Save A Family Plan ANNUAL NARRATIVE REPORT December 30, 2010 – March 31, 2012 SPED III: Sustainability through Participation, Empowerment, and Decentralization, India (# S-64682)
Submitted to: SAVE A FAMILY PLAN By: Samaritan Social Service Society - Satna
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Diocese of Satna, which was bifurcated from the Diocese of Jabalpur, came into existence the year 1977. Social Work activities had been initiated since its inception in the year 1968 as an Exarchate. “Samaritan Social Service Society”, the social arm of the Diocese was established and registered, under the Madhya Pradesh Societies Registration Act in the year 1993, as a separate wing to carry on the social development activities as a part of the commitment of the Church to serve the poorest, the deprived, and the challenged. The Bishop of Satna, Mar Mathew Vaniakizhakkel is the President and Fr. Joseph Porimattam is the present Secretary of the Society. Samaritan Social Service Society (SSSS) is registered under Societies Registration Act having its office at Pateri, Mahadeva, P.O, Satna – 485002, MP. It is also registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), under the Ministry of Home Affairs to receive foreign fund.
Our Vision To form a just society rooted in gospel values where love, equality and peace are nurtured
Our Mission To restore the human dignity of the oppressed and the marginalized through the process of empowerment Context of Project area These project areas are surrounded by twenty villages situated at Sidhi District, Sidhi blocks of Madhya Pradesh, which are economically and socially under developed. In these area most of the people are belonging to the schedule caste and schedule tribes’ community. The livelihood system of target people is mostly depends on agriculture and its related alliance. Other livelihood systems are forest resources such as fire wood, beedipatha, mahuwa etc… The infrastructure facilities such as roads, electricity and transportation are very poor in these areas. The dominant caste system and feudal social structure are highly practicing in the selected villages. Though primary schools are there in most of the villages, for secondary education the students of the area go to faraway places. Most of the villages have no proper road and communication facilities. In few villages the SHGs have started giving loan to their group members and charging some interest
as fixed by the group. The upper class people have been experiencing the most of the land in project area. Related poverty is highly concentrated in these project areas. Many of the people are landless and rely on daily wage labor. The people are highly dependent on migration as livelihood strategy. Poor house hold and health hygiene are very threatening to their life scenario. Most of the village has closely affected the social evils like alcoholism, domestic violence, and early marriage etc.
SOCIAL ANALYSIS 1. Socio-cultural situation 1.1 Gender equity We analyzed gender equity in the villages we could get a comprehensive picture in this gender discrimination and gender based activity among the target people. Most of the family following the traditional believes between men and women or husband and wife. In most of family males are taking all the decisions regarding their family affairs. Women have limited power in decision making. In addition, only a small proportion of women in this area decide how their own income is to be used. Women have savings through the SHGs and sangam. We can see a clear discrimination regarding even for the quality education and food for male and female
children in the villages. All the religion is giving preference boy child rather than girl child. As the results of this believe girls are remaining illiterate and also affected malnutrition problems. Women especially lower castes are not supported by the legal authorities very often. When some women are sexually harassed even the response of the society is very poor. Most of the people try to isolate the victimized women. Women are not getting social and psychological support in such situations. Women are less likely to be paid in cash for their work and those working as agricultural labors can receive approximately 20-30 rupees less than men. They face significant time burdens and spend a disproportionate amount of time compared with men on domestic activities. 1.2 Caste relationships On the light of social analysis we could understand the caste relationship among the target people. The people are using the name of the caste with name of the last. There is not caste based discrimination in their social life. Though all the caste trying to live in same area especially among the tribal people. 1.3 Social capital- There is not any deliberated organization among the target people. 2. Economic situation This project area covering with hills and forest so they are isolating from mainstream. In this project area have their economy predominately based on agriculture. Improper land distribution in a few medium and large farmers have major share in land holdings in the target villages. Lack of irrigation facilities and unscientific cultivation in terms of non use of modern methods in agriculture has kept the agriculture based economy. Poorest section is involved either in agriculture as labor or in selling firewood in the market. Per capita income of the concerned project areas are also very low. In this village people are going to city for daily wage. The availability of wok is very poor so it is very much affecting their daily life. Migration is another mean of income in these villages especially among the youth. The people are rearing goat, cow and buffalo for their livelihood. 3. Political situation In this project area most of the people belonging schedule tribe category and they have special provision given by constitution in election on different Government Governance. But the real
