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‫ברוכימ הבאימ‬

Welcome to the Welcome Pack! Hi! We are Danny and Viv, the StringBridge kids! We are excited that you joined us. Get READY to learn lots of amazing things every month. Get SET for an awesome adventure. We are going to do some really cool CRAFTS together! So‌ READY. SET. CRAFT!


Welcoming Guests It's so wonderful to see you!

Thanks for coming! We're really glad you could make it!

3 Fun Fact: Avrahanm Avinu, “Abraham” (in the Torah) was the first Jew. One of the things he was famous for was having a tent with doorways on all sides so that it would be easy for visitors to stop by and say hello!

When you welcome a friend to your home, you are doing a mitzvah called “Hachnasat Orchim” (‫)הכנסת אורחים‬, which means “welcoming guests”. The main idea of Hachnasat Orchim is to make sure your guests are comfortable. When your guests leave, it's part of Hachnasat Orchim to walk them out of the house and wave them goodbye.

Welcoming guests into your house is a great thing to do, but you have to be super careful. Never invite anyone into your house who you don't know. Always ask your Mom, Dad, or other grown-up first, because it could be dangerous.

Making your craft Bag


IMPORTANT: Do this craft before you do the Bridging Project – you will need the large piece of styrofoam for this project first. Then. re-use the large piece of styrofoam for the Bridging Project. Put your stamp on your canvas bag – it's a great place to keep your StringBridge supplies.

SET! Prepare the materials:

Ready! •Canvas bag •String •Jar of orange paint •Plastic plate •Large piece of styrofoam •Small piece of styrofoam •Practice page

1. Pour some orange paint onto the plastic plate. 2. Wind the string around the small piece of styrofoam to make your stamp. Your print will look better if you criss-cross the string. 3. Tuck the end of the string under the other strings to hold it in place.

Making your craft Bag 4. Place the large piece of styrofoam inside the canvas bag.

CRAFT! Stamping the bag:

1. Hold the stamp between your thumb & your pointer ďŹ nger. 2. Dip your stamp into the paint. 3. Press the stamp onto the practice page to remove extra paint. Keep stamping the practice page until you see a clear pattern. 4. Press the stamp onto the canvas bag and make an interesting design. 5. Repeat this process until you love the way the pattern looks on your bag. 6. When you have ďŹ nished, remove the styrofoam from the bag and use it for your Bridging Project. NOTE: You can also use the ends of your stam to make interesting patterns.


Decorating Making youryour craftMezuzah Bag 4. Place the large piece of styrofoam inside the canvas bag. SET! Preparing the Wooden Mezuzah Cover Ready! CRAFT! Stamping 1. Paint around allthe thebag: edges of the mezuzah 1. Holdand the stamp between thumbcover & yourtopointer finger. cover then leave theyour mezuzah dry. (A) 2. Dip your into the paint. 2. Wash thestamp paintbrush under cold running water. 3. Press the stamp onto the practice page to remove •Scissors CRAFT! Decorating the Mezuzah Outline Paper extra paint. Keep stamping the practice page until you •Paint 3. Unscrew the lid of the glue completely and put •Glue see a clear pattern. •Wooden Mezuzah cover it aside. 4. Press the stamp onto the canvas bag and make an •Mezuzah outline paper 4. Using the paintbrush, paint the mezuzah out•Colored paper interesting design. line with glue. (B) 5. Repeat this process until you love the way the •White lace paper •Foil pattern looks on your bag. •Plastic plate 6. When you have finished, remove the styrofoam from •Paintbrush the bag and use it for your Bridging Project. NOTE: You can also use the ends of your stam to make interesting patterns. A


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Decorating your Mezuzah 5. Place pieces of colored paper and the pieces of lace paper onto the mezuzah outline in any pattern, shape, or color combination you like. (C) It is perfectly okay to overlap colors, adding more glue as you go. Don't worry if the papers go outside the lines, you will trim them off later. Make sure that all white areas inside the lines are covered. 6. Let the glue dry. This might take up to half an hour. 7. While your mezuzah is drying, rinse your paintbrush and then continue with the next step. 8. Take the two foil strips and roll them into 2 logs. 9. Fold the longer foil strip in half, open it, and wind the shorter one around the fold to create the letter ‫ש‬. You can use scissors to trim the tops so that they are the same height. 10. Flatten the ‫ ש‬on the table with your hand and then put it aside for later. Sticking the Mezuzah Outline Paper onto the Mezuzah Cover. C 11. Turn the mezuzah outline paper over and carefully cut along the outline.


