Save A Family Plan
“Poor deserves the best”
Message from President Where are we going ??? As I write this note for the annual report of Save A Family Plan India, is still reeling from the pain of blasts in Mumbai which killed so many innocent people. India is shocked and above all sad that many innocent people have to pay the price from these kinds of attacks. There will be some investigation and reports and this matter will be often forgotten after some time. The blame is always put on some of the terrorists who are ruthless and uncanny in their approach to make a point to the nation. This kind of instance should provide us with an opportunity to not only reach out to the victims and their families but also make the nation think why such things are happening. There are many people, extremely unhappy with the present economic system, which provides more for those who have and take away from those who have so little. Even today millions of people in India do not have the basic necessities of life and they have no place to vent their frustration. Each of the extremist attacks should help us to sit down and analyze our economic system and see where we are going? Are the benefits of the economic growth reaching out to the poor? The new program which Save A Family Plan is undertaking along with the support of the Canadian government is a step in the right direction. It aims to empowe the poor to tap the local government assistance to the maximum to rebuild their lives. It trains people to ask questions and thereby instead of taking some short cuts for the present day existence, look for longer term solution to empower communities and families to stand on their own feet. I am grateful to thousands of people who are working with the endeavors of Save A Family Plan to make the dream of bringing justice to the most downtrodden. Our supporters all over the world, board members who give their best for making the right policies, staff members who give wonderful leader ship, our volunteers who give their time in a most loving way, diocesan directors who give leadership on diocesan level, our coordinators, animators, the list goes on‌ Our joint venture is making a difference in the lives of people who need our support most. This year marks 10th death anniversary of Msgr. Augustine Kandathil who designed this most elegant organization. I pay tribute to his happy memory. Let us forge ahead so that we may walk with the people who need companionship for their journey. Bishop Sebastian Adayanthrath
Director’s Desk It’s my privilege to bring out before all the annual report of SAFP India for the year 2010-2011. The report high lights the various activities implemented for the year, adhering to the vision and mission of SAFP. SAFP activities have two dimensions namely the Family Development program and Community Development program. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that all 193 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. Among the Millennium Development Goals, a part of the eighth goal is to establish Good Governance throughout all the member countries. There is wide range of corruption and bribery in many countries and India is the 88th most corrupt country in the world. It is in this regard the Parliament is passing the new bill to wipe out corruption. Well it is not an easy task as for years this has been happening but a beginning itself is good. With respect to this, the Panchayathi Raj Act and the Right to Information Act have come into existence. Every NGO, every staff and every people should be aware of these Acts and while dealing with people at various levels the staff and their NGOs should be aware to utilize and access the benefits of these Acts. SAFP can be proud of that SAFP is working in this area from last 10 years through providing training to all partner NGOs and all the staff and around 52000 SHGs. It is a special inspiration and blessing that SPED III, the newly launched CIDA- SAFP partnership program for 5 years, covering 11 states of India, is focusing on the integrated development of the 580 villages by establishing good governance through availing various government schemes and recourses. This program also focuses on equipping partner church NGOs for facing the impeding challenges of lessening the foreign fund flow by creating a healthy partner ship with government departments and developing a strong local mobilization base. The experience and leaning from the successful implementation of Family Development program for the last one year based on the above strategy gives added energy and enthusiasm to go forward. SAFP is proved that it is contributing in a notable way for building up of the Nation. Fr. Augustine Bharanikulanagara
Save A Family Plan The Organization Save A Family Plan (SAFP) was founded by Msgr. Augustine Kandathil 45 years ago. Rising high from its humble origin, today it has become a well known International Development NGO extending financial and technical support to 82 Partner NGOs in India particularly in the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh and Orissa. A large number of rehabilitation activities, intervention in areas affected by natural calamities and special projects are also undertaken. There are more than 52000 Self Help Groups (SHGs) called sanghams all directly coming under the mantle of these partner NGOs. Glancing back at its history, we can see the steady growth that the organization has been making in the field of people’s growth and development. SAFP is facilitating the empowerment and development of the poor regardless religion, caste, calour, creed or political affiliation. The self-reliance and sustainability are focused in the intervening communities and families. Towards this purpose, Family development programs and community development programs are being implemented. The identity of SAFP is carved on contributing maximum possibilities in establishing a just world for the poor.
Our Founder
Save A Family Plan, as is well known, was the dream of Father Augustine Kandathil. He was born on 5th May 1920 at Vaikom, Kerala, India. He loved to be called as Fr. Gus. In 1965, having heard Pope Paul VI’s challenge, during his visit to India from Canada, to help lift the lives of the poor, Father Gus started Save A Family Plan (SAFP) as a means of establishing partnerships between poor families in India and families in North America. Father Gus was a valued and much-loved person wherever he lived. He was a man who, not only talked about the poor, but also lived a very simple life. His exemplary life of simplicity, prayerfulness and genuine care for everyone was a great blessing to all who experienced him. Father Gus retired from active direction of SAFP in India in 1999 but remained the guiding spirit until his death on July 18, 2001. In his personal life, he had always identified with the poor to whom he was so devoted. When he died, he literally possessed no empirical things.
