Faces of Birmingham

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The Face oF

Banking Paul Z. RogeRs, BiRmingham Regional PResidenT and haRlan c. PaRRish, ceo→ These two ALIANT Bank leaders understand the importance of establishing and maintaining solid relationships, both in business and in the community. Mr. Parrish, CEO, and Mr. Rogers, Regional President, are based in Birmingham for ALIANT Bank, a $1-billion community bank with corporate offices in Birmingham and Alexander City. Founded in Alexander City in 1900, the bank continues to serve Alabama with stability and strength. Providing a high level of service while keeping a hometown philosophy, ALIANT Bank operates 16 offices in the Tallapoosa, Jefferson, Lee, Montgomery, Elmore, Shelby, and St. Clair counties of Alabama. Offering both retail and business banking services, ALIANT Bank takes its status as a community bank in Birmingham, Montgomery and Alexander City seriously, supporting such causes as Magic Moments, United Way, Children’s Harbor and the Salvation Army to name a few. “At ALIANT Bank, we have a long history of supporting our neighbors and are dedicated to continuing that tradition.” Parrish said. Toll-free 866-888-8330 aliantbank.com Member FDIC

When we founded this magazine a little more than two years ago, we had a lot of things going for us. But the clearest and best ally we had on our side was a great city filled with fascinating people to write about. We knew we wanted B-Metro to be at its most basic level about people. From that perspective an old journalism adage we learned long ago held great truth—people enjoy reading stories about people. From our first issue, we’ve held true to that belief in the power of people to inform, confound, delight, inspire and irritate. With this our first issue of the new year, we’ve put together a great lineup of fascinating stories about people. Our second annual A-List is a group of stories about both the celebrated and the lesser known lights who make this city what it is. From the culinary world of Chris Hastings to the man who has taken on the job of trying to help right a very wrong ship of state at Jefferson County to a UAB archeologist using satellite technology to unlock secrets of an ancient world, this year’s A-List is a roster of achievement and big dreams. Throughout the magazine you will also see special promotional profiles of equally accomplished and adept people, the leading lights of this city’s business community. We called these profiles collectively The Faces of Birmingham. Our extraordinary group of contributing photographers created classic black and white portraits of these faces, lending an air of importance, style and substance to what has been a really first-class experience. We sincerely thank The Faces of Birmingham for lending their support to this important effort. Elsewhere this month, you will find a fascinating photo essay from Edward Badham that highlights the artful effects of the simple hula hoop, and a great story about the drive, creativity and doggedness of Confederate Motors and the extraordinary motorcycles they craft here in Birmingham. I hope you enjoy this month’s issue and wish you the happiest of New Years.


Beau Gustafson

Beau Gustafson, aka. The Big Swede, has been in business of taking photographs for advertisers and magazines for 18 years here in Birmingham. He has been in publications including Oxmoor House Books, Health, Southern Living, The New Yorker, and New York Times Magazine. He has also been shooting for B-Metro since its start. He has a son,Darby Jack, and lives and works in Birmingham.

Chuck St. John

Chuck St John has been a photographer for over 25 years. It has allowed him to photograph some amazing people, work for the most interesting clients and to amass the best friends one could want. He learned his craft shooting for clients like Bacardi, Sports Authority, Lilli Rubin, Chico’s, RJ Reynolds, Revlon, Georgiou, Alamo Rent A Car, The Southern Museum of Flight, Parisian, and B-Metro to name a few. Chuck spends off–time with his wife Elaine, their three dogs, three horses, one cat, one bird and a school of fish. Moving to the country is next on the agenda.

Edward Badham Edward is a commercial and editorial photographer living in Birmingham. Shooting professionally for over 15 years, he grew up in Auburn and Studied Economics at Auburn University. After a few bad career moves he decided to just do what he loved so he embarked a photography career. Badham studied at UAB and assisted with top Birmingham photographers. After three years he went out on his own and has never looked back. In his spare time Badham enjoys traveling, Mountain biking and spending time with his five children.

Billy Brown Billy Brown, a photographer with a passion for image-making, has been creating photographs for over twenty-five years. He specializes in people and his award-winning work covers an extensive range of advertising, editorial, and corporate assignments. His photographs have appeared in many national publications including Forbes, Dance, Seventeen, Black Enterprise, Ad Week, and The Wall Street Journal. His subjects read like a who’s who in arts, business, law, medicine, politics, and entertainment. On an international scale, Billy’s stock photography is published throughout the world. His photographs are included in many public and private collections.