sense they only carrying the post while the real executives are upper class caste, they are taking all the decision regarding of panchayat affairs. The community has not so much ability to influencing the political parties they are only remaining as a vote bank. There is no affiliation of political parties and any kind of trade unions. 4. Education In this village large numbers of students either do not enter into the school system or drop out before reaching to elementary education. Regular absent of students in school is a common fact in this target area. The poor infrastructure facility and distance of higher education are creating a barrier to the education scenario. The parents are not aware of the education to provide their children. The students from backward community they are drop outing before the secondary education. In this area most of the children are enrolled but the regular absent is common thing in the school. One of the special features is most of the villages have primary schools provided by government for very backward community. Though irregular absent of teachers is very often and quality of the education also very poor in these schools. 5. Health status of the community This project area is marked with a complex social structure, a pre dominantly agrarian economy, a difficult and inaccessible geography and scattered settlements in vast areas are creating several problems on health service and also delivery system. Women have a limited role in key decision related to maternal and child health. Mortality rates for girls are higher than boys. The nutritional status of women in this area is low. Communicable diseases including malaria, tuberculosis, typhoid fever, and diarrhea are very affecting in these areas as respectively of climate. In the number of TB patient due to the economic burden that impose their main earning source is physical labor. The accesses of health facility in these areas are very poor. An analysis of population growth has been affecting their food security and economic balance. Most of the weaker sections do not have enough nutrition food to eat.
famines as well as endemic have been unbalancing their food security. And also due to the climate changes has been playing a vital role in their livelihood and food security. And there is not any scientific storage system. Most of the people who are living in below poverty line and also their one of the source of food is mostly depends upon the PDS in this area. Panchayat and Gram Sabha
have not been empowered or authorized to operate ration shops in their respective villages. The absence of sufficient ration shops so, the villages still had to travel between 3-5 kilometers to their ration shop by foot. The beneficiaries did not getting all the subsidiary goods on time.
CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT 1. Facilitating formation of, support for, and intensive training to Community Facilitation Teams (CFTs), and Village Action Teams (VATs) The village action team is holding the concept of participation in developmental activities. The village action teams were in twenty villages. In VAT includes the ward members, ashaworkers, leaders from SHGs groups and enlightened personalities those from selected villages. During the formation meeting Coordinator and Assistant coordinator they were explained the objectives of the program. In these meetings we had discussion on major issues in their villages and also its reasons. During the meeting we had explained the functions and duties of members such as monitoring, evaluation and participation. This team should mobilize the local resource from Government institution and other various institutions in village.
Process undertaken Participation of people is one of the important parts of any developmental activities. Participation can create an own feelings among the stake holders. Through the participation the people can able to arise sound for their rights and also create accountability. The village action team is holding the concept of participation in developmental activities. For the formation of village team we could establish a good linkage with ward members and president and other motivated people who related the development of village. All the staff tried to build a personal relation with much desired persons for community development. We ensured participation their presence in the meeting for the formation of village action team. We could respect their comments and suggestion from such an experienced personality in target area. All the staff tried to meet vat members in their house and spent few minutes with them and also discussed objectives of the program before the formation of village action team. We invited all the SHGs members, ward members, panchayat president and secretary, teachers and other enlightened personality to the formation of village action team in all the selected villages. Performed activities for the formation of village action team Face to face interaction with community members We participated different SHGs meeting and other meeting which related community development Established networking with panchayat president, ward members, SHGs and other community development workers. Progress during the reporting period (annual) Most of the village action team they are trying to attend all the meetings and program of the SPED III – SAFP. The village action team members are trying to motivate other community members to utilize available resources within community. Most of the village action team could understand the aims and objective of the program to sustainable development of the community. The village action team members increased participation in Grama Sabha and other developmental activity. Immediate Outcomes achieved for the reporting period The village action team members have developed the knowledge on issue based approach or need based activity in the community.
The village action team members developed skill in the utilization of available resources in the village The village action team members changed their attitudes to increase participation in the Grama Sabha The village action team motivated internship of the program and also its transparency. The VAT members developed knowledge on their responsibility and role in the committee as a community mobilizer.
Difficulties Encountered and Lessons Learned Interior infrastructure of target area created travel difficulties in the formation of village action team. Most of the people are belonging to schedule tribes and also they are not empowered to arise sound for attain their rights. Traditionally people are received all the services from the community without any effort from them. So, this traditional expectation of the people is creating difficulties to the better implementation of the program. Poor time management of the people is also wasting precious time of staffs. The staff could learn that they are working for very needy people among the society. We could learn that empowerment of the target people one of the importance strategy in the program.
