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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The working group focused on building on WCT’s commitment to weave Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) into the fabric of our organization at all levels. As a result, we will put our DEI statement into action in order to welcome a more diverse group of people to share our love of nature.
Build internal capacity to develop new skills and competencies, create an environment where people can productively talk about issues related to DEI, and develop equitable systems internally and externally.
Develop inclusive messaging, outreach, and opportunities for a diverse group of people to feel welcome and get involved with WCT.
Develop programs and opportunities to engage with more diverse organizations, schools, and community groups in neighboring areas for educational programming and volunteer opportunities. Uphold inclusive language and communications, an internal culture that embraces diversity, and seek opportunities that lead to authentic collaborations with a diverse group of mission-aligned organizations and people.
Financial Sustainability
The working group focused on ensuring WCT has a reliable and diverse source of funds (earned, contributed, investment revenue) for operations and for growth. As a result, we will monitor our financial health and create a development strategy that will build an understanding and awareness among staff and Board, and help them confidently engage in fundraising to broaden our donor base and create a more robust foundation of support.
Build and maintain the financial health, systems, and infrastructure needed to implement the strategic plan and deliver the mission.
Raise the necessary funds through the Annual Fund, Major Gifts, Planned Giving, Corporate Giving, and Fundraising Events, to achieve WCT’s goals and ensure our long-term financial security.
The working group focused on building the Board of the future for WCT while maintaining the strategic vision. As a result, we will maintain and recruit, as needed, a diverse group of Trustees who contribute their time, talent, and support to WCT and invest in board training and engagement.
Recruit a diverse group of Trustees both passionate about the WCT mission and capable of providing strategic leadership and financial oversight.
Support and mobilize the Board of Trustees so that they are fully informed and passionately engaged in their governance role.
Build and maintain a strong partnership among the board, management staff, and board committees and provide appropriate forums for collaboration.