2017 Feng Shui Outlook

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Feng Shui & Astrology Talk 2017

by Master Jo Ching


12 Animal Signs Forecast

2017 Astrology & Feng Shui Forecast

Market & Business Outlook

Auspicious Timing to Commence Work during CNY

Qi Men Dun Jia on CNY

About Jo Ching 莊裕善老师

• Principal of Destiny Academy

• Feng Shui Consultant & Teacher, Author • Advises individual and corporate clients

Expert in:  Classical Feng Shui  Qi Men Dun Jia (Art of War)

 BaZi Destiny Analysis  Classical and Indian Vedic Astrology

 Chinese Name System  I Ching King Wen Divination  Face Reading


A > Feng Shui for Home, Commercial & Niche B> Ba Zi Destiny Consult

C> Baby Name and Adult Name Change D> Wedding Date Selection E> Baby Conception and C-section To find out about how our services can help to improve your life, you can email Master Jo at joching@destinyasia.com.sg

Courses and Corporate Talks

Corporate Talks Some of our previous speaking engagements:

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

CapitaLand Tata Communications Nusajaya Techpark (Iskandar) Ascendas-Singbridge Samsung Aquarama Park Regis Hotel Phillip Capital Singtel Citibank/Citigold Prudential Insurance (THB Assoc) JTC Corporation The British Club Singapore Tote Board

Courses by Destiny Academy:

Courses by Destiny Academy:

Media Exposure


Negative Stars

Positive Stars

• Hook (钩绞)

• Sky Happiness (天喜)

• 6-Misfortune (六厄)

• The Moon (太阴)

Highlights:  For those who are in a relationship, it is a timely year to consider tying the knot. The energies are conducive for romantic events. (Aries & Pisces)  Watch what you say, and stay away from office politics and gossip mongers. If not, you will be entangled and dragged into unwanted disputes.  Ladies will be blessed and protected by The Moon in all aspects of life. However, the men should watch their dealings with women. Don’t abuse your authority and take advantage of them.

Negative Stars

Positive Stars

• • • • •

• • • •

Court Talisman (官符) Floating (浮沉) Five Ghost (五鬼) Blood Dagger (血刃) Flying Dagger (飞刃)

San He Tai Sui (三合太岁) Talent Star (华盖) 3 Stage (三台) Heaven Rescue (天解)

Highlights:  Boss/Helpful People luck is good. Opportunities to shine. Challenges in work will be solved. White knights will arrive whenever you need help.  Avoid dangerous sport and postpone your diving trip due to the Daggers which easily cause bodily harm. Be honest with the government departments too. (Sagittarius and Gemini)  The Talent Star is good for students and people in the creativity field .

Negative Stars

Positive Stars

• Robbery Sha (劫煞)

• Emperor Seal Nobleman (国印貴人) • Month Virtue (月德)

Highlights:  One of the most powerful and auspicious Emperor Seal arrives at the Tiger sign. Coupled with Month Virtue, Tiger is blessed with promotion luck, nobleman luck and career breakthrough.  For budding entrepreneurs, 2017 is a year that will increase your opportunities and flow of new clientele.  If you are required to travel, please avoid areas plagued by thefts or robberies and be mindful of misplacing your valuable items.

Which type of face shape has the luck to become Successful Entrepreneurs?

Plus Talent Number belonging to :

1 10 19 28

Negative Stars

Positive Stars

• • • • •

• Tai Ji Nobleman ( 太极贵人)

Offend Tai Sui (岁破) Big Loss (大耗) Disaster Sha (灾煞) Shatter (破碎) Hinder Pole (栏杆)

Highlights:  Rabbit is in direct conflicting energy with the Rooster Year. Expect a lot of emotional ups and downs. Careful of injury to the legs.  Avoid high risk investment, lending money to people and visit to casino. Do not go into biz partnership as there is a high chance of breaking up.  The Grade-A auspicious star, however, is a white knight that comes for your rescue whenever you are in trouble.

Negative Stars • Minor Loss (小耗) • Sudden Failure (暴败) • Heaven Disaster(天厄)

Positive Stars • Liu He Tai Sui (六合太岁)

• Dragon Virtue (龙德) • Emperor (紫微)

Highlights:  Extremely powerful Emperor plus Dragon Virtue stars ensure Dragon people enjoy a year of great harvest and fortune throughout.  There will be opportunity for making new friends and enhancing the people network. Good for people in sales or MLM.  One has to be careful of theft or loss of wallet, hand phone. Avoid going to places where natural calamities like earthquakes or typhoons are frequently seen.

