,1F F 2F 1F 4F F 4F 1F 1F, 1M 1F 1F 1M 1M 1F 1F 1F 1F
Key Learning\ findings and Results • Provision of proper skill training can enable the rural folk especially the women to implement the alternative income generation programs effectively. • Introduced various small scale industries which relevant today. • Opportunity for discussion and planning before starting an IGP. • Encouragement for starting an IGP with proper planning and strategies. Conclusion Supporting the rural folk with additional income generation programs will surely improve the quality of the demand driven products. It will improve the living standard of the rural folk. The training upgraded the skills of learners especially the women group supporting the families with an additional income. ************************************
Income Generation Program for Women Living with HIV\AIDS or with infected Dependants Introduction Wayanad Social Service Society (WSSS), a non governmental organization under the diocese of Mananthavady always stand for the integral development and upliftment of the poor and marginalized people of the society. WSSS with the support of the SAFP India would like to initiate a project for promoting sustainable livelihood initiatives to improve self reliance, economic security
and better living conditions to the HIV\AIDS infected or affected women in the operational area of the DSSS. The alarming increase of the killer disease HIV\AIDS creates a lot of problems in the infected individuals, affected families as well as in the society directly and indirectly. The social stigma attached to this disease makes the infected persons to conceal their status due to the fear that they will be isolated by the society and they will not get proper Education treatment etc. Such situations affect the community to get contact with them knowingly or unknowingly lead the easy spreading of the disease. At present HIV\AIDS patients are struggling for there existence in many ways. They could not afford the high cost of their medical bill. As their health situation do not allow them for working and that adversely affect their financial situations. The children both affected and infected are not getting proper treatment. In such situation the support of the society to the victims of, HIV\AIDS at least providing human considerations is very essential. Once they get proper awareness and the training for developing skills along with the psychological as well as economic support to improve their life status. The present data analysis regarding status of HIV\ AIDS in the district of Malappuram reveals that around 200 identified and status revealed infected people including men, women and children are there in the district. Among them eighteen of them are children below the age of sixteen. At present the social stigma about HIV\ AIDS isolate the infected people in all levels. The education of the infected and affected children is in a pathetic situation. The school management and PTA associations do not allow these children for there study. The children isolated from the society and denied of education and from the main stream of the society. They find difficult to meet the expense of their daily life as well as their treatment. The psychological and social situations create mental torture and thereby reduce their immunity power. Many of them live in extreme depression and utter poverty. Beneficiary Selection 34 women who are infected or affected by HIV\AIDS and their direct family members from district of Wayanad and Malappuram district are the beneficiaries of this program. They are expected to be upheld their self reliance, economic security, emotional well being and, social security and improved living conditions by accepting their life situation and work together with the family members who are positives EDP Training EDP training was held on 2nd of August 2007.The training for entrepreneurship development program for the beneficiaries opened a away for interaction with them. It was for the first time in their life they are getting such an opportunity for skill training. It created shared understanding about proposed IGP program among the stakeholders. The training helped in the promotion of sustainable livelihood initiatives for beneficiaries. It was an opportunity to Create awareness about the wide4 variety of activities and options according to their possibilities and skills. During the moral support and guidance that is ensured right from the time of selection to reach selection.
During the training they were explained programme and thrusts of SAFP,and WSSS had given. The input sessions on Entrepreneurship development, Marketting facilities, and the introduction to various cottage industries provided a lot of information to the beneficiaries Introduction WSSS, Mananthavady. its vision mission, Goal objective, activities, Entrepreneurship development. They have undertaken various programmes such as goat raring, selling of fish flower, curry powder. The fund had distributed in the month of November. Key learning\Findings \Results • The beneficiaries of the HIV\AIDS project and their dependants are really in need of an integral support. • They are scared that their identity may revealed due to the social stigma Conclussion The promotion of sustainable livelihood initiatives for the women living with HIV\AIDS or with the infected dependant is a necessary initiative considering the pathetic situation of the beneficiaries. The launching of the project with defined objectives, developing identified potentials of entrepreneurs and timely assessments will improve the integral development of the individuals and the families. Income Generation Program for unwed and abandoned mothers Introduction Wayanad Social Service Society (WSSS), a non governmental organization under the diocese of Mananthavady always stand for the integral development and upliftment of the poor and marginalized people of the society. WSSS with the support of the SAFP India would like to initiate a project for promoting micro enterprises to improve self reliance, economic security and better living conditions to the unwed and abandoned mothers in the operational area of the DSSS. Wayanad is the most backward among the 14 districts in the State of Kerala noted for more number of Abandoned and Unwed Mothers. None of families headed by Abandoned and unwed mothers family is economically or socially secure. Most of the families are living without any social/ family support. The problems faced by unwed mothers include psychological and emotional stress, depression, social criticism, low self-esteem, limited job prospects and isolation. As a result, they struggle for their sustainability. In this situation, they are engaged in some income generation activities, slowly their income will increase and the social stigma also will be released. Beneficiary Selection 30 Abandoned and Unwed Mothers in the operational area of the DSSS are the beneficiaries of this program. Those who are in Community Based organizations of DSSS is also considering for the beneficiary selection. DSSS team and Sangam leaders will select the beneficiaries through individual house visits. They are expected to be upheld their self reliance, economic security, emotional well being and, social security and improved living conditions by accepting their life situation and work together with the family members who are positives EDP Training EDP training was held on 4th Decmber 2008. The training for entrepreneurship development program for the beneficiaries opened a away for interaction with them. It was for the first time in