2. VATs, in collaboration with local Panchayat Raj Institutions, conduct participatory assessments and analysis (including gender analysis) of key issues at village level, leading to establishment of Baseline The village level participatory rural appraisal has been aiming sustainable development of the target people especially participation and involvement from their part. The community has knowledge but it needs to be organized. The village level PRA shows the opportunities and
limitation within the community. The PRA can help to the people to plan and act for their rights. We facilitated all the VAT members to build a network with members of local panchayat raj institution. The network helped the community to know locally available resources and its procedures of utilization. Process undertaken We discussed all major issues and challenges with VAT members before the PRA. The VAT members are very much satisfied with the concept of program because they will get chance to identify the issues and also planning of issues. We motivated the VAT members to convey the message the importance of participation in PRA because participation will helpful to increase knowledge. All the village level PRA usually started after 2pm and it ended at between 4.30- 5.00 pm. We had chosen this time according to the conveniences of village people because most of the target people are working in the agriculture and its related alliances. In the village level PRA we could show the gender based issues to the participants. Through the PRA we tried to find most of the issues affecting to the women. We said that lack of water facility, health facility, latrine, food and household most of the village issues are closely affecting to the women. In these techniques mostly we used physical objects, symbols, chart papers, different colors and group memory. During this program we divided all the participants to different groups and also assigned all topics respectively. We conducted presentation on each topic after the preparation of chart and mapping in this village level PRA. All the tools were selected depending on context of the project area. We ensured participation of all the village action team members in the village level PRA. We had chosen very interested personality in social work among the VAT for the two days training on PRA. Performed activities for the Participatory assessment and analysis 1. Conducted two days training on PRA for selected VAT members Two days PRA training was conducted on 8 to 9/07/2011 in local centre at Karimatti. The program was started with a small prayer. After the prayer training program was lightened by Fr. Eugeen, Mr.Syamlal Soni and Mr. Unni. Two days training program was facilitated by Mr. Shyamlal Soni, he has been working as a project coordinator for the last four years in our esteemed institution.
2. Conducted village level PRA in the entire selected village. To ensure that people are not excluded from participation while planning and identify their issues and wants. Main purpose of the PRA is empowering the people to identify issues by themselves. So, as for need we had conducted village level PRA in selected villages during the reporting period. First village level PRA started on 19th July 2011 and it ended on 9th December 2011. In these techniques mostly we were used physical objects, symbols, chart papers, different colors and group memory. During this program we were divided all the participants to different groups and also assigned all topics respectively. All the tools were selected depends on context of project area. The selected tools are as follows:• Social Mapping • Resource Mapping • Seasonality Calendar of Agriculture. • Seasonality Calendar of Employment opportunity. • Focus group discussion • Inflow and outflow chart. Progress during the reporting period (annual) To ensure that people are not excluded from participation while planning and identify their issues and wants. So, as for need we tried a critical conscious through the PRA among the village. One of the importance progresses is noticed that people have desire to get changes in their life. After the people could understand, they have greater responsibility in accessing their needs. The PRA could create knowledge on locally available resources and limitations in the community. The another importance changes was increased local capacity to analyze, plan, make decisions, take action and monitoring according to the needs of the villagers. During the PRA villagers shared their information and ideas between villagers themselves so, sharing of information could progress the knowledge on social and economic situation in the village. The people have increased their participation in the Grama Sabha after the village level PRA. Presently people are willing to do group effort rather than individual effort to mobilize resources in the village. Evidence to support the progress One of the selected villages named Kantho, there are 28th families in the village and most of the family belonging to schedule tribe. All the families are taken digs in their house for
latrine facility. Increased participation of people especially women in Grama Sabha which held on 26th January 2012 at Choupal panchayat The target people who from Sopnaduwari village they went to meet president of the panchayat and demanded their felt need for drinking water facility.
Variances between planned and actual Output Variance in target time and actual time – The target time of the PRA was dated on 30th November but we could only complete 9th December because of the poor participation we cancelled three village level PRA during the target time.
Immediate Outcomes achieved for the reporting period The people changed their attitude to accept both right and duty to solve their felt need. The staff increased their knowledge on that people are capable agents to attain their rights and only require limited assistance from their part as a facilitator role. The symbolic representation of the village in the village level PRA people had helped to identify opportunities, characteristics and limitations of the village. The people motivated the concept issue based approach in the PRA. Difficulties Encountered and Lessons Learned Alchaholism and poor time management of villagers are created difficulties to smooth functions of the village level PRA and also two days training in PRA. Most of the participants were illiterate in the village level PRA so, the application of the some tools like seasonal calendar was very difficult among them. One of the major lessons in the PRA, communities has knowledge and information but it needs to be organized. Another lesson in the village has lot of unutilized resources like natural resources and also man power.