Negative Stars

Positive Stars

White Tiger (白虎)

• San He Tai Sui (三合太岁)

Five Ghost (五鬼)

Backstab (指背)

Highlights: While the snake is backed by the energy of the year by forming an auspicious trinity with the rooster, it is not supported by other major positive stars.  One needs to be tactful in office, at home or even in school to prevent malicious backstabbers. MYOB is the key word.  Because of White Tiger, one is more prone to accidents on the road or blood related injury. Extraction of wisdom tooth or blood donation can help to mitigate the misfortune.

Who attracts gossips and backstabs more easily?

Who gets into injury more easily?

Negative Stars • Curl Tongue (卷舌)

Positive Stars • • • • • •

Romance (红鸾) Prosperous Virtue (福德) Year Wealth (年禄) Peach Blossom (桃花) Heaven Virtue (天德) Fortune Star (福星)

Highlights:  This is a year of good fortune, good money and good romance luck for the horses! Celebrities, entertainers and frontliners will benefit greatly.  Those who are single, love is in the air. Those who are in courtship, it is a good year to consider tying the nuptial knot.  With so many positive stars outnumbering the only negative star, I can say 2017 is a lucky year for you. (Esp. Libra, Scorpio, Aries and Taurus)

Negative Stars

Positive Stars

• Hanging Guest (吊客)

Romance (红艳)

• Goat Blade (羊刃) • Sky Dog (天狗) • Lonesome Star (寡宿)

Highlights:  Romance star blesses you with the charm and love luck. For singles, you have very high chance to get hitched this year. But this star is not good for married personnel as it can lead you to extra marital affair.  Ladies who are pregnant should take extra precaution as the negative stars may trigger emergency C-section or complication during labour.  Postpone your cosmetic surgery if possible.  Staying focus and composed is the key to success this year.

Negative Stars

Positive Stars

• Death God (亡神) • Passing Cloud (流霞)

• Golden Cart (金舆贵人)

• Illness (病符) • Bath (沐浴)

Highlights:  As long as you can manage the additional stress and low immunity that will cause you to suffer from periodic minor illnesses, this is still a good year for you to show off your talent and be in the limelight.  Expect good monetary reward from your performance at work or from your side line income, investment.  Pregnant lady has to be mindful of complication due to Passing Cloud.

Good Investment & Windfall Luck?

Formula:  Full Heaven Storage  Fleshy Nose  Sharp Eyes  Fleshy Chin

 Baby Name Selection or Chinese Name Change is $388 • Provides 4 sets of name options • Provides Written Explanation • Provides auspicious timing to register new name to usher in good luck

 Name Analysis is $68 We need your birth details and chinese name to work out the new auspicious name for your luck change.

Contact us: academy@destinyasia.com.sg

Negative Stars • Offend Tai Sui (犯太岁) • Sword Edge (剑锋) • Lying Corpse (伏尸)

Positive Stars • • • • • •

Heaven Virtue Nobleman ( 天乙贵人) Tai Ji Nobleman ( 太极贵人) Academic Nobleman ( 文昌贵人) Academic Hall (学堂) General Star (将星) Golden Lock (金匮)

Highlights:  Although rooster offends the Tai Sui in 2017 but due to the overwhelming presence of many A-Grade stars, it is a very blessed year for career advancement, start-up of new biz, money, windfall and competitions.  Students sitting for PSLE will also receive very good mentor luck to excel in exams. It is an excellent year for rooster.  The only thing to be mindful of is getting cut by sharp objects. Avoid games and sports like fencing and archery.

Negative Stars

Positive Stars • Heaven Doctor (天医)

• Blood Dagger (血刃) • Sky Emptiness (天空)

• Earth Rescue (地解) • Grabbing Saddle (板鞍) • The Sun (太阳)

Highlights:  There will be sign for you to change your working or living environment out of the country in 2017. It will be an overall fruitful experience.  Your energy is fully charged for a year filled with excitements and career opportunities. This is more so for the men.  There will be times you feel big-headed and become unrealistic. Always stay humble so that assistance will come easily.