Family Development Program (FDP) Family Development Program is the pioneer and core program of Save A Family Plan. One family or individual or group from North America or Europe supports a selected poor family in India for a period of six years on a monthly basis @ 20 Canadian Dollars for self-reliance of the family.
a. Goal of the program Reduce Poverty in Indian families and promote value system in the society through giving and taking relationship.
b. Transparency Exact dollar exchange value of 20 Canadian Dollars transfer to the partner family bank account and selection is done by SHGs based on criteria established in a participatory way and it is also done beyond caste, creed and religion basis.
c. FDP Program Partners • • • •
Save A Family Plan (SAFP) 8000 benefactors-Canadian and US individuals/ families/institutions/parishes. 43 regionally-based NGO partners (Diocesan Social Service Societies) in 5 states- Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh. 2350 FATs (Family Action Team) and their respective Government Panchayath Raj Institutions, localized NGOs, informal and formal groups, parishes etc.
d. Program benefits/reach •
12792 poor and marginalized families having 63960 populations directly and indirectly their communities.
e. Program Management
2 SAFP Canada staff (part-time/ full-time)
8 SAFP India Staff - (part-time/ full-time)
188 NGO staff supported by SAFP (full time)
Volunteers •
10500 individuals supporting through 2350 SAFP FATs (Family Action Team- center/parish based grass root volunteers)
100 Volunteers supporting in SAFP Canada.
2190 Sponsors (priests/sisters/laypeople) facilitating by beneficiary family visits and conducting family counseling.
Total Support to the partner families for the financial year:
Rs. 146768076
Program cost by SAFP in the financial year
Administration cost by SAFP in the financial year
Total Cost of the Program:
Rs. 156569139
New Implementation Strategy Introduced to Family Development Program In this financial year, Save A Family Plan (SAFP) was experimenting to establish a new implementation strategy for this major program after conducting a research on the subject. Since its inception, SAFP had been implementing FDP program giving importance to money transferring to the beneficiary accounts. SAFP has been done this 100% faithfully. But the new strategy focuses on the result achieved by the partnering families in their total development along with the efficient management of the money. To achieve this goal the following areas are will be given importance.
• • • • • •
Capacitating all stake holders – (family, partner NGO & SAFP) Baseline data collection and scientific analysis Analysis of the issues of the family and critical awareness on those issues Participatory planning at SAFP, DSSSs, local and family levels Mobilizing local/government resources and addressing the prioritized issues Ongoing participatory assessment of progress and reporting
The concept is to create a systematized process of capacity development that will equip targeted families and communities to begin addressing their poverty-related issues. Based on the new strategy SAFP implanted FDP program in this financial year 2010-11. The major objective of the Family Development Program is to develop the capacity of partner families and partner organizations and SAFP to plan strategies to address their needs and issues that hinder the economic and social development of partner families and effectively make use of available local resources, services and SAFP support. A unit consists of 300 families for which a Coordinator and 3 animators are appointed in each partner NGO.
a. Core Process SAFP always recognizes the need for effective long-term development strategies in communities. The community is constituted by number of facilities and the development of the community is directly related to the development of the families. SAFP focuses families to acquire the skills to capably address problems and issues in a participatory and scientific manner. The proposed program envisages facilitating a core process where by primary stakeholders actively participate in the process of gaining rights, control and ownership over their development results. b. The stages of the core process are :
• •
Generating awareness, sensitivity and consciousness on various issues and problems by creating a family level data base Issue-based micro-planning at family level (person-centered, family and location specific micro-planning
Family based local initiatives/actions;
Family based and Community based Monitoring and Reflection
The expected results are that primary stakeholders will gain analytical and experiential knowledge on the issues; they will be able to develop the plans and strategies in a scientific and systematic manner; they will be able to effectively make use of local resources, public services/facilities, and government schemes and projects to address their issues. The methodology is such that each family will focus on addressing one issue and its subsidiaries one by one. Essentially, the core-process is a knowledge-building process that leads to behavior change and action.
Co-ordinators from 43 NGOs participating in Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) Training.
a. Fund Utilization by FDP Families 1. Income of 12792 Beneficiaries in the financial year
• • • • •
Balance accumulated in beneficiaries’ SAFP accounts
Income from SAFP in the current year
Income from SAFP facilitated IGPs in the current year
Income from Other Sources in the year
Total Income
2. Expenditure of 12792 Beneficiaries in the financial year
• • • • • •
For infrastructure facilities (land, housing, drinking water, toilets etc)
For livelihood initiatives
To repay loan and other financial burdens
For other purposes
Other savings in SHGs, private institutions etc.
Total amount held in families’ saving accounts for implementing issue based planned activities Total
130648573.00 550652032.00
Livelihood initiatives of FDP family at Palakadu DSSS
d. Annual Beneficiary Family Gatherings at NGOs As a new initiation under the FDP revamping program, SAFP facilitated to conduct annual general meetings of all beneficiary partner families in all partner NGOs. 43 NGO units conducted this family get together with the support of well wishers and volunteers. This one day family gathering starts with an informative class and continues with a public meeting. There after a sumptuous meal will be shared by all participants followed with entertainments staging by beneficiary family members. The presence and encouraging words of Hon. Ministers, Parliament and Assembly members, Bishops, Politicians and other eminent personalities in this get together had given new hopes in poor beneficiaries’ lives. All together 23000 family members participated in 43 meetings.
Moran Mor Cyril Baselios Catholicos,Archbisop of Trivandrum inaugurates the beneficiary gathering in the presence of Dr Michael Ryan, Ms.Lois Cote, Fr Augustine, Fr Thomas and Mr.Linto
Annual Beneficiary Gathering at DSSS, Trivandrum Archdiocese
Women SHGs welcoming SAFP team at Coimbatore DSSS
Fr Michael Ryan with partner beneficiaries at Hydrabad DSSS
Cultural programs conducting in the Annual gathering of SAFP families at Hyderabad.
e. How FDP Program Helps The Poor Families? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. f.