3. VATs conduct micro-planning for interventions and activities Process undertaken Village level micro planning was a process by which a community undertaken to reach their socioeconomic goal by themselves. The concept of participatory planning was adopted in the village level micro planning. The village level micro planning mainly focused issue based approach which prioritized in the village level PRA. We tried to ensure the members of local panchayat raj institution and other motivated personalities in the village level micro planning. We had given more importance to the people for take decisions at the local level with full confidence to solve their problems. We had best way to find what people need what they see as possible solutions were to ask directly. In the village level planning we were conducted through problem tree analysis of prioritized issue.
Activities performed during the reporting period that specifically contributed to the above activities 1. Established net working with members of panchayat raj institution and deliberated individuals for the community development program 2. Conducted problem tree analysis to create a critical knowledge on prioritized issue 3. Conducted focus group discussion with target people 4. Conducted direct observation of the prioritized issue 5. Conducted data collection of issue based questionnaire. Progress during the reporting period (annual) The people increased knowledge on the importance Grama Sabha and also level of participation was increased. It is also being recognized that the increased use of local resources from the government. The people are become capable agent to plan, facilitate decentralization in decision making. The people are aware of that to assessment of the local situation in their respective village. Another progress noticed after the village level micro plan people are becoming more vigilant in the functions of panchayat raj institution. Immediate Outcomes achieved for the reporting period The people developed skill on plan and act for attain their desired goal. The people could aware of the importance of locally available resources within community. The people changed their attitude on Grama Sabha instead poor participation. The ability of the target people is increased to group effort rather than individual.
4. Mobilization of local-level resources; supporting innovative initiatives; model creation; accessory needs; and gap-filling measures based on village-level identified needs (Issue based activity plan and fund utilization etc) The local resource mobilization depends on the capacity and effort made by the stake holders to realize these resources in their village. So, empowering the people to get and utilize these resources, is an important fact in this program. Identification of the local resources and its strategic utilisation is aimed in the each stage of the program implementation process. The unique feature of that nineteen percent of the people are living depends upon the agriculture sector and also they have same life style and believes in the life. All the people have common problems and
needs is another characteristic in these target areas. So, there is no difference on mobilisation of local resources in the village for fulfill their felt need. Process undertaken To build capacity of the VAT members for local resource mobilization within the community was aimed in this program. So, as for need we had conducted training on mediation and local resource mobilization in all the selected villages. The training was mainly focused on members of village action team, SHGs leaders and staff. The trainings conducted were according to the geographical condition and the transportation facility of the villages because there is poor transportation facility and also forest and streams are also causing difficulty to transportation facility. So, we conducted three trainings on topic. We prepared some materials on the topic and we provided these materials to each resource person before the trainings. We included such as fundamental rights, importance of Grama Sabha, three tire system and benefits of decentralization, mediation in community development and local resource mobilization form the Government part in these materials. We created a knowledge on initiative attitude is one of the importance part to mobilize local resources. Activities performed during the reporting period that specifically contributed to the above activities 1. Conducted training on mediation and local resources mobilization for VAT members in the entire selected village. 2. Established net work with members of the panchayat raj institution. 3. Established laisoning with rural agriculture extension officer (Grama sevik) 4. Established linkage with plant specialist in district agriculture centre. 5. Established network with district supervisor of Mahila balavikas Bhavan 6. Capacity building of the staff on the concept of local resource mobilization. 7. Monthly meeting with VAT in all the villages. Progress during the reporting period (annual) The village people started to accept a sense of ownership on their issues. The people started to utilize local resources in the community. Another progress we noticed that people have a team effort and involvement in program. The beneficiary contribution is also noticed in some kind of
work with related resources mobilization. Evidence to support the progress Twenty eight families are taken digs in their house for latrine facility (Progress on initiative attitude/ beneficiaries contribution) Increased participation in Grama Sabha in last 26th January (Increased demand and monitoring on rights) Formed 10 kissan clubs in ten villages (Progress on group effort to utilize local resource mobilization) Sixteen people started organic compost in their agriculture (Progress on utilization of locally available resources) Forty people are taken digs for the promotion of organic farming Immediate Outcomes achieved for the reporting period The target people changed their attitude to participate in different village level meeting for the development of them. The people are very familiar with local resources within community and also its utilization.