Negative Stars • Solitary Star (孤辰)

• Funeral Door (丧门) • Dividing Edge (隔角)

Positive Stars • Heaven Virtue Nobleman ( 天乙贵人) • Fortune Star Nobleman ( 福星贵人)

• Traveling Horse (驿马)

Highlights:  Sense of emptiness, loneliness can kick in and the year energy makes you susceptible to disputes and accusations.  Hence, avoid making sensitive comments towards others as well as on Facebook that can potentially land you in hot soup.  Nevertheless, there are 2 Grade-A powerful Nobleman stars that will offer you good help and fantastic opportunities especially overseas.  Traveling will bring you good luck and breakthrough. Go for it.

Better Performing Animal Signs 2017:

Tiger Dragon Horse Rooster Dog Pig

People that cannot harness fortune?

Those who like to:

• Bite their Nails • Shake their legs • Keep their nose hair

What is Feng Shui (Wind & Water)?

The Art and Science of Improving One’s Luck using environmental energy

Regardless is HDB…

Condo Or Landed…

In feng shui we focus on 3 things: 1. Main Door 2. Stove 3. Bedrooms


Annual Flying Stars for 2017

Prepare: 1. Compass 2. Floor Plan


SE Joy





Mis fortune



Academic Argument






Wealth Qi 2017

Fame & Power Luck?

Career & Money Luck?

Love & Romance Luck?

For Powerful + Long Lasting Effect for:

 Sales and Personal Income  Smooth Career Path  Kid’s Study

Luck Ushering Volcano Pyramid

火 山 琉 璃 金 字 塔


金字塔本身的特殊幾何造型,可以將天地間的能量聚集起來,再向四周發射出 去。而火山琉璃的材質,本身就蘊涵著純淨強大的能量磁場,能夠將金字塔這種 「能量集中│再發射」的特性充分發揮。 生基金字塔的周圍有朱雀、玄武、青龍、白虎四靈獸守護,所以它可以發揮鎮 宅化煞的功能,風水上有任何的缺陷、損傷,或遭煞氣干擾,只要有朱雀、玄武、 青龍、白虎四靈獸鎮守在此,即可彌補一切風水之缺損,同時四靈獸會在屋宅的 前後左右形成結界,構成保護網,化解煞氣,轉為吉祥平安。 在運用上,可以將我們人身的「信息物」(例如毛髮、指甲)置入金字塔內部, 選擇吉日良辰,將塔安置於對本命最有利的「穴位」上,則金字塔所匯聚的宇宙 能量,將灌注於「信息物」上,再發射擴散出去,與我們人身產生感應交流,而 發揮其鎮宅化煞、催旺财运的效果。 本活生基金字塔会有法师祈福加持,並由Master Jo Ching (莊裕善老师)運用奇門 遁甲、七政四餘玄空擇日法選定吉日良辰,再找出個人命格中真正的「旺財位」, 將金字塔安奉於睡房,书房,客厅或办公室桌子,在很短的時間內,您就能感受 到生基金字塔的能量爆發力,讓您在職位上步步高升,升遷順利,在學業上讀書 認真,成績突飛猛進,考試名列前矛,金榜題名,功名富貴唾手可得。

Fa Qi Men Blessing 法奇门木头符令

For our clients and friends who are still single but hoping to get attached asap, we have created a very personalized pocket-size wooden talisman carved out of 桃木 by hand. With the combination of Feng Shui and Taoist magic, we specifically used Fa Qi Men and Qi Men Dun Jia Date Selection to bless the talisman in accordance to your destiny chart. You just need to carry it with you for a specific time frame to trigger your romance luck.

Simple, subtle and secretly. The talisman can also be customised to help you overcome challenges in areas like:    

Backstabbing by Petty People in office Career & Sales School Examination People’s Luck

And etc - depending on what is bothering you.

What type of houses cannot renovate in 2017?

Houses that face:

North & West

Market & Business Outlook 2017


Metal is most favourable.

