Brochure beis eliahu 1

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Talmud Tora

Beis Eliahu

Our Staff´


Rabbi Jacobson Trained as an educational


“ e guide parents on how to go through the Israeli system and not fall out of it and also not get hurt by it,” says Rabbi Domnitz, the Principal of Talmud Torah Beis Eliyahu. “The cheder works from within the system and then builds out.” At Talmud Torah Beis Eliyahu, our mission is to give Anglo families an educational experience imbued with the highest standards in Torah and secular studies, solid Jewish values, a warm, professional staff, and a strong sense of community. We achieve this through our high standards, our warm rebbeim, and our English speaking administration that is always available for our parents. The families who join our cheder are ones who along with a strong desire to acclimate and find a place within the Israeli “system,” want to maintain their own identity and values even as they remain within the framework of Israeli chareidi society High standards in education, and the emphasis on developing good middos are the founding principles that have been “imported” from Anglo school systems and are an integral part of the Beis Eliyahu framework. Rebbeim here are hand-picked for their professionalism and experience and for their warmth and caring. Here you will find rebbeim who truly care about each and every student and who go the extra mile all day, every day “I want every child to feel at home here, to feel loved.” –Rabbi Aryeh Domnitz, Principal

consultant and psychotherapist specializing in CBT, Rabbi Binyomin Jacobson has extensive experience in the field of education, having spent fourteen years working in a Jerusalem school, Chochmas Shlomo. Rabbi Jacobson’s vision is “to bring out the best in each student according to his individual capabilities and to raise happy, healthy, well-adjusted and well-educated children.”

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Rabbi Reichman A visionary and

a pioneer, Rabbi Dovid Reichman is behind the establishment and growth of the cheder. His talent and clarity of thought are the driving force for the cheder’s incredible success. Having learned for many years in both Yeshivas Ponovezh and Mir, Rabbi Reichman’s scholarship and wisdom have rightly earned him his place as a leader in our community.

Rabbi Dominitz Renowned for his warmth, approachability, and

outstanding people skills, Rabbi Domnitz is uniquely positioned to serve as the cheder’s parent body liaison. His unusual availability and responsiveness stem from a resolute determination to bring Anglo-style service and communication to the educational system in Eretz Yisrael. Rabbi Domnitz is beloved for his personal relationships with the students of Beis Eliyahu, and can frequently be found greeting each boy

congeniality, finesse, and geshmak, he has created a cohesive, joy-filled environment—a place where both rebbeim and students look forward to coming each day.

Rabbi Eidenson Rabbi Eidensohn,

renowned as a master educator, and for his administrative prowess, oversees a network of schools in Ramat Beit Shemesh as well as one in Switzerland.

Secular Staff The secular studies program at Talmud Torah

Beis Eliyahu is overseen by an experienced Secular Studies Director. In Beis Eliyahu the students are taught secular studies by their class rebbe. Our secular studies coordinator selects the workbooks, trains the rebbeim, and advises them on how best to teach the subject matter.

Progress Monitoring Every teacher in the Cheder writes and presents

monthly progress reports on each child to ensure that our students’ progress is carefully tracked.

Bochen Every month an experienced bochen comes to

test every single student in every single class on what they have learned. Our students look forward to special “bochanim,” distinguished rabbis who come in to our classrooms to test the boys’ knowledge, giving them a special opportunity to display their learning prowess and receive ample praise.


Mivtzaim Special incentive programs are held 3–4 times a

Yomin Tovim We always hold a festive event to make the

upcoming Yom Tov come alive for them and our students are always excited to celebrate.

Lag Baomer Every Lag Baomer,

we hold a school wide bonfire in our chatzer. Students are excited to come, dance around the bonfire, and participate in the festivities.

Yerid Chanuka The highlight of Chanuka for our students is the

special yerid, fair, the culmination of intensive weeks of middos and mitzvah improvement & learning.The excitement is contagious as children bring in their own creations & initiatives, striving to push themselves to the max. We bring in moon bounces and cotton candy, providing a special atmosphere of reward for all their hard work dedication.

Purim Mesiba Mesibat Purim is

a real high point at Beis Eliyahu, with high-profile contests leading up to the Big Day when our Purim carnival & Purim Shpiel take place. You may not recognize our rebbeim if you happen to chance upon them as they’re gearing up for their famed Purim Shpiel — they’ll likely be dressed up for the big performance which is as hilarious as it is clever.

Hachnasas Sefer Torah/ Shavous Every year our kindergarten classes

have a festive hachansas sefer torah where they celebrate & dance with the torah in honor of Shavous.