Jerry Siegel Born and raised in Selma, Jerry Siegel has successfully maintained a commercial photography studio in Atlanta and Birmingham since 1986. Siegel specializes in portrait photography, and an exhibition of 100 prints will open January, 22 2012 at the Mobile Museum of Art in Mobile, and in June, 2012, at the Jule Collins Smith Museum in Auburn. An accompanying book, FACING SOUTH: Portraits of Southern Artists was released in December 2011 by the University of Alabama Press.

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The Face oF

ProTecTing Your FamilY JimmY moore → The Moore Agency. As an Allstate Agent in Birmingham, I know many local families and my understanding of the people in this community help me provide customers with an outstanding level of service. The family feel of my agency sets me apart. My clients are friends and everyone has direct access. As an agency owner for almost a decade I’ve developed an atmosphere and business model where we give 100% attention to every client’s needs in an efficient professional manner. My guarantee is to give you the best coverage at the best possible price. I look forward to helping protect the things that are important - your family, home, car, boat, your business and more. Together, I’ll help you consider the insurance options that address your unique needs. And I’ll be there to help you reevaluate and update your policies as your needs change over time. → The moore agencY, inc., 2610 19Th

STreeT SouTh, homewood, al 35209

| 205.983.6441 | allSTaTeagencieS.com

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The Face oF


archiTecT-Michael giBson, general conTracTorBen sTrouT anD craFTsMan-Joshua Dean are the dy-

namic trio that make up Appleseed Workshop. Winner of 3 AIA awards, Appleseed has been designing and building in Birmingham for over 6 years since leaving Auburn. With an emphasis on urban renewal, Appleseed is a one stop shop for residential and commercial design and renovation. Believing that each client is different is what sets them apart. Their approach to each project is tailored to meet the specific needs of the client, putting the client at the center of the design process. The Appleseed team designs and builds the project, including the cabinets, furniture and accessories. Most of the custom elements in their work are crafted by the partners themselves, so you can see Mike, Ben, or Josh wherever you see the green Appleseed Workshop signs. →409 richarD arringTon Jr. BlvD. souTh, BirMing-

haM, al 35233 | 205.789.1518 | appleseedWorkshop.com

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The Face oF

UrgenT care Dr. BrUce IrwIn, ranDy Johansen, Dr. glenn harneTT, Thomas lazenBy anD Joe hawley

The Right Care. Right Now. It’s not just a slogan; it’s the Mission of American Family Care to provide the best healthcare possible, in a kind and caring environment, while respecting the rights of all patients, in an economical manner, at times and locations convenient to the patient. Look to the leaders in urgent care since 1982. → over 30 locaTIons

In alaBama, Tennessee anD georgIa. FInD one near yoU aT www.amerIcanFamIlycare.com

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The Face oF

STraTegic WealTh SoluTionS

Sheri robinSon, Mark SMiTh and dan davidSon → The BBVA Compass Wealth Management team in Birmingham knows the value of strategic thinking. We specialize in helping our clients translate their vision of the future into actions—including sound strategies for building, preserving, and sharing their wealth. Individuals, families, and foundations turn to us for our proactive advice and our ability to deliver customized solutions for everything from investment management and financial planning to depository and credit services.→15 20Th STreeT SouTh birMinghaM, al | 205.297.6701 | bbvacompass.com

Securites and Investment Products are NOT deposits, are NOT FDIC insured, are NOT bank guaranteed , are NOT insured by any other Federal Government Agency and MAY LOSE VALUE. Financial planning and advisory services offered through BBVA Wealth Solutions, Inc., a registered investment advisor and an affiliate of Compass Bank. © 2011 BBVA Compass Bancshares, Inc. Compass Bank is a Member FDIC and an Equal Housing Lender. Loans are subject to credit approval. BBVA Compass is a trade name of Compass Bank, a member of the BBVA Group

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The Face oF

cookies Bud cason →

Since the age of 12, Bud knew he wanted to own his own cookie factory. Now he has been making cookies for over 50 years. Now producing over 20 varieties and more than one million cookies per hour, Bud gets to savor his sweet success. The highest quality cookie and the lowest possible price is Bud’s mission each day. Bud’s Best Cookies can be found at your favorite grocery store.


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LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW BENjAMiN COOPER, POOjA CHAWLA AND LAWANDA ROss.→ With years of result driven representation, The Law Offices of

Benjamin H. Cooper, continues to provide client focused legal representation in all labor and employment matters. We are driven and have the resources required to represent individuals who are affected by employment related issues. Clients matter and we listen. We are more than your attorney, we are your partners in resolution and ethical legal service. → 2301

ARLiNgTON AvENuE sOuTH, suiTE 300, BiRMiNgHAM, AL 35205. 205.307-6006 | www.BenCooperLaw.com. No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services provided by other lawyers.