Improve their living standard Augment present income for an immediate improvement in their standard of living Provide leverages to mobilize social and community support services for family based developmental projects. Reduce their indebtedness Reduce the burden on single parents such as widows and widowers as well as abandoned women It helps the families to give more care and support to vulnerably diseased, aged, mentally and physically challenged members
New Learning: •
Gatherings and trainings build good rapport between beneficiaries, field staff and central staff, which is more essential for the success of the program.
Participatory selection of the beneficiaries by the sangham promoted transparency and accountability among sangham members. Community participation, decentralization and planning with partners at all levels build self confidence, self-esteem and social integration.
Continuous trainings, monitoring, periodical evaluation and scientific marketing are very essential for the success of the income generation program of the beneficiaries.
FDP partner families need special attention and care in order to come up in life; as they are from socio-economically backward strata, they need our emotional support; they look to DSSS staff for proper guidance and to share their multiple problems.
Petty shop business initiated by Mr. Rajan, a beneficiary at Marthandom DSSS
Successful Vegetable business conducting by Madhu at Coimbatore DSSS
g. Results Achieved: ¾
Increased critical awareness real issues
All the families capacitated to analyze the issues and plan activities to solve their issues.
Increased capacity of local sponsors and animators on program management through the trainings
Families started 13500 different livelihood initiatives and recorded the monthly data of income, expenditure and profit and developed strategies to improve their income
families constructed or purchased new houses
families repaired their existing houses
sanitary latrines constructed
families purchased piece of land
Rain water harvesting tanks constructed
families installed energy conservation systems in their houses
families cleared their debts
Young women got married.
Increased access to better medical treatment
children got better education
Mobilized the voluntary services of 1600 priests, 995 religious sisters and 1197 lay people
Mobilized Rs.14.01 crore as bank loan
Around 35 lakhs tapped as government subsidies/grants -
Rs.3.37 crore mobilized as loan from different SHGs.
New computer software lunched and the coordinators capacitated to manage the program efficiently
Improved communication between partner beneficiary families and benefactors improved.
Supplied FDP handbook for all the partner beneficiary families in their own language
Improved self esteem and responsibility among family members
Improved status of women members in family and community
Increased participation of families in community based organizations – SHGs
Waste land management by partner beneficiaries-Hyderabad
Successful income generation activity in Hyderabad
Tsunami affected Families- Completed 6 Years’ Support It was on Sunday morning 26/12/2004 that the whole world witnessed the fury of the sea in its worst form. The killer Tsunami tidal waves triggered by the massive earthquake in Indonesia resulted in massive death and destruction. It has taken the lives of thousands of people including over 3000 in India alone and leaving thousands homeless. In response to the December 26, 2004 tsunami that affected coastal areas in southern India, SAFP has worked together with 10 partner NGOs to provide support to 500 tsunami-affected families from Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Financial assistance to individual families ($20.00 per month) was provided for a period of six years, along with capacity building opportunities (entrepreneurship development training for livelihood restoration and environmental regeneration programs). In the selection process, special priority was given to widows with young children under 13 years of age. We are delighted to say that all 500 families have successfully completed the program and have moved on to be self-supporting. a. Project Area & Partners: Name of the partner
Number of Families Supported
Alleppey Diocesan Charitable and Social Welfare Society, Alappuzha
Welfare Service Centre, Ernakulam
Ernakulam Social Service Society, Varapuzha Kollam Social Service Society, Kollam Kottappuram Integrated Development Society, Kottappuram
Kerala Kerala Kerala
25 50 10
Trivandrum Social Service Society, Trivandrum Kottar Social Service Society,Nagercoil
Kerala Tamil Nadu
25 75
Madras Social Service Society, Madras
Tamil Nadu
Kanyakumari Social Service Society, Thuklaye
Tamil Nadu
Tuticorin Multipurpose Social Service Society, Tuticorin
Tamil Nadu
Anjali from Kannakumary, Tamil Nadu, lost her both parents
b. • • • • • •
Program Results: Increased income from IGP Improved living standard with better housing & better food security Improved heath status Decreased indebtedness Increased savings & asset of the family Better education for children
2. Community Development Program Contributing to the development of the poor, marginalized and vulnerable communities is a moral obligation of SAFP. The financial support from Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and SAFP Canada is enabling SAFP to support the community development activities in India in partnership with Non Governmental Organization working with the extreme grass roots. A strong network exist between SAFP, Partner NGOs, Sanghams, local leaders and people, local level government Institutions and other organizations. a. Present program: SPED III 2010-2016: Sustainability through Participation, Empowerment and Decentralization 1. SPED III Period • December 31st, 2010 to March 31, 2016 2. SPED III partners • Save A Family Plan (SAFP) • Canadian International Organization CIDA/CPB • 29 regionally-based NGO partners in 11 states- Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. • 580 Indian villages and their respective Government Panchayath Raj Institutions, localized NGOs, informal and formal groups etc. 3. Program benefits/reach • 580 rural villages with poor and marginalized communities having 870000 populations 4. Program Management • Program Officer CIDA\CPB,Canada : • 2 SAFP Canada staff (Part time/full time) • 9 SAFP India Staff (Part time/full time) • 174 NGO staff supported by SAFP(full time) • 2970 individuals volunteers - supporting through 580 SAFP VATs (Village Action Team) in 580 villages in India and 100 individuals supporting in Canada. 5. Total Financial Support from SAFP and CIDA for 5 years • $4.6 (CAN) million (21.2 Crores) Local contributions are provided by NGO partner organizations (minimum 20% cash/in kind not included). 6. Expenses for SPED III for the Year 2010-11 (From December 31st, 2010 to March 31st, 2011) Capacity Building and Training– 1169567 Program Planning Monitoring and Evaluation 1425085 Total Program Cost: 1594652