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year to teach more in-depth about specific topics, tailored to each student’s individual level. This past year we have held a successful campaign about Derech Eretz, and we are in the midst of a campaign about road safety. Every grade participates in this program, tailored for their specific age level and skill set. Kindergarteners are given pages to color, while older grades are given booklets and tests to check their knowledge. Tests are given to test their knowledge and prizes are given to reward their achievement. Prizes include snacks, treats and popular small games, such as kugelach and cars. For more substantial achievements, we offer beautiful and interesting sefarim.

Yerid Several times a year, we hold fairs to reward

students for their hard work and dedication to our various learning programs and initiatives. Our fairs feature moon bounces, cotton candy, and a general fun atmosphere.

Siyum Our students are always treated to siyumim to

celebrate their completion of a parsha in chumash or a mesechta in gemara. The siyumim are festive and reward the students for their dedication and hard work.

Extra focus Our rebbeim always find ways to bring to life

topics that were studied in class, whether it’s a tzitzis demonstration, kzir chittim in the fields, bringing in food to match the brachos learned that week, or building Sukkah models after learning mesechta Sukkos.


Mesibat Siddur Party Our Siddur Party is held at the end of Pre 1A,

In session

The students in our preschool classes enjoy their fun-filled day that is balanced between structured learning and free time. Their day includes free play, circle time, private learning with the rebbe, and skills building and improvement through arts and crafts. The proper development of their skills is an integral part of our kindergarten program.

when after they have learned to read, the students receive their very own Siddur amid an elaborate, beautiful party with pomp and ceremony before the Rosh Yeshiva, Principal and staff.

Tiyulim Bi-annual tiyulim, trips, offer our students an

are treated to literally dozens of Upsherins, also known in Israel as “Chalaka”, where three-year-old boys with their long ponytails come to taste the sweetness of Torah for the first time, in a fascinating, inspiring ceremony conducted by the Rebbe of the class. Parents, grandparents, and siblings all enjoy attending these beautiful, memorable celebrations. The children of the class participate in the chalaka by singing classic songs which speak of the beauty and splendor of the Torah and mitzvos, dancing in a joyous circle with the upsherin boy and his father, and receiving a yummy bag of treats at the end of the ceremony.

opportunity to spend time with their rebbeim in a relaxed and casual atmosphere. Even our early childhood program is treated to age-appropriate tiyulim and children eagerly await their special trips. Past trips include The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, a multi-sensory bee farm known as Mei’achorei Ha’Devash, as well as many other educational, suitable, and engaging sites around the country. The budget for every tiyul includes the cost of private transportation, the guide, the paramedic, and the armed guard, as well as any admission fees for the trip itself.

Mesibat Chumash One major highlight

for every Beis Eliyahu student is the Mesibat Chumash, when our first-graders celebrate their formal introduction into the world of Torah learning by receiving their precious Chumashim at a gala event, attended by parents, grandparents, friends, and many communal leaders. The children, bedecked in special crowns and festive costumes, sing the songs they’ve rehearsed for many weeks and in a moving ceremony receive their own personal chumash.

Upsherin Throughout the year, our kindergarten classes

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Limudia Chol/ secular Our well-rounded secular

As part of the Early Childhood Education program, we have weekly Music & Movement classes to develop children’s rhythm, physical well-being & creativity.

Rebbeim Our rebbeim are hand-picked for their profes-

sionalism, experience & for their warmth & caring.

Gedolim As part of our curriculum, at the conclusion of

learning a mesechta, we frequently bring our students to gedolim for brachos and for bechinas. They have met Rav Steinmen, Rav Kanievsky, Rav Finkel. These visits have left a tremendous impact on our students and their growth in learning.

Rebbes for gamin Our gan rebbeim treat the children’s growth and

development as kadosh kedoshim, whether is holding a Siddur or using scissors properly. Their personal care & focus on each and every student allows our kindergarteners to flourish & develop.

Students Our students love to learn and “are not embar-

studies curriculum includes a full Mathematics course in addition to Science, History, Hebrew Reading, Writing, Grammar, Comprehension, and Hebrew language skills.

rassed to learn from another”. This is a special place, where every child feels that he belongs. Permeated with a sense of fun & excitement, rooted in a high standard of excellence, Beis Eliyahu is a healthy, wholesome place where children flourish and grow spiritually, scholastically and emotionally.

Chatzer Peila All our preschool

Remedial and Special Ed Certified remedial teachers take children out of

teachers receive special training in a ground-breaking program called “Chatzer Pe’ila,” which tests for gross and fine motor development and allows them to develop these abilities in the children during recess play.

class to tutor them one-on-one in a relaxed, quiet environment, encouraging them with special prize charts and incentives, in order to augment their reading skills as well as helping all children at every grade level who are struggling.

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