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The Face oF

GreaT aparTmenT LivinG DaviD oakLey, Founder of Blue Canoe Properties, Select My Space,

and Alabama’s branch of Hendricks and Partners is the Southeast’s preeminent advocate for all things multi-family. For the past decade, Oakley has followed his heart by committing an abundance of emotional and financial resources to the promotion of Birmingham’s multifamily housing arena. An ambitious visionary, Oakley has cast a wide net in the establishment of these three business ventures, and has accomplished unrivaled synergy in all fundamental aspects of the industry. The effective harnessing of the region’s diverse multi-family core axioms, have allowed Oakley to become a foremost principal resource to an expanse of both institutional and private equity. Oakley’s delicate mastery of multi-family’s sophisticated, yet emotionally driven processes has enabled his industry partners and associates to develop a new standard of excellence. → BLue

canoe properTies, seLecT my space, anD aLaBama’s Branch oF henDricks anD parTners, 1601 21sT sTreeT souTh, BirminGham, aL 35205 | 205.918.0785 bluecanoeproperties.com; selectmyspace.com; hendrickspartners.com

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The Face oF

Selling Your Vehicle craig WeSTbrook

does one thing and does it very well. He sells quality automobiles and motorcycles for clients. Seems like a deceptively simple mission, but as anyone who has ever tried to sell their car knows, it is not. Westbrook brings a vast network of potential purchasers, a lifelong salesman’s love of the process, and a keen love of all things automotive to the task. A Birmingham native, Westbrook from his earliest days excelled in sales. He now brings that love and focus to his clients, helping them decide on the right value for their automobiles, whipping them into shape for sale, and finding the right buyer at the right price. →

birmingham broker, 2224 4Th aVenue SouTh, birmingham, al 35233 205.716.1269 | www.bhambroker.com


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The Face oF

medicine and law

Francois Blaudeau, md Jd Fclm Fache → He is a surgeon. He is a lawyer. He is a patient advocate. As a nationally recognized leader in minimally invasive gynecological surgery Dr. Blaudeau has helped develop the newest Laparo-Endoscopic Single-Site Surgery, called LESS, and has trained hundreds of surgeons from around the country. As a lawyer with the firm of Riley & Jackson, Dr. Blaudeau is active in all areas of healthcare law including defending patients rights with healthcare insurance companies, medical product liability, and medical negligence. The Firm handles major injury and wrongful death claims arising from truck and automobile accident and workplace injuries. In many of these cases having a physician as one of the attorneys assists in making sure that every medical treatment and therapy is considered. As a member of the Board of Governors of the American College of Legal Medicine, Dr. Blaudeau is involved nationally in supporting the sanctity of the Patient-Physician relationship and maintaining the highest standards of healthcare for all citizens. → cenTer For advanced GynecoloGical surGery 205.930.0080 | riley & Jackson 205.859.5000

No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services provided by other lawyers.

Special Promotion

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The Face oF

Men’s GrooMinG chris BuTler and Karlos dansBy → CEO and

Co-founder Chris Butler and President, Co-Founder and Miami Dolphins star linebacker Karlos Dansby have built a place where men can feel comfortable, relaxed, and pampered. Butler’s Grooming for Men offers premium grooming services including shampoo/conditioning, scalp massage, relaxing hot towel service for the face, expert haircut and styling, nail and foot treatment and shoe shines. With one location downtown, Butler’s will expand this spring and open a new, sleek, 1,700 square-foot second location at Saks Fifth Avenue at The Summit. → BuTler’s GrooMinG For Men,

2025 2nd avenue norTh, BirMinGhaM, al 35203 205.323.4100 | www.butlersgrooming.com


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ARChITeCTURe KARen ReynOlds, RIChARd CARnAggIO, TAmmy COhen And ROmAn gARy → For over 16 years, Cohen Carnaggio Reynolds continues renewing life to Birmingham’s City Center with innovative housing, office, restaurant, retail, and recreation designs. Living and working within the historic urban core provides a connectivity to our community’s leaders, clients, artists, and grass root organizations while implementing local resources and services. → COhen CARnAggIO ReynOlds ARChITeCTURe

desIgn PlAnnIng, 2920 FIRsT AvenUe sOUTh, BIRmInghAm, AlABAmA 35233 | 205.324.8864 www.CCRarchitects.net