5. Development and use of Program Implementation Chronicle (PIC) for village recording Process undertaken
We are maintaining program implementation chronicle register in the entire selected twenty villages. The main purpose of this PIC to record all the activities happened which related SPED IIIimplementation in villages with chronically. We had given immediate responsibility to all SPED III staff to maintain and recording. We could try to include all points in these record and we categorized these points. The categorized points are as follows: 1. Name of the NGO
2. Place
3. Date
4. Time (Started and ended time)
5. Name of the program
6. Subject
7. Name of the resource person
8. Name of the chief guest
9. Explanation of program
10. Immediate out comes
11. Lessons
12. Suggestion/message
13. Challenges Activities performed during the reporting period that specifically contributed to the above activities 1. Laisoning and linkage building We made laisoning and linkage with members of panchayat raj institution, SHGs member; political leaders in the target area for convey the purpose of SPED III and ensured their cooperation in the program 2. Formation of Village Action Team in twenty villages. 3. Formal inauguration of project. The formal inauguration of the program was held on 16th June at Choupal Kottar, one of panchayat in target area. The purpose of the inauguration was creating aware among the target people. The inaugural function started on 11.30 am and ended on 2pm. The welcome speech had given by Mr. Jamuna Prasad, assistant Coordinator of the project. Fr. Joseph, director of the society was presided by the inaugural session. The inaugural lamp lightened by Mr. Druvandra Sing (President of chowpal pawai panchayat), Fr. Cherian (local incharge), Mr. Devandra gupta (Agriculture officer of Sarratti Panchayat), Fr. Jimmy (director of Gandhi High School, Sidhi), Fr. Joseph Porimattam. 4. Got an overall understanding of selected villages. 5. Conducted two days training on PRA The approach aims to incorporate the knowledge and opinions of rural people in the planning and management of development projects and programmes. So as for need, two days PRA training was conducted on 8 to 9/07/2011 in local centre at Karimatti. The participants were SPED III Staff and selected VAT members in the program. 6. Conducted village level PRA in twenty villages. To ensure that people are not excluded from participation while planning and identify their issues and wants. So, as for need we had conducted village level PRA in selected villages during the reporting period. In these techniques mostly we were used physical objects, symbols, chart papers, different colors and group memory. 7. Conducted village level micro planning.
8. Conducted training on village level baseline data collection and family based baseline data for Animators and Asst: coordinator. Conducted training on baseline data collection was held on 28th September 2011. The training program organized by Samaritan Social Service Society in local centre at Karimatti. The main purpose of the training was developing the capacity of animators for accruing reliable data from target people. The training program was conducted Mr. Unni, he is the Program Coordinator. 9. Conducted training on Gender Impact Assessment for Animators and Assistant coordinator The trained staffs are very important part of community development program. In order to build capacity of staffs we would provide one day training on gender impact assessment. The training program conducted on 10th October 11, 2011 at local centre in Karimatti. 10. Conducted trainings on Mediation and local resource mobilization in twenty villages. 11. Conducted meeting with VAT members for evaluation and progress of the activity in the village. 12. Conducted training on water cleanliness and water born diseases During the reporting period we conducted training on water cleanness and water born diseases on 6th February 2012 at Sopnaduwari in Choupal Kottar Panchayat. Mr. Brijilal, he was the resource person of the training. The training program started at 2.30pm and it ended on 4.00pm. The main purpose of the training was to increase knowledge and skills towards their felt need. The main issue is lack of drinkable water in this village. The training program focused to create knowledge that impacts and problems of selected issue in the village. 13. Conducted two trainings on health and hygiene for school going children We conducted training on health and hygiene on 8th and 13th February 2012 in Higher Secondary School at Premnagar and Kanya Awasi School Sarratti. Dr. Sr. Ancelin was the resource person of these trainings. The training program started at 1.40pm and it ended on 3.30pm. Fr. Eugeine also presented in this training program and he is the local in charge of program. The main purpose of the training was to increase knowledge on health and hygiene among the adolescent students. Poor health condition of the villagers is one of the important issues in these areas. We planned this training for school going children because they are capable agents for any social changes. In these selected schools most of the students are adolescent girls and they are more encaged with