Making the ‫ש‬


12. Using the paintbrush, cover the whole top of the wooden mezuzah cover with glue. (D) 13. Carefully place your decorated mezuzah outline paper onto the wooden mezuzah cover and line it up. (E) 14. Using the paintbrush, paint glue over the entire top of the mezuzah. Don't worry, the glue dries clear. Sticking the ‫ ש‬on to the Mezuzah 15. Place the ‫ ש‬near the rounded top of the mezuzah. 16. Put extra glue under and on top of the ‫ש‬. (F) 17. Leave your decorated mezuzah cover to dry.




Five Fun Mezuzah Facts 1. The most important part of the mezuzah is the parchment on the inside! 2. The words in a mezuzah must be written in order. So if a sofer (scribe) skipped a letter, the mezuzah can't be fixed since that letter will have been written out of order. 3. A Mezuzah on a really, really tall door goes at shoulder height of the average adult. 4. Check your mezuzah twice every seven years, especially if it's in the sun or rain! 5. Some Rabbis say that in a building where everyone who lives there is Jewish, even the elevator might need a mezuzah! Thanks to Rabbi Reuvain Mendlowitz (Author of “Inside Stam”) for these fun mezuzah facts!


Mezuzah pictures printed with permmission of Ester Shahaf

String Bridge Facts


1. The String Bridge in Jerusalem is actually called “Gesher HaMeitarim� (Chords Bridge) because it is held up by 66 steel cables that look like chords of King David's harp. 2. The bridge cost $70 million and took over three years to build. 3. The bridge was designed by a Spanish architect, Santiago Calatrava. 4. The white mast of the bridge is 40 stories tall! 5. The bridge carries two tracks for the Jerusalem light rail and a sidewalk for people to cross the road and see a beautiful view at the same time!

Light Rail Facts and Map


Bridging Project IMPORTANT: You will need to use the

large piece of styrofoam for the stamping project, so do that project first.

SET! Cutting out the parts

1. This step is a little tricky: On paper number 1, cut the two thick dotted lines so that you create a slot in the paper – do not cut off the top part or the bottom part of the paper. (G,H)



Ready! •Large piece of styrofoam •All the papers from the Bridging Project bag •The strips of paper with road signs on them •Scissors •Glue •Paintbrush •A bag of paper fasteners •String •Green paper •Piece of chalk •Two jumbo sticks


Bridging Project


2. Cut out numbers 2, 3 and 4. 3. Cut out the light rail (5) and the airplane (6) – make sure to cut out the whole cloud. 4. Cut out pieces 7, 8, 9, and 10. Your frame will look better if you cut carefully around the signs. (I)

CRAFT! Creating the String Bridge

1. Place paper number 1 onto the styrofoam. 2. Place piece number 2 on top of the matching image of paper number 1. This is the bridge. 3. Make sure the paper fasteners are straight and together, then connect piece number 2 to paper number 1 by pushing the paper fasteners into each of the dots. Do this for all 12 dots. (J)



Bridging Project


4. Glue the green paper onto the shaded area of paper number 1. Layer the light green paper on the dark green paper. For a grassy effect, cut the dark green paper in a wavy pattern. (K, L, M)



5. Take piece 3 and place the short ap in line with the top of the jumbo stick. (N) 6. Twist off the top of the glue so that you can dip the paintbrush into the glue bottle. 7. Fold the two side aps under the jumbo stick and glue them in place.



Bridging Project


8. Repeat for piece 4 on the second jumbo stick. (O) 9. Lift the bottom of the blue paper (1) and carefully pull the loose ap on the end of the jumbo stick through the stright slot you cut earlier. (P) 10. Glue the white rectangle on top of the picture of the light rail onto the loose ap you pulled through the slot. (Q) O



Bridging Project 11. Lift the top of the blue page and carefully pull the loose flap on the end of the jumbo stick through the wavy slot you cut earlier. (R) 12. Glue the back of the airplane onto the loose flap you pulled through the slot. (S) 13. Use the chalk to draw clouds. 14. Wind the end of the string about five times around the paper fastener at the top of the bridge. 15. Now wind the string once around the pin at the far right on the bottom part of the bridge. Pull it a little to make it tight.




Bridging Project


16. Now wind the string once around the second pin from the top of the bridge. 17. Now wind the string once around the pin second from left on the bottom part of the bridge. 18. Keep following this pattern until you get to the last pin. (T) 19. Wind the string a few times around the last pin and then trim it. (U,V)




Bridging Project 20. Glue pieces 9 and 10 (the shorter strips of signs) along the dotted border on the left and right of the blue paper (1). It is best if you brush the glue onto the blue paper. (W) 21. Glue pieces 7 and 8 (the longer strips of signs) along the dotted border at the top and bottom of the blue paper (1). It is best if you brush the glue onto the blue paper.



Bridging Project 22. Dab a little glue under the pointy end of the bridge so that it doesn't flip up. 23. Use the jumbo sticks to drive the light rail and fly the plane.

Have fun!



Month wheel and Upcycle Suggestion

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