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Land Stewardship manages WCT’s conservation easements and works with landowners, other conservation organizations, and government entities to promote and practice the sound stewardship of the natural resources found within the WCT program area.
Goal 1
Sustain the intent, integrity, and perpetuity of WCT’s conservation easements through the objective interpretation and enforcement of conservation easement terms and provisions and via the integration of established LTA Standards and Practices for Accredited Land Trusts.
Goal 2
Employ best management practices at WCT’s preserves and facilities to protect, maintain, and enhance their ecological, scenic, educational, and recreational resources for maximum environmental and public benefit.
Goal 3
Use the Habitat at Home program to educate, engage, and inspire action among local residents, HOAs, and other institutions in habitat restoration and land management practices.
Enhance the ecological integrity, public accessibility, and educational opportunities at WCT’s nature preserves, starting with projects outlined in the Rushton Woods Preserve Master Plan, and expanding to develop master plans for all WCT preserves.
Maintain WCT facilities — including the White Farm House, the Rushton Conservation Center, the Okehocking Barn, and the main office — for staff safety and comfort, public access, and community enjoyment.