Special Promotion


The face of

The fuTure. Sam TorTorici, ceo of cadence Bank → At Cadence Bank the future looks bright for us and for our customers. Our goal is to provide you and the communities of Birmingham with the extraordinary service you deserve, the kind of service that creates positive experiences you’ll be excited to share with family and friends. And we want to offer technology that’s easy to use and makes banking a pleasure. We know where we want to go and right now we’re doing the work that will take our customers with us to new financial heights. → 1.800.636.7622 | cadencebank.com Cadence Bank, N.A. Member FDIC

Special Promotion

The Face oF

BeauTiFul Weddings caroline Williams owner of Carriage House Weddings, makes wedding dreams come true. Carriage House in Homewood has become the most sought-after bridal salon in the South, offering brides to be and their families the kind of personal service that leads to a oncein-a-lifetime experience.Featuring more than 200 wedding gown styles from designers Alyne by Rivini, Augusta Jones, Olia Zavozina and bridesmaids gowns by Monique Lhuillier, all exclusive designers to Carriage House Weddings. The boutique also carries one of a kind bridal jewelry, veils and accessories custom ordered for every bride. carriage house Weddings, 1901 oxmoor road, Birmingham, al 35209 | 205.871.7759

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Celebrating 30 years is truly a milestone in this industry. Diamond Studios began from humble beginnings in 1982. Through years of dedication and attention to detail, creativity that exceeds expectations and a talented team who give their all to every project, Diamond has grown into a well-known and well-respected studio. “We are very fortunate to love what we do and that shows in our projects. Having clients still with us after 30 years keeps us humbled and honored.” Looking forward to the next 30 years

keeps Diamond striving for excellence. → DIAMOND STUDIOS, 1855 DATA DRIVE, SUITE 255, HOOVER, AL 35244 | 205.987.2121 WWW.TVSTUFF.COM

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The Face oF

SporTS Medicine GeoFFrey connor, M.d. oF d1 SporTS Medicine → Orthopaedic sur-

geon, Dr. Connor, is at the forefront of revolutionizing the delivery of healthcare to athletes. D1 Sports Medicine in Homewood, AL, is located in a first of its kind, all inclusive facility, where athletes can receive top of the line comprehensive musculoskeletal care. From injury prevention to sports performance training, to surgery, to rehabilitation, Dr. Connor’s practice represents a new model in value added service to athletes of all skill level including in office arthroscopy, PRP injections, and the Human Performance Lab. →

1651 independence courT, SuiTe 211, BirMinGhaM, aL | 205.803.3700 www.d1Sportsdocs.com

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Special Promotion


The Face oF

ImmIgraTIon Law “Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” Emma Lazarus, 1883 Is this still true today? Hi, I am Dagmar W. Rick, an Immigration Attorney, native of Germany, and citizen of the United States. I will take care of immigration cases, such as: Applications for Legal Permanent Residency—“greencards,” Immigration appeals, Criminal issues as they may affect your immigration status, Citizenship applications, and Immigration issues of military families. In addition, I am available as a speaker. → www.vestavialaw.com

No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services provided by other lawyers.

Special Promotion


The Face oF

ProTecTing Your Medical license JaMes s. robinson → The Alabama Board of Medical Examiners and Licensure Commission are the two administrative agencies governing rules and regulations that physicians and other healthcare professionals must follow. This particular area of law is complex because the attorney must be well-versed in procedures that apply only to these administrative bodies. There are few attorneys in the State of Alabama who possess the expertise required to adequately represent physicians in this highly specialized field of law. For many years James Robinson has successfully represented physicians facing allegations from small ethics violations to those threatening medical license revocation. He frequently lectures physicans and thier staffs on avoiding pitfalls with the Board and Commission. → JaMes s. robinson P.c., 2323 second avenue norTh, birMinghaM, al 35203

| 205.278.7581 | www.jsrpc.com

No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services provided by other lawyers.

The Face oF

Branding The ForTé markeTing group, 1745 oxmoor road, Birmingham, aL 35209 205.408.6043 | www.fortemg.com

unique? Is it compelling? If not, you need to differentiate or die. Your customers or donors need an amazing experience with your brand. It must be consistent and authentic. Then, your audience wants to be engaged in powerful and interesting ways. They'll start talking. Clients rely on Forté for the brand guidance they need and the results they want. To see things they can’t. To make things happen. It’s what the best brands really demand, and it’s what we do on a daily basis. Even if the corporate culture is turned upside down to achieve it.

jamie Warren → President, The Forté Marketing Group. Your company has a brand. But is it

