Kinfolk Magazine

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On Being Grateful The Little Things in Life

 Â? Â? Kania: So Andra, how are you today? Andra: At the moment I feel quite overwhelmed because I am still adjusting back to all the work. I just got back from a quick holiday. During the short getaway, I also decided to do a social media detox. Now that I’m back in Jakarta, I can really feel all the hustle and bustle of the city. But I am trying to enjoy everything that is happening right now and start working on fresh and personalized content. Kania: In social media, many people admire your boldness and bubbly persinality. You’re brave with your makeup and can pull off looks not many people can. You always seem so alive. But are you always this happy? Andra: of course not, I am human too. Some people actually notice that I have this “on/offâ€? button. when I am working, that’s whwn i really turn up all the energy. But when I’m alone, I came back to being myself. I think it’s also part of being professional with work because there are times that I don’t want to talk to other people or be bothered by anyone while going to the mall. Not that I’m cocky or anything, I just needed some time for myself. Kania: I agree. Some people take it too seriously. They are relly consumed with social media that they think everything inside is real. KINFOLK


And when I see these influencers on social media they always have actually it is not 100% real. They have a dedicated team to produce photos and what you see actually takes a lot of work. Do you think it’s necessary for the audience to know this? Andra: I think what they need to understand is that these influencers are also people with character and personality. Which means, they can decide what they want their feed to look like. And the thing is a lot of people who see these photos want to be like the influencers. But in reality, if you really copy their style, will you be happy? I once tried to copy other content creators but the result is so not me. I finally lerned thet everyone has their own style, including me. Which means, if I copy other people, it’s not me anymore. And of course, I don’t want to spend my life trying to be someone else. It’s a long process for me to get here, but in the end, I think it’s okay to be inpired by other people, but always do it your own way. Use what you have and start there to build your strength.



Impulsive Day

Photographs by Asita Yulia

“ A lot ot people want to be someone else. But when you copy them, will you be happy? It’s okay to be inspired by other people, but always do it your own way, Use what you have and start there to build your strength”. Kania : Do you think it’s important to share our failures with other people on social media? Andra : Yes, but only when we have conquered that failure and move on. If not, we will only be whining about our failures and beating ourselves up. What’s the use of that? Only when we’re past that issue, our experiences can be a lesson and strengthen other people who are going through the same thing. And with the reach of social media, the more people we cab empower.



Kania : How about you, have you ever felt like a failure or depressed? Andra : Definitely. But in all those moments, I always try to look at it as a blessing. The tougher the trial, the more I relize what a privilege it is that God allows me to go through that season of life. When I had to go through the in-vitro fertilization process and a financial crisis, I thought to myself, “why me?” But now, I always remind myself that to be able to go through those hardships means that I am a strong person, stronger than I was before.

Impulsive Day

Kania : I agree. When we’re in the middle of sebacks, I think it’s better to pause and take some moment to reflect. That’s when we sometimes found the silver lining. I once read this quote by Tony Robbins that said: “things don’t happen to you, they happen for you.” All the problems that are happening to you will prepare you for the next phase of life and will only make you stronger. How about you? In between all those moment of joy and break down, how do you cope and go through each of your day? Andra : I count my blessings and my scars, I see my hands and my feet, and then I looked around and then feel so blessed with what I have. It is indeed a process to feel content with who you are and what you have.

So try giving some space to yourself. What I usually do is meditating, doing some self-care like going to the spa, getting a massage or metting people who support me and of course, my favorite is to do jounaling. “When we’re in the middle of setbacks, I think it’s better to pause and take some moment to reflect. That’s when we sometimes found the silver lining. All the problems that are happening to you will prepare you for the next phase of life and will only make you stronger.”



Interview Chaerany Putri Leviani

Photos Agus Suparto

Posted By Karina

A Conversation with Chaerany Putri : The Political Shift of Millennials As a tribute to Sumpah Pemuda, we sat down and chatted with inspirational millennials from various industries in the country. Closing off this three- part series is a conversation with Chaerany Putri. Combining her business background, love for youth and passion for politics, shee opens up about her experience working for the president, the political shift of millennials as well as sharing her hopes for millenials’ involvement in the politics. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background? I am a business graduate and started my career as an entrepreneur. But deep down in my heart, my passion was for the social and political world. So, while running the business, I wal also actively involved in youth organizations such as HIPMI and KADIN. How did you start getting involved in politics? it started in 2008. My friends and I were involved in the legislative election for a political party in Indonesia. And then in the 2009 presidential election, we became volunteers for one of the candidates running for President. Our target during that campaign period was the youth. Under the platform Sahabat Muda, we traveled around Indonesia and really felt what it was like to be volunteers for the presidential election. Fast forward to 2014, once again we were actively volunteering, this time under the name Gerak Cepat, a platform for youth to be involved in the politics. Now that the election process is done, what other things is Gerak Cepat doing? After the 2014 election, we decided to really active Gerak Cepat by expanding its reach. We are not only a platform about pilitics and government but also one that encourages millenials to be involved i other movements that will benefit the country. Are there any significant changes that you felt especially on the involvement of millennials in the politic world? I can say that they are becoming more and more aware of the political situation in the caountry. Since I have been actively involved in the election world since 2008, I can really feel the difference especially when it comes to social media. Back then we only had Twitter, and it wasn’t used by as many people as it is now. KINFOLK