household activities which we analyze the context of project area. Most of the students from tribal caste and also they have poor health condition and hygiene. 14. Conducted training on health and hygiene in the village level We conducted training on health and hygiene in village level in panchayat Bhavan at Choupal Pawai. Dr. Sr. Ancelin was the resource person of the training. Fr. Eugiene local in charge of the program, he also presented the training session. The training program started on 2.45pm and it ended on 4.20pm. The main purpose of the training was to increase knowledge on health and hygiene for attaining good health condition among the target people. In these areas around 40 people are died due to the Malaria in the last four months. 15. Conducted two trainings on organic farming for the farmers We conducted two trainings on organic farming on 9th and 10th February 2012 at Bari and Sarratti for the promotion of organic farming method in the selected villages. The training program started on 2.30pm and it ended on 4.30pm. Mr. Shyamlal Soni, he was the resource person of the chain of trainings. He has been working for the last four years as a project coordinator of Animation in our esteemed institution. Organic farming works in harmony with nature without harming the natural environment. Organic farming does not mean going back to traditional methods. Organic farming takes the best of traditional methods and combines with modern scientific knowledge. The purpose of these trainings were how can use our animal manures and house hold waste to their land rather than artificial fertilizers. 16. Formed ten kissan clubs in nine villages During the reporting period we formed ten kissan samithies in the target area. The main purpose of this activity was to increase production from farming in these selected villages. In these farmers clubs people were included members between fifteen and twenty. Through increase production to ensure food security and prompt agriculture as viable livelihood source in these selected villages. We are focusing through this activity development of the farmers through credit mechanism; create awareness and capacity building, transfer of modern technology etc. Another motto of the kissan samithies are to utilize available resource and schemes from government and locally available. 17. Established three seed bank in three villages
During the reporting we established three seed bank at Choupal Pawai, Munghawa and Chulha villages. The main purpose of this seed bank was to increase food security in village level. Through the seed bank we could collect traditional seeds like Kuduki, Sama, Mijari and kotho etc from the target people. As a result modern agriculture practices and cropping patterns changed the agriculture scenario in these target areas, now days they are only focusing rice, wheat, pussles etc. These traditional seeds were inherently more compatible with local farming condition, economically practical and environmentally sustainable than the high yielding varieties being used today. These seeds were also more resistant to pests, disease and droughts without any harmful to the people. Through the seed bank we will mobilize the indigenous knowledge of the local users to attain food security in theses villages. The village seed bank is aimed at identifying important traditional seed varieties to farmers for conserving and cultivating them. At the end of the season the farmer then returns twice the quantity of seeds that he had taken from the seed bank. These seeds will give to other farmers in the next season and it has a multiplying effect in these villages. 18. Promoted kitchen garden among the 60 families During the reporting period we promoted kitchen garden among the 60th families in the target areas. The main purpose of this activity was to increase self reliance among the target people. The kitchen garden provides fresh vegetable without any harmful content like chemical pesticides. Through this activity we promoted to increase nutritious level among the target people. The kitchen garden will increase local food production in the selected villages. Another feature of this activity was we prompted organic manure to nourish garden and they can use waste water from kitchen and bathing. The kitchen garden will get economic benefits through home gardening. In these village people have unknown to the notorious food and also its not included in their food habit. 19. Conducted two pre-marital classes for youth in two villages For the effective family life we conducted pre – marital classes on 28th and 29th February 2012 at Choupal Pawai and Khamkatti. Early marriage is very common among the people in these selected villages. Lack of proper awareness on sexuality is creating very much health problems among the youth especially in girls. The main purpose of these training was developing life skill to lead a good married life in the community.