b. The Empowerment Process Initiated for SPED III Program With extensive experience in India working with the poor since 1965 and involvement in various CIDA-funded development projects and programs since 1978, SAFP is well-equipped, from an organizational perspective, to effectively and responsibly manage and guide any type of development programs in India. A recent program evaluation conducted by CIDA concluded that projects were implemented both efficiently and effectively, and key results were achieved in all intervention areas. Such evaluations, including the 2005 CIDA Gender evaluation, are greatly valued and have assisted SAFP in reflecting critically on its Community Development work in India, and on shaping it to be more responsive to the needs of the poor. In the perspective planning process in the villages a large number of issues were identified. Issues that were identified have been broadly described as deep-rooted, complex, and inter-connected. They can be categorized under the general headings of Governance, Environment, Health, Education, and Gender, and include major development issues: poor or inaccessible public services, corruption, caste and gender discrimination, human trafficking, bonded labour, poor maternal health, food insecurity, malnutrition, poor sanitation, alcoholism, non-enrolment of children in school, illiteracy, degraded land, poor yields, water scarcity, etc. There is an awareness that numerous and varied Indian government projects and schemes, and public services and facilities already exists to address many of these issues; however, the reality in Mr MP Joseph facilitating the training on Core process India is that the above provisions are not properly delivered or for SPED III easily accessible, nor is legislation enforced in favour of the poor. In light of this, and with respect to India’s and Canada’s commitments to meeting the Millennium Development Goals, CIDA’s mandate, Government of India’s Plans and priorities, and overall Aid Effectiveness, SAFP is implementing this program which facilitates the widespread learning and use of a ‘core-process’ for empowerment of village communities. Through localized participatory and scientific processes, this methodology supports continuous analysis and learning leading to local ownership, control and sustainability. Specifically, the ‘core process’ includes: • creating an issue-focused critical awareness among the primary stakeholders • initiating a participatory micro-planning process • mobilizing local resources and public schemes and services for the implementation of activities identified as part of micro-planning • engaging in concurrent monitoring, reflection and evaluation processes so as to generate knowledge and insight from experiences.
SAFP not only recognizes the need for effective long-term development strategies in communities, but also ones that allow communities to acquire the skills to capably address problems and issues in a participatory and scientific manner. This program envisages facilitating a core process whereby primary stakeholders actively participate in the process of gaining rights, control and ownership over their development results. Essentially, the core-process is a knowledge-building process that leads to behaviour change and action. c. Objectives • To create a process leading to a critical consciousness of issues and problems within communities, and to develop the capacity of people and organizations within that community to plan strategies to address them and effectively make use of available local resources and services. • There are a significant number and variety of these, including various pro poor schemes, programmes and legislations that have been introduced by government and designed for delivery by PRIs. However, access to and use of these resources is poor and ineffective. • Building capacity in this regard is critical to bringing about better results from public investments and services. • To develop local capacities for initiating a core process approach, specific participatory micro-planning processes, respective to each village, will allow communities to set specific objectives and plan for results regarding their own direct initiatives The expected results are that primary stakeholders will gain analytical and experiential knowledge on the issues; they will be able to develop plans and strategies in a scientific and systematic manner; they will be able to effectively make use of local resources, public services/facilities, and government schemes and projects to address their issues; and they will gain capacity to advocate for the purpose of influencing public policies and programmes. The methodology is such that each village community will focus on addressing one issue in the first year and one in each succeeding year. d. Intervening Sectors 1) Economic growth 2) Food security 3) Education 4) Health and Hygiene 5) Gender Main streaming 6) Environment 7) Capacity building and good governance Gender, Environment and good governance are cross cutting themes of SPED III program. SAFP ensures gender impact assessment and environment impact assessment before implementing an activity in the field.
