Writing Rubric OPT-12 Category Vocabulary
Grammar Use
N/A 0 points
Basic 1 point
Student used very Student used a very simple or misused limited range of words. simple words or phrases.
Satisfactory 2 points
Good 3 points
Student used a fair range of vocabulary with some mistakes, mostly appropriate for the topic.
Student used a good range of vocabulary appropriate to the topic, spelling mostly accurate.
Very good 4 Points
Student used a wide range of Student used a very wide appropriate vocabulary and range of vocabulary and close to native expressions. native expressions.
No or minimal Student used a very Student used simple but Student used a good Student able to use high-level use of appropriate limited or incorrect mostly appropriate range of appropriate grammar structures with grammar. use of grammar grammar with grammar that was relative ease and flow. structures. indications of time and clear with some reason. minor mistakes.
Incomplete sentences, no development.
Some basic attempt Some fair attempts at at developing ideas building sentences with but usually inaccuracies and incomplete or attempts at longer undeveloped. clauses.
Too short or incomplete to have structure.
A lack of punctuation or appropriate organization of sentences.
Some meaning can be inferred but short and incomplete.
Moderate to good attempts at full sentences with conjunctions and general accuracy.
Very good use of mixed language structures and complex sentences with infrequent errors.
Fair attempt at complete Able to create a Very good attempt at lengthy sentences and better use paragraph with good explanations and ideas, clearly of punctuation with use of topic sentence studied English writing norms inaccuracies. and details. May be before. lacking a full conclusion. Meaning clearer with some difficulties but overall message clear.
Meaning conveyed well, reader would have follow up questions for the writer.
Excellent 5 points
Meaning very clear, use of near native language increases readability and interest of reader.
Student made minor or no mistakes and used native level grammar with ease. Excellent use of mixed language structures and complex sentences with clear ideas. English writing norms being used and layout typical of educated native speakers.
Easy to read and understand and interest of reader high.