20. Conducted training on fundamental rights and human rights We conducted training for create a critical consciousness about basic rights to the citizen which guaranteed by constitution of India to lead a standard of life. We conducted training on fundamental rights on 3rd March 2012 at Kushiyara. Most of the target people belonging to the schedule tribes and also they are not empowered to attain their basic rights from the government. Lack of proper knowledge on the basic rights is one of the crucial reasons of the backwardness of the people in the village. Through the training we provided all the information regarding fundamental rights to the people 21. Conducted women’s day celebration We conducted women’s day celebration on 4th March 2012 in local centre at Karimatti. This program was organized by SPED III – SAFP, Udhaya Samach Seva Sansthan and different SHGs in the target area. We chosen this date instead of 8th march because there was national celebration on that day named holly. We conducted rally on that day Karimatti town to local centre at 11 pm. The program lightened the lamp by Mrs. Manjulla Ekka (District supervisor of mahila and balavikas), Fr. Anil, Fr. Binoy and Mrs. Ramabai. There were 315 female and 42 males participated on the occasion. The participants performed different type arts program like dance, group songs and drama on the event. The entire guest could give messages in their address speech on the day. The chief guest of this program said that the women’s day general celebration respect, appreciation and love towards to a for women’s economic, political and social achievement. SHGs have contributed 2200 rupees for the celebration of women’s day. The groups have taken initiative to conduct celebration on the day. The program ended at 2.30 pm with vote of thanks given by Mrs. Rameela, she is leader of Umag SHGs in Choupal Pawai. 22. Conducted assessment of the existing SHGs. We have evaluated 37 existing SHGs in the target areas in the reporting period. We collected all possible information about existing SHGs in the target area. We developed evaluation format for this purpose. The purpose of this assessment was to identify performance level, maintenance of register, and savings within the group. This evaluation will be helped to the strategy and what kind of help needed for them. 24. Conducted two trainings on panchayat raj institution in two villages
During the reporting period we conducted two trainings on Panchayat Raj institution on 5th and 11th March 2012 at Gughwa Tolla and Karrwanti Tolla. The main purpose of these training was increasing political empowerment among the target people. Every village has holed a political power to the development of the village. Another purpose of the training was to increase aware of the importance of participation in the Grama Sabha. We could create awareness that people determine their needs in the Grama Sabha. The political empowerment of the people will be changed a rapid growth in these villages. 24. Conducted exposure visit for farmers We conducted an exposure visit the selected farmers from the kissan club on 6th and 7th March 2012. We had visited two villages in Satna district named singpure and chiraya. Main purpose of the exposure was developing knowledge on advanced and economic benefit oriented agriculture method in the farming. In this exposure visit 69 farmers were included. The speciality of these villages, the farmers promoted organic farming method and joined with advance technology. We arranged a focus group discussion with the farmers. The participants motivated to apply this method in their farming. 25. Conducted three trainings on the importance of environment protection in the farming. For the promotion of healthy practice in the agriculture field we conducted three trainings topic on environment protected practice in the farming dated on 12th , 13th and 16th March 2012 at Kathirikandi, Munghawa and Matharhya. A sustainable agriculture system and healthy environment are two aspects of the life that have direct affect on the total wellbeing of the household and also in the community. The main purpose was these trainings to spread these two aspects among the target people. In these trainings we could convey the message that the surroundings determine happiness, health, financial status of the people in the village. All the human being have obligation to protect and look after the environment for the coming generation. Another purpose of these trainings was developing organic based agriculture instead of chemical method in the farming. Through the trainings we conveyed the impact of chemical practice in the farming. 26. Conducted medical camp in the village level
During the reporting period we conducted medical camp on 13th March 2012 at Choupal panchayat level. Most of the people belonging to scheduled tribes and also poor health condition of the people are a common fact in these villages. The main purpose of medical camp was providing free medical check up facility to the target people. There were 311 males and 277 females are benefited in the medical camp. Peak level climate changes are one of geographical features in these target areas. Communicable diseases and other diseases are common due to the climate changes in the village. So, we had chosen this medical camp on time to provide better treatment facility for the target people. The people are not getting sufficient medical assistance from the government health services and also distance and poor infrastructure facilities threatening the treatment on time. Forty people are died due to the malaria in the last five months in these villages. 27. Conducted training on natural and human resources utilization We had conducted training on natural and human resources management on 17th March 2012 at Bazar Tolla. The main purpose of the training was creating on awareness of the better utilisation of natural and human resources in the village. The nature has been providing all resources for the survival of the community. Every human being have obligation to protect these resources to lead good living condition with the harmony of nature. We could create awareness of the natural resources in the community with suitable life for develop a sustainable income source to the people. 28. Introduced organic medicine in two villages We human beings are surely by the product of biological evaluation so, we should have obligation to protect environment and nature. So as for need we introduced indigenous organic medicine in agriculture. This activity will be developed a sustainable economic balance among the farmers because there is no need to purchase resources from outside and all the resources easily available within community. They are spending huge money for purchasing chemical pesticides in their agriculture. The organic medicine will stand with harmony of the nature. The process of organic medicine was made by locally available ayurvedic leafs mixed and it’s stored for fifteen days, and after fifteen days filtered to another vessels and mixing some more water in this vessals. 29. Conducted training on Gender