3. Gender Mainstreaming The Indian Constitution adopted in 1950, in its preamble of fundamental rights and directive principles, not only provides equal rights and privileges for women and men, but also makes special provisions for women. Gender equity implies the respect to human dignity. Gender equality means that women and men have equal conditions for realizing their full human rights and potential to contribute to national, political, economic, social, and cultural development, and to benefit from the results. Addressing inequality between women and men is fundamental to achieving poverty reduction and sustainable development. Gender equality and women’s empowerment is the third Millennium development goal. Gender equality is a cross cutting theme for SAFP programs and SAFP ensures Gender Impact Assessment before the implementation of all its program activities. As part of SAFP program, right from the planning stage of each program activity, great emphasis has been given for the integration and mainstreaming of gender aspects into the programs. This exercise was very essential to ensure optimum participation of both women and men in local resource mobilization, implementation, budget control and monitoring. In the beginning SAFP had given prominence on the concept of gender equality. Widespread attempts were made to empower women in different dimensions. This had been a small attempt to equip women to go beyond project frame to confront the social systems and practices that oppress women and girls. SAFP succeeded in bringing out gender policies for the organization and its partners with appropriate guiding principles. At the course of time the focus shifted from women to the socially constructed relation between women and men. This helped to bring men onboard in changing the unequal gender relation that exists in society. Similarly, SAFP could explore the gendered state of the organization and its partner organizations. At present SAFP and its partner organizations are developed a built-in systems and capacity to mainstream gender throughout the program implementation process by addressing the practical as well as the strategic needs of women. The high lights of SAFP’s intervention in gender mainstreaming are given below. 1. 51 NGOs made gender policy for their organizations and entire staffs of 53 NGOs from 9 Indian states received gender and Gender Impact Assessment training. 2. 420 NGO staff received 4 days training with 2 days yearly follow-up on gender mainstreaming and Gender Impact assessment. 3. Approximately 80000 SHGs having 8 lakhs women and men received the above training with flow-ups 4. 3200 religious sisters and priest trained on the subject. 5. 1020 resource persons were trained in gender and GIA 6. 15850 women received training on Entrepreneurship Development Program
Women empower program at Assissi Bhavan,Nadapa, Gujarath
At WIN Society, Eramallor
4. Environment Consciousness Building Through proper Environment awareness programmes SAFP is able to convince the NGO’s that the total environmental damage caused by minor projects without conducting environment impact assessment (EIA) has been found to be much more than that caused by the major projects. This enabled to introduce EIA in a highly participatory manner which was easily absorbed and accepted by the partners. Role of EIA for attaining sustainability of the projects was stressed to the maximum possible. Protection of the environment is the seventh Millenium Development Goal.
5. Good Governance Good governance can be conceived as a broad reform strategy and a particular set of initiative to strengthen the institutions of civil society with the objective of making the government more accountable, more open, transparent and more democratic. This is equally applicable to all types of organizations ie to be accountable, open, transparent and democratic. By practicing and facilitating good governance and right based approaches SAFP tries stream line it. Good Governance is the eighth millennium development Goal.
6. MDG Housing Program One of the most popular areas under our community development program is housing. More than 100,000 families without adequate shelter have obtained a small, sturdy home under this program. SAFP launched a new housing program recently and it is called MDG (Millennium Development Goal) Housing program. The purpose of this program is to create models in housing sector by implementing houses in full partnership with beneficiary families and communities and that could influence the government to develop its housing policy and solve the housing issue in India.
Sumathy Gopalan, Thuravungara
Reetha Joju, Muvatupusha
Joly Karumathy, Neduvanoor
7. DEEP (Development Through Empowerment Entrepreneurship and Participation) A livelihood Initiative program The Gandhian idea of creating self-sustaining village republics and self supportive families are the ultimate aims of SAFP through development of micro enterprises. The approach of SAFP varies by project and by region. It is also not a static but is evolving as we expand our understanding of what a sustainable livelihood should constitute. But the success of the livelihood initiative depends on the selection of the IGP, the training received prior to starting the IGP and a feasibility study. The strategic focus of a livelihood initiative is to facilitate empowerment of family members and individuals, especially women, to gain rights, control and ownership over the development process and thereby addressing the issues in their respective families. The root cause of the issues in the families usually will be money related. Activities Done Income Generation is a mainstay of SAFP’s Community Development Program. A myriad of projects are undertaken every year that lift the poor families out of poverty. SAFP provides the beneficiary with entrepreneurship development training before starting the IGP.
Livelihood initiatives for 15,000 families through FDP families in 43 NGOs IGP for 756 vulnerable women (subsidy of Rs 5000/- per family and EDP training 825 Livelihood initiatives for HIV/AIDS infected/affected women (subsidy of Rs 5000/=per person and EDP training) 1234 Livelihood initiatives for trafficking women (subsidy of Rs 5000/=per person and EDP training) 3250 Livelihood initiatives for poor women(subsidy of Rs 4000/=per person and EDP training) 1647 IGPs for poor people in watershed area with training of EDP. 1250 IGPs seed money of 5000/ for selected poor as revolving fund with out interest.
On going Family Development Program 27 NGOs in Thamilnadu, Kerala and Karnadaka, 2006 25 NGOs in Thamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka, 2007 27 NGOs in Thamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka, 2008 51 NGOs in Thamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka, 2006-9 38 NGOs in Thamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka, 2003-6 25NGOs in Thamilnadu, Kerala, Maharashtra and Karnataka-on going
Stitching Unit at Nadapa, Gujarat
8. Sustainable Watershed development Program Conservation of water and checking soil erosion is central to sustainable agriculture. The importance of watershed development as a strategy of agricultural and overall rural development, especially poor people’s development in India, has been recognized by SAFP for the past several years. It dates back to the CIDA-SAFP partnership program: Sustainability through Participation Empowerment and Decentralization (SPED), implemented in 3 states of India through 43 NGOs in the year 2003 onwards. Integrated Watershed Development Program of SAFP was launched with the objective of developing models of sustainable agricultural development in resource degraded areas. Through its expert manpower, applied research and field experience in resource management and people’s participation, SAFP has been working in watershed development with the following objectives: •
Community Organization Process
Soil, water and bio diversity (Bio-mass) conservation
Appropriate farming and regeneration of the vegetation cover
Improve livestock productivity
Pollution control
Bring the underprivileged sections of society into the mainstream
Equip rural communities for sustainable management of the natural resources.
Create self-employment opportunities within the village.