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The Face oF


KRIsTa coNlIN, MaRee JoNes, alIcIa RohaN → Telling your story in a fashion that moves

your business forward is where KC Prōjects, a full service public relations and branding firm, is the expert. Specializing in building awareness and creating a positive image for their clientele is achieved through unique and individualized campaign creation, lead positioning of entrepreneurs, targeted pitching and always making each client a top priority. → Kc PRoJecTs:

500 oFFIce PaRK DRIVe, sUITe 420, BIRMINGhaM, al | 205.937.3777 www.KcProjects.net

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The Face oF


Mike waTers, sTeve casey, eMiLy Bonds and JiM BirchaLL →

Jones Walker, founded in 1937, is one of the Gulf South’s largest law firms with more than 375 attorneys in 6 states and the District of Columbia. The firm has been involved in many of the most visible public interest issues including disaster relief, banking, environmental regulation, and public finance. The Birmingham office, in particular, possesses the experience to deal with banking, finance, and tax issues, as well as a wide range of legal needs of other businesses. Jones Walker is rated as one of the Top Tier Law Firms by the U.S. News & World Report rankings, and 116 attorneys have been listed in Best Lawyers in America. Jones Walker attorneys are trusted legal advisors and popular sources for national publications such as Newsweek and American Banker. Celebrating their 75th anniversary in 2012, Jones Walker will continue representing local, national, and international legal interests on behalf of their clients with the exceptional level of service their clients have come to expect. → one FederaL PLace, suiTe

1100, 1819 5Th ave n, BirMinghaM, aL 35203 | TeL: 205.244.5200 | Fax: 205.244.5400 www.joneswalker.com

No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services provided by other lawyers.

Special Promotion


the Face oF

WeaLth MaNaGeMeNt MichaeL MuLLis, Jack sherMaN, MeLissa BroWN, chris hussar → As an independent investment firm, Kelley & Mullis Wealth Management focuses on producing an investment strategy as unique as the individuals they work with. The team at Kelley & Mullis believes trust is the most important part of any financial relationship. As the “Financial Gatekeeper” for each client, Kelley & Mullis will guide you through all aspects of your financial life while specializing in retirement planning. 2008 stoNeGate traiL, suite 112, VestaVia hiLLs, aL





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The Face oF

DiamonD SmileS Dr. eDgar luna → Since 1996, Dr. Luna has practiced general and cosmetic dentistry to improve the smiles of people who live in Birmingham. From the very beginning, his goal has been to provide patients with the very best that dentistry has to offer, in a fun, relaxing atmosphere. Teeth whitening, porcelain veneers, and natural colored restorations are just a few of Dr. Luna’s specialties that may give you the smile of your dreams. → DiamonD SmileS DenTiSTry 5336 STaDium Trace Parkway, SuiTe 102, hoover, al 35244 | 205.988.9700 www.DiamondSmiles.com


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The Face oF

educaTional Value John W. STeWarT iii is president of the University of Montevallo, where graduates go on

to attend professional, medical, and law schools such as Johns Hopkins, Duke, Emory, and Oxford. Montevallo is nationally recognized as a model for quality and affordability in higher education. The average Montevallo graduate finishes with forty percent less debt than those at competing universities. A robust career-placement effort secures internships and job opportunities for students. As a state university with intimate class sizes and highly credentialed faculty, Montevallo is a rock star in higher-education value. → 205.665.6030 | www. Go.Montevallo.edu

Special Promotion



ELDER LAW BiLL NOLAN AND BEN STEWART → Bill Nolan and Ben Stewart, collectively NolanStewart, PC, are unusual attorneys. Rather than handling divorce, bankruptcy or criminal defense, the firm focuses its efforts on serving Seniors. Elderly clients (and their adult children) have unique challenges. The 50 year-old daughter is often called on to become the caregiver but she has her own life. Where can she turn for guidance? Elder Law attorneys provide answers. Veteran’s benefits, Medicaid, protecting assets from nursing home expenses, estate planning and probate - this is what they do. → 1232 BLuE RiDgE BLvD, BiRmiNgHAm, AL 35226 | 205.970.2050


No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services provided by other lawyers.

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The Face oF

Global business Julie clark, clienT services ManaGer, Global MarkeTs; Mark Jackson, chieF execuTive oFFicer and chairMan; byron c. Jackson, chieF Financial oFFicer; Joy nelson, clienT services represenTaTive, Global MarkeTs → In today’s complex world of business, Moreson Conferencing leads the way by providing global teleconference services and business consultation. With operations in 65 countries, Moreson’s position and experience work together to enable clients to compete in global markets. Whether the need is facilitating meetings with foreign dignitaries, local officials, consulting on international business transactions or providing award winning global audio and web conferencing services, organizations worldwide rely on Moreson every day.