30. Conducted facilitation of getting to government resources (different schemes and benefit) for the target people. We conducted various assistance programs to utilize government resources in the target area. The assistance program was mainly focused to ensure social security schemes, awass yojana, and Medubathan and latrine facility. We distributed forums and photos for attaining their rights because the entire village is very interior areas and also such resources are not available in the village. We motivated to the people to do all the procedures ourselves for attaining their goals because we are focusing sustainable development of the target people. We will be focused that the ending of the program they will capable agent to attain their needs with limited assistance from outside. Through the activity we are creating a critical knowledge on the government resources. We planned regular monitoring and follow up of applicant for asses the progress. 31. Strengthened existing SHGs During the reporting period we strengthened three existing SHGs in the target area. We tried to ensure participation of all SHGs members in these meetings. Inter conflicts and malpractices of leaders are main problems among the SHGs. And there is also no proper communication method like register, individual passbook is unknown to them. Illiteracy is one of the crucial problems among the group because they are cheating by literate members; usually secretary and president have literacy in all the groups. In this meeting we tried to increase their confidence to run smoothly with cooperation to each other within group. On the part of strengthen we ensured individual pass book in all the SHGs. Progress during the reporting period (annual) People are more aware about government schemes, organic farming method, health practice and use of available resources within the community. Another noticed progress that people have critical conscious on their felt needs. People have changed their attitude to utilize resources within community rather than subsidy program of government. Most of the target people are belong to schedule tribes and socially very deprived group in their history of the life. The village level micro planning could increase their dignity and worth in the society as citizen. People are ready to come mainstream of the society and developed a mentality on demand their rights which guaranteed by society. The people are more bothered about sustainable development through their participation
in the program.
Immediate outcomes ďƒ„ People have increased knowledge on available government resources in the community. ďƒ„ People have developed their ability to attain for their rights ďƒ„ People are motivated to make a sustainable food security in the village
6. Undertaking monthly, quarterly, yearly participatory monitoring, evaluation, and reflection processes at village/community (monthly), Partner NGO (monthly) and SAFPI (quarterly) Process undertaken
For the effective implementation of the program monthly staff evaluation and orientation meetings are conducted regularly on the basis of need. In order to build the capacity of staff effective monitoring and day today dairy writing is promoted by the organization. We are conducting monthly staff evaluation meeting in local centre at Karimatti. This meeting is usually conducted with the presence of local in charge person. In this meeting all the staff presented their monthly report. After this presentation we have experience sharing on the light of both success and failed in their respective villages. In these monthly meetings we are discussing the target action plan of present month and also planning the action plan of the next month.
Another feature of the effective implementation and monitoring the society is conducting quarterly meeting and training to staff at DSSS level. The director of the society he is leading the three days quarterly meeting. All the other project staffs are presenting their quarterly report on the basis of action plan in this quarterly meeting. The society is providing different kind of training to the staffs in this meeting. For the effective implementation of the program the society is conducting zonal meeting in different project area which run by society. In this meeting all the staff, local in charge person, community members are participated. The participatory involvement of the community is unique feature of this meeting. We are respecting all the suggestions from the community. The zonal meeting is presiding by director of the society. The last zonal meeting was held on 26th March 2012 in local centre at Karimatti. SPED-III is one of our community based project and it needs much trained personnel for the well implementation. So as a part of capacity building of coordinators, SAFP provided quarterly review meeting and training at Aiswaryagram in Kerala. PRA- Social Analysis ,Stake holder analysis, Issue system analysis, Baseline data, Strategic and Micro planning- activity and Activity calendar, Activity Budgeting, gender, RBM like these topics were provided by SAFP in these quarterly review meeting. The SPED coordinators from 29 partner NGOs participated in the training. Activities performed during the reporting period that specifically contributed to the above activities 1. Monthly evaluation meeting in local centre 2. Quarterly meeting and training at DSSS level 3. Zonal meeting in district wise Progress during the reporting period All the staff could develop enthusiastic performance in their respective working area after all trainings, monthly and quarterly meetings provided by Samaritan and SAFPI. The community representative has increased worth and confidence in the program. Another progress of this reporting period we could keep transparency in each stage implementation stage of the program. The community members have developing a sense of ownership in each activity of the program. Control over their resources is another progress of the reporting period.
Immediate outcomes achieved for the reporting period The staff could change their attitude as a role of facilitator rather than assistant in implementation stage of the program The staff could ready to take risk mentality to the better implementation of the program. The staffs have increased knowledge on different technical method such PRA, problem tree analysis as well as their personal growth and capacity Staffs are increased knowledge on available resources within community.