These objectives shall lead to development of replicable region specific models of improved quality of life with sustainable management of natural resources. It should finally reduce the poverty of the rural people. The program was conducted as a part of Participatory Action Research and the research subject was “Poverty Reduction through Addressing the Issue of Water Scarcity”
9. Disaster Management and Rehabilitation Program SAFP has a special desk to manage the destruction caused by nature’s fury. The mission is to support the most vulnerable victims of various disasters in rebuilding their lives and furthering their capacity holistically. In the event of a natural disaster, such as Tsunami, earthquake in Gujarat, flood, sea erosion etc SAFP has meaningful interventions in the affected communities. Objectives. Facilitate the emergency relief operations in disaster area. Support the reconstruction or repairing of the shelters of the worst affected. Facilitate feasible income generation activities to the affected area. Support the structures to make the program sustainable. Support the government funded infrastructure projects. Strategy. Emergency relief: On the spot response to the disasters after rapid situation analysis of the existing conditions. Rehabilitation: conducting a comprehensive participatory appraisal of the proposal and ensure that the program is a realistic one.
10. Special Projects for Welfare of Aged and poor Smile care trust
For pensions and education
Calcutta Anglo Indian
For senior pension, rations and medical support; education for children schooling books uniforms university fee, used to set up a corpus fund
For the purchase of goats & For housing project
Asanol DSSS, Calcutta St.Joseph service society, Delhi Kanivu, Ernakulam
Sureksha safe winter for the homeless at Delhi streets
Physical, mental and moral support to the wandering mentally ill women
11. Special projects for Health and Sanitation Belthangady DSSS
HIV infected and affected children
Nirmala L.R.Centre,Dharmapuri
Care and education of the vulnerable children
Ootty DSSS Ootty CPK+
Care & Support for the Stigmatized People Living with HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS Children infected & affected by HIV in Kerala
159850 34500 274500 50000
Nirmala L R Center,Dharmapuri
12. Special Projects for Human rights and Education Idukki DSSS Madona Convent, Shillong Mercy Home,Chenganachery Guntur Diocese St. Mary's Society CAP Ernakulam Little Stars School,Chennai Aseema Charitable trust,Mumbay Clare Bhavan, Gujarat Ootty DSSS Ootty DSSS Idukki DSSS Samridhi, Muvattupuzha
Integrated formal education program for Tribal community of Marayoor
For the education
purchase of a mini bus for Physically disabled For the help of needy children To provide financial assistance for staff salaries SAKHI - Short Stay Home for the women in difficult circumstances For the needs of the schools
1028100 22075 88360 357000 40100
upper primary education programme
Education and Income generation programme women trafficking control of child labour Life orientation training in 50 schools Socio-economic security and rehabilitation of an HIV affected young widow
162000 268500 86000 55500
1. Monitoring & Evaluation Visits Visit from Canada Office Ms. Cassandra from Canada visited SAFP India during the months of July, August and September, 2010 and completed her AUCC internship program. She is a support staff of SAFP Canada. Ms. Lois Cote President of ASAFP Canada and Ms. Lesley Porter Executive Director SAFP Canada visited India in the period January 7th to March 31st 2011. Rev. Dr. Michael Ryan, former president of SAFP Canada visited the office and attended in various programs during the period January 7th to .January 28th 2011 Monitoring Visits/ Internal audits to Partner NGOs As part of monitoring of SAFP program and internal audit of the SAFP accounts in the partner NGOs, 72 visits were conducted by SAFPI team and SAFP Canada team in this financial year. During these visits, the implementation of the activities, participation and local ownership of the people were assessed in the program.
Assissi Bhavan, Nadapa, Gujarat
Assissi Bhavan, Nadapa, Gujarat
Ms Lois Cote and Fr Ryan verify the activities conducted at beneficiary family
Dharmagiri, othamangalam
14. Visit By Benefactors
Judy Cirillo, benefactor-SAFP participates Msgr.Gus’s 10th death anniversary celebrations.
Master Jack Peterson, age-6 year, benefactor SAFP, is felicitated by Catechism children at Vimalagiri Church, Ernakulam DSSS, Kerala.
Ms. Judy Cirillo from USA, Master Jack Peterson with his mother Grace and father Mel from Canada, Carl Gomes and Mariklyan Gomes also from Canada visited the beneficiary FDP Partner families in India. Patrick Mahon the benefactor and board member from Canada and son Thomas Mahon also visited their Partner families.
15. SPECIAL EVENTS a. Interface Meetings 39 interface meetings were organized at SAFP India office during the months of April and May,2010. The team included the Director and Program Officers of SAFP India, the concerned partner NGO Director and the Program Co-ordinator of Partner NGO. The purpose of the meetings was to explain in detail the new strategy of Family Development Program implementation. 1. Visit from the Canadian High commission Mr. T Sampath Kumar, senior advisor and Team leader, visited SAFP India to discuss about the CIDA supported program SPED III in the month of March. He also participated one of the annual general meeting of the FDP beneficiaries at Vaikom, Ernakulam. 2. Laying the foundation for Aiswarya Shopping Complex. SAFP started constructing a shopping complex at Parapuram in the Aiswaryagram compound and foundation stone was blessed by Bp Sebastian Adayanthrath and laid by Fr Augustine Bharanikulangara and Ms. Cassandra Griffin on July 17th, 2010.
Miss Cassandra and Fr Augustine Lying the foundation stone for the Aiswarya towers, the shopping complex and multi purpose hall.