→Moreson conFerencinG, moreson.com | 800.368.1977 |+205.981.1700 | info@moreson.com

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The Face oF

Fairness in Business aTTorney Byron Perkins is focused on

fairness. While his background includes cases involving catastrophic injury, wrongful death, gender and race discrimination, Perkins specializes in representing African American owned businesses denied opportunities to compete for government and private contracts because of their race. Perkins fights back against any violation of Section 1981 of The Civil Rights Act of 1866; and he wins. → Perkins

Law, 2170 highLand ave. so. suiTe 100, Birmingham, aL 35205 | 205.558.4696

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The Face oF

Financial SecuriTy

adam rhoadeS → Managing Partner, Northwestern Mutual of Alabama. Adam (right) serves as the firm's new Managing Partner and is the face of Northwestern Mutual of Alabama. He follows in the footsteps of generations of Birmingham's business leaders, taking the baton from long-time Managing Partner, Lex Williamson. As Managing Partner, Adam is responsible for all operations in Alabama. He leads over 100 experienced financial representatives that serve the area, helping people achieve financial security. The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company – Milwaukee, WI [Northwestern Mutual] has helped clients achieve financial security for more than 150 years. Northwestern Mutual and its subsidiaries offer a holistic approach to financial security solutions. Adam Rhoades is a General Agent of Northwestern Mutual . → norThweSTern muTual oF alabama, 2900 highway 280 S, SuiTe 210, birmingham, al 35223 205.271.7000 | alabama.nmfn.com

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the leading Public Relations agency in and around Birmingham, our focus is on communications and how to help companies be great at it. We help clients distill their message and deploy to the people who need to hear it. At Wilbanks Agency, one ultimate goal guides us in our communications: to provide the utmost in public relations, strategic planning, new business development, crisis management, branding and social media in order to increase the profitability of our clients. → WILBaNKS aGeNcY eLITe

PUBLIc ReLaTIoNS & MaRKeTING, 2204 1ST aVeNUe SoUTh, SUITe 100, BIRMINGhaM, aLaBaMa 35233 205-251-2225 | wilbanksagency.com

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The Face oF



Guy savaGe, PresidenT and ceo, Power Force, and Power Force aPParel → Power Force,


founded in Birmingham in 2010, has become the preferred sport-band provider of major colleges and universities. The company has since expanded with the creation of Power Force Apparel, which offers ion-infused athletic shoes and apparel. Guy Savage, CEO, founded his dream company after building a successful career as a real estate investor. With his positive outlook, determination and eagerness to confront challenges, he is the embodiment of his own brand. Every day is an opportunity to create a positive influence in our community. Power Force encourages men and women to focus on what can be achieved, not the obstacles that keep them from their potential. We are about pathways to being extraordinary.

Power Force www.mypowerforce.com Power Force aPParel www.powerforceapparel.com

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The Face oF


STeve allen, SR. and STeven allen, JR. →

Premier Group is a one stop, jet shop, a Birmingham-based company that does business all over the nation and the world. Premier handles everything that surrounds the sale or purchase of an airplane—acquisition, brokerage, trade, insurance, and financing. A family business that dates to Steve Allen’s beginnings in the aviation industry back in 1976, today the company features two generations, Steve Allen, Sr. and Steven Allen, Jr., with hope for a third, Steven Allen III (Tripp) in the wings. → PRemieR GRouP, inc., 4243

eaST lake BoulevaRd, BiRminGham, al 35217 205.841.6720

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For the owners of the Printing Place printing is more than ink on paper; it is jobs, tradition and the continuation of a classic Birmingham business. Four partners, Gerald Young, Larry Nichols, Larry Church and Frank Taylor acquired Church and Stagg’s printing company in November 2011, keeping a loyal and experienced staff of 13 together, one of whom had logged 31 years of service. The new owners, all of whom have previous ties to the business, promptly changed the company’s name back to its original name, the Printing Place. Then, as now, agility and quick response mark The Printing Place’s niche in providing business cards, customized letterheads, brochures, banners, signage, decals, color digital printing and multi-colored vinyl wraps for trucks throughout the Southeast → The

PrinTing Place, llc, 3703 FiFTh avenue SouTh, Birmingham al 35222 205. 595.1151 | www.printingplacellc.com