their life they are getting such an opportunity for skill training. It created shared understanding about proposed IGP program among the stakeholders. The training helped in the promotion of sustainable livelihood initiatives for beneficiaries. It was an opportunity to Create awareness about the wide4 variety of activities and options according to their possibilities and skills. During the moral support and guidance that is ensured right from the time of selection to reach selection. During the training they were explained programme and thrusts of SAFP,and WSSS had given. The input sessions on Entrepreneurship development, Marketting facilities, and the introduction to various cottage industries provided a lot of information to the beneficiaries Introduction WSSS, Mananthavady. its vision mission, Goal objective, activities, Entrepreneurship development. They have undertaken various programmes such as goat raring, Dairy units, tailoring units and th fund had distributed in the month of January Key learnings findings and results • 30 poor beneficiaries and their families from the operational area of the DSSS will be brought to the mainstream of the society. • The skills and knowledge will be developed in them to begin sustainable livelihood activities. • The partner beneficiaries and their families will have a better income. • During the process they will be freed from the milieu of psychological and emotional stress, depression, social criticism, ostracism, low self esteem, limited job prospects, isolation and economic insecurity. • The better economic context will gradually wipe away the miseries of the victims and it will become a model for others to begin such ventures of fetching income.
Conclusion The Livelihood support to Abandoned and Unwed Mothers is really support the beneficiaries in the District of Wayanad considering the present agricultural crisis. The launching of the project with defined objectives, developing identified potentials of entrepreneurs and timely assessments will improve economic conditions of the target group. The project titled Income generation program for the infected unwed and abandoned mothers” an initiative of SAFP is highly remarkable as it is the need of the hour. The beneficiaries and their dependants find hope in life that they can improve their living conditions. The support is really an encouragement to them as they find that the society shows concern towards them. Many of them attending such a training program for the first time. They found it is worth attending such a training before enter into an enterprenurership. Some of
them evaluated themselves, the loopholes they encounter while they tried some livelihood initiatives before
Income generation program for Unmarried elderly Women Wayanad Social Service Society (WSSS), a non governmental organization under the diocese of Mananthavady always stand for the integral development and upliftment of the poor and marginalized people of the society. WSSS with the support of the SAFP India would like to initiate a project for promoting micro enterprises to improve self reliance, economic security and better living conditions to the unmarried and elderly women in the operational area of the DSSS. Wayanad is the most backward among the 14 districts in the State of Kerala. The survey revealed that the women remained as unmarried in the families are mainly due to economical and physical problems. The problems faced by these women include psychological and emotional stress, depression, social criticism, low self-esteem, limited job prospects and isolation and as a result, they struggle for their livelihood. In many cases they sacrificed their lifetime for bringing up their younger ones and now they are rejected by the same people. The feeling of loneliness that they face in their life is painful. In this situation, supporting them with some income generation activities will slowly increase their income and the social stigma also will be released. Beneficiary Selection The unmarried and elderly women in the operational area of the DSSS has been used as the criteria for the selection of the beneficiaries. Those who are in Community Based organizations of DSSS also is considering for the beneficiary selection. DSSS team and Sangam leaders will select the beneficiaries through individual house visits. 30 unmarried and elderly women in the operational area of the DSSS will be supported for micro enterprises in order to improve self reliance, economic security, emotional well being and their by increase their dignity in the society. EDP Training EDP training was held on 4th Decmber 2008. The training for entrepreneurship development program for the beneficiaries opened a away for interaction with them. It was for the first time in their life they are getting such an opportunity for skill training. It created shared understanding about proposed IGP program among the stakeholders. The training helped in the promotion of sustainable livelihood initiatives for beneficiaries. It was an opportunity to Create awareness about the wide4 variety of activities and options according to their possibilities and skills. During the moral support and guidance that is ensured right from the time of selection to reach selection. During the training they were explained programme and thrusts of SAFP,and WSSS had given. The input sessions on Entrepreneurship development, Marketting facilities, and the introduction to various cottage industries provided a lot of information to the beneficiaries
Introduction WSSS, Mananthavady. its vision mission, Goal objective, activities, Entrepreneurship development. They have undertaken various programmes such as goat raring, Dairy units, tailoring units and th fund had distributed in the month of March
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30 poor beneficiaries and their families from the operational area of the DSSS will be brought to the mainstream of the society. The skills and knowledge will be developed in them to begin sustainable livelihood activities. The partner beneficiaries and their families will have a better income. During the process they will be freed from the milieu of psychological and emotional stress, depression, social criticism, ostracism, low self esteem, limited job prospects, isolation and economic insecurity. The better economic context will gradually wipe away the miseries of the victims and it will become a model for others to begin such ventures of fetching income.