Annual General meeting was held on January 24, 2011 and January 25, 2011. The program was decorated by an International Symposium on Search for a Spirituality of Development. The inaugural ceremony was started with the welcome address of Fr Augustine Bharanikulangara, director of SAFPI and he explained the purpose of the symposium. Rev. Dr. Michael T. Ryan, former president SAFP Canada inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp. Papers were presented by Rev. Dr. Vincent Kundukulam on the subject of A critical Perception of the Present Developmental Works, by Rev. Dr. Mathew Illathuparambil on Spirituality of Development and Social Teachings of the Church and by Rev. Dr.P.T.Mathew S.J. on Spirituality of Development- Theological Considerations. There after sharing of experience was done by Mrs. Beena Sebastian, Directress, Cultural Academy for Peace, Rev.Fr.John Joseph, Director Coimbatore Multipurpose social service society, Rev. Sr. Alice Lukose, Directress WIN Society and Rev.Fr.Thomas Kunnel, Director Jabalpur Diocesan Social Service Society based on the subject. This included Group Discussion and Presentation. The program was concluded with a Panel Discussion. The Moderator was Bishop Mar Sebastian Adayanthrath, President SAFP India and the panel Members were Ms. Lois Cote, President SAFP Canada, Ms. Lesley Porter, Executive Director SAFP Canada, Rev. Fr. Samuel Ryan S.J, one of the great theologian and Rev. Dr. Michael T. Ryan. On 25 January 2011 the SAFP-CIDA-NGO partnership program ‘Sustainability through participation, empowerment and decentralization III, (SPED III)’was inaugurated by REV. Dr Micheal Ryan, Canada. Partners from 9 states of India and SAFP staff participated in the ceremony. There after the new program was updated to the partners by Lesley porter and facilitated a session on implementation plan and yearly action plan by Fr Augustine Bharanikulangara.
3. International Symposium on Search for a Spirituality of Development and Annual General Meeting 2010-1011
Annual General Meeting-Director Fr Augustine Bharanikulangara welcomes the participants
Symposium is inaugurated by Rev. Dr. Michael T. Ryan in the presence of Ms Lois Cote, Dr. Rayan, Dr PT Mathew and Lesley Porter.
International Symposium
Panel discussion moderated by Bp Sebastian Adayanthrath
4. Msgr. Augustine Kandathil Anniversary (Tribute to the Founder) The 10th Death Anniversary of Msgr. Augustine Kandathil, SAFP founder, was conducted at Little Flower Church Vaikom, Nadel. Holy Eucharist was celebrated at the honor of Monsignor and there after a public meeting conducted and it was presided over by Bishop Sebastian Adayanthrath, the president of SAFPI. The program was inaugurated by Rev.Fr. Michael Ryan, former president of SAFP Canada. Ms Lois Cote, president SAFPC, Ms Lesley Ported Exc. Director SAFPC, SAFP benefactor, Ms Judy Cirillo from the USA , SAFP diocesan partner organization directors, beneficiaries, parishioners, SAFP staff and the relatives of Monsignor participated in the meeting. There after a sumptuous meal also was enjoyed by all participants. About 600 people participated in the 10th death Anniversary.
Bp Sebastian Adayanthrath inaugurates the Function at the presence of Fr Augustine, Ms Lesley Porter, Dr Ryan, Ms Lois Cote, Fr. Thomas Vaikathuparambil, Fr. John Thekan.
Vaikom, Nadel parishioners and other guests
5. Special events continue…
SAFP developed a new implementation strategy for its major program- Family Development Program and inaugurated on August 2010.
CIDA approved SAFP’s new proposal-SPED III for 5 years (2011-16) for an amount of 18 crores rupees and started the implementation on 31st December 2010.
Fr Michael Ryan, the first president of SAFP Canada, visited Indian programs of SAFP first time and inaugurated the SPED III program supported by Canadian Government. Fr Ryan with his late friend Msgr. Gus (at the tomb of Msgr. Gus)
SAFP expanded its community development program to 11 states of India including Utter Pradesh and Haryana.
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SAFP conducted annual directors’ meet on 25th January, 2011 at Aiswaryagram.
Lesley Porter, Exe. Director SAFP Canada and Fr Augustine Bharanikulangara, Director SAFP India are invited to Canadian High Commission, Delhi to participate in a round table discussions on the policy formation of CIDA on development relationship with India on 10 th February, 2011.
SAFP conducted a Symposium on “Spirituality of Development” and presented 3 major papers on the subjects and conducted panel discussions. BP Bishop Sebastian Adayanthrath, Rev. Dr Michael Ryan, Canada, Great Indian Theologian Fr Samuel Rayan SJ and many professors and theologians werZe participated in the Symposium.
16. Aiswaryagram Day
Aiswaryagram stands for sustainable agriculture
Save A Family Plan and Aiswaryagramm day was celebrated on 22 January 2011 at Aiswarygram. There were various competitions, prize distribution and a sumptuous lunch for all.
17. Training Training was given by Pat Schenne- Management Consultant from Texas on effective presentation skills to all the SAFP India staff.