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The Face oF

MulTi-FaMily DevelopMenT DaviD o'Brien, DirecTor oF consTrucTion ManageMenT; BenTley nelson, DevelopMenT Manager; MaTT Benak (seaTeD),principal/DevelopMenT Manager; roBB cruMpTon, principal/presiDenT Based in Birmingham—and focusing on the Southeastern region—Red Mountain Development specializes in multifamily development. The company was founded in 2006 by Robb Crumpton and since its inception has developed 1,260 apartment units totaling approximately $125,000,000 in development costs. Robb attributes the company’s success to Matt, David and Bentley’s hard work and attention to the details of every development. Also, its strong partnership with MN Capital Strategies, key banking institutions and investment groups has positioned the company for continued success and future growth. Recent developments include Blach’s and Terrace Court in Birmingham, Bridgewater in Hunstville, Citygreen at Northshore in Chattanooga, The Ridge at Chenal Valley in Little Rock and Talison Row at Daniel Island in Charleston.

reD MounTain DevelopMenT, 2204 lakeshore Drive suiTe 135, BirMinghaM, al 35209 | 205-484-2841 redMountainDevelopment.com

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ResidenTial Real esTaTe henRy Ray and WilmeR PoynoR → Real Estate is our business. Helping families transition from one stage of life to another is our passion. We realize selling a house is a big step. By selling homes in all price ranges we are able to help if you are upsizing or downsizing. We’re proud that our company holds the highest average sales price in Residential Real Estate in Alabama. → Ray & PoynoR, 2629 cahaba Road, biRmingham, al 35223 | 879-3036 | www.RayPoynor.com

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The Face oF

criminal DeFense John c. robbins, aTTorney aT law → One of John Robbins’ clients said it best: “It’s like bringing a machine gun to a knife fight.” 24 years of courtroom experience and an exceptional knowledge of the law have resulted in hundreds of acquittals. John Robbins has successfully defended clients across Alabama and Georgia. A past president of the Greater Birmingham Criminal Defense Lawyers Association, he has handled numerous high profile cases and is a trusted, recognized name in criminal defense. → robbins law Firm, 2301 2nD avenue

norTh, birmingham al 35203 jcrlaw@bellsouth.net

| 205.320.5270

No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services provided by other lawyers.

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The Face oF

The FinesT Men’s cloThing


ReMon danFoRah →

“My job is to create a complete image for my customers; to sell a suit is easy, but to groom a man is more demanding,” Remon Danforah says. With that principle Remon has built one of Birmingham’s most stylish men’s clothing shops. The shelves and racks are filled with exceptionally beautiful clothes from some of the most venerable designer names around: Hickey Freeman, Zanella, Michael Toschi, Jack Victor, Empire Clothier, and Robert Talbott. You'll find Martin Dingman, Trafalgar, and Dion accessories, Pantherella socks, JZ Richards ties, Riviera trousers and Robert Comstock leather goods. Add to that an equally impressive list of the top sportswear makers in the world: Southern Tide, State Traditions, Southern Point, Peter Millar, Robert Graham, St. Croix, Bobby Jones, David Donahue, Poston Price and Scott Barber among others. At Remon's you have everything a man needs to be exceptionally well dressed. → ReMon’s, The genTleMan’s cloThieR. aT

The suMMiT | 205-977-5512 | www. remonsclothier.com

Special Promotion


The Face oF

communiTy Banking STeve WhaTley, PreSidenT & ceo & PaTrick cuShman, PreSidenT oF JeFFerSon & ShelBy counTieS → At Southern States Bank, we believe the most important thing is the relationship we have with

our customers. We know you by name. We are a true community bank that understands the value of providing you with the very best in banking products and services. Our seasoned banking professionals are local people you know and trust, and they are committed to our mission of giving you the personal attention and service you expect from your bank. With nearly 50 years of collective banking experience, CEO Steve Whatley and President Patrick Cushman have assembled a team of bankers that work diligently to get to know their customers, and tailor the appropriate financial services to meet their personal and business needs. For your retail, commercial or private banking needs, visit us today and see why they call us “The Common Sense Bank”. → SouThern STaTeS Bank, 7 oFFice Park circle, Birmingham,

al 35223





Member FDIC

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NATURAL FACES DR. DANiEL ROUSSO → Patients want to look and feel their best but worry that they may not look “natural”. Natural appearances are Dr. Rousso’s specialty. Board Certifications include the American Board of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery. “Elected by his peers for inclusion in Best Doctors in Americafrom 2005 to 2012”, Dr. Rousso is dedicated to providing the highest level of surgical expertise for his patients. → THE MOUNTAiN BROOk CENTER, 2700 HigHwAy 280, SUiTE 300 wEST | 205.930.9595 www.drrousso.com


