i i »Jobsite:SOpply Co. ' 042•(619 ) 295:6100 Phohe
..2619) 4-5-6300.Fax·
T6200 Series Twin Stepladder
6200 Series Stepladder 042300 lb. load capacity - combined weight of user and materials. 042Type IA Duty Rating. 042Fiberglass and non-conductive side rails for working around electricty. 042Drill holster and convenient tray for tools. 042Handy paint can hanger on backside of top. -042Heavy-duty internal spreaders. 042Full set of rear horizontals, spaced one per foot. 042Molded brace and foot pad 042Steps: 3' combination provides enhanced 042Rear Rails: 1-7/8" · bracing strength and increased 042Rangel-3/16' protection against damage.
042Top: 5-3/4' x 13" 042Front Rails: 3-1/8" 042Range: 1-3/16"
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042Top: 8-1/2* x 13" 042Steps: 3'
042Front Rails: 3-1/8" 042Flange: 1-3/16'
042300 lb. load capacity - combined weight of user and materials. 042Type IA Duly Rating. 042Fiberglass and non-conductive side rails for working around electricty. 042Drill holster, tool and paint can holder, and a small parts tray. 042Heavy-duty internal spreaders. 042Full set of rear horizontals, spaced one per foot. 042Molded brace and foot pad combination provides enhanced bracing strength and increased protection against damage.
Specifications: Model No.6203 6204 62056206 6207 6208 6210 6212
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Size 3' 4' 5 6' 7' 8' 10' 12'
Approx Width 184/8' 19-7/8' 21-5/8' 23-3/8, 25-1/8' 26-7/8' 30.3/8. 33-7/2/
Approx. Spread 23-1/8' 29' 35-1/8• 41-1/4' 47-1/2' 53-5/8' 65-715• 784/4'
Approx. Cu. FL Per Unit 2.0 3.0 4.1 5.3 6.6 8.1 12.5 15.0
Approx. Shipping WL Lbs. 13.0 16.0 19.0 22.0 26.0 30.0 39.0 48.0
Model No. T6203 T6204 T6205 T6206 T6208 T6210 T6212
Approx. Width 18-1/8' 19-7/F 21-5/8' 23-3/8' 26-78' 30-38' 33-7/8'
Size 3' 4' 5' 6' 8' 10' 12'
Approx. Spread 29' 36-1/8' 43-1/8' 504/8' 644/8' 78-1/8' 92-1/8'
Approx Cu. FL Per Unit 3.1 4.6 6.2 8.0 12.3 17.3 23.2
Approx. Shipping Wl Lbs. 16.0 19.0 23.0 27.0 37.0 54.5 68.5
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Flat D-Rung Exension Ladder
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6100 Series Stepladder
D6200-2/D6200-1 Series
042Rails: 3-5/16" 042Range: 1-3/16' 042Rungs: 1-1/2' 042FlyWidth: 16' (outside rails) 042Base Width: 19' (outside shoes)
Specifications: Total Maximum Model 14# Wotldng No. Sections Length [)6216-2*' 16• 13 D6220-2 20' 17 D6224-2 24' 21' [)62282 28' 5 06232-2 37 29 250 lk Capacity Models: 32' D6236-2 36' 06240-2 35' 40'
042300 lb. load capacity - combined weight of user and materials. 042Type IA Duly Rating. 042Fiberglass and non-conductive side rails for working around electricty. 042Heavy-duty pulley rope. 042Rugged gravity spring locks operate smoothly. 042Durable rail shield bracket and shoe with Shu-Lok®, slip-resistant pad and spur plate. 042Interlocking side rail. 042Pre-pierced holes for easy field installation of accessories. 042Internal guides on bottom of fly section securely interlock rails.
Approx. Approx Approx. Approx Cil R. Sipping Model Ta Ca FL St*ng Per Unit Wt. Lbs. No. Length Per Unit Wt. Lbs. 7.0 365 062084 8' 4.7 195 &7 445 06210-1 10 58 210 103 520 062124 12 6.9 27.0 120 595 062144 14' 50 31D 137 715 [)62164 16 9.1 378 15.3 17.0
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1111311 042Top: 5-3/4" x 13-1/8" 042Steps: 3' 042Front Rails: 3-1/8" 042Front Range: 1-1/8" 042Rear Rails: 1-3/4" 042Rear Flange: 1-3/16' (5/8" front)
042300 lb. load capacity - combined weight of user and materials. 042Type IA Duty Rating. 042Yellow Fiberglass and non-conductive side rails for working around electricty. 042Heavy gauge tray molded for tools, quart can and convenient tray for small parts. 042Double riveted aluminum steps are deeply serrated for traction. 042Plated steel braces on bottom front step and bottom rear horizontal. 042Combination rail end shield and foot with slip-resistant rubber foot pad.
Specifications: Model Number 6104 6106 6108 6110 6112
Size 4' 6' 8' 10' 12'
Wieght 13.0 lbs. 18.0 lbs. 25.0 lbs. 38.0 lbs. 47.5 lbs.
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Jobsite Supply
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