YCN submission boards

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Arthur Carey & Joanne Catlow FAIRTRADE - YCN 2011 Leeds College of Art. BA (Hons.) Graphic Design.

No. FAIRTRADE products:

1994: 3 2011: 3000+

Arthur Carey & Joanne Catlow




FAIRTRADE - YCN 2011 Leeds College of Art. BA (Hons.) Graphic Design.

Produce a viral video on a creative new level. Inspire passion in supporters of FAIRTRADE.

We decided to focus on what we could communicate effectively whilst keeping todays worryingly-fickle online audience watching.

We tried with a limited budget to make a visually engaging stop-motion animation of the wide range of products, ending with the words ‘more than just bananas’.

Research highlighted that people associated FAIRTRADE with bananas, coffee and images of smiling farmers but very few knew about the diverse range of products/ways to support FAIRTRADE that existed.

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