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The Face oF

Women’s healTh cheré sTeWarT, m.D. & Isla sTeWarT →

Dr. Stewart’s OB/GYN experience has taught her much. Becoming a mother taught her even more. Dr. Stewart was a patient of her own practice group in UAB’s new Women & Infants Center. “Even though my pregnancy was routine, I wanted UAB’s team to care for us when Isla was born. I know our capabilities, our top quality physicians and nurses, and that we have an unparalleled facility with the finest NICU in the region. And I know I can find the kind of care I need whatever stage of life I’m in. I experienced what makes UAB great first hand.” → UaB

Women & InFanTs cenTer 1700 6Th avenUe soUTh BIrmIngham, al 35249 | 205.934.9999 uabmedicine.org/women

The Face oF

Special Promotion

Public and GovernmenTal relaTions “Typically, our clients are at Point A and want to go to Point B. We help them get there. Or, sometimes, they’re at Point A and will be taken to Point B, like it or not. Our job, then, is to make the journey less painful.” Stephen E. Bradley, Principal Stephen Bradley & Associates is not an advertising agency’s afterthought. Nor is it a “touchy feely” marketing firm. It is the place knowledgeable clients go for help with tough issues that require public relations or governmental affairs expertise. It is Alabama’s only firm that combines public and governmental relations under one roof.

sTePhen bradley & associaTes LLC, Birmingham • montgomery 205.933.6676 | ebrad@bellsouth.net www.Pralabama.com


Special Promotion


Face oF

HealtH care tom mcDougal, ceo → Tom McDougal recently returned to his hometown of Birmingham to take on the position of Chief Executive Officer of Medical West Hospital, an affiliate of UAB Health System, located in Bessemer, Alabama. Don’t let his youthful appearance fool you - he has been a hospital administrator for over 16 years at five different facilities with a background in non-profit and for profit healthcare . Since Tom joined Medical West in 2010, the hospital has opened an Advanced Wound Center, expanded their Sleep Lab, renovated the Women’s Center and applied for multiple CON’s including the recent expansion and renovation of their Psychiatric unit, all which will help to further advance the hospital’s position in the Birmingham market. Tom prides himself in using an aggressive team leadership approach whereby he emphasizes the success of those on our team. By so doing, the hospital is successful. → meDical West, Hospital

main number: 205.481.7000 | pHysician reFerral: 205.996.West (9378) medicalwesthospital.org

Special Promotion


Faces oF

emergency care Dr. conraD De Los santos , Dr. Bryan BaLentine, Dr. Laine mcDonaLD, Dr. DaviD Denney, Dr. Kaira King → When seconds count, you can count on the Emergency

Department at Medical West. The specially trained physicians and nurses have the skill, experience and knowledge to handle any emergency. Best of all, they always have a smile on their face and treat each and every patient with kindness and compassion. It’s a winning combination of high quality care and a patientfocused environment – something sure to put you at ease in any emergency situation. → meDicaL West,

HospitaL main numBer: 205.481.7000 medicalwesthospital.org

| pHysician reFerraL: 205.996.West (9378)


Special Promotion


The Face oF

esTaTe Planning

harold aPolinsky, sTewarT welch, craig sTePhens →

Co-authors Apolinsky, Welch and Stephens have drawn upon their 100+ years of combined experience working with wealthy families to write this fourth edition of J.K. Lasser’s New Rules for Estate & Tax Planning. The book covers the spectrum of simple to advanced estate planning strategies needed in today’s complex world. → The welch

grouP- sTewarT welch 205.879.5001 | siroTe – harold aPolinsky 205.930.5122, craig sTePhens 205.930.5246

No representation is made that the quality of legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services provided by other lawyers.

Special Promotion

The Face oF a


GreGory h. hawley → Greg Hawley, a Birmingham lawyer, became a troubleshooter in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill claims process at the request of his friend, Ken Feinberg, the Administrator of the Gulf Coast Claims Facility (GCCF) and its $20 billion fund. As Special Counsel to the GCCF, Hawley worked to resolve problem claims or claims that didn’t fit the norm. “People really appreciate having someone who is familiar with the local geography, the local economy, and someone who speaks the local language.” Hawley placed six other lawyers from the White Arnold and Dowd law firm in claims offices across coastal Alabama. “We have worked with residents from every walk of life—fishermen, restaurant owners, marinas, non-profit organizations, condo owners, developers—all of whom are critical to the local and state economy.” → whiTe



arnold & dowd P.c., 2025 Third avenue norTh, sTe. 500, birminGham, al 35203 205.323.1888 | www.whitearnolddowd.com

No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers.

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