Photographs by Agus Suparto

But now, news about politics can be found on almost all social media platforms and plenty of people are openly voicing out their political stands. Another thing I’ve noticed, in 2014 the politics become something very cool and millennials are really keen on it. I can say this because I’ve witnessed how with only 50 days of campaign, we can gather almost 30.000 volunteers online. It was amazing. In the 2019 election, their is also a significant increase of millennials participatingin the moment and also running for a seat in the goverment. So yes, I guess you can say the awareness has significantly increased. How about you? Are you officially involved in the current goverment? In the previous period, I was apart of the presidential staff working under the Special Staff Coordinator of The President. What was it like working inside the palace? Working for about a year for the government really opened my mind and perspective that firts, politics

is never black or white. Everthing in politics is gray area, depending on the perspective you’re using to look at any situation. Every decion, moment, rules, every single thing in politics has a complicated backgroud story behind it. Looking at a surface level can only give you so much. People out side of the government may easily pinpoint who is right and who is wrong, but with politics, there’s always a deeper process and alot of factors to it. This is why I say politics is gray because judgment is always in the eye of the beholder. Second thing is, the government is really andtruly working for the citizens. However, not everyone can see what’s going on behind the scenes. I have dedicated years of my life becoming a volunteer and now that I’m actually story. Having a chance to work with ministers, witnessing how the President interacts with other people with your own eyes, holding a meeting after the strike, there are so many esciting things that I have experienced, that I could never have seen outside of the palace walls. 7




Interview Natasha Mannuela

Photos Reita Devita

A Conversation with Natasha Mannuela : Having A Heart for Indonesia � � �  ­ ­

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Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your background? Let’s see, where do I start... I am the youngest of 5 siblings and my parents are pastors. I graduated from a business major and at the moment I’m in the process of obtaining my master’s degree.

What I loved was, even after the whole ordeal they still have faith in me. So I pushed myself really hard. I learned ho to behave, to always be at my best attitude when meeting new people and be ready at all times especially because cameras are always around.

What first made you decide to enter the Miss Indonesia Pageant? What were your dreams when entering the competition?

Another thing, upon entering the pageant I told myself that I want to become a blessing to all the 33 finalist that were in the competition with me. After I won, I realized the God gave me a change to become a blessing to even more people. So when I’m down or stressed with all the haters, or when my makeup gets bad review, I try to remember why I’m here, to be a blessing. And I pick myself up. My mentor said to me, “Embrace every day you wake up as Miss Indonesia.” That really pushes me to become a woman with quality and even with the hardship. I have to face, I learn to do it joyfully. Now that the hard times were over, it gave me a sense of accomplishment and I realized how important those times were in shaping me to become who I am today.

When I first entered, I didn’t have any goal to win. Rather, I was challenging myself. Growing up, I loved watching beauty pageants with the whole family and somehow it becomes something I’m attached to. I used to send my photos to magazines to see if I can be featured, or enrolling myself in a modeling or photography contest, just because. Even though I’ve never won, each of those failures shaped and prepared me for what’s to come. So when Miss Indonesiadid a campus scouting, I decided to give it a go. But as I’ve mentioned, I didn’t aim to win. I aim to learn and to make new friends along the way. And when you actually won? How did it feel? It was life-changing. After being crowned Miss Indonesia, I no longer speak or stand for myself, I know represent Indonesia. That is the mindset I have to carry with me everywhere I go. Was it hard for you to do so? Very. Before the crown, I was not the girly type. I can’t do my own makeup, I don’t have heels or pretty girly clothes. Never have I expected to have a resposibility that requires me to really step out of my comfort zone. At first, I was frustrated. There was this one time, a week or two after my crowning, I was invited to an event attended by foreign investors during which I had to give an impromptu speech.

After the event, I was called to the office and got scolded pretty bad. But the incident was a wake-up call for me. What I loved was, even after the whole ordeal they still have faith in me.

As Miss Indonesia 2016, you were sent to compete in the Miss World pageant, during which you have to create a mission for Beauty with a Purpose program, a non-profit organization charity associated with Miss World. your mission, which won first place, was to educate locals of Bantar Gebang to create a sustainable business. Can you tell us more about this? When the team told me that Bantar Gebang is one of the places that needed attention, I immediately agreed to do a mission there. Because I live in Bekasi and I hope I can be an impact by doing this for the city where I live. In Bantar Gebang, the majority of people make a living as garbage pickers and they teach their kids to do the same.



It wouldn’t have an immediate impact, but once they’ve learned the skill, they can practice it anywhere and apply it to whatever field they wish. In the area there were a few unmaintained catfish ponds, so we built a larger pond for the men to cultivate catfish. And we gave the pond added value by teaching the women to make catfish floss to sell. So after the harvest, that fish were processed immediately.

Photographs by Reita Devita



It turns out the women there are great cooks and the final product tasted reallu good! As for the kids, there was a free school there called Sekolah Alam where kids go to attend short classes. So when I was there, I taught them about motivation and about pursuing their dreams. And because the enviroment there was really dirty, we teach them to wash their hands clean.

panying the launch of Life, Dreams, Blessings, The Gratitude Journal is the whole story that inspired this collaboration. Read along as Kania and Andra tell their story and how being grateful makes life worth the living. Kania: So Andra, how are you today? Andra: At the moment I feel quite overwhelmed because I am still adjusting back to all the work. I This is not authentic Kinfolk Magazine just got backanfrom a quick holiday. During. the This project is partdecided of a Current Trends short getaway, I also to do a social media and classback at Savannah detox.Forecasting Now that I’m in Jakarta, College I can really of Design. content incity. this But mag-I am feelArt all and the hustle andAll bustle of the azine not reflect their views of Kinfolk trying do to enjoy everything that is happening right Magazine or isworking affiliated anyand way.personalized now and start on in fresh content.

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