Conclusion The Livelihood support to the unmarried and elderly women is really a support the beneficiaries in the District of Wayanad considering the present agricultural crisis. The launching of the project with defined objectives, developing identified potentials of entrepreneurs and timely assessments will improve economic conditions of the target group.
Gender Mainstreaming for the women religious in the Diocese of Mananthavady Introduction Wayanad Social Service Society (WSSS), a non governmental organization under the diocese of Mananthavady always stand for the integral development and upliftment of the poor and marginalized people of the society. WSSS with the support of the SAFP India would like to initiate a project providing an orientation training in gender Mainstreaming to the priest of the Diocese of Mananthavady. Addressing the inequality between the women and men is fundamental in achieving the poverty reduction and sustainable development. In the present situation of the society, gender equality and women empowerment are internationally recognized as the millennium development goals. The orientation to the priests. The training provide gender sensitization to the priests in the diocese of Mananthavady and it explain the various dimensions of gender mainstreaming in the society. It discuss the scenario of gender status within the catholic Church. Gradually the awareness derive areas where gender mainstreaming has to be established. 152 Priests from the diocese of Mananthavady attended the training on gender mainstreaming.
Input sessions The input sessions were given by Mr. Benly Thadikkaran from Rajagiri college of social Sciences. The Training discuss Concept of gender, the cultural and religious backgrounds contributed to the present gender status, Gender Mainstreaming Concept, Present status, Problems. • •
Awareness generation on Gender mainstreaming to the religious sisters in the diocese of Mananthavady. An initiation to the gradual process of gender mainstreaming in the church structure/institutions and organizations.
Conclusion The training on Gender to the sisters in the Diocese of Mananthavady is very significant is as it is a global issue. Even The CBCI and KCBC have realized the significance and need for gender for gender mainstreaming and have set up commissions respectively to study the issue and take essential steps to establish gender mainstreaming within the church . Gender Mainstreaming for the in the Diocese of Mananthavady Introduction Wayanad Social Service Society (WSSS), a non governmental organization under the diocese of Mananthavady always stand for the integral development and upliftment of the poor and marginalized people of the society. WSSS with the support of the SAFP India would like to initiate a project providing an orientation training in gender Mainstreaming to the women religious of the Diocese of Mananthavady. Addressing the inequality between the women and men is fundamental in achieving the poverty reduction and sustainable development. In the present situation of the society, gender equality and women empowerment are internationally recognized as the millennium development goals. The orientation for the sisters. The training provide gender sensitization to the priests in the diocese of Mananthavady and it explain the various dimensions of gender mainstreaming in the society. It discuss the scenario of gender status within the catholic Church. Gradually the awareness derive areas where gender mainstreaming has to be established.
152 Priests from the diocese of Mananthavady attended the training on gender mainstreaming. Input sessions The input sessions were given by Mr. O.P. Abraham . Thed Training discuss Concept of gender, the cultural and religious backgrounds contributed to the present gender status, Gender Mainstreaming Concept, Present status, Problems. Conclusion The training on Gender to the religious sisters in the Diocese of Mananthavady is very significant is as it is a global issue. Even The CBCI and KCBC have realized the significance and need for gender for gender mainstreaming and have set up commissions respectively to study the issue and take essential steps to establish gender mainstreaming within the church .
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Awareness generation on Gender mainstreaming to the religious sisters in the diocese of Mananthavady. An initiation to the gradual process of gender mainstreaming in the church structure/institutions and organizations.
Conclusion The training on Gender to the priest in the Diocese of Mananthavady is very significant is as it is a global issue. Even The CBCI and KCBC have realized the significance and need for gender for gender mainstreaming and have set up commissions respectively to study the issue and take essential steps to establish gender mainstreaming within the church .