18. Governance Team SAFP Trust India is a registered charitable trust in India with a board of six trustees from different streams of development. They are: Bishop Sebastian Adayanthrath (President and the Auxiliary Bishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly Archdiocese) Fr. Augustine Bharanikulangara (Director and a priest from Ernakulam-Angamaly Archdiocese) Dr. Mary Joseph (Secretary and Professor in Social Work) M.P. Joseph (Member and Principal, Training College of a Commercial Bank) Prof. Ransamma Joseph (Member and professor in Arts) Fr Varghese Kalaparambath-(Professor in Social Work) Director Bharath Matha College, Thrikkakara
19. Operational Team The operational team consists of 9 full time members including the Director, Fr. Augustine. Bharanikulangara The staff includes: Sija Jacob-Chief Program Officer Jose Varekulam (Program Support Officer-FDP) K.V. Joy (Program Support Officer- Livelihood Initiatives/Accounts) Mary Shajan(Accounts) Anu Mathew (Program Support Officer) Beena Joy (Office Assistant-Steno) Usha Johnson(Office Assistant –FDP) Baby M.G (Driver cum handyman)
Present Programs of SAFP-2011-12 1. Family Development Program- Partnering with 43 Diocesan Social Service Societies in 5 states of India. Program is supported by 8000 Canadian/Us benefactors and extending support to 13000 Indian poor beneficiary families. 2. Community Development program- Program is implemented in partnering with 29 regionally-based NGO partners in 11 states- Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh through 580 rural villages with poor and marginalized communities having 870000 populations. This program is supported by SAFP and Canadian International Development Agency, Canada. 3. Millennium Development Goal Housing project in partnership with 8 NGOs/institutions in 3 states of India 4. Sustainable Watershed Development Program in Partnership with 8 NGOs in 3 states of India. 5.
Sustainable Livelihood Initiative Program implementing through 6 NGOs in 5 states of India.
6. Environment and Gender mainstreaming programs in 63 NGOs 11 states. 7. Good Governance programs in 63 NGOs in 11 states 8. Disaster management program 9. Special Projects 1. 2.
Smile care trust, Chennai for pensions and education Belthangady DSSS HIV infected and affected children.
Idukki DSSS Integrated formal education program for Tribal community of Marayoor
Madona Convent for the education
Mercy Home purchase of a mini bus for physically Challenged
Calcutta Anglo Indian for senior pension, rations and medical support; education for children schooling books uniforms university fee etc.
Nirmala L.R.Centre,Dharmapuri for care and education of the vulnerable children
Don Bosco Sneha Bhavan: Shelter for the girl children on the streets and at risk
Guntur Diocese- For the help of needy children
St. Mary’s Society, Goa- To provide financial assistance for staff salaries
CAP Ernakulam- SAKHI - Short Stay Home for the women in difficult circumstances
Ootty DSSS- Care & Support for the Stigmatized People Living with HIV/AIDS
Little Stars School,Varanasi- For the needs of the schools
Aseema Charitable trust, Mumbay- upper primary education programme
Clare Bhavan, Gujarat- Education and Income generation programme
Ootty –lively hood initiatives for HIV/AIDS infected women and trafficking women
Ootty- control of child labour
Dharmagiri Vikas Society for construction of a dining hall for tribal girls
Asanol DSSS,Calcutta for livelihood initiatives and housing
St.Joseph service society, Delhi- Sureksha safe winter for the homeless at Delhi streets
Idukki DSSS- Life orientation training in 50 schools
Samridhi, Muvattupuzha- Socio-economic security of an HIV affected young widow
CPK+ Ernakulam, LLife Skill Education for Children infected & affected by HIV in Kerala
Home of Faith -tailoring machine for disabled girls children
Kanivu, Ernakulam for Physical, mental and moral support to the wandering mentally ill women
SAVE A FAMILY PLAN (INDIA) KANJOOR, PARAPPURAM Details of Fund disbursement to Diocesan Social Service Societies SL. No.
Alleppey Diocesan Charitable & Social Welfare Society, Alleppey
Bangalore Multipurpose social Service Society, Bangalore
Calicut Diocese Social Service Society,Calicut
Changanacherry Social Service Society,Chenganachery
Coimbatore Multipurpose Social Service Society, Coimbatore
Diocese of Chanda Soceity, Chanda,Chandrapur
Ernakulam Social Service Society, Varapuzha
Highrange Development Society, Idukki
Hyderabad Archdiocese Social Service Society, Hyderabad
Jeevan Vikas Sansthan, Amaravathy
Kannur Association for institute Rural Org. & Support, Kannur
Kanyakumari Social Service Society, Thukalay
Kothamangalam Diocese Health Service Society, Kothamangalam
Kottappuram Integrated Development Society, Kottappuram
Kottar Social Service Society, Kottar
Kottayam Social Service Society, Kottayam
Madras Social Service Society, Madras
Malankara Social Service Society, Trivandrum
Mananthavady Diocesan Save A Family Program,Wynad
Marthandom Integrated Development Society, Marthandom
Neyyattinkara Integral Development Society, Neyyattinkara
Organization for the Development of People(ODP) Mysore
SL. No.
Palai Social Welfare Society, Pala
Peermade Development Society, Kanjirappilly
Peoples Service Society, Palakkad
Punalur Social Service Society, Punaloor
Quilon Social Service Society, Quilon
Samridhy Social Service Soceity, Muvattupuzha
Save A Family Plan Diocese of Cochin, Cochi
Save A Family Plan (Trichur)
Save A Family plan Diocese of Chickmagalore, Hassan
Shimoga Multipurpose Social Service Society, Shimoga
Social Action Forum, Irinjalakuda
Social Service Centre (C.O.D), Thamarassery
Shreyas Social Service Centre, Bathery
Thalassery Social Service Society, Thalassery
The Dskshna Kannada Rural Development Society, Belthangady
The Nagpur Multipurpose Social Service Soceity, Nagapur
Thiruvalla Social Service Society, Thiruvalla
Trivandrum Social Service Society, Trivandrum
Tuticorin Multipurpose Social Service Society, Tuticorin
Udhagamandalam Social Service Society, Ooty
Vijayapuram Social Service Society, Vijayapuram
Welfare Services Ernakulam, Ernakulam