Metal Industry 金

Metal Industries • Finance and Banking • Gold & Precious Metal • Scrap Metal • Precision Engineering • Automobile

Wood Industry 木

Wood Industries • Agricultural • Horticultural • Timber • Furniture • Paper & Pulp • Printing

Water Industry æ°´

Water Industries • Transportation • Logistic • Tourism • Fisheries • Research Consultancy

Fire Industry ç Ť

Fire Industries • Infocomm • Chemical • F&B • Media & Entertainment • Pharmaceutical

Earth Industry ĺœ&#x;

Earth Industries • Property • Construction • Insurance & Trust • Mining • Child or Elderly Care


2017 is known as the Universal Year 1 Because 2+0+1+7

So how does this

1 interact with your


Step 1: Find out the number for your DAY + MONTH Step 2: Reduce this to a single digit

Step 3: Add this to 1 and this will tell you what you are going to experience in 2017 generally Example: You are born on 24 June = 2+4+6 = 12 ďƒž1 + 2 ďƒž 3 then plus 1

Your Number is:

1 2 3 4

Your 2017 Experience New beginning, start new plan New friendship, more network

Creativity, high expenses Hard work, slow progress

Your Number is:

5 6 7 8 9

Your 2017 Experience Travel, health, accident, challenge

Promotion, new responsibilities Reflection, spiritual, moody Stressful but capital gain, power Closure, resignation, new plans


Level 1 – Know Thyself [1 Day] • Graphical representation of Planets at time of your Birth • 12 Houses in birth chart and their significance • 12 Houses and Body Parts • 12 Houses and Kinship • 12 Houses and Lifestyles • 9 Planets and their Intrinsic characteristics • 12 Horoscopes and their characteristics • Planets and their Friends and Enemies • Understanding Your own Planetary DNA in

respective to Financial


Level 2 – Control & Conquer [2 Days] • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Planets and their Strength in Various Houses Examining Your Career Luck and Talents Your Favourable Industries and Job Function Insights into 12 Different Ascendant Lords and their Houses Concept of Planetary Transit (Current Luck) Movement of Moon and its Daily impact on you Date Selection for Events (Sales Pitch, Gaming, Presentation, Romance, Clinching Deals, Borrowing, Travel, Invest and etc) Planets and Business Outlook Dying and Growing Industries What is Planet Retrograde and its impact on you? Transiting Planets for Projection and Prediction Personal Auspicious Direction (Local or Relocation) Personal Auspicious Colour based on House Lord for Good Luck Introduction to 27 Constellations in Vedic Astrology

Course Fee: Level One (4 March) - $600 Level Two (11 & 12 March) - $1600


1> : 30 Jan 2017, 0900 am 定日 (Qi Men Auspicious Direction: NW/North)

2> : 3 Feb 2017, 1300 pm 成日 (Qi Men Auspicious Direction: SE/South/SW)

Biz> : 6 Feb 2017, 1300 pm 开日 (Qi Men Auspicious Direction: SW/East)

All dates and time calculated are based on Chinese Tong Shu, Qi Men Dun Jia and Planetary Systems.


 31 Jan 2017 (Tues)  1 Feb 2017 (Wed)  7 Feb 2017 (Tues)

Note: All dates and time calculated are based on Chinese Tong Shu, Qi Men Dun Jia and Planetary Systems.

The Divine Art of War

Next run will be April/May 2017 – Email us to enquire

第一日 • • • • • • •

簡述道教源起 介紹符籙派 書寫符籙前的準備品項 書寫符籙的禁忌與戒律 符籙的組成要件介紹 符籙的基本要件之變化 書寫符籙前的準備動作

第二日 • • • • • • •

書寫符籙時的基本咒語 書寫符籙完成後的注意事項 勅符的秘訣與動作 施符之用法與時刻 基本符籙的介紹 符籙用途:淨化/護身/考試/化煞/開運…等等。 Q&A 時間


CNY Qi Men Dun Jia Ushering of Luck

大年初一 奇门遁甲开运法

Procedure: 1. Locate a temple that is at the North of your house. 2. Make your way towards that temple between 9 to 10 am. 3. When you arrive outside the temple, position yourself in such a way that the temple is in your North before you enter. 4. During prayer, sincerely wish for good luck (money, career, study, romance and etc). 5. When you travel from home to temple, you should be able to see:

i. Blind man ii. Birds from North direction iii. 2 Dogs iv. A Child claps and makes noise v. Old man holding a stick

If you can see some or all of the above Qi Men Dun Jia’s phenomenon, you are resonating well with the energy. More blessed!

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“Master